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What are you doing, if your friend get medals on olimpiade science ? or the
pet of your friend died? So.. lets go to learn about that. ( pemanasannya tambahin
lagi. Atau itu pasti ngga sesuai grammar kan? Makanya bantu yha)

Complementing is an expression to appreciate or praise other people.
Compliment is useful to give encouragement so that people will keep on doing their
best and even improve their performance.
When to express compliment :

On general occasion
When someone has done his/her best
When you visit someones house for the first time
If you notice something new about someones appearance

Read the dialog carefully

Mr. Hans : Excuse me. is this a Tourism Information Centre?

Receptionist : yes. May I help you?
Mr. Hans : Do you have any free maps of the city?
Receptionist : Yes, we do. We also have a free information booklet.
Mr. Hans : Great. Could we have one please?
Receptionist : Sure, here you go.
Mr. Hans : Were only here for two days. What do you recommend me to see?
Receptionist : Well, you can walk down Park Avenue. It has some beautiful historic
architecture, some good museums, and handicraft shops.
Mr. Hans : Great! Well check it out. Thank you.
Receptionist : Youre welcome.
Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we
know and see people are unlucky, have trouble, or are in bad condition.
The purpose of expressing sympathy is to comport people who have trouble
or are in bad conditions. It is also aimed to let people know that we care for them.

Read the dialog carefully

Jane: mrs.rose the next tourist spot is we go to the beach to see the sunset
Mrs.rose: ok but wait, i want to take my bag
Jane: yes of course
Mrs.rose: what time is it?
Jane: still at 04.00 PM
Mrs.rose: it seems like i cant continue the jorney to the beach this time
Jane: mrs.Rose! You look unwell! Are you okay?
Mrs.Rose: I am not feeling good today. I have a terrible headache.
Jane: Oh no! Have you drink your medicine yet?
Mrs.Rose: No, I have not. I lost my medicine.
Jane: Oh my goodness! Here, I will lend you
MRS.Rose: Thank you so much,
Jane: You're welcome!

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