Christian Courier: Arts, Drama, Music Camp A First For Region

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Christian Courier

First Christian Church of Minneapolis (Disciples of Christ)

July 24, 2010 Arts, Drama, Music camp a first for region
Inside the Courier: by Deb Murphy
A new arts-focused camp debuted with the entire group to write a song. The
• A Look at the Brite this July at the Newton Conference kids titled it ―Let Your Faith Rise Again.‖
Side, page 2
Center. Sixteen youth (junior high Each day had a different theme: Hope,
• News briefs, pages and high school) and eight men- Love, Peace, Faith. Creative time was
3 and 5 tors/counselors gathered from around built into the schedule to let everyone

the region to participate in a spirit- work on a project they had started or to
• August Calendar, filled and creative camp called learn something new. Sheldon, one of the
page 4
A.D.a.M Camp. I was lucky to counselors, held continuous guitar lessons.
represent FCC as a camp counselor. And, of course, pool time – everyone‘s
Campers favorite. There was a performance every
arrived Mon- night for the
On the Web: day night and campers to
strung and showcase their work
tuned the 16
Disciples News guitars that and to be-
Service had been do- come accus-
nated to the tomed to
Week of Compassion performing.
updates camp from
churches and We closed
individuals in out a couple
the region. of evenings
with a drum
Each of the circle around
rest of the the campfire
four days - with
was divided into several learning Smores beforehand at least one night.
units: Music, Drama, Movement/
Dance, and Art. Drama was covered Friday night there was a final perfor-
by the counselors, as several of us mance for family and friends. There were
August 8 – had experience in that area, but guest 27 acts: improvisation, solos, groups, art
Worship & artists were brought in to work with demonstrations, instrumentals – we had it
picnic in the the campers: Monika Peltz - move- all! The camp interns even joined in at the
park (p. 3) last minute with an improv act of their
ment/dance; Ellie Radcliffe - art; and
Dave Moore, a professional sing- own. As the finale, the kids sang the song
er/songwriter - music. Dave was they h a d written ―Let Your Faith Rise
hands-down every camper‘s favorite. Again.‖ The final performance was dedi-
He told them his story as a sing- cated to Adam Barnett, a former camper
er/songwriter and then worked with musical gifts, whose parents helped
start the camp in his memory.
Page 2

A Look at the Brite Side

FCC Ministry: being a Disciples presence in the Twin Cities

A couple of weeks ago in a meet- As we continue movement to-
ing, somebody asked me, ―What is wards what we‘ll be doing in the
the current ministry of First Chris- future, we are still called by God
tian Church?‖ My response off to work on our ministry in the
the top of my head was, ―To be a present: A ministry of evangelism
community of people loving one and welcoming new and returning
another.‖ That‘s what I think we folks to the Body, a ministry of
do best; of course, the future of the meeting needs and helping people,
church requires becoming much a ministry of sharing the distinc-
more so. tiveness of Disciples in the neigh-
borhood and community. We‘re
Pastor Bob Brite
Now that I‘ve thought about it a going to keep plugging away at
bit more, I would also add that the these as we continue to navigate
current ministry of FCC is to be a the course towards the future.
Disciples presence in Minneapolis.
There is something distinctive On a different note, Sunday, Au-
about the Disciples of Christ: Our gust 29, will be the second anni-
“There is something distinctive emphasis on the table, our call to versary of the sale of our building
about the Disciples of Christ”
individual responsibility in grow- to MIA. We will be lifting that up
ing one‘s faith and understanding as a theme in worship, a matter of
of Scripture, our commitment to grieving and closing. You might,
ecumenism and cooperative minis- between now and then, think of
Actual offerings through try with others, our emphasis on those memories that are most im-
6/30/10: *$91,523.22* mission, altogether are hallmarks portant to you about the history
Budgeted offerings through of Disciples. We are a somewhat here; I may be asking you to share
6/30/10: *114,525.06* quirky people in the context of them.
Shortfall: $20,001.84 mainline Protestantism, and I
Can you help with this? think that that is largely a good I‘d like to see YOU on Sunday,
thing. Bob

We pray in concern for Tim Ronnei, recovering from his second surgery in
In our prayers as many weeks, for Mike Ronnei and David Pyles battling cancer, for Ju-
dy Ronnei recovering from a ruptured appendix, and for Becky Whitak-
Gracious God, er’s father-in-law recovering from triple bypass surgery; in celebration for
we lift up these for Don Cain’s 90th birthday, and for the dedication on July 18 of Adrian
persons in our Michael Ramirez by parents Cicely and Rene Ramirez, grandmother
prayers, asking the Laura Arradondo, great-grandmother Doris Helvig and others of the fam-
blessing of your ily; in sympathy with C. J. Floyd and her family of Lake Harriet Christian
Grace and out- Church whose husband died in a tragic scuba diving incident recently; for
pouring of your the safe arrival and resettlement of the refugee family arriving July 28;
Love upon them. for Bob Risinger, Helen Smith and all our homebound members, Amen.
Page 3
Christian Courier

