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Short Guide to Project

Chris Croft

Abstract: The 12-step process for planning and delivery

projects on time, on budget, and to specification. Defin-
ing cost quality and time with the key driver, listing all of
the tasks, estimating costs and time, finding the critical
path, producing a Gantt chart (and why this is needed),
planning for resource requirements of single and multiple
projects, assessing risk, monitoring progress against time
and budget, readjusting plans, and reviewing after the
project is completed.

Key words: gantt, planning, criticalpath, resources, late-

ness, key driver, stakeholders, control, visibility

Define the Project

This is the most important part of the project! Getting
this wrong and you will be doomed to a nightmare proj-
ectmonths of pain and suffering! Take some time to
make sure you know what you are trying to do before
you wade in.
Agree the success criteria and major constraints with
the customer, in writing.
Chris Croft, has an Engineering
Degree from Cambridge and an
MBA, worked as a senior manager
in manufacturing for 10 years and
then as a university lecturer for five
years before starting his own training
company in 1995. Since then he has
trained over 80,000 people, and his
free email tips are sent to 11,000
people ( He is featured on www.lynda
.comwhere he presents courses on
project management, assertiveness,
time management, and happiness. Your customer might be internal or external, might be
your boss, or you may have a number of customers
(stakeholders). You need to know what they ALL want.
Success criteria will be in terms of Time taken, Cost
(which will partly be from hours worked), and Quality
(what they get, exactly).
Quality should have a measurable acceptance test.

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Short Guide to Project Management

List anything that the project depends on There should be a specification document
funding, decisions, and resources from the or Project Initiation Document, which
customer or from within the organization. is signed by the PM to say that they are
There should probably be a kick-off meet- happy and can achieve the task, and by
ing, where the Project Manager (PM), the the client to say that they will be happy
customer/client, and if necessary Sales/ with what has been promised. This protects
Commercial all discuss and agree the both the customer (from underdelivery)
above details. and the PM (from the client adding extra
At this meeting, or earlier, probe your cus- requirements, moving the goal posts, and
tomer for key driversare the time, cost, and complaining afterwards that it wasnt ex-
quality MUST-haves or just nice-to-haves. actly what they wanted).
Do this by asking why that date/budget, This PID should contain evidence like
what if we went late/over, and see if they lists of tasks, cost estimates, and a Gantt
are interested in trading, for example, more chart, but this is not extra work because
time for a higher specification. Knowing the youll have to do these anyway in order
key driver will be extremely useful when/ to know whether the project is possible
if the project gets into difficulties later. and then in order to carry it out.
Consider negotiating some contingency into The PID should also contain an assess-
the time, cost, and specification at this stage. ment of risks, in order to show the client
Negotiation means if possible getting the that you are aware of these, and that you
client to openthey should tell you how are working to minimize them, but also
much they can afford, when they need so that the client can sign to say that they
completion, and the ideal specification are prepared to live with this level of risk.
they would have. Successful completion of the project will
Negotiation also means knowing your require a suitable teamboth quantity and
walk-away point in advance. This is the quality. Team members could be formally
point (or points in terms of combinations invited and signed up, with an estimate of
of time quality and money) at which you how many days/weeks will be required
feel that the project cannot be done and and if they have a different line manager,
at which you will say Youll have to get he or she may need to sign up to letting
someone else if you are going to insist on them go for the full required time.
this specification because I cant do it and
Idont want to make promises Icant keep. List the Tasks
Be assertivedont be pushed into agree- Involve the team
ing anything that you feel is impossible Brainstorm a list of all of the tasks that
(or unlikely) to achieve just because thats might be involved in the project
an easy option or you want the client to Put the tasks in some sort of logical
be happy. In the end everyone will be diagramoften known as a Work Breakdown
less happy if you do thisincluding you! Structure
In order that the PM can have a strong
case to argue, and in order to have a plan
to agree and sign off, it will be necessary
to have done some planning before this
kick-off meeting. Therefore, steps 2 to 8
in this article will need to be done, at least
in brief, before step 1. They may have to
be revisited after step 1 is complete.
PMYS: Planning Makes You Stronger!

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Short Guide to Project Management

Remember equalities: are there any is-

sues affecting others that you might have
forgotten at this stage?
Consider granularityhow detailed
should the task breakdown be?
If you dont go granular enough youll
have difficulty fitting tasks into the net-
work diagram later; youll find yourself
wanting to say ongoing, which is not al-
lowed. But remember, Its Never Too Late
To Granulate so you just chop them up a
bit more later.
If you have more than about 10 tasks then it
is probably going to be better to have some Putting in contingency is not dishonestit
subprojects, where you break those tasks is part of the genuine estimating process.
down into more detail on a separate page. The time taken and the cost will be the
Remember that managing the project is sum of all the known tasks plus some un-
a task in itself, and should have time al- known ones, and we must allow for these
lowed for it. if we are going to avoid letting the cus-
Have a look at previous project work tomer down. We are doing it for THEM!
breakdown structures (WBSs) for ideas. The objective of putting in some contin-
Have a look at previous project reviews gency is to be able to give the customer
to see what others have missed. an estimate that is reliableor at least
Show your WBS to an expert, or someone 90percent reliable.
who has done a similar project before There are many ways for your project to
and ask them what you have forgotten. take longer or cost more than you thought,
Remember that any tasks forgotten at this but not many ways for it to be better. If
stage will make your project go both late there was a better way then that would
and over budget! already be your plan!
It is probably not a good idea to tell the
Estimate Times and Costs for customer about the contingency. Keep-
EachTask ing it from them is not dishonest! They
Base your estimates on experience, re- dont really want to know about it, and it
cords of previous projects, and your teams will only worry them if they know that
judgments. there is risk involved and that they are
Allow for optimists and pessimists in your paying for this. If asked, just admit to a
teamapply your own judgment. little: Ive put in a few days to cover the
Estimate the maximum it might take/ unexpected.
costand the minimum.
Dont promise the average to your c ustomer Find the Critical Path
you will have a 50 percent failure rate! Consider dependencies and draw the CPA
Add up the averages and then add in some network: and find the float of the noncriti-
contingency. cal tasks.
Get contingency in time, cost, and per- Dont try to do this in your head.
haps even specification. Customers will either expect to see it, or
If necessary, spread the contingency in be impressed by it.
small amounts across all of the tasks so Activity on node (tasks in boxes with times
that it is not easily seen or removed. on the boxes, often called Critical Path

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