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Short Guide

toPresentation Skills
Chris Croft

Abstract: How to plan and present a great talk. First

planningone central message with a structure, a good
introduction and finish, and the right visual aid. Then how
to build a confident state of mind. Then things to do before
you start and at the start, being interactive, signposting
your progress in the talk, handling microsleeps, how to
remember your talk, possible problems, and keeping to
the finish time.

Key words: confidence, structure, agenda, signposting,

remembering, interactive, flow, visual aids

Planning Your Talk

Most listeners will remember your main message, and
thats it. So you need to think carefully about what your
message is, and really hammer that point home.

One Central Message

Your talk should be designed around this one central
message. If someone was to wake one of your audience
up in the middle of the night a month later and ask
Chris Croft, has an Engineering
What was that talk about? they should be able to im-
Degree from Cambridge and an mediately say Australia is more than just beaches or
MBA, worked as a senior manager Life insurance needs to be started before the age of 30
in manufacturing for 10 years and or whatever.
then as a university lecturer for five
A talk without a central message is pointless.
years before starting his own training
company in 1995. Since then he has If youre not sure what your message is then you can
trained over 80,000 people, and his do a couple of things. One is to think about the audience;
free email tips are sent to 11,000 what do they want to know about? Maybe that should be
people ( what the talk is about? He is featured on www.lynda
.comwhere he presents courses on
project management, assertiveness, Mind Map
time management, and happiness. The other thing is to make a mind map of the subject,
and then see what the mind map is telling you. What are
the themes emerging, what seems to be the most useful
or interesting message from it?

Expert Insights 2016 1

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Short Guide toPresentation Skills

You can then perhaps delete the parts of Next confirm the length of the talk
the mind map that dont contribute to the ( audiences are obsessed with worrying about
message, and, looking at the rest, you can whether the speaker is going to go over
decide on the order of the talk. time). Dont ask me why, that is just how it
is. So you should mention upfront that it is
Structure a 25-minute talk, or whatever, just so they
I would always make a mind map before know you know.
preparing a talk, because the underlying Next you should mention that you wel-
structure of the talk is key. This is because come questions as you go along (not keep
the only way to get a complicated set of them till the endthis just results in:
ideas across from your head to someone people who dont understand something
elses head is to hang all the ideas on a getting stuck,
structure: There are three main problems people who have a question have to try to
with the building, and for each of them we remember it for the rest of the talk,
have two suggestions, a cheap option and are probably worrying about asking it in
an expensive option is SO much better front of the group,
than You need to do this, and this, and also you dont know if they understand what
this, and maybe this, and then either this youre telling them, and
or this ... etc you cant adapt if youre getting it wrong).
Once you have the main body of your Yes I know that questions can be disrup-
talk planned (the branches of your mind tive, but youll just have to live with that
map, probably in the form of three main Ill explain later how to deal with difficult
sections [two or four is OK], each one with questions and difficult questioners.
subsections [again two to four ideally]), you Next show an agenda for the talk (yes,
can then think about what youll have in a visual aid with a list on it) so everyone
the introduction and the conclusion. knows whats going to be covered.
Although the introduction is the first Next explain, in a modest way, why
thing youll be saying, it is not the first youre the one doing the talk. Many peo-
thing you prepare. You need to be really ple do this right upfront but I think it is
sure about whats in the main body before more modest to do it after youve talked
you can write the introduction. about whats in it for them and whats go-
The introduction is very important be- ing to be covered. Possible ways to intro-
cause first impressions are hard to change. duce yourself are Ive learnt about this
During the first minute the audience are subject the hard way, having made every
deciding whether to listen to you, and mistake you can over the years or I look
whether to believe you. (Also see Appear- after the X departmentsomething that
ance, later.) shows your credibility but isnt arrogant-
sounding. You want the audience to be on
What Is in the Introduction? your side.
First you need to give your name and the Finally your introduction ends with a
subject of the talk. signpost that the talk is beginning. Some-
Next, whats in it for them? Why should thing like OK, so lets get started with
they listen to the talk? section 1: Three Things to do in Australia.
You might want to hook them with some-
thing intriguing, like In this talk Im going The Finish
to tell you three things you MUST do if you Youll also need to plan how the talk will
go to Australia and two things to definitely finishthis is the most memorable part of
avoid... . That covers the whats in it for the talk after the introduction, so it needs
them and gives an intriguing start. to be right.

2 Expert Insights 2016

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Short Guide toPresentation Skills

Ideally the finish would have a Stand some sort of prewritten board or card, or
up and applaud factor so you would fin- writing as you go along on a flipchart or
ish with a line like So there you have it, whiteboard.
the best country in the world or So there I dont think No Visual Aid is an option.
we are, Project Management in 30 minutes. Many audience members will be primarily
Thank you everyone. visual, and they really struggle with a talk
Finishing with ... any questions? isnt that has no visual aids. At least show them
an ending, and ending with ... er, I think a few pictures (but never pass visual aids
thats it, or ending suddenly And thats it, around the audience because youve then
are certainly bad. lost control of their attention).
To avoid the ending feeling sudden you So the question is whether to go for tech-
need to signpost that that the ending is nology or not.
comingsomething like And for the final This is partly decided by audience size
section I want to mention two more points, if there are more than about 50 people
firstly ... and secondly, my final point, is then it has to be PowerPoint, with all its
that ... pros and cons.
A good final section might be a recap of With a smaller audience you have a
the main points, a top 10 or top 5, or the 3 choice. Writing as you go along, on a flip
key things you want them to remember, or chart or white board, is:
one call to action, for example So remember, more flexible,
next time you are sitting down to do your ac- more interactive,
counts, please do call us and see if we can safer in terms of avoiding technology
help. Calls to action are powerful because failures,
they put a clear image in the listeners minds, but
so the listeners are now programmed to take wont look as professional,
that action when the situation comes up. cant show photos,
Your final summing up section should and makes it harder to remember what
NOT include anything new. Sometimes you youre going to say next.
forget to cover something and you want to I run training courses every day and
go back to it, or you think of something new Ihardly ever use PowerPointI just find
just at the end, but you must resist cover- the flip chart more engaging. But thats
ing these things. You must LET THEM GO. my personal view.
The audience wont know youve missed
them, and if they do then they can ask in PowerPoint Tips
the questions: You mentioned youd tell But if you are going to use PowerPoint
us about X? Iknow it is annoying to miss (or similar) then here are some thoughts
something, but much worse to suddenly to consider:
bring up a whole new area just when you Check the presentation thoroughly be-
are summing upthat will hugely destabi- fore you give itmaybe they have fiddled
lize their trust in you and their belief that with it, maybe their system has differ-
you have covered everything in a system- ent fonts so your ticks have turned into
atic and trustworthy way. little square boxes, or a line has wrapped
Then, after the ending, you can ask if round and some of it has disappeared
there are any questions that you didnt from view below the bottom of a text
cover during the talk. box, or maybe the colors are very dark,
and so on.
Which Visual Aid? Keep the presentation simpleavoid lots
The next decision during the preparation of fonts and build effects. And definitely no
of your talk is whether to use PowerPoint, sound effects when bulleted lines come in!

Expert Insights 2016 3

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