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Revised Nutrition Definition

Germain Garcia
English 363
Dr. Leslie Bruce
February 22, 2017

Nutrition is the composition of foods, and the effects on health by animal/human being,

consumption. [10]. Nutrition consist of the proper amounts of calories or energy, which includes

macromolecules carbohydrates, proteins, and fats [10]. Amino

acids are composed of a carboxyl group and an amino group and

form 20 amino acids. There are two types of nutrients the body

absorbs: macronutrients and micronutrients. Micronutrient

consisting of trace minerals calcium, sodium, manganese,

magnesium, iron, and zinc [10]. Over consumption of sodium can

lead to high blood pressure, sodium is used in metabolism, and to

build new body tissue [10]. Vitamin C an essential micronutrient,

deficiency can lead to scurvy, because of the lack of enzyme

function an essential component

Fig 1. Nutrition
in enzyme label, indicating systems [10].
the amount
Carbohydrate are unique molecules because they are made out of hydrogen, carbon, and

oxygen, a major source of energy. Carbohydrates, cellulose, fats, protein and water.

Carbohydrates are a primary source of energy for all organisms, which include sugars, starches

and cellulose [10].

It consists mainly of cellulose, a large carbohydrate polymer, which is indigestible to

humans due to different bond angles connecting the adjacent glucose units (beta bonds). A rumen

is required to harbor the bacteria, with proper enzyme function to digest the fiber and is only

found in cows [10]. Fiber helps reduce gastrointestinal problems as it migrates through the

digestive tract due to its indigestibility.

Fats come in different forms, which can be either liquid or solid. Saturated fats turn solid

at room temperature, they often get used in processed food because they are less likely to spoil

[10]. These types of fats can raise cholesterol levels which can cause heart disease because of

their polymer not being completely saturated with hydrogen bonds [10]. Unsaturated fats contain

a double bond or triple bond making it more stable in lower temperatures by remaining solid


Proteins are molecules made up of subunits of amino acids and form peptide bonds [10].

They contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur monatomic subunits. Protein

contains several different amino acids each encoded by different genes [10]. Using sugar as the

starting material and ammonia as the nitrogen source. Proteins that cannot be synthesized in the

body are then consumed through meat or grains and beans. Therefore, a vegetarian can still

consume a good amount of protein even if they dont eat meat [10].

Water is an important essential in the function of the body. A cells cytoplasm (jelly

substance which fills cells), is composed of 50 to 90 percent of water [10]. It does things like

regulate body temperature, to carrying nutrients, and oxygen across the body. It is then

distributed through intracellular fluid, cytoplasm, and blood plasm [10]. Health benefits of

drinking water include the maintenance of pH balance, body temperature, metabolism, breathing,

prevention of constipation, heartburn, migraines, gastritis, ulcers, kidney stones, cardiovascular

disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, backaches and osteoporosis [4].

Vitamins and Micronutrients

Micronutrients are composed of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are made from organic

phytochemical molecules and that can be broken down into essential vitamins. They can be

found in fruits and vegetables which vary in

phytochemicals depending on coloration

[11]. Minerals are part of micronutrients and

are inorganically stable chemical molecules

which contain strong ionic bonds. Minerals

can be consumed through plants, animals, or

fluids you ingest [11]. In adequate

quantities, vitamins and minerals, are

essential in regulating cells and maintaining

a healthy body. Fig 2. Demonstrates the sources of vitamins found in

produce [7].

Poor maternal nutrition alters muscle, bone, and fat development in offspring during pre- and

post-natal growth [8]. The carbon found in the

molecules of proteins, carbohydrates and fats

provide the body with energy and building

blocks of cells [10]. The amino acids provided

by the protein are used for growth of the

Fig 3. An example of a normal artery
and narrowing of an artery due to a individual, and the excess products are then
bad diet [2].
stored in the body as fats [8]. The amount of calories depends on the amount of exercise and the

weight of an individual [10]. People must ingest a certain amount of food to meet their bodys

nutritional requirements and maintain their physical activities and health. According to Quiag,

great athletes usually possess good quality of food according to a regulated quota, which means

they pay much attention to this dietary nutrition [8] A diet high in saturated fat, trans fat, and

cholesterol is known to raise levels of serum blood cholesterol

and can negatively impact cardiovascular health [12].

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the

United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC), about 600,000 American adults die annually of heart disease, or 1 of every 4

deaths [12].

Sources of nutrients
There are types of consumers it includes herbivores, carnivores
Fig 5. Lions are meat
and omnivores. Lions are carnivores which means they are meat eaters and rely on

consumers, while giraffes for example are herbivores meaning they consume plants. For human

beings, they eat both meat and plants making them omnivores. Plants use sunlight an energy a

source in making complex sugar molecules, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur which are essential for

the plants growth [10].

[1] Giraffe eating herbaceous angiosperms.

Fig 6. Giraffes get their
energy from the plants high 4859. Accessed: 2017-27-2
in fibers and starches [1]. [2] Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. (2017).

Retrieved February 27, 2017, from

[3] Brunwin, E. (2016, March 28). Addressing Bigger and Bolder Nutritional Facts.

Retrieved February 27, 2017, from


[4] Health Benefits of Drinking Water. (2017). Retrieved February 25, 2017, from

[5] Junk Food Vs Healthy Food. (2013, May 11). Retrieved February 27, 2017, from

[6] K. (2016, July 24). Carnivore Images Video Information. Retrieved February 27, 2017,

[7] Nordqvist, C. (2016, November 3). Vitamins: What They Are and What They Do.

Retrieved February 27, 2017, from
[8] Pillai, S. M., Sereda, N. H., Hoffman, M. L., Valley, E. V., Crenshaw, T. D., Park, Y., & ...

Govoni, K. E. (2016). Effects of Poor Maternal Nutrition during Gestation on Bone

Development and Mesenchymal Stem Cell Activity in Offspring. Plos ONE, 11(12), 1-

16. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0168382


DIET. Carpathian Journal Of Food Science & Technology, 8(3), 151-159.

[10] Trefil, J. (2001). Encyclopedia of science and technology. New York: Routledge.The
[11] Vitamins and Minerals. (2017). Retrieved February 25, 2017, from
[12] Yahia, N., Brown, C. A., Rapley, M., & Chung, M. (2016). Level of nutrition

knowledge and its association with fat consumption among college students. BMC Public

Health, 16(1), 1-10. doi:10.1186/s12889-016-3728-z

Uses graphics to represent an example of an herbivore eating plants. The

graphics with the arteries are example of what a healthy artery looks versus someone

with a bad diet. The graphic of the nutritional label states what the serving should be

based upon the nutritional value. Using I partitioning to state why it is important to

consume water. It explains the different ways of how it helps the body and demonstrates

examples. Uses graphics as a visual, to what healthy and junk food turn once consumed

t. Presented is a graphic example of a carnivore, what foods you should be eating, and

all the vitamins your body needs. Supporting statements by partitioning concepts and

setting organization of the definition. Articles on nutrition found in infants, from

maternity, that do not provide proper nutrition. Uses negation provides examples on how

athletes track their nutrition and maintaining their diet. Principals of operation is used to

describe how the process of nutrients functions in the subtitles. Nutrient uptake by the

organism and the basic function of the process of the macromolecules in the organism.

Explaining the difference between vitamins and minerals by using negation. It also

demonstrates how and where you can get both vitamins and minerals. Partitioning the

data found in the encyclopedia. We are able to describe the effects of excess nutrients and

understanding proper diet.

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