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Wi Ke FOR CLERK OF COURT-CONTRACT WITH TERM AND CONDITION: WARRANT CIVIL COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF QUEENS HOUSING PART B: NO CONTRACT NO CLAIM: Title 18 U.S.C.& Ch. 96 &1961-1963: For Title 28~ U.S.C.S.~1605: For Constitution, ~ Article 4, “The right of the people be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects for unreasonable searchers and seizures shall not be violate and no warrants be issue: Article 5, ~ Nor a person shall compel in any criminal case being witness against himself nor be deprive of life, liberty, or property.” :LT-081888-16/QU:45 days old or more: n/a a FOR NOTICE OF FILING FOR CLERK OF COURT FOR THE JURISDICTION OF THE SOVEREIGN IN THE COURT INNOS AMVWAL 2 eS 102 01) AVN RO pue G2AISO3S ae a TMC | -TYLLC: No Contract No Claim Petitioner -against FE ESPERANZA RAMIREZ, ET AL: nouns that own no property: All rights reserve /siFe Esperanza Ramirez:correspondent:bonded:allodial: All rights Reserve : Fe- Esperanza:Ramirez:correspondent:bonded:allodial: All Rights Reserve FOR CONTRACT WITH TERM AND CONDITION For the Sovereign-Charter-Vessel of the Filing is with the Clerk of Court for the CLAIM. ~ For Title ~18: C.-S.-C.-8.-~242 For the[De] privation of the persons-contract- rights with the color-fiction-communications: Title: ~18: C.-S.-C.-S.-~1001 by the judge or attorney with the writing-contessions by their papers. ~=Collusion of the facts is with this claim of the rape, force, torcher, trick, perjury, lies, threats, “Stealing- property before the facts", “Obstructing-presumption-assumption-modification-guilty” before the facts: $5.5 million for trespassing territory 149-39 83 Street Howard Beach New York: One million insurance-=Universal Postal Union, "UPU"--law: $5.5 million due for each allege: Fraud-=5-30 years’ prison:18 U.S.C. &1342, -18 U: 41344: $2.5 million-= caretaker from 2006-present-= Stipulated calculations: For all BAR members-judges-police-marshals-Gabriela's Realty LLC-=all their agents: NY City Registrar: Acris: All cease-desist:claiming-invading-violating territory, 149-39 83 Street Howard Beach New York: Contract send for all concerning: Mailing lis htto:// 05-04-17: For all purposes: No Contract No Claim: For what purpose? : Judgment= Opinion: Warrant= No Consequences: For all Rebutted: All Fines are due: Attention Justice Dept.=FBI agents: Military: Arrests all perpetrators-magicians- terrorists: For the Claim of the Party is with the Knowledge of the Truth: 05:08:17 : Fe Esperanza Ramirez:et al, all right reserve:trustor: Pe bspertnaa am Ire oN A FOR CLERK OF COURT FOR THE RECORD OF THE SOVEREIGN CIVIL COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF QUEENS HOUSING PART B: NO CONTRACT NO CLAIM: International commerce is business conducted by incorporated entities that have no authority over any trade, and personal trade business. FOR Ail indexes: 24890/07-= 10 years old or more-=fraud: To writ $1.5million fine: LT-081888-16/QU-= 45 days old or more-=fraud: To writ $1.5million fine: Demanding Bid and Performance Bonds for both cases be post on court records of Queens Housing Part B: 18 U.S.C.& Ch, 96 &1961-1963. FOR THE FICTION-COURT CAN ONLY BRING MOTION WITH THE PARLIAMENTARY-OATH THAT IS SWORN TO AN ENGLISH-PARLIAMENT IN THE FICTION WITH THE PRACTICE OF THE FICTION IN THE VIOLATION OF ‘THE FOREIGN-SOVEREIGN-IMMUNITY-ACT WITH THE VACATION OF THE PEOPLE IN THE COURT IN THE WORLD. [THIS IS WRITTEN IN FICTION-LANGUAGE], and we quote, and as example below.. FE ESPERANZA RAMIREZ, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEM, INC. AS NOMINEE, COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. MRS RAMIREZ. With PREMISES KNOWN AS: 149-39 83° STREET, HOWARD BEACH, NY 11414. SECTION: 50. BLOCK 11415. LOT 47. SCHEDULE “A” ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE A PART THEREOF-BY DAVID WEPRIN, ESQ.