Short Guide To Customer Service: Chris Croft

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Short Guide to Customer Service

Chris Croft

Abstract: Why is customer service important (it is the

main way that most organizations are judged by their
customers), how to get repeats and recommendations,
why organizations tend to be bad at it, how to do the ba-
sics (including cleanliness, reception, first impressions,
and phone answering), how to get the delight factor, and
the role of management, including setting up systems,
improving systems, mystery shoppers, and getting people
to care.

Key words: delight, complaints, process, management,

first impressions, customer types, telephone, motivation,

Why Is Customer Service Important?

Generalizing Out
Customers generalize out from the first contact. They as-
sume that the whole organization is like the first person
they meet. This might be one of your lowest paid and
least trained people!
And they judge that person in the first 10 seconds.
And they dont like to change their mind easily later. So
that first 10 seconds of contact had better be well thought
Chris Croft, has an Engineering out and well trained in.
Degree from Cambridge and an
MBA, worked as a senior manager in
Why are people so quick to judge?
manufacturing for 10 years and then Because in the jungle, where we came from and kind
as a university lecturer for fiveyears of still are, you have to assess situations and other crea-
before starting his own training tures rapidly.
company in 1995. Since then he has
Why judge an organization on the service you get at
trained over 80,000people, and his
free email tips are sent to 11,000 the beginning?
people ( Because the beginning is when they are supposed to He is featured on www.lynda be at their BEST. Once theyve got you as a customer
.comwhere he presents courses on theyll probably start to take you for granted, so if they
project management, assertiveness,
time management, and happiness.
dont start really well its all going to be downhill.
Also, its much easier to assess service (friendly? Keep
you waiting?) than it is to assess the real quality of what
you get (is a car mechanic or a chef or a dentist or a fi-
nancial advisor really any good? Hard to tell!).

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Short Guide to Customer Service

So, like it or not, they will assess you on half of the customers who leave do so be-
service, and mostly on the first bit of ser- cause of Perceived Indifference.
vice from the first person they meet. Not pricethey have already chosen to
be in your price band: a BMW buyer wont
Its a Major Competitive Factor go to Skoda because BMW costs more (and
How do organizations try to out-do each he didnt realize?!), and a Skoda buyer wont
other? go to BMW because of price (!), and a BMW
Price? buyer wont go to Audi because of price
Quality? they are near enough for it to be irrelevant.
Range of services? Similarly it wont be quality, thats al-
Speed of delivery? ready fine for both.
Most people if asked wouldnt even put cus- No, it is usually something to do with
tomer service on this list! But it should be... having upset them, or at least having not
Well, competing on price is not going to made them feel welcome and important. If
make you rich, itll just cut your margins you are indifferent they will start to shop
and get you customers who are difficult. around, maybe looking for an excuse to
Competing on quality is not going to be change. The excuse may be a few pounds
easy, because these days most competitors saved, but thats not the real reason. And
are already excellent, and if your quality is now you have the expensive task of getting
poor you are already out of the game. And in a replacement customer...
to be utterly brilliant on quality will take a Worse than just this
lot of development and probably price you
out of most of the market. They will Tell Others
Note: for low price and for high quality Unhappy customers tell 11 other people,
there are niches, but for most players these some of whom might be really impor-
arent great plans. tant people. You wont even know that
Niches also exist for large range of prod- this is happening. Only 4 percent of un-
ucts or services, but again this is a difficult happy customers complain, so you prob-
one to choose if its not naturally where ably wont have a clue why your work is
you are. drying up. Youll probably blame it on the
Speed of serviceyes, this is currently market...
a major competition ground, because price Every complaint you get means that 24
and quality have gone. JIT, Lean, and so on other people were unhappy and didnt tell
are all about reducing delivery lead times. you. But they did tell 11 others, so thats
Excellent, do these. They wont be as easy 264 people they have told; a total of 288
as getting your customer service sorted out people who wont buy from you. If you get
though! And why not do both!? 10 complaints thats a sign that nearly 3,000
The advantage of competing on customer people have heard bad things about you! So
service is that its relatively cheap, and... it might be time to fix whatever is causing
most organizations are hopeless at it! those complaints...
Why?? See Why dont organizations get
it right? section. Recommendations
New customers often come from recom-
The Route to Repeats mendations. Where do most of yours come
Getting new customers is very expensive. from? If they dont come from recommen-
Much better to keep selling to your exist- dations, then maybe they should!
ing ones. What would make someone recommend
Why would an existing customer decide a product or service? Not just that it is OK,
to go elsewhere? Research shows that over but it has to have a Delight Factor (see

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Short Guide to Customer Service

Getting the delight factor section for the Not Intellectually Interesting
details on how). Most managers ignore customer service
The delight factor isnt expensive, it just as an area to manage because it is bor-
needs some creativity to invent it and then ing. There are almost no academic theo-
some organization to make it happen. ries about it, no clever books or thinkers
working on it, no qualifications about NVQ
Nicer Life for You level 2 (Do you want fries with that?).
A different and perhaps more interesting Much more fun to think about market-
question than Why should an organization ing strategies, trade fairs, pricing elasticity
give good service? is Why should an indi- models, product life extensions, and so on.
vidual give good service?
Depending on what drives them, giving Not Core
good service will give either more job sat- Whatever you do or sell, it is not customer
isfaction (the type of employee we want) service. It is food, or surveying, or haircuts,
or less hassle (a less good employee!). Ei- or the design of mobile phone software.
ther way, theyd be mad not to do it, once Service is always there, but it is never at
they have it explained to them. And of the front. Usually theres nobody actually
course if the organization can make good in charge of it, were all just supposed to do
service part of the process, it is nicer for it, but we never quite get around to it.
all of the employees. Nobody wants to
face angry, or even unexcited, customers Front Line Is Lower
all day. The people who are most involved in deliv-
ering a great service are the front line, who
Internal Customers Too tend to be lower paid, lower status, and
Good service to the internal people who may appear less important. They arent
you serve is just as important, because less important!
bad service leads to time wasted doing
things twice, morale lost in conflict, and Needs Discipline
a worse service reaching the external cus- To getall of the basics right all of the time
tomers (if what you do doesnt impact ex- (one mistake and youve lost. One toilet
ternal customers somehow, then why do roll not replaced, one ringing phone not
you exist?). answered, one name spelt wrong) takes a
lot of discipline. Not much fun!
My final reason for being obsessed by cus- Needs Creativity
tomer service is that if you dont do it some- To delight your customers needs creative
one else will. And if its inevitable, why not thinking, and thats hard. Theres no sys-
be the first? tem for that. Lets not bother!
The partners of a large local law firm once
said to me We dont need to open at lunch Needs Constant Escalation
time because none of the other lawyers in Yesterdays delight factor is now expected.
town are open then. Why should we upsetall So you need to think of a new delight fac-
our people by introducing lunch rotas etc? tor. Thats hard!
...I think you know the answer!
Not Recognized as a Problem
Why Dont Organizations As most customers dont complain, as
Get It Right? discussed previously, you wont know if
A tricky question. Here are some possible youve got a problem. Until it is too late and
reasons. Are any of them yours? there arent any customers...

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