Palm Leaf & Selected Paper Translation M Hara Parasad Sastri

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Joint Pkiloloffieal Btereiary, Aiiatie Society, Bengal, and Prineip>tl,

Sanekrit College, Calcutta.





Pr^oooor of Samknt in the Univeroity of Oambrxdgo.

Jc/'nCo^ /'-o l>79 ^D- f/"i^


r r ..


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Uamirt OoUe^'e Ijibrnry
May. 5. IHlfi
Gitt of
PfOC. O. B. Lanman



Preface ... ... I-LXXXII

Historical Introduction ... ... 1-82

Catalogue of Palm-leaf MSS. in the Durbar

Library, Nepal ... ...

Catalogue of Palm-leaf MSS. recently col-

lected by the Late MaharajS Sir Bir
Shamsher Jang Bah^ur RSnS ...

Detailed description of some of the rare

Palm-leaf MSS. ...

Description of three MSS. in (lupta Charac-

ter in the Darbar Library

Description of some rare paper MSS. ..

Index I. Manuscripts
Title of 1-20

Index II. General Index ... . 1=28

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This volume contains the names of all the palm leaf

MSS. in theDarbar Library, Nepal, with short descriptions
of the most important of them, together with notices of all the
paper MSS., not properly described elsewhere. The palm leaf
MSS. are, as a rule, older than the paper MSS. and some of
them are written in later Gupta character. There are in the
Library 93 bundles of palm leaf MSS., which, with eight
bundles acquired by the late MaharSja Sir Vlra Sumsher Jung
Bahadur Rana, make up the total of 101 bundles. These
bundles contain altogether 448 MSS., though many of them
are mere fragments.
The number of MSS. in the Library, paper and palm leaf
together, come up to nearly 5,000. They contain the Royal
Collection of Nepal from the remotest antiquity, every succes-
sive king trying to add to the number. The climate is very
favourable for the preservation of MSS., and it seems not to
know what decay is. But still an examination of these MSS.
shows that many of the oldest MSS. have been dilapidated and
there is a vast lumber containing fragments of palm leaves
and paper, which, thanks to the interest evinced by the Govern-
ment and the Library staff, has been carefully preserved and
not thrown away as is generally done in all collections in
India. An examination of this lumber may prove extremely
interesting and a future Hoernle or Stein may one day dis-
cover important truths from them. Professor Bendall
examined a few stray leaves preserved in a copy of the
MahabhSrata and the result was excellent. His examination
has proved that Pali was at one time used so far north as
Nepal, and that what Dr. Hoernle calls Central Asian Nagarl

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was not confined to Central Asia alone. J.Ii.A.S. 1900, pp.

163 and 313.
There are 107 notice.sof paper MSS. of which some are
coin|>o.sed in Nepal and others in India. Of these 57 are in
Nagara, 2 in Maithila, 2 in Bengali and 40 in Newari.
Out of these eight in Newari and five in Nagara are undoubt-
edly composed in Nepal.
Vedic scholarship has for a long time been at
the lowest ebb in Nepal. There are some Vedic works in the
Library, but they are mostly labelled Vaidika-mantra-sarii-
grahah without any indication as to what Veda the Mantras
belong to. One of these, mentioned in page 42, No. 1206 V,
appears from the initial JIantra to be a portion of the Yajur-
veda; number 120G Jl, in the same page, 16 leaves only, to be a
portion of the Hg-Veda. Number 1583v, page 78, begins with
a mantra on jiarisamnhaiia which means cleansing the fire-
altar from the north-east with wet-hand till it reaches north-
east again in the direction of the right-haud. The mantra
belongs to Vsj. Sanihita XX. 14.
Sainliita-pSthas, pp. 10 and 23, Nos. 273 w, and 787 V,
belong to the White Yajurveda. The MS. in p. 10 is a
longish work containing the ordinary text up to the 7th
chapter. Samhita-patha in p. S3, No. 1077 s, contains a
mantra, Rg-Veda X. 140, 5.
There are three leaves 16-18, in number 1363 V, page 53.
There is a mantra in page 16 which belongs to the Rg-Veda
IV. 68, 9.
Pages 18, 19 and 84 contain three entries of unspecified
Vedic mantras, being Nos. 694 w, 736 and 1647 m. The
PurussasOkta figures in page42,(1206 n.)
The rites by which at the end of the rainy season the
study of the Vedas recommences, i.e., those which commence a
new session of the Vedic studies, are known as UpSkarma.
There are three MSS. relating to those rites.
(1) Upakarma raantrapi, No 1478 w, page 55, gives the
formulae used in these rites with sacrificial explanations.


(2) Upakarmavidlii, No 147:^ gives the pro-

ces.s of performing these rites. This is dated N.S. 180=1060
(6) Upakarmasnanavidhi, No 1534 page 63, gives the
manner of bathing for the purposes of these rites.
deskung peace^ and
TIio concluding rite in every sacrifice
happiness to the world is called Santi. The mantras used in
this rite form the subject-matter of No. 1584 T3T, page 63.
The commonly-used Santi is very short, but the rite men-
tioned! in thisMS. appears to be a rather hmg one covering
27 leaves. GanaySga-vidhi, p. 35, No. 1113 a, is an incom-
plete copy of a Vedic work on the sacrifice to the ganas, such
as the Marutgana. A Ganahoma has been described in Raja.
Mitra, No. 4101.
Isti Sntras, forming part of KatySyana's Kalpa-Stltras,
are to be found in 1559 n, in page 70.
There are three MSS. of the Gfhya Sntras in this Col-
lection; that in page .33, No. 1077 I, entitled Grhyoktavidhi,
belongs to the White Yajurveda; that in )>age 56, No. 1473 jt,

entitled Grhyapaddhati, was copied in N. S. 550 = 1430 A.D.

that in page 59, No. 1473 sr, Grhya parisista, has 38 leaves
and begins with the KSrika Bit Kalpam v5 svagrhyoktam,
&c., &c.
These are the only entries in the Catalogue of Vedic
works. The BrShmanas and Upanisads are unknown". Works
on Vedic sacrifices too are conspicuous by their absence.
There is only one solitary instance of a MS. of MimSinsS
in this vast collection. It is entitled NySyaratnSkara or
NayaratnSkara, pp. 30 and 113, No. 1076 w, which is, however,
to be differenciated from the work of the same name in Cat. Cat,
Vol. I, p. 310 A, and also from that in Cat. Cat. Vol. Ill, p. 66A.
The MS. is a fragment. It contains an unknown commentary
on the eleventh chapter of the Jaimini Sntras. It quotes the
bhasya, i.e, Savaras bhasya :

Saumyena vyavaySt pQrvasyai
Kf^nasarasya puronuvakyS, see p. 796, Mimanisa-dar8antt, _
VoL II, Bibl. Ind. Edition. The MS. was copied in La. Skip.

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264, i.e., by the middle

of the fourteenth century, by
Harikara, a student, the son of Maliamahopadhyaya Uatna-
kara in the village Kalliauiu Mithila. The author who
must have preceded the copyist is Sricandra, the sonofMaha-
mahopSdhyaya Gunarati of Posali grama, which is a village
giving its name to a clan of Brahmanas both in Mithila and
in Bengal. The author quotes from Srikara, a great writer
on MlmSinsS. May he not bo the same Srikara whose opinions
are so often refuted by JimOta-vahana in the Dayabhaga?
VySkaratia .
It is well-known that there were eight ancient
Schools of Grammar these are enumerated by Vopadeva in liis

Eavikalpadruma. The Nepal Pandits seem to have cultivated

the Aindra and the Candra Schools. And in this Catalogue
have been noticed many works of these two Schools with
occasional works from the neighbouring districts of North
Bengal and North Yihar.
Candra-vyakarana by Candra Gomln. There are four
MSS. of this work in the Darbar Library, see pp. 3 1 69, 72, and ,

76, Nos. 1076 w, 1558, 1588 w and 1608 w. One of them, viz., the
second, has a commentary down to the end of the second
chapter. The first was copied in N.S. 441 = 1821 A. D. For
descriptions of the Candra Vyakarana, see p. 249 J.A.S.B. Vol.
LXII, Parti.; Prof. Bendalls Cam. Cat., pp. 157, 158, (sic.) 180,
181, 198 ;
page 198. The author Candra Gomln
also Cat. I. 0.,
may be the laic who fiourished between 630-640 A.D. atNalanda,
see pages 129 and 130, Kerns Indian Buddhism in Grundris
derlnd. Ar., &c. In the page 11 of the same work Candra
Qomin, the grammarian, is said to have composed a poem called
Sifya LekhS. Not a single copy of this work has been obtained
in India ; all the copies known came from either Nepal or Tibet.
Of other grammatical works written by Buddhist
authors the Subanta-ratnS-kara is a curious instance.
There are two MSS. of this work in this collection, viz., in

p. 17, No. 468 w, and in p. 38, No. 1152 , in Newari and in

Maithila characters respectively. The palaeography of the
Newari copy shows that it was written much earlier than the

Maithila one. The older one begins with an invocation to

Sakya Muni. In the second verso is given the object of the

work, and in the third an imprecation against wicked hostile

critics. But more modern Maithila copy there is only
in the
one verse before the subiect-matter is introduced, and that verse
is an invocation to Sarasvatl. The commentary Rupa-sadhana>
by Subhflticandra, pp. 80 and 128, No. 1076 w, however, explains
the Buddhist invocation along with the other two verses. This
is a beautiful example of the Hindu trick of turning Buddhist

works into Hindu by simply changing the invocation. Subhuti-

candra appears to have been a Hindu, for at the beginning of
his commentary he invokes Hindu deities. So there is no
doubt that the original work contained the Buddhist invocation.
The work or Manual of Grammar deals with the declensions
of words.
The work Tih-bheda too appears to have lost its
invocation in a similar manner. The MS. is noticed in
page 90, No. 4, of the new collection, and has a distinctly Bud-
dhistic invocation, while the same work in page 83, No. 1645
V, has a doubtful one.
Durgha^vrtti was a work composed by Saranadeva in the
10 9 6

Saka year eka-nabho-nava-pahca-vitSDe, t.e., in Saka 1095.

This is one of the few instances in which the principal Agkasya
vSmS gatih has been neglected in a chronogram. The
Durgha^vrtti has not yet been discovered. But the author
allowed Sarvvarak^ita to revise the work for the benefit of stu-
dents. The revised edition is noticed in pp. 17 and 105, No. 468
n. The author Saranadeva seems to have been a Buddhist as
he invokes Sarvajna, which, without any qualifying word, means
Buddha. But the revisor is styled MahSmahopSdhySya.
Stein notices the same revised work in pp. 259 and 260. But
curiously enough in the extracts given by him occurs iti Raksi-
tah from this it seems revisions are in some instances marked
in the revisors own name. From the extracts there given, it
seems that the work belongs to the Kstantra School, ^d

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author notes on only the Durghata or difficult and doubtful

There are three dilapidated MSS. of the BhSsavrtti
VySkarana in Maithila character in this collection, viz., No.
382 gr, in p. 14i, No. 1586 , in p. 67, and No. 1634 , in p. 81.
This also is by a Buddhist author, Purusottama Deva, who
begins with an invocation to Buddha. He gives brief com-
ments on Paninis rules excluding Vedic Rules. The work is
still in use in Northern Bengal. But it seems that atone time
it had an extensive circulation in Mithila too.

ROpavatara Vyakaranam, by Dharmakirtti, page 60, No.

1475 w, begins with the words Sarvajnamanantagunan, but
there is no such verb as namami, &c. But that need not deter
anyone from thinking that the author was a Buddhist, as the
name of a deity pronounced at the commencement is considered
auspicious. And in this instance the deity is Sarvajna. It is

difficult to say to which School of Grammar the work belongs,

as the author in the first verse says Sukalapam, and then in
the second verse makes his pranama to Paoini. He seemed to
have started a new School of his own.
PadasOrya-Vyakarana, by Uteavaklrtti, sumamed
Saranga Upadhyaya, p. 18 and 114, No. 382 n. This belongs
to the Aindl^ or Katantra School of Vyakarana, and treats of
the formation of words and paradigms of roots. The Katantra
Vyakarana is called Kalapa from the tail of Kartikas peacock,
and Kaumara from Kartika himself. There are traditions
how the general -in-chief of the gods produced this work.
But from the manner in which Guha is mentioned in this
work he seems to have been a writer of this School.
Ropavalf, by Raghavarama Misra, p. 247, No. 1 592, is a
work on the declension of words in Sanskrit. It was written
in the Saka year 17 14, i.e 1792 A.D., for the benefit of the son
of Rana Bahadur Shah, the Maharaiadhiraja of Nepal Unique. '

PrakriyakaumudI, by Raraacandra Bhatta, p. 81, No.

1'076 sr, is a Manual of Grammar current in Orissa and the
Kalinga countries. The author was an inhabitant of the Andhra
FBFiOB. 11

DeSa or TailaAga. Eggeling in page 1G7B quotes a long

passage in Sanskrit from which I cull the following geneology
of the author.
In the family of ViUhana in the Andhra country was



Gopala Acaryya, Krfim ^carj-ya.

Nraiipha. Ramacandra.

This family is still known as the Sesa family, and it keeps

up its old tradition for scholarship. Colebrooke places Rama-
candras son in 1243 A.D,
Katantravistara, by Vardhamana, in Nagara character,
p. 158, No. 1549, copied in Sam. 1589 = 1533 A.D. The
work is mentioned in many Catalogues, but it has never been
described. A commentary on
by Prthvidhara has been

described in Raj. Mitras Gram. Cat., p.

7, but not the text.
The author Vardhamana is entitled Upadhyaya of Srimat
Karuadeva, i e., some Raja whose name was Karnadeva.
As this is a very common name of Indian Princes it is diffi-
cult to say which Karua is meant. Vardhamana, says Cole-
brooke, is often quoted in Kamadhenu by Vopadeva by the
middle of the 18th century.
Sat Earakam, p. 37, No. 1114 in Maithila character,
was copied in La. Sai)\ 475 in Bhauadagrama by Murari
Sarma. The Catalogue gives no more information than this.
But it is known from elsewhere that it was composed by a
Buddhist variously named as Ballabhananda, Bahasa Nandi,
and Mahesa Nandi. The author is sometimes called Rabhiisa
Nandi, too. It treats of the use of cases and consists of four-
teen verses only with a commentary. Eggeling thinks, p. 2U8B,

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viii PBEFAOt.

that the Buddhist invocation belongs to the commentary.

The work belongs to the Kstantra School and is still read in
East Bengal.
Manoramakucamardana, by JagannStha, p. 224, No.
1110. PrakriyaprakaSa was a recast of PSninis Snfcras in
practical shape by Krsna Pandita of the Sesa family in the An-
dhra country referred to ifi connection with the Prakriya-kau-
mudl. Kr^na Pandita had a student named Bhattojl Diksita
who wrote another recast of PSiiinis Sotras entitled SiddhSnta-
kaumudl, with a commentary called ManoramS in which ho
adversely criticised his Gurus works. This enraged the
sons of Vires vara, the son of Krsna Pandita, who defended
their family work against Bhattojis attacks. But Jagannath
PanditarSjS, the Pandit at the court of Dara Sheiko, the son of
ShahiShan, as a student of Viresvara, took up the cudgels
in his hands and wrote the present work severely criticising
Manorama. As the word ManoramS is in the feminine in
Sanskrit, he named his critique on it, ManoramSkucamardana.
Akhyataprakaranam, p. 56, No. 1478 w, belongs to the
KStantra School.
Upayogakramah, p. 85, No. 1647
Usmabheda, pp. 31 and 60, Nos. 1076 w and 1476 9, in
Newari character, gives rules for spelling words with the three
Sb. The first was copied in N.S. 441.
DhStujnSnarp, p. 86, No, 1647 9, treats of conjugation of
roots in Sanskrit.
DhStupStha, pp. 34 and 84, Nos. 1078 n and 1647 it.
Sixteen leaves in Gupta character on Grammar, page
85, No. 1648 Et. The leaves are not in order. They seem
to be the leaves of a long grammatical work. There are
some So^as given, but these are not Paninis Sotras nor are
they from Kstantra.
Kfdbhasya, page 88, No. 1693 9. Thirteen palm-leaves,
part of a large work on Grammar, contain many Sntras.
Three are noted down in the Catalogue, and they are found in
the same order in Kstantra. So these leaves must belong to


that work. These aro from the cliapter on Krt. It is a well-

known fact that Sarvavarma, the author of Katantra Sntras,
did not write these cliapters. They were written by the Vrtti-
kara KatySyaiia. So these leaves contain Sntras by KstyS-
yana or Vararuci with a bhasya. 'Lhis proves not only the
great antiquity of the Katantra Sntras but also of Katyayana.
- TIi work is called K|^bhasya. The Sntras noticed,' how-
ever, are the first Sntras of the work in the leaves under
notice. But they are numbers 84, 85 and 86 of the fifth Pada
in the chapter on Krts in the Katantra Grammar.

There are 91 leaves of a work on Grammar, p. 70, No.

1595 a. It is most probably a big fragment of the RQp8-
vatara Vyakaraiia noticed in p. 60. The chapters are called
avataras. The matter given in the Prarambha Vskya, in p. 60,
what may fit in exactly on one side of a narrow palm-leaf.

The first leaf is invariably written on one side only. But

the leaves in question begin with the second page and leave
out matter which is enough for the one side of the first leaf.
The chapters are ;

Safijnavatara 4th leaf.

SamhitavatSra 1 5th leaf.

VibhaktyavatSra 63rd leaf.

NatvSvatSra 71st leaf.

atv5vat5ra 73rd leaf.

Samasivatara 78th leaf.

Smfti .
Of the Smfti works, the original Saiphitas are
not very numerous in this collection. Pour are worth men-
tion, namely :

(1) Manavadharma-sastra, page 60, No. 1475 iv. This

appears to have been brought from India as it is in Nf^ra
(2) Parasara-smrti, page 59, No. 1478 v. Complete
in 12 chapters, is in Newari character.
(3)N3radlya-dharma-sa6tra,p. 44, No.l230er. Charac-
ter Newari.

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Manava-nySya-Sflstraiu, p. 43, No. 1230

(4) called
also Brahmokta-dlianiia-smrti in the first verse after the colo-
phon, is the Sanihita of Niirada on the law-book of Manu.

[Naradas work is often considered a.s an appendix to the work

of Manu]. It is accompanied with a brief coininentaiy in the

Newari language, entitled NySya-vikaSinl by Manika, per-
_ haps the same as the author of Bhairavanamla Nataka, who
wrote that work at the recpiest of Jayata, tlie son of Candana
VarmS and the minister of Jayasthiti Malla, the husband of
Rsialla Devf, in N.S. 500, i.e., in 1380 A.D. The ob]ect was
to bring the admini.stration of justice more in unison with
the Smrti than before. The advent of a new dynasty was
followed by reforms in every direction, and the aim of these
reforms was Aryanizing the Newars. The literary activity
of this reign has been touched upon by Prof. Hondall: the
administration of justice is spoken of here. Tlie composition
of many new dramas, by Manika, Dharma Gupta and others
also bears witness to the tendency of Aryanizing. The pre-
sent MS. was copied by VajrScSryya LQndabhadra, a Sakya-
bhiksu belonging to the Kirttipunya Mahavihara in IlhatgSo.
This shows that the Buddhist monks who excelled in Cali-
graphy were extensively employed in copying Hindu MSS.
In the Durbar Library, too, the Buddhist VajracSryas are
still the best scribes. Prof. Bendall obtained much valuable
information from the post-Colophon statements in this
The most ancient MS. on modern Smrti, i.e., of Smrti com-
pilations, is RatnakarandikS by Drona. See pages 77 and
127, No. 1683 This is so old, worn out, and dilapidated
and so worm-eaten, that it was impossible to take a full de-
scription. It was however copied in Sam. 1 189, f.e., in 1 133
A.D, in Nsgara character. This is the oldest MS. dated in a
non-Nepalese era, and in a non-Nepalese character found in
this collection. It treats of the rites and ceremonies of the
followers of Vsjasaneya SainhitS. It is a curious fact that a
work of so much importance and so much antiquity is not

known in quotatimia ;
rocoutly, liowever, another MS. of the
work liaa been lomul in tliu collection of MSS. presented by
A. (J. iJiirnell to the India OHice, and it is accompanied with a
commentary, but no description of the work has yet appeared,
It speaks volumes of the climate of Nepal, that palm-

Unwee-of blie 12th ancHSth centuries have not yet decayed.

Works like DaSakarma and Vivihakarmfisamuccaya, litur-
gical works, which are, as a rule, most carelessly kept, have
lasted in Nepal for more than seven centuries. Of these
DaSakarmapaddhati, a work on the ten indispensable sacra-
ments, a short hand-book of an olhciating priest, was copied
in 1170 A.D. See page 65, No. 1530 n. Vivahakarma-
samuccaya was copied in N.S. 233, i.e., 1118 A.D., see page
26, No. 933 m. Those belong to the Twelfth century. To
the Thirteenth belong the following liturgical works, namely,
Anantavratavidlii, page 40, No, 132(J sr copied in N.S. 405,
I.e., in 1283 A.D., Pratistha paddhati, page 77-78, No, 1638
, copied in N.S. 896 = 1276 A.D. I may remark in passing

that Prof. Bendall has not taken notice of this date of Ananta-
mallas reign, which will throw back that kings reign by
three years. In his list. History of Nepal, &c., &c., page 25,
the earliest date of Anantamalla is 399 N.S. But this MS.
gives the date 390 N.S. Another liturgical work of which few
ever take any care, i.e., a work on the Sandhya, which is

always committed to memory, namely Sandhy^^Tidh^, page

45, No. 1320 9, is dated N.S. 401=1281 A.D. A fourth
work, on PSrvana SrSddha, i.e., on the propitiation of the
manes in the full and the new moon, page 20, No. 772, 9, was
copied in La. Sam. 171 or about 1290 A.D. A careful search in
the private LibFaries of Nepal may yet bring to light more
dated MSS. of this nature.
Of the more important works, KarmakriyS-kSnda by
SomaSambhu, pages 49 and 95, No. 1861 i, was copied in N.S.
326, i.e., 1206 A.D. The work was composed in 1073, see Cat.
Cat, Vol. I, p. 83A.,_ and Biihlers KSSmfra Report, p. 77. It

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is a ritualistic work of the Saiva sect. Tlie author was a dis-

ciple of Siva, who was the disciple of \'^imale9a, the disciple
Gona, a Saiva saiut. The work ou tlie ilady and other

rites of the sect.

Sugatisopanam, pages 20 and 131, No. 772 v, by GaneS-
vara, was known only in quotations, see Cat. Cat. Vol. I.p. 724A.
The MS. was copied at Lalita Pattan by a Maithila scribe,
Thakkura Sri Mati darma in La. Sani. 221, about 1310 A.D.
The date of composition therfore must be earlier. The author
describes himself as Maharajadhiraja, of which country is not
known. I may here throw out a conjecture that he was a
king of Mithila before the commencement of the rule of the
Srotriya dynasty. He was assisted in his work by his great
minister DevSditya, the minister of peace and war. It is a
longish work on Smrti.
The next Smrti MS. of great anticjuity is the Sridatta-
paddhati, pages 45 and 129, No. 1320 ji. It was copied in
La. Satn 299, i.e about 1411 A.D. by DhaneSvara who was
settled at Khaeri by Mahopadhyiya Nara. It was composed
a few years earlier by Sridatta, the son of Nagesvara, a
Pandit honoured in the court of Raja Devasimha, the eldest
son of Bhavesa, the third King of the Srotriya dynasty. The
real name of the work is Ekagnidanapaddhati. This may
also be Zvasathyadhanapaddhati ; see Cat. Cat. p. 668B.
The author is styled Mahamahopadhyaya and Avasathya, i.e.,
the performer of Avasatha sacrihee. The performance of
sacrifices often gives the names to different Brahma^a families.
The work deals with the great gifts known as Mahadanas,
which form the subject of the next MS.
Mahadananirnaya, pages 36 and 122, No. 1124 w, is
by Vacaspati, or more correctly by Raja Bhairaveidra with the
assistance of Vacaspati. The MS. was copied in La. Sam.
892, about 1606 A.D. The work is not given in the list of the
authors works in Cat. Oat. page 559B. Professor Bendall
makes this work one of the basis for his chronology of the
Maithila Kings. It is curious, however ,~t!iat Bhairavendra is

called ROpanSrayana here, while lie la styled Ilarinarayaiia in

p. 7(1 A,, Hr. Mils. Gat.
A MS. of higher anti(|uity than tlie Mahadana is the
V'ratapaddhati, page 73, No. 1583 w. It was copied in La.
Sam 314, about 1458 A. I)., by Sudhadhara. For other notices
of this work see Gat. Cat. Vol. 1, p. 53(JB and Vol. II I, p. 12!)B.
The author is Rudradhara of Mithila. He may be RudradharaT
the disciple of GaudeSvara and the author of so many Candri-
kas on Smrti. In that esvse he must liave flourished later
than 1324 A.D. the age of Gandesvara.
The Maithila work on Smrti, next in antiquity, is Dana
Vakyavall by Vidyapati. It is represented in the Nepal
collection by two MSS., namely, pages 25 and 45, Nos. 910 jf
and 1320 is copied in La. Saiii. 512 and 395 respectively.
From Rsja, Mitra, No. 812, we know that a work of the
SainskSras was dedicated by the author to one RatnapSni in
La. Sam. 371. There are various works of the same name,
DSna-vakySvall, by various authors, many of which have
recently been acquiretl by me for the Bengal Government.
Both the MSS. are mere fragments, the more ancient one
has only 29 leaves.
VlvIdhavldySvicaracatura is a complete MS. on the propi-
tiation of angry divinities and bringing about prosperity. It
treats of ten thousand, hundred thousand and million homas,
&c. It is attributed to Bhojadeva and is a paddhati. The
work ends with the consecration of tanks, ponds and wells; see
page, 66, No. 1536 g. The MS. was copied by Subhapati
under the comman4 of Gadsdhara Deva, the Prince of MithilS,
probably the son of RSmabhadra in the town of Ratnadhara,
in La. Sam 872. The author Bhoiadeva does not appear to
have been a royal personage. He is neither the Bhoja of
DhSra nor of Nepal.
Smrti-paribhasa, page 32, No. 1077 by Yarddhamana,
copied in La. Sam. 388, by PadmSkara and Madhava Sarma in
the village of Nahosa. Vardhamana, who appears to have
been la judge at the court of Raja Ramabhadra of Mithila,

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and who wrote several works on Hinrti, wrote two on the

toclinieal terms of Smrti, naineK, I'arihliasaviveka and
Sinrtiparilihjisa (llaj, Mitra, No. 181-H).
V'iviXdacandra, jjago tfi, No. 1280 z, l>y Misaru Miara.
See Raja, ilitra No. 1850, where it is said to liave been com-
posed l)y Lak^ini Maliildevi, tlie wife of RajaCandra Siinliaof
Mitiula, with the assistance of Misaru Misra. 'I'lic Rrince Can-

dra Siinha does not appear in aii}' authentic list of theSrotriya

Raja^ of Mithila. Rut Misaru mentions him. Ho may have
reigned in a part of the kingdom, as Aufrccht, quoting all the
six introductory verses of this work, makes him the son of
Darpanarayana, the sou of Harasiniha, the son of BlmveSa.
It may be said in pa.ssing that the identification of Harasitpha
with Ilarisimha, the invader of Nepal, is most unfortunate,
because the invader was a Ksatriya SQryyavarngf while Hara-
siniha was a Srotriya Raja.
Vivadaratnakara, by (JandeSvara, and Vivfidanirnaya, per-
haps Vivadacintamani, by Vacaspati, in this collection are
well-known works often described by competent scholars.
Niriiayarka, by Srf Krsnarama, page 199, No. (2) 73, is a
work composed in Nepal under the patronage of Gorkha
King Maharajadhiiaja Rajcndra Vikraina during the miildle
of the last century. The author quotes from Krtya-ratna-
vall, Kalamadhava, Nirnayamrta, Nirnayabdhi and so on.

In the Colophon the work has been attributed to the patron

Rajendra Vikrama.
For Dvaita-nirnaya, by Vacaspati, pp. 8G and 90, Nos.
1648 W. and 12 ^ of the new collection, see prefivce to Vol. II.
Notices of Sanskrit MSS., Second Series.
Sarojakalika, in Bengali character, by Kaviratna, p, 33,
No. 1077 8, is a complete compilation of Smrti. Raja. Mitra,
No. 2014, thinks it to be a very ancient compilation as it does
not seem to quote from any compiler. The name of the
author seems to indicate that he was a Bengali. The present
palm-leaf MS. is a mere fragment.
Dhannasara, page 193, No. 1413, by Rurusottama, is a

unitluo work copie<l in Saku = lfiS5 A.D. It is a long

work on .Sinrti i'oiii|iili'il from varioiH woiks, Iuranas and
Hinrti. 'Ilio author stylos liiinsolf Jyofirvid, and jirefaces his

work wdli tlie praise of V'yasa and the piiriluas. lie intro-
duces tlic piirauas into the eompilation work on Uliarma
(jf a
with a long apology a fjMit, from which he seems to have been the earliest writers to utilise the l^uranas for the
purpose of illucidating smrti U;.\t8. The scribe, Bala Bhadra
and his son, were inhabitants of Mithila, though the MS.
is written in Nagara and dated in the Saka Era.
Dharmatattvaprakasa, page ld2, No. InOit, by Siva-
Caturdliara, son of (lovinda SOri, son of Nilakantha, son of an-
other Govinda. The family seem to have come from Pratis-
thana 01 ' Paithana near the Godavari. The author was born at
Benares. He composed the work in Saka 10(58. The Catur-
dhara family is still flourishing at Benares as a family of
learned men. There are four MSB. of this work in the Benares
College Library. Bee page 268B, Vol. I. Cat. Cat.
Dana-vakya-samuccaya by VogISvara, pages 74, and 105,
No. 1(306 gives the forinuhe for making gifts and incidentally
treats of the propitiation of angry planatory deities. This
seems to be a very ancient compilation, as it has been quoted
in the Bhoju-deva-saingraha, copied in Sake Samvat 1297.
The MS. of Dana-vakya-samuccaya in the Darbar Library
was copied in N.S. 848, though curiously enough it is said to
be written in Nagara character.
Danapradipa, page 185, No. 1238, by Madhava, is unique.
The MS. is incomplete. The author is daubed Mabamaho-
padhyaya. He is the son of Visim-Sarma, the son of Rama,
son of Dhidhana {?), son of Narasimha, regarded as a bearded
Sarasvati, the son of Vasudeva, who was by Raghava, King
ofTraivarnya Karanapura in Guzerat, brought from Svlmganl-
mdadhi and settled at Tolakirya. Hence his clan obtained
the surname of Tolakiryya. The work treats of such gifts as
those of cities, &c.
Tithyadiniruaya, by Fadiuanabha, page 184, No. 1294,

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character NSgara, copied in N.S 827 = 1707 A.D. is unique.

The autlior is daul>e<l (Jpatlliyaya aiui wrote liis work at
Benares. Tlie work sliould ratlier be called Iretakrtya-
niriiaya than Tithyadinirnaya, of which it profe.s.sos to be a
part. The latter is a big compilation entitled Yogisvara
Samgraha. Padmanibha .seems to have composed that volume
of it which treats of Pretakrtya in two parts, one entitled
Protakarmamaharnava and the other includes DaSakriya,
Avasathyapretisjiuca and the visit to holy men. The pre-
sent MiS. contains both these parts. Is YogiSvara mentioned
here the same as the author of Danavakya-.samuccaya ?
Krtyakalpataru by Laksmidhara, son of Hrdayadharaand
Foreign Minister to Mahai ajS Govindacandraof Kanauj, whose
reign extended from 1 li-5 to 1 143 A.D. (See M. Duff., p. 288).
Page 82, No. 508 s notices an incomplete MS. in Newari char-

acter. The work has been described by Eggcling, p. 409B.

The MS. therein described belonged to VidySnivasa, who is

wellknown as the father of ViSvanStha TarkapamcSnana, the

author of Bha^S pariccheda. It was copied by a Kayastha,
0 15 i

named Kavicandra, for him in the VyomenduSaraaltainSnmite

Sake, i.e., Saka 1510=1588.
in This settles the date of
Vidyanivasa who was a Banerji and resident of Navadvipa,
and along with his, that of his son, the author of Bhasaparic-
Acaradipaka, by Gaijgavisnu, page 153, No. 1500, is an
unique compilation of Acara, a part of Smrti. The author
gives his own genealogy and a genealogy of his patron Tri-
vikrama. The author is the son of Jayadeva, son of Rama-
bhadra, belonging to Gautamagotra. The geneology of the
patron Trivikrama is as follows :





Ilnmlriin (lie Adi Tula tliu Miik-

.Miiliidliain oi- the li^-iil.i or i-liief
founder of ii dy- Kin;;,
nasty at Tris-

a Y u vara ja


DayAlii Raja. Damodara.


Kaiuaraju Uatta.
. .1
The Patifliiof the Author.

Some of the passages in this account are so obscure that

I have been obliged to put interpretations on them very
differentfrom those by Prof. Bendall. The MS. was copied in
Saka 1674 = 1752 A.D. by Sivadharma and Bhuvanesa. The
work treats of all the principal topics connected with icSra.
Prati$thStattva by Raghunandana, in Bengali character,
page 65, No. 1636 a, is one of the 28 books of the writers
great digest, the standard smrti of Bengal. It was composed
during the latter half of the sixteenth century. It quotes
from Haribhakti-viUlsa of GopSla Bhatta composed in 1562.
The present MS. was copied in Sapta traya-patri-tSrakadhl8aih
Sahketite Saksbde, t.e., 1537 Saka=1615 A.D.
Pretamahiarl, page 218, No. 1169, is dated N.S. 827 =
1707 A.D. It treats of the last rites of man. It is neither the
same work eis the Pretamahjari by DySdu Misra, Ulwar 1403,
uor the same as Ulwar 801.
BrShmanarthaprakasa, page 218, No. (2) 112 gives the
meaning of the word Brahmana. It is a unique work by Hara-
datta. There is a curious expression in the Mabgalacarana,
uamely Tam gurum Saradarupain Namami Purusottamam.

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xvni I'llKKACK.

It seeiua tl>at the iiameut the autliors guru was Punisottama,

and tliat he is ideiititicd with Kitlf.

Madaiui-ratuiv-pnulipe piayagcittodyota, page 223, No .

1 28G, is part of acoiupluto digest of religious and civil law of the

Hindus, compiled by Visvauatha, a Giirijara of the Srlmali

clan, inhabitant of Benares. His father was Satta. Srimala,
the small kingdom, of wliicli the poet Maglia's grand-
father was the chief minister, sarvSdliikarl, gives its

name to a very influential section of Gurjiara Brahmauas .

The author Visvanatha belonged to that section. Professor

Bcndall supposes that Madana Siinha Deva, the patron, or as
the authors are pleased to style him, the compiler, of this
work belonged to Gorakpur-CampSrana. But the India Office
Catalogue, page 637A, him a king of Delhi. This may
sound strange to historical cars. But in 1412 died Mahmud
Togluk who abolished the Empire, gave up sittingon the throne,
coining money, and the city and the province fell a prey to
Afghans and Rajputs alike. Madana Sir}iha appears to have
been an influential Rsjput chief in the province and he invited
four great Pandits of his time to compde a Smrti digest.
These are Ratnakara Migra, GopInStha, Visvanatha and
Gangadhara Bhatta. The work is divided in 7 uddyotas of
which the present MS. contains the fourth, that dealing with
PrSyaacitta. And it has been done by Visvanatha alone.
The statement in the India Office Library Catalogue
takes out Sakti Simha, from the CampSraiia genealogy
doubtingly placed thereby Prof. Bendall and places him in
VSiasaneyinSmahoratrSirita-dharma-nibandha, page 47,
No. 1820 5, is an incomplete copy of a Smrti work on the

daily rites of the professors of the white Yajurveda. It be-

gins with an invocation to Visnu.
Viramitrodaya, by Mitra MiSra, VyavaharakSiida only,
page 251, No. (2) 65. For the date and time of Mitra Misra
see pp. 438-441 and p. 371 of the India Office Library Cata-

Sivaratrivi(lli5iniin, page 62, No. 1&08 3r, derives its

authority from the l':idmaj)urai.ia.

.SaptamivnitakaUiii, p. SI, No. I6t> to, coi)ied in N.S.
5U8=1888 A.D. Katlias are stories in Sanskrit generally in
Aunsluljh verses proclaiming the great elheacy of any vrata.
They are very common in Northern India. 'L'he discovery of
this AIS. proves their anti(]uity.
SSiusanigralia, j). -48, No. 1880 to, wascoi)iedinN.S. 875 =
1255 A.D. It is a part of an unknown work entitled Veda
Vaisnava-siddhauta rahasya, that is, a work written with the
object of reconciling the V^edas with Vaisnava doctrines, and it

treats of such topics as laksahoma in nine chapters. It seems

to indicate a stage in the of Tantrika Vai^navism
being incorporatetl into Hinduism.
Vajasaneyinam VivShadipaddhati, by llSmadatta, p.
80, No. 1634. The author is the son of Gane^vara, the son
ofDevaditya. [See supra Sugatisop5narn.] Devaditya and his
on Vireivara were the ministers of peace and war to an
unknown kingdom, probably Mithila. The work pertains
to the white Yajur Veda, and treats of the ceremonies to
be performed by the professors of that Veda. Ramadatta,
and his father Gaoesvara are described as mahattakas
or noblemen. In Raja. Mitra No. 11 GO, RSma-datta is
said to follow Vacaspati Mi^ra the great Maithila lawgiver.
The MS. is written in Maithila character and dated in La.
Sain. 414. These considerations lead me to infer that the
author was a Maithila. But the work is held in high respect
by the Yajur-vedis all over Northern India. As the matter
stands, Rama-datta writes a Paddhati based on VSeaspatis

end of the MS. may refer to com-

digest, the date given at the
position and not
to copy. Theodore Aufrecht has changed
the name of this work into Vivaha paddhati, p. 680B. Vol. I,
Cat. Cat. But he has no authority for it.
Agastyavratavidh8natn, p. 52, No. 1863 m speaks of
the process of worshipping Agastya, the great Ksi.
EKadaSi-vratii-mahatmyam, p. 80, No. 1008 and p. 44,

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No. 1280 a. The first was copied in N.S. 558, and the second
in N.S. 400, during the reign of Anandamalladeva at the

temple of PaSupati. Both are in Newari character.

EkadaSi-vrnta-vidhauatn, p. 70, No. 1559 , is in Newari
KanvSyanaSraddha vidhih, p. 45, No. 1320, B, in Newari
character, treats of the Sraddha of the professors of the
KanvaSakha of the white Yajurveda.
Durgarcanakalpataru, No. (2)110, by LaksmJpatl
p. 187,
Sarina, in Nagara character. Complete. Unique. It was com-
posed under the patronage of Navarat Raghunath, the son
of Yuvarat Ranabhima Shaha, son of Knna Varma, during
the reign of Rana Bahadur Shah, the Gorkha king of Nepal
(1777-1799), who is described as having overrun Cina,
Mithila, Kamarupa, Ahga, Vahga, Kalinga, Kuru, Maru,
Yavana. The author is entitled Daivajfia Siromani and was
the son of Krsnananda.
Kalamadhava-karika-vyakbyanain, p. 160, No. 1294,
by Vaidyanatha SOri, son of Bhatta Ramacandra of Benares,
is a commentary on Karikas based on the work of Madhava-

carya on the determination of time for religious ceremonies,

entitled Kalanirnaya, commonly called Kalamadhava. This
has been published in the Bibl. Ind. The authorship of
the Karikas is unknown. Vaidyanatha, the commentator, be-
longed to the wellknown Paygaunde family of Benares.
KuSandika is the common homa for all ceremonies. It
isperhaps the shortest homa known. A work on this is to
be found in p. 66, No. 1478, b.
Caturthl-Vidhih, p. 80, No. 1684 u, describes the cere-
monies to be performed on the 4th day after marriage. Visnu-
pratif^a-vidhih, p. 52, No. 1868 m, is incomplete and has 86
leaves only.
Vyavaharapradipa, p. 268, No.l412, by Kr^na is an ele-
mentary work on astromony as applied to Smrti. This is to be
differenciated from Kalyana Varmas work, and also from
Padma-nabha MiSras work on the same subject and of the

same name. Tlie author says tliat in .lyotisa, Tantras, Sicl-

ilhaiitas and Vaidyaka, tho meaning only and not grammati-
cal inaei iiracios are to be taken into consideration.

Suddhadipika, p. 255, No. 1500, is a liturgical work of

no value, by Durga Datta. The author seems to have abridg-
ed a work entitled Prapa ncasSra, an unknown smrti work,
and treated of tho proper method of repeating tho Gayatri.

Carakasanihita, p. 86, No. IG^S n, in Newari charac-
ter. The description of this MS. has not been given in the
Catalogue, but from my notes I find that it was copied in
N.S. 803 = 1183 in the reign of Ratnadeva. In this case the
year is words SamvatsaranSm
given both in figures and in
trayodhika ^atatrayarn Agke + -f Samvat 803 Caitra Sudi
Somadine. It was copied by a Srivastava Kayastha Pandita
named RatnapSla who came from Jejabhukti or Jejhauti the
cradle of Candela power in Bundelakhanda. The grantha-
samkhya is given as 12,686.
One hundred and twenty chapters were spoken by itreya
to AgniveSa Then it was revised by Caraka. But even
then it was not complete by a third. So Drdhabala of Pafica-
nadapura completed it after propitiating Sainkara.
The medical tradition of this school seems to have
in the Vedic times. Agnivesa compiled the tradition about
the period of the rise of Buddhism, for among the numerous
Buddhist sects before Aloka we find one founded by an Agni-
veSa. Caraka, whose name the school bears; only revised
it, and this Caraka may well be the medical man in the
court of Kaniska, the Indo-Sythian King, as Professor
Sylvain Levy surmises, from Chinese sources. Drdhabalas age
to settle.
it is difficult But 1 will hazard a conjecture, that he
wrote when the last Hindu dynasty was reigning in the
Pan jab. The MS. is complete and it bears a date before the

Muhammadan conquest of Hindustan. The work has been

several times printed in Calcutta.

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xzu ritBFACK.