- AS REFEREE, 86- 82 PALERNO STREET HOLLISWOOD, NEW YORK 11423. DULY APPOINTED IN THE ACTION: Nouns that owns no territory fabricated by magicians of the corporate- fictional world: No Contract No Claim. 2 GRANTOR, FE ESPERANZA RAMIREZ BY: DAVID WEPRIN. ESQ.- AS REFEREE, 86-82 PALERNO STREET, HOLLISWOOD, NEW YORK 11323, GRANTOR. THEN GRANTOR GRANTS TITLE TO GABRIELA’S REALTY, LLC AT ADDRESS 138-39 78" AVENUE, FLUSHING NEW YORK 11367: Nouns that owns no territory fabricated by magicians of the corporate-fictional world: No Contract No Claim. GABRIELA’S REALTY LLC: Nouns that own no territory: No Contract No Claim FE ESPERANZA RAMIREZ, ET AL: Nouns that Own no territory: Alll rights reserve /siFe Esperanza Ramirez:Correspondent:Bonded:Allodial: Contract: Condition : Fe- Esperanza:Ramirez:Correspondent:Bonded:Allodial: Contract: Condition : Fe Esperanza Ramirez, the living being of flesh and blood consent not fictions transactions in past, future, and present: For ail business transactions concerning the private territory: 149-39 83 Street Howard Beach New York need be sign with wet-ink pen signature of owner Fe Esperanza Ramirez or Fe- Esperanza: Ramirez, -= For all Bonded: Bond Document #. 2013032035: Bond Document # 584965563: Indemnity Bond #AMRIO0001 RA393427640US: Fe Esperanza Ramirez, et al: allright reserve has no debts nor is she bound be taking out her residence if she has debts: Maxim of Law: One cannot transfer to another a right which he has not. ALLODIAL: TERRITORY ADDRESS AND MEASUREMENTS: ALL RIGHT RESERVE :149-39 83 Street Howard Beach New York: [Beginning at point on the point on the easterly side of 83 Street, 60 feet wide, distance southerly 394.22 feet from the corner formed by intersection of the easterly side of 83 Street with the southerly side of 149 Avenue, 80 feet wide: running thence easterly at right angles to 83 Street, 100 feet of distance being through a party wall: ‘Thence southerly parallel with 83 street, 32.75 feet: ‘Thence westerly again at right angle to 83 Street to, 100 feet to the easterly side: ‘Thence northerly along said easterly side of 83 Street, 32. 75 feet to the point or place of inning] DULY sworn as true and correct, executed on this 08 day of May, 2017 with all rights reserve including the rights to make final determination of all definitions and intent stated herein, without prejudice: Fe Esperanza Ramirez, et al all rights reserve: Trustor /S/Fe Esperanza Ramirez Fe Espeyan2a Ramirer ase Ww a « 3 FOR CLERK OF COURT GIViL COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF QUEENS HOUSING PART B-NOUNS:NO CONTRACT NO CLAing All indexes- =17-081888-1&/QU-Nouns:No Contract No Claim AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING LIST FOR ALL OF CONCERN: 4+ All Agents-Robert Cecere-Gabrielas Realty LLC at Daniels-Norreli-Cecere-Tavel LiC-LP at 97-77 Queens Boulevard Suite 620, Rego Park, New York 11374 2- All Agents-Rodert Cecere-Gabrielas Realty LLC at Daniels-Norelli-Cecere-Taval at 272 Duffy Avenue, Hicksville, New York 11801. 