Billman scholarships available Update on Pyles family

The John and Katharine Billman David Pyles, member of First

Scholarships for incoming college Christian, is fighting Lymphoma.
freshpersons and sophomores will Last year a newsletter was circu-
once again be available this fall. lated delineating the medical
These $500 scholarships are avail- treatments to date and that he was
able simply by writing a letter of a candidate for a bone-marrow
application to the church request- scrubbing and transplant.
ing the scholarship and detailing That procedure did not occur
where you will be attending and for the last months David has
school. been on experimental drugs trying
to see if any would either slow or
Church Sunday School, This application letter should be reduce his tumors. Now he is on a
Worship and Picnic Aug. 8 into Pastor Bob by August 10 so new chemotherapy that will hope-
he can take it to the Finance fully allow him to enter a new ex-
ALL FCC Sunday morning activi- Committee for action on Aug. 11. perimental drug trial.
ties – the whole kit and caboodle – In that newsletter there were
will be outdoors at the North Mis- Refugee Family arriving from things we could do to help Dave
sissippi Park on Sunday, Aug. 8. Somalia July 28 and Janice. Currently, the most
helpful things for the family
All regular Sunday morning On July 28, a family of four will would be preparation of small por-
classes will convene ay 9:15 at arrive at Minneapolis/St. Paul air- tions of food that could be stored
picnic tables in the park. Camp port from Somalia to start a new in a freezer and a little volunteer
songs and a more informal atmos- life here in Minnesota. Working weeding time. The foods are sim-
phere will highlight the 10 am though the Minnesota Council of ple: plain cooked brown rice
worship service, which will have Churches, Spirit of Joy Christian packaged in ½ cup servings; plain
all the ―regular‖ elements of Church in Lakeville along with cooked black beans in ½ cup serv-
communion, prayers and reflec- First Christian are working togeth- ings; cooked ground turkey (can
tions. er to welcome the new arrivals. be seasoned with onions and spic-
es) in 3 oz paddies (pkgs); Cooked
The all-church picnic will begin Warren Westphal is coordinating chicken breasts or thighs (sea-
following worship. The member- efforts. While Spirit of Joy is soned OK) in 3 oz packages.
ship committee will furnish beve- going to provide most of the ma- If you are going to prepare food
rages and paper products, but the terial goods for the family, FCC is please contact Sue Bona at 651-
rest is potluck, so bring your favo- hoping to be able to provide trans- 707-4836.
rite dish to share. a wading pool / portation to meetings, shopping The weeding is mostly around
playground is available for all and other family trips. Currently, pathways. There is also a fund to
children, so bring suits and towels two drivers have volunteered, but help defray medical expenses; as
if anyone in your family wants to several more are needed so that you know, both Dave and Janice
get wet. the driving needs can be shared. are self-employed. You may send
monetary donations (payable to
To get to North Mississippi Park, If you have a passion for refugee Fund for David Pyles) to Sue Bo-
take I-94 north to Exit 226. Go ministry, or have a talent in pro- na, 5901 Laurel Ave. #334, Gol-
towards 53rd Avenue North and viding hospitality, please contact den Valley, MN 55416.
stay straight to go onto I-94, then Warren Westphal after service or Please keep Janice and David
turn slightly right onto Lyndale call the church office. in your daily prayers.
Avenue N (follow the signs).
Page 4 July 24 , 2010

Regular Worship Hours

9:15 Church School Classes
August, 2010
10:00 Worship
First Christian Church
11:45 Fellowship Time in Lounge

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 pm Worship 9 am Handcrafters FCC Office 9 am- Men’s
Committee FCC Office Closed Group

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Church School, FCC Office Primary election 5:30 pm Finance 9 am Handcrafters 7 pm Book 9 am- Men’s
Worship and Closed polling in Fel- Committee Club at Group
Picnic at lowship Hall Bobbie
North Mis- 7 pm Property Hall’s –
sissippi Park Committee “Olive Kitte-
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Food Pantry 7 pm FCC Board 9 am Handcrafters 9 am- Men’s
Sunday Meeting Group
5-8 pm Elders
meet @ Hil-
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
9 am Handcrafters 9 am- Men’s
School for
tional Lead-
ers – W.
Des Moines

