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Thread: Consolidation Problem

In my hfm application qtr1 has nov,dec,jan as it members. I have loaded the data into this application for all
the periods. When I am trying to pull out data for Qtr1 it is
not aggregating Nov,Dec and Jan data instead it is showing
the data from Jan Month only. Am I missing anything in my
application?Please help me out

A:::what is your view POV? If you have YTD selected, that would be the expected
Thread: Consolidation Status
We have an application in HFM (Ver. 9.3) which is completely consolidated. We copied the application using
the copy application utility and created a new application. When we see the consolidation status in new application, the highest level shows "OK". Where
as the lower levels shows CN and some show CN ND. Isnt it that all should show only OK as it was copied from an application which was completely

A::: Copy application with data shall copy the whole caclulation status for all entities.

Thread: Consolidation Time

We have 1 entity structure with the complexity of 8
occurences of a base entity and 11 members deep on
multiple parent child relationships to give you an idea of
how complex our structure is. Our consolidation time of 6
hours is for a consolidation is just for computer time and
we only consolidate one scenario at a time. We load
approximately 18,000 lines of data monthly. We have a
total of 956 total entites of which 748 are base and of
those base 472 are unique. Our custom dimensions are
farely complex as well, nothing like our Entity structure,
but they also have significant parent child relationships.
Does that have an impact on consolidation times? Do you
have any clue where our problem could lay??

I have been told that the wider your structure (parent-

child levels), the longer consolidation will take, and that is
for all dimensions. Also rules and ownership percentages
will slow down the system. I guess I would copy the whole
works into a new app, then start doing mini-consolidations
from the bottom up. Start with a single entity at the
bottom of the longest branch and work your way up, one
level at a time, to the top. Record times for each
consolidation. If you don't find something big, it would be
worth it to have Oracle do some performance testing. We
had a guy named Alexey who was very good.

You can consolidate 2 scenarios concurrently. Any unique sub-cube can be consolidated
concurrently, so you may want to consider that in order to keep your consolidation to a single day.

For comparison, my structure: ~200 base entities; 3

separate structures; 12 scenarios; 5 years of data; 7 levels
in Entity; using all 4 Customs, up to 11 levels deep; 5500
accounts, 9 levels deep; 70,000 records loaded per month.
Thread: ConsolMethod, ZeroViewForNonadj and ZeroViewFoAdj
A. Can anyone brief on how ConsolMethod is useful? Can we keep
it blank if we want to go for default consolidation instead of
writting consolidation rules?

B How ZeroViewForAdj & ZeroViewForNonadj affects the datavalues?

A:::: . Yes, you can keep it blank, but you should use the Consolidation Rules = N setting in your

B. Consider the following example: ZeroViewForNonAdj = YTD in

your scenario and a Revenue/Expense/Flow account, having YTD
value of 300 in March, while you have inputted nothing in April.
April will display YTD = 0 and Periodic = -300 (as derived values).

Thread: copy apps using HFM Copy application utility when user
logged in
I am using HFM copy application utility to migrate apps across
environments. Can we do the same when users are logged in and
active? I know that this utility just copies tables from source to
destination, but I m not sure if the copy will be successful if some of
the tables are being edited.

A:::::: Dont run the HFm Copy appplication utility when apps were in
use.Let say you have app1,2,3,4 and you want to move app 1, make sure app 1 is not in use.
if some body is accessing app2 or 3 or 4 you dont want to worry about that while moving app 1
Thread: Copying of EPMA application
Is it possible to use copy application utility for copying an EPMA

A::::: Copy application utility works only with classic application mode. If you are using version 11 then you
can use LCM for copying EPMA

Thread: Data at base level not consolidating to the parent

I have an issue with data which exisits at the base level
but do not consolidate to its parent entity.
For example,
Here only 2002 has data, but that is not appearing at
2000. I have checked the accounts and there we have
set the IsConsolidated property.

The consolidation happens for other entities like 1000 &

3000. The problem is only with 2000.

Has anyone come accross this before and what is the

best way to fix this?

A::::: Is it possible that you have not activated consolidation of

the entities for the period you want to consolidate?
Check out the Ownership Management screens for the
entity 2000. Are all child entities set to Active? Is the
proper Method set? Is the PCON = 100?