OikitsSinrta, p. 170, No. (3) 70 (sco Report, page 9j. The

work is uearly complete, the first leaf ouly is missing, the first

leaf as given in this MS. contains the preamble of a work on

ilateria Metlica in which the author e.xpre.sses his dissatis-
faction with previous woiks on the subject, some being too
small, some too and so forth.
NidSnain, p. 70, No. 1569 's. From my notes I find that
the MS, contains a few leaves ouly and they treat of the
Ksudraka-roga-nidanam. It was copied in N.S. 571=14i51
Nilakanthasanigraha, p. 200, No. 1185, is a work on
Hindu medicine by Nilakantha, the son of Narahari andSSvl-
tri, belonging to the Vaidya caste. One of his remote ancestors
was Tripuraridhana a Mahopidhyaya. His uncle was Sri-
dhara of the Dhanvantari gotra. The MS. is a Physicians
Vade Mecum.
Yogasara, p. 235, No. 1137, by NSgarJjuna. The first

seven leaves of the MS. are missing. In leaf No. .\06 occurs
the statement Iti NagSrjjunakrte Yogasare Sri 'if + +
cikitsa. The MS. is incomplete at the end t<>o. The
work is a very ancient one and is attributed to t^e great
Nagarjjuna, the founder of the Mahayana school. i

Yogaratnasamgrahah, p. 35, No. 1113 n, by PuruBottamu

Datta of the Vaidya caste. The MS. was copied in tpe Saka
year 1566 on the full moon day of the month of M.tgha on
Tuesday. Sumati-jayajitamitramalladeva of Nepa.l made
a gift of this MS. in N.S, 810 = 1690 A.D. The woyk has
240 leaves written in Maithila character, though the state-
ment of the gift at the end is in NSgara ak^ara.
Rasahrdayah, p. 289, No. (3)118, by Govinda Bbagavat.
It a work on Hindu Chemistry, and Dr. P. C. Ray thinks it

is one of the most ancient works on the subject. The work is in

the form of a Tautra, being divided into 21 Patalas. Buddistic

gods and Bodhisattvas are mentioned in this work. After
the colophon there is a statement that Dhanaiit obtained this
work from a worshipper of Narayana.
CRKKArK. xxin

ViSvanSthapraka^a, p. 24, No. 845 n, was cou.suleivd rare

even in Nepal wlion Lawrenco compiled his list of rare MSS.
in that country. I'he MS. contains 447 leaves.
In p. 90 is mentioned a MS. with 180 loaves, being
No. 14 of the new collection made by Maharaja Sir Vir
Sumsher Jang Bahadur, on the medical science. There arc
no colophons in this work, and from the verses quoted in the
Catalogue, it appears to be a medical compilation, one of the
verses being the opening verse of the Madhavanidanain. But
that verse had long become the common heritage of medical
men in India and is found in many medical works.
Sarottara nighantu, p. 87, No. 1114 5. The MS. has leaves
missing in the middle. There are 179 Slokas. It is a work on
synonyms in the medical science. The MS. begins and ends
in Buddhist fashion. The opening verse is the same as that
of MadhavanidSna. It was copied in N.S. 200, i.e., in 1080
A.D. The author's name is lost by a lacuna, but he is de-
scribed as AcSryavarya.
No.lll4w, inpp.36andl30, seems to con tain two work s, on e
incomplete in the earlier and the other in the latter part. The
two works are by two brothers Ravigupta and Vi?nugupta, both
sons of Durgagupta. Vi^nuguptas work appears to be a
nighantu, SiddliasSra nighantu, noticed in p. 86, and the other
work SiddhasSrasamhitS by Ravigupta is on general medical
science. The number of leaves 95 and the extent in Slokas
1212 both refer to the combined MS. The date of the copy
and reign of the king are both lost by lacuna.
A complete copy, however, of Raviguptas SiddhasSra
saiphita is noticed in the Catalogue under the name of
simply Ssrasamgraha, in page 21, No. 787. It is complete in
24 adhySyas, the last chapter being on poisons. It was
copied in N.S. 494=1374 A.D. The authors of both these
works seem, from the terms in which the MahgalScarana has
been couched, to have been Buddhists.
TodalSnanda, p. 181, No; (2) 326, is a medical compila-
tion made under the patronage of Todala Malla, the Finance

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Minister of Akbar. [See iii/ra Horasukha.] This was one of

the works reported Ijy the Pandits of Nepal to Major Law-
rence as rare. 'I'lio jwesent work begins
with an obeisance
to Dhanvantari and the Asvinas. The compilers consulted
works of Kuntisuta and others. Knntisuta appeal's to be
Nakula who is credited with the authorship of a veterinary
work entitled ASvaeikitsita which has been published as a
supplement to the Asvavaidyaka in the Bibl. Ind. From the
statement in this MS. it appears that Nakula is said to have
wTitten a work on medicine too. The present MS. is in three
Nadlparlksa, p. 198, No. (8) 76, was composed by RSma-
candra Somayajin, son of SarnrSt Agnicit SomaySjiu, in
Sam. 1405, [See Rep. p. 10.] The author seems to have been
an inhabitant of Orissa [See Rep. p. 15.] and credited with
the compilation of a smrti work. The present MS. was copied
in Samvat 1778.
Veterinary .
Asvavaidyakam p. 151, No. 1161, by
Dipahkara, has already been fully described in my Report,
page 10. The author was the son of NSnSkara and the
grandson of Nidhanakara, a Vaidyaby caste, belonging to the
KantSra vSsinI GSi. Dipahkara, nay, his family appears to have
been Buddhists. The MahgalScarana, though it begins with the
word Siva, does not appear to be 'n obeisance to god MahS-
deva, as the word Siva appears to be an adjective to Sarvajna,

and the next hemistitch Taj jhSh kimapi yam viduh
stamps him as Buddha. The author boasts that his hairs
were coloured with the dust of the lotus feet of Dipahkara
who may be a Buddha, a Bodhisattva or a great Bhiksu, but
be cannot be a Hindu deity. The simile Buddhah Suddho-
danSdiva is also Buddhistic. Few Hindus will have recourse
to such a simile. The work is said to be in 90 chapters and the
extent in Slokas, is 1300. The author makes his praiiama to
Salihotra, the founder of the Veterinary art and to his
disciples. He consulted previous works on the subject, and
his practice was of. great use to him.

Asva3'urveda, pago lOl, No. 705, by Uai.ia. The MS. is

iucompleto. It is like the previous work, a compilation from
Salihotra, Garga and others.
Yogamaujari, p. 233, No. 81(5, compiled by Vardharaana
under the orders of Vi^ala, a minister. The father of the
author was Acarya Joanapati, probably a Buddhist minister.
Vi^ala belonged to the reign of King Narendra Malla of Nepal
who ruled by the middle of the seventeenth century.
Sirasamgiaha, p. 265, No. 816, by Indusena or Indra-
sena,who styles himself as a MaharajadhirSja and Man-
darendra and whose Viruds ROpanarayana, &c., show that he
was one of the BrShraai.ia rajas of North BiliSra or connected
with them. It is a short work and was composed in Saka
1734 Dr 1812.

Aristanavanita-vySkliya, p. 148, No. 1806, in Newari

character. It is a commentary on the astrological work
entitled Aristanavanita by Navanitanarttanakavi, who selected
all matters relating to Arista, or evil influence of planets,
from the Hora sastra, which means principles of Astro-
logy learnt from the Greeks. The present work is a commen-
tary on Navanitanarttanas work by Sridhara (see Catalogue of
Ulwar MSS. No. 1711, Extract No. 452). Sridhara is quoted
twice by Bhakaracaryya in his Bijaganita. Copied in N.S.
800 = 1680.
Gapskamaudanain p. 163, No. 1412, by NandikeSvara,
son of VedShgarSya, in NSgara character, is an elementary

treatise on astronomy as applied to Smrti. The MS. is incom-

plete. (See Cat. Cat. Vol. II. p. 28A. See also Peters IV, p. 44.)
The genealogy of the author is thus given in Petersons extract.
In the Gurjara country there is a BrShminic settlement named
Sristhala. There was a BrShmaiia there named Ratna Bhatto
whose_8on was TigalS Bhatla. His son was Malajit who ob-
tained from Shah Jehnn, Emperor of Delhi, the title of Vedanga
Raya. His son NandikeSvara wrote this work for pleasing his

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father. The author consiilleil among otlier work.s Muliurta-

cintamani, GanakabliO^na, Ratnainala, Joytirvidabharana,
Sajjana-ballabha ami TrivikrainaSata. Veilahga Raya wrote
tlie ParaSI prakaSa 1648 A. D.
GoloddeSa, p. 1(55, No, 11(57, by Damodara. The MS. is
copied in Nagara character in N.S. 880= 17J0 A.D. Thisisan
attempt to reconcile Astronomy with the Puranas. The
author quoting from Garga and others .says that Yudhisthira
era will remain extant for 8,()41< years. 'I'hen will' commence

the era of Vikrama and remain current for 185 years. Then
the Saka era for 1880. Then will arise a king named
Nagarjjuna who, killing the Mlecchas, will initiate an ora that
will last for 400,000 years. Then will King Dharmaral
start an era which will remain in force for 10,000 years.
Then when the world will bo covered with Buddhists and
Mlecchas will come Kalki, and in 81 years he will destroy
them all.

This is an elementary treatise on astronomy having a

few chapters on Astrology. Uniciuo.
Grahadarpana, p. 166, No. 1412, by Gaurlfivara, is based
on the SOryyasiddhanta. Unique. It .says that the astrono-
mical era, that is, the Saka ora, commenced after 8,170 years
of the Kali Yuga.
GrahaprakSSa,p. 167, No. (2) 8'A, by Kssinatha, composed
in Saka year 1735, the year of the birth of Rajendra Vikrama.
The author follows the system of Varaha Mihira and of SOrya
siddhanta. He consulted Brahma-siddhanta, Vasistha-sid-
dhanta, Suryyasiddhanta, Tattvaviveka, Saurabha^ya and
other works.
Camatkaracintamani, p. 169, No. 1 1 12, by Rsi is an astro-
logical work giving the effects of the rise, continuance and
setting of planets on the destinies of men. The MS. has not
been properly described elsewhere.
Jataka-paddhati-vyakhyanam, p. 178, No. 1167 by SOryya-
deva Somayajin of Nirdhruva gotra, is an unique commen-
tary on Sripatis well-known work the .latakapaddhati, for


wliich see,.4urk:irs Keport lir 188J-S3, ami Oat. Bik.,

ji. 'Ilio jiif.-^cni .MS. was c.])a!d Ki o A.I).
.lalakarnava, p. 179, No. 157f<, li} \ aralia Miliira, is a
short work on liorosco[jy, coj)it'tl in Newari, in N.S. 888= 17f)3.
The MS. tliougli it profosses to he complete contains throe
chapters only, namely :

1. Grahamadhyadhikara.
2. Grahasplm^dhikara.
8. TripraSniidhikara.
The tidrd chapter in I.O. MS. is
cha)'adhikara, and the
last verse of the present MS. treats
of the shadow of the
sun-dial at mid-day. The
MS. contains three more chap-
ters. The Trinity College MS. contains the second chapter
only. In the Durbar liibrary MS. the author is stated to be
Varaha Mihira.
Jaimini-sutra-vyilkhya, untitled Subodhini, p. 179, No.
(1)100, is a commentary by Nilakantha on a work on horos-
copy in SDtra form, complete in four chapters divided in four
pSdas each, attributed to Jaimini. The Sanskrit College Library
copy is defective in the beginning, while the MS. under notice
is complete to the end of the second'chapter. The Sanskrit
College copy states that the work was composed in Saka 1676
in Nepal during the reign of Ranajit Malla Deva of the solar
dynasty, the last King of BhatgSo in Prof. Beudalls list.
The Durbar Library copy contains in the second verse from
the beginning a statement that it was composed at the request
of Rauabhuj, a King of the solar dynasty. Ranabhuj and

Ranajit appear to be one and the same person. The author

Nilakantha is, therefore, a person different from the author of
the Nilakantha Tajika. There is a complete copy of the
original SQtras of. Jaimini in the Asiatic Society in the
Government commentary.
collection with a

Jyotihsastrain, p. 20, No. 772 %
appears to be a work on
divination in Sanskrit and Newari, compiled from various
sources by the observation of the positions of dogs, lions,
mules, snakes and elephants, &c., &c.

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xxvni PaETAOE.

ToHalanaiula, pp. 182-8H, No. 1167, W li^r^ukha, l>y

Todala Malla. Tho MS. was copied in Samvat 1680 = 1583

A.U. in Nagara character. Todala Malla, tho great Finance
Minister of Akbar, who is termed MahSrajadhiraja here,
made i.c., in Smrti, in Tantra, in Vaidyaka
several compilations,
and in astrology. The names of his compilations end in tho
- word sukha or saukliya. The present MS. is Horasukha'or
Horasaukhya. It relates to Horasastra or Horoscopy. The
attempt was made, as the author says, to bring together in
one place, the substance of all such works as Jatakasamhita by
Varahamihira. In the preface the author speaks of VaSistha,
Bhrgu, Garga, Parasara and others engaged in spreading
religion. Unique.
Nak^atrasaravall, p. 194, No. 1188, gives the description
of the various asterisms or naksatras, the number and position
of stars in each and such other topics. It is a short work
in Newari character. Unique.
PatasaraniUkS, p. 205, No. 11 67, or rather Patasadhana-
Uka, by ViSvanatha Daivajua, the son of Divakara Daivajha, is
a commentary on the Patasarani by GaneSa Daivaiha, son of
KeSava. For the author and the commentator, see Bhandar-
kars Report for 1882-88, p. 29, preface. It deals with the
rules for compiling Hindu almanacs. The initial year is 1444
6aka=1582 A.D.
PraSnottara-ratnamalika, page 88, No. 1152 it, is a work
on fortune-telling from questions. It is on palm-leaf in Newari
character, 14 leaves only.
PraSnottarSvall, p. 210, No. 1882.The MS. is in Newari
character copied in N.S. 524 = 1404 A.D. The author is Ga?a-
pati Sarma, the son ofKamalSpati and PadminI and the grand-
son of Haripati. It is a work on fortune-telling by means of
questions. The copyist is Devafiaipkara SarmS, the son of
Ganapati, a resident at Svanik^vantS.
Bhattotpalaratnamala, p. 229, No. 1188. This is a mis-
take of the scribe for Jyoti^ratnamSlS, by Sripati, with a
commentary by Mahsuieva. Mahsdevas commentary seems'

io oc VCVy iiiucli abridj^cil iu tliis work. (Sec L'lwar Cataiogm.-,

extract No. tyR.) The genealogy of flie coiniiiontator is thus
given iu the extract. 'I'liere was iu the family ot Srijanyalayaa
hraliinananamed Handhuka, who was a friemlof King Karna.
He had a son named Mahacleva who had three sons Ijuniga,
Ama Sarma and Ajayl. The last was a friend of King Hhiiiin.
Ijfinigas son Mahaticva, the commentator, wrote in 1185 Saka =
1208. His grandfatlier Mahadeva wrote a commentary on
the Kstantra gi-ammar entitled fiphutaSahdasiddhi.
HorSpaddhatikalpavalli, 8aUka, p. 278, No. (8) lot).
The text is by Vittela belonging to Rrsi.iatrigotra, and the
commentary is by Rudia Jyotirvid, the son of Vidyakara.
Bhojadevasanigraha, pp. 8, 18, 31, 12, 80, 120, Nos.
220 s,019 It, 1078 , 1200 w, lG4i8 w is an abstract of Hhoja-
devas great work on Astronomy- Astrology whicli again is based
on Varahamihira. Damodara, the author, consults the works
of YogiSvara and others, but he strictly follows the method of
V arShamihira. The work treats of the fortune-telling of kings
only. Professor Bendall says that the MS. in page 34 and
120 is the earliest work dated in a non-Ncpalcse era, namely.
Sake Samvat 1297.
Mayuracitram, p. 89, Nos. 1176 w and 1179 w. This is a
work on divination. It is written in the form of a dialogue be-
tween Garga and BhSguri. The works known on the subject are
attributed either to NSrada or to VarShamihira. The present
work is in the form of a PurSiia complete in eight chapters.
YavanajStaka, p. 40, No. 1180 w. -The work has been
fully described by me in Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal,
for 1897, in p. 310, also in my Report, page 8. But at
that time the colophons of the various chapters were not
drawn up. From a perusal of these in the present Catalogue it
appears that the Yavanas could divine at birth whether a new-
born child would be a monk. This at first sight may appear
strange, but if the fact that among the missionaries of Asoku,
two were Bactrian Greeks be taken into consideration, it
would appear that Greeks in the outlying Provinces of their

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Kmpirc often boeaino bhiksus of the Huihiliist relion.v. i

take this opportunity of correcting; two mistakes which in-

advertently crejit into iny Report. For Vrliatjataka read
Vrhat ISandiita and for l.OlK) slokas rea<l -J-jOiK) Indravajra
sloka.s. Some copies of tlie Yavanajiitaka have, since tlie

puldication of my Ro])ort, been found in the City of Benares, but

they are Viddlia Yavana iu 8,000 Indravajra slokas, and the
verse svabhasaracanabhiguptilin does not occur in any

of these,and Vrddliayavana described by Eggeling iu p. 100()

1.0. Cut. 13 a quite different work from that in the Durbar
Yogayatra, j>. 284, No. 505, by V'arShainiliira. The
presentMS. is defective in the beginning. First four leaves are
missing. complete in 15 chapters, but many of them
It is

do not agree with these in the 1.0. MS., p. 1057A.

Chapters in the present MS. Chapters in the I.O. MS.
2. AcaradhySya. 1. Daivapurusakaradhyaya
Abhiyogadhyaya. 2. Acaradhyaya.
4. Yogadhyaya. 8. Abhiyoga o.
5. MiSrakadhyaya. 4. Yogadhyaya
0. Valyupaharadhyaya. 5. MiSraka o.
7. Naksatra snanadhyaya. G. Valyupaliara o.

8. Agninimittadhyaya. 7. Nak^atranimitta o.

9. Naksatra Kaitebhani 8. Agni nimitta o.

10. Varilak^nadhyaya 9. Naksatra Kaitabha o.

11. Hasti saladhyaya. 10. Afivacestitadhyaya

12. Hastigltadhyaya. 11. Prasthanaklya 0 .

18. Madakaranadhyaya. 12. Sri Sakunadhyaya.

14. Asvagitam. 18. Protsaha 0 .

16. Kliadgalaksanadhyaya. 14. Valotsaha.

Rantnakalapa, p. 286, No. 1578, is an' elementary com-

pilation of Astronomy-Astrology by Visi.mdeva, the son of
Satyavatl and Raghunandana, grandson of Vasudeva and
a great-grandson of Ramadatta belonging to the Karambaha
family of the Vatsa gotra. Unique.'' Compiled in Saka 1568 =

lOiS A.D., copied by Mahadeva Daivaji'm in 1012 Saka, ?.c.,

1020 A.D.
Surya-siddliaiUa-bliasya, pp. .'iS and 182, No. 1106 w, is

known to Aufr<H;lit in IMlilers Guzeiat lists. 'Llie Durbai

Library copy descrilies the coiumentator .as a Maithila, a
Soinayaji and a Vajapeyi. It is in Maithila cliaracter. The
text and theconiinentary are both given'in the MS.
HoiASastram, p. tl, No. 1200 w, appears to be a ivork
ilifferent from that mentioned by liurnell 72a. Tliis is the
same as Vrhajjataka (see KSj. Mitra, No.
2 l-'iS). Tliere are ten cliapters in this incomplete ifS. JJnt
they are differently arranged from that given in Eggeling,
KauSalya-kusumavali, pp. 19 and lOl, No. 786 w, by
RAjabrahraa-vardilhana, is in two parts. The first is com-
plete but the second defective at the end. [See Kep. p. 11.]
KhandakhSdya, p. 89, No. 3, of the new collection, is

based on Aryabhatas theories. It is by Brahmagupta, son of

Jisnugupta. He is said to have flourished in the beginning of
the seventh century. The MS. is complete and it was copied
in N.S. 470 = 1352 A.D.
IChandakhadyatika, p. 20, No. 938
and pp. 80 and m,

102, No lots was composed by Sridatta in Nepal for the

use of the Nepalese Pandits. It commences with the for-
mula for the reduction of the dates in the Saka era into those
if the Nepalese era. For a fuller description of the work see
Tep. pp. 11 and 12,
Navaratna, p. 195, No. 1166, by Damodara fihatto, an
astronomical treatise with versified colophons, was composed
at Benares in Saka 1005. The author was the son of JSnaki
and HaghunStha belonging to the Citpavaiia race, that is, the
race of Kohkana brahmanas to which the Peswas of Puna be-
longed. The present MS. was copied by POrnananda, the
astrologer to the king of Nepal, probably a student of the
.nuthor, in N.S. 806.
The work is^divideil into rnhuni or manikyas. The

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present MS. contains the lyotisamanikya cliv'idecl into five

praka^as of tlic first marici. Tliese arc :

Jaucadisiddlii marici prakasa

Drk khota siddhi

Srlpati-paddhati Vyakliyanam, p. 18, No. 619 9 in ,

NSgara character, seems to be a commentary on the well-

known Jyotisa work brought from India by the GorkhSs who
write in NSgara.

KirStarjuniyam, p. 18, No. 844 i, is a MS. in Maithila

Kicakabadha Ksvyam, p. 75, No. 1608 5, by NltivarmS.
See Rsj. Mitra, Vol. II, p. 67. Written in a highly artificial
style full of alliteration.
KumSrasarnbhavani, p. 12, No. 828, in Maithila charac-
ter,comes to the end of the seventh canto.
NalacaritatikS, p. 91, No. 17, in the new collection by Sir
Vira Shamsher, in Maithila character, by Mantrindra Harls-
vara. The commentator wrote a work in prose and verse on
the life of VikramSditya. The commentary was completed
in theSaka year 1164=1242 A.D., and it appears to be one of
the earliest commentaries on the Avork which seems to be the
Naisadbacarita, as it is complete in 22 cantos.

Nai^bacaritraip, pp. 12 and 87, Nos. 826, incomplete, and

1648 9 to the middle of the ninth canto. The latter is in
Maithila character.
Yaduvarasa Ksvyaip, p. 282, No. 1427, by KsainStba.
Leaves 1-19, 24-29, 89-99 are missing. The father of the
author was Satnkara and his mother Rohini and he was a
Brahmana. It appears to be an imitation of Kalidasas
RsghuvarnSa and treats of the family of Yadus to which
Krsna belonged. It is a grammatical work of the nature of

l-liKt'Ai'K. xxxin

Hhatti, the first canto giving cxamjtlcs of Cai) ainl tlio second
of Lai).
HaglmvaniSam, p. 21 and commentaries, pp. 12 and 81
lioiiig Nos. 772 828, 1076 it, all in Newari character. Tlie
tHjmmentary in both the numbers is Sobhani by Vaidya Sri-
garbhacandra both incomplete.

SiSQpalabadhatn, pp. 66 and 75, Nos. 1478^ and 1608 w.

SiSfipalabadham, commentary, p. 72, No. 1583 a on the
first and the sixteenth cantos.
SiSQpalabadham, commentary, Nirnaya Vrhaspati, p. 254,
No. 1420, by Vrhaspati, a Bengali Brahraana of the Mahintapa
nlya gSi of the lladhiya class. He is therefore no other than
the well-known Bayamukuta. His Guru was Sridhara who
gave him the title of Misra. He was greatly honoured by the
King of Gauda. He styles himself Kavicakravartti. The
MS. in paper was copied in N.S. 829 = 1709 by Brahmadeva
in Nowari character. The commentary ends with the sixth
SaundarSnanda KSvyani, p. 74, No. 1585 jt, 8 leaves only.
Bhaktavijaya Kavyam, p. 229, No. 1480, by Lalitavalla-
bha. The bhakta iu this poem, composed in 108 verses, is
Prthvlnarayana, the Gorkha conqueror of the Nepal Valley.
He was the great grandson of Prthvlpati, belonging to the
SomavamSa. It was composed in i.e., in the

Saka year 1671. Prthvlnarayana had four younger brothers,

Ji^iiuprabbava, Dalamardana, Dalajit and Subha.
Haricarita Kavyam, pp. 7 5 and 184, No. 1608 in Maithila
character, copied by Bhanukara in Saka 144. The poem is an
imitation of Naisadhacarita on the adventures of Krsna, the 8th
The author Catur-
incarnation of Visiiu, complete in 13 cantos.
bhuja composed the work in 1415 Saka=1498 A.D. at Rama
keli, a suburb of Gauda, the capial of Bengal, then ruled
by the KhojSs and Habsis, who were put do^vn in 1494 by
Alauddhin Husain Shah. The author belonged to the KaSyapa
gotra, and the village from which his lino of ancestors in that

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gofcra among tbo Varomlra (listril)utiou of tho Bengal

Bralimanas, florivotl tlioir family title isKaranja. The theory
is brShmanas from whom the lladhiya and Varcn-
that the five
dra brahmanas claim their descent, came in Gauda in Veda-
vSnanga Sake, i.c., in 65 1 Saka, i.e., 654+ 78 = 732 A.D., i.c., at a
time when the preachings of KurnSrila wrought a great revolu-
tion among the BrShmanas and BrShminists in India. This
was just the time when YaSovarmS was ruling in Kanoj with
Bhavabhuti, the pupil of KumSrila, as his court PSndit and court
poet. Tradition says that application was made by a King
of Gauda to the King of Kanoj for five BrShmanas to per-
form a Vcdic sacrifice, and five men came to Bengal. Their
descendants settled on both sides of the Ganges and were in
course of time divided into RSdhIyas and Vsrendras.
Their descendants obtained 156 villages from local kings,
and these villages gave names to 156 families of brShmanas
66 among the RSdhiyas and 100 among VSrendras. We
have not as yet got any authentic record about tho grants of
these villages. This work gives us the history of the grant
of the village of Karan ja to Svarnarekha by DharmapSla (875-
900). In Svarnarekhas family was born Bhundu AcSryya-
vara. His son was DivSkara AcSryya. In his family was
NitySnanda Kavlndra who was an expert in the MahSbhSrata.
One of his descendants was the author of Smrtikaumudi who
got a son, named Siva DSsa, by worshipping Siva at Benares.

He hsid four sons NSrSyapa MiSra Mantriu, MSdhava
Psthaka, BhSnu SarmS and the author Caturbhuja. When the
last was bom his father wrote with a golden pen and with
honey a sloka on his tongue to the effect that he may be a
poet and so he was a poet.
Lykic, &c., &c.

Qitagovinda, p. 16, No. 468 w, in Newari character, was

copied N.S. 616 = 1496 in the reign of JayarSja Malla.
Gitapancasika, p. 16, No. 461, in Newari, dated Saka
1550 = 1628 A.D., was composed by Raja Jagajjyotirmalla.

The also contains two dramas in Newari by the same

royal author, Kuhjaviliari and KnbaiayaSva.
Ciilamalil, p. 71', No. 108 In, songs in New:ui.

CanrapafuaSika, p. 88, No. 1152 H, in Newari character.

Iadyasanuiccaya, p. 2U2, No. 1502, composed by Raja
Jagatpraka^a Malla of BhatgSo, tlie grandson of Jagajjyotir-
nialla, the literary king.
Meghadotam, pp. 81 and 56, Nos. 1076 s and 14-73 5, the
lirst in Newari and the second in Maithila, incomplete the ;

former was copied in N.S. 484 = 1364 A.D. in the reign of

.layarjjuna Malla.
Commentary to Ditto, p. 78, No. 1633 s, incomplete, in
Newari character.
Slokasaingraha, p. 74, No. 1584 w.
Slokasarasanigraha, p. 260, No. 1420, collected and com-
piledby Jagajjyotirmalla, the King of BhatgS, in Newari,
Samvat 746 = 1626 A.D., copied in N.S. 808 = 1688 A.D. One
of the poems is VarSnasyastakain, another is Vairagya-
Dbam.\s, Indian.

Nagananda, p. 73, No. 1583 %is a well-known work by

Sri Harsa, the great king of Kanyakubja. The Prast3vana

lu\3 many passages which are identical with those in Ratnavall
reputed to be by the same author.
The present MS. has the first three leaves missing. It is I

copied in Newari character and the date is N.S. 488 = 1318

A.D. when king Jayananda was reigning.

Uttaracarita, pp. 12 and 69, Nos. 332 and 1637 The
first is in Maithila and the second is in Nagara character.

Malatimadhava, pp. 56 and 74, Nos. 1473 s and 1585 w.

The first is dated N.S. 276 = 1156 A.D. It belonged to a
Buddhist monk Buddha-rakita. The other is copied in La.
Sam. 469.
Anargha-raghava, pp. 74 and 81, Nos. 1588 <5 and 1634
w. Both arc in Maithila character and without date.

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XXXVl ri:KK\'K.

Pi'abodhacaiulrocl.iya, p. til, No. lolil- 'I'lie MS.

is in old hand-writing witli only a few modern leaves. The
character is N'cwari.
Mudrariiksasa, p. 88 , No. iUkS in copied in N'cwari, in
N.S. 101 = 1871 A.D., at Lalitapura, by Gomendra t.'audraof
the school of the gem of writers when King .Jayarjuna wa.s
reigning. The- MS. is complete.
commentary entitled MudraprakSSa, p. 83, No.
It has a
1615 by VateSvara MiSra, son of Mahannhopadhj-aya
Gauripati in Maithila character. The MS. contains com-
mentary of the first and a second Ahkas and a portion of
the third.
KarpQramahjarl-natika, p. 15, No. 1261 n, copied in La.
Sam. 358.
Gauridigambara, p. 13, No. 382 5 by Sanikara Misra.

(See notices of Sanskrit MSS. Vol. XI, p. 12.)

Dramas, Nepalese.

Amrtodaya-nataka, p. 117, No. 1118, in Niigari character,

in Sam. 1818 = 1792 A.D. This appears to have been com-
posed under the Gurkhas. For the contents of the work see
lleport, p. 17.
Asvamedhanatakam, p. 119, No. 1617, by Sumati-Jita
mitra-deva in N.S. 810 = 1691 (see Report, page 18).
Gltadigambara, pp. 13 and 103, No. 882 w, by Vaipga-
mani, the son of RSmacandra of the Vilvapafica race of Mai-
thila BrShmanas. YamSamanilived in Nepal and wrote this
work on the occasion of a TulapurusadSna by PratSpa Malla
Deva of Kathmandu in the Saka year 1577 = 1656 A.D. It
is in imitation of Jayadevas Gitagovinda. But it has a hymn
to the united form of Hara and Parvati in Hindi which has a
ring of Tulasidasa who died of plague in 1624 A.D.
It w'as composed to entertain the Princes and Panditas
assembled to see the Tulapurufadana in which the King in
hisarmours weighs himself against gold and other precious

mi-tals and gives them away to Brahmanas. Pratapa was

liimself a poet ami his Astaksvs arc Iw to foiiml in all the lioly
places ill JS\'|)al iiiscriho<l at prominent places on stone. It is

meet that on an auspicious occasion like this he should

oueourage a Sanskrit dramatic performance.
DhQrttasamagama, p. GO, No. 153G, by Jyotirlsvara
snruamed KaviSekharlicaryya. Ilis grand father was KameS-
vara and his father waa Dhirasiniha. They belonged to the
clan of ilalilsSsana and he was the lord of the village named
Pallijanma. He is called Abhinava Bharata. This is signi-
ficant. It is known from Report, p. 23, that he was the author
of a semi-vernacular work entitled Varnana-ratnikara, giving
the poetic conventions of his age.
He was contemporary with Harisimha of Simraon (1321)
who defeated a Sultan (Suratrami), and the work was re-
presented immediately after the conclusion of peace. This
appears to bo a comedy.
Pandavavijaya, p. 19 and 115, No. 694i w, by Jayaraiia
Malla Deva, the husband of Nathalla Devi, the rightful heir to
the throne of Nepal and the son of Vijaya Malla (see historical
preface by Prof. Bendall). 'Ihis is also called Sabhaparba

nataka, from which it appears to represent the event of

the Sabhaparva of the Mahabharata.
Bhairavananda-natakam, p. 84 and 119, No. 1078 w, by
Manika, the son of Rajavardhana who, by the boon of
Nate3vara, was an expert in dramaturgy. This appears to be
a secular drama, the hero being Bhairava and the heroine
Madanavatl, a celestial damsel cursed by a R^i to become a
manusl. The drama was enacted on an appropriate occasion,
namely, the marriage of Jayadharma Malla Deva, the son of
Jayasthiti Malla by Rajalla Devi. About this King and
his literary tastes see Appendi.xby Irofcssor Bendall, pp. 11-
11*. He came apparently from Mithila, a place of learning,
and so he had cultivated a fine literary taste for the display
of which his new position as King of Nopal afforded him
ample opportunities. The birth ceremony of his son, the

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same Dliarma Malla, was celebrated by the performance of a

four-act Ihlniayana. Professor Pcndall has noted this fact
from tlic clironicles. In Cat. p. 24-C, No. 1 H8, there is a
description of a four-act Itainayana, by Dliarma Cupta, the son
of Dharma Gupta calls himself Poet Laureate.
He was commanded by Jayayuthasinha Deva, who does not
seem to be a King of Nepal though his dominions included
parts of the valley, on the occasion of the Hariganikara ratha-
yatra, to enact the drama. The King YOthasiniha is said to
have been a worshipper of OopaleSvara, Sikharauarayana and.
JhaiikeSvarl. Of these the second
one of the four Nar3yanas

who protect the valley, namely, Iananar3yaiia Visananarayana,

Cangunar3yana and ikharanar3yana. From his title Simha
he seems to have belonged to the race of Hari Siniha, and from
his worship of Sikharanarayana he seems to have dominion
in Nepal. What stamps him as a King of Simraon is the
epithet suraki-kula-kamala-kanana-vikasanaika-bhaskara, i.e.,

he helped in the establishment of the Surki dynasty of Jaunporo.

The troubles in the then eastern [Shurq] dominion of Delhi
commenced at the end of the reign of Sultan Firoz Shah of
Delhi, 1888, and YOtha Simha appears to be one of those Hindu
Rajas who helped Malik Sharwar, a Khauja, to establish him-
self as Malik- us-shurq. YQtha Simha seems to have been a
contemporary and a relative of Jayasthiti who, by marrying
Rajalla Devi, made himself master of Nepal.
The present copy of the four-act Ramayana is written in
Newari some time after it was composed. Professor Bendall in
his Cam. Cat. mentions a four-act Ramayana entitled Ramahka
na^ika by the same author, son of the same Ramadasa, com-
posed in 1860 A.D. This was enacted at Lalitapura. Rama-
dasa was not a magistrate of Nepal as Professor Bendall says,
but he was the spiritual guide to the Kings of Nepal. The
drama was composed when the poet was young and his father
living. Ho composed it to please his father and, as is common
with young aspirants of literary fame, he displays his sounding
titles, VidySrnava and Balav3giSvara. But the drama
rilKI'Ai'K. XX XIX

notici'il iu this Cataloguo, p. 2tG, was iMiaclecl at a lator pcriiul,

in another part of Nepal. Tliis composition is licre represented
as a Nalaka, hut tliis is opposed to the rules of dramaturgy in

which Natika. only can be finished in four acts. Many year.s

after it.s composition when the poet was an old man he gave
up his sounding titles. This very drama appears to have
been twice more enacted, once on the birth ceremony and once
more on the initation ceremony of Dharma Malla.
The fact that the nandls and prastSvanSs differ accord-
ing to the occasion raises a nice fjuestion. The prastSvanSs
arc implicitly believed to contain contemporary historical infor-
mation. That thej' certainly do. But the place and the occa-
sion mentioned in them relates only to one single representation
during the authors lifetime. The information that this
drama was enacted four times in fO years or so, shows its
immense popularity in Nepal at the end of the fourteenth

Prasanna.ahityaratnakara,p. 211, No. 1571!, by Nandana,

in Newari character, is an anthology in 1,000 stanzas. The
compilier is very proud of his knowledge of Panini and
Sahitya. He says his work is beyond computation. He
commences with SivavrajyS and quotes averse of Vasukalpa
Datta in the beginning. This work is compiled in imitation of
Kavivacana Samuccaya [See Kep., pp. 20-21] in which colla-
tions of verses on different subjects are called Vrajyas. That
is Buddhistic while the present is Hindu.

Prast5varatn5kara, p. 212, No. (2)91i, by Haridasa, son

of Purusottama, of the Karana clan, an inhabitant of the
MaharSjya Kharagada. Purusottama had four sorts Krsna-
dasa, Daraodara, Narayana and Haridasa. Haridasa was a
worshipper of GaneSa and was proficient in JoytisaSastra,
Vrhat katha, Smrti katha, Asikya, Samudrika, Sakuna, Panca-
tantra, Caraka and Kavyas. It was composed in 1611-,
probably of the Vikrama samvjit, at Ja^apattana, during the
reign .of Varavirasahl. There is a table of contents given in

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xl I'KKrAiK.

voraes at beginning of the work, from wliicli it appears


that the work is complete in 21 cha])tcr.s

(1) Niti, (2) llajaniti,

(8) Prakirnakakliyanam, (t) Anyokti, (o) Pi'aise of wealtli,

(0) Praise of good men, (7) Gardens, (8) Gods, (0) Censure
of bad men, (10) KutSkbyana, (11) Good manners, (12),
Righteousness, (13) and (lA) Praise and censure of women,
(15) Trees, (16) Love, (17) Omens, (18) Palmistry (19) Jug-
glery, (20) Jyotisa, and (21) Book on gems. The MS. was
copied in Sarn. 1890 by VidySnanda the great worshipper of

KSvyaprakSSa, p. 67, No. 1586 si, is in Maithila charac-


KavyadarSa, p. 74, No. 1585 ur, is a dilapidated copy.

DasarQpakalankara, p. 12, No. 341 m, is in Maithila
character, composed by Visnudhanika.
Sahrdayahrdayavaloka, p. 15, No. -WO, in Maithila cha-
racter, copied in La. Sant. 91, This is well knownas the com-
mentary by Anandabardhana on Dhyani, a work of unknown

Amarakosa (1) p.No. 772 w (2) p. 19, 772 ; (8)

19, ;

p. 28, No. 802 n; (4) p. 23, 803 w; (5) p. 50, No. 1361 ; (6)
p. 56, No. 1473 z (7) p. 69, No. 1537 h (8) p. 71, No. 1559
; ;

5 (9) p. 75, No. 1608 (10) p. 75, No. 1608 s and (11) p.
; ; ;

77, No. 1633 w. (1) (2) (8) and (4) are in Newari; (5) is in
Bengali ? copied in V. Sam. 1511 in CampakSranya during the
reign of Madanasimha Deva (6) is in Newari copied in 412

N.S. (7) is in Maithila character (8) is a mere fragment (11)

; ; ;

is in Maithila copied during the reign of Bhavasiipha Deva.

Amarakosatippani, p. 60, No, 1175 a, is in Newari

AmarakostikS, p. 28, No. 802 w and a and 808 The sr.

first is in Maithila composed by V rhaspati, commonly known

as RSyamukute; the second by Srikara, the Court Pandita of
I'KKFAt'K. xli

RSmasirnha of MilliilS, ami the tliini is by these two commen-

tators. Uayamukiita floiinsheil in the early part of the
fifteenth century in Heiigal. He was
highly honoured by
the Hindu dynasty on the ruins of the Ilias
whicli i\>3e

shahis of Bengal. Raja Kans was the founder of tliis

dynasty, but his son Jadu became a Muhammadan, and even
after his conversion ho patronised Rayamukuta, who speaks
of his patron as Jalalud-din. The Srikara may be the father
SrlnStha icSryya Codanmni, wlio is reported to be the guru

of liaghunandana. Raghunandana flourished by middle of the

Sixteenth Century, and there is nothing to prevent the father
of his guru going in shares with Rayamukuta about the
authorship of a commentary on the Amarakosa.
Medinfkosa, p. 79, No. 1(588 in Maithila, copied in La.
Sam. 877.
Dhananjaya-nighanlu, p. 189, No. 1089. It was copied in
Sam. It)51--15y8 A.D. The present MS. is defective in the be-
gining. The colophon of the second chapter is the same as in
I.O. Cat. p. 286 B.
Fink Ahts.
SahgitasSrasamgraha, p. 268, No. 1478, by Jagajjyotir-
malla, is an abstract of all the works on music, dancing and
acting known at his time. The work was composed in N.S. 746,
copied by Siva, the son of Simha-Deva, in the reign of the
Royal compiler.
The Royal bard says that it is reported that Bharata wrote
his work in one hundred thousand slokas, but it is very doubt-
ful if the work exists in its entirety. He saw certain portions
and he heard of some other portions from others. VipradSsa
Bharata collected some portion. VySsa embodied some por-
tion in his Piiranas. From these and from other sources the
King made his collection. He did not say anything new, but
only changed the versification.
Sangita-candra, p. 260, No. (2) 222, is based entirely upon
Bharata natya Ssstra. It is a comprehensive work on music
and dancing. The work wa.s brought to Nepalaby Jagajjyotir

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xlii fUEKACE.

Malla from Southern India, and he, with the assistance of

Vahf^mani, wrote a commentary entitled Sahgitabliaskara, p.

262, No. (2)222. Tlio author of the to.xt is Ahhiliusu. The

work is interspersed with Newari translation of important
passages by the Royal author.
Sangltasarvasva, p. 67, No. 1686 gi, in Newari character.
The work was known only in quotations, seep. 686 B. Cat. Cat.
Vol. I. It quotes from the following works NStyadarpana,
Safigitavalll, SangItaSekhara, NStyalocana, Sangltakalpa-
vrksa, DaSarupa, Ratnakosa and Bharata. The work is by
Jagaddhara who quotes it in his commentary on Veni
HastamuktSvall, p. 270, No. 798, by Subhahkara, treats
of the motions of hand It is based on one of the
in dancing.
chapters of Bharata Nstyagastra, supplemented by KSma
Sistra. This work is by a commentary entitled
HastamuktSvall-sSrasamuddhrtikS, by GhanaSySma, p. 272,
No, 1282, written for the edification of the son of Ananta the
daughters son of Jagajjyotirmalla, composed in N.S. 795 =
1676 A.D.
RSgamS.13, or RSgalaksanam, p. 67 and 21tl, Nos. 1686 $
(three leaves only) and 14i78. By Bharata. Appears to be
a chapter from Bharata Natyasastra.
Mayasarngrahah, or Pratis^hatattvara, p. 69, No. 1587 w,
is a work on architecture in which the modes of constructing

palaces and dwelling-houses have been given.

PraSastiratna, p. 209, No. (2)191, is a letter-writer. In
the preamble it records the rise of Pfthvipati Yarma in the
Qorkha hills. His son was CandrarQpasaha Varm3. His son
was Visqu Yarma, and his son Jiva Saha Yarm3 was the patron
of the author.
The letter-writer gives the number of the Syllable Sri to
be appended before the names of respectable addressees. Six
are to be added before Gurus name, five before masters, two
before servants, four before enemys, three before friends, and
one before sons or wifes name. 'Ihc MS. is unique.
PUEKAfK. xliii

GSyanalocana, p. was copied by KirTtaraSli

lOt, No. 1-U2,
SarmS in Saka It is a uniciue work on elementary

music of tlie meilimval tyjie. It gives the times of tlio day

for the various times to sing. The Mid. ends with an interest-
ing i|uotatiuu from the HafigitacOdamani.
Catiirangatarahgini, p. 108, No. 1012, by VarnSamani, a
'work on the chess play, was composed under the order of
Kr^nananda Raya. Unique.
NstyaSSstra, p. lOO, No. 17-S, attributed to Bharata. The
present MS. ends with the chapter on AliarySbhinaya, which
ismarked as the seventy-second. SeoBik. Cat., p. 610. 'J'he
work has been published in its entirety in the KSvyamSla
BharatanSma-dlpaka-nSda-SSstram, p. 281, No. 793.
The same as Raja. Mitra, No. 688, entitled Nada-dipaka, in the
form of an original tantra, the interlocutors being Devi and
Bhairava. It treats of the presiding deities of letters, length
of vowels, metres, songs, vocal music and different subdivision
of music. The work ends with the definition of a poet.
Nsda is said to bo the messenger of Cupid and takes the
place of the fifth Upaveda.