29 30 31

Elders Worship Leader Bus Driver Diaconate Greeters

August 1 Mike Brady Lu Griffin Garry Hesser Even Team Karen Kandik
Karen Kandik 612-721-4905
August 8 Karen Kandik Martha Harris Garry Hesser Even Team Martha Harris
Janice Brady
August 15 Tom Curry Mike Hesano Even Team Valerie Dunham
Warren Westphal 651-645-6758
August 22 Warren Westphal Wes Creighton Mike Morgan Even Team Ardie Armstrong &
Tom Curry 612-926-9384 Shirley Draine
August 29 Val Dunham Ann Wolverton Garry Hesser Even Team Karen Kandik
Martha Harris
Christian Courier

tainment Command in Afghanistan. He will be

Athena Carlson a St. Louis Park Young stationed at Bagram Army Airfield. Aaron, son of
Ambassador this year Bill and Pat Dunlop, is a graduate of the U of M in
civil engineering and lives in Davenport, IA. His
Athena Carlson was cho- most recent job for the Army Corps has involved
sen as one of two young oversight of the operation and maintenance of the
adult ambassadors for St. Mississippi locks and dams from southern Minne-
Louis Park during the sota down to St. Louis, Missouri.
June Parktacular! Cele-
bration. Athena and the Handcrafters 46 years old and going strong
other ambassadors will be by Dorothy Stegner
representing the city of St.
Louis Park for this next
year, going to other cities'
events, etc. She‘s shown
here with her grandmother Lois Swenson right af-
ter the coronation.
Dorothy Stegner and prayer shawls
Athena was also picked as a co-president of CYF
In 1964, a new member of First Christian, Ellen
Camp 15 at the Christian Conference Center in ear-
Aynes organized a sewing and craft club. This
ly summer.
group of ladies met every week to make the many
beautiful items that were sold at an annual sale. A
Athena will be a senior at St. Louis Park High
special project nearly every year was a hand-made
school next year. Congratulations for these recent
honors, Athena!
We are now a much smaller group and cannot
make quilts or other items as we did before. Our
Grande Day sale coming in October last sale was May 23rd! We thank all of you who
came, purchased items and visited. It was a good
FCC‘s women‘s ministries will again be joined by sale and we shared some of the proceeds with the
volunteers from Spirit of St. Stephens Catholic Groveland Food Shelf, our Minister's Discretionary
Community for our annual Grande Day sale on Fund, and a small amount for the Handcrafters' kit-
Oct. 14, 15 and 16. Sorting will be on Monday and ty. Any items that did not sell were given to ARC.
Tuesday, Oct. 11 and 12.
We are not giving up! We still plan on meeting
So mark you calendars, start collecting household every Thursday for fellowship at 9:00 to 12:30. We
items, and look for more information in upcoming 'brown bag' it for lunch, but the coffee pot is perk-
newsletters and announcements. ing all morning. You are invited to stop by. And
we do have a project we are working on - the
Prayer Shawl Ministry! We pray for people as we
Aaron Dunlop on Afghanistan knit and give them to those or are in need or are
engineering assignment happy about something in their life. We have fi-
Aaron Dunlop will be on temporary assignment to nished several shawls and are in need of people
the department of Army, from the Army Corps of who would be able to deliver them. If you could
Engineers, for deployment to Afghanistan. He will visit with and give a shawl to someone, please call
be gone for about 13 months and during that time Dorothy Stegner @ 612.824.4754.
he will serve as a supervisory general Engineer
overseeing military construction for the Army Sus-
Bi-Weekly Calendar Reflections on the Word
from readings for 8/1
Sunday Worship at 10:00 am ―But God said to him, ‗You
Before Worship (9:15 am): fool! This very night your life is
Art of the Covenant Class Hearthstone/Adults Class being demanded of you. And the
things you have prepared, whose
After worship: Fellowship Hour 11:15 am will they be?‘‖ –Luke 12:20

This Week at FCC Next Week at FCC This pointed question: ―Whose
will these things be?‖ rings both
Sunday, July 25
Celebration of African America Tuesday, August 3 scary and true—―you can‘t take
Worship Committee 7 pm it with you.‖ Generosity and
accumulation have always chal-
Thursday, August 5
Thursday, July 29 lenged me, and how interwoven
Handcrafters 9 am
Handcrafters 9 am
Saturday, August 7
they are! What do you not need
Saturday, July 31 Men‘s Group 9 am that someone else might?
Men‘s Group 9 am

Gracious God, who sees to

many of our needs, help us to
meet some of those needs you
cannot meet for others, and give
us grace and discernment as to
how best to do this. Amen.
--Chris Wogaman


A Thoughtful Church in the (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST)
Heart of the City 2201 1st Avenue South
Ministry Team Minneapolis, MN 55404
All Members of the Congregation
Robert Brite, Interim Minister Address Service Requested
Dennis Sanders, Minister of Diversi-
ty and Mission
Chris Wogaman, Office Manager
Bill Stump, Director of Music
Rick Bowman, Building Manager
James Barnett, Pianist
Serena Carlson, Nursery Attendant
Martha Harris, Courier Editor
Telephone: 612.870.1868
Prayer Phone: 612.870.0984
Fax: 612.870.1860
Christian Courier is published bi-
monthly (once a month in summer).
Send items and ideas to church office
or to Martha Harris
by Fri . August 20 for next issue.

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