Tacit Knowledge Transfer in Small and Medium Businesses Using Heuristics

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Tacit Knowledge Transfer in Small

and Medium Businesses using

Dr. Milan Frankl, MBA, PhD

Abstract: In this article, I describe an exploratory study

on Tacit Knowledge Transfer in Business, a problem of
interest to most executives in small and medium busi-
nesses (SMBs).
Although currently Knowledge Management is a sub-
ject of research in big corporations, its investigation in
the particular environment of SMBs is limited. Because
succession planning is essential for the survival of those
types of companies, finding ways of transferring tacit
knowledge can be a major benefit to them.
I propose definitions of Explicit and Tacit Knowledge
and review some of the existing literature in that area.
I conducted a survey with three control groups and
explored its results.
Dr. Frankl, MBA, PhD, is a professor of I hypothesize that executives in SMBs indeed apply tacit
business with University Canada Wests
knowledge in their decision-making process using heuris-
School of Business, and an adjunct
professor of bioinformatics at the tics and that those heuristics could serve as the basis for
University of Victoria. He has managed some form of Tacit Knowledge Transfer. Preliminary results
large-scale systems development of the study have confirmed the proposed hypotheses.
projects, conducted numerous IT,
telecommunications, and business re-
engineering strategic plans, and played
Categories and Subject Descriptors
major roles in key business systems
development initiatives. He has [Management]: Management techniques, knowledge
considerable experience in strategic management, heuristics.
management planning, project
management, system development,
system metrics and evaluation General Terms: Management, tacit knowledge, explicit
techniques, system feasibility studies, knowledge, heuristics, knowledge transfer.
system quality assurance, and human
resource planning. Dr. Frankl is Keywords: Tacit knowledge transfer, heuristics, rules of
involved in promoting Information
Technology at the University level thumb
(as an academic) as well as at the
industry level (as a research associate) Introduction
in the areas of systems development With more than 35 years of management practice in big,
techniques and knowledge transfer. He
published extensively on information
medium, and small companies, 20 years of which in po-
technology management, science, and sitions of senior or executive management, my intent
education technology topics. was to rely on personal experience to explore means of

Expert Insights 1

Article.indd 1 10/02/17 5:29 PM

Tacit Knowledge Transfer in Small and Medium Businesses using Heuristics

providing tools and techniques to senior Are SMB executives applying tacit knowl-
management of small and medium busi- edge in their decision-making process?
nesses (SMBs) that would enhance their Do SMB executives use heuristics in the
decision-making process through tacit form of RoTs when making those decisions?
knowledge transfer (TKT). Are those RoTs convertible to explicit
Since the 1970s, researchers have been ex- knowledge?
ploring new constructs in search of measures Preliminary results have confirmed the
to supplement existing cognitive ability tests proposed hypotheses.
as predictors of real-world performance.
Among the most promising constructs of Definitions
business success predictors is practical in- In this article, RoTs are considered as use-
telligence or common sense, sometimes re- ful principles with broad application, not
ferred to as tacit knowledge. [1] Measures intended to be strictly accurate. RoTs
of practical intelligence predict real-world are, therefore, rules that, while not nec-
criteria such as job performance; however, essarily always or even usually correct,
those measures are relatively unrelated to are considered by those applying them as
performance on intelligence tests and other useful guidelines in situations requiring
common tacit knowledge measures.[2] problem-solving or decision-making.
Unlike explicit knowledge, which is Knowledge Management has been stud-
knowledge that can be readily expressed in ied mostly in large companies. Understand-
writing (like procedures, descriptions, doc- ing Knowledge Transfer, even in these
umentations, and so on), tacit knowledge is circumstances, has been a problem.[3] No
more difficult to describe because it relies systematic research is available regarding
on experience, gut feel, or intuition. knowledge management or knowledge
Borrowing from the paradigm of com- transfer in SMBs.
mon sense testing, I argue that heuristics In this article, I explore how TKT can
in the form of rules of thumb (RoTs) ap- occur in SMBs and analyze ways of con-
plied by executives in SMBs could repre- verting that Tacit Knowledge into Explicit
sent tacit knowledge. Knowledge using heuristics in the form of
An experiment exploring this paradigm RoTs.
was performed with three selected groups Preliminary pilot research results con-
of Canadian SMBs. Executives of those firm that the business scenario approach
groups were invited to express some of the and the use of RoTs as decision processes
tacit knowledge they apply in business sit- are realistic and practical for this kind of
uations by requiring to make fast decisions qualitative study.
in terms of sets of rules of thumb in spe- Assuming that knowledge in all its forms
cific business scenarios. These scenarios is a capital asset for SMBs, a method for or-
served as rough guides to decisive actions ganizing various forms of this capital can
applied in solving business problems. deliver significant benefits to those busi-
The research hypotheses were: nesses.[1] Further research may result in
Executives in SMBs apply tacit knowledge developing a valuable tool in the form of
in their decision-making process using a wiki rule of thumb to respond to this
heuristics and business need.
Those heuristics could serve as a basis for
some form of TKT. Knowledge Categories
To collect data elements confirming (or Knowledge is usually categorized as ex-
infirming) the proposed hypotheses, this plicit or tacit.
research explored possible answers to the People can easily communicate and
following questions: document explicit knowledge using standard