Cauakya-Sloka, No. 1476 n, in Maithila character.

p. 60,
PaucStantra, No. 242, is only a fragment.
p. 9,
Hitopadesa, p. 72, No. 1683 w, and p. 75, No. 1608 ?r.
The first is a fragment in Newari, and the second was copied
in the reign of Yaksamalla, in the year 694 of the Nepal era,
i.e., 1474 A.D.

EkSdaSadyadhikarana, p. 30, No. 1076 , composed

by MurSri MiSra Mah5mahop5dhyaya, on domestic and
foreign affairs, as a sequel to his work on Bsdhabbhyuccaya
laksnna, i.e., on the jwlitical obstacles.Unique. The MS. was
copied by Harikara, son of MahSmahopadhySya Sri Ratna-
Kamandakiya Nitisara, p. 91, No, 16, of the new

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collection, in Maitliila character, complete in Si leaves, copied
in La. Sam. 4i82. The work has been i)iiblished in the Biblio-
theca Imlica. The author is said to have been a .student of
Canakya. Ho speaks of the seven essentials of a reigning
KugopadeSatika, p. 8o, No. 161)7^,by Bandhava-Sena, in
Nowari character, copied in N.S. Oft = 1524 A.D. The small
poem in eight verses known
as KusopadeSa or Guniistaka is
said to have been composed by Ahgadakumara, and the com-
mentary is by a Buddhist Vajracarya Bandhava Ben belonging
to MahSvihara to the east of Kasthamandapa. It was com-
posed under a tree within the compound of the Mahavihar.
RajavidhanasSra, p. 24)4, No. 282, is a work on politics
in two parts, by Ranganatha Silri the son of Panditaraja
Brajanatha, for the benefit of Maharajadhiraja Yuddha-
glrvana Sahi of the Glorkha dynasty of Nepal (1799-1816) at
Kantipura which is another name of Kathmandu. The first
part treats of the court (sangopafiga) and the second part the
duties of the King. Unique.
Tantrakhyanakatha, p. 64, No. 1534 w and p. 74, No.
1684 m, is an abstract of the Pancatantra with a Newari
translation, copied in N.S. 725, perhaps by a Buddhist scribe.

Dhanurveda, p. 190, No. 657, and Dhanurvedaprakaranam,
p. 191, No. (2)82, are attributed to Siva and Vikramaditya,
respectively. For fuller description see Rep. p. 9.
SamgrSmavidhih, p. 264, No. (2)112, is a work on the
art of war. It gives a definition of Aksauhim and treats
of the disposition of the army in war. But it deals destruc-
tion more with mantras than with weapons.


There are No. 1645 9, in which the

five leaves in p. 82,
age of the woman has been taken as a factor in the subject-
matter of the science.
I'HRFArK. xlv

KSmakala, j). S2, No. 1015% by Kokka, on erotics, written

for tlic entovtiiimuent of Vainya Datia, is a moilei n work on the
enjoyment of the company *>f female.s. 'I'lie o])ening verse
shows the aim and object of tlie work. 'I'he work is perliaps
the same as Ratiraliasya at lea-st tlio author and his patron

are tlie same. For Raiirahasya see Burnells Indo.x of Sans-

krit ^^S^S. in (he palace of Tanjanr.
Rasamanjari, p. 02, No. 1077 by Bhanndatta, is in
Maithila, copied in La. Sain. kJ2. For a commentary on this
see Rep. p. 11.
Nagarakasarvasva, pp. SO ami 109, No. 10 18 w, by Fadma
Sri Jnana, a Buddhist monk, the pupil of a Brahmana named
Vasudeva (see Report, p. 1 1 ). The MS. is complete in 18 chap-
tei*8. In the second verse the writer speaks of works on erotics
in languages other than Sanskrit. II is work is in the form of
a tantra of the left-handed class. One of his authorities is

Siddhyaika-virama-tantra. He tpiotes a verae from MaheS-

vara which to all and purposes is a tantrika one. He
relies also upon Sankara KSmatantra for his materials.
In p. 196, No. 1464, there is a commentary on this work by
the King of BhatgS named Jagajjyotirmalla. The commentator
takes great liberties with the text, for instance, in the second
first verse the word ladaha in the original
hemistitch of the
has been changed into yadiha, because the word being an un-
known technical term in erotics was rather hard for the
Royal interpreter to explain. The Hindu RsjS takes the
Buddhist Mafiju Sri as Kamadeva without a word of explana-
tion. It was a matter of course in his days. Mafiju Sri with
a sword in one and a MS. in the other hand is at once the
god god of learning and god of love. The Mauju-
of power,
Srl near Kathmandu is used by the Hindus as Sarasvatl

hillon the day sacred to that deity. He is worshipped as

PadmS Kumarl in Cooch VihSr. He has a position in Hindu
tSntnka pantheon as the god of poetry.

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xlvi I'KKFAOK.

AmimanakliiUidalikil, pp. 81 and 91, No. 1G8-1 >i, by
N'acaspati. It lu-gins with an invocation to the child-form
of K}sna which became an object of general worship after the
advent of Caitanya, but oven before liim it had its worshippers.
The present MS., though labelled Auumanakliandatika in the
Darbar Library, appears to be an original work by VSscaspati,
who, in one of the verses in the work, says that he had studied
the systems both of Gautama and Jaimini. This is possible
only in the case of Vacaspati, the commentator of the six
systems. If my surmise be correct this is a brand-new dis-
covery of a work on anumana by the groat VSeaspati.
Kiranavalitika, p. 50, No. 1861 s, though labelled t5ka, is

really the text by Udayana. It ends with the chapter on

Dravva. It commentary on PraSastapSdas bhSsya on the
is a
Kanada Sdtra.s. The MS. was copied at Navadvipa by Uari
Sarma in the Saka year 1191 = 1 569 A.D. when the literary
activity of the Naiyayikas at that city was at its highest.
The work has been published at Benares.
Dravyakiranavall, p. 85, No. 1118 Ji, is the same MS. in
Newari character.
Nyayakusumanjali, p. 18, No. 882 ji, is by Udayana.
It has leaves 11 to 85, in Maithila character.
KusumaujaliprakaSa, p. 81, No. 1615 ji, by Vardhamana,
the son of GaggeSa Upadhy3ya, the author of the Tattvacin
tamani. This is a commentary on Kusumafijali by Udayana,
a work designed to establish the existence of God. Var-
dhamana begins his work with a namaskara to his father,
who was an adept both in Nyaya and Mlmairisa. The MS.
ends with the third stavaka.
Khandanakhandakhadya, p. 85, No.
18 , by Sriharsa.
1 1

The MS. contains pp. 109-212 only. It was copied at Vijala-

pura by Pandita Vasudeva in La. Sam. IIG, i.e., about 1288
A.U., a few years after the death of the author, who flourish-
ed about the time of the Muhammadan conquest.
TREFAl'K. xlvii

Govinclatattvanirnnya, p. 17, No. HI 9 by MaliUma-

hopSdliy.Tya Govinda, in Hvo cliaptors. 'I'lu' MS. seems to be
complete. It is dilHcult to classify it as it ]):irtakes of the

naturo both of Tantra and of DarSana. The first chapter

treats of Adhikari, this is tantrika. The other chai)ters are
(2) on the o.stablishmont of non-duality; (8) on the naturo of
Brahma as Suddha; and (1) refutation of the theory that Bra-
krti is the material cause. The MH. is worm-eaten and full
of lacuna. It is written in Maithila character and dated m
La. Saip, but the last digit falls in a lacuna -j2-+-. Unicjue.
Tattvacintamani, p. to, No. 1261 w. The MS. contains
the second book only. It Wiis copied in Maithila character
in La. Sam. 486= about 1548 A.D.
Tattvacintamauyaloka, p. 16, No. 468 w. The MS.
contains a few leaves only.
TattvacintaraanyalokaUka, Though
p. 87, No. 1114 w.
labelled as above in the Durbar Library it is really a
commentary on Tattvacintamani. The Aloka begins with
raifsTi while this comments upon It is by
Rucidatta (see India Office, p. 682). Rucidatta was a pupil
of Jayadeva known as Paksadhara MiSra, the author of
the commentary known as Aloka.
VatsayananyayabhSsyam p. 22, No. 787 w, contains
the second chapter only. The MS. was c*opied in L. Sam.
298=about 1410 A.D."
NySyavSrttikatStparyyatika, by Vseaspati Misra, p. 48,
No. 1880 w. The MS. contains the fifth chapter only.
Ny5ya.vSrttikatatparyatfk5, by Ddayana, p. 49, No.
1861 w. This is wrongly called tika. It is really parisuddhi.
The MS. contains the first and second chapters only. It was
copied in Sar^pagrama in the 9aka year 1410 = 1488 A.D.
Tatparyya-pariguddhi, by Udayana, p. 81, No. 1076 5f, p.
46, No. 1261 n, p. 47, No. 1821 aF, are in Maithila charac-
ter; the first was copied in La. Sam 889
and the last in
La. Sam 408. The first ends with the second, and the last
with the fifth chapter. The former was copied by Jatailhara

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xlviii IUKKACK.

umler ordors of Laksinipal-i Upadliyayii,

and tlio latter by
X'acaspati under oialcra of \'aniuatlia Bliattacarya. 'Iliis is a
cominontary on the fifth remove on tlie Gautama SQtras:
Gautama Sutras.
Vatsayanas Bliasya.
Udyotakaras Nyaya Varttika.
Vaeaspati MiSras TatparyyaUka.
lldayauas Tatparyyapai'iauddhi.
Its full name is NyayavSrttikatatparyya-pariSuddlii.
has been published at Benares.
Dliarmaputrika, p. 92, No. 86 wof the new collection, is
a work on Yoga. It partakes of the character both of Philo-
sophy and of Tantra the chapters are marked some as patalas

others as Adhyayas. It deals with such topics as dhyana,

dh^rana, siddhi, antai'aya, cikitsa and so on, in 16chapters. It
is a short work in 11 leaves only. It appears to have been
composed in N.S. 189 = 1069 A.D. in the reign of Samkara
Deva. The last pada of one of the verses appears to contain
the name of the author, but it is so incorrect that it would be
venturing too much to base any conclusion upon it. The
pada is Sri Jajialasyottaratollakeyah. Unique.
Nayatattvaloka, p. 19, No. 1861 h the correct name

seems to be NySyatattvSloka. The MS. contains the third

chapter and a portion of the fourth. There is a MS. of this
work in the I.O., being No. 205, p. 610 B., which contains the
first and second chapters and the last treats of thirteen out of

sixteen topics of Gautama, namely, from Prameya to Ghala.

The present MS. therefore seems to treat of Jati and Nigrahas-
thana, of which Jati is exceedingly difficult and deserves a
fuller treatment than was given to it by Vacaspati in his
TatparyyaUka. The MS. was copied in La. Sam. 449 at the
village of Kako in Mithila.
Bauddhadhikaravyakhya, p. 61, No. 1508 w, by Narahari,
isa brand-new discovery of a commentary on Udayanas cele-
brated work, the Bauddhadhikai-a. The MS. has 71 leaves only.
The commentator learned the Bauddhadhikara from his father.

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PKKFVrK. xlix

The otiicr comnu'iitators work are Bliagiratlia

of this
Tliakkura, Sanikara Misra, Vardliamuiia Upadlivaja, Hagliu-
nStlia Siroinani and Mathiiranatha. Kagliimaths commen-
tary again was commented upon by Gunanamla and (iadS-
Vhlkyasudhatika, p. 2M), No. (2)28k, by Bramhananda
Bharati, the pupil of Anandabharati. The Vakyasudha is
attributed to the great fiatnkaracaryya. It commences
with Rupam drsyain and so on. The present is a complete
MS. of this commentary. But in our MS. the text is attri-
buted to Bharatitirtha Guru by the commentator BrahmSnanda.
Raja. Mitra in Nos. 1217, 1 1 15, Hall page 129, and Burnell,
91a, from the colophons of their MSS. attributed the work -to
Samkara, but the present commentator attributes it to his
Guru Bharatitirtha, aud his authority seems to be unimpeach-
Vijuanadipikavivrtih, PadmapadS-
p. 250, No. 1318.
carya, the pupil of the great Sanikara, wrote awork entitled
VijnSnadipika on the usual topics of the Vedantins. The
present MS. contains this work with an anonymous commen-
tary. Both Unique.
S5rirakamTmarpsabhaya p. 61, No. 11-75 by Samkara
caryya. The MS. contains the fourth chapter only. It is in
Maithila character.

RSmayana, j). s and

29, Nos. 1001p. 81-, No. 1079 ^ ;

p. 62, 1608 fl?; p. 71, and p. 88, No. 16l!6 3

No. 1659 The .

first contains the Book only in Maithila character,

copied in La. Sam. 878. The second contains the Uttara
KSnda only copied in Maithila in La. Sam. 804. The third,
p. 84, in Newari character, from page 8 to page 806; the
fourth, in Newari character, copied in N.S. 657=1687 A.D.
The fifth in Maithila contains a few pages of Book VII only.
The sixth and last in Maithila is a worm-eaten incomplete
copy of Book V.
Mah5bh5rata, p. 25, Nos. 867 and 869 ; p. 29, No. 1001^;

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p. 88,No. 1077 *r p. 61, No. 1861 ; p. 72, No. 1669 p. 81, 1

; ;

No. 1685; and p. 88, No. 1698 n.

The first i.s in Maithila, coiiied in La. Sam. 112, at Krsna-
palli, in Mithila, under the ordcr.s of Makhaya Thakknra. In

N.S. 707, thisMS. was used by Pratapa Malla of Kathmandu

in havingread through for religious purposes, in 15 days.

It contains the Ssntiparva only of the MahSbharata. The

second MS. in that page contains Book V copied in Maithila
in La. Sam. 422.
The third is also in Maithila and contains portions of the
same parva. [

The fourth contains the last Book in Bengali character '

copied in La. Sam. 486.

The contains the First Book only.

sixth contains the Second Book only in Maithila,
copied in La. Sam. 886.
The seventh is an incomplete copy of the Sabhaparva in
The eighth in Newari contains Salya and Gads parvas only.
MahSbhSratasya Adi-VirSta-parva-tika, p. 29, No. 1001
is incomplete. i

DSnadharma, p. 48, No. 1821 w, is a part of the Ssntiparva 1

in Newari. It contains 16 chapters only on Yai^navadharma,

being a part of Danadharma. Copied in N.S. 169 = 1049 A.D.
HarivaniSa, p. 16, No. 466, and p. 26, No. 910 w, both in
Newari character. The first is incomplete towards the end,
and the second was copied in N.S. 267 = 1187 A.D.
Harivaipflatikft, p. 29, No. 1001 jt, was copied in Saka
Bhagavadgltfl, p. 19, No. 786 ; p. 88, No. 1176 qr; p.
89, No. 1179 qr; p. 61, No. 1508 qr
p. 62, No. 1508 ar, and p.
76, No. 1608 qr.

The second is in Newari, the third is incomplete, the

fourth is in Newari of N.S. 481 = 1861 A.D., the fifth is in
Newari, copied in N.S. 888, and the sixth boars the date N.S.
462 = 1882 A.D.

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n.'KK.U K. ll

Annsiiirtisl^iva, p. Oi), No. 1587 it, in Nowari character, is

a Iiymn to Visnu from tlic MaliiiljliSrata .said to bo one of

the live jewels in that work.
Visnu3alia.sran5mabliasya, p. 75, No. 1608 . Tlie text
appears to be from the Aiiusasanaparva of the MaliSbliSrata,
and tiu! bhSsya is attributed to Samkarac5rya.


VisnupurSna, p. 26, ^ and

No. 010and p. 29, No.
lOOl 'Ihelastis written in Maithila; and the first, in two

parts, comes very nearly to the end.

Bhagavatapurana, p. 18. No. 858 p. 13, No. 859 p. 19, ; ;

No. 850; p. 25, No. 860 w; p. 28, No. 976 p. 82, No. 1077 it, ;

and p. 8 1, No. 1079. The first two MSS. are in Maithila

character bearing date La. Sam. 897 and contain the tenth
skandha only. The third is a fragment of the tenth in
Maithila. The fourtli contains from the middle of the first
to the middle of the tenth skandha. The a complete
fifth is
MS. of the PurSna written in beautiful DevanSgarl hand
copied during the reign of PrSnamalla Deva of BhStgS, by
HarivarmS, a great astrologer, for Visnusirnha, the son of
Bhavasimha, in the year Kaurppileyagniiasyebde=N.S.
658=1588 A.D. The sixth contains a few leaves only of
the tenth skandha in Bengali character. The seventh con-
tains the tenth skandha of the BhSgavata in N ewari character.
BhSgavatatika, p. 28, No. 984; and p. 91, No. 14 w, of
the new collection. The first is Sridharas commentary copied
in Maithila character in La. Sam. 472 by NarSyana at Koreni,
in MithilS. The second also was copied in the same character

by Raghupati at the Village PoSri in La. Sam 898. It

commentary on the eleventh and twelfth skandhas
contains the
BrahmapurSna, p. 88, No. 1645 s, and p. 86, No. 1647iw.
The first in its colophons styles itself the Adi-brahma-
purSna. The second is only a small fragment.

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Kurmapurai.m, p. 2K No. 8irj*, i.s in Nagam character >

running througli 500 pages. Complete in 0,Oi)() Slokaa and

in 13 chai)ter.s.
Sivai)urana, p. 25, No. 872, in Maithila cliaracter, is a i

fragment only.
Skandapurana, pp. 8 and 1 11, No. 220, is in Gupta charac-
ter. Professor Bendall and carefully examined the

paheography of the MS. Durhar Library, and we

at the
came work have been copied
to the conclusion that the
at least two hundred years before the ParameSvara tantra in
transitional Gupta character, described by Prof. Bendall in
his Cam. Cat. So the MS. must have been copied before
659 A.D., as the Pamraesvaratantra was copied in Hara
era 262 = 859 A.D. [See my Report, p. k]
Since writing that Report I have carefully compared my
reconstruction of the Skandapurana in the Darbar Library
with the copy of the Ambikakhanda of the SkandapurSna in
the Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, and have found
them to differ as much as any two PaurSnika works of any
cult may differ from each other.
As there is no mention of Khandas in any of the colophons I

of the Parana as found in the Durbar Library, it may be i

inferred, that it formed the Parana entitled Skandapurana.

It gradually branched out into so many Khaudas and so
many Mshatmyas, that scholars thought that the PurSna hardly
existed except in Khandas and Mahatmyas.
NSrasitnhapurSna, p. 29, No. 1001 contains 192 leaves
in Maithila character, copied in La. Sam. 889, by RucinStha
SarmS, in the reign of Madana Siniha Deva at Sipaha Kataka
in G[orakhpore.
BrhannSradiya, No. 845 w p. 25, No. 910 w and
p. 24, ; ;

p. 29, No. 1001 a. They are all in Maithila character. The

first is incomplete. The second was completed in La. Sam. !

429 and the third in 425.

PaSupatipurana, p. 203, No. 98 1, copied in N.S. 824 =

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I'KKH'.U'f liii

170t A.D. Unique. Spoken l)y Iulastya l>ul (|uoteil from

V'^jasa. Tile MS. i.s coniplefe. (i is much nunv concerned
witli tlio origin and the sacred rliaracter of the V^dgmati on
wliich stands the sacred shrine of Iagupati th:in with IaSu-
pati himself. It has the following Khandas:
1. Tirthayatra Khanda.
2. Iradynmnavijaya Khanda.
8. Gokarncgvaraprat isihapana Purvardha Khanda.
k Tirthauandujmrdue Purvardha Khanda.
5. A .stray chapter containing a hymn on the VSg-

Prahladacaritra, p. 61, No. 15')8 7i, from the Visim-

purana in Newari character.
VaSistha-Dilipa-samvada, No. 1868 s; p. 62, No.
p. 51,
1508 p. 61, No. 1586 m; p. 65, No. 1586 ; and p. 72, No.

1559 tr; are all from PadmapimTna Uttara Khanda; and in

Newari character. The last was cojiied in NS. 588= 1 168 A.D.
Haritalika Katha, p. 82, No. 1077 from the Bhavij- %
yottarapurana, in Bengali character, contains the story of the
spread of the worship of Hara and Gaurl in a certain form
by married women.
Visnudharma, p. 29, No. 1002 w, and p. 80, No. 1002 or,
both in Newari character, the first was copied in N.S. 167 =
1017 A.D. [See J.A.S.B., 1897, p- 312, and my Report, p. 5.]
Devi Mahatmya, (1) p. 18, No. 882 w; (2) p. 88, No. 1077
hi; (8) p. 51, No. 1863 t; (1) p. 56, No. 1376 ar; (6) p. 66,
No. 1478 HI (6) p. 61, No. 1608 ; (7) p. 68, No. 1681 n;

(8) p. 68,No. 1581 ; (9) p. 61, No. 1581 w; (10) p. 68, No.
1686 s; (11) p. 69, No. 1587 h; (12) p. 69, No. 1559 w; (18) p.
70, No. 1569 h ; (11) p. 71, No. 1588 s; (15) p. 71, No. 1581 9 ;

(16) p. 75, No. 1608 v; (17) p. 75, No. leOSsr; (18) p. 81,
No. 1615 w; (19) p. 82, No. 1616 ir; and (20) p. 65, No. 1178 ir.
The first is Newari character.
a fragment in The
second is in old in NS. 229=1109 A.D.
Newari, copied
marked in letter numerals. The
is in Nagara, and the
fourth in Newari, both fragments. The fifth is in Newari

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diameter copied in N.S. 519=1899 A.D. The sixtli is in

Nagara dated V. Sani 1 192 = H86 A. I), in Oampakamnya during
the reign of Irtlivisiniha Dova. The seveiitli is in Maithihi
copied in La. Sam. 392(!') by Udayakara under the order of
Kiupsanarayana. The eighth is in Newari cliaracter copied in
N.S. 885 = 1265 A.D. by ManinSga, a resident of Nili Sila,

during the victorious Abhayamalla Deva.

reign of The
ninth is in Newari character copied liy VajracSrya Srt Sugata-
candra in N.S. 118 = 998 A.D. in the victorious reign of
Dharma Malla Deva. The tenth and eleventh, in Newari cha-
racter, are fragments only. The twelfth copied in Newari
in N.S. 858= 1288 A.D. in the victorious reign of Abhaya Malla
Deva. The thirteenth is in Newari character copied during
the same reign. The fourteenth is in Newari character. The
sixteenth is dated N.S. 262 = 1142 A.D. The eighteenth is
in Newari character copied in N.S. 889=1269 A.D. The
Devistava forms a part of the MS. The nineteenth is a frag-
ment in NSgara character. The twentieth is dated N.S. 522.
DevlmSlhStmyatlkS, p. 51, No. 1861 5, by HarltSmra Srl-
pltSmbara, otherwise called Durgasandehabhedika, a commen-
tary on the Devimahatmya. This was copied at Haripura by
Haladhara who seems to have enjoyed the title of Vaipsa-
mani in La. Sam. 878.
KSrttikamShStmya or YaisnavamrtasSroddhara, p. 6,
No. 92 and p. 82, No. 1077 , both from the SkandapurSna
and both copied in Bengali character the first was copied at

Parih&ra in La. Sam. 412; and the second in La. Sam. 447.
The interlocutors are NSrada and BrahmS and the subject
Yaisnavism. This appears to be the same work as noticed in
pp. 217-218 of the MS. Index prepared by Captain Wilfords
Pandita. [See p. 1414 I.O. Cat.] There are many other
works bearing the same name from other Puranas, and what
is curious still there is a work of the same name in the
SkandapurSna itself. [See Sanskrit College Catalogue by
Castri and Gui, part 4, Nos. 211 and 252.]
YaiaSkhamShatraya, p. 61, No. 1508 w, from the Pstala


Klianda, Iadmapurana, in Nowari character. Tl>c same as

noticctl l>y ^Vebcr in Vol. I, pai^e 180 .

Ekadaslmahatniyain, p. 70, No. 16.1') gr, and EkadaSyiit-

pattili, p. 71, No. 155'J s, give tlio pauranika legends about
the .sacroilnoss of the fast on the eleventh day of the moon.
RamacandranamastottaraSatam, p. 51, No. 1368 b, is a
part of theUttara Klianda of the Padmapurana. [See Uhvar
Ramopakhyanam, p. 78, No. 1583 is from the Vana-
parva of the MahSbharata, in Nevvari character.
Rudramahatmya, p. 82, No. 164i5 w, is from the VarSha-
purana, in Newari character.
VisnujanmanukJrttanam, p. 51, No.
is a treatise 1863 n,
on the incarnations of Visnu, from the BhavisyapurSna.
Sesadharnlsanivada, p. 13, No. 882 is from the Brahman-

dapurana, in Uriya character.

SatvavadhSpraSamanain, p. 83, No. 1646 ar, is from
Visnudharma, copied in N.S. 322 = 1202 A.D. during the
victorious reign of Arimalla There is a chapter in
Raja Mitra, No. 2298, entitled SarvavadhSpraflamana-
vidhikathanam. The work described in that work is Visnu-
dharma and not Visnudharmottara. [See Cat. Cat. 590B.]
Suryyarnava, p. 267, No. 1246, appears to beaPaurSnika
work on the consequences of sins committed in one existence,
in future existences and their atonements. The interlocutors
are NSrada and Amvarisa, and they speak of the atonements
in the various rSSis.


Niiakanthastava, No. 1320 3, was copied in

p. 46,
N.S. 407 =1287 A.D. The hymn was known only in a single
quotation by RSyamukuta in his commentary on the
Amarakosa. There are two copies of a work of the same
name with a commentary in the Oriental Library, Madras.
Mahapuru?astava, p. 51, No 1868 , is a part of the

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Ivi niFFAnE.

'Jentli Hl<!ui(ilia of Srimatlbliagavata. It was copied in I

N. S. = A.D.
Maliiiniial.i stobra, p. 227, No. is not the well-
known work of the same name attributed to Inspadanta,
the Lord of the Gandharvas, on which there are so many
commeri^iries, Jjut an imitation of it by one who, thoifgh
bearing the namo of the relentless Muni Diirvilsas of the
Iliriluas, is a historical person variously named Durvasodeva
Durvasomuni. He is said to be the first teacher of all the

Upanisids. The MS. is in Nagara character, extent 817 f

Slokas, having 13 chapters. I

Kalabhairavasbjtra, p. 52, No. 1S63 is from the

Ksai Khanda. It is a hymn to the grim deit^', Kalabhairava,
who, unless pi-opitiated, would not allow anyone to live and

die at that holy spot, where death, under any circumstances,

leads to emancipation. He, with his broomstick, sweeps
away all sinners from Benares.
Gaiendramoksanastavar5ia, p. 18, No. 619 ur, is one of
the five gems in the Mahabharata.
JyotiSanandastav.i, p. 72, No. 1559 i, is a hymn to
Siva who is represented in the form of light. It is a tSntrika
hymn. Unique. I

Sanaigearastava, p. 46, No. 1828 s; p. 48, No. 1861 n;

p. 79,No. 1688 w. They all come from the SkandapurSna.
The second was copied in RSmanandayuge, i.e., N.S. 493 =
1878 A.D.
Ssradastava, p. 53, No, 1868 ns, runs through 6 leaves
and was copied in N.S. 520 = 1400 A.D.
Stavaraja, p. 89, No. 1176 and w. Aufrecht in
Ijip.Cat. No. 1297, says that it is a hymn to Ganesa.
Stavaraja MShStinya, p. 18, No. 1861 ur, from the
Bhavisyapurana, appears to be a glorification of the above.
Sivapaiicaksararn, p. 13, No. 882 w, is a MS. in Uriya
character. [Cat. Cat., p. 650 A.]
Hariharastotra, p. 56j No. 1478 5 ,
is from the Hari

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Mrtyunjayastav.'i, p. 68, No. 1581 s. ia a part of

Pararaesvaratantra in Rl-,0tK) Slokas. 'Iliis appear.^ to be tlie

work entitled ParameSvaratantra in Prof. HeudaHs Cam.

Cat. p. 27. It is not a part of ParameSvara-Samliita in
Burnell 205A, wliicli is a Pancaratra. The MS. is in Nowari
VagiSvarlstotram, p. 56, No. 1478 ^r, i.s a hymn to
VagiSvari, a form of SarasvatT, the goddess of learning.
She is worshipped both by Buddhists and Hindus at Bodh
GayS and at Benares. Her glories are related in Svayamblni-
purSna as well as on KSSikhanda.
VinSyakastava, p. 79, No. 1688 n, is a hymn to GaneSa
from the BhavisyapurSna.
Visnupanjarastotram, p. 46, No. 1820 5, was copied in

N.S. 400 = 1280 A.D.

VarShamihira SamhitS, p. 26, No. 983 n, is a curious
work copied in Nepal Samvat 280 = 1110 A.D. It begins
with a long invocation to the god of Love whose influence is
said to have been felt even by Brahma, Indra and others. It
treats of the age, auspicious moment and so on, of marriage.
Vetalapancavimsati, p. 79, No. 1688 w, is translation of
the well-known work of that name in Sanskrit, into Newari.
Harimokhala, in Newari language, p. 86, No. 1114 n, is
dated N.S. 641 = 1421 A.D. During the reigpi of Jayajyo-
tirmalla Deva.

Amrte^atantrani, pp. 11 and 125, No. 285 This is

otherwise called MrtyujidamrtlSavidhanarn. This may be the

same as Mrtyujit-bhaUaraka, mentioned by Hall, as quoted
by KsemarSja. in his Siva-sOtra-vimarsinl.
The MS. is dated N.S. 820, i.e., 1200 A.D. But as K^em-
arSja quotes the work in the tenth century, the work, like the
majority of original tantras quoted by him, must bo older

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Iviii I'KKlAlK.

The work is complete in papilas ami appears to tra-

verse the whole ground of Tautrika subjects. Curiously
enough in this work, which purposes to have been revealed
by Siva to his consort Parvati, there is a Maijgalacarana
making obeisance to Siva.
It treats of the God AmrteSa and Bhairava Mrtymjit a:-
para and apara phases of one divinity.
AmrteSvara-devasya NityapQja vidhih, p. U>, Nu. 18i'<l 9r,
treats of the worship of AmrteSa, AmrtiSa or .\nifteSvara,
and of the articles i-equired in that worship. This is the
deity spoken of in the preceding.
IndrSksIstava, in Newari character, and Karpurastotra
are two TSntrika works mentioned in this Catalogue, being
No. 161.5 and 1376 w, pp. 88 and 5 k In Cat. Cat. p. 59B
mention is made of an IndrSksI-stava from the NandikeSvara- .*

Kakacandeavarlmatani, p. 155, No. (3)118, in Nagari
character, professes to be a new system of 7 antra. It treats

of Medicine, Alchemy, and so on. This is a much larger

work than that mentioned in 1.0. Cat., p. 880, where it is .

also called Maharasayanavidhih. The Vedas being ver^ !

old, the highest bliss cannot be obtained through

them. I

Therefore Siva speaks of the highest bliss as MahSjnana,


and, as oppmsed to it, Alpajnana, to have recourse to before

the attainment of JnSnavada. Towards the end of the work
there are many prescriptions in which mercury has its full
KSLlikastotra, p. 52, No. 1868 s, is a hymn to Kslika
from the TSntrika work Kslikakulasarvasva. This is to be
differentiated from a work of the same name attributed to
SarnkarSeftryya. The work is in Maithila character.
Kallkul5rnavatantra, p. 160, No. (2)130. In Newari
character. Dated N.S. 567 = 1717. Unique. An Original
Tantra in which the interlocutors are Devi and Bhairava.

This_ work begins with Viranatha uvaca, the Lord of
Viras said. The word Vtra means one who has attained

Diijiiiiod by Google

.success in the form of worship. VlranStha,

tliercfore, means the supreme Ijord of tlieso Viras. The
work speaks of (iiiliya IviiU, tlic great godtloss of Nepal, and
attempts to artUiate, tliougli very clumsily, her worship to the
.\tliarva Veda. In Gat. p. 101 there is what purports to be a
formula of Kali-worshij) in one hundred letters.
Kalitattva, p. 161, No. 1589. Tt has another name, icara-
jiratipadanatattvam. The first three leaves are missing.
This with the work mentioned next after it in Cat. p. 162,
No. 1589, forms an incomplete copy of Kalitattva (see pp. 686
and 587 of the Bikanir Catalogue). Raghava Bhatta, the
author, was a gi-eat Tautrika writer and commentator whose
Badarthadarga, a commentary on the Ssradatilaka, is often
quoted in Smrti and Tantra compilations. The MSS. in the
Darbar Library treat of Acara and Prayageitta respectively.
The author characterises his commeutary on fisradatilaka,
in Bik. Cat., p. 6 >9, as Satsarapradayakrta-VySkhya. From
the last page of the Benares Edition of the work, Sam. 1958,
itappears that RSghava Bhattas father came from Nasik to
Benares, and that the date of the composition of the com-
mentary is 1550 of the Samvat Era, as that is used by the
Marhattas = 14>91 .\.D.
Kalottara, pp. 9-10 (called in the colophon Vrhat-kalo-
ttarainnauia SivasiddhSntani), No. 278 w, pp. 87-88 (Kslottare
trayodagagatike). No. 1111 5; p. 6 (Kalottara tantram). No. 89,
p. 73, No. 1583 w; pp. 8 and 96 (Kalottare Mahatantre
Saptagatike), No. 226 w; and p. 80 (Kalottara or Kalajnana),
No. 1631
Kalottara is a very ancient Tantrika work. Abhinavagupta
who flourished at the end of the 10th and the beginning of the
1 1th Century (see Bulu Kas. Rep., p. 80), quotes this work
in his TrinmlS-taltra-vivarana. An examination of the MSS.
in the llurbar Library reveals the fact that there are three re-
censions of the work, namely, (1) a large recension, (2) a recen-
sion in 1,800 glokas,and another (8) a recension in 700 llokaa.
The name Kalottara suggests that it is the supplement

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to a work cntitlud Kalatantra. Tlio work was hitliorto

kuowu only in quotations. It tiouls witli tin; wursliij) of Siva.
'I'lic iutci'locutor.s aro Siva ami Karttikcya {s(;o Cat., [). f>Oj.

Tilt' names of cliapters, as given in that page, show that it

traversos the whole ground of a tantrika work. One of the

chaptor.s, namely the twenty-fourth, is named Kalaeakra. This
work is complete in 82 patalas, while in the Vrhat recension
(Cat., p. P-IU) there are W
paUdas. It also traverses the whole
grouml of a Tautrika work, but more fully and in a different
order. Has this anything with the Kalaeukra of the Bud-
dhi.>;ts ?

Kulasarasaiiigraha, p. 162-68, No. 1668, an original tantra

with J a vara and Devi as interlocutors, is a part of Sonia-
bhujaggavalli which again is a part of Amftamatliana. The
work appears to be unique and complete in 86 patalas.
Kaumaripuja, p. 16, No. 1820 5 i,c., the process of wor-

shipping one of the mothers named Kumari, was copied in

N.S. 100 = 1280 A.D.

Kriyakalpatarau kriyakandah, p. 11, No 882 w, appears
to be only a part of Kriyakalpataru, a complete work
of the KulaSastra, i.e., of the left-handed form of wor-
ship by Saktinatha surnamed KalySnakara. He opens the
work by making obeisance to a succession of Gurus. The
great teachers of (paramparyaprakasins) were
the sect
KanthanStha, Gahgadhara, Muuindra, Mahavala Mahe^ana,
Vagisvarananda, and Hevaraja, who was the preceptor of the
author and Vicitrananda Deva. The materials used are
KulaSastras and AmuSyas. The author explains the words
of Siva according to tradition and according to sound
reasoning. In the first place the author mentions a number
of yogas according to tantrika rites. The MS. is incomplete
and in Maithila character. Neither the work KriyS kalpatani
nor the author Kalyanakara is mentioned by Aufrecht.
Gurupaiiktipujavldhih, p. 50, No. 1361 sr, in Newari
character, V) leaves only. Baj. Mitra, No. 1081, speaks of a
Gurupahktikavaca from the Gurutantru. The present work

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forma a part of Gurui):inkti worship, being one of the
PancSfigaa or five essentials of worsliip.
Guhytisiddhisastram, p. 87, No. lOiSs, in Ncwari diame-
ter, was oopied 51t = 139i,at BhatgSo, in the reign of
in N.S.
Jayasthiti Malta. The work is probably one brought by the
Bandits of that king from India. It is a most violently vama-
cSrl work. The matter is obscene, written in a mystic form.
The language is ungrammatical and in places unintelligible.
Cincinimatasarasamuccayah, p. 173, No. 769, is an ori-
ginal Tantra in 1 2 patalas. The first verse obscurely hints that
the cult of CincinI was originated by Siddhanatha, one of the
successful Yogis who went by the title Natha. It belongs to
Vamacara and to PaScima Krama. The language is obscure,
ungrammatical and unintelligible. In the opening verses it
enumerates the various forma of religious practices current at
the time. The work belongs to the early period of Tantrika
ChatrayogodbhutadosaSantividhih, p. 171, No. 1111.
It treats of the process of atoning for the defects arising from
chatrayoga, composed under the order of Emperor Bahadur
Shah of Delhi in Srisake Sarapuskaravanidharapraleyaro-
cirrnite, t.e., saka 1776 or 1868, just before the mutiny.
Chatrayoga is a process of worship prescribed by Bhrgu.
Jayadrathayamala, p. 176, No. 268, a longish work on
paper, extending to about 8,000 slokas. The MS. is not very
old. It is dated Newar Samvat 762 = 1642 A.D. It treats of
some topics to be found in the Kularnava. It was for a long
time suspected that the worship of Kali did not originate in the
higher classes in India. The present work says that the
ParameSvarl should be worshipped in the house either of a
potter or of an oilman, two castes holding a very low position
in Hindu Society. The entire work is said to extend to
2-1,000 alokas. The present MS. then is only a fragment.
The whole work is divided into four parts of 6,000 alokas each
called satkas. The present is a portion of the second satka. It
treats of the worship of various forms of Kali, namely, Uambara

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Kali, Gjiliiitiegvari, Kkatara, Candasavari, Vajravnti, liaksilkali,

Indivari Kfilika ([iiTiiajis Llio same as iSilasaiasMitP. JJlianada
Kali, Hamaiiya, igaiiaKali and Maul raiiiUta. 'I'lie lirsl part of
I Ills MS. IS named Kalasankar.sai.ii, tlio second \ id_\ avidyeSva-
ricaki aand tlie third part Yaksinieakra. 'i'ho coloplioii of the
work like tliat of all ancient tantras is too long and appear.-? to

iio a string of names, the imjiort of which, if c.\isted at all, iS

Uist. Jt I'lius thus in the present :


hi Sri lihairava-
srotasi Nidyapilhe Sirasehede .layadratliayiiinale, Catur
vimsatisahasramahatantre dvitiya Saike, ikc., iltc.

.lhahkarakaraviratantra, p. 181, No. lO'.t, is a mahstan-

tra complete in 8,000 Slokas, 'Jhe present MS. therefore
with 675 slokas is only a fragment. 'Ihe wor-ship prescribed
in it is that of C'andakapalini, a fierce form of the goddess
Kali, decked in sculls. The work appears more to be a com-
pilation than an original tantra. Jhaijkesvarl, who has a soli-
tary temple in the fierce-looking woodland, a few miles off
Kathmandu, was an object of great worshij) in Nepal. Kara-
virawith yellow flowers is sacred to Kali, and Jhaijkara means
a peculiar sort of noise. In this form of worship a noisy
Karavira is preferred. This is a relic of tree worship.
Tattvasara, p. 7V), No. 1081 is an interlocution between

Sadauaua and Siva on the nature of G>)dhead and emanci-

pation. See Kaj. Mitra, No. 2112. Eggelling, p.80d, describes
a TuttvasSra which is an interlocution between SQta and
p. 31, No. 1076 *, by Sankara, in
Maithila character, dated L. Sam. 511 = 1621 A.D. See I.O.
Cat., p.908 A. This is a tantrika compilation by Sam-
karacarya of GaudadeSa, complete in 15 patalas.
Tripurasundaripratahstotram, p. 61., No. 1876 nr, is
from the Uudrayainala.
Tripurastava, p. 54, No. 1876 11 is also from the same ,

Tripurakavaca, j>. 51, No. 1876 a, is also called Sarvartha
sadhanaip or the means of attaining all objects.

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Tripurajapahomavidliili, p. 86, No. HUS 9 ,

is from the
Vainakes varataiit ra.
TripunisiiHiiriiii-nityakiirinavidliili,p. 7 No. loSt

These live complete what may be called a paacatjga of Tripura

Tvaritastotra, p. 8, No. 22U w. Tvarita is a form of Kali,

the process of whose worsliip is in the riijlithamk'd form

given in T'autrasara (Cal. Kd., p. 182). 8he is described as dark,
and decorated on the head with a peacock's tail, with lier cloth
made of leaves. She bends forward a little towards the front
owing to the weight of her bosom, over which hangs a garland
of guhja with the 8 serpent lords forming various ornaments
of her body. She is in the form of a lady from the bordc'r-
land, with bands rai.sed in the position of granting boon and
protection. She has three eyes.
Dik^vidliih, p. ly, No. 736 a, treats of the usual initiation
ceremony of a votary of tantra.
Devlkasadhanani, p. 7, No. 135 w, treats of projiitiating
Oevika by a house-holder.
Devlkavacain, p. 55, No. 11-73 it, is in Newari character.
Narapatijayacarya, p. 69, No. 1537 w. Dr. Bhandar-
kar, in p. 35 of his Report for 1882-83, says, 'Ihc author wrote
this book at Anahilajiattana in the reign of Ajayapfda who
occupied the Gaulukya throne from 11 71 to 1177 A.D. He
finished the work on Tuesday the first of the liglit linlf of
Oaitra inthe year 1232 of Vikrama corresponding to 1 1 76 .\ .D.
Svarodayadipika, p.41 and 107, No. 1186, by Jagajjyotir-
malla, is a unique commentary on the above written by Raja

Jagajjyotirmalla of BhatgS in Nepal and copied by his court

Bandit VamSamani, a Moithila Brahmana. 'Jhe date of com-
position is 1536 Saka= 1614 A.D. The King brought the work
from a distant country. There is a long genealogy of the
Solar Kings of Nepal in this MS. which lias been fully utilized
by Prof. Bendall in his history of Nepal appended to this
work. The extent of Yaksamallas dominions is given as
Mithila, Magadha, GayS, the whole of Nepal, BangadeSa, the

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(nijges, (Jorkliii, l^^l]>a aixl in the North, .seven days jouniev

Irom Nepal.
Nit3:i-uaimittika-vidliili or Sakti sutra, [j. 18, No. 619 h,
i.s a work on daily rites of the worshippers of Sakti.
NitjataiUra, p. 8, No. 226 n. Nitya is a form of Kali
mentioned in the I'antrasara next after Tvarita. She is dark-
red with the moon crescent on the forehead, with lotus,
noose, afiknSa, the goad for driving an elephant, and fall human
sculls in her four hands. Her, her ornaments and her
garlands are all red. She has three eyes. She is wife of
Siva with her frame shaking with lust and wine. This is

a tantra on her worship.