Also have you tried to select one of the child entities

(e.g. 2001) and run the +Force Calculate Contribution+?
What does this entity return at the [Contribution] level?
Open your metadata file using the HFM client application.
Then go to each of the custom members where you data
is loaded. Select the member, then look on the right side
of your screen at the attributes for that member. At the
top, there should be a tab marked "Node Attributes".
Select that tab and you should see a field named
AggrWeight. Make sure this has a 1.

Thread: Data in Parent Entity but not in Base entities

In our application we had a business request to copy the
previous period value for specific Balance Sheet accounts into
next period

we did so, It worked fine

Now business want to undo this change

For this we cleared the data from the base accounts in the
new period, but we are still seeing the numbers at parent

I see its as calcualated values, Is there any way to clear the

calculated values from the Parenet entities

I did use Clear data option in HFM but still I see numbers

Any help on this will be a great help !

A:::: We had a similar problem. The data was cleared by running
"Consolidate all", instead of "Consolidate all with data
Thread: Difference between Parent and Parent Curr Adjs
Consider two members in the entity dimension "A" and "B" now both
these members have a child as "C". Where "C" is the shared
member. Now if you pass a Journal at <Parent Curr Adjs> of "C"
then this journal entry has an affect on both the parents "A" and "B".
Whereas if you pass an entry at <Parent Adjs> of"C" then you can
also select the parent which you want to get affected by the same.
The brackets have a meaning that helps you make the difference
between <parent currency> and [parent].
means that the value is related to the entity, the data is shared by
all parents of this entity.
[] means that the value is specific to this parent/child "node" and is
not shared by other parents during consolidation.
Keep that in mind when you choose to make a journal on <parent curr
adjs> or [parent adjs].
Thread: Displaying HFM Member name and
description in separate columns in FR Report
In column A, select the account you want and display the Member
Name. In column B have a formula "MemberDescription("grid1, A,
In your grid the left must column does not have a reference( is
not A nor B) , in there you can place the accounts and display the
label; insert a text Column which it should be your A column, and
on each row type this: <<MemberDescription("Grid1", Cur,

Thread: Drill down to FDM

you need to setup following steps:

1. Add FDM application name in HFM metadata

2. Enable SSO in FDM
3, Configure SSO in Load Balancer
4. Configure FDM URL in HFM Configuration (Web
Thread: elimination
for eliination to happen automatically in HFM ,accounts are
flagged as ICP and plug account is given for the matching
sets.. say
entity- account-icp-data
A - AP - B 100
B - AR - A 100

1. should the plug account also be classified as ICP? Is

there any benefit by setting plug account as ICP?
2. whats the impact of giving account ICP flag between Y
and R . I want the account as IC account. should be it be
set to Y or R?
A:::: 1. It is a good practice to set the plug account as ICP, in
order to track the source of discrepancies in intercompany
transactions by intercompany partner.
2. Y means that all ICP members are available for entering
data. R means that you cannot enter data in the ICP
member which corresponds to the same entity for which
data is entered. For example, Accounts Payable ICP or
Accounts Receivable ICP should be set to R, since it is
unlikely that a company owes to itself. In this case when
you input data for an entity say L1001, you are not allowed
to enter data in AccRecICP account, and ICP=L1001

We have a group of two companies A and B consolidating in a

group entity C.
A has Receivable from B an amount 100
B has a Payable of 80. Possibly there is a cash in trasfer

Eliminations are happening during the consolidation of the

two companies. This results in zeroing out both the
Receivable and Payable accounts for C.

At the same time the ICPlug for C has this picture (since it is set-
up as ICP account):
[ICP Top] = 20
A = -80
B = 100

If instead you declare the ICPlug as a non-ICP account, you

get only the 20 whithout any further analysis. If everything
matches this account must be zero, but the analysis still
applies. However, you could argue that you can have even
more detail analysis from the IC matching reports and I
would not disagree.

Thread: Invalid POV member specified: %0

I think the reason may be that i had updated the
demension "Entity" yesterday .
And i need to select a entity in pov ,however , i just
selectd a entity in row1!
One more issue that has caused this error is when the
member name has been changed in metadata , and that
member is referred on POV or rows specifically.

In that case go to Manage Documents, Data forms>>> open

the form and reselect the POV members

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