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Delivering an Exceptional

Customer Experience
Sarah Cook

Abstract: Most organizations recognize that delivering

exceptional service plays a key part in customer retention,
yet few companies stand out as consistently delivering
exceptional service. This article describes the steps that
are needed to create an outstanding customer experience.
It includes practical tips on how to create a vision for
customer-centricity, get close to your customers to un-
derstand their explicit and implicit needs, employ people
with the right service attitude and then engage them in
delivering an exceptional service as well as techniques to
help understand the principles and practice of sustaining
a true customer-focused culture.

Keywords: Close to the customer, customer centricity,

customer complaints, customer experience, customer
retention, customer service measurementcustomer vision,
employee engagement, exceptional customer experience,
exceptional service, outstanding customer experience,
Recruiting for attitude, service culture, service excellence,
service standards,

Sarah Cook is managing director

of The Stairway Consultancy Ltd. Welcome to Delivering an Exceptional Customer
She has 20 years of consulting Experience.
experience in leadership development, Every business is reliant on both gaining new custom-
coaching, and customer experience.
ers and retaining them. Repeat, loyal customers are key
She has designed and delivered
global development programs to sustained growth, value, and profitability. Most orga-
resulting in higher levels of customer nizations recognize that delivering exceptional service
loyalty, employee engagement, and plays a key part in customer retention, yet few com-
improved business performance. panies stand out as consistently delivering exceptional
She can be contacted at HYPERLINK service. In this article, I set out to describe the steps that are
needed to create an outstanding customer experience.
This article is divided into eight sections:
1. Create a vision for customer-centricity
2. Get close to your customers
3. Recruit for attitude
4. Set service standards
5. Put service on every agenda

Expert Insights 1

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Delivering an Exceptional Customer Experience

6. Be positive when things go wrong Certainly, digital transformation must be a

7. Measure and recognize key strategic intent but, equally, engaging
8. Close the loop employees to create a truly customer-centric
Throughout the article, youll find tips culture is key. As Peter Drucker famously
and techniques that will help you un- said, Culture eats strategy for breakfast.
derstand the principles and practice of In this article, I focus on the actions you
customer-centricity. At the end of the article can take to create an exceptional customer
youll find a handy assessment tool to help experience from a cultural perspective. I
you identify where you need to improve outline eight steps based on best practice,
your organizations service experience. which will help you turn the wheel and
I hope that you find the advice and tools get traction in delivering exceptional ser-
in this article practical and helpful in creat- vice. Some of these steps you may have
ing a culture of exceptional service in your already embedded into your culture, oth-
business. ers not so. There is a copy of the Customer
Experience Wheel at the end of this article
Create a Vision for to help you identify where you need to
Customer-Centricity improve.
In the developed world, todays consumer Changing culture takes time and is a
is more informed, skeptical of big busi- long journey. The starting point is to be
ness and digitally savvy than ever before. clear about what your ambition is for cus-
The challenge for organizations to survive tomer experience and to communicate this
and grow, no matter what sector they rep- story consistently and transparently to all
resent, is to meet the ever-increasing de- employees.
mands of the customer. Customer experience is the perception
Customers today are hyper-connected. that customers have of their interactions
They want to interact with organizations with an organization. The experience of
via whatever medium they choose and what customers see, feel, hear, do, and say
when they choose. Business channels need determines their memory and perception
to be accessible 24/7, 365, be more joined of the experience. When customers recount
up, effortless, and more efficient for the a memory, they are sharing the experience
customer than ever before. of the emotional story they created about the
Yet the focus on digital transforma- organization, not just the actual experience
tion is only one part of the challenge of itself.
customer-centricity. Studies show that ex- Make sure therefore that you can answer
isting customers can be up to five times the question: what do we want customers
more profitable than new customers. Sat- to perceive about our service? Consider
isfied customers use more products and what you want customers to feel about
services than new customers, typically your organization and the emotional con-
spend more, make more repeat visits, and nections you want to engender. For exam-
recommend the organization more often. ple, organizations such as Apple, Burberry,
Research shows that 68 percent of the rea- and Virgin have created strong brand repu-
sons why customers leave an organization tations via the stories, legends, values, and
are due to perceived indifference. Human lifestyle that they embody.
interaction and emotional connection play
an important part in consumers choice of Tip 1: Create a clear vision/ambition for the
staying with an organization. experience you want customers to receive
So where do you start when it comes and engage your team in this so they can
to improving your customer experience? see how they can make a difference.

2 Expert Insights

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Delivering an Exceptional Customer Experience

Get Close to Your Customers So, ask yourself what is your company
How can we deliver exceptional service if doing to truly get close to the customer?
we dont understand the emotional and ra- Once you do this, how well are you com-
tional needs of our customers? municating customer needs to your team
Organizations that deliver outstanding and how is this knowledge driving innova-
service make sure that they get close to tion in your business?
their customers. They segment their cus-
tomer base and create products and ser- Tip 2: Get close to the customer: Segment
vices that meet different customers needs. your customer base and map the customer
In the heritage sector for example, an orga- journey for each segment. Use a variety of
nization we work with recognizes that there methods to listen, understand, and act on
are many different customer segments who customers current and future needs.
visit their attractions: young families, re-
tired couples, coffee-shop users, etc. Each Recruit for Attitude
segment has different needs and levels of In the UK, when you go into the depart-
emotional engagement during the visit. ment store John Lewis as a customer you
The organization has mapped out the can be 99.9 percent sure of receiving a high
customer journey for each segment and standard of service, no matter who you
identified key touch points where they can deal with.
create powerful emotional stories for each This, however, is an exception. The chal-
customer type. lenge for many businesses is how to con-
Other organizations regularly listen to sistently deliver an outstanding level of
their businesses via qualitative and quantita- service. Many organizations have an ambi-
tive research. As well as online surveys and tion to do this, but customers still encoun-
feedback, they use customer focus group ter indifference, arrogance, and cynicism,
and verbatim feedback to bring the voice of which makes them become detractors, not
the customer to life. In the supermarket sec- promoters, of the organization.
tor, we worked with a business whose execu- Net promoter score (NPS) is an index
tives not only took calls from customers in ranging from 100 to 100 that measures the
their call centers but also each shadowed a willingness of customers to recommend a
customer. This meant going to the custom- companys products or services to others.
ers homes to find out more about their shop- It is used as a measure for gauging the cus-
ping needs, how they planned their shop, tomers overall satisfaction with a compa-
and then shadowing the customer as they nys product or service and the customers
went in store and returned home as well as loyalty to the brand.
when they shopped online. In this way, the Dons Mobile Glass in California is a
executive team discovered more about the small business that in 2016 attained NPS
consumers met and unmet needs. scores of 89.8 (just above Apples score of
When was the last time you used your 89). The company epitomizes best prac-
own or your competitors products and ser- tice in customer excellence in that it hires
vices? Remember, customer expectations people who: are great with customers and
are set not just by other businesses in your have a desire to be great at what they do.
sector but via the experience of the service Like renowned service businesses such as
they have received across sectors. Con- Southwest Airlines and Ritz-Carlton, they
sider the efficiency and effortlessness of hire for attitude rather than skills.
the Amazon ordering process, for example. Think about your current (or desired)
What can you learn from other businesses culture and consider which attitudes pre-
in terms of customer experience? dict success or failure with customers. Make

Expert Insights 3

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