3+ All 4udges-Jose Rodriguez at 29-17 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, New York 11435-2710, 4 All Clerks-Manager at City Register, MAHATTAN BUISNESS CENTER, 66 JOHN ST, NEW YORK, NY 1003, 5+ Steven Minuchin Secretary of Treasury at Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsyivania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20220, 6 Jeff Sessions at U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. Washington, DC 20530-0001 DULY sworn as true anc’ correct, executed on this 05/08/17 with all rights reserve including the Fights to make final determination of ali definitions and intent stated herein, without prejudice. /s/ Fe Esperanza Ramirez Fe Esperanza Ramee + authorized-avtograph all rights reserve (/s/:149-39 83 Street Howard Beach New ‘York [13414] Public Notary /eces Lhe INES & KHAN NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. 01KH6326871 ‘Qualified in Queens County My Commission Expires June 29, 2019 cesmsumary Tn taser: !Quéens County Civil Colt . Be Paine ee a T-OBL8B8-16QUs 15 chy ahd Ormreren Frou Gabriela’s Redity Lie / Landlord snd Tent vi 1272972016 n:. Residential Ditorarg: Resporiden(s) — Necerde Holai jnedicer b Fe Esperinza Ramitez = yo conooret ee Disposed 5 Givtive a TE ESPERaWZ RON PE > = Noone Hon oswi2017, i fewoen yt No covetrect Jodgment(1} Inquest ae ot bituren Show ST ie sas a abriek s PReciyhhe Teeter CAPA , Additonal Property Destin: all wots da 1d aka 24 floats Perrons, Danii Not Case rave PC. 275 oe om Hickbvite, NY 11861, (71) 4586000 ext: NA Com soni tof iH i ase on. ory: elrymont or te Le Fe Bip mice 145.35 654 Sean ni ne Hota Be, NY dha Genego Prange Ee, EAEERS RECORDED - 1229/2016 Pesitigh by Atta ney, Pi By: Gabrietas Realy ESPER ONZ AR BHR, Q2mrr9017 Nata tar Si Coie cou outer anton o2iToron7, Fidé By. ey ee eet Relic Restte 6 Calender, t Decided (4/1 17, eae 03012017 Col Ds nee or, ealCano17, wiki (R) FE Espefanca Ratirer, Rect Rel ReSiore 16 Caletdar, y x riots 3/06/2017 , Cole 04/12/2017; 03/14/2017, Fide By: (Ry Esperanza Ramlirez, Rcbet: Reso Cater, Situs ed, José Rodiguez) f z 03/102017 ei 4 Court Dies): so oanaaat 02/14/2017, Pilea BY: (R) FY EspSanza tains, Relief ReSitre fo Caigadar kas De aided ovirab17, Denied, Jose Rodi 93/31/2017 Motion (Geter). siete a Fic BY: (Ry EsSeranzn Roiirez, Religee ono Stitus: Désided ur72017 Dew er 05/042017 Decision, Sel 1, Result of 1: Spe Rodhiguer, Decifowanted: saz x lee 95/04/2017 Warrant (Origital ities, Lei 4K st sae |. Ordering Judge: Joe Rae, Se Sgt Age Src 95/04/2017 Judgment with Possession Seq 1, Fi So ie y2017 Ta ot agent 5/08/2017, Stats: (05/04/2017), Crag a Cabri ) Rami on eee egyioonn (sthe Dishonen ps Resto for vnemnee Boye reg = EE FOE Of No Lets 5 ae Tis sept ret inet ed sould of 05108217 0 sel suid i i a Cage ation by coning cig exe records ot ‘oust The Une Cont St at epiblef consr nee ZS Tati cae ii rs Page | a LE-OBIS2° 1611 /m) Gabrictas Rexity WC vs. (R) FY Bferanca Komice eS Clekk SP kt 7 , ‘ 2 Yemine= ARPEA oe - YY o1asr 3 ibe ne eallrunges Outcofnes): Adjofgned: 02/0017 we O2/10/26 8; Judge: Micffel All Purgoses, (s); Adjoin oat ¥ if" ornare wud ee Me (offon, 2 Rate Cl, sng): Adjoutet: 02/1 . 03/14/2017 Judge: J iguez, Pus céme(s}: Adjoiiried: 04/12/2017 7 Ganai2017 Patt B. Judge: Joa Rodfigues, Purpose: Motién (1 render eat Ouiedime(s) Adjourned: 04/13/2017 03142017 Part BY Judge: Jose Rodriguez, PuniSse: Motion 25 Restojye i Calelidar, Outgome(s)Adjoted: 04/12/2017 031472017 Patt BY Judge iguez, GJ- Restgre td s 03/14/2017 ait B, j Outcéme(s 04/12/2017 yi signe, Punjose: For Al Purses, OucSne( Adjoded: 05/6472 PaN122017 Pati, judge: ide Rodtiguea, Pursdoe Motion (2) Restbre ican Outedine(s): Deiied ‘o4ani22017 Rages Purpose: Motion (3- Restore to Calendar, Qutedinets): Dy oan22017 Rodifguez, Purpose: Motion af Restore t Caleitar, OulGomeis): Dekied banzreoi7 oe giz, Purpske: Moin (1) - Rest Wd Calear, Qutedine(s): Deed oariz2017 ge ak Puryose: Moifon (5) - 18 Caled, Ounes: Denied = yo, a. 05042017 Pa BY Jude: Jade Rodiguer, = For Alf Purpgses, Outecie(s): Judgifent