Nityahnikatilakam, pp. 45,47, and 111, Nos. 1820 w and
VI, is an unique work on the daily rites of the Tantrikas. The
MS. in p. 15 was copied in Newari character in N.S. 817 =
1197, the year of the Muhammadan conquest of Bihar; it was
copied by AeSrya Harilnara in the reign of Vijayakamadeva,
and that in 47 in N.S. 528 = 1403 A.D.
The author is Mun-
jaka, also called Jaya, the son of Srikantha who was an adej)t
in the PaScima Sasana.The ancient tantras are divided as be-
longing to north, south, east and west Sssanas. The worship
of Kubjika and the Sastra Kubjikamata (for which see infra) be-
longs to the PaScima class. This work appears to be a very old
a handbook of the Kubjikamata. It says that
the Saiva cidt is higher than the Vedas, the Daksina is higher
than the Saiva. The PaScima is the highest of all. The highest
aim of tliis cult is said to be proficiency in three kinds of Bhelaka
or jugglery. The authors father, Srikantha, appears to have
been a great writer of this cult. It is difficult to say whether
Jaya or Munjaka was a son or a disciple of Srikantha. Per-
haps he was both, as the Nathas, though leading a monastic life,
are credited with having children. The Nathas or those who
attained success in TSntrika cults were recruited from the low-
est classes and from outcastes, and their Sanskrit therefore is
incorrect, ungrammatical and often unintelligible, as is the
case with the present work.

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NiivSsSkhja MahStantra, p. 11, No. 270, is in a very

dilapidated condition. I have pointed out that the Sivaite

work on architecture is a part of this tantra. The present

codex professes to be six thousand slokas in extent, but the
MS. does not seem to go much beyond the PratisthS tantra.
It was copied in N.S. 180=1060 A.D.
NrtyeS vara tantra, p. 201, No. 1322. The Professors of
dancing, singing and histrionic representations regard Siva
as the presiding divinity of these arts, and they call him
Nrtyeavara, Nates vara and so on. This tantra is named after
him. The subject-matterof a tantra need not have any
close relation with the name. The present MS. is a mere
fragment extending to 66 Slokas. It gives the formulae of
meditating upon 8 Bhairavis and 8 MahSkSlIs whose names
are to be found in p. 202. At the end of this MS. there is an
invocation to all the viras, i.e., successful heroes in the left-
handed form of worship, and they include BhSrgava, HanQmat,
BhTma among others noted in the Epics and PurSuas.
Nrsimhasundarlkavaca, p. 202, No. (8) 48, treats of an
amulet consecrated to Nrsimhasundarl. This is a unique
work forming a part of a unique tantra entitled Sammilana-
PSrameSvarlmatatantra, p. 85, No. 1647 w. There is a
PSrameSvarlmatatantra mentioned and described in Prof.
Bendalls Cam. Cat. p. 27.

p, 17, No. 491, is a work on TSntrika

ritualsabout the Pithas, places consecrated by the fall of the
limbs of Sati after her death at the sacrifice of her father
Dak^a. Unique.
PurascaranacandrikS, p. 60, No. 1361 5, by DevendrSara-
ma, the disciple of Vibudhendr53rama, is a Kaula work. The
author in Raj. Mitra 2399 styles himself Mantrika CakravartI
or the Emperor of mystic formulae.
PuraScaryyarnava, p. 206, No. (2) 376, by Pratipa
Simhasaha, the Maharajadhiraja of Nepal, in 1881 Samvat =
1776 A.D. Unique. The Imperial author consulted many

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Ixvi n(Kt'.MK.

Sgamas, Paddliafis, Upanisads, .Tyotisa works, works on veteri-

nary scioiicc, Inranas and Binrtis.

Puspacintamani, p. 207, No. OGO, is a tantrika compilation
on the subioct of offering appropriate flowers to various tJu-
trika divinities. Unique. Date of copyingN.S. 872= 1762 A.D.
The work is divided into 4 ])rakas'a8 treating of the flowers
enjoined and prohibited in the worship of such gods as Siva,
Visnu, DurgS, and Daksinakali.
PajSvidhih, p. 80, No. 1176 n, is a tSntrika work in

Newari character.
Pnrvamiiayatantra, p. 208, No. 109, by Ratnadeva, in

Newari character, is a short tantrika compilation. From the

name it appears to be a compilation from those tantras which
are classed as eastern. It gives the process of performing
28 tantrika rites. Unique.
Pratisthasarasatpgrahah, p. 78, No. 1688 s. The archi-
tecture and consecration of temples. It was composed be-
cause in this iron age people had no access to original tantras.
Composed in N.S. 778, by Radha, who was a favourite both of
theKing and the Queen.
Prapancasaratantra, pp. 70 and 117, No. 16.33 5 dated ,

L. Sam 408. An original tantra in long and flowing verses by

one who calls himself Acarya, see Eggeling I.O. Cat. 869 B.
and H.P. Vol. II. 180. This is a Vaisiiava Tantra. The
present MS. contains 88 patalas.
PrayaScittasamuccaya, p. 215, No. 1297, character
Newari. The author is HrdayaSiva, the disciple of lavarasiva,
who belonged to the Ranipatra Lambakarna
school of
belonging to the MattamayQravaipga. The last went from
Ranipatra to Goratikamatha and was at once accepted as his
own by the RajS of Dhara. The work is 'Iantrika as opposed
to Smartta. Unique. I'he discovery of this work shows that
at one time an attempt was seriously made to set up a complete
code of Saiva and Tantrika regulation of life. The author says
work is one of many of the kind. It belongs to an
that his
unknown mahatantra named Bathula which is quoted in

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l^Iadanajiariiata, Cal. Ed. p. 47. lint the editor, a ^Inha-

inahopadhyaya, calls Batlnda a Rsi. Hrdayaatva is compared
to VidyeSvara in learning.
Prasadadipikamantra tippanam, p. 216, No. 1456. Uni-
que. It isaTantrika compilation dealing in the last chapters
with the consecration of temples. There are altogether 28
chapters. The name of the work been taken from the
Maggalacarana. Aufrecht says that a work of this name has
been quoted in Madanaparijata. The name therefore is

PrSsSdadipika, and Mantratippana is a case in apposition.

It traverses the entire field of TSntrika subjects.
Bhairav5rcanam, p. 87, No. 1648 5, is a liturgical work
in Newari character. Fifteen leaves only.
ManjuSri-Ssdhana, pp. 53 and 121, No. 1863 ft, is a pro-
cess of propitiating the Buddhist Bodhisattva ManjuSrl. He
is sometimes regarded as male and sometimes as female.

The Hindus regard him as Sarasvat! the goddess of learning ;

the Buddhists regard him as the lord of power and learning.

He has a sword in one hand and a MS. in the other as the ;

presiding god of all learning and skill he is also the god of

arts, both fine and mechanical, and so the present work
on SiljJd is appropriately called ManjuSrigadhanarn. It treats
of such topics as temple architecture, construction of images,
making of domestic utensils, and so on. The writer of the

work was absolutely ignorant of Sanskrit and writes in a

language which is the language of practical Sllpa^Sstra imder-
stood by the Silpa-practisers oidy.
MantroddhSra, p. 77, No. 1688 *, treats of the evolution
of mystic syllables or words from their description given in
the Itantras. The Mantras are generally given in mystic
sentences, each word of which represents some letter in the
Mantra. This is the most mysterious, difficult and stupid
part pf tantrika literature. There is a work entitled
Mantnakosjv, a modern compilation, which deals elaborately
with this mystery. The present MS. appears to be an
originjil tantra on the subject. It has six pa^as.

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Matanga-paramcSvar.atantra, p. 210, No. (2)171, in

Nagari charactor, is a longisli work : aii original tantra divided

into four parts, called padas, namely, Viilya, Kriya, Yoga,
Garya. The last pada only has nine patalas. The work
has been noticed by Burnell, p. 205 A Cat. I.O. p. 905 A., ;

Hullzsch, Vol. 11, 958. A commentary on the work has been

noticed by Hullzsch, VoLII.966,and Sans. Coll. Cat. Vol. III. 91.
The commentator Ramakantha says that the work has four

pSdas Vidya, Kriya, UpSsya and Siddhi. MSS. of the
Siddhipada and the last portion of the Upasyapada have yet
to be discovered. The Cataloguists have divided it into four
padas without the Siddhipada, i.e., they have divided the third
or UpSsyapada into two, namely, the Yoga and the Carya.
The work seems to be a very largo one, as the Tanjore MS.
contains more than 12,000 glokas, and is yet incomplete.
The present MS. appears to be a smaller recension of the
work, as nearly the very same number of subjects are dealt
with in about 4,000 slokas. The I.O. MS. appears to be
even smaller than this.
Paii(}ita Hf$ikesa is right in his surmise that this is a
Saiva Agama ; at commentator makes it. On an
least so the
examination of the contents of this MS. and of those of
BarameSvaratantra, p. 27, Bendalls Cam. Cat., I cannot help
hazarding a conjecture that these two works are but larger
and shorter recensions of the same tautrika work.
Matasara, p. 222, No. 1512, in Ne war! character, is unique.
It treats of the worship of BalakubjikS and is complete in
ten patalas. This appears to be a work related to the Kub-
jikSmata and Kulalikimnaya. The same Pithas are mentioned,
namely, Odiyana, JSla and Purna; but the second is said, to be
to the south of the first and the third to the north of the s^econd.
The writer evidently confounded Jsla with Matahga. )

Mok?asopanatIka, p. 228, No. 1498, in Newari character,

isan anonymous commentary on an unknown work entitled
Mok^a-sopana, a tantrika work on emancipation. Tlje text
begins Oqi namastute Mahamaye. <

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MahSlak^ml plays an important part in modern Saira and

Tanti ika worship. She is regarded as one of the eight matrkas
and 18 greatly worshipped in the Marhattii comitiy. She is
represented in this Catalogue by no less than six works.
There are:
MahSlak^mlmata-bhattSraka, p. 4>7 and 128, No. 1820 v.
The MS. is dated N.S. 880 = 126(1 A.D. It was copied by
Kayastha Udayahar^a rapidly for Samkhyapalas edifica-
tion. The work is to contain 1 ,800 slokas, but the MS. contains

about 1,500. It is a part of a groat Tautrika work entitled

Alahamantrasara containing 24,000 filokas. The cult of
Mahalak^ml, says the scribe, is the nectar of the rays of the
i.e., he thinks this to be the highest Tantrika cult.
great cults,
Mahalak^mlmahatmyam, p. 64, No. 1876
Mahalak^mimahatmya-vratavyakhyanasamuccaya, pp. 52
and 84, Noe. 1868 w and 1645 s. The first was copied in
N.S. 688 and the second in 505 by Ylrasiinha. They are both
complete in 16 pa(alas. The author is said to be Galava a ^^i.
A Galava is quoted in Supadma Yyakaranam. So this is
another way of attributing Tantrika works to K$is.
Mahalakfmivratam or Lak^mlcaritarp, p. 46, No. 1320
er, by Bama Kaviraja, in five chapters, was copied N.S. 399 =

1279 A.D.
Mahalakgmivratakatha, p. 84, No. 1645 w, was copied in
N.S. 502.
Mahalak^mlvratamahatmyavyakhyanam, p. 26, No.
910 a.
Mahamaya is represented in this Catalogue in three works.
' Mahamayastavah, pp. 78 and 83, Nos. 1688 a, and 1645
a, inNewari character. The first was copied in N.S.' 391 =
1271 A.D. and it treats of Siva and Sakti as united in
Mshamaya^^ka, p. 87, No. 1648 w, in Newari character,
was copied in N.S. 584 = 1464 A.D.
Maiinistuti and Maliuistotram, pp. 76 and 82, Nos. 1608
a and 1645 a, are hymns to Mahamaya in Malini-verses.

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YucUlliajayarnava, pp. 1 and 81, Nos. 72 and Ui34, both

in Ncwari. 'I'hu second is dated 41M) N.H. = l3(i(i A.D. in
Jayastliiti Malla.s victorious
reign. 'I'lie work noticed in
p. tlie same as in I.O. (Jat. j>. 1080-81.
81 a]i])ears to be It

is work on svarodaya in ten patidsis. Hot that in p. 1

appears to bo a dift'ei ent work and a lantrika one, treating
of HOja and similar Tantrika topics.
Yogaguhya, p. 8, No. 220 5 brouglit down from

heaven to earth by Kanthanatha wlio, a.s Srikantha, is already

known from tlie Nityahnikatilakani, Cat. pp. 45, 47 and 111.
It teaches the mysteries of TSntrika yoga. Hut unfortunately
there are only a few leaves in the Darbar library.
Yoginivijayastavar5ja, p. 286,No. 1642, from the Brahma-
yamala, is a short work in Newari character copied in N.S.
81 1. This was first spoken by Siva to his consort, and then
I'lppalada-mum brought it down from heaven to earth.
This 13 one of the ways of affiliating Tantras to the Vedas.
PippalSda is said in the PurSnas to be the propounder of a
Sakha of the Athai va Veda, and he is now made the revealer
of this hymn. In the second Sloka of the Maygalacaraua,
Rama comes in for a share of the Tantrika worship.
The MS. of Yogapitha, p. 69, No. 1478 w, has only five

loaves in Newari character containing only two chapters

and a few verses of the work. It treats of Krama or grada-
tion, so greatly insisted upon in the Kulalika.
Ratnapancakavatara, p. 238, No. 1552, is an original tan-
tra in which Kubjika and Bhairava are the interlocutors.
The five Ratnas are Kula, Akula, Kaula, Kulaetoka and
Kulafa^ka. There are eleven patalasin this work. It appears
to be a treatiseof the Kubjikamata, the extent of which is
stated to be 12,UOO and not 24,000 Slokas. The principal
object of this work are the five jewels, the worship and
mantras of which are expatiated upon. Copied by KslidSsa
inN.S. 740 = 1620 A.L).
RSjakalpadruma, p. 242, No. (2) 82 by Maharjadhirajn
Rajendra Vikrama Saha of Nepal (1816 to 1847 A.D.). [See


my Report, p. 17, and Bcndalls History of Nepal, p. 17.] Tlie

MaliarSjadhirajii wanted to make an encyclopaedic compilation
of the Tantras. In the 0 |)cning line ho says that mantras are
viz., Vaidika, Tantrika and
of three cla-sses, Jlie^ra. The Royal
author gives his genealogy as follows ;

Vikrama came from the CitrakQLa in Bundelkhaud to the

Himalayas. His son was



. . .








Yaso-Brahma Sahl.

Dravyasahi Saka 1481. Entered the Gorkha Valley.

PUrna Sahl.
Rama Sahl.

Dambara Sahl. ~

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Ixxii rnRFAOE.

Kr?na Ssbi.

Riulra Sahl.

Prthvipati Sahl.


NarabhQpala Sabi.

Prtbvinarayana Sahl conquered Nepal, Saka 1600 = 1708 A.D.

Prata|)asimha Baliadura

Raiia Bahadura.

G Irvanayuddhavikrama.

Rajcndra Vikrama.

The work is eoraplcte in 14 Patalas. Its real name is

Mantra-kalpadnnna, and it is a treatise of MantraSastra. It

includes Visnuinantra in the Tantras.

Laksmyavatarstotrani, p. 46, No. 1320 n, was copied in
N.S. 408=1288.
Lalitarcanacandrika, p. 248, No. 97, was composed by
SaccidSuandanatln. The author was asked by his disciples
at Jalandar Lalita, a form of the
to compile a liturgy of
Devi. a comprehensive work running through about
It is
5,000 glokas, divided into 25 chapters, called prakasas. The
work treats of the duties of a Tantrika. It quotes from
Puranas too.
VamakeSvari in her Tripura image is a form of the
Devi whose cult is represented by a large mumbor of works
in the Tantrika literature and by three works in this Cata-
VamakeSvarl-pOia-paddhati, p. 49, No. 1861 , runs
through 17 pages of Newari writing.

VamtikcSvnrlm.'itntippniiam, p. 71, No. 15R0 z, appears to

be a commtiiitiir j oi i-atlu-r a on a work entitled VSmakeS-
varatantra. [No. I8<i> and 18G6 of the Hikauir Catalogue.]
The original work contains 5 Iatalas, the first has no name, the
second treats of the pi'oeoss of worshipping Tripura, the third
of Mudra, the various contortions of the fingers and not the
sauces which appetiso in drinking, the fourth of the practice
of the throe Vlja mantras [ITS Raim, HS Klrim, HS Raum]
appropriate to Tripura Bhairavt, and, the fifth of the homa
proper to her. The commentator is Manmatha Pati and the
scribe NarSyana Kavi, and the date of copy is N.S. 4i7-t=1864
A.D. The commentator says that the text is 400 Slokaa in
VamakoSvarl-stuti-nyasa pnja-vidhayah, p. 32, No. 1077
V, was composed by VatsarSja who is said to have been a
Vidyadharacakravarttin. The Vidyadharas are first known
to have ruled in Mysore and then on the banks of the Nar-
mada. They were a race said to have possessed opeijJi poyfers.
Varunapnja, p. 78, No. i0S8 .rnd V3runay3gavidhih,
p. 77, No. 1633 n, are parts of NandikeSvaramata [in one MS.
NandikeSvaraprokt^], a system of tantra and that portion of it
which deals with the consecration of Temples, &c. As regards
the existence of NandikeSvaramata there is a TSISdhySya of
the System in Cat. Cat. p. 276 A, Vol. I.
VidySpitha, p. 88, No. 1693 a, is a work on Quhya Kali
of Nepal in three chapters.
Vimalavatl, p. 68, No. 1686 v, is a Tantrika work incom-
plete both at the beginning and at the end. It treats of PQja
Homa, Daman and Dik^.
Vrsasarasarngraha, p. 92, No. 86 ji,:of the New Collec-
tion, in Newari character, is a Sivaite Tantrika work.
Ssradatilaka, pp. 78, 84 and 88, Nos. 1588 sr, 1647 w, and
1648 5 ,
is a well-known compilation of Tantra by Laksmaqa

DeSika. All the MSS. are in Bengali character. The last was
copied in S3ka 1886 = 1414 A.D. The most valuable commen-
tary on this work which contains 25 Patalas, representing 26

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Ixxiv I liKCAi K.

tattvfts of the Sanilcliyas, is the I'adarthadarSa l)y Kaghava

Blialla, for wldcdi see .sy);vf. my notice of Krditattva. Com-
montiiig upon the gcn(u>logical vei'scs of Ijiiksniana, Uaghava
Bays Mahilliala was tlie founder of tlio faniil). His son was
Acarya Iandita. Jlis son Kisna and liis sun Laksmana the
author. The conjecture of Raj. Mitra tliatlie belonged to the
VSrendra class of Bengal brahmanas is based on a misreading
of Varanendra.
Saradatilakatika, p. 12, No. 287, by Punyajiala Deva
Maharajadhiraja, is a unique commentary not known to
Sivakavaca, p. ot, No. H17t> is from the Bhairava-
Sivadharmasastre Santyadhyaja, erroneously called
Sivadharma, p. 55 and 128, No. 1870 9 contains one chapter ,

only, namely that on Santi spoken of by Nandikesvara.

Sivadharmasanigrahn, p. 92, No. 86 w, of the new collec-
tion, IS a^ociiection of Saiva works in Newari character. The
name has been given ,ny tr.aveu'irig ..Pandit v^rri"op.d%vA'ari
Kavyatirtha. The Government collection in the Asiatic
Societys Library has a similar collection acquired from Nepal
with six works. See preface to Vol. XI, pp. 7 and 8.
Sivadharmottara, p. 92, No. 80 9 in Newari character, ,

is work on Saivaism mentioned by Bilrnell in p. 188 B.

as containing 9,400 Slokas. The present MS. purports to be a
sequel to that work. It is mentioned byBhmell in
p. 195 A as
containing about 2,000 Slokas. See also Raj. Mitra, 2208. It
contains 18 chapters. See Cat. Adhair Library which
ithas 12 chapters.
Sri KSpaleSvari Bhima Devyah Piijapaddhatih,
p. 70,
No. 1559 9, called PitrnirmocanikS, is in
Sarvajnsnottaratantra, p. 85, No. 1 6 18 contains 40 leaves
inGuptaksara. The MS. is defective both in the beginning
at the end. There arc no colophons. The interlocutors are
Siva and SadSnana. This was spoken after the completion of

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tho BStbula tantra. As by cluiming the sea the gods obtained

the nectar, so was this tantra obtained by c.xtracting the
essences of all tantras. This appears to be the youngest
tantra of some cult, perhaps tlie Bathula school. [For Bathula
tantra see siqrra.] The South Indian Batula is perhaps a mis-
reading for Bathula. See p. 88, Madras Government Lib.
Cat., and Hullzsch, Vol. II, 1086 and 1097.
SiddhapaheSSikS, p. 57, No. 1473 v, in five patalas, appears
to be a part of the Kulalikaranaya. The scene is laid not in
the Himalayas but on tho MahendrScala. One of the
epithets of Siva Savara, a low tribe inhabiting the Eastern

coasts of India, in the Kalinga country. PSrvatl says, I have

already heard SiddliSntas, DSmaras, Daksinas, GSruda and
BhQtatantra and KulaSSstras now I am anxious to hear

the beginning of Kala, the creation above, below and even

below that. The MS. was copied by Mahadeva in Newari
SiddhasantSnasadhana-sopana-paddhati or Srlm^Japh^-
dhst-i; n- 67. No, 1555?, by VasorSj.?, tuG Son of Gopa, is a
tantrika compilation in 15 pa^las, and belongs to the
Srimata or KulalikamnSyatantra.
Siddhantasarapaddhatih, pp. 52 and 180, No. 1868 5, by
Maharajadhiraja Bhojadeva, was copied in N.S. 187 = 1067
A.D. It treats of tho usual tantrika topics. It is difficult to
say who this Maharajadhiraja Bhojadeva was. The great
Bhoja of Dhara reigned in the beginning of the eleventh cen-
tury, but there was a Bhojadeva in Nepal about the same
time. The great Bhojas compilations are Imperial and
Encyclopaedic. But this is a small work and a hand-book.
Then again there is no tradition that the Malava Bhoja ever
made a tantrika edinpilation.
Siddhilaksmyarcanam, p. 72, No. 1559 w, is a liturgical
book on the worship of Siddhilaksmf. There is a goddess
named SiddhilaksmI mentioned both in VisnupurSna and
BrahmSii d apurana.
SudhStarahginitantra, p. 266, No. 1589, by Saktivallabha

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Ixxvi rKKIACi;.

BhaUacSiyya, is fraf'inent of a tantrika compilation hy a

Bengali. The ehaj)ter8 are naniod Kalloias.
Sauhhagyatarangini, p. Newari character,
208, No, 1 to8, in
is a Tantrika compilation divided into four lahans or waves

by Mukuudaon the worship of Sakti for obtaining SaubhSgya

or good fortune.
Saura-satnhit5, p. it. No. 1280 w, is an original tantra,
the interlocutors being KSrttika and Siva. It is an unicjue
work. There are several works of this name known in
PaurSnika Literature. But this is a tantra. The work is

complete At the cud of the iMS. there arc two

in ten patalas.
Gupta character giving a number of Tantrika formula.
loaves in
The main work is dated N.S. 61 =911 A.D. Though a tantra
the work does not treat of Siva or Sakti but of the Sungod.
There are so few works on the worship of the Sun, wdiich
formed one of the five great systems of worship in India,
that the importance of this work cannot be overrated.
Saubhagyaratnakara, p, 269, No. 14<72, by Vidyananda-
natha, the disciple of Saccidanandanatha. It is a complete
MS. 36 tarahgas treating of the left-handed form of worship
to be taught to Kaulasand not to animals (paSus). Copied in
Samvat 1952 and composed at Prayaga. The author modestly
calls himself Avidyanandanatha. [See Bk. Cat. p. 610.]

Vais^ava Tantras.
GopSladhySnaraja, p. 61, No. 1508 H, is a formula
of meditationon GopSla, the child form of Krsna from an
unknown tSntrika work entitled GopSlatantra
DevSmrtapancarStra, pp. 81 and 106, No. 1078 w, is a
work of Vaisnava tantra written in prefectly ungrammatical
Sanskrit. The work is unique in 11 patalas. The interlocu-
tors arc Sanat-kumara and Lokapitamaha. It treats of con-

secration of Visnu images and of Visnu temples, the

nature of Vinu, whether he is embodied in any form or is

formless, and such topics.

Jnilnatilaka, p. 180, No. 1310, is a small Tantrika work

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PRKKAfK. Ix.wii

in the praise of Guru. Tlie interlocutors are Nar.'ula ami

Visnu. It (loi-s not a|>|)eav to be a j>art of the l'a'liii:i|iurana
as in Uiirncli, p. U8B, but a stray chapter from a Ianearatra.

Taxtka Samiiitas,

As 1 have said clsowlierO, the Mahanirvfina tantra winch

attempts to rcgidate tSntrika life as completely, as Jbuiu iloes
the Smartta life, gives in the first chapter the do.scription of
a distinct religious literature partly vedic and partly tantrika.
The writer says that this literature was held binding in the
Dvapara Yuga. Then came Kali in which the Agatnas and
the Nigamas obtained binding force. Scholars were very un-
willing to recognize the e.xistcnce of this literature. Hut it
appears to me that the Durbar Library contains at least two
works which may safely be attributed to this literature,
namely :

NiSvasatattvasamhita, pp. 10 and 187, No. 277, is written

in transitional Gupta character which inay be a century older,
than the P5rameSvara tantra, copied in 859 A.D. The first
half of the work is called Srauta and the second half Gnhya.
The leaves were in disorder. I have put them in order
and it is a complete work running through 111 leaves and
4,600 slokas. [See. Rep., p. 8.]
The other samhita work is variously termed Jayakhya
samhitS, Jayak^rasamhitS or JnSnalaksml. There are three
MSS. of this work namely
in the collection :

JaySk^rasamhitS, p. 1, No. 49; JaySkhyasamhita or

JnSnalaksmf, pp. 76 and 77, Nos. 1688 w and The second
in p, 76 is dated N.S. 807 = 1187 A.D. The others arc not
dated. The Avork is attributed to a human author Sadhaka
Candra Datta who had received favour from EkayauS-
cSryya NarSyanagarblia. The work is written in ungram-
matical Sanskrit throughout, and treats of mantra.sandarj)ana
and other tantrika topics, as well as pretaSraddha autyesti,
prSyaScitta, aud other sraartta topics.

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Ixxviii IliKt'ACE.


Ku!iilikaiiiiiayc-I\ul)jikainata, p. Xo. 22(i ;

j). 11, No.
28 '>
w; p. 11, No. "iSo n ;
j). 81, No. 1U78 w; p. o8, No. 1868 ;

p. 54), No. 1868 t; p. 55, No. 1178 p. 57, No. 1 178 y ;

p. 98-

99; Manthana-bhairava, p. 22,No. 787 stT; p. 22 I, No. (2) 279;

Kailimatani, p. 88, No. 1152 ir, Kubjikaniatottara, p. 7, No. 185
Sriniatottara, p. 255, No. (2) 299. These witli Nityahnika-
tilakam, pp. 15, 47 aud 1 1 1 Matasara, p. 222, Yogaguhya,p. 8,

Yogaphila, p. 59, Ratnapaficakavatara, p. 288, 8iddlia])anca-

Sika, p.57 and Siddha-santana-sadliana-sopann-paddhati, p.
67, form a collection of unique MSS. of a Tantrika cult very
ancient but now nearly forgotten. The works from want of
time could not be properly described. But the Government
Collection of MSS. in the Asiatic Society has recently been
enriched by two copies of the Kubjikamata, one in Gupta and
the other in Newaii charactei'. The former, I thought, was
copied in the sixth century, but it may be a century later. An
examination of these MSS. and the impressions left of the
examination of the Durbar Library MSS., together with the
meagre notes published in the Catalogue, have brought the
following matters to light.
There was a School of Tantra variously named Kubjika-
mata, Kulalikamnaya, Srimata, Ksdimata VidySpItha,
Divyaugha-sadbhava and so on. It had supplements, Uttaras
named Srimatottara or ManthSnabhairava and KubjikS-
matottara, and it had its compilations, summaries, &c. The
original is said to contain 24,000 Slokas divided into four parts,
called Satkas or six thousands each. Whether the Uttara is

included in the 24,000 it is difficult to decide, but the evidence

available is in favour of their inclusion. In one place, how-
ever, the Ratna-pancakavatara say.s that the Srimata-sainhitS
is 12,000 only. The Government Gupta MS. says that the
Vedas are not efficacious, and the work in 24,000 Slokas is most
efficacious, and of the 24,000 the first six thousand is the best.
The antiquity of the School is vouched by the facts that a

I-KKV'.MK. Ixxix

Gupta MS. has Ijcen obtained ;

that Knbjika (tantra) is quoiotl
l)y Aljliinavagujita iu hi.s TriipsikS ;
that tlicMS. p. bt, was
copied iu the reign ^[aliSrajildliiraja Iaraiuegvara
Parainabliattaraka iaramasaugata Sriinad Kainapiila-
devaayapravardlia*** about 1080 A.D, [see Mabel DufT]; the
MS. in p. 55 was copied in N.S. 155=1085 A.D. The MS.,
p. 08, was copied in N.S. 280=1160; that in p. 99, in N.S.
299=1179, and that Nityahnikatilaka was copied in N.S.
817 = 1197. The literary activity of the School seems to have
ceased after that time.
The School, though very ancient, presupposes the e.xis-

tence of other Schools, for in the G.G. MS. mention is several

times made of PQrvatantrc Jind Tantre tantre tu sa Maya
kathitonekadha ;
and in Srimatottara, p. 256, Nityatantra
appears to have preceded.
It presupposes Devayaua, Pitryana, and ^lahayaua, for
in leaf XlilllA we get

g JTTiirTf t

The GG. MS. is a smaller recension of the Kubjikamata.

In a leaf, the page maik of which has corroded, apj)ears
this verse.
g ffwnnlviil i

WHW 5m 5n"*n?T ^ i

The cult comes from outside the V edas :

VIII A. 4. gisernrifw i

wg gs'flinTf ^

It comes from outside India :

XI B. i

gw i

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jiH I

?rffJi!t; I)

Tr-^^0 qi^pi|-i^ qrqptfH I

irnft wrr?r psT ^iq?i p^arni^itHn |

aiPrT q Jt (pJJi Ts auR^^stiPS y

Tn several places it is described as the la3cimainnaj'a, i.e.,

as coming from the west. [The taiitras have five Schools from
the directions from which they come, namely, LUtaramnSya,
Daksinamnaya PrirvamnSya, Pascimamnaya and iJrddhvam-
Five Pithas there enumerated are :

(1) Odiyilna, in Orissa; (2) Jala, in Jalandar; (8) POrna,

in the ^larhatta country; (i) Matahga, in Srisaila; and (j)

Kamakhya, Assam.

Its tendency and its attitude towards the professors

of other religious in India may be inferred from the follow-
ing, which enioins prSyaScittas for killing the priests of
various sects :

XLIl B. T%cT

srspiT wisn>riT<!%aT i

The purport of this obscure and ungrammatical pas-

sage seems to be that the sin of killing a Brahmana may be
atoned by repeating a certain mantra 20,00,000 times; a
Buddhist .\rhat, double as much;aNakula or a llaudraka
8,00,00, too ;
and a guru of the KubjikSmata 6,00,00,000. The
work has more sympathy for the Buddhists than for the
The author is- afraid that the Magas (who were then

niKKACK. Ixxxi

jivobiihly poiirinpf in Imlia from Scythia and Persia) would

one liny Ix'ciiine e<]ual to tlie BrShtnanas.
The work mentions the following countries in India
Kohkana Gela, Balhika, BahgSla, KSmarQpaka, Magadha,
Saiiidhava, (iurjjara, LSda and others.
ft.'i attitude towards Vedanta, i.r Upanisads and not
Sanikara VedSnta, i.s given thus:
L.V.B. ^norffr^wr:

This MS. \> ill be fully described in its proper place when a
descriptive Catalogue of the Government Collection will be
taken in hand.
From a perusal of the notes in the Catalogue it appears
that the Sdstra had many recensions. The G.G. MS. is a
recension of 6,000, that in p. 84 contains 150 Slokas only,
those in p. 57 have versified colophon-s. The Government
Newar MS. is about 8,500 alokas in extent.

These are all abstracts of the original. There are seven

pkakakana works, i.e., special treatises. [See supra.]

Vari Sastba.
VarisSstra, p No. 1633 n, treats of the prognostics of
rain, the matei'ials for which were drawn principally from the
work of Garga. The MS. was copied in N.S. 190 = 1070 A.D.
Bcddhist Works.
AstasShasrika prajfi5p5ramit5, p. 88, No. 1693 nr, and p.
89, No. 2 Ji, of the new collection. They are both on palm
leaves and both in Newari.
Katipaya BauddhacitrSnl. Some Buddhist pictures, p. 12,
No. 307.
KarandavyOha, p. 89, No. 2 w, in Newari character.
Jatakamala, p. 89, No. 2 a, contains only five of the
Jatakas, namely, (1) Grhajataka, (2) Harnsa, o (8) Yainaoand
(4) Vyaghrl o. The entire work has been published in

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XX xn

.TnanakSrika, p. 79, No. 1681 is atantrika work of tho

Biuldliists, altribiitod to AlatsoiulranaLlia, annmouly called
Maccliindranatlia, whose temple at Patan is the great resort
of all Bu<ldhista, in Nepal, and whose car festival is the great-
est festival in the valley. The work treats of such topics as
Dharma and Adharma.
Divyav'adana, p. 89, No. 2 w, contains many avadana.s',~
notably Rilpavatl and not Rupavatl as in Cowells edition,
KunalSvadann, and PamSupradSnSvadana. The reading
oftenflilTers from the printed text. This is the only palm
leaf MS. of the work known.
Nispanna-yogavali, p. 31, No. 1113**, contains 11 leaves
in Newari character, copied in N.S. G86 = 16G6 A.D., by
Ravicandra, for his own use at the Sin-komagudi Vihara.
The scribe was a Vajracarya. The subject-matter treated of
is the yoga practised by Bhagavan Buddha with succes.s. This
appears to belong to the Vajrayana system of Buddhism as
the Bhagavan Vajrasattva is represented as holding Vajra
and sitting in the midst of a circle protected on all sides by
Vajras. The great deity of this School is Vajrasattva, the high
priest of the gods and represented as a form of Biuhlha. Uo
is prominently mentioned in this work. The author is

Abhayakaragupta. For another work of the same author see

Bendall Cam. Cat. p. 197. He is called a Mahapandita.
Prayascitta Saucacaravidhi, p. 214i, No. 1103, is a Bud-
dhist work on expiation of sins such as killing animals, kill-

ing Vajracaryas, killing Brabmanas, killing Ksatriyas, &c.,

killing cows, intercourse with unclean tribes, eating unclean
food, touching unclean things, and Sraddha.
'Ihis also appears, to be a work of the Vajrayana school of

Buddhism. This is only a short compilation from previous

works on the subject. The Buddhists seem to have borrowed
many of tho smrti practices of the Brahmanas.
Bodhicaryyavatara, p. 21, No. 772 The MS. is a frag-
ment, only 7 leaves. Its tippani, p. 21, No. 772 st, contains
notes on dilHcult passages only. These notes are often
more useful than more ambitious commentaries.

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The History of Nf.pal ami lurroiniding Kingdom! (1000-1600 A.D.)

compiled chiefly from MSS. lately ditcovered. By PROFESSOR CECIL
Bendall, M.A. (Univerfity College, London). Written ai an Jlis-
toncal IntrodnclioH to Pandit HaraprasIii S^asthis Catalogue of the
Nepal Durbar Library. With chronological Tables and a Plate
(faosimiles of MSS.)
The Catalogue to irhich the present Essay forms an introduction
is the result of a joint expedition to Nepal in the cold neather of
1698-99 originally suggested by me, and tnkeu part in by myself and
Mahimahopadliy&ya Haraprns&d S'astri, aooonipanied under the aus-
pices of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, by his assistant, Pagdi^ Binoda-
ribSii Bhatt&cfiryya. While co-operating with one another throughout,
we arranged to divide generally oar work so that the archaeological'
and historical part of the task should fall to myself, while the Pagdits
dealt with the literary portion.
A was of course taken up by the examination
great deal of our time
of the Maharajas collection of MSS., which, as regards the antiquity
of the documents, are surpassed by no Sanskrit Libi-ary known to exist.
My own necessarily very hurried examination of this remarkable col-
i I hops to publish my inscriptions with my gsnsral Report,

Digitized by Google
Ilifl'irti of Ki'jxil "III siirroiimUng Klnytlmiis

lection in 1884 led to the fii-st iloKiiito noeoiint. publisliedj Sinoo tlicn

Pnndit Ilnrnpradud visiteil (ho liilnary, i<m| ^nvo noiiir notes on it in the
Journal of the Asiatic .Soeirty of Hcnt;al, Vol. IjXVI, Pt. I (1897), pp.
.310 < 77 Sonic fill ther notes were made by Prof, S. la'vi* of Paris in 1897,

giving aUenlinn am tout mix colophons dca inamiscrits, si iinporlAnts

pour 1
'hisirni p.'* As, however, Monsieur Levi subserjucntly informed mo
that his cxamiiintioii of the Libmry wn. far from complete, I felt all

tlia greater pleasure in seeing the more exhanstivo exainiiiatiori taken

ill hand of which the present Catalogue is the result. My own share
in it was chieBy in helping the Pniidlts to decipher the figures and
other cliTOnological data with which ncf|ualiitaiicc of nearly 2a years with
ancient Nepalese MSS. has given me some familiarity. When 1 was
at work in the liibrary, I requested the Pandits always to show me colo-
phons of MSS. containing kings names .and dates. A considerable
portion, however, of the present Catalogue had to be compiled by the
junior Pandit after my departure, and conser|nently 1 have been led
to adopt another method of verification, which, thanks to the kind co-
operation of the Residonts in Nepal, Lieutenant-Colonel W. Loch and
hissnccessor, Lieutenant Colonel .1. C. Pears, has given excellent lesult.s.

This method was to send to the Resident a i-eries of copies made on

tracing-paiier of all the important colophons containing points, numerals
and the like, requiring verification. No clue was of course given to the
words or figures expected to be filled in on the blank spaces left; and the
fidelity of the tracing was vouched for in each case by the correspon-
dence of palseograidiic peculiarities with the dale assigned.
In my previous attempts* to adjust Nepalese chronology by means
of MS. -colophons, I always endeavoured, as far ns possible, to use
and harmonise the data furnished (1) by formal histories and chroni-
cles. and ( 2 ) by the historical notices famished by the scribes of
MSS. in their colophons (brief, but valuable as contemporary evidence),
and also incidental notices given in the body of works like dramas.
Of the latter class a good example is thediama Miidila-Knvalayasvana-
(aka from which copious extracts are given by Dr. Pischel in his Cata-
logae of the German Oriental Society's MSS., pp. 7-8. The present
Catalogue furnishes several mere instances of this kind.
See the present writer's Journey in Nepal snd Northern Indio," pp. 1620,

where the prerious notires by R. Lawrence mid O. Wright are referred to.
S Roppnrt, p, 16 [ 8 tJ (Acnd. des Inecrr.Scnnco dn 27 Jonr. 1609).
S Tronsoctiona of Fifth Congress Orientnlista (Merlin, 1881 ) Verhondhingen 11.

Hkifte ii, pp.189 S 49 (1882) t Cotnlogne of tho Buddliist 6 kt. MSS., Cambridge,

1883 (Biatorioal Inlrod.) ; Journey in Nepal '* Ibid., .1886 (Tables). To these last
two 1 hereinfter refer ns '
Caiiib. Cat.' (distiiigiiiNhod from '
Cat., which leferN to
the new Catalogue) aud * Journey, respectively.
Hiftoiij Ilf S'l'^iiil fiiifi surroiiniiiuij Ktngiliivu. 3

numbor of extnnt native clii'onicles the MnliSrSjtVs lihi-nry
contains an important accession in tlx- sliai'o of a siiiall palm-Icaf

MS. of a Viiip.<4vali di.scovei'cd by ino slioilly before left Nepal. I

Since my return to Knuland owing to the kind negotiation of Col. Loch,

I have not only icceived an excellent copy of the M.S., but also the favour
from H.ll. the Maharaja of the loan for three months of the original, so
that I have been able to collate and photograph all important luiHsages.
- My use of the chronicles has been adversely entieixed by some
Kcholai's, though countenanced by othei'S; * but 1 venture to tliink ibnt

the discovery of the present MS. puts matters in a somewhat new

Though written continnonsly in a single haiidwiiting correspond-
ing with the time (reign of Jaynsthiti-malla, A.D. 1380-1394)
at which the chrouicle ends * (sec the Plate annexed, figs. 3-10), the
new Vaipiavali really contains three distinct chronicles, designated
accordingly in the present essay V, V*, V*.
V is in the form of brief annals of the successive reigns not nnlike
the other VaipfSvalis, but giving a mneh greater number of dates, iu
addition to the lengths of the reigns. The leading events of each reign
are also notioed in some cases with dates, at first in words and later on
in numerals.
The leaf-numbering begins at f. 17 and this portion ends with
30*. The language is no donbt intended for Sanskrit, bat in obscurity
and a perfectly wild absence of syntax ^ it rivals the worst colophons of
Ncpaleso MSS. that 1 have seen. I thought at first of printing the
whole, bat after studying my transcript and taking the advice of friends
I came to the conclnsion that I should either have to print the whole
without spaces, which would be misleading and nnsatisfoctory, or to
publish facsimiles. For the division of words and even sentences,

1 As the present Catalogue gives no deecription of the MS. the following notee
may he of intereet. No. 1281. Falm-loaf ; 11 by 1^ inohee, leavea 17-S8, with an
extra leaf not numbered, thus 48 in all.

