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The murder Trial of Mr. Lolo

The following is part of scene in a court house in a city in Indonesia. The
defendant, Mr.Edi, has charged with murder. He weas accused of
murdering Mr.Lolo by pushing the victim from the balcony down to the
sawimming pool in his yard. Many people were present in the court house
including the prosecutor, the defendant and his defense lawyer, the judge
and some law students.
Listen to the dialogue:
Prosecutor : Mr. Edi, did you push Mr. Lolo off the balcony of your house?
Mr. Edi : No I didnt
Prosecutor : The body was found in the swimming pool of your house.
According to the medical report, he died because of
Mr. Edi :He died in my swimming pool, all right. But I did not push
him into it. He might have been attacked by something, who
Prosecutor : Did he come to your house that night?
Mr. Edi : Yes, he did.
Prosecutor : Was he alone or was he accompanied by some friends?
Mr. Edi : He was alone
Prosecutor : What was the purpose of the visit?
Mr. Edi : He asked me for money . he said he borrowed money from a
number of people and that night he was chased by creditors
Prosecutor : Did he ever borrow money from you?
Mr. Edi : He never borrowed money from me; he only asked for it
from me. (Mr.Edi stressed the word asked)
Prosecutor : Will you please explain the nature of his visit that night?
Mr. Edi : Well, Mr. Lolo looked drunk. There was something strange in
his eyes. So I just left him and went into my room. I always
left him alone whenever he came to me drunk. Then... that
night, after a few minutes, all I knew...he was dead in the
swimming pool.

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