Short Guide To Negotiating: Chris Croft

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Short Guide to Negotiating

Chris Croft

Abstract: An overview of the process for a win-win outcome,

starting with preparation: what are your tradeables, what
is your walk-away point, how to plan your opening offer,
and what is their position likely to be? Then tactics such
as getting the other party to open first, trading rather than
conceding unilaterally, moving in small steps, reluctant
buyer, higher authority, the vice and the salamihow to
use them and how to combat them.

Key words: tactics, process, flinch, vice, salami, discount,

bargain, nibble

A Negotiation is any interaction where there is some-
thing you want, and something they want (or at least
something you can offer them in return for what you
want). Almost every interaction is like this, otherwise
why would it be happening?
You are negotiating all the time!
If one of you has 100 percent of the power then it is
not a negotiationunless the person with all the power
doesnt realize!
Bids and tenders also arent negotiations because
Chris Croft, has an Engineering
there is no chance for interactionusually.
Degree from Cambridge and an
MBA, worked as a senior manager Objectives and Style
in manufacturing for 10 years and Both you and the other party have the choice about
then as a university lecturer for five
years before starting his own training
whether they aim for good relationship, good numerical
company in 1995. Since then he has outcome, both, or neither.
trained over 80,000 people, and his Good result at the cost of the relationship is often cho-
free email tips are sent to 11,000 sen by buyers who think that the purchase cost is the
people (
main costit often isnt! He is featured on www.lynda
.comwhere he presents courses on This I Win/You Lose style is also often chosen by
project management, assertiveness, people who think they are the stronger (but you never
time management, and happiness. have ALL the cards) or when people think it is a one-off
negotiationbut as we know there is almost always an-
other one later!
Good relationship at the cost of good result is Lose/Win
and is sometimes chosen by sales people who hope that
in the long run their weak start will pay off. Usually it
doesnt. Lose/Win can also happen when the buyer as-
sumes that the price is negotiablewhen it was!

Expert Insights 2016 1

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Short Guide to Negotiating

Surely nobody would choose Lose/Lose Preparation

where there is neither a good result or a Possibly the most important part of the
good relationship. Well, in fact we all do, whole process! People on my training
quite often! This can happen when you courses never spend enough time on it,
dont even try to negotiateyou wrongly and then they always regret it. Just a few
assume that there is no deal to be made minutes in the calm can save you a lot of
and so no deal is found. Or when one of money (and other tradeables) when the
the parties walks out as a ploy and is then pressure is on later.
too proud to crumble. They get dug in and What should you prepare?
a deal, which was there for the taking,
slips away. Four main things:
Win/win can be achieved in any nego- Tradeables
tiation where there are tradeables. If there Mental strength
is not a single tradeable, and it is just an Your opening offer
arm-wrestle over price, then everything
Your limit
that one person wins is lost by the other
(this is known in game theory as a zero-sum Tradeables
game) and the relationship is likely to suf- These are the lubrication in the trading
fer. Tradeables open up the whole game processthey are what will enable you to
to the possibility of both parties winning. move from your opening offer to a settle-
A good relationship is maintained and a ment without looking as if your opening of-
good result for all is achieved. fer was dishonest.
For there to be a win/win you will need And as well as allowing you to concede
to prepare your tradeables (see next sec- gracefully, tradeables can even allow you to
tion), and then you will have to explore for come out ahead on the deal. Suppose Ihave
ways to structure an agreement that works you 100 in exchange for a recommenda-
for both of you. tion to one of your business friends, that
This means being nice, patient, recommendation could be worth thousands
constructive, and a good listener, from
to me. Ive reduced my price and still come
the outset. Although you are only releas- out ahead! And so have you!win/win!
ing your cards strategically, you are also The more tradeables you have the bet-
working in partnership with the other per- terthere are more things that might
son in order to find the best deal for both tempt the other person (who knows what
of you. they might want or value).
Tradeables create value from nowhere: Tradeables can be things that
For example, if I give my hedge-cutting You can easily offer them
man tea and biscuits, and flexibility over They might value highly
when he does it, and a regular twice-a-year They might be able to offer you easily
booking, and in exchange he does some to- You want, that they can probably give
piary and lends me his chainsaw, then we Think of your tradeables as a pack of
both gain. We have given things that are cards that you can play whenever you
easy to give (almost free) but which the need one. Make a list and learn it. You
other person values greatly. Value has been only have to do this once, and youve got
created from nowhere! it for ever!
Creativity in tradeables can not only re-
duce the amount you have to give, but can Mental Strength
actually result in you getting more than In negotiations it is easy to focus on our
you ever expected. own weaknesses, rather than the other

2 Expert Insights 2016

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Short Guide to Negotiating

persons, because we know our own and Ask the buyer Have you looked at many
we dont know theirs. houses? (Oh yes, loads, they were all rub-
So when you are buying a house you bish) What do you like about it? (It has
think I must have this house, it is the only got the perfect garden for us) Where are
one I like, Im sick of looking at houses, you living at the moment? (staying with
and it is a bargain, I can afford it, what if the in-laws) and you think Aha . . . but
someone else comes along and buys it, Ive you dont say it.
got to get out of that rented place, the mar- They will always have weaknesses, even
kets about to rise, Ill just have to pay the if they are much bigger than you (a mul-
asking price. tinational company, for example, still has
... and when you are selling your house a sales person who has to meet a target,
you think I just want to get shot of this or too much stock they need to shift) and
place, it has got all those problems with it, even if they are the sole supplier the above
there are three others on sales down the still applies, and they may not realize they
road which are just like it only in slightly are the only supplier, or maybe they in fact
better condition, weve had no interest, it arent they fear that you will start looking
has been on the market for ages, I really around.
want to buy that cottage Ive found before So the overall theme is to ask lots of ques-
someone else gets it, I dont need the full tions and listen. Remember that when you
asking price in order to afford the cottage, I are talking you are giving things away (infor-
cant believe how much this house has gone mation is power) but when you are listening
up since I bought it 20 years ago, Ithink it you are gaining information, and also you
is a bit overpriced, Ill take any offer they have time to think about your next move.
make me.
No wonder you lose when you buy and Your Opening Offer
you lose again when you sell. (see Opening offers section)
But how to prevent these weak thoughts
creeping into your head? Your Limit
The answer is to fill your head with If you are buying, this will be the most you
strong thoughts, which are based on the are prepared to pay.
weaknesses of the other person: If you are selling, it will be the least you
FOCUS on them: say to yourself I bet are prepared to accept.
that the seller is in a hurry to sell, knows It is always the point at which you will
about things wrong with it, doesnt need walk away. Not pretend to walk away, that
the full asking price, has had no interest, could be at any point, but I mean REALLY
etc and I bet the buyer has fallen in love walk away. And not come back.
with it, can easily afford it, thinks it is a Setting your limit is the foundation of
bargain really whatever they actually say, all your strength, because your strength
and is in a hurry to move in. comes from the ability to walk away.
PROBE to find out if any of these are Your limit depends to a large extent on
true: Ask the seller Do you have some- your Plan B, your best alternative to an
where to move to? (Yes, a little cottage in agreement, so it is worth spending some
Dorset) Have you lived here long? (Yes, preparation time on some good plan Bs.
20 years) Has it been on the market long/ Get some other quotes, for example.
have you had much interest? (amazingly Your limit is also affected by a multi-
people often tell you the truth: No just tude of personal factors, like how much
time wasters really). Each time you think you like the product (different people
Aha! but of course you dont say that! will pay hugely differing amounts for a

Expert Insights 2016 3

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