Jonmoj,*' p. 93.
* eg., in M. 8. UVis investigations as to the eras of Nepal.
4 The latest datee are N.S. SOS, occurring at fol. OSS. and 509 at 68a. It
will be seen both from niy Cambridge Cat.
(c/. lutr. p, xsxi), and from the present

Catslogns that palm-leaf MSS. become rare (owing to the general use of paper)
within about a oentury from this time.
4 Scientific students of tlie vernaualart may probably And method in its
mednese.' The frequent locution Bif: or tpy for ^ BH4I1, or M cor.
tainly suggeste tho familiar

Hindi ^^ fsnfT.
drops into a form of langugs which is pimotically Newari with an nnusnally
Towards the end (B. 296, 80}

large allowanco of words borrowed from Aryan sources.

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t History oj Nrf'ol turrounJiuy K ingduiia

Tvbeu one bad oo fixed rulcb of grammar to help in the iuterpru-
tation, seemed in many places quite doubtful. I Imvo been conse-
quently |>cimittcd by the Council of tbc Society to take tlio latter

alternative, and liuve accordingly reproduced a selcetion of tlie most

im|Kirtant leaves, of wliicb 1 made legible negatives while the MS. was
lent to me. It will be noted that the selected leaves begin with 3A.
I only publish now a portion of this leaf, as I reserve for future
.treatment the kings of Nepal before 879 A.D. in connection with my
recently-discovered inscriptions.
Ki-om the prominent way in which temple-douatious are recorded,
itmay be conjectured that this part of the MS. (V) may be in some way
connected with the recoids of the great shrine of Paiupati.
V* is a doenment of different orgin itisalistof births of royal

and other distinguished personages. Tbc language is unfortunately

old Newari but one can make out the names and dates clearly enough.

These extend, not always in strict chronological order, from N.S. 177
to 896. A specimen is given in the Plate, fig. 10. All the information
given in this section of the Chronicle, so far as it relates to the kings,
will be found condensed in the notes to the Table of kings below.
Towards the end of the section other information besides births, deaths,
and the like is introduced, but I have been able to make but little use
of this owing to the difficulties of the language, for which 1 con get no
adequate help either in Nepal or iu Europe.
V* is perhaps merely a continuation of V*. I have called it a
separate document, because a slight bi-eak with double danffas occurs
in the original MS. at the end of fol. 36*, and because at this point
there is a marked difference of style. The string of short paragraphs
each recording little more than a birth, is abandoned, and the annals
become more expanded. The previouc section had ended, as I said,
with N.S. 396. This, however, begins with N.S. 379 and the history
would not seem to be treated on a strictly chronological basis, as the
irregularity of order iu the dates noticed in V* is here more pro-
uounced. The latest date, as already noted, is N S, 508 (f. 636).
The events mentioned in V* are sometimes described here in fuller
detail.' On the other baud, the chronological details though full seem
not to be quite so trustworthy.*

> For sxaapis, the finiine in the reign of Abhsysuislla in N.S. 352 (T*, 896,
mentioned at p. 8, note 2, below.
* Thus at 40* we gat the birth of Jayatangamelle, son of Jayarudrsmalla,

Samvat 418 mirgaiira Inkla trajodaii Annradba ghati 17 Sula 37 aiigiravare

(Tuesday). But Prof. Jacobi, who has kindly worked out the date, reports that the
day ia qaeition WM n Mouday and points ont that " Mirgn^ira can ncrer bt*
; : ,

Uutorii of Nepal ami tiirtoiiiulitig Niiigdnms, 5

NeTertlieless I feel sure that tliis section must contain much

valuable iiifonuatioii, and it is in the liope nf drawing the nttcntimi
of the few scholars skilled iu the Uiiiinluyan Iniigiinges to the matter
that I reproduce a K[(ecitiieii -leaf (Plate, tig. 10). The passage refers
to the invasion of Harisiipha of Simraon about which 1 have more to
gay below.
Haring thus indicated the materials of the present inTestigatioii,
may be stated.
the divisions of the snbjTCt
I. - The History of the Nepal Valley, A.D. 1000-1600 (

Kathmanda, Paten, and Bhatgfton)

Chronological notes on the dynasties of the surrounding
Western Nepal. IIL Tirhut (Eastern and Western).
To these notes I have added (as Table IV) a list of a dynasty, which
I have not been able to recognize.
The main results of the enquiry are summarized in the Tables at
the end of this article, which constitute of conrse its most impoitant
feature, and will probably provide most students with all that they
i-cqnire. The present notes are chiefly intended to elucidate the Tables
and especially to bring out the relations between the dated series of
kings obtained from MSS. and the dynasties detailed in the new
I. The present an example [See
collection of MSS. affords
Plate; fig. 2, 1. 2] of a date' earlier than any hithei-to found referable
to the Nepal era, but unfurtuoately no dated BIS. with a kings name
occurs earlier than those previously known.
It is interesting to note that the king Baghavadeva mentioned by
Cunningbam* as the traditional founder of the Nepal era of 879-80,
but passed over in the Vaipfftvali of D. Wright' and by Kirkpatrick,*
is duly recorded iu the new chronicle. Not only so, but the yeais of
reign assigned to him and his immediate suooessoia quite accord with

Anuridha I have, moreover, noted quits a number of cases where months in cer-
tain yean ere called dvr ((iye) where no enoh intercalation, according to Sewell and
Diktit'e Tablee, ooenrred ; compare Tnble of Kinge, note 10, below.
t See Catalogue, pp. 85 (^) and 140 (Lahkivatara). The reading 28 must he
altered to 20 ; nor can I The form of
oonenr in the description ^guptakfara-tikMlam.'
k is distinctly and the general appearance of the writing with its closely
post-Gupta i

pieced akgam ceeme The forme of w (guttuml) and

to preolode the Sri-Uarya era.

tba form of the okfcm-nnmeral 20 are arohaisms that one would eipoct to find in a
document written early in the tenth century.
I Indian Erne, p. 74.
'* Histoiy of Nepnl,* Cambridge, 1877.
t ' An account of the Kingdom of Nepal,' Londou, 1811.

Digitized by GoogI
G History of Nepal and sHrmunrliiiy Kingdoms.

tho ti-aditiou of his haviiif' founded tlio em. Thns, if wo add to);ctIicr
the dm-ation of liis rein'll and his five successois down to (jaksmikaina-
deva wo Ret about 135 years. This, imain, ailded to 879-60 brings us
to till! second dccado of tlic eleventh century, when we know fioni a colo-
phon that Laksiuikanin bad commenced to rule at all events as joint-
sovereign, becoming sole king later on.
The earliest king of Nepal nientioned with a date in the Catalogue
is Bliaskaiadcvaand it is very satisfactory to find that this date already

noticed by Pa^tli^ Haraprasid (J.A.S.B. for 1897, Pt. 1, p. 312) is

verifiable. Prof. Kiellioru has kindly calculated it for me and it corre-
sponds to21rth September, 1046. The new cbroniole duly records this
king with a rather obscuie note as to bis repairing his paternal

crown. The other chronicles make him the founder of a new dynasty.
Of the next king, Baladova* (called in V Balavantedeva), we have
a dated JIS.*
Of Haryadevas reign wc have now two MSS.* A third date
has been added from the Chronicle, which says of this reign merely:
<CIWT | interproted in
the light of the two other dates this rather crudely expressed notice
gives good sense, if we take it to mean that Harya died in N.S. 219
current. This fits also quite well with the duration of the next reigns*
as given in our Chronicle. The credibility of the dates in this part
of the chronicle is fnrther enhanced by its mention of the completion
in 239 (date in words) of a tank by S'ivadera, the next sovereign.

( ? >1 )fk^ :
I See Plate, fig. 3U, line
ifsf r<rcqVf%
*, medio " >> father'a

diadem wna broken op and he dealroyed the goldeu imago (to make a crown); or
the crown was renewed." Kirkpatrick (p. 263) records a similar

tradition for a king reigning some twenty years later.

> Name wrongly restored in my previous lists as Baladera. VI records him

as the founder of Haripnr. Plate, fig. 3 3, last line.

As to Vipadeva the US. (referred to in the table) of Vspadeva makes my


identification (Jonrney, p. 9) more difiicalt. Bat tho exiotence of Vspaderas

father, the king (bhandfha) Tafodeva, seema to be confirmed by the Tib. notices in
.1. Bnddli. T.8. Ind., Vol. I, p. 87, where we learn that a king Anantakirti was
ruling in the middle of this oentory in another region of Nepal (Palpa). Bsbn
Sarat Chandra Das has favoured me with the original Tibetan of the passage and

it is just possible that the name graga-po intha-yaa, which he

Sanskritiaes as Anantakirti, may be a form of Vaaodeva the king of Bal-po, Nepal
ill general (or the Palpa district in Western Nepul P) The chronology at least would
* See the Table.
t The would not tit with the allowuuue of 21 years to [Soda.]
Pfiradeva, made by "G" in Tab. 1, Ool. 4, of my 'Journey,'

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Ilisiory iif Nepal ami turruuudivg Kingdnine. 7

Tills iras called after the YuvarSj (WhcTVT^ Indra or Maheiidra-dovn,

Malioiidi'a-sarRH. It was ollicrwiHc known as Madaiiiisnrns.' It will bo
seen that this date falls in the year before the writing of a MS. in
the same reign.
have lingered over these somewhat minute details for two reasons
I :

(1) BccauKo it forms a new feature of (he present chronicle to find

so early as this* dates expressed both in words and figures that accoi'd
with Uie eoHtemyiorury CTidence of the scribes; (2) because doubt* has
been expressed whether the Nepal Samvat (of 879-80) was nctnallr
in use in the eleventh eentnry A. I).
It is satisfactory to note that our
chronicle, following already known from Kirkpatrick,
the tradition
does tnention* Indradeva both as yurar/lja and ri^S,
the aforesaid
as we have now a MS. of his reign. It will be seen, however, that the
number of years (12) assigned to his reign is probably excessive. The
dates of the next two reigns overlap one another. If this is not a
case of subdivision of the kingdom of which thei e are so many instan-
ces, it may be quite well explained by the tradition preserved in the
records of Wright and Bhagavanlal, that Mnhudeva retired early in his
reign from active soveieignly and Narendrn (or Namsiqiha)* became
his regent. Of the reign of the next king, Ananda, MSS. are now
numerous. It is curious that the other chronicles either give his name
wrongly (Wright, Bh.) or omit his reign altogether (Kirkpatrick) It is
found, however,correotly spelt at f. 316. of our MS.* chronicle. Of Rudras
reign no MSS. are extant. The years assigned by our MS. to his reign
(8) seem to show the origin of the curious error in the length of the
reign (80 years) assigned by Kirkpatrick. Equally correctly given is
the form Ampta, which is now verified by a MS.* The great dearth re-

1 The event is egain chronicled with the asme date in V*. See Plate, fig. 9,
1. 4.
* Kirkpatrick'e dates begin later (thirteenth oentory). Those in Wright only
become correct somewhat later (invasion of Hariaiipha).
* A. Fonoher, Iconographio Bonddhique, p. 28, n, 1.
4 The records preserved by Wrightand Bhagavanlil (Ind. A. XI 7. 418) pass this
king over.
* The aotoally dieorepant date is tliat supplied by the colophon in the Cat., p.
63. Here there can be no doobt as to the interpretation of the ohronogram, though
some of the terminations of the other words most be corrected for the scansion. But
the date seems not to work out. The obsenre phrase TijdrijoMrfy* may quite
possibly refer to regency.
* The common mistake Nanda-'deva is found at f, 2Sa fplate, fig. 5, 1.I.). Rsjen-

dralil Hitra makes the same blunder in his text of Aitas. Pr. pref., p. XXIV. note,
68 (u). I find from a tracing sent from Nepal by Col. Loob that the
* Oat. p.

Pnp^it's reading of the year (396) is quite oorreot, and in that in the next line
Sri Amytadsvasya is quite clear.

Digitized by Google
iS History of Nepal awl fiirroumling Kingdome.

corded by Kirkpatrick is duly chronicled in V {MahUm/lri-durbhikfam-

bhavati) 25.6.' Tlio next date from MSS. is obtained from n MS. iii the
Maharaja's library noted by myself, but omitted by the Pagdit iu bis
Calalogue. It is from No. 1648, a MS. of Caiaka, 1 have since sup-
plemented iny note by a tracing kindly sent by Colonel Pears. The full
dale is given in the Table. But as the king Ilntnadeva is mentioned
in none of the chronicles, I am inclined to think that lie must have
been a local raja, or a king of Western Nepal.*
After Amrtadeva my previous lists loft one of those gaps nhich it
isnow most satisfactory to Knd 6lled in. The tradition reproduced by
Wright and Bhagavanlal quite fails hero. Kirkpatrick alone gives
correct, though inadequate, details, which are now supplemented by the
new chronicle and, what is more important verified by MSS.
As to .Sorae<vara-deva, see the Table and note there (p. 25). Kirkpa-
trick's Buz Canm Deo' of course represents Vijayakamadeva; his Any
Mull is a less recognizable equivalent of Arimalla; but in Nepalese
documents H and ^ are easily confused. After tbe reign of* Abbayadeva
which, though called by Kirkpatrick inauspicious, was anyhow fairly
long as a goodly array of MSS. now shows, the chronicles hitherto
available quite breakdown.
Even if Jayadeva and Anantadeva were brothers,* as Wright
(p. 162) and Bh. state, tho latter certainly did not reign at the same
time. Tn-o kings whose names, Jayabhima and Jayat&hadeva, 1 have
taken from tbe chronicle, * intervened ;
and it is extremely satisfactory
I Suppoiiiif; the era to be tliat of Nepal, wbicb I tbink probable from the writing.
> ' The great dearth recorded by Kirkpatrick for this and tbe prerions reign'
are duly regiitered in our obroniole (2Sb ; plate, fig. 6. 1. 3). where famine-prioes for
grain are also mentioned. The prices are given in greater detail in V> (Newari
portion of chronicle) at fol. 39b for SaipTst 353.
* The birth-list of the chronicle (V*) makes Ananta not tbe son of Abbsys,
blit of a certain Sri-Kajadeva and of Bodramadevi.
* Fol. 26ii The whole passage, following on that reprodnord in S.1b ;
phite, fig. 6,

r.insthnsi^^ aVtniV ^T*l

I ^5fT **r ^ . I formerly thonght thUdate,
whioh, as Dr Kielhorn kindly informs me, corresponds to 7th June 1255, referred to
the coronation of Jayabhima, in spite of tbe pnnotnation, which seems not always
trustworthy in this MS. On re-reading the passage, however, I now consider that
it most refer to the first shook of the earthquake, which is accordingly stated to
have lasted at intervals over foar months. This accords better with the snbseqnent
date, 377, of a MS., once tbe property of the late Pap^i* Bhagavanlal Indraji. I

may here mention that 1 hare made enquiries by letter for this MS. in the Bhagavan-
lal collection of the Bombay Asintio Society, but without sneoess. From T* (fol. SOb)
we learn that in 378 Caitra Jayabhimadeva had become raji, with Jayasiqiha (Siha-
malladsva] as ynrarija.
1 1 it! or^ of Xrpnl tnul stirriniH'liinj K itiijih-mf. !

to find that one of tUem (Jnyabhimn) is fully attested by n dated MS;

so that again the new chronicle and the ncwly-discovoted MS.' confirm
one another.
Of tlio next Wing, Auaninmalla wo liavo now a goodly array of
dates* from MSS. Uosldes these there is an interesting note in
Kirkpatrick (p. 264) staling (hat in this prince's reign and in the
Newar year 408, or Suinbnth 1344,* many Kbaasias (a western tribe)
eraigi-ated to Nepal, aud settled there ;
and three years after in the
Newar year 411 a considerable number of Tirhoot families also planb-d
themselves there. What this reallyamounted to may bo told in the
words of the chronicle (f. 266 PI. fig 7) 12 years 3 months after [I'.e.
; ;

after the beginning of Anaiitas I'cign, or after the last event mentioned, a
quarrel between his sons] tlio Khaaiya king Jayatari first entered,
Saqivat four hundred and eight in the month Paufa. After a slanghter
of (eight ?) hundred Khasiyas the rest retired [to the jungles ?] and the
country resumed its ordinary state. On the 13th of Phalgnna sndt
of the name year Jayatari again entered [the country, as if] for a
friendly purpose, [but] he burned with fire villages and other places.

He visited (?) the Syeipgu-chait[ya], saw the image of Loke^vara

at Bng[a]ma* and visited (?) the Painpati [shrine]. He got safe back
to his kingdom. [This happened in] Saipvat fonr hundred and nine.
Again the [king] of Tirhnt entered [Nepal]. This happened [in]
Saipvat four hundred and eleven in the month Magha." *
Kirkpatricks emigrations were thns more or less predatory
incursions, which as we shall see, became increasingly common later on.
After the death of Ananta a troublons time ensued, and one that
has been hitherto extremely obscure. In ray previous lists I had to
note at this time Kings uncertain * for 60 years. Though ranch

Bee US. of the UabiUkimirrata numbered 1320 and noticed at pp 47-8, 123-4

of the Catalogne. Mr. B. Sewell has kindly verified the date, which works ont to
2nd April, A.D. 1200.
I One of these ia that given at p. 44 ( ) of the Cat., and there referred to

Anandamalla. In my traoing however the name Ananta is qnite olaar. Wright (pp.
162-66) roakae a similar confusion. I have no verifioation of tba date at p. 63 An. of
the Oat, which makea Abhayamalla still reigning in M.8. 886.
3 The double date ia interesting, thongh the Yikrama Saipvat ia not known
tohave been in ate in Nepal at this early time.
4 On tliia oelebrated image, aee Fonoher ' looeographie ' p. 100 and hia pi. IT. 1
from a miniatare in tbs Library of the At. Son. of Bengal, where alto the village-name
is spelt Bngama, not Bnngmati ' aa now.
t For the text tee Plate, fig. 7, lines 1-6.
The main reason of this nooertainty, vis., tha varying aooonntt of Jyaathiti

malla's anccators, who never rnled In Nepal proper at all, issnggetted below.

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10 History of Nepal ami siirroinidiug Kingilovis.

remains uncertain, it is satisfactory (o Knd that this long interval is


shortened on both sides hy dated irigiis that may bo regarded as

The first these is tho reign of Jaysnandadevn which followed
of '

that of Ananta and is certified by a date (N.S. 4:18) in the Catalogue

(p. 73) which had previously noted in the MS. Tho next king, accord-

ing to the chronicle, was Jayarudramalla *. His ncoession, the corona-

tion of his 00 -regent, and his own death (sraryastha) and suttee"
of bis four wives are recorded. It is probably significant that the date
given in two sections of the chronicle for the last event is only a few

months* after tho invasion of Hni-isiiidiadcva of Simraon.

Tho history of the next twenty years cannot at present bo satisfac-
torily told, until the Newari of V* has been interproted. Besides the
well-attested inva.sion of Hnrisiiphadeva, sevcrol other foreign powers
made themselves felt at this time. One of these was an invasion by
Adit[y]amalla. After nniraling live death of .Isyarudra, V adds merely
ssrffnHVt | But V * narrates the same event more
fully. The Newari sentence Ix-gins Tiwn
(4Ga; P)., fig. 10.*). so that we learn the exact date (448
Philguua sudi 7) and tlie interesting fact that Adityn was a king of
Western Nepal, thus foreshadowing the Gorkha couquest of more recent
Returning to the semi-Sauskrit account of V'', which curiously
makes no mentiou of the invasion of Harisiqiha, we find (27b) that
an infant son of Jayarudra died a few days after his father's death.
His daughter Satl-nayakadcvi was placed under the guardianship of
her grandmother Padumalladevi.* The young princess (after being
crowned RAid, according to Kirkpatrick), was married to Haricaudra-
deva belonging to the royal family of Benares.* Ho appears to have

1 wwtwrt tmr ys the chroni.

olt (27 o fill ) after oarrating the eTenta of Ananta** reign. Tnit probablr I'mpHea
an betwaen the two bitter reign*. Fleet, Onpta Insorr. Introd. p 186

oootraate the Bimiiing* of ant^rt nnd ane>*foram, etpecialljr in the record* of Nepal.
> A co-regent of thi* king wa* Jayirimalla. The meotioo of thi* prince in VI.
/. 27a Jin, 276} is rerj obscure, but V2 distinctly describe* him (45a.) as Samrdja
(with Jayarudra) between N.S. 440 and 443. He died in 464 (i6. 506).
2 N.S. 446 (in figutes and chronogram) Andha purnami f. 276, PrAthama
A^i^l'a pur^ima 406 (bnt Afa. was not intercaintod thU year) Mnlmmmiulnn
nnthorities cited in Miiii DnCT's Chronology of !ndin.
* 5^ tiftitnrfu' (2*'-) Ihc

aentenoe forms a choice example of the grammar of Vl icferred to nhore

* (*'<*) 27b.
Ilajab of Beiinrc*,* Kirkpatrick.
' ;

Hitlory of Xi-yal mu! turroumling Kitigdotiu. II

lived in Nepnl some time, hnt wns poisoned after some year*'* (kali- *

pagavarfUiUare). After tlii* liisbrother GopSbidcva accompanied by

Jaipitsit]dindcrH (called in V* Karoatava[n<]snja and in V (kOb)
Tirliiiti-ya .laj'aUitphakiimSrn ) the person of Niyakadovi.
Tbo allies tlien appear
have taken Bliat);ann and Patan. Gopftla-
deva was saliscquently beheaded by Jagatsiipha's followers. After
Ibis tbo prince Jagatsiipha enjoyed the sovereignty for a few days ;

but be- was afterwards put into confinement,*; by whom we are

not told. Uis daughter was Rija[l]aileTi* and her mother ;

Nayukadevi died ten days after her birth so that (like her mother) she ;

was brought up by her paternal grandmother, whose name was Devala-

devi. I do not understand the reference to Pajnpatimal[l]ndeva * that
immediately follows (Plate fig. 8, 1. 1). Possibly he was the represen-

tative of some rival line of kings, as we read directly after, that " by the
consent of both royal families Jayarajadeva was made king ou 467
Sravaqa badi 4" which was subsequently* ratified by general consent.
About the reign of Jayarajas son and successor Jayarjuna some
uncertainty remains, though this could probably be removed by the full
interpretation of the present chronicle. Passed over by all the histories,
his existence and reign were first pointed out by the present writer
from the colophons of Cambridge MSS. Even in the present chronicle
his i-eign and its duration are not formally recorded, though he is
several times referred to as S^ri Jayaijuna raja and '
Jayarjnua-nrpa.' '

The reason of all this is not far to seek.

lu 474, * that is while Jayarijadera was still reigning, took place

* V* (47a) gives tlic exsoc date of bis '

violent death '
(w) IgiS}, K.B.
455 Jyeitha sndi 5.
* .w 'aim qiw^
* w ] fiir^WT

iftwntWx rt*c wj 'v*f **tit iw

^ s?!
i i

*rrn: i rr?*f i f*nTf*n?t etc-, (eco

plnte, fig. 8>.
* We are loUt in (516) that lliii prinoeee'a mother WM NayakAdevi ; eo
that JagaUti|iha carried uff the bride of hit ally'i brother. Rijalla waa bom N.S.
467 Faoya badi 10.
^ More U eaid of him and (poeeibly ibe same) * bandhana ' in Vt (62 a) ander
date 469 Uirgai. an. 12.
^ The panctaetion of fig. 81.2 would lead one to auppoee at Arat aigbt that
the genaral ratifioation preceded the partioalar one ( VaiiSkha being 3 montha earlier)
bat the aeoo&d date donbtleae refei*e to the birth. In ell birtU-eoiriee (Ke daU eemee
I .

^ I trauecribe the Kewari of V> (536);# 0|

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12 History of Nei'itl iiiitl mrroiiiijiiiy Kimjiioms.

the marriagfe of the prince Jayasthiti, a descendant of Harisimha of

Simraon, with Rajalladevi. Ja^^asthili wa.s ivigning when the chro-
nicle waH coiicluiied amt the chi-ouiclei- nalurlly niagnilics the powers
that ho' and eays little of the title of the lawful king whom Jiiynsthiti
had managed to defeat and depose. But we see from the cidophona of

MS-S. the real atateof things. In -ISt Ka' ttikn, Octobei ld(i3 (a rerified
data: see the Table) Jayarjuiia was on the throne and the colophon
of'tlre next MS. is fortunately very explicit. The MS. (soe Cat. p. 88)
was written in in Lalit-Patan and the colophon
a well-known vih&r
a<tds in 491 (A.O. was victoriously reigning (not only
1.371) that Jayarjuiia
there bat) 'Hepnla-matif4ale which we may construe to mean the whole
of the valley. The scrihes call Jayarjuiia king down to Kchruary 1376.'
His name is also moiitioiied in connexion with the iuitiatioii-cere-
mony of Oharmauialla sou of Jayasthiti and Rajaila in 497 Jyestha"
(summer of 1377). On tbu other hand about 503 (date of latest event
in V) we find a refei-euce to Jayarjiina as tiy aR|sg|<iiwi| which
can only mean his defeat, followed as it is by an acknowledgment of
Jayasthiti as king of Nepal.* That Jayurjuna, however, did not submit
without a struggle may be seen from the interesting colophon at Cat.
p. 39, 1 6 (unfortunately not dated) from which we learn that the MS.
was copied in the victorious reign of Jayasthiti, and that "at that
time the king named Jayarjuiia was entering, with his ally, the Tripura-
raja* in great commotion.
Jayasthiti was evidently a patron of literature; not only are MSS.
of his reign more numerous than in any preceding, but we 6nd from
the chronicle that even before his accession he celebrated the birth-cere-
mony of his son Dharmamalla by a performance of a four-act Rama-

(tyf) qlK(i<tii iw < s;)iitrW[T i fay PptTT The |>riucesa8

uama it not mentiooed } but auother marriage htrdljr would have been lueoUoued
in the ohrooiole.
I Verified, tee note to Table. I have re*ezamined tbe data io Cambridge Add.
1436, which I formerl/ poblithed at equivaleot to 604 or 1664. The writing it ytty
faint, DOW note 3 to table below, p. 87.

3 The patsage ii evidently an interoKliogone, though unfortunately the end ia

not clear to me ;

yrai yiwyntiyyr *>yi'*rryrrt ^anrnjrw *jwr mkIw i

3 The worde f*IIowmg Vft nro

v*4r(?) fayiryiwd w fiotsmim
fawirif yxBryirrcm: 9ffarw

wi fa rii yiw
i r wyfa : 55TVP
3 A Tripura>rja ie eeveral times referred tu io the chrouicle v

Digitized by Google
History of Nepal aail surrouiiiliiii/ Kinydumt. ID

yapn, which was repeated * on the iiiitiatioii-coiemony. A levival of


loiters, too, isvouched for by the fact that leni'lhy SansUi it insciip-
tions in prose and verse, which had disappeared for souio five centuries
or more, now ic-nppcur and are continued in the roij'ii of Jayasthiti's
son. *

Unlike most Indian princes, Jayasthiti had, according to iny con-

jecture, some appreciation of the value of history. When he enters
on the scene there is a slight change in llie style of the present chronicle.

Newari words become much more frequent. It seems to mo as though

the chronicle V had been finished off by a partisan of the kin^. In
the case of the Vaqiiavali preserved by Wright, traces of manipulation
seem to mo still clearer. After a rather jejune account of his (alleged)
predecessors this chronicle bursts into sadden eloquence of detail on
the doings of Jayosthiti. There seems no reason to doubt the accumey
of these particulars, though as l)r. Wright points out in his note
(p. 183) there is a medley of inaccurate and accurate dates (p. 187).
The kings literary proclivities are even cxemplided by a specimen
of his composition (ibid.)
So far so good. Where one seems to see the traces of deliberate
falsification is in the total omission of the real kings of Nepal im-
mediately preceding and following the invasion of Harisiqihadeva, and
a string of ancestors for Jayasthiti with impossible
the insertion of
reigns and dates. These ate tabulated in the Historical Introduction
tomy Cambridge Catalogue, p. xv. There is no agreement in the lists
of ancestors, except that allseem to show a tradition current at lea-st in
the XVIIlh century 1 A.D. that the family of Jayasthiti ^vas descended
from Harisiqiha by the male line, though it should he observed that
the inscription there cited ignores Jayasthiti and his immediate ances-
tors and goes, by a considerable mandukapluli from Jayasthitis grand-
son Yaksamalla back to Harayat-siipha. Even more suggestive of

what I regard as the correct facts is the form of Inscription No. 16 of

1 A
dramatised Bamiyana appears in the present collection, p. 246.
4 Bee note 3 to preceding page.
Journey in Nepal* pprd2, 86. Bhngavnnlil and Wright mention an inscrip.

tion of the king himself * on a stone near Lalitapattan.
4 Ind. Ant. IX, I8S.
t This (N.8. 515), it should be observed, is the first date in that Vaijiiavali that
isreooncileable with the testimony of US.-coIophoua and inscriptions save only
the memorable date of Hacisiiphas invasion (p. 175).
t Wrights Anandamalla (pp. 282-269) seems to be a mixture of Annutamalls
* '

mid Jajin-indadeva. He totally omits Jayabhima, Jayarija and Jayirjuna, ali men-
tioned in the present ohtoniole and oonflrmed by USS.
1 The inscription and the ploy cited fall nritbiu this cuulury

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14 Ilutory of Ntyrtl aud tnrrutiHditty Kiuyilotitg.

Hliii^aiKhlrfl x mmicb wliicli wd-t by tlie on of Jayaslhiti, Jyotir-

malla in N.S. 'i Hero there i u eliort gciicalot'^' (tabalalerl by
iilia({avsiiilai), but no
fancy '
ancestry on his father's aide. On tho
contrary, lio mentions liis father merely as
l>elonj(iiif' to the Surya-
vni{i<H' ami then most a!i;nilicantly orlils that he (Jaya-sthiti) was the
'husband of RSjalladevi.' The reason is now clear. It was through
Ilia mother and not through his father that Jyotirmalla had any

lieicdltnry claim to the throne.

Wii may nnnr turn back to a very important point in this part of
the history of Nepal, around which a good deal of misapprehension
has gathered, namely the invasion of Hatisimha.
In spile of the boast of Caodosvara, Harisiiphas minister that he was
victoi ions oversll tho kings of Nepal",* there seems to be at present

no evidence Iteyoud that of the Vnipsavnii-trndilioii preserved by Wright

and Bbagitvanlal to show that Uarisiipha established himself in the
valley of Nepal. Agaiiiat this we may place the testimony of the new
Viiujjavali which was composed within about half a century of the
event in i|uestioii and (what is far more convincing) is confirmed by the

colophons of scvcial JIS.S. Tho precise nature of Harisiqiba's expedi*

tion may be further explained by the Newari extract forming fig. 10 of
tho Phitc; but meanwhile one can see that the effect of his expedition
could baldly have been permanent, as not many years after wo find a
ru|ircsentative of tho old royal family (Jayadeva)* on the throne. Until
more evidence is forthcoming, it seems safer tO regard Harisimha aud
bis ancestors* who reigned in Tirhnt,* Simrnoii aud also possibly other
parts of the Nopal-Tarai as at most titular kings of Nepal, even if
they really claimed sovereignty over the valley of Nepal at all.

For Jaynsthiti's reign MSS. are, as I have said, nnmerons. The

oiirliost date (N.S. 500) is taken from the Cat. p. 4.3, where, beside the

I hss the very eame epithul (lUjuUadtii-pati) daring his lifetime iu

N.8. MO. See Cat. p. 43 I. 23.
Uinsrstnikam, stsoia 8 sp. Eggeling, Cst 1.0. p. 412.

* to Jsysdara, Pandit Usrsprseid has very kindly fornithed mo with a

tracing of the colophon of the Society'! MS. Hrtt deeoiibed by him in J. A. 8. B.,
LXII. I., p. 2SO. From this it ie now olear that Jayadeva (the reading Tijayadera
cannot etand) reigned on till tf.S 478, Philgnna.
* It should bo noted that the Wright- Bhsgnvanisl tradition brings in a long

lino of nnceitora for Harielqiha and liae to stretch out the trno chronology of the
kingdom to work them in. Once regard them es merely kings of the Kopnl.Terni
aud alt becomee simple. As to Nsnya-dsva the repnted founder of the Bimrion
dynasty, see DaS, Chronology, p. 134 and add a reference to Gp. Indioa, I, 313.
* Cep^efrara in tho Kriyiratnikara, et. 4 merely esye that hie maeter
over all Mithili' (Cal. Skt MSS. 10. p. 410)
HItInry oj Kfpol ami tnrrniimlitiij Kuiyihatif, 1.1

epithet RajalladoTi-pati already rofened to, several nddltional details

of interest are supplied. Among them is tlie iinmc of the minister
Jaynta who figures also in the chi-oniclc (V^*) nt f. 5+ h, as Hrinpihlliyil
[yo] in connection with the names of the hingand <|ncen.
The next king was Jayasiiphniama who may well have been a
regent, ns in the year mentioned (51C) the eldest sou was only 19 years
of age.*
I liarc elscwhoro called attention to the ourioiis triple i-egency of
tho three sons of Jayasthiti, confirmed as it is by two conternpoi-ary
MiSS. It is worth noting that tho three princes did not diviilo tho
kingdom, but nil ruled together in the little town of niintgaon which
then was the cnpital. Throe ycni'S Inter ,Tnyadhnrmniiialln is said in
an inscription at Patan to be reigning as yuinraj, an expression which
wonld imply that Jayasthiti was still alive, in retirement. I give tho
text of tho documents below.*
Of Jnyadharnia ns actunl king we have no trace. The second son
Jyotirmallais recorded in the inscription (Bhagavanlal No. 16) already

quoted to have been reigning in N.S. 533 apparently as sole king,

though his brothers mentioned. As he restored the Hindu shrine
of Pa^npati and the Buddhist shrines on the Svnyambhu hill we may
perhaps conclude that be reigned over tho whole valley. In the three
MSS. given in the Table Jyotirmalla is mentioned ns reigning alone

Born 487, Prathamifiifha, V* 54 b. Jsyaiiiphar is mentionerl with Jsvnr.
junn (ss being nt Ktthminda 64 ^ *l

^r>gtif ^
W tiW f CfW
;) b i

In N.S. 607 be joined Jaynethiti and his family at the yitru nt
1* *0 ^


Bagama (63, 6.). With mahith Ur. Grieraon compnres the forms mnhonMa
* great person.*

> Compare Cambridge Cat., p jz>, *' Journey * pp-, 16, 16, and Table.
The Terse written in Camb. MSS- Add. 1664, B197 rons thos 2
trirs^ ^ ajWT [*ic] fhcta i i? I

2197 ) l [nc] fwarfJre% a

The opening of the iosoription fbnnd by me in 1864, as described, bnt not pnb*
Hsbed,~(for it is chiefly in Kewari and mnoh damaged in the lower part),rons thoa
(1 print it with all its characteristic errors of spelling, etc )

^tn tirrtf i

kH t>wcrrtinr ^ a tjWTraryrwr

inscription records the repair of a well connected with Minigaisdhlpa'SrTda*


krinnrihnra *
and ^tting np of Images.

Digitized by Google
II! Jlialortj of Nepnl amt smrnuiiiliufi Kitigiimm.

(N. S. 540-547) Early in the next year Yak;aranlla, the eldest son of

.InyBjyolih, n.s wc from tlio abore-citc<l iiiHCiiptioii, has succeeded to


the throne ;
nnd dated ^tSS. are fairly plentiful for the lon({ reign (43
ycni's) assigui'd to him l>y the Vaipssvnli of Wright.
As to the history of this time some inforniation is given hy the
interesting MS. described at pp. 107-9 of the present Catalogue. The
author isking Jagajjj'otiumlla of Bliatgaon, sixth in succession after
Yakfa. According to this work Yakfa went as far as Magadim, con-
quering Mithila and set in order all Nepal, subduing the Rajas of the
raountnins. The triple division of the kingdom, already known to us,
is then mentioned, including the assignment to the eldest son Ruyamalla
of the country oast of the Vaumati (Bagmati) river with Bhatgion
as capital.
In Table II. I summarise the chronology of the roigns then
Dated MSS. are not at first numerous but for the Bliatgaon line

the MS. at Cat., p. 107, just referred to, is valuable, especially as royal
authorship is attributed to it. The joint-regency of Jita and Prana
given in the Table is stated in the Catalogue at p. 102 nnd confirmed
by an inscription copied by me at Tliiiiba (olim Tbasiba).* That the
Inter king Trailokya should have been also known by the synonymous
name Tribhubana seems at first sight improbable; but the inscription
on which I base the statement was found by me at Thimi, which is east
of tlie Bagmati and not far fi-om Bliatgaon. After the beginning of the
XVII century dates from coins become fairly plentiful, see the Table II
in myJourney.
For the line of Katlim&ndu, dated documents are at Brot still more
scarce but later on dates are quite nnmerons.

I have added in Table II appended to the present article a third

coinmn for the Banepa dynasty, because the first king at least was a real
person and from the Cat. p. 115 seems to have been a literary man.
In any case the separate dynasty of Banepa did not last much more
than a century, as I find from copies of inscriptions recently received by
me* from Panauti a place in the Banepa valley somewhat east of

Cam Add. 1C19 a work on astrology attributed to the king himself and
copied N.S. 632 makes a fourth if tho retonohed colophon (see my Oat. p. 165)
be correct, as there seems little reason to donbt.
t In a part of the village called Antal tol and near a oaitya. The village liee
E. from Fatan towards Hursiildhi and Badregaon. The date runs thus : sjT ^
fsnjn* BTifWi [] [\] [*tc]

> Throogb the kindness of Colonel Fears, the present Resident,

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Jfitlort/ of Nepal atnl suiroaioli oii Kioyiloms. 17

Ranepa, that the hioga of BhalgSon, Japf.tfpi'ak&sa and liia aueccssor

Jitamiti'a (]*542-lf)89 ') were ackiiowledpcd (hero.

of Noakot or Nayakot (which I visited in my recent
The town
tour) seems to liavo been a kind of frontier between the valley of
Nepal or Nepal proper and the Wostorii districts. Wrights History (pp.
223-5) mentions the seizure of the place by a Gorkba sovereign pre-
vious to the general Gorkha Conquest.
The MS. in the Wright collection numbered 1108 seems to have
been written here. For WWVlV is doubtless (though the identification
escaped mo when I wrote my Cambridge Catalogue, p. .30) a Sanskri-
tized form of the towns name. The date of the king (Ratnajyotih)
hag been verified by Dr. Kielhorn and coiresponds to January 14th.
During the following century no chronological data are forthcoming.
I may note in passing that an educated Nepalese told me that inscribed
stones, which he thought resembled those published by Pandit Bhagavan-
lal and myself, existed in the valleys of Western Nepal.
Or. Wright published (History, Chapter XII) an account of the
reigning (Gorkha) dynasty from Dravya Suh (A. D. 1559) to the pre-
sent time.
ft is interesting to find in the present collection (pp. 242*4) a
MS. giving confirmation of this record. It was composed by Rajen-
dravikrama Sah, who reigned 1816*1847. It might be worthwhile
to publish extracts from this MS when further confirmatory material

(from old MSS. or inscriptions) comes to light. Meanwhile, it is worth

noting that Wrights date, 1559, founded on a Vikrama*date, is onriously
corroborated by a chronogram {vidhu-v<uu-n{gama~glau*), which gives
the corresponding Baka year (1481). At p. 213 of the Catsdogne we
find a MS. written during the reign of Varavira Sifai, in 1614, at
Jatapattana. This looks like Baka 1614 (A.D. 1692), when Vtrabbadra
S&hi was alive, thongb, according to Wright, he was only yuvarHj and
never mahUrUja. *

( Tor ths N. S. 810, Fauia. One of the new in.

latter date see Cat. p. ISO.
scriptionais dated some ilx years later i 816, Jyettha.
I Read thna p. 2iS 1. tS. I wna much troubled by the reading 1^ pnou. But
on referring to the U.S., through the kind intermediary of the Resident, I found that
the tracing read plan. This rare word has hitherto been found, in lexicons only, in
the senee of
moon or
earth '
( 1).
t BhagaTanlirs Inior. No. 18 Axes the date of another Qorkha aorereign in
recording the defeat of Pambaraiih by Pratapamalln, N.3. 769 (A.O. 1649.)

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llutnrii iij A'l'jiu/ iiiit sill loiimliiiy Kitigtiotm.

Tlici'(! aro few regions of India jicsscsslng an ancient civilization
about wliicli wo liavc loss doGnito historic information than the region
iioitli of tho Ganges variously known a.s Vidoha, Tiiabhukti, or (from
its capital) Mithilft.
Neither the work of Prin.scp, nor its excellent successor, that of
Mis.s C. M. Unfl', attempts Dynastic list for this country. Chronolo-
gical indications arc thus peculiarly valnahh). There wonld seem to
have been a certain degx'ce of literary intoroonrse between Nepal and
Tirhut, the frontier state on tho dii-cct route to the plains. Accord-
jngly a large number of the MSS. in the pi-esent Catalogue are writ-
ten by Tirhuti scribes in their characteristic (Maithili) script and
dated mostly in tho common era of the country, that of Lakfmana
On we Gnd a case where a MS. is by a Tirhuti scribe
pp. 131-2
domiciled in Nepal. For it will be observed that not only are the
writing and the ei-a those of Mithila, but the scribe goesont of his way
to describe Lalita-pattan (Patan), where tho MS. was copied, as

situated in the kingdom of Nepal,

A notice of far greater interest and importance is preserved
through a case of intercourse in the opposite direction, where a Nepa-
lese scribe was living in Tirhut. This is the case of the MS. of part
of the Rumiyana, No< 1079, briefly noticed at p. 34 of the Catalogue.
The colophon in qnestiou occurs at the end of the Kifkindhyakinda at
ff. 375-6. As it is not given in the Catalogue, I here transcribe
it from my own notes ; Samvat 1076 ) dflUfha badi 4 malidrSjil-
dhtiUja pttySvaloka-$omavainiodbhat!a-gattdadhvaja-irtniad-OaAgeyadeva-
bhujyan0na-Tirabhaktau kalyOnavijardjye- HepO!<ideiiya-Jri bhdncuMika-
iri Aaandasya pdtakSraitkita (kayastba)' pandila iri sri KuratyStmafa-

iri. OopatinalekhUlam. Interpreting this according to the some-

fi-ee-and easy
Sanskrit nsod by scribes, I nnderstaud it to
mean that in Saipvat 1076 Gopiiti, son of Nrlkara, (Kayastha) pandit
belonging to the country of Nepal and living in Xnanda's pafaka*
belonging to Bbauon ^ali (?), copied this during a victorions reign in
Tirhut, when it was nilcd by Gaijgeyadera, the great king, beholder of
holiness, sprang from the lunar race and banner of Gau^a. The writing
of the MS. is the archaic
Lantsa of Nepal, so that we may quite n ell

> Addeda different bend.