2 Expert Insights

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Tacit Knowledge Transfer in Small and Medium Businesses using Heuristics

media like manuals, documents, proce- the above premises, I focused my research
dures, drawings, pictures, audiovisual on the Technical Dimension of TKT.
methods, and so on. Explicit knowledge My study hypothesis is that RoTs can fa-
can be readily transmitted to others directly cilitate the transfer of some of this Techni-
(person to person) or indirectly (person cal Dimension part of Tacit Knowledge.
through media to person). The percep-
tion of explicit knowledge is clear, visible, Background and Related Work
and documented in different forms based The expression Rules of Thumb has
on the transfer method applied. Learning many interpretations, from unsupported
takes place through the transfer method claims that it originated from a British law
used. Reasoning forms an integral part of that limited the width of a rod that a man
explicit knowledge transfer. may use to beat his wife (!?), to common
On the other hand, tacit knowledge, in- sense or heuristics.1 [5]
troduced by Polanyi, compares the con-
cepts of knowing what to knowing how. The Problem
[2] Because people are often not aware of One of the main challenges associated with
possessing tacit knowledge (in Polanyis knowledge management is in its ambiguity
words: we can know more than we can and lack of consistently accepted definition.
tell), transfer of tacit knowledge requires Unfortunately, knowledge management is
personal contact and trust. Therefore, tacit also too easily associated with tools rather
business knowledge transfer usually takes than processes or ways of thinking.[6]
place through person-to-person contact The business knowledge of an execu-
and trust. tive is that persons expertise and skill ac-
TKT is typically done by: quired through experience or education.
following a role model, where the source Many firms, particularly large multina-
of the tacit knowledge serves as an example; tionals, use some form of knowledge man-
imitating or mimicking the person at agement systems or processes to capitalize
the source of that knowledge; or on the wealth of their employees business
using metaphors, like substituting one knowledge. Part of that information, in the
idea for another, therefore associating form of explicit knowledge, is represented
experiential learning from others. using various technology tools like Man-
I use M3 as a mnemonic for these three agement Information Systems, Data Min-
transfer forms of Model, Mimic, and ing, Expert Systems, or Neural Networks,
Metaphor. to name a few.
Organizations use knowledge manage-
Cognitive and Technical Dimensions of ment as a strategy to turn their intellec-
Tacit Knowledge tual assets or creative capital into greater
Polanyi argued that tacit knowledge has at
least two dimensions: 1
A heuristic technique (from ancient Greek, find or
a cognitive dimension (the know-what) discover), often called simply a heuristic, is any ap-
that involves beliefs, perceptions, ideals, proach to problem-solving, learning, or discovery that
values, emotions, or mental models, employs a practical method not guaranteed to be optimal
or perfect, but sufficient for the immediate goals. Where
and finding an optimal solution is impossible or impractical,
a technical dimension (the know-how) heuristic methods can be used to speed up the process of
comprised of personal insights, intuitions, finding a satisfactory solution. Heuristics can be mental
hunches, inspirations, or experience.[4] shortcuts that ease the cognitive load of making a decision.
Examples of this method include using a rule of thumb, an
As a result, some forms of tacit knowl-
educated guess, an intuitive judgment, stereotyping, profil-
edge can be converted to explicit knowl- ing, or common sense. Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org
edge given the proper conditions. Based on /wiki/Heuristic

Expert Insights 3

Article.indd 3 10/02/17 5:29 PM

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