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Volume 3 Special Edition May 2017


By Maia Nisa Mauricio

Director for RY 2011-2012 (Reach

Past First Class President Christian
Within to Embrace Humanity), tapos
Cita Castillo of Rotaract Club of
Deputy Secretary ako ni Peace-
Candelaria answers a few questions
Builder President Gideon, (RY 2012-
about his journey from being a new
2013 Peace Through Service). The
member to becoming the District Ro-
following year, First Class President
taract Representative (DRR) of Dis-
na ako!
trict 3820 for RY 2016-2017.
During his term as First Class Presi-
DRR Cita came across Rotaract way
dent (FCP), his club had so many
back 2010 by invitation of PP Ches-
projects, but his most memorable
ter of RAC Candelaria. He said he just
one was the Community Service Pro-
got invited to the clubs induction at
ject entitled Shampoohin mo Su-
that time. To have an idea of what
suyurin ko Alis Kuto, Alis Lisa Pro-
the whole Rotaract thing was about,
ject. He firmly believes that cleanli-
he started by observing what the
ness and personal hygiene among
club does and then eventually joined
students is a big factor to help them
the clubs community service pro-
study better in school. He had the
jects, district events, club fellow-
idea because he said that the issue DRR Cita after the Laguna Area Project in
ships, inter-club and district fellow-
has been addressed but was not pri- Bahay ni Rizal, Calamba, Laguna last Sep-
ships and area bonding. Having en-
oritized by other clubs as well as tember 17, 2016.
joyed his experience, he then decided
teachers and the community itself.
by 2011 to be inducted as member of
The project impacted the students Past DRR Trizha Dimayuga (RY 2015-
the club which was headed at that
and the community greatly thats 2016).
time by PP Raymond Abinales with
why he wanted his club to continue
the RY theme Reach Within to Em- Of course, as fellow Rotaractor, I was
his advocacy and have the project
brace Humanity. naturally curious to know the WHY.
When asked what positions he held Why become a Rotaractor? The an-
After his term as FCP, he became ap- swer is very simple; he is a proud
after his induction as member of the
pointed as District secretary for Past product of Fellowships.
club, he said he immediately became
DRR Darius Sarmiento (RY 2014-
appointed as a club director, which (I Dahil sa fellowship nalaman ko na
2015) and then became Quezon Ar-
think) most Rotaractors can abso- ang pagtulong pala ay di lang pang-
eas District Area Representative the
lutely relate to. politiko tungkulin natin bilang tao,
year after, which is the same year he
Immediately after induction as new became District Rotaract Repre- bilang kapwa ang paglingkuran ang
member, appointed na ako as Club sentative Elect, under Immediate ating kapwa. Yung tinuturo sa simba-
DRR CITA FOUND HIS FOREVER | special edition

Photo DRR Citas Facebook Page: DRR Cita during the District Conference and Awarding Ceremonies (DICAC) 2017 at
Embarcadero de Legazpi, Legazpi, Albay

na ibinigay sa inyo. Pangarapin nyo

han pero sa Rotaract ko lang nara- din maging president. to how to be affectionate to Rotarians
nasan... ganern! I dont have any other advice; she/he
(Do the responsibilities of the posi- can just watch me. (giggles)
(Because of the fellowship, I learned tion given to you. Dream to be Presi-
that helping out is not just for poli- dent as well.) To end the interview, I asked a very
tics It is our duty as a person, as trivial question. What would he be do-
humans to help out each other. I has DRR Cita said he will be joining the ing if he wasnt a Rotaractor? He said he
been taught in church but I only got Rotary Club eventually. He said its cannot imagine it and that he must
to experience it in Rotaract thats one of the reasons why he is a Rota- have been destined to be where and
why!) ractor and its also for him to be able what he is now, which is our District
to continue what he started. Rotaract Representative.
Very inspiring. No Rotaractor would
disagree. Fellowships really are fun. I When asked what his advice for the kasi siguro dito talaga ako dinala ng
mean REALLY fun. aspiring DRRs for the next Rotary tadhana... destiny ko ito Ito ang Forev-
years is, he said, to be rich. Uh-oh. er ko.
To the current club Presidents, DRR
Citas advice is to work hard because Maging mayaman mayaman sa So far, the district is really doing great,
you only get to be president once. kaibigan! At may puso sa paglilingkod to think that the Rotary year has almost
Shine like a star, he added. For the at puso sa Distrito kailangan nya come to an end. Its really nice to see a
club Officers, his advice is to never matutunan kung paano maglambing lot of Clubs participating in district ac-
let the President work on her/his sa mga Rotarians wala na akong tivities and the current DRR is greatly
own. For him, a Presidents term will ibang advice; tingnan na lang nya responsible for it. Were really happy to
not be successful without the help of ako. (giggles) have DRR Cita and we look forward to
the Club Officers and members. see more of him in the next months. He
(Be rich rich of friends! And to
is truly an inspiration. More power to
Gawin nyo ang trabaho sa posisyon have the heart to serve and the heart
you, DRR Cita!
for the District She/he has to learn

BE UPDATED! About Rotaract

Visit RACLBs Website Rotaract is a service club for young men and women ages 18 to 30 who are dedicat-
ed to community and international service. Its membership totals over 200,000 in
more than 9,000 clubs worldwide. Rotaract clubs are self-governing and self-
supporting and can be either university- or community-based. Individual Rotary clubs sponsor Rotaract clubs and offer guidance and support, making the Rotaract
SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS clubs true partners in service and key members of the family of Rotary.
Follow us! Rotaract Club of Los Baos
FACEBOOK: Entom Pest Control
TWITTER and INSTAGRAM F.O. Santos Street, Umali Subd., Batong Malake
Los Baos, Laguna, Philippines
Rotaract Club of Los Baos meets every first and third Saturday of the month at 14:00 (2 PM) GMT
+8:00, PHT
Send us some interesting stories:

Years of Fellowship Through Service

President Rotary Year Rotary International Theme
Angelica Francesz Pineda 2010-2011 Building Communities, Bridging Continents

Elsie Rose Reaviles 2011-2012 Reach Within to Embrace Humanity

Maia Nisa Mauricio 2012-2013 Peace Through Service

Julius Angelo Galang 2013-2014 Engage Rotary, Change Lives

Ma. Micaela Vega 2014-2015 Light Up Rotary

Maria Cristina Dimaano 2015-2016 Be A Gift To The World

Glesly Joy Vasquez 2016-2017 Rotary Serving Humanity


Of the things we think, say or do

1) Is it the TRUTH?

2) Is it FAIR to all concerned?

3) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER


4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

The essence of leadership is a vision you articulate clearly

and forcefully on every occasion. You cant blow an uncer-
tain trumpet.
~Theodore Hesburg

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