wit Posscision, with Wartant, No Stayssnce Forthwith (based on Inquest) Ly + beleepeot Dictiorte »4: Show usthe Coytract béliave7 { Th acess LE ESPeRanz p RAM REZ A- ar} & odictine Pe-E£5Peranza Rawnravcez — : Pronsun. Te €s Re ranza Rams ez cacti Fe pteee Cund : on us Gabhela's Realty xe 4% ; Nope” Ob neccl le sect he biel amet B LyekYoaree BY domd-=on ceynanel a WATE ESR Dam24: Rem boa-Fornt/s ner Com se. TOL phonic 229 - orf} oy} sa Pot elect infomation recorded as of 05/08/2017 01:00 PM, Users should verify the ac Sources. The ‘recy of information by consulting original coust seconds or he Unified Court System is aot resporsible for consequential use of this data. v Page 2 of 2 Meurns "Pusu mo Aegan of Foreciosre and Site daly y ® ‘wall gall at et the Quasas Comey: Cowrtrooin 25, 82524 Seephin Rowtoven. deensice, NY on August 19, 2016 at 10:60 2.1 (premises knoe os 149-39 £306 Sweat. Howjed Bech, NY, Ali thas eartain plot piece or perect with the belidhigs and inmroveraunns thended erected. ‘of Queens, County of Qutens, City sad State of New York. will be sold subject to provisions of filed Jucigment Index # (reierse =plauns= noconthact., oP tate® sitcts, lying asd eeing in tive Block 11415 end Lot 47 ni, Peddy & Fenckel. PC (00 hatghey City Pleas, Garden city 11536. ec meantene Fark | ( Ai Fre Esperanza R / Fobic Milore fas aw DAR Yatfy, INES KAN NOTARY PusLc-state OF NEW vonk hich cen? ees2ser1 uaied in Queens Couny "87 Commuson exes ten 2 Yong nicks Patet 7 Moe 2eso0go7= Me crctrect joua and the pervone or parties the tenants, oevupante, having or Upon the noties of pentency of this aotion filed in the Office ef the Clerk of the Count pond s4-20/3 032037 wet bond FAR peool RH Bary. Paid debts, = ond REY bY Of OUESWE on Oetober 5, 2007. the Ee Y SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF QUEENS = A ly ncb 6 De fo2}3 = 19) Conctraet- INDEX, ZOURTETTDE ROWE DOIN Tees = Ei 7 aie eee ssp recor os Cpl sae (WES & awe < VOUS, Ganct NOM PC SAS OF MEW Yow 35. “Dn ht Recoull 2 36 heey i, No. o1KM6s26671 Bond 0/3 Para suman oceae eaty ‘Sammon esphae tna 20,2010 cheb! Secomel NEY DAVID WarRin, Bs0. rss oly apvagged by tis si of Funiocene tad Bole, rowete ta cal he ie tie ea Jue vol Lo nal se Of tic msoigiges foods nts pre fe ely dad, vay ot xe\ollows: 211 ets doe notin sear ald Bas ane Aaagust 19, 201, ny Southous, C owenora 75, 8% if ssa sev eae, 1 *0 bs piven saw subtlitant soloing 00 Ief end th . she morte effdav'ts of pubiition, HA Th ot the Ural fm posh ond, purewani ta sof ni, efered to the hiphets bidder ) $525,000.00, Herne its aed preagizas so the Setar te GABHIBLAS RBALTY LC, for the smn of Delng the Hide foamy bid thawtorh and the woounl of 855.5660 wax 1B the jag of Rec jfies platantt as fo SE Phe ae Yea, G5.04 it MA Reco) fal3} . ‘D3 OFQ 09S = pid vaste Hx wan fobt == cmd HEL ae Gistedres 7) onginert 1 UBER: Gt ‘emma eeotet dane o 2. | beliewe the Gourt should grant ry mation beceuse NOLAN YOUR MESSESARY) ops aernce BR IZ wer v REASONS, Use ADDETICHAL paren Saris ae tag the Court is FO thls MOTION/APRDAVIT OF TRUTH tobe publth ander | bafeaay weithun thal: 7 ragiscored caret systain af pule record, co 8 ecu cesva/ vats Wane a Ties comnted by tha court nd ts eum pont, at Sr wes forte oct Dublickad on Octobar 29, 2016 FOR @ fact, and on August 19th of 2046, Fe Esperanza Ramirez want to COUrt 20 verify if Davie Weprin had-the Sudacity te continued his criminal action. Long and behold he wes In court along with all his cronies avectioning Proparties, and along with an unknown Investor, named Venny Pepa, that for a fect when he saw Fe Esperanza Ramirez Staneiing up to stop David Weprin with his scheme of