S Cf. lud. Ant. XVIIf. 135, where pilaka ie interpreted to mean the subdivi-
sion of a village hence btisilcu tdlika may well contain the name of the larger

village or district.
Hislnrii nj aii'l sum.nii'liiig Kiniji{nm$, 10

refer the Samvnt to the Vikramn ora. Tf thin he !rinTito<1, it mnst nnrely
follow that wo may identify the kinu with flitiji'oya-dova, Kaincnri of
Cedi, likewine of lunar litieaf{c,* who wns thus rcis'iiinj' in A.D.
1010, or some 11 yearn before Allwruni mentions him ns ruling in
Dahala, in lO.'lO. Gaijgeyadevnn influence has not been hitherto
traced eo far east aa Tirhnt hut it in noteworthy that his son also,

Karnadeva, claimed influence in Gauds,* still further cast.

Nothing ajipcars to be known of the rulers of Tirhnt from this time to
the 14th century, when the Thaknr dynasty appeared. A fnll genc.alogical
table of this family was given by Dr. Grierson in Ind. Antiquary XIV,
p, 196, and this was supplemented by him with further notes in the same
jonrnal in March 1899 (XXVIII, p. 57). Our Catalogue gives (p. 6.3)
a date, L.S. 392,* for one of the later kings, KatpsnnSrSyapa, also called
Lakfmiuatha, whioh is the more acceptable aa I hare elsewhere shown,*
that the native chronology fur this dynasty is incorrect. In the name
year, Lakfmapa Saipvat 392, was copied the MS. described at Cat., p. 122,
whioh gives a farther conflrmation of the anccession of this dynasty,
calling it the S'rotriya (brahraauical ) vaip.<a. At p. 65 wo meet with
an interesting conflrmation of the correctness of the details given in
Dr. Griersons table, as we there find a MS. by order of a non-rcign-
ing prince, tiix., Gad&dhamdera* {mnhnrajndhiriljavara kumSra) in L.S.
372 (A.D. 1490), a date whioh fits very well with that last mentioned.
If Rimaaiipha, the king of Mithila mentioned at p. 23 med., bo
the same as Kftmabhadra, then the composition of S'rikara's commentary
on the Amarakoto there described falls at the end of the 15th century.
The prince Indusena, or Indrasena, the antlior of the work described
at p. 265, would seem from his birnda Rnpanurayapa to have belonged
to this family.
snbjoin a short table of this dynasty (Table III).

QoRAKBPCB-C(ii)sMPiRAN. lo this region, that is, in the conutiy

soatk of Nepal on both sides of the Qnn4ak, there reigned daring the
15th oentnry a dynasty, hitherto not noticed by Enropenn writers, bnt

> Ep. Ind. II. g,ll.

* India (tr.) I. 202 j Osdgsya ii also known from coins, some of them found as
far north as Oorakpnr; Bapson, Indian Coins (OriindriM, II 3B), p. 38 i 7. A.
Smith, J. A. S. B., LXVI. I. 300.
t Ind. Ant. XVIII, 217, moreorer Karpa's ton mads one expedition toOampAra-

9 ja. Bp. Ind. loc.eit,

A 392 current. The date works ont, os iDr. Kiolhorn kindly informs me, to
Wednesday 18th December, ISIO.
* I. B.A. S. 1898, p. 233. Dr. Eggeling, Cat, I. O., p HT5, seems In accept it

somewhat too readily.

* Kumars Gadldhara Biipha in that ta le.

Digitized by Google
20 History of Xo/ al iiiiil surrounjiiig Kiiigilovis.

apparently connected with that last mentioned. Several of the rulers

are mentioned in colophons of the present cntalu^ne, and one of
these must be in all probability idcntificti with the is.sue of a series
of coins, unpublished as yet and also undated, but apparently belong-
iug to this century.
The first sovereign mentioned is Prthvisiiphadcva in whose reign
in [Vikraqia] Saipvat 1492 (A.D. 1434-5) at Campakaranynnagara was
copied M.S. No. 1508 (w) at p. 61.]
His successor was probably, as we shall presently sec, Saktisiiriha.
Of the next king, Madana or Madanasiiphadevs, wo have three
mentions in these MSS. At p. 51.|-g we find him mentioned as reigning
in Vikrama-Saipvat 1511 (A.D. 1453-4) at Campakai-anyanagara. His
epithets are interesting. The first, viprarOfa, seems to point to his
belonging to the same irotriya tatnia which reigned in (Eastern) Tirhnt
and so does the hiruda ending in nSrSyaiM which all the members of that
dynasty assumed. The pandit is uncertain about the reading daily-
anSrHyana, but I find from my own notes on the same MS. that I read the
compound thus. I should propose to interpret it like daily auisudana and

daityOri (both epithets of Visnu) by reference to the Vaijijava faith of

the king. This would accord well with the legend of a set of coins
first by Dr. Hoey with this same region and at present in the
British Museum. This legend is litf^ sspr and on the re-
verse '. The lettering of the coins may well belong
to the 15th century and I am glad to have the authority of my friend
Mr. Bapson, to whom I am indebted for my knowledge of the coins, that
their general style and workmanship is referable to thesame period.
At 29 (MS. 1001 l) we find another MS. of the same reign
written at Oorakfapnra in L.S. 339 (1457 A.D.) It is interesting to
note that the era used is that of Lakfmapa Sena, as it confirms the

accuracy of the Vikrama date, and also forms the first instance hitherto
noted of the employment of the era west of the Gandak, i.e., beyond
the limits of Bengal. Lastly, Madana appears as a royal author giving
his name to the Madana- ratnapradipa (p. 223). This work is said in the
colophon to have been composed {viraeita) by the '
king Madanasiipha-
deva, who was the son of king S'aktisiipba [see above], adorned with
many biruda*.' At
the beginning of the text, however, the work is only
said to he promulgated (prakdiyale) by Madana and at the end we sire

told that he got the work done (knrila ; doubtless a common case
with Indian i-oyal authors !) by one Visvanatha living at Kasi-tirtba,' '

probably Benares.
1 Does the prefix STri imply the abovementioned town of Ctopakiraeya, rather

than the mere regiou eo-oalled }

Uistory vf Isejxil and surroundiny Kingd<nns

5 e

O &. K
5 I 8>|
^ ^6- ,

. ,...>e
6 o o o
t> C. o to
^ o oc ^ e



c *o * *o
fio SJm b 2 * t "w O g Jrj<
2 5*1? 2 2 2: Google
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Uiftory uf Hepal and s\iri'Ound\f\g Kingdortu.




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tfistory nf


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Histury of anti furntunding Kinydouis^

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Uiitory of Ne^uhi

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History nj tiuti MHrroHuUitttj Kuiy/ouu!.

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Uittory of Nepal and surrounding Kingdoms.







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TABLE (1496





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Ilitlory of Si^it mid iurroMnditig Kitigdumf. :U


Keic.ving Kings ok Tirhct, Eastern and Western.

C cmpiled from VardhamUna'e Gii^gOkrlyavireka (^Br. Mue.; Or. 3567a),
ciilUd G beloio, and VOcatpatCt MahSdana-nirnnya (W.; Cut.,
p. 122.)

1. Kameia O.
[2. Bhogeivara elder son of I. Mentioned in vernacular records
3. Bhavcia M, [yonnger] son of 1. O:
4. ( * )
Haraaiipliadeva, son of 3, M.G.
5. Narasiiplia (M), Nfsiiplin (G) called DarpanftrSyapa, son of 4
6. (*) Bliairaveiidia M. Bliairarnsiiphn
Harinarijapa G. called
This reign commenced not later than A.D. 1496, when the MS. G.
was copied.
7. Rtmabbadra O called Rupanirajana G.
8. Lak(min&tha called Kaipsanartyapn, reigning in December
1510. Cat., p. 63, date veriBed by Dr. Kielhom.)

Dtnastt or Gorakrpdr-Camparan (Western Tirhct).

1. Prtbvi-BiiphadeTa, A.D. 1434-S5.
2. Saktisiqiba.

8. Madana (Siiphadeva) i
C J4o7oo.

1 AecordtDg to MToml worki of Vidjipoti, oitad b/ Bggeling, Cat. I. O.,

p. 676*6 (toe alto Grier^oo, Ind. Ant., Mar. 1899, p. 67.) Bhnreia wm iiao*

oodd bj hit eldor ton, Doratiipba, mid he bj hit ton, ^irntiipht. It it

tignifleent that not onlj Vtrdhttntnt and Vtcetpeti past otet thete kingt
in tiltooe. bat Vidjipati himteif doe# to in Karatiipha't reien (RnJ'lfitra
Noticet vi. 68). They were perbapt not generallj acknowledged.
* Vidyipati (Eggeling 1. o.) and the Chronicle admit the pretioni reign of an
elder brother, Dhlratii|iba. called Hidayanartyapa.

Digitized by Google
Ififlori) u( Ni fiiil Hil l .siiirt.iDiilixij Kithiihiiii


An dnkSOWN dynastt (Oat, pii. UiS-SI-).

{From the Acdrajipa/ca of OanijSviu.)



Hambira. King of TrirngatleJ,



DamwUnt cnllcd Digijaj,


Trivikmma (patron of the book).

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8 C

( TjfiBHum ) 8 80 oniftir I 'fftrr - Hnr^ I

ffni Tin n arftr g^ n a ya RTn nr rnTJuninr ftrfraHi^ i

< uuf<<iHi< i 8(nHwnr ifffisqnT ftreim i ttot -

3 a? I ^niii{T3i)nrnfnKnrt minfafri! nnnit naTurea: i

80 I fH T^ha^nrqntnrigsTiTiTinnnTiitTjn^n: (n-) nrann*? (t)

8ifHni t tnnwTjijt ^ f no Eg : i

H? I nf^ 0 <0T5rerjrrt nRTJmTritW! i

8= tlT I

e Tin 1 nfn Innfauan: i

88 T Tin 1 nfn nTunr^f^aint nwnrnwTi (?) TOinn: tito: i

( lafiwHmj! )
Tmiftt i ^inr - ^nrf) i

^ snfr Ti ni i^Ta in i

ai^ plninTun n^fnfarnnfTT

wlm^ ir^nmi fonfH n^nr Jinnimt i

mn^ nT7Tp\ asHnsn ^ rnni

nigo*! aifri Tnranfnm nraff tr- gnrn ii

Digitized by Google
< ^ >


73 77KTqwi f7n!j I

g^3qH!I3 713 nfrjTlqri n

5iq#t f7f^m 737^3? 35r7fgai I

amoiir 37773 TiTJim 7lflT33tT II

373^3 35prnoi Tarun?^ 37 ^ ^ '

777310)1^ 7771 f7TIl7I^ IT7I3R3JT II

75(3qt3iT3^ 3W7 IP37 731 |

. . . . f33^ TTOT .... 7T^ II

937733 3?TQ^ 51377^ ^fflTit 731 I

fTTTTTI^ 73T WI5T afT 7737 . . 7737 I (')

^ ' '

3a7737lfr # II

( 3rfT7*T )

ijfcqSBT: I yfa gg7T3T^ 3^175^ V37TTTf77n> 713 <7 3-7757: I

,) ^raifTTffTt 773 5 7-7757! I

7773TOnf3*Tit 773 ^ 7-7757: I


7*0 Taifiir I Tffiggw i 7i37t-7aTft i

^ 73: fij3I7 I

^arefnTgt nq 717155ft 7WTf33 1


7737^77 33773 : I

3757?! 3ta*t rttq 7^ 3a*iHsil7t II

777737 7o5rll7^ ^7!713 3737777 I

Digitized by Googli

( ^

a^favri uwf ca7aaT7Ta-*nii fgwT i

hraumao uwt a ^hi a wfeajfa ii

a^annnsi ina^: ifa5 j fraiwa i

ataire wrrga ftufawnra a^ ii Twifg i

arargraa*? t fa . . aR^da angwgmafeaw i

g^ ^aaw g^*l
f^rgrai^ wamsS #1arar? wrnrt i

HfajmarwTwia aarg ii

r?n^a yaafa fira^raanagwajj i

Tram jwntra aragw aaTTad?i ii

^:aff wiw t wtaiTOnn i

faa afaaaw fataf^ncaarjHq ii

fa faiiaiw artasa afairaaa afta a Bfara i i

a*aac *1^9 (armnw^fa) wrf^jBiYait faRfir# rrarr-

fanarat^wrahpg (?) ^anfrrat farfwafafa ii

^r I vfa favarw awa aftrgTas^ tmi at inrajar

ana! i

wfa aaraaiT ? aa afa a^ *|^

i a i

fag=a1faaaa^ i
a i

yf i 8 i

arfagfa^aaca i h i

aaataaaar: i < i

^araanjara: i o

aiaia^araear: i a i

aaifaaiaasw! i < i

atqnraaigazw! i to i

Digitized by Google
,hl in5n^5T^T!m^5T; ) SS I

115 1

UIintl^H: I
1^ I

,, fH^fufjUTfaumSri: I 1 8

fa'jrgflsiTre^r: i is i

fsiTig^V^sr: 11^1

mJw^CTnj^r: i ia i

- t I 1 c I

flSafW5lia^5I<I25i: I 1< I

^fTlWra^TffQ^^r: 150 1

nfv!rws?^ai<T^! 1

a^r;ai5rw:s35T: i

,. njfTosnfuaiHJifafiT^iwr: i

^aafHTraozcT; I

<nf.aT?Hai^: i

g^firainnw^Esr: i

SRsaig^r^wms^r: i

Wf|ycj(iT?TI3H* I

,, fayiw (?) xafru i HO d a: i

aTiftiga^ua^gtis^t: i

fwarrof3^^fwtra: i

siHSH! . . nsffs^ua^: i

winun^f^yyistiff^: I

afagnrsH: i

nfgysiia i

giBStnTreHit I

nmtinnffreig^iE ufigniirg i
( i )

Tfk gTimt i

,, ih^tgiTfaramira^ i


r i^fawnrfif 5nnxim^d*i^t frurgiiinff-

yi?twnrT5TT t

^wH?!r'nr5ijj i

^aniQQZHi^ I

a*imued: wrtk: i

fjr thjuKi m q da --

*RM(h^TW^iRHimiWltTnana5HrflJ0d<!l: I

ar^faannnra: i

irgflg K q g ai^ I

an^inoTH: i

rii'iHUd<: I

f['nr ^wwtohh i

ma iT^ssp I

VmiTgfiJVUia'H^qda: I

t mMn ii !qqqa<j : i

^a^fw fauHnagqgiq arH: i

luy^cjqd**! I

aiHl?i;aiy'8qiqa: I

BTt7nrt fa^Twmranrm^qrqa^jj i

Digitized by Google
( <

jffl rjiHtTIJTT f'TSnJJT^TJ'tO? "|: I

,. umi7i^H=>'r*?i: I

1Jj;f3laJT35]tnT5TOQ^<?l: I

r I

i . _ _ _ .

5nia^ !* tren: I

iflwuiT3:;?raJ!i'i^5r: i

ofmwiHJT I

arfasHJT ) ^sy uaifru i

^r?TT - %arft i
??o TRtega-ipit-^afTTroTWTf^fTa

nw 'tfiw?uajQ%aai i asaanmi^ i

a^i^ I S58 aaiftir i

niTM3T*iT I WT aitnnirTa i

aTtiuni afiTTWj? t

HTra^^3 ant waig^j^ ii

^ aaia i

ari afft ^ i*f i i

yyi vftwai^ri umTRM gnn^aJT ii

Digitized by Google

( )


*JTn|T; ii

nftinjw aTwjr ^nryw i

faJd4ire^q <rn^ gfjjurTO: ti


wTOwa Tt^ifw ^wTifw i

froa afr # w*r a4^rfa faaxaT ii

<1551 ^fluaa^w ^faarr^ i

$5HT or Jiranfa m ai: n awifir i

waiann i awaa. Rfaa ^ awianaaar a i

^*inma<sj HPnaarnftf^ ii

a^onrfa^ww faaif>wfiR: yaiflf) i

5atai uaa^ a aar^ n

asaaf faaat afarfii aB^ tajfH ai rtin^ i

Sar fawraar^a wTrn^cHtii) ^anj u

a: ^otaranaafa a areffa. anrt afai{ ii

jftaar i ala ^auanyaaiftsi^ aaa^nanfraraiam^t? atjf^-

araraa aiHH ii aa 8i^ araai ijfV aftamn% ii


(^) I

antnart i

arafarant t ^faaaaraa aawtagaf aara^j ii

(^) I

( faTafaanaw ) atf^ faaasai^ ii

jfaiatr i afa fSHTafewtarfl yfaffaawahr? Faanaaanf^ ? a^aaj .

fawfaaa: aaa: i

Digitized by Google

( )

0 f I

Td amUt)7ni5T5?g3;^ttII3fTITT ^tH 1501

ffi 0 ylai9njT I I

?ffT 0 jfjgiqimft I I

- -
^hr 0 xr?^ . ^ra , . *j*jin: i

(71) (
htT; ^Ri 3 nn?iTTMT - 5^jfa^qTgTniTw^iTir

*Fvijqanw wfkimiN a=^ifw i


{^) I

(ig) ^fq^at^'nisTT cinT^^ I

wfns'Ti fatawi ^ 1

(T) fsiajTr15!I{ I

(^i) I

( wfeH: )
fgariB i

(T) f^5fiI5R?i: I

5rfTt3H: ) ^IlETT - ^gttt I

(S) ?FI5!>Tl^rl5l I

wfTSH*^ )

( 9 ) I

wfiBaij )
wftTtrmf;? ug^iftr 1

afiq^r I sfH anB^granift^ 1 . . . . 11

I fagrni 1

Digitized by Google

( < )

T ^


(^) I

{ ^nr?iaf4H#( I
) i trrrfw i

grjr: I Tfi wiBrtTit urnw i


WffflTmrEBjj I

99 gTB W nt i tTBTW^ I

^ R^^gjU^ I

99 99 irnwfafnns?r[ i

99 99

99 99 miHHfliajiftnidi i

99 99 ywwannrarBin i

99 99

99 99

99 99 Bj^tnydm I

99 99 Bj*T*irgUai!m I

99 99
lUd4{ I

99 99 fw^raigugwjj 1

99 99 rufud*i I

99 99 p fwi mdH*( 1

Digitized by Google

( ^ )

Wt>JMT3?rJ55TqjWq i

> * * <JlS>I?5riT 1

1 ai^qmaT5fj^ i

>1 I * 11 nnTi7t?iaTHi^5T:( i

5> It wftiaiwJur^gH -1

M 1 1>

M ? 1> i

1' 99

f *> ?

* *1 a=raiHt^us5rg 1

)> > >1 faaqotTviw 1

5J a^t^afflsrassrg i

>* *} Hf^^f^atn^^ 1

'5 99 w=^ma^H*T 1

M 99 99 TraxreaniT^rTj i

n 99 99 tnf^3<iMii4ii5 1

99 ?> 99 ^o^aiq^vt*^ 1

> IS 9* aaiTtfTwi^iaTfgafTQiasrqjsiM i

jaw^|7 Hm fwafagiia-

ftjfa II sfa 1

(^) ^rVTTJIZ: 1

( ec(f1q: I
(f) )
_ taTft I

I nHui as wwTiJ^r i ei . . itBnnmf nrjii!

. . aat h: faHr a^^fni a: ai riw nfan^tat i 8=

afff anniraiia: i

^ oo

pntttfwfarHr i faann i

Digitized by Google

< u )

^ ot.

I I t^0 C^lfm I

I tfa ti^ ofktfSB <jftTOTW*j

sr^ifagw 9xn ) fijS msr^nfhrsre^ t

^aaifanwft fagmrwt ); m gf u tg^ ) ii

gT^Qlgrfggga^ wg
fimmv ngnn^fgircrgiv t

j .

fJw *nn fkfvHqg ii



> yg 1 wfk gVvIWVZm: 1

(?) 1 ifg ftrgnrnB gtwir? nfagra*^ wt r# un<n55f

Rira: 1

ei ug 1 f fk gTRarj^t g^RW^gqiigl: 1

c n5 1 gfk gfkgi(i<n fgjffawnifk^ wrvi ?iiTttiRHhd*n?t

frfTgTORE^: 1 ?

qg 1 trf?T wiRTTiart Rggrtsf faihHaqqqg^; i

(?) ' wfk wtih*# uFaag^ wfrwwtirjj ii

(^) 5ifw-*iiin5fT>ff! 1

fararg u?Tn{ i


foattn 1

(V) 5it%^i<5rr^ i

( wftsrai g I

Digitized by Google

( M )

niT^lfTTW^^T I

wficwi I
) I fan I t

o I ffT *iTTnifOTnr-#1*nr5^in5T7afjrTf^% snTTTfHrrejjWTir

trew: t

^ r

{ nroiH^ I

wiwjmnt I ^itrt - %ai^ i

'nstjsHarTiam )

^ ^*=

I ajmantTOWJT i

^ ^ ^

lfTlW*WT( I

^ B

(H5) ?[ii>ip5iTwicn:: I

rfaia; I i frovftwsr tfnjr. t

(ta) I

( '0^ - ) aar^ < i


( )

(r) i

( i

mni?Tl 1

( TwuwWtTq I
wfTraTOT*{ I

ww ^< I jfWTT! I ftrWw i^w^ n ni ra ii 4(gu^ i

*rniwi I

( T*nwwiT*i I
) wftramffTjj i < i

(*) rm nre^iffi i

wrT w< q <^ I

r- ^ *
mm^w4?ir: 5 ^ arimfvwf^T

I Tsawr HTWH .


( q
tfHumfit wrftBf I
iimt - I

(i) I

^nrrftf 1 wftrenmri 1


I vat ^arft 1 firarttB watrij 1

(=) I

) <natlTtrtfHfa: I


Digitized by Google

tf^i I wbi

SI*I5?T; . . 3^ . . I

wnraw^TTJT I 3c ipnfi? i

Tf^a: I

niTigiq!iH ^ an: I

*fx?tf^TTTi X X waaTawfawajj i

g^eHia^i^Tsa:nTgaiwa ti

au: ^aiaiij 0TTjnraTfsia i

aTatasawsani w^ta^^arafcifr ii

n^fnjrqalsjfra rafiajB*ifsr^ i

a^fg?jiaaTTTa au)i 4sj n

u nB aarnint waagfagfiga^ i

*nri 35niisrtaan!W afayiiaa^ ii

5^ duRmiaTjafa^ltfafuTTOY^jj i

B 8a ij -WTatft^r-fa^niraTWT^T?^ n

ItatBaafa^rnsr-^aTfBiaTfairii i

fg^iwasrnraa* $anir ^ 5a: 11

atfii^-zf^ta^T-af^a fauBTat 1

fafa 3 M4 ^gw amwafagryt n

fjitn^trsrTafaj? 1

^aai srfaiai^a fajftaTpiniif^rar 11

fgsftw jaaaBrfv aPtiuiMmawa^ 1

tm*a3 aianTra aftare^gs^ g 11

fn g~1 ^ ^ arSa |ifa<i aiTfa^a n 1

a1fa?jiQ?tia1a-^wtfga-aVf^r n

Bifaaifafwaaiai ( ? )
( )

farai5P?jHTT nwi faiTframj: nwiTOfr n

(?) ftrw^mj d i

jfnnu ftwtatro^ wff^: ii

^3UIJi: imr: I

gtoTcm sratiTurenit *^wrej5rmsii: ti (?)

JJTmtWTIT JT?tgTS: (v) y^fnrf: I WlfT I

wr<UHii?i5jT^ifgftnT imnwjj i ww v ofmvjmritwi-

^YFgfwtn: gfn^: i ftfi a5>i uwi inrawfn



mTwarwj^ 1 imt srmiuBTq t

U4c^i*^xir<4f<! I I

T5St ffgfTQt: STWr: ||


wwmiii wnjTTit w%nnt<n^! 1


wmi r<unHwfa ni? ang^w^ir

ihi sw: 11 twnfir 1

HWHWrrf srm wtaireqpt: 1 gW et ^

of? ^ I uwi^ I

8 8
sini5i?[Tn^^T I

aragtw I wF^raw^jj 1 ^ ^kh i

8 t 81

wMnw*j I
) I wifij I

Digitized by Google

< M )

WT-Sarrft i

I gfk inTT^ftmgr-S^w^anjwimitfir(Ja^fffaif^ srnri-

HiTt-mg-nn-nra-tWHf^fn iflaq^finn ^un i

q^ yig*r?^ wrat qta'uujjl i

fa^rn^w anf^ ^f%iT

si^qmTaT gamnq1 jftHq^rftrqiqjj n

fgfwfr^sai-fzrainiiqraw-sTtR*^ ^ RRiwfw? rjh-

aio fa^iwY nt Tmx nain fat fRa*^ i


a ^ V

^Tfi4RtiiPnI I

qjHraiRTa-jj I

(JR) I

qrat-^arf) i

aimamn*! i %qr% ^Ra'sqwargd va;^ wiftrani.

^tiTTOijJi fonrwwfq ^hf)aa>fa^fm


naa iftanrinTw^TTriHipwiR^: niPSat

da^tfsnjarwn-iflTrf aaa: yifaRra. i


(w) 5!<^*TrnRwift^: I

( arfaqJitfR aarfa i

Digitized by Google
. )

( \ )

(i) I

fsirw I

(^) i

I anflum t

wsn% vfnni w^fnarefttirm ahmi .

fwK tBl^R^waa, 9?T^|[ireiinl^ jnn i

f inflw mnra*n% wtjt^-

atiJt wmi . . u5TiiiHH^ wTwt gfsi: mj a: (?)

as!^ ara ffaat fwg ^rre^ar-

w fww fa qi iw qi i^rtfmm ian: i

H: fRTtja-

w^w. ^Twaara>TBtntj: ii

WT artm faarPsrg: a rga tara^Kfaiggat i

ynwfu at fffftrir ii nrfa ii

af^sii^i ^fa aj ferarafa i

.... ;sifaiai(j^aifT(r<AVi*it7Hauq n

fau rjarat uw g-i^-gfayr- fam

i i

aaraan: n^faai! ii

aai^ Hia^ rauw*^m i aanfir i

jfiaaiT I saairaia^ aariT!

(JR) ^

<^\jitfa^ Tfan: i

afaamnrfTO; i
n= aarfij i
( qJtsrgrfa r

Digitized by Googli
( )


aai(fsi-a^5): nwa^nifBfxa: i

w <slifu ai^oriwu

*n*l^ Wl^SHJT% H
3niT^TCT5^f%5atiTf^H-^r . . i

111 fa rttci M

^paanw?^ I iff^arsRnfwtTjw^^-
g'5^ij(iU5'sr-%ailfya! i

^wiffT wttFti ^sft

afljm-fe^nr-fa^ra-ara: ii

ffu^m^YTTTjnaJfjfffa^sTPy^ 3ftrd'^Hr*nn5

trft^T: totjt: I a^ + 0if^ ^fr f^nYnrqii t

gfnun:, - tfe 0\jnfar9faTf0S iftfasgfmfjnnd ^firarfrufr^?: n

00 n0aaraeTiuH{ i ^ t

00 ^0T!0T0t ^gfjnnia^gjfaniTai: i
a t

00 nfTynTurejfsmwtai 0 m 1 s 1

(i) I

( 0) jftaj^gref^: 1

0riTBH: I
) 'BWT - oraiff I

(q) I ar f0(U^fTfff0ff%fv-. I

) ^rar - %arTTl 1

{T) ^0fh05rf5irefTT5lI I

0mnann 1

(^) I

Digitized by Google
( )


) ^80 uTTftff I ig^ - I

(^) Hraftf!T I

(^) I

( wtfT:-H^: I
faarnn h?tt i

() (?) 1

(^) I



SWWtSfSaw aarfw I 5ftI'ittWI*( I

(^) I

arfiBH: I
) I

() ^ncvtr; i

(T) lwpr. I

( ^arfhriwniTi i
- ^aift i i

^^: ram I

Rw'mBi fywWfu-snwifW-

fjTTOWTwiv-fiiammfa^ I

( )


TTanj (?) ii

^Htwars^fT jftraur

>nTO*tTf w fa^[axnnj i

rt wi mw H
ftnrni jfin5w md
^wgTfo I

?> gri mf|; gwfq ffftnrua umf-

qf>w fiitiffr lann a^infa >rarg ii

q> qwiwTtqq qqq tSTHsnrgtit nfr i


(^) I


(^) I

a^pVwwrq I < 8 xnnfw i

I ijwq^ I aw qm afr ^ ^ i

(^) I

mtq^9Tq|]n[ i
^ qq: f^vr: i

4^ qqqtiTwrT
i *5irro i qjnmqtrqr i wro i

4t> qqiawrq qrTqt i

nqiTi^i qfgxpq i qwT,

^ qif I [if fjT amqqf^nm i

Digitized by Google

( ^

T39^fwf9TtTHJ ^I-isTIW^ Hire: II ?

%99tiijr ^|R ^51 fa^jnnni Mif<t n

I n g^ srt% 1:9^ ^ f^rftmwJT 1

firary wfawf^ sr ^wtt: 11

. ' I H3T*5n^ i>^ir

f {I ^tjn^qin. I

^rf^Hr9 9>T%sr tKgBW?^ II *Wlfy I

finni: I lM9UW(]a wwq I OT179iTJlf WIH{ I

fe^tnUTOf HWffJJ I

WT^nmrqr wiww 1 wrwwTJif Hnw 1

Jiarow^ wtHH '

%9nrnts*w9(Tii w*nR*i 1

() I

ifftrT - tjrrft 1

(ai) I

wr3HI I
) 'BTR - I

( 9 ) ^fv^TuNsTPC: I

o q^ftB I qrwt


(5?) TlfV^qfw?TTTf2 I



I qmr - ihST^t I

Ull*H9IW^ ^ ito: I

iniPB |np fJJWT I

wfrm fta'^T^iT TfiniK^ n

au^ai^ ^ aran vaiiQiv 1

s>f9 gi i^ fa nipfsT (?) faam^ 11

Tfw faanirnj: ^gfwira: aunr: 1 aaTt 8< b

Digitized by Googlij
( )

(g) I


Htnwar^H i RTmSrTini i

3!i5 nwiT!nf?^tt^ hi h fa^ni w ^ u Th u m iHfurijtgHTrJii'

fnan yunffra fawH n nnnf? i

wfiiiHi I *fH ff^qliwra: hhtji: I

10^ SrWTDHU^gffTO^
uir affio^ . , i *


(I) 1 5T I

wfnaainq i
) wwr >aiR i

I ^>sfTHiT
5HjV (?) to: i

wura: aHiawfw i

$it fdiflig<o f??uTW ua^ II

hiiot igfa^j^n TOatw^awni i

HnTOT fafaa^i^ httoitj^ ii

niaa^^ ain .
ijaifaaiTO: i

ar^r^ g froia huthi ii

iHa^^ K$ ci^ aarfafra . .*11 v*aifir 1

afmaiT:, - awirnaar^ aafya^ ^iq gffl^a?^ 1

afa agfanfawia# ana|^a^ 1

awiyiaai^ aaiaanaHraa^ ^VagfawfaniT# WRaart-

ami^iaai^ a)agfanraaiaw an^afasratH^j^ 1

yiaw^afamaiai^atj 1

wf^iftaaraa aaraq 1 (?)

Digitized by Google
) 1

( M )

*njitiicirtiT ^^gfajiffTHTTw irfTfrniT

W?I .... 5I^lfm5TT| I I

(^) N?nqi3: i

( ^3nr^<4^i: I
) I

nii*H3T^*T I gniaw ifgt a: afaar i WTsrrf?-

^*rairi i wra? naifvmaqr^T-ai^aij-

fawmiw fafars: i

c. ^
(q) ^If^qi^q^aFT I

?T*jfH5n Tfarn i

( ^laniaawraBi i
) wfijsrwTrrjj i irarftir i

(^) qRTqrtq^tqiT I

q^aat^-wfaiH|[^ant5aT i ^Iw^ar Tfwar i isi - qa<

nail^ I

jfnrai I
wqTfqqBiggnqiHTKranfimaO wumrW q ^g i Jt t wtw-iiti-
w^iirTq^tf>trg<raHiamwta>g rga<a a^ qinn wnwivn-
firouTnit ^wni . . faariri aatRjj t

^nro: qfajsT:, - afw amsnv# B^r9nfaari!r?j i

(i) qWTqi>q: I

- iiarf^ i
arf^ a iig: i

(qi) 'BJnrqrhq: i

() ^ITqftqfNiT I

( wfTwar I
) mf w i

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^8 ^
(^) I

nJTTmrfHfiiraij i noo i

rorra: i wwijifn? '

# f^= i

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wfWmrf^rfwHg i ion trnrftr i

Sfiuifi I sftT frwftmwtjanxr: i

an: i

(i) I

8 80 innfiir i wftrawwtg i

nTT*W 51 WW I

jta: 5iiT-mf^-05njis[al8ia^ -f + + ^ ,


a^ert-TOh HJRW II

Tanfir I

^arariai^ i iw tut qar^r^ i

jttTw fartrr^af atfft w^ia, a ^faaj^ ii

wfa ravHiunoii^ fa^Htdwdtfannnw wf^otm^narfir-

farotirranti: ii (uas^ftafir ap imftii frr ijftiintTijn-

yaiSaremi: i)

- *fa 0 artiiT (?) ^ y^nfaron^j i fguTt! totP! i

Tfa 0 ^^f^f^Fn<5Tfv7Wrt: tnH: I

ifa o fpnnrafafiiajiftwTt: wtirw: i

wfa o iiw^tfiifwagTf^t: wtrni: i

Tfa 0 iftufafoifptfiiwTt! attm: i

tFh o tangsifn'int: atna: i

afa 0 gratt afafa ae Tfiwati atna; i

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0 tqTlRlfuWIT: I

rfti O RTK; I ?TTTI: I

(^) ?TTgr?fj{ I

me o^rfts I wfti5nmTq i


( irifsflyo^wTWjj I
) w Fti^muq i

jfxiw I

uiU rifiiBri^7vm
wrfltT^jinnir ^ franji^qT^ <mmm9w-
(?) *nnnn7TOmn .... fafar w -
fwT w)xni4juw*rrrt I 7m <
77iTT9Tfirn9-^V^)anrB7nnrg^^sT mra4i*fl9-
a4<miun |S7; i B^[Twf7rn79^ t^tw: fw: i

( 9^7)nu<n7^ I
) wfii H w qt*( i 97 1

( I
) wftrawxrnj 1

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{^) I

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vsrugismniTj I

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"(^) ^J3^na^r I

<< psriftii I I

1TITW9TI*| I s> IW! I

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gr*wa?5^w jpiiwret: witrfV?! i nnf TSTOraT^isr

jnn aw: b^w: i ^uT5nnw% wawretanR nf i fjafwr,-

^OTHTOT sr a anaaiTf - i

aa wwn^atiH tfh i

awaarnr- eo^ amna t aart f atataa - jreansrt I

wafa I awrfa i

{) I

< o grarfar i aiart - ^arft i

vitNaTa3}{i ^Wrara^aRwart^fyn^-

f an ar%a arvV nPaaw a^aff

a^taii raaiaaaaw firfv aa^ ii

apaaiao*! i afti faaiaai4?agaa: aarnr: i aan a)| ( armnaityfa i

anfaa ^pRa*at fofr% fiaParnfafa i

(i) aiTnit^f^Cwf^fTr i

1^9 aaipff I ajatr-^aift i

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nniH5Tjjj I JUi: fTirtu I


wagnfrni #3 i

iR57 nsT^wjrra

Jif anrn, wcrerij ii

mmrfin^sqii TO <ram[

m !T mnr: pat iir m i

icr^i^tn: TOjim: w iremi m

H wm HT TOrtuftn
iriHia I


aiTfl WTO . . woTO M

^ITTuntllft WTOT^ nihl:

j^^TO^iytTgir wat; i

'agy wY ithw ww:

^ QKTtft Wy^ITWig II

^ wjiarofu

(WT^) irnwTt mrarH ,

wrotrai inn *fin itrf

wrarfafa am flrrojf^jj ii

tfhnfwf^itJT s|fF^ 5^-

tlUtlfol IT^W I

l*^T TOW-
ns^ fq ai rf i r>T ii

nm'iT'rt afroi: ufintwi! i

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raf^dlHQ^ H1-

5*^: II

^wfafinmre ^ftpj aafap i

avu jjtt
miHq^ra Tijpn arowi ift?Rwf rar^ i

Bwrarw*! I wmamrfijfiiTB. ftaV i

(?) inamt
awnr: I
( ^fV i

( wiaivTlHiqii ) ^hTranftr^ i i^o innfv i

wftrawanj i

^>wawi ' a wtNw ffV ^ w) fifS^

aisro fafisafar i

<e xnnfw I

^i^rarTain I awmwnf gnmat >= i

a tnt^ ^aan miq>

fin^TT*n^fr mqwr^ i

fafvm aTiiwMift II

aw faraniTTw i

nafaT8! faiwfii^ froaft i

%aant awu: awr^at aoniiTi ii

awnraftron jwi ^|rqref^ i

fta^: ^anfatpjTar: n

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(?) mtr sRa? i

inginmM4iftp ftrfo^ HTTwgii n


^Muiaa I

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'btNiht I jnn> n^o I


wftraufmj I ^ g^K I

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( wrr*rm(qrTj i
) i i

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( a^TTWro: I
) ufqu({ I
4g I


TWlfig I tRfvidWglC^ I

5ra I grav^fr agrf gfayi^ wTrrarrfimanfl*isry^.

far^araf feafiRt viv^ ajurami-

i?)afaanm*^fM^tfaareBWT: jiroa^fw i gflnt^anr-

^ ^
(^) I

aat-hnft i aaa i (ararnar^^ i)

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i <JTwji 7 (h^ingnfTjTrartiT-

nw anww ^^n^ur-
MrajtfHHW . . , . n

(^) I

Wl I

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^par-tarft i



(^) sqrlW^. I

ih'B^w tf^: 1 5fB 5nmt^ i

Stgnftftr^w i < uBiRn i i

UKUiBiWT^ I *ni! fnani i HBlBwiftTBsm^rerm, aiwn^qiiiinuB tr'

Ha^iaivuqur a^firini! i

simaTWJj I a ai ufHwrq aatawir ifa i

I wfa fwamm al q m q g< ft a^u ygiqfireng aww-

r i lih i

ftria Iw aiaal m q ^ tc uht iwshr ^in^^aauiaau^TB

TTi i i

fwfar Hfwa garaq i

(^) ^9TVIJl I

- tfaaij HaaTT^wTaJ^ i
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(^) Ml>!^9lTSiWl I

wf<aaj I i 33^1 sat 1

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^ init a^nr 1 (?) w nwbnaw^ 1

vmanai i faai33g^3^: aww: 1

33H =^ I ^TftnTtnaifmT*TjT^iTOrofU8B^IW3ft'T

(si) i

ayipisT tfawT I *0 TTTifiB 1 wfoHwwm I

afir iglq g y nH frft


aani: i aa 1 ariwr-

qt# n g ^ fy t 3s;it 5% 35min3^H8^)iml3mpnn ^laai-

farwarwy g umfxrw 1 ^wngj 1

() I

Tf^ 3fo 5nmt*i aa an I 1 1

(51) nfw^gft I

( MfamuwWT I
) tm355wf3 1 aac 1

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finf) I wrfiBwyjj 1

ai^qt a ifiil I 1 JlTianfiKiaBtiJifT'

^3Hj f33im% I ^ wwi n I

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(^) ^l^'ilTHMn I

I i

wa ^ec I laiaw jimatiTigr sn%f9m^ s^tr?pinmjtRi-

wSjvri f^farHfH? i


wfaiH: I
^8 TT?nfiB I 8TrT - I

5toY to: I 8ni TOfarPfifarfv: i iranrt faanr: i

^^m5|t% 8Rsiimnn m wr^n^t arrw

'W'v I STOTVftTOfTOi ( ) .uraywIvniiBn-
tih; 8RimmT amrfwigaftdVf: tsrfrrBTfjpS

arrm 8jjift% fim? ipa M yr mfa i'

TO 8frtf ufieffi TOwtro i TOnfr i

(*I) Wra5Tl I

TTO^PTO 8tfHTOlfl TOlfw I

a^TOWJJ | 1

('?) I

<r^<iii I 8T^nc I I

^ftuin: I r

8 I fw TTwi1\w6irq^iOT^w gff^g<4jmi rairM ffT ^anr-


= tr^ I afK flirefafti: I

( 5[arfarftr: arfaro: i


( I
) a^^nn q i{ i

8|^(n84^ I TO 88 I ararTOfy a^am^. . i

( faft^xn ) a^f^TOTJ^ i

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wrgaro Tfaar i afaTOati^ t

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(51) <#tf^?TT5RT I

fa^iiqfrt^Ti Tf%rr i ( %qrf9STi i

(?J) ^?t9n^I!Rll I

- %zn?t I Han 5!i<5

(HrnnHjr^ifH i
) HnfftHrgjt i

(5|) I

( I
) sfmarfHfmHy i arn mu i

(Z) ^fVTTqra: I

'ffUIT - I 9ftmi^

v^fn ya^ramTliTtfig?anq a ^ n UC (?)M

u%hh unji^ w?: i

nfjr aifTw ^htt) H^gHTwfH . . . . I.

(?) .uu II

iwrrq; I

(3) I

QTTm9Tr){ I
^ Htnsiv I


Htt?nrf%qtT WTfw II

^ WT^tharawi I fwrf? i

( ^pra rwfl[ I

(3) I

wfHf HT I feSTn BTWq I

() I

( aiarv^q: i
) wnr #ai^ i
wan *=* '

.... fa^trnsS i

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fsRHaUTrT^ 1


faara i

(^) f 1

fflaia H?wq 1

(T) 1

) fasns urw^ i

(^) VifS^ra: 1



() ^CTTmwl 1

^-co< warftr i
) 'aar i

arf^mfyanani arfvzHtwtwrozTiujxiu i

(^) 1

I tntTftr i

imHarT*i i s> jg-m i

wif^MfafwH <T9w wimlfsrswirc^ frft

m5TgnT>?rHwfQ qfTg i m ^ q^ Hfigin?^ i

im wiTOi?t*zHTg^Ti+fem q fag -
ftrwq^-wtwrfii wias^ a; ti ?

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nitii . . fwjWTT<JTg ii

X'V fii 5?5*rsi5(iriTi ^fafromwtfinn^acrw maH:

g ecj^a naO^ a: wrjj

i witw; Hfsfa trrJTfjmiff

ifijft .... fro-f I fintfT I

swa ng^ 1 awmu fq m^ti^n iar^ i ffirfni wmrfniHtwirwTijiroTTmT-

ftifk I TO?!, ?=< WT7 'HTt wcr*irt fk^ %wk

TOiwftrfH fkafi I ' * 3DriarnJi-*l t Ta ^ *j{ * i

TOTO fafkmftiTF I '

(^) I

W rTOB TTrq I s*0 TOlfkt I

^ftror I afk Fairaa^ tfUTtro^: awijr: i

raaya?ia*STFj;k tfhiwT^
HTrfk faroro i

TOW jwkHTT, utot-

fsw .... n^: II TO! I

I ^TO^ I TOt TOTtm^ar

**^tft ^wfff aafiii H i r<a ia^aTOa 3wm!aauajrmma!WTTO-

tare (?) a'!n!=' anfftm ^fT < ii arnwfgFarrofw i

(f) >

a giH3iH i I arart - kaift

(ai) Jiuranifaf^: (?)

ijmi - TOif) I
( arfiwa; i

() I

a R a afi w q I rvHan{ i io< - waiFw i

faa<H 5^ rfaH-!#targkk?T farFarff awafFwa nroi^iai^n*

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519 urfrafr I

(n) I

V5TT - %aift I

snwgrj^ i vTiqtmHTT^Traf^^t, ^miwTTwigx^, wrsSnm^^raal,

snanj9niffi9Ti, 9aif9 q^T^n^TTifw i

9fT9*nm %m i

TiarfwrraniT^fTmmBinR-^^tinrsrwwg^aw fa gtu t ra o i

5i 5 t^ I H<o I 5naJB 5 ?(mftT 9 ?it fa^ W9 9?t 9 I

jiS wfiraft f99 5 fif Ji^ flrsffwfa ii

n \

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(?) gjy
H f5T99r9 I ^ai9t >Sttni:-^\i^iTraTfwns-^hlt x x x x
d'Q^aui fanniTTSQ i

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jj Sig-rrei fafj^itfairapsa^ ftrfwaftifH i

(^) I


9 fir^ 9WTH-' I
i trfg^nmr^ i 5T9 i &gi9f3 f y ^
(I) ^iT^HWr I

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art9t 9i^4Df)fa 5995^ i
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nfBT^na^Hnj I

mTwananl niHfw I


X X wfig X X li% fni ftrann: ii

nrftf^frofha^f^fsOTfnJT firT

I n4v* I ...

ftjwi: I wwmwmwtT^uarexwn; ^ wu-

ni Tw: I ^xnfr i

(=) I

( tnoK ^jrfxBRi: I
) I
ig^ - Kaift i

yrnwd(*in \> 5r*ft ggm i

$^w>Ro fioag ti

aa*n an* af^wal i

^qigai .
j-T fintniS ^nfaf<iwqiq ii (?)

m*iinMra^*n^t . . . I

^ ^5 f II funfV I

wfa aritwf hto rwJan awni: i

qrw WWW nwTO#qiT! I (wmrrai^jif^ i) ffarraraaia

.... %arfa aauajni i

(M) I

wfaw^iqR^ I 80 * s5 j I w)*ir?aT^ ^gri ft ii^^q i

fgfqm jfwaila i

( 5)
*nf?Tarfwi i
) owr - ^ifr i

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Twu: iisa: Hwmr: t

- ^dift

I ^rnftj I

( tflfwrJtmasjflqq I
) - 158 q ^ ffa I w fua am ^ i

(*I) I

<sm - asnft I 1 trarfw i

(^) I

WTtT - I

() ^S^nlW^: I (?)

iTTTOiaTijjj I s> awt irosniT i

aw: aTwa^ u T yu|; at i a frafro i

qa,uai?i99Uia. asqwj y. x ^qaiq^ ii

r^Ji^jai qfw a?s f^Jnwfq i

5Diriqiql4iifeTF^liWf<im*| ii

niren S ift^rra) jajflran: mStfSar! ii tw i fy i

^ a w u^ ^tma
q T 1 rar it a-w ^ma uSaHH i i

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- ifar^ I

() Hra^^t?TT I

atwT-%aif) I

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(0 ^sirr^^fv: I

- ^aift I

(^) I

io'wt I

(T-) I

wfw fasunw
frfiT ' frfwJT wwqr nan
fa^TianjfaasT n. . . nfarnfn

(^) ^aiTT^: I

(?f) I

atf^fyajianfe i
aratr ^rti \

aj'ait - ^atft i

sm: I

irii w^ffla^jiauMJiJj i

aifaanaTff^ fren w^: aft^^fa ti

wirani artgfnaflfifn fram^i nnm i

gwansnf aq^faaarr^Tn ii

arnnfr i

, rfB mniYs^ni: anm: i

ifa ijaWnuni: i

ffa wjrfarr tr^wtraini: i

afn M j^traia
i awTaHtrw Ty^nJinr: i

rfi (?) aHwtrajnr: i

Tfa njrf^ ai^naiq: i

(i) I

wfamirfa raif i

Digitized by Google

{ )

(^) I

ftT JWJraiH^ fwinftrrfsftl: I

q_ 1# tt flTTW^w: ITCrii: l _ _
< if tt

>> tt
5^uuwuw<ftir. 1

ft tt ftrfv: 1

M 99
^nwTJTfeftr: 1

ft t9
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Ttargp*! 1

t> ff 99
ftT8i5ijnina: i

^0 ft 99

ft 99 f[a'fTnf8rfw: 1

ft tt |[wTTftnraH 1

>t 99
ynrfsnjrerg i

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ft 99
^rrfsriirer^ i

ft 99
^H*J9nHy 1

tt 99

( irf 8B^, Wt, awi, g^ji, ffwas,

wy, w9fT, 5w, ^,-g?nTt tiranfiT

^rrpjref i

98 99 99 gruidutr^fg: i


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nawnftiT: i

99 99 msnsBy i

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0 .
yiDTTrr*'rajj i

9> 99
fTarWirfa! ^OTHT 1

99 Tqra8gHg<tirnwgtagu-vyft i

9 99
inrWTTTO: qWTW: 1

8 *9 >


< > >>

qirrfTpyifrn: 1

>> 99
qw^SritlT - - - 1

=< l> 99
*rsRO% ^wqp^ 1

}9 >9
wpftrftj: wnr i

< V 99
qrTOTnM?rfir: i

S o V 99
qjpnrnr^t _ _ _ qfrqwnr i

anw itfw ^ ^ tfw i wm i

(^) I

^ o Ti^rfQ ^mt - #ai^ i

imitnm I
^ 5: ^Tjrtu I

f Pfrw uFr^if^^a: wftnpft - - 5^^5*jhi-(?)

wiwwnwfarri iiwfrt wwfmwtfavrq i

CTtwrrt imij^^wafwfkfa^i^wtn q; ^
sm w yyi st t^rH< q <flgtwf>f> tftr ii

Digitized by Google
( B ^ )


raf^uTUTOf^J yi: W KBj I

^tPwwTura BHTW wifrtiwtsTmT

taRq vreipa htt^ ii iwifr I

wHunij I
_ _

jfiitwT: ;

qnatfaWa: i

faatfWaaR{ i

n ajiflf^mafW!

aiiaiibmtj: i

anSnfttnana: i

tiaiilanuiqi i

WwiWtamnj! i




arf^Btana: i
) amt - ^arft i


( 1 ) 1 < aarifar i amt - i

qTTwararJj 1 >D-atiY anm i

jttftnt tmar Jranfsjara i

nhnr taaiwa*! n wwifir i

(^) '

{ vr<wdiHi?{ I
- ^err^ i

Wan. 888 ta - - - i


afa^: I
- 8iaiT - Wat^ i

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( M )

arTqaor tat a: afOTt i tinfr I

(^) rtt5?iTmT^ I

^rft wittm*! -
( ' ) 1 H 8^ Tiatfiir i 8m - Nrft i

8imar*i*|[ i
imuTtnaTfli i

ttjwfwit gat

smtlir HT. .sBurnw wyiaat ii

HWff fawt^ ^8n Tf tmwwrtTn i

*rt famt sanraratsn ii

fa WRt ^Tmw !iTTTttwirt aftmirt untu^t^rTTfa


^tn% fsirntTa*j^aufwiviM^f ir-

wujmiBjartifa^wifatTft a i rHaKinifa
^ : i

irvn wfarwifiTOT ffttm tTnaam ftwi

wiTifaairjpfl ^faf^ h

^jn?i aaTtmrnrarft
ni8> liWa: ftlTtTpw: Vo^^faaiWyi: II

^JWuir*a^a^ aranrt ftri^

WT% arfjfjni^ wwrj^ng^ i

^ ^VferfwrmrHtTTTt i rai q$a1w ;

^nnnifaranf*r5f> ^faftm g^tf^ tim ra it
fafWm awiaiuiQ tplmn i

wfrr sonjftrotjft n
wfw >q ^jtmirtiwnfhinjt
fimmw imj? 8rmmma4ta=

Digitized by Google
( It )

jwwfnynafw wiwfim-
I 4 antfnw i

^mwI<aqtfl frj^jfiwq^ifltpiVBSnHTfa^lilqWTq: I

rwiraqfT*TTirqraaaTg^: qtqic^ usn fqar^mfjra ii

(w). ^f^irr^^T?it i

( wfeat I
) wfaw mrarqia
i t i

(51) I

qiT-qati\t q^Tpn I

aa^^ oo TRTHga-fqa-wnrrot finiV aYaam? i

^^qra^ir 'ttq^qfawrt nw fafata ... i

() I

aa: fnatq i

qiifftqlq aara i

ma? ta$aw aarfrar^ar '

aarojia siqi aasr anraa aarm^ ii


anf^iqai igtara awitjarrfa ^ i

aai aaaRTT ya<[ ii

qt aa ^ qnfaw: fat ana! fqqjai^ i

qsaqw aaiann anaa ^ aaat ii awrfa i

qpaansm i a^rafrarat nqtwa yaa; tohj aaiR; i

qrai uanrararaj taga tnTrqnonT^ i

aHraa<i<w ? ^aa?fay iga^ n

afa I aaa afafa(atfaa) jimiryaiaqtywt

^l^alaraTqt faarfaa: i

ajanrc ff aa jatatfaftat an aa aartairfa anfafa-


ajaqrfa afar i

(51) I

aat - am^t i

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iz) I

I wFu^rtaifcfFiaq: i rq aci i

(^) I

I I i

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(^r5nqwis:i) ifqH: i wfti5ntnFqfiir?t: i qq i

(l) I

wFTOiqTfafwm | qq
(^) 9W5?tTT^nWRliwT I

afiudi I qqr -

jFnnin I am^a^qiTiwtniqTiit xm + Hxjfqfgqhi ntrw; i

(3-) I

q?qRq Tfam i wFtrermtfqfiiRn i

(^) I

I TO?i I

() I

fasirafii^ rfam i xrrrfq i qq r<h i

( JnpwmTqTfrq fwwFtr mfw i

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xrnfq i i

(:) I

qqT-%aifV i aan. < axTjrani^nI i

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wffJl *0^ I . . trsnfwTTw

faanrnsQ i

() 2^*nft^r I

> ^
aaa. soo i anna-^maiuiT
iTflrrftjTTar .... ^a^^nrg^arw faararra? i

(91) i

a?t o I ^uaw unrftrnar wam

fasnrnw i

(9) I

(s?) I r I

tmairat ^if i lOmy i

VHiai<i<iy I
^TiH^HflHfaTiafta aftnf

q?Vaf<a w n H n at ai i i ara^ i

faf^ v)v>*ma>: wa^ (?)

awennai?!^ ii

wfw naiH^jJ^aai . . HTT^rfaaa-^WVtJwflnfaft tn^wtianas

awn-. II

mem. I I

. . rwifiroa i^vaani^^av finmtTw i

(z) I

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(Z) I

^argn^q i I
) i

(z) I

8 I
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TfTtfi^HiaTirHiw5W^(^)g^ a= ii

nr rrran^ftrnq i

fwiri^ fw - - - - fw II

nr ng: i rn^ ggn f wr ngf^5n, i

^ KiB atg
i i n ii wifV i


(^) I

im I

(n) I

ra^ urHtfaffi
i I imPB I aa *% i

(tt) I

Hrr waRgg i nr fiDanr i

unniT nrr wnin Taxnwt viwhIjj i

Hwi: UHivuiur^ nftajifu annftnnjj ii

'ofin ... aro Miift i ... aa nrt nwt

mw a^ tnf^t awaaif^ awi rw ofn^ *nnWt vfai^-

wifa: wv a^i nw aw mrV ^ iwaMami

faii^if w I wanfir i

arararwH ' ^ iaHwatn nmn wa im i i

([) W^J^^TWiTW- I

faand wTa( i

v^) nrnrmft^st^: i

4 8 nrrfir i afrwTarrftrfarai i

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( )

5IT?3TWq 1 JT%Wm I

TUTiyilHHUi^ I 1

smifa ftifr^irisft mftnftarenfsa ii Twrify i


jfHiai I a<*n^iWTBYi^Ta5T^?T^ v^iitsyjtii: i aa e4

t '*T^ ^ ygnmq^anfiit iuwum i - -.

^anrwf(T*d?ar fafwHfay 1

(^) I

( wynntftwi lwt gpfa: 1 ) vm - 1

jftiai I 'STrretT^jt afirwnrt yrTO4 f swraw^nitw -t

Tiftjainj; qftamK! 1 K< I

( ^irwTnfflyfjr 1

(^) I

( ) ,

jfHHii I tfa ^awaftg-uriTTw wa^fatj^ sraa: tiftfar; i

flftaanf: I I aaa ^n 1

( Tj^gaiujiJjw I
) ermwWaa i

(*R) ^irfwl^fv: I

( arf^: I
) smt - I

im) ^aPCT^UTl^ HWH I

( Mfawgnalmj 1 ) ^mr - 1

(>i) I

( ^ipBjtnShi: I
) - ^ar?t 1 I

(8 <^) triur9git 8mn?f mnj^nrt finft

w^(J9 )n%a I

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st^wfafiraT^n: i w fugn^i^fara: i

gfww I *f?T *iTTBTtiminqfii%i n a iq Mi rnfarr Wf 'iTT<i55raV

mm: vmir; i 8s< i wmfrtr'r i

%^nmmj*rtT i
^TTnrtf^ uwimr: i i

im^m WTiitoninafjrre1p^^ust ^irraart

_ _ _ _ I

(^) ^%qrRFi3t: I

HlunwTfpfl: I fisrarmr ottwjj i

(W) I

) ^PHrenrfafpm: i

(51) f5Tnj?5tTf^: I

I < < qpifin I

iTTTmvrmq i pp: fvai? i

P Bi i upai i|pf>7qfy ^f^wf

|[fT^pppp5Pi>fff: I

fimr^ atym qqifq^T

vw yft qnrfk PTfqwiPT> y. n
- - - - dp fjssjfa pjpn l

mtp pfi^ffn psqfwfwBPiinrjj i

Pieiw^w ^fw P^faa. ti i mrfy i

qpaamiiH i fpw^tfafu: i

(W) i

8 o qpiftff I vxn - PSI?) I

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( )

(31) Tr^'rfTR'satTf^fv; i

< Taifm 1 arat - ^aifV 1

(z) 1

( tafascn i
) i s aaifw i ayunfafami i

jfsian afa anjaaaftaTaanaT*Bfrtafttjnaw^wma-fij-%i^i-

atrfarfaanrt jr^taafaiaiat ygimavfaaiag i

(3) f^^rra'h?Nnr i

af tarfHfqar i

uiia^ lihjrarir i

faQm^7'cn{i9ra^K41qi} i

s*nsr^ fa^wfiwi ii

i^ ^ *4? ain wifki rtnm i

fjrim: jcrai(j1 an aw^ycgviw^ ii

sroVsrt nfat^sTtu wiraranfreroiaRid

a^rnai faratannu jnrt jnmfwar: i ?

nar>matfnft?nj fwt fanianrt ifint

anrt^ fauaiiatftyajjji: ii

inffaaii<in m^am^ftri^
atrfvaaoH*M n>w#Hy srf^

B waa f ftfut d Hsg;flTwi!a ii

taiwiiuT ayianmM4<mn.uijidm m ma a xwlfw; fa

i qriqt-

g^iM^aint ftmr^ fwafjgi?\ fsrainfa na*fffa i iwrfa i

ajararan^ i afinreat i warraar: i

- - - wnnftiT jwas^ i

Maj^iJ ai^anrjj n

() I

-f g- -

a^fTarrarafH: i.

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( )

KswTwq I t I
ig# ^r*a*naisTn? fannw^w
(?) ;ni iq ww I r? rafauf^TnfwfwTarei^wtrmwt hiTiw-

<#1T:nTraifaTat awaronriaaqii*

f^arafwfH i

() I

( i
ayrarfafiaai i

I tfa Ti rirt aal q^it^fHTirt

5 n>a*^wfVwnn aiftrir

*nTnw ajqqiufaqa^j^ i

^Rifaal treftif^Tnafpaarnn.
a'lnifamjjia iiaino (?) i

wrf 5% afi gt T fta a^ i
^ ii

(*6) i

( wTiTafTTii*r<ai5^q: i
) i o oarfaf i

qjtrr - *rar?V i ^IwfqiftiquiaTi

Kg^trraaa s?jwi% |ti < u

(^) I

wfaftTr?hj*[ I
) y tnrrf i v^k - #arft t

(*I) I

( fasj3Tn#Wg i
) wtrt - |

(^) I

( a^jjTTOt TTTBni#hri i
- ^ar?t |

(^) aifiiBf^ilTresri^: i

( q?fatTafhTn^q: i
) 8* xn^fv I

Blttr - I

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( )

(a) 5R^ra^5Ri^T3?m?i3Eiiw*iJf^*i: i

mTa|iH: (?) 1 M0 u^ifw 1 in^r - qaiil i

jftqqiT 1 afa wsiw^^wiaiwqaanrainreg^d qtfn: oaa: aiH:

*Ttn^ aan ?== aat% iiFim i

(?s) 1

( 1
'?rat - itarft i < a qaifw i

(sr) SSRlJmfavriTJl 1

9 qarfw i - iratf) i

(?3) f >IW?lfasaT5TJ{ 1

8 aarfin i
- war^) i

Tnxi3i[ 1 ^ a^pff aw! i

nar^jiTfn i i i

I ^qm 5T*|: i TJUlfr I

jfwqn I wfk qjIHS*iqfaR' aSlTJ( II

(SR) famnf?TBTf%fv: I

arfJT15Bi: I

rnfo I sreT-%enf) i

imwaTwii 1 # mra^ ani[iraTq i

vn fawBfapftifwfawS i inr 'ffT^nafHwpriir-*iq5Tjin-

JTWTTO-R'w '*) - - - yaiwilW fan - -

Tm^nBxr nen - - - n funfr

(Z) *rt(%^ST^ 94^ I

wftrenwrftrfqnarjj i i

(3) f%5T*f|WTR1?: I

U^qr^aifTiHi i t tmiftr i srat - %bi^ :

van. <= I
( ^nwnqff^fjT i
) i

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( )

(^) I ()

- stsTTl I s ^ - 1 c uTTfm i

^9 flnoi T3 ST^ % 351 tf 5131 5fw 5I5jftfw I

35 ^3: 35' 33ft ^33T 3III 3rf 3<mf H M TnfT I

(5) t

^ - 3* 351% I 53TT - ^gift I

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^twtnw 3 Ti3ii3 Fq i3i fTg.f 3 3 g5 rv 3 ^ 8nt aitwT%3r3far%- l i

5l3t 1J5%W333a5WlffW 51^1^ I 5% 33515# JE^:

333T: I

jfklin:, 5% 3351T# 113 1^19 1* 3333% I

5%o 5333111^3^ J 5T5 3531! 3y: I

ifa 3?[5TT#- B t C I < I ^0 3537% I

w%o u Q m^g5r3 fa 3P + ^T5i 359rj

i i 1 1 i

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5%o %3n5f3J55^ ^951 %5n|^ 8ia)35|)aHlfT3W^ 1191

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( itt )

*fa watj jtfl tnnm t

fao i< I I OTHtfsr I

ifeo atfiT^art vawgfairfiniw: ora: i

( hh: mwfw tiasan I


(?) I

Taftora^ I
snjumrjj I

1DWT - I

faatoi nm^ i

igiaaTit i
- - mnfaw q n^yq ra wfU iiqT

'^T?t*nirer^arqB Tra;j _ _ _ _


( qjTfrnoamaii i

( )

(>j) f%5TT^: I

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( a cBtfqa iuq am i

(?) I

(^) fti?PFaa{ I

( maraaf^[ l

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faaro I

(i) I

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( 5tair*iwq)Tji*j i) ^0# inrrftr i wtit

S^****' I wTo '?lri9iw^ TO ms N a^ w
i i ^er
5im a^ra"wrifl*<: irew: I TfH ^THf^ITHr
fwwiwnr ^ - _ _ _ tj^fasifH(a)ii:

vsw. I

WHff { aa# ) aa:at jw u'gn^artfvi i

arr imtn t% ewajt IMirgwqg n (?)

ftnrna i

ftrfiwa aTTa q yyfai ama w^ i n

(^) i

8< aaifn I 8jar - oift i

mTHaTn{ i
^ aat aw: i ja: aa^faw^ awrj'
. ajaajwiw^ferfa arrenana: i aan^r i

(*!) I

* ^C|i^ I

(^) I

amr -%an\ i

+ + Faj4iHauBK4iHaap(f9)^(?) art wrf ^staganf - - n

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raflEJfiq I ?IWT - I

(M) ^l^f^fii: I

I 150 I w3n-^35 fy^iiT - - - (I

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(51 ) I

I isniT - ^aii\ 1

iz) 3ireiftn'yi5RT^^ i


, latrr - jnr't I arm< nw'r^ft - -


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<srrrr -^at?) 1

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WtfV JTIT!I3Tifi Vfisfvr


Tvl^ Jianniisfwt i

fefTHurHam Htjgri: fefti

fafomFufa ogfa arT^ipjj ii

< imfiff I
- #!nft I

I ^WTfTanjtiT5%ry wtr i

ftwai#>5n% t5 jgpz f firmi fera*^ |

as^ri a(ir)gT SFt fro atwamsij ii

aaa^aj fsfvai i

nfanrar ?^pfa a? atanR[ ii

fagaa^a arat yfaa^a arafiS i

^aa^^ ^aa j^aarauan^aar ii

aai aaffa ^ata wai faa fymra a i

aaift aijfa^fa fagiaaicaj ii

a^ afgaa: af^nFja:af??a a i

aaaar aar^a a?ra aa a^pn u aarfr i

afa fa^rnjTfaanjt ass^fafajanat gaaraiaarfranit

fraiarjaiiaifaanrt jjaisfta'Wjaaaiat xn^: aaa:
a*nai%a ^f^a^rfaaT i afa ^aai^tar%fta n


<= aarfa i aar-^ft i

srmwTwi I fa%: I wtara am n

ufanner aarfaaia aaia*jfftHTaVHfaaaa?j i

aaatafaaaaa a^graFaaif^ajj n

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'ftsFsrwtsra I

fuajfnwTsreBifTjIgwiitaqnFw'i i

ytrTToirTsmir srq: n

%f^fTT i

ajwrfwflif^i^ijWT^ II

Wcl *pt!isw*imifl V 41 ti4{ I

wi f^^5w mv tnfr i

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iftsrfjr i^ 55iTuw uwwis i

ra?55j*mTW nwrVTOPf^Ti*^ ii

fnn i

xT^tniJrrsf TOift gmm glfmfa ^ n

iimiw ngfei%F<*iifiiu^*tw fr i

wwiftfwTsire yi q^a H mBq ii

^irw HTTU^TTHT w?i. I

mv iftairwwiMlwr- jf^ijafamnw: ii

r BrtrTHtw*5 *a fw 5%^ 1

WTnr^ nwtt*t 11

JUl fjtjfw siquT wfHH i iixn 1

^ gpr^iF 15^WR[ II Twrfr 1

^pnwiwH I w*mi*t II

irf^nr-^lwTT^^^ II

jfimn: ; flin^i3 ffwwtw^ 1

T^rra?n^ frarwifT 11

ifa Fyai^Q f
wifofiinnmftit Hareiifi 11

fw fjrn# 1

*nji <am sn^Fginn ii


I It )


I THTihu I

Tifiami ; utinJIs awtTir^ n w: vzm: i

j> If jf ^ Q2H* I

( RHt jfimir \

() I

I 5= <nrTfis I

^ JTift snniratJT i

3F wv ww y^ffirf[ i

irw HTsfin WHflfw - - II

T fir I Twifr n

(J) 'RrrTiT^rl%: i

v^x - I

irirw?ai*j^ wjft irawTtr I

vmwr %am^9^rrad i

anq^njmiftjf ^tht: g^Fk ii

WIJVTJirt fk OTW a^HTJT W5Tt g% I

;^l'9Twr 2TT ii

ar,^ T^RIf^: I

iTRsrv Hfiksri wfawfafamiTT: ii Rwnfr i

<!rs!iarna*[ i Ri^if jwm + + + + + 4 ,

+ + + + + + + +11
jftrot: I nt ;- fw tm*mjinTTW uvriYsainT: i

5> >1 tf ft f^r^: 1

a 1

t9 ft ft

< >9 ft 9f 1

ft ff V t 1

<8 n V ft ft ITfJ 1

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fa aTTiiTOWsiiw qira: 1

ff n Pf 99
Wgw: 1

J|S atan:
19 99 91 99

98 > 99 99 99 rvsr. 1

. *9 M if

9< 99 99 99
giyn: 1

(m) I

I )
^mrmTjj i

(^) I

( ^IllVwftaH: I
) wfI5TW9TJ I SWISKI: H=o I ntaiTT I

w^naiH*^gt^?>trTHTn tqrq i

(T) ^TW^^sRi: I

fwaWT*j I

(^) I

otiT - ^aift I

(T-) I

(^) I

^fusuTu^ I I

TnnHarrT[ i
^ sm: firarn i

amualuTrratrv^ i

%msmrw9ii aifr^nfn ii

d^mT9WTini*jftniii w%'v^m

arrwiw irtw irtfjipiff ;n: ii

inn ijrfii^i wfiiiin niSrshlfwitT i

tflm?rt tf)Ha^ f^D sraji^ 'JUniftmiH ii

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fnsu, nwTT>n: 5ii*S ranjsD3ViT^'nn'qH^ x ^ i

^ 3 m I *WTf7 I

^jsrrar^j^ I %fa fa^TOm: i 3^ 31 ^3 : 1 1

^OrgHTT: OTTH: I 513 5^0 S Wjft

() I

( 3^iT^m gi I
srjnvialiirijj i fifirawTrTjj i

(m) ^5Tl^<tIT5E|H3JT I

( wfojatW I ) 3T3f7fTHT 1 wfTJ5T*mTJ I *1 33Tfw I

nn<t13i33^ I 'atsrrfijfni nj: i

TOUspnflgwT T^niiflf^rniS-- 3 %^ t

TV33 115133 *n*I3iWI33>g TI*j: II

^B!JI fognT3IT31PailH3t!5 31^31 I

f3l3^ ^tWT^flWT Wiejl W^^lfUWMW II

35nfB3nw33i fTH 3501*? fnsifimiw f3gwiftr wiKifafa i

*13lf I

() I

3T3T 3STft I 33H 1 3m^Bi3a3rt fkvV I

(51) I

. ( fauytiiD^qn i
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(^) itqi^TW^: I

( iiY3T5i?T33)3: I
) 3rar - ^atf) i

() ^?rr?Taq*i i

3nrnwT*i i 3ara, i 33^ wr^r^fr . . wri^mr . . .

glftf3Ttf g31 3 T35 tw 353m5I3n^ I I

(3) i

3^35131-313131315^^35^ I
) 35555 iiaift I

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(w) I

( aTTnaq I
_ irgif) i

inssramg i gfsfaicT^ avJTnn^ uiftj tins? i

wiir Tmwut ^orfaf^^Tiuart ii

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I ( iry^TnnViT^ i

( 9 )

I )
- Hsrft i

(s) I

^iWT - %aif) I

afari*(?BwafwS wr%ifq art (f)

( 2)
{ ^t?pwafiB?T: I
) T?:^WT5|tH! I ^15TT - ^STT^ I

( 3) jrfJrem^n^ i

^STT - ^arrft i
( ^nfVwfasft^ i

wswanaq i ffa f^viai<n RTtR^ wfkjRTar awtR^ i

St 5*rwawwtSS ar<9t ^jitS

niht Ttan agi^iS

jwafH trjoFflmTT^TfifS

wriK^JlwfSiwTWT i ?

tanaifwr^ OTWwfwfawfa wfkfa#Jt n

; wfa tamiS htthw au^xriH: i

So^t ajTtwumaw: vsm- i

( o )

^aiiRfT i

fHfTTff^ 5?g I


g^fwTofaii^^siq I

>9 99

fwf^qWTIof^^: t

^in<si^u I

9* 99

(^) g'RTJii^^FrfWfv; I

snsrr - i

() I

?o qarftsr i imi - ^ai^t i

immanB{ I
^ sniV *r^% i wFm ^ ftnf^HiRfwama:

wfm i yn w^iYtrarg m i

awifa I

^RrarwJ^ I Fa^tat: WTf! an5i arfta: + + wFsa^a anfai; + + arfVa-

ftn I
'ffw wring aan, << vnj ... i

wftjwnarg i ?re (?) aFwafa ^ fd mm aiFar ia-

^NiwTTTnrar^aiiaf^ai gin^a goftrj ^aaa-

ftrfw^ 3a?)frT i ifhiRu^fagiaiTMrt rr: ti

aiarr-aarT(> i

aiRiaiw^ t wfti ar^nfVfrwTa# >z^qara; rrir: ii

(=) ^ftnnrr?Ri{ i

inarr -aan^ i aaa %*=n ' . . JltianfOTW . . .

Digitized by Google

( ^ )

f5^r^TI^ > wFusifnTi


(^) I

I .. ngrifuTTgr .. fean-

ttw I TOtt wiiifmn7*rrt ....

fefwag I fjjgw^ i . . . ii

(^) n^V^^vsf^^w^^ I

fafq: Fwsw igiTisa '9 iraifisj

fcifaaifiT I
) qrac - 5t3iT^ I

(5i) H'Hnsqi*i^^T I

TTiTW^iqq^ I ^r: Ro^^r I

fPHi^rRwm R3 jfgq^jtiatfu^ i

Rnf?*TTlfRfirl^a RT fRRlRJrfR RSH: II



RR; RW ffg: ^RT RRI r<iag<sj IRR^ I

" wwift I


< I RR ; OgRTRlrfR R1^ R: RKniC fRR^ I



Rjsaarqs^ i rrrl sq i wrfftqi i

(^) I

( RVIRTRlfttftRIRi^Ri I
) RTST - I

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( 4 ^ )

HtTW3Tw?^ I
^ jmt siTjnram i

flolwmiam? wx5wnf|fgwi^^!w i sr^r swtrTWoF^fsyi

vgHTlift wwY: ii Twrf i

w^aiw*^ * ora^mfimarart fem7[ i - -

'g^^OTw m y aa m aa an. ferajj i

aVa a fisra aYa fafwai# ti

aaaiamafadaawjYji aiftfa at a^rar: iffjr; i

a arfa aTranaig w^aaaTa aYrJt a ii

wYht^ aaf wmyi^ yiP arr^yaayaifw: i

a|-a faa#Y: atw ar aa: atatfa atira^a iji; ii

jhaar ; wfa ^Ya^aaaF^faaiat Fafaafaq Fa aiT a gtifwararat i

aaaaaai gan j aai fg aai g rai fg a^ayft afmai^tf(afffaft-

fafa: I aftaamT%afafa n aawiarfa aatnanfanwai:-

Sair^^w^TTaT^aaiTiaraT^rai aYnwafafafafaraftia

fafa I aa Qaa I araarafa < ^ai iJtTararaa^ i

^ aat
waa^ aii^ara i

(1) ^W^fTT: I

aat-^arfYi aaa. ^4<(?) nartfimit-

ar^ar ^ a + h ^aar faaraaaa jmiRYia fafanrfafa i

(^) i

rgaaafnnj i afaancf^arH^ i

apnaTWi i ayfa% aasT^ aaaaafafmar^Vi! i

^\aa.<ST55aaT% ^afaafaat |pi n

aif^a\ ^laaTwrt i

(t) I

( aairiataratafta; i
) atit - ^ar^ i

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(^) i

I %\ n^fw I ^mr - i

i sr> i 1

K + 3 ?i?f + fir Trfrwd ^m?T i (?)

rtyjit ?>fOT!iffwf^rRfa vii ta^rai

?r fwfk^ngur: iipj a: n^aj*; ti

inf^ t aanwWr fafwm arafam aa^afa asifrar:


aaWwra gfwj!a)aaa1a?5^! jafawm; i

msawt: nfHaiaraaaavwwira(w) a^fa si

fagnJifkflauBjHiqaBTT^irai Jfaw^q: ti

anai^ I i qyar -

^iq;gtwaa;aaaaaa ^gf m w^ gaT:

< i

afar ^httf^^a^afa: ann^j^fiwfa-


goiflLuinuaiiiv(f)rayfi4jaiiruq^aa= ii I

aaj^^^namaaawiaifarwT art

ti^: a c^^t^atTf ift faaf waia uca: i i

lit yirrraamma-
aiar ^afanarrar afgai afaaaiamft n ,


^Jki^a^a^aa aaaaa! afaaqfl a ^T Fa' a w taQ a i waWaa-

afaaaritf1aa?%aaT^ftTanraa ra iia t < t a i u) <i?)n f a^ a ?a
faaf jjtalarfaa ^aamn am aisai

Twifa I

qpaT*i[ I afa fa^am: am i

sfajar j afaflaiiiaitqiihaitfafhitfaTfaa a'^aama am aiaat^ i

Djgitized by Google
( <0 )

9 TiTifin I

wmsfwFtiratqr cqren ftrarw i

(l^ I

( 'wrnijrftaiftij I
) WJTgTfTt I T?TT - irgrd j

niTOijnwq I
^ ^iY ^ursniiiv i

B;(FY^Twi^q^irf5T afHf^^Ferfif ?ftww

qfFafn n^^hrffr Hsmm ^ i

rn ini iitwwnsftiiH:

WtT^^!rTfHftif fimi: H9 II


Tn^ tnfFa WfilwilW ntTT i

a^aaotwftiT HsftftT iftamarr: ii ^ifa i

( 9 ) I

( I
) wfo*mi^ 1

( 51 ) '^TjJrTu: I

(s) t%5^*mrerv*t^qrsiT?xf%: at i

( wi?pnw%fn I
) qwtnafm i

narfw I i

; f nFaiwa^hnrtnafarfafniri fwswamrema^TnJniffiqr-

fwamnrt faffwnfrtrwnmn Tftajirij-urr q w aan i ; mm:

^IW: I

fHo am ^ i i

^uiftaifaural am ^ i i

arrotwafa^ ata i g i

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wfflo atun^f^fa^ii 3TIW I t

Tin I $ I

amraTDJft i

'Biainrtanara^i? a^nfafjiaq^ siiw = i


wnrnajfttw asrflgnt Hiw M o i

WTTwnutsrtta 5TIW i h t i

winnaxlTanraftreit nian^aanxir^ i i

jwarnta^tfaw^ *nw h^ i

in H i -ui f rg ^ a K sna i < i

^aa^anfaatft aiw i in t

(3) t

wfiizHig I
) VST - ^aift I

() I

(ai^f a Fga i ama n Taftoar i) atfr - *>arf^ i s 8 aarf^ i

qnaiaTa:^ i aan wifiragY i

|[8naYa<rfaaaiaa igjaY ii

5i5^ainragTvrf aYaaif&:

ax^miannnfYa jj| + + + + 5 x a; i

miai ai wafagTatarfa! + + + araYaa*j

arraa^firaTann^fwarairoaiiW^j ii (?)

laana gfaa^ + + gfa: aar i

ui amiwmg T |if)it + + + aviai ii aaifa i

^fsnn' ; fhawiawt ^aifafas xma: i

^afafa: i

afaafafa: i
^ i

<aa;- aiaafafa: (?) i 8 i

aYarfafai I H I

aifw jfatar i

( )

(m) i(>)

wiijj*rtwr<Udy I
) <^ q^rifin i wfo^a^Ty i

imirana*i i 'jnfTawTisfiR fn 'ar

siraniifkat jnnbit nnraft wafh t f wifr i

. , _ ,

8 it5 I tIh TOTawir: i

1 8 inr I tfn ^f^ramT: i

^5 I wfa fawmiaHTT! totr; i

<8 I fR firwftiftrwm: rwir-. i

ot RR I RfR waiermt: ruir: i

R% I RfR RW rgR T! I RRIR: I


=1 RR I RlR^RiTfRRnr! RWIR: I

( HRt RT^RtT Rf^RtT I


(1) Tfg^l I

( R it w i ua^ aiS
^ I
vm - ^arrt^ i

(^) I

RT^RSTTRay I wfKiaiir*M.i'Siati(VRmRRg''^^lwfWRRg^aRi IvaiRtnR i

(f!) ^?BTqT%Rft?NT^T: I

fR^fsromfRRRfw^ I
RTRtt - I H RRTfif I

(^) I

fii5nwRTRy I

(^) tfRO^T?tJrf!f^VT^*l I


(si) I

rjrtt - ^an?t I

Digitized by Google
( )

(m) i

( laTwn I
irwT - ^ 5 i?\ I

(ig) '

^n fg WpqHH I
- ^BT?t I

n: ; si^fafawg^: <ifiW= >

nroi^famsj i

TfH *nre^ nffqjTHf# w*nKq i

(T) i

fanad^tfwmtJi i
) mar - i


(nrilail! i) wftm*mri i

() sTT'll^'l^^ I

wfiaaT I
) ^rwT - tatft i

(^) I

smirrmH ^

5frfri I
fg^mqrw<m^ i
) wt - i

1 < 8 trrrfv I

( R)

^arC\ i

I wnt. wfgifi n^p?\arart*gql fafro aanft-

fiHfiifH I firaunw ffi?T^( i


( )

() I

(3) I

i) (
affnrutfir aaiftr I

( 2) I . - -

CO mfiB I

I at: fmrifinat jina! i aw Ragt ag i

iJVarra^a^^t fawra^wi fag tirgumoi fwwi^ i tiJIfinj:

nfiro> at naiwaHKHtg sra^tr :

ftgit aaatcrttra'awtfr i

*iTi%?f naaifa i iwifir i

aatamg i trw tW fwi tir^^ araa; atavs*

wtnfrfw a wrei% i

gfwtat ;
aft tJ^ata^a^arm^ fa^tta^afaftiaf a naa: oaa: i

ftaft afnaft ftlftaa laal

rfhV^atjTTwiaatnft ^ata^^aij i

HaiaiuJatw aaratftfatsna^a!

aanatt a aaftnaainijaiaj! afti ii

aaa 8 I

atfif jata ji n^* ftftm an i

am j at ^a^ at aa ^tfr a ft?r^ ii

aafai ji^^ifuf i faaa^ ii

arm: gfttat: ;
aft ataala^^wj# aaa: trea: i

ftg aipft at fjf^a: i

^resaw^a: i

f, tflaaaHtaaaja! i

ftjitaftftfaaft ti^: i

(2) I

( jp aaaaifa amj i

Dir^ized by Google

( )


wTUo^-i) fiPimtrerTH i uW 9?n i


iimr - i h i

ottwanaq 1 jra: firgm i

!fjw fg^5T ^g grw ^ggfxnBii i

g*ti snhs^ ^ ii gwrfr i

1 ^j?Iifg WT ^g 5?^ WT gg i

m<iT<T irgd fgai gf wgi^lT ii

qfiuin : gfg gftfrgispgwg: ggiw: i gwr^ n


- ^gift 1 8 ggrfffl i

(!1) 1

( gvjTnB^gtgnrfhi: i) 8ITt^-sfgTi^ i ggg. 8== i

(^) ^nR3jign(T?Jt i

( wfgfgu. Tigifiir i
8TOt - ^grf^ i

(ia) f^q^n: 1

wfaf^ ggrf i ) ^rert - ilgifV i

(*) 1

ggiftr 1 )
8nsnr - ^gri^ i

Tifipw ; gi^aiuBTd Tj^rarrij: gwnr! i ggg 1 unfg-

figuggrot i wjj wam? i


( wijggiirw tftfirg^rw g i
i _

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nrmsuj^ i w: ftrsmr i

q>n>>5wurw . . mP^ sTtn ii

j> |4rqw a^sfagtJi!

fi nHTv fi ^ wi^nimn: i

atiTfti 'rfg^rt

mftnnaronfaa fari^ n

anrV qf5m farftrmw^j . . vwtff i

() I (?)

xnnfiii 1 n'BT - %arf)

mTW3T*i^ I + aat irajWTni i 3frg3i*<W! i

V tar $3^ ^ ^ai3a3T33i i

tiwitaat fa^>5 aw} aa: ii awrfir i

(^) I

ainfiB I nar #aif) i

jfimn 1 33 j ifa arefta^ n^rawfonW! i

(5) I

( wTTwrcarnguraffii^ I ) 8 33if i aat - 3wi?t i

(81) UT^Tfh^Jl I

( atfwan I
a^fratfafflra^ i

(O) *rfTT5f?t: I

% jU Tf ai i I wfiraaar^ i

^P33Twq I ae 8 8 8 aiar^lHirg^iiTiit
^V^gara^a f%Tmftrfer i

(5i) I

( aifTH^fa 33ifa a i
) aar i

awarwg i asRc, 8^ aits} a ^a^tTaTfaTTaataaTfSia-

vwwgnc8T^^8nnag^ x ftrauns^ i


Digitized by Google

( )



( 2)

^ 1^=8 I

(^) nwn9jT^*fi^T I

( 1 )

(^) I


itant^ m ouftffifa i )




(^) W^twrV3RTJ^l I

w e< I

() I

orf^: I


= tnrifii I

MM '

I faaUB I

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M *= '


(a) I

wan. I

(T) airfliwW^: i

( iiRnn: waw?( i


wan <

(1=) I

() I



(!**[ I

(5t) f^<i)M^iJ: I

i^riaw^RwftfiSad w nar

wanj^fwafwHt araf)f^TiW! i

am na wf ftslii^w-

ipfrtn wwwtnwwnrfimrwwrj: ti

aa?j if mam i

( 2) wiinc^: I

arfwinnfW mifw i

( 2) i

*i^rdaA(|wy I

( 2) W1 V*l WT^*i I I

Digitized by Google
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(^) 5i?m3n5 f^riT ^ I

( I
) 8 y - <i <1 <( g^ifo I
igyrt - i

wanrrnjifii iJ^^niieT^CiTrof
57 tw: trsCT: i

wirmFsiw I
^.w^ynqjrraixB^tTTqwnMtiiTT^T^a: a*i 'Bfia iqt

^sra^^RlT yjl^jifaftiwjfaii! q^H: i

wa?t.yo!) wg^|ranjqi fafoifT-

fT Rmir ftraifr'wt srw: i

(^) ^T^TO^siT I

8 q^iftn I yiyrt - i

jrHTBI I ?fH srfsH^o# mfrym^ sn^qr^an ywrm i

(>I) ^TfrUT^JH I

C qyrtriff I

ntTW 9Tq 1
!Tfy a^WTO I

^Fauiq1aT i

^awRi^ aaat hw wai^nwm -


aruiaociVwt Tf^oTHWia i

aus^nr aiaat aifirimaf traas^

fTrfapryrawTa^ fVsf ari i

miia^ ar w ii

ftrqrai^j fua^afa^lf^ i

5[8J5 qwmaj ii

toaiima vri sig waifa n rua: i i

F'uFg;^^ w*n^ ^ f\jy waFa assawaj n Tnfr i

igminsq 1

yfaa. a < (
airernsp^rf^ I
) awm^inyirrot II
( )

4 oTifiB I i

I Tfn amijinfafv: amfofa i

(T) l*it5Tr.

( ^ncpawf^: I
) 1QW - iJarfr i

wwjfanit I m^i^ Hj: xrarar: i

W tjT^ra^ ^ sI^rT^5f^7^T I

( WTfTwanirtwfisTn i
<g^ - %arft i

ifintT p < tii I ^iirajijfirimrt ffrfsw: iito: i

< = ^v^a;nr^iatQ.rmqvTt4trT7ra[7^aiiiiiqiQ9^|iHiql
^TJra^t ftfnsjTyfarfroift + + i

n !TW^wnj5ri^jrjr: usg: gT qfwTtrqf^ : i

^atT<TW*w!^nTfH: UHW: I

(W) I

iftainn i fararaii dt^ i

(ai) I

' mtvMgK%w n i ri aiaP!r> yj ii ^qj4t4arH a

^aati w nM i qt

(B) I

< irrfiir I <mT-^^aT^^l

OTTOjamjj I ro: fnarit i

faar na anft a^trni finrviaT? i

^'r ifargipitf ip6a ar^rfa^ wt ii

vmanqTv^avt wfa gnarua p rc ar^ i

a^<daa^iHt fam T^Hlq ap atnf n

aaa1^i(j|[oja( i

Digitized by Google
( )

^^Tnmrrmfi a73Yrfr^ij i

fT^ijt f5iw?f ofHjnninrry^ ii

jfw^ I
qfjrjTO^fft: *nir: i

Tyr ^mT|[in^HwiH^>sftTm9fn i

gF?r: wi?i ftti qift n

Wif^urt qw fff^tqrqt 5% (

WTTOfYrqTJqr fsrfqnr ii

(*i) ^TTwnjT^: I

q xnnfqr 1 crm-hnTt 1

jfaiwT rf fwgurwqwT^wTar: *nrTmqrera:

wh: 1

qirqiajjjimqjiqt T fa fr^ 11

(Z) ^^IfTT^NiT I

afiom 1
- ^aii^ I

(7) ufnBTOn:^?'^: I

n qififiir I qmt - 1

numaiwT^ I aa: ft^rarq 1

J^amwrqiWTfqi^fiT rrr(ibrfkfTtTTqp^: 1

far faf<|*5 ^Tir*ftTfaa a dsni (?)

raiqM<;<iwVcf^(fW^) w*it an: 1

wnfagn ? iJ<*T
nranr ^uwiJiq^na: 1

qnit Knnnft^w nfayrogfa: inrr 11

qm ^iqfdgiqt fantanfw^hri^ 1

qiararaa^ 1 afn gpoft^arferfu: 1

amKtrq nftTfrarTanr: 1

Digitized by Googk
) )

( -Oi, )

nnrwTT&w Wcia^fw ii (?)

sf^TfirW WIIIT^l^ wfTpoftft II

() I

wfnHHWT^ I 50a iSWafr 1

() inrgWT?W*I I

wfn a ti qrq 1 i^n? s oc 1 faimif Tmri i

(<>!) %mR?fWnffi: I

( ^QI^UUiqT^ I

(7!) fi*irafimm: 1

( Mfirajjtwftflf! I

(^) I

( I )

(^) tihhk: I

- tarrJt 1 < irarfiir 1

fa^jiretfafii inreirfrw immarar 1

uTTwaram 1 ^ t? 1 wrfft^aia 1

arj^nr a aro jaai aa w^t: i

Hwufaa^ai^ arimn a fa: 11

vants aa aa^ aa^ 1

voof aa^ aa wta. 11

<a i^ ara 1

aw waftr ^Ttim ia aw af %HarH 1

awraw w^a. aw: aw: aw: aaraa: 11

^fwar I afa Harare: aara: 1

() I

aarftr I igare-^aT?l.i

Digitized by Google
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jfniWT I

^ 9 I wfa i

< ? I yffi ^istirtt: HTi*iF5^^niinTTnft3'iT!r - - -

tJia: M

(*I) I

( fegTTtgt or fsnfji i
) sr^ - i

(^) I


W f^^T^rf^fh: I

( aisrOTftnmg i
) nor^fa^pfir: i ^Fwaratj i

nr<wanH*j I *nft ttvmdnnr i

af5fa!iTHft=S^aif?rfr|;^Ta: i

gfworerfirTtTaif^Hraftrax^^: ii

afjyraufTa^lti^^Tirat^T^: i

wsm'B'M*: '^^wnr farrafs aa'^: ti

^aai rtaa^ aPaai aw Kjai i

Ti^ra: fwa^ tair araa^faaTT^ ii

aai^ faarr: awifr i

jftuar I afa nTm^aaa^ajrraTaatiftar anratfafaarrrPnr^t

aann I aa 8< 8 I w jafy ti

W tiiiai5>i WT I

y - oaifar i ainnyrt^ i

jfiqaT! I afa - - afayt yirtnniyri i

afir araVa^ _ _ _ aaryv: ii




jgitized by Google

< )


i^vT^Ku^i 7t ar^n! asrprrfwfw: i

fw^^T n firawTW*^ n

^argi i

tnrv? tarttw awi

n - - _ _ |

- - THW ^T!Tfvwfm H? II

TtTr wr ipB 8 riii - - - 5^. h wifir 1

wf g^ararrownw ttbwtjtw ?mi wf)Tr

- ini *a< I
( vrerTHBjyf^ I

^V^anrfHftre^^a^ fixanrow 1


jn^wfarT^HT 1

( afaHimi 1 ) wfrrawwrjj 1 fsvt i

() warraf^: 1

( anTP?rf^HT | ) Hrtivrw^ t( I

(s?) I

( ajiir*niriHy 1 ) wftiwwatT{ 1

1 ) <n Bwrfv I am - tjrrft i

Mv '

(m) t

( I
) arrrt ^ai?^ 1 wan, I


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) )

( )


artTgriuftu^ i

(I) I

( I
JTmrtw^ I

(^) I

wif<3^^5?rwi jJTTwnmn: wawq i

%\ xr^rftff I I

w?jartiq I ^wStnHW^% I TTWT gwwrt I

jftctwt I wfir viinjjjj I

fT wwqqwanfFfjTwift snw hwh: i

(=) I

( TMif1iirFw t

awi arr^ iflawra?! Hjaft finrat qra^ic

B^sr ann tngirgmTafOTTwiiF ^gwriffir aifF t

fanr ^ rP^ f%TfaRaar?t fawaren ?rn w

wsn jftft a srsa^ aarnfarFa w: ii Twrf? I

I VTf^t af^HTjp^ ftsfftoflgT JTB B BTHTT |

fjrafr1 fifHrfk mw jto v^nirei fag* g <u t fni (?)

(^) BTO*iT I

ai)t>ratfBa r t << traifti i

t)TtwrsrTi^ I ( *rf5rwTW?fW> ufrarw fafat a^ 1

(^) wFiprun irfaai fatn

5pj[T%a |

fti^anrt wmarerr

Bf^BasBi ^ rri fiiipqj:(?) ii

(oaranrai: laf fqfg: fagtamif Tjpr^ I

Tfuniiw tfa: a<i! ammwn^aHjj n

Di^tized by Google
( )

5^"****' I i I Tftr WTurfwwrft jtth xrfn^fy: i

ITT I tfti vffmwTfinn^ snw fywln: i

n I ^ wi fimi d snw i

() I

- ^nrrfw r
HirwoTw^ I irirt wmij i

^- - - - - ^ylyftrg I

ftnri n

W J^Tvnnrapri i

( faw^nnT<r^ I
) i

vmarm I *an <n y ni gi : iiii igqm i nKnam^ I n# il^urfai q ^a w

ftnnm% faR I

(W) I

WT ^ai(^ I


^rer - i

(2) I

\e - Tiai^ I ^mr-^arfti
I rwifan^na wgtytrwwm i^ pfwwi grf w |

wwnfra^gnw arnw^^ftrawr? g<awaa i^ i I

Twrfra^ljn^ rgwa(raiai^ awjarfinava^


it) Tmrwi I

( wfi4Hg?l4g^?tia*wi,ij I
) ,

() i

(f^TTmaarsaro i npwi<|ia. 7^pr|jw ftwgwmjg un i)

a&a^fa^raa: i wfaanmr^ I

jftgaiT 1 aTTw^PiM<iq<rirftftq raaHg ;ri a5<<tnj trp<i^{iu*i<


Digitized by Google

( )

(5) I

5f)wi t ifa irmafr# xiiHqTltnTi ww i wMtig^i?

Hwni! I

vrana^aar^ i

5oo|^rwii - - wmfari^ ^wftrr fir n

afwj fajfananj: awmaiwar^ I

afim^ awfww artfrw^ warta^ir^ ii

(<?) I

^I^-^aT^\ I

afif^[^w^ in^ ^uTwifia fa^hrit i

IWV atm iriif^ ii ?

(fi) I

aianr-^arf^i aaii oa i

(^) IW^tWRTU: I

a^araifaa: i wfasmrarr^ i

mrmamir^ i
( i

jarnmfUmBTfm ?\at a iq K^ i i> i

npwa fir? ar wat aw: ii awrir i

jfiaatT I
^ St^uiyrHyaii? ^a: aiaai: i

(?F) I


arfiaa*j i
) a^partfafara^ i

(I) vnj'irra: i

( arfi^a; t

digitized by Google
) i

( )


Wr<Ud^ I

(=) VTfjm*!*! I

( tnj5t ^nPTinsT^ i

(^) ^U>qt?rftBT I

I wwt
jfiwn I fH sflftrert ^rfw:

uf(.aig 9 ' <1*1 tn: xifTS[rc i Md?i. ^ s s irfirorfir^


( arremnrraijj i)

() I

( )

(C) WCI^dK: I

^Wltt tfafm W! I *RT5 I

( si iTtTiq yfw I


I rfWraymrf m i iiHn - - _ _ wafH i

<5^ ww 5^ 9TVW I u r%*ir! 1T-

^ X tufafTH *5fWl 1

mt wTwt*i RTfW I ^wfafs W wi ^ ^m fwxn i

TwrfV I

o trrifw I iprnwrfefwH^ i

Digitized by Google

HTTwramq I fW3TJ

- - - - art ii

- - ^eft%i7: i

^'ot + wtnanf II

gw 9^hI^I=3: WoJfiBSjlfHnm: I

fTHiu awM ^ tu i TH: >j

i n
am I

^nmn <cm4a^irw <So^ niumgHiiT)^ i

*TT*l _ _ II

- - - wajjsjg i

TW fi<J*iiwg ^Trggnr wwrr ii

- - - Tiva tnn i

VI2H gw H^gwwjj II fwrfr i

( ^wnfii jfw ST iffi I

iv) I

WT - i fgataf btw^ i

(St) I

sftrTTrf^wi 1 faJTTW wttt^ i

(=) f%HTnrnrhif^ft*i i

(amiTTTPwtwt I
) n - M smfw i ssmt-ihnft i

(^) rnn:^Tr*i^l i

firarnf i

() I

^ - 8= Baifiir 1 wftraTT^*^ I

(sr) i


( )

( 13 ) I

wat*iq I ew?i. ej I law) i

iiw*( i


< 'wrfw^ I

- -- *

mrmmviT^ i wp: i

^in JTw^WRfarftr: i

twemr ----- i wn^ i5 i Tinfir i


u< anfiir I vwT-%snft i

HITWaTKJ sni: fWtanr i

^rr^aAaiHimwj gnfajnjfiiH i

^TfaRFwnrnH w a>a j^nnanjj ii

q- ti i iwwi aftfem: i

^j^"SaBfuraiT uo4a jfa^rri^ ii


j'airoTfirtiU ^a a*nP'qnwwiij i

aat^ra^rn *mr as^ajn^trS n fwnfr i

igai*i{ I TT ^ enfrji a f$n n

aaa. *'* jjin a^^3

^T^warpT^ vprv<^<.iau(n3atu faanjnw
ainwfafam ....... amv: ii

( 3) w^nni I

s* aaifa I war-^ait) I

(1) 5nm^f^ri

wfaiH^awvnpuj'ajj I wfwtj'ar^ i

,X - Digitized by Google


( mir^uuKiifisfl^ I
) aywt fafa wf t i wii < 5|>

('U) I

I 'in^s^ ^3: <\ I MTjruT^iRs^miit faiJ^

nrinritrtiw5iH!TOTOif5STi[: ^^armw . . at faamiw

itft^xn^nrassr i i i^taifwjrat^

arifan^ >8?ta1wiaFfaTmfiiaifaa: %f-

taT^t^ in)^ n $a awtimu roagai wrwa rafum . . ii


(9R) ^sfitTO^nWT: I

aarfar i aiar ^arJt i

() I

( arfasm i
mart - %arft i


aifw i

iv) f^t^. I

qfnn i wfa fa^nftS (?) apm: i

(=) ^>Tm{ I (?)

aaif I gHUnrafaiHq i

^[arfa nn - ana i^ q a a i si t at m aiigT Ht : ga aa vn.

mmit waft i ftatrt iren won nwi bwt awax i ^ftirnai-

ftararaft* rtmwwjt g: i i wfti anft aftr ftft wtft

man wwSwr: fJrt gaanit waft i anaar aaai

%aar wttwt ii

ahwIfcOrTiiV I 5tfa Tf wwwiit: ftt sranft waft i awift-


litfm ^fAai I

y5TTnT! UWfltlWra! WWTTt: I



(^) I

( - fiHiHraTTsr - ot^wTi^ran^: i

() I

ismr-^arrf^ I

(I) ^g^t%^THTiT'lTTf*INT I

nrer - i

(^) 9ITN^UT I

{ TTWI? - - UTTWIHEI - BI^Ermlfs| I


I < iT^ifET I ^rer ^an^V i

wnwaiEa^ WH! I

nfamoT mi^a wiijwfflfwrHuaqfjg i

pi?q iBH g r BsiYTT i

gpmrmnnf?T ii
(?) twif? i

J 2

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( Co )

I ?fa raa3<Bn?r vftdatfuwTT: 9*itk: I wunr^s

------- 8*0 WI^IJTft^-

fg^niui e<T1 u rai finf^ ii

niu^3i8a^ I
># *nft snftipni i

wramrt ffs^?5^ i

S?^WWfWTlR T g 8!8n^ M

nT Hn^ firannr wi^ni wafsH % 5^ fr^i-


ra fisra >a>5 wft fzn. iwrfr

1 1

1 i g^mr: l wri 8 bS^p H Ijh 1

(P) I

aigwfarfwptfgn: i
nftrawpig I

(a) I

wftra^nsnt^ 11

&5j8n^nftff I
) Jrg g w pTT^ 1

niTwstaa^ l
wvjtpwtji sm: 1

faguiuviv^ruui da 1

fagti P iiw fa a f?wg asaaift; faf^q 11

Ctirar^ aflaa aatiamrataaq l

Ha: fiTTO aarq ara^ aarada;. 11 awifr 1

_ - ( anfd jfppT a I

ojoitizect by Google
< )

() HIiRfTfNiT I

( I
) pftra-nisrTq i

OTtiwatu^ I
^ n^T(m$ sni: i

ninrag'1vHTty awr i

n (?)

ht^ww4tFh|i^?i!i. trtD yji n^isimn: i

dai^ juiiJ trnF rjrt onu<^tiii: i

fa^ift fjnmrwT^ FagH ? ii ?

Hai?l ITT uFfljsj^ ^w^sar^B^arw arfa i

*rfaj ^*iwTmrni Stoat aFa TOiwrot TOnj

ljjrtTT firtiTfSfa ti wunfr i

TOrar*!^ I AW i<u TOT ^Ft 18 toF wFtS wlwrrfnTT^ iSFttoFhwi


fAfwJlwi 5^^ I

=1 TOTfwr I wFhatot^ I

TOrarwaq 1 i

wFy^rwu S TK SAa ^it rwi^FwS i

awiw f BBWwwnfro wrFiiT^ftFATTO ii

- I

wFwa w a t ^ I

yfiwin: I ^8 I wfa ifj|iT?>ATf n> WA AFTHFAm^jt tows w^: i

WT< TO I fAawTFynmFTt ii^wijiwww?wfaSwA^wf3fnrTlAT(wi)-

|mF TOAfTHfrrnrfiTinqt qq W^: I

81jO TO I WlfirwH^WifAS WT% RI& WWtfrmT I

w^tTTwwTAiHwfww fiFnwF fS

Digitized by Google
^ A

(^) fii^vjwn^5Ct 1

(3) 1

- ^aiT^ 1

(>I) 1

(^) 1

1 q trirrftr i srar - wjrft

BiT*MaTr^ I to: fiazruT i

5nB fwjiHRT^ ^TOWsr 55t

min fsrgTOsrfro i

firfs^r iHRrwTwjir*rf)fii5ff

ifhtrinTOt?i w w - h

^TOJW Hs^ifw frHt I

UTjftfH qlnw vf ^jsrr: n

anitTrTnJtfanit wi^i^
igiTi^iiTO finft ^9 I


^imgq i^ Tt tzIq jlq: II f

jfai*! I *tto mfira^iuiui: tow:

jfrroi: I W^jqfWTOTt ^^TTOWWtW STO TOtitrarTa: I

u^^f^WT(nv^TOr TOT xrg^: i

inTTorumud ttt arfhftjanq: i

ujiTOi^Ihrwni tot ^rg^: ttto: n

g^ITOTir) TOT tr^: T3^:

WVi^<T|t<nTWt ^TTT ^ y IQWTIT: |

( )

wArjfrwnrt iniTjwi5nnq> ;rm a *r: wanq: i

ufawi^wiin ?nw = >

srm < It

ft 1>

fwy W:

snw 99

^SjTinift ? It

fejnw: 1 Pi

mrpni5T srm tf


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( \<^8 I M I
) . Dy . 12 X 1 indies. \

P'olin, 82. Lines, G on a page. Extent, 2,091 (lokas. Clmmctcr, Mnitliiln.

Date, (?) Appearance, old. Prose. Generally coiTcct.

Beginning. >re: rn<9iir i

- - famnei^fT flirt

gmn nfpjtira: huIt ii

fffrfnsfUjjTHsi^is^fpr Mtrjjr irnsm i

iflnelnftiw^jrt TOnJt^fT fir^iienf)^ ii

'BTgnH: gnnufft faiiniaL <khh: awnr, i

nnflinRTeiifigRTJj i (?)

wn Bi*ixigteien?i i inrrfir i

End. vflcSTiirwgWHni elvw 'ugai^iftwei gnr-

( gm: wfia-m

iTi^ w?afiiiiiIiiifHirran-

iflHRUfT R I

RiT firfaRj RcnrtiRqlrMR

giRreqffrfgRTqiqgHiRRtni^ ii

Digitized by Google

( Cl )

( I
) . Bjr . 6x1} inches. Folia,

HI. Lilies, 5 on a page. Extent, 2,220 flokns. Character, Newari.

Unto, (?) Appearance, old. Prose and verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. SRj: firam I

fa^n)wftrsfWT? favra^HpauTy i

nr TOi ftrVH fiigwajiijj ii

fnsvraiTfv vei^iijiu^siH: i

awrfjjtinftw nwatafa^? ii

nmajEini ftnnn fiia*< q u( i

aa.*3i'igair itsr W ii enfir i

End. w Iemfkjrqi ++++ fw; i

j^o^vf^Pn ii

apnr vnia ^ | (?)

^taiPu^aHiul X X X X ii

w! amVatu n aiyi^ua gi^^ wfe i

*5^ ftrrrfw tflertu itFrttrfu ii

"v. r
^rrnm^nn rua^jw^rnn

fTwnr firot fire%iigTaT i

Rwifo PViei^ fira: Pnaiai-

ftna>jOT X X w ahnarw:


rnaivai'j^ (?) gf^T^aja^jj-

ww PaiqiwioiiTTawiau^^ ii

g; Hia^HinR^afamai
9; ?IaT X X X I



X X"- j by Google
r "T -i

( )

mStsar aa >jj>t fgam x giaw *n%

faxft X X X X gfer^ x x x


( I SI I
) giT5tt^gHi . 8xlJ iucliM. Kolia, 39. I.iiicp, 5 on
n pnge. liixtciit, GO!) (lokaa. Cliai-actcr, NSgara. Dale, (?). Appearance,
old. Verso. Correct.

Beginning. (
mnrpr snfw f5^irrer fj-if^qnjreraj airwnw
nr^ i)

nirMiii gsm i

^rat'.aTfliFaRnw er i

jn Iran + + + + ii

^inniqa gni annrwr nnroa: n

aata I

wtrSji ^ Taa i

igiunng ^(ira yrarnitm n: ^a: n twifa i

End. + + + + + + + +I
+ + + + a pnawa: II

Colophon. miala^ wrnnw ajnifa n ar^ (?) snw STfawfnaa:

I tnrrji %r*>f*aw .... atraflat arrarerFwfa i

ftan: I T5flTt^ wanp# airnfa^t i a; neai i

9* 99 P9 99
are a a: 99

ff 99 99 99
< 99

9f P9 99 99 aqrara th 99

Pt 9 99 99
aaefaTu: H IT 99

99 99 99
arfaernnf^a: < T 99

ff 99 99 >9
s r: 99

n 99 99 99 ^ainwia = 99

t$ 9* 9 99 < 99

Di jtized by Google
( )

+ mw 1 w: I

9 Pi PP PP
xiFinilgwei W: 99

PP pp if 99 99 99

> if if 99 19 99

ff pp pp fp
ntgitrfsiTng: ts 99 pf

9 fp 99 i 99 ff

n pp if 9 99 99

Pi pp 99
<a 99 99

V pp if 99 99 9*

pi pp 99
g^gf^Wj! 99 9*

99 99 99 ggflfigi 99 99

a fp 99 99 99 91

V PP 99 99
irftltggtg: 99 99

fp Pp 99 99 jpnnftgnniR# 99 99

a Pf 99 99 + + 4S 99 99

tp 91 99 99
UHTJTnR 4U 99 99

ii fp >9 99
46 99 99

a ff 99 99
4* 99 99

Pi 99 99 99
4= 99 99

Pi fp 99 99 4< 99 99

pp ff 99 99 6 99 |9

fp fp Pf 99 99 99

pp f9 n ^ wfggpI'gglg^ *Bg(?) 99 99

I ) I . By f<wnif. lOxliinohe*. Foli,38.
(of which learea 8-29 are muaing). Lines, 5 on a page. Extent, 618 flokae.
Obaraoter, Maithila. Date, Lakymapa Era, 426. Appearance, old. Verse.

Beginning. ^wrni%iiui ww! i

fiTWt rawwm firaf*eeiTwtTwl (?)

^ veri fyg fgf fTV fwf^
gt aggaj^f : II


Digitized by Google
MiTjft wra*?twi5^gifii ^ faiiWiTi*^ n

fgntpw f^TTifiTT aiTv?na^ i

wwdyTwa^ng wigiaaTJT^w^awTH n

TtTI I 'afjg^i*isf5rag^% i

fagw ii (?) Twifr i

End. gjf tflftrafsTta^iriti wnt

nnjfsa irfkfgif nw^' ^wa: i

TOn. + + + + + afnfl <1

Tm'STOftjjf faiiartf 5nn%5 + + tt ii

Colophon. *fa ^fis?nnfrtfaiPgaigt i^fwgmgrrgt nj - >r: wwg: ii

jpTOig 1 ww 8g< %?raPr HP! - - if jisrii^

f^orai (?) 5^ftr I II

ftw I
firafiig^gft: iftPaatfOTi: gnfsn. g^Ti; r

( I H 1
) JpfwSRTOcTU . 8x2 inches. Folia, 12. Lines, 5
on a page. Extent, 180 flokas. Character, Nowii-i. Date, Nonftr Era,
2H0. Appearance, old. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. ^*<1 wiiwTam i

feaflfTHfifTnTsj w a^gfag wil I

gnxnigirr W iJl^if HunnigT^ ii

^mg\5f wia fair amg ^

4igTir.<i*ii^Q (hfiifW: gftaircHy ii

uPoirg wgi^w it aTHtiaa^a, ii

T^ifirt BTii^^ gfimwig^s^^ i

3 gn^ wgrls tt wththt ii

^twia aam i

HTa^lawurof gnigngsgfanrTB i

tsm iffyinfw wm tv ii
(?) Twifir i

( )

End oiai^wiftnr wwnTOoefJTesi 1

ariarfoe "

a^iaiftJT Hgi TOasi nft wfmd^ 11

Colophon. ifa aigaffl*! ^gfararawTOiB fafa 1

wf sr nn^l: 1

oaa, 4=0 o^Offaj ototoi^ i

I ^Is-ols^aaTomai^^n i oifa 'iogj i a** ^ i

( OR I
jtftgsRTaan lOxli
inches. Folia, JS2. Lines, 6 on a page. Extent, 2,964 (lokas. Chai'acter,
Newsri. Date, Nenir Era, 299. Appearance, old. Verse. Correct.

Beginning. Hwt rytwtvtv i


V8IW! 04f4i^: *gtWWHt *T^%T

OWg ^'461 WW II ?

iTlnfgnnw: gf ro gja Pa m gi H i i i


foueiu^ frjrftit i

n gf[Bi ;m T
sefif ii

e(T<B4iK*P^i f*f<g(*rern^tiiiT i

fiigil WTtJVwnr w ^qryi o HfaeM] ii (?)

ITT ^?nrai: Hfenjrtrgttjn: i

*a*i4ia atjuiw ii

*6ST *u4i(Ama eit war^ feifttvitiH: i

fnrarsi g nwjpwiT afa ii wnnfr i

End. Hiiie 4finn fafguftagf^w i

farremiT m. n^otw on n (?)

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( \* )


(?) n^Wnfsn: ra5T: Hwm: i ira?t

Iran I

I flit ^jHiftrarmr^ ^5%wi w# a^q;|phnatm> srm i i

viniK^t A*nwftrwTTt rnn i ^ i

wo HiVMiifawmrtivfiil hto i

wo nii(ut 1^>in^ I B I

wo <resg*njlgu: ir^nfan fg ;ftaf m anfiTfiTihf: i


W anif?Tl^TlTi I ^ I

*rro I I

wo i^r*niiF*rBnft WTO i c
wo ftninwwar%u> (?) wiw i < i

wo $an wwt (?) WTO ww^lii? i i i

wo TCWWTTfWinift WTO I 1 1 I

wo warowntiftratTOnr^l wtw i

wo ?f?nBw?wraftvwt wTw i *

wo t^fFj^fwwwt wm I f 8 I

wo WWlfWSl^ wFftrsPlfwww: I 8 I

wo WOTWn^ WWTW^W^^ WTO M < I

wo WWJWWWfwwwt WTO 180 1

o wjpwpg ww^ws I I

W* WJpWifwwwF WTO I I


wo WTO I wi I

w wwwraiwTOTTfwfwwxit wro i i

wo fwiBnH^WWnfwTOJWsw'

wo wwwiwiwTOaIvsTiiFrwBat (?) wro i


jgitized by Google
) 1 )

( I t )

( 13 1) . By 10 > 1 iiiclios.

Folia, 116. Iiinea, 5 on a page. Extent, 1,7-10 flokaa. Cliaracter, Nagnra.

Date, ( ? ). Appearance, old. Prose nnd verse. General ly correct.

Beginning. ifl nquHti I

f'eT^t'5iaiWTfiarfa*^wfisTrefirf3^ '

imjffw nwaT^ awfti ii

^pHUtifT^ fasTi ^eilsatfiTftT i

Stretlwt w^ntmrnFngn: ii

g ti Vi n ii uFfr'WflLy g tir^w
infl fir fatrflHHia (?)

n aafn q tga Ff-q^ ^ ntSni Fgfiraa l ^3^*5*31^15^

B ^yai mq ifrq i q^nsguwafa^itfam* *15-
I *ritia atnatKrci*<s;iiia'tj"*i-

5pn5Tg* *n ^ ^<i fa *^ fni ^*i aa1mTnfta nrlnf*-

ftwi# II

l(3i *rfjiiJ5 I

vTutii fwziVtiiftnni waj ^fa wftRi^ 11 annfa 11

End. 3HI nr a^nnifafa ^*5

nwwfafaaaaaaar^j fwfa^r n

( tffa: nr arf%tn i

ftwir: I tfe ahm^iaiaart m^Inrenar^Tat na naaT asam 1

a aawnaan^ sna 1 % 1

ao naaarTOfaHTat tiflaw^yniawi fafaat jrra aaatir:

aarir ii

( ?ft rg <?l n lgt a a arf^ ala ataa^i enaa ifriai

wmwaw I

Digitized by Google
( )

: I n I
) . Ily lU X '2

l:10. I .iius, li ijii u l'J.xluiit, J.OiiU ylokiis. Cliarac(cr, Newari

Kiitc, Ncwiir I'lia, A|i|)our;im-f, toluinitiu. Ilose. Correct.


lihitTjfarwnBfiiTTHT^nnfu: sjjt v *iw g>5 errrar!*: ti

^^qiTaiq;^: II

A I XI ^q ^W

ijfqwt *niw i


an^nr# q*snui smqsqn^j^ ii

Tnt mmKiiw irraro vcv^ifHvttnrqYannfjr

^ I ?nq wftfffimrwfiTfH


qnr ai(i ^w |[iij a Pm g Owqntf^Jrt ajq

qiirwra9 f^q f attfij faOfini^ fyt qrmT-

wWwStT xft firax^qq^ araaifT*: fwaiu^Haqfqgiai: fnr:

a|Htl'Jrqia:, iU j:awqt H Yt fHRiq fWqsiTni


y Hi iw I
f Hk q mm at
^gTm arr^
nn ^fjn wrfw ++ + + + + i iwrfr i

End. ms fi# un iraRa i qiq^Trn^ a^siat

g mawa i
j fl wqTn.
wwnq m
fnrfRfW II

Hiamw^qrar^nIf ffrlr-
^ )
( ^

WT^amii tri^ gfunt ii

Colophon. rfn f*raJTlimonj^5?^vnnn?l^T^fn^ mn8n?j-

#lmnrt nca^najiwify i ntnFT%n ;s^nn i

^^**iiir<!iw: wfw wan. <> aTrntRWTi ^pt-

m pHjl fntft waf*nmj[spwnjrtra ^watw^ ^tuaron^

^^flf\Hwy?a?f1^ijranjfta^ fijaimw ?a sm qMnn%w

WTw falia^n jfwrwrfn i

ftap! I nn>n^awraaTin?jwrwprwi wHaifsowi aimnwy i

( I n I
) j?taf^n*?Rnj . By a^nrfo . lo X 1| inches.
Folia, 37. Lines, 5 on a page. Extent, 699 flokas. Character, Mailhila.
Date, Saka, 1577. Appearance, old. Verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. wwatv i

fnanpnweramnTtrfaad iflimr ntmww

yyn aiit ro
wnxnfnaiTfa nnit! i

wts^wt: wwNmramranyj a: wnja^

'nial + + tiVawrftr enrnmTfrat ^[w: ii

aFoa I ifitnf fafaidi Hfw*nTtar% *rF wTirer

^ nr^jn gn^nw n nwrnnnn wraFa wi y i

aw nwifk aT*f%H anri^ tan: ftnj: wrj at

warra^wrnwTrfitagft atan gj i Ja i afa : n

afva I wafa nmtaaasft faywiicM^aifrat erxrfa i

anatipJtfanRnfiiaTaT^t far axrfiT ii

ana wtftnn8waaaT% i ana nr ff-agT arca i t i

ana arfaat Faarar aa i ana atarat ftn^fa^a i

aitwMra*4ata|^aitt i aijna am aifa firgrifr i

aw ta aragawTui i tfinrwfe ta tai farm i

latfa a'arafara ^ra nit i tfa ta at ^ afa art ii

Digitized by Google
( % n )

gwrr: I I m>: rt: fi?lHan! |

gniTU5^tnimrf5twniwi5i5wvH?^tTgs^ir^w WTf=*f|p5!T-

uTifJBffr^iwanirf^njwgirrf'snn HTSHgnTaiVTTqfaiaftf^-

wgftfq a w*m w iTsm ST^nmr^BlTw siwi^-

sumaf^tiY qwif^t: ^
q^iqTw fa^w^t?qrrifT fa faura B^r a i fa ift fanixTr: wit-

yra^f^grriit a^w^fiHiwtTTWjTj^ wawrafaT^^ wfirwBo

ftrfn I

pfro a^ I
qw aai9f I

^ '
fat ! ftrer wryrarfHwswJn rrwaa;-

*nSro: jaw a'jiqffli<iifa^<ifqaj iftafrinarT aner auw-

fwfa I

as^ I aia ^ 'rjBj tma-a> i

^ '
fijt a arrarfa a#r nufara^ l

fafHr arfa aaaai anrtl anratifa j

apt ti&faai at fa n a fa afiriraa atwFa i

uu^Ftt^U a^Ttr^Ttnaf5a^ a^gi 5%-

whr. ^Fa<?< u si FMag^aaat aa?at traaaf:
i 11 atinfr 1

End. wai I aaa^ 1

Colophon, trf" fa*wrm: ao=r ti aaiaatr^afl ata agats^: I ^aai 1

*T^t ^Ho aiar^wama^J^

g a Fa aa ?afainn^

natat^ ^aawann^ 1 1

^aana Faa% fauna

Tistnis^ FaniTWT wsrns 11

Hriiuayp ^aFtnK q i i

atrrtjfanfljaT janai: 1

qja!^%a pataca
Fftitaq^ ^FaftatfanaH n ?

Di n'ized by Google
( f1 )

I gfrfTwirsit srm i

WlfjT#t*nTM^T 5TW I

farnfa^uT^ rm jrHlft:^: i

aWTWTiraTt HTW 9gais^: I

( 1 I
) . Hy . 10 X 1 inchei.
Folia, 28. Lines, 5 on a page. Extent, 386 flokiis. Character, Nagara.
Date, (?). Appearance, old. Prose and verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. v#* nutitom i

jTmnrnaranfjT urtgra fw ht i

fwrrit yrwiaiail^: ii

wreitnf^ ^rnan ai lawmr i

W f;i % miflmfyaiannirT afan^ ii

^ ^^IpraafaHjimia^i aar uD<tf^ ^ jfta-

da ftnnirt g gfa swrareflia *eaTfaaa ennt41iH i

awifr I

End. aarfi^<T aBUtf a fa^fa^ Sa a^wfta(?)ftrfa i

Colophon. afn ataaiw awTHfafn i =8= i *nrnft: i afw

BpifafiT I

faaai I
aaiTTaar% fafranri araiTa^wi^aa faaaprj i na-
ggaart^rt ai r-araama ar na iai ^ aaita- n

( 1 a I
) . By . RevUed by .

lixl^ inches., Folia, 97. Lines 5 on a page. Extent, 1,940 (lokas.

Character, Maitbila. Date, (?). Appearance, old. Prose. Generally
correct. Y

Beginning. ^ aa: fwarntty i

wtai aaa^^a aa^ ana%a% i

a a jt6yw m1 aa l 8 J1a iwTaTm

i ii


( r M ^

BT^offlaa5 Twi^ gerawt ^a o ^rgmi r

Bnai^BfTw^a'w vr^oqvi^^i i

^o4 trgiiBaT irfw n%n^HT ii wwifa i

End. f*mfaHri wot arfr ai-sfltit arsar yfa fjrr:

wariTw fareaaiifln^g: i

Colophon. wfa 5TC wgn nry: ii

I anwnjntn^^ i

( V I *r I
) ). Sxi inches. FoHa,
28 Liius, G on n page. Extent, 441 plokns.
Character, Ncnaii
Date, (?). Appearance, old. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginnings. BtiV tnrait gi^$gig i

^tar^' n^r ^wftramrH

VTltftm: II


aftsv fai^: art ?a: asawmv i

f5 qemfl win to m n

wv ffi wra^ faap %?en rq1 i

nfiTft war ta^t rroa: h ^rwif^ |

End. nq nfwTOt aiTOif 5 aw 1

ytref alw^ TnR^wRjt n

Colophon. tfa ^ara^ nw^ia tnnaaa: tow; i

( wh: vt arfasH^ 1

I ifa ^arijH tj^ia faiftif: tow: i

9^*^ tt

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( ^

,, ,j

99 '8**' >

99 wcr:



99 vvv-

99 vmvnm-.

( I
*!*!' lI<?l8fT
. ( I
) By nt-

rftRr^ . 15 xl| inches. Folia, 202. Lines, 5 on a page. Extent,

4,798 flokas. Character, Maithila. Date, Saka. 1536. Appearance,
fresh. Prose. Oenerally correct.

Beginning. <# ^r<e**ie*iisn3'r: i

T t iiranfafae
< ftrf

fnfafa fafaftr ilti aijrMwata\

T^I irmaii H nwB II

irr wiieiiuiilfhrfButw'i sngrt irt Tfttfn .... Fwg: i

ITT tTTT rwgl^WtsFw ^ luol W5I5EfT! II

fawnft emnfluijigufiieFhiaTinme! i

ift nw fW^iert faFeiw snre jtbti irot

^ni44U-w oueinFaoiMt ^rnq[ nisjin^ ii

HTajt wY a^f?ir WT5 Tftr% fTfiqtii}|

faw nr . nfiBwnrt uftreraTfa*n ifttuiuidviH: i

5W VHivaniufu variY TiYstT^Ylinr mP

elgaa siYea : HVtRiuvwMsiYaaiuirv: 11

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wrai yifwimTi^nfTnwiaymi: i

wmrT^^H. ftiy gg??jfnii: jUTyug: m

aiifann: trrwfirr^ ^Hiit i#tWTFifwuaro^fwiT^ i

55? ^hrnf^miyTsnjit^^gtTi fyg fr nsawit; ii

?m: awafa WTTrga^?75^5r5ft

yT?jfa5?5TMat^ ga5i*ig5TRr i

nwm nwi: ii

^wraafft ;j5firm!fUjTanB??^w?taat?iraT: i t

'aVyt?5itT5>?ti?*iii^ ?iaj5jfrfBf^ wyrei: ii

^^fanw^ 75fHa?flVijyg[?T^iia^iim5: i

a: 5[?5a5s^ wafn^it writ rf*Vi( aiait as ii

f?wi^a>wfl: awarfa Tar^anfa%?n qjitfw:

arftnrairimtainTaarqrfamraaav^faT: t

aiHT wtfKiayiam5afmaHwfaartxiTT%aT-

qait*j,aTfinna! fraaTfflaf1W5afaanfa?<R: ii

Htjaat Ttaaar^ anjfa aaaasafifaag^

sTn^anaw^ai aafV garfav a^ ^jrfaagr^


aaw fpaptaafaayf^ar aa? Mrar aafw ii

am# garfiar^j^ wrfasit j^FaqTawi5i i

aa farawHliBiaiatawaraait ^a: n

aioyqi97 agii 5^* i

wS?iaar?atanDt araa awaiaaq ti i

#qr%sfa?a 5^w arafaa a? i

art^aw astat faa?^i ga^w? uii41a wafj; ii

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*THTWTM*?wd ^^TITmUWlfu: II

nifi f^aqwjfauFaOTfnn fiff g graiawwrtni wya firtg-

fwwta uwiwTtyV faawifn i i

End. UTa UTT^jnrfftrgw a wa^wa: i

Colophon. *fa a1fiia^<anra'M*<^^i*^a?iafi^afa5a?^aiw-

Bfg;aTfgTiaaTawyTnirTfaTnr^^ <winaf .iHawgrdTfatn

^arrlanf^fimT a*njrr I

^prnjj writ wa 8<8 . . . . iftaimjtfa^-

( I a ) . 8xi iiiclies. FoHn, 39. Linea, 6

on a page. Extent, 487 ^lokas. Character, New&rl. Date, (?). Appear-
ance, freah. Verae. Generally correct.

Beginning. aeuMam i

afRmfa li mfl Bi rt iJl'

aefaitHt afreiiftisfi arga; i


asarwHMir BafaTi^fTnrreti
rorftj gaaiwi aHawTsStrafan^ ti


^fargin tjaaram ^raeroiaarv i

Hw^r^farfaaftif aoaarr ^a
inf tfla ifant^gaarKarar: n

armfafaa: ^tainaii: aamref ma^ i i i

fw ^^wawarara^ fatsfo aiMiaBar a ^ ti

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wsHwnif^g i

f OT figH^ HsinnirerifTi

ny?ni ri^nr ii ?nn^iT i

m-rmiii WT it Twt ntrnnnfwfinilffFiH

: i
fnfwi^iifH ih Nni nr nijftf^ nriFwwq ii

17 i 4it^ >J^jroT 5(t Ffi gn rU^^.|VJ|.ii^ 4TT: I

^fnfnsrt wfo Jinn: ^rarrarat wwiat nirant. n nnfV i

End. fnnifisnrfireTsj yamwspfy^n

Tfnanaffrfirwi MfljfanitwiniTg i

UTrn^fTHnfqr^ ^191

annrfjTTTw WT|gT 11

mwrofjrant nt sn|%s:

w uvantr^T iriwig^: Wwruni 'straja^ 1

^Ho Tfwwnan^nnrfanfT nyftrnl ^n^-

n#tnn>5 nrimt tt\ ito: ii

tiwT Tj^riaFs^ fafiafrj: n^_aita*nF

fa:jiniT: fiFda'I wa^ gfran aflinaiMif^ai: 1

at afl^jfi nTH T nwffMaw : aw mn

frw fwj5 awraan: ^fim ilfg s?! 11

Colophon. rfa nftBan\pJtisrfBrrf%iF srmmreslw gaYrnt amif w:

urt*Qi! awTn: I wfft aiiK%Mo4wi nfraww^ 11

inr Iff miT f^rfhrH %rY a fiRnt 1

nfV fYnY a ww^ 11 (?)

I nfwtmrorsrfW^S amrawo^w faajH^xfY am

inm: nft^: 1

fy^Ya: I

mafY^ fi?Ya: 1

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( )

vfT97: I

Wj: I

TTf^Wt mT HW: ^fK^^. I

f?T TrUT^R: I

wTimot ^ra *w: i

*Twrfi7Tin*mT?nTt irro tww i

rftf Wy*ftTft m^WTW: I

TfT ITTTTflwwiSIWfr >rm ufce^: I

farwfewTift 5mi ng^: q ft tgt ; i

IwifH'j'inf y*r I

9SiaU9l>U|t I

fw<yjMriamiTf5 vg^rwfk: i

*WT^Warr% I

