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Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography exactly what it sounds like. Its a bibliography that has
annotations to go with it. Your task is to complete a chart for each of the sources
provided. Keep in mind that this information will help you narrow the focus of this paper
and help classify evidence which will be used to support the argument in your paper.
Keep the prompt in ond and you review your sources: Are gender inequalities most
influenced by the economy, society, or religion? Defend your stand with evidence.

Bibliographic Information: Economy, Society, or

5 to 8 sentence summary of the claims made by the author. Must be complete

sentences. A bulleted list will not be accepted.

1. Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment Cultural and social

- Primary source

Due to the many Americans who fear the modification of traditional gender roles,
gender inequality is mainly influenced by the culture and social norms of society,
burdensome pressure to conform to gender roles. The opposition to changing the
traditional gender roles, causing the rejection of the Equal Rights Amendment: These
fears were serious enough to generate opposition in the conservative southern states
that had not ratified the ERA, ultimately causing its defeat. (Citation?) Although have
passed, the mindset of the conservatives have not changed, leading to the need to
adhere to traditional norms. The opposition to adjust would be detrimental to the
future of the nation, for there will be no agreements upon the genders. Moreover,
Phyllis Schlafly enforces a social fear in religious communities: ERA would require the
Church to admit women to the priesthood and to abandon single-sex schools or lose
tax-exempt status.(citation?) The intervention of ERA in the religious societys belief
permits women to interfere in activities limited to only males.

2. Why Most Women will Never become CEO Society and culture
- Gene Marks, 10/31/2011
- Forbes Magazine

Due to social norms and cultural expectations, women experiences a tougher time
achieving a higher position at the workplace, hindering her future and her
opportunities to better the society. Marks denoted the pressure of women in society:
She can be earning twice what her husband earns but thats still not enough. Shes
also expected to be a good mom too. The unequal responsibility balance pressures
women more than men, for women are limited to family responsibility and excluded
from the work force. Thus, the probability of motherhood is higher than professional
occupation. Moreover, Marks indicates the extent of of how women express at the
workplace which limits their ability to connect with other employees and build the
kind of invisible bonds that men get to build. The extent to which women are allowed
to express themselves are far below the casual- sometimes rude- comments of men.
Womens are unable to bond with the male co-workers and are forced to stick to the
social norms of elegancy.

3. Culture and Religion Should Not Justify Gender Religion and culture
- Dec. 6, 2013

Conservative culturalism and religion influences gender inequality the most, for it
institutes norms that pressures the society to adhere to. The author demonstrate the
religious influence of Swazi customary beliefs and religious practices which continue
to perpetuate gender inequality, suppress women's voices and often used to justify
different forms of violence against women. Although unconscious of the effect, the
religion silence women by imposing the idea of inferiority to women and demonstrate
men as superior beings. The influence profoundly impact the way women are
perceived by the society specifically men. Moreover, the author indicates the imitation
imposed by society that hinders a womans future: woman loses her husband she
should be in seclusion and mourning for a period of at least two years. Although the
men with same religious belief are allowed to move on and establish a stable life after
the death of their loved one, women are not permitted to do so, for it is an indication of

4. How Different Groups Spend Their Day (infographic) - social

- NY Times

Through the infographic, an individual can see the display of activities that a male or
female experiences in a day. There are many factors that influences their activities
such as a child(ren), employment, or household activities. Even though both females
and males are employed, the male still have more TV time and the female still have an
abundance of household tasks to accomplish by the end of the day. Thus, social
norms of having a women confined to household activities limits them from reaching
the authentic self.

5. Title IV Cultural and social

- April 2015
- US department of education

The social pressure and cultural beliefs are detrimental to raising the virtuous children,
allowing the nation to prosper. The author clearly states the purpose of title nine in the
first paragraph: Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in education
programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance.This demonstrate the
credibility the author establishes at the beginning of the document. Through this the
author was able to prove the discrimination genders face and the need to correct it
for the future. The author appeals to the American society to enforce the idea of
teaching kids the right treatment at school and in society when they are in mixed

6. Gender Equality- Fox News

Though the gender wage gap proves to be a factor of gender inequality, it may not be
as bad as society suggests it to be. Many women seeks for men more successful than
they are to be able to stay at home when they desire too. The advantages of higher
wages for men overcomes the fact of being less equal. According to the National
Bureau of Economic Research, women tend to marry men who are more successful
and have a higher income than them, so they would be able to increase their leisure
time. Thus, society indicates that women have a voice in their life.

7. True gender equality is when both women and men - May 2015
have a voice - Deepika Bharadwaj
- social

Through a sucide case of a young man in Chancey, Deepika Bhardwaj advocates the
prejudice against men in the Indian Penal Code. The socially structured image of a
masculine and emotionally strong men prevents them from voicing their issues without
being shamed on. The dignity of men are severely impacted if he expresses the
struggles of gender inequality, for they are expected to overcome these obstacles
alone and still stand by women as her supporter. The inability for the men to express
his mistreatment by the law leads to detrimental impact globally, such as
miscommunication between men and women

8. Commercial Clips social

Through social media, society portrays the disadvantage of women rather than
implicating the emotional struggles and social pressures of men. For example, in the
commercial by Always, many boys and girls were asked to run like a girl. However,
some ran with no confidence and were not empowered to run with maximum strength,
while some ran with their maximum strength and provided a sense of confidence. The
commercial portrayed the social perception of women as fragile human beings.
Moreover, in the Roominate commercial, girls were empowered to become in the
male-dominated career of engineering as if they were prevented by the society. The
social perception of men and women limits both gender from achieving equal gender

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