forsclesure rescued seam, he ren out of court as quickly ae he could, and teaving ‘Beeld Weprin pushing Fe Esperanza Ramirez salde, and ignoring her, ‘Then e Esperanza Ramiree, avid with all her rights ioud end. clear, and on open court, told David Weprin “Te cease and desist of his criminal activities agains: her names, property, snd ferally, as che novar had Biving him the delegated authorty to be a handiar of hor priveta effairs, asta NROAB AMOS fe, ae Setente Be lane EL arn steadied PAGAN Ae btS oma REV SUPREME COURT of the STATE OF NEW YORK QUEENS COUNTY. This is to certify that fe Espe ronta Rome has appeared in court on 3 _ 83 a ( withess/pary ) in the case of Index 2484/07 ourtruw dle Hone eons vs. —_fe Fsvercunz 52. om tothe Ramo Van S.c.c 7 Court Ck i ye as Howsrd Beach, NVI1416 149 (hendeafinr “enbiost porcals Re dango BS" POVEE ALOVEN IAD AND TO ANY 4100 ALL OTHER PERSONS OC: THE PREPASES TCE DEETAREM KORE PULLY. Ying iat hereby notified the: puravant to tha enn Redweas'y Deed. dunce HHO, (Cobricla'y Tegaltyy LLS hee fdiuived Ovnowsbip of the subjeat pranives caneiay: Bawa re 19-302 Bless Noword Bear, BYTISH fences nna “ NOTECE thet yor, ve thes Fatrasz aie OF Gas saber prema, ext 1! otter Rostons oxsurying the pocidex, euiked git and vucuts the enhjeat new: é end i (Ge to errant owas err before Nowe (20) dys, fern tis ShieRodes, ci€ secamporgyiny dorarncit, Hf ug, Bre sarved pen you boeines: te antjer proper bog tac OMG to the vadaciened exomack oviece soa Porcolowire sustion, snd dect (or cerf"ies capy thereof) divoned we conta owner nansaut 6 ts: Foreclosure sels tue busm enibitpt YOR Fiver tyre oh o> PLEASE Taam PR TIER KOvICE a, ‘A uuloes you quit ced yuonss the colyinat posredice tat of bets Nonustcr 18, 2656, the vatentigned tape awnaer of the exbjes: Estpines, weil cotaraens: procey'tfign ty a Court of eouanatent jue to ana you fess pon dona of the utoct premises‘ fad rucy dsmond tae waawsnebit neatet wEa.of your ses cad coonpensy of te subject ragrises from Detour 27, 2026 the dete the unvecigneds ome the uvics ef di wafers Bremiser "Ye, Fie h oF Keds Rago Parte, New Yeas. Goiober 27, 2018. fj & . } Gin : Estrin Rammireg Dry ye fuse _ blir Nib —S Ve INES Ewan o /B0'le Wowsr matesitt ot new yong No. o1xH6s26071 uatttied in au - My Commission Expin »nS County June 29, 2019 PARTMENT OF FINANCE OF THE CITY REGISTER eet part of the instrument. The City [Regier rey onthe information provides} [by you on tk page for purposes of indexing i i this instrument\(he information on this page | | a a i a ti N RECORDING AND ENDORSEMENT COVER PAGE 7" PAGEL OF ¢| Document Ki: 20161103003 12001 Document Date: 10-27-2016 / Preparation Date: | 1-03-2016] [Document Type: DEED » = | Document _ ee ipeuary narionan tines 1? 1415 KELLUMPL. STE 202- KM, }***PICK UP BY SUPERIOR DATA \**TITLE #75120 GARDEN CITY, NY 11530 516-741-5050 KAREN. MATHEWS@FNF.COM OPI : Borough Block Tot Cee Riel QUEENS 11415 47 EntireLot_ 149-99 83RD_STREET. Property Type: DWELLING ONLY -2 4M 67 Fg oy ve. SHR: / ae se Vy : SE 7 — N MS— +} Velion s = & lic. Nota yy. ce Fee FI) ) Oraet Log rot Nl) Corefhact ' le W/ealfy es tan CROSS RE! ‘E DATA No. OTKHOS26871 CREN____ or DocumentiD_ Yeor Reel___ Page queRlledTincBemens Coucty z career = hen ap |GRANTOR/SELLER: 4 |GRANTEE/BUYER: [DAVID WEPRIN, AS REFEREE. a |GABRIELA'S REALTY LLC 86-22 PALERMO STREET 138-39 78TH AVENUE JSHING, NY 1367 a oe HOLLISWOOD, NY 11423 Megs es [Mortgage : / [Mortgage Amount: 0.09 125.00 [Taxable Mongag ‘Aina 0,00 | NYC Real Property Transfer Tex: [Exemption: s 1,766.5 NYS Real Estate Transfer Tax: . 180.00 RECORDED OR FILED INTHE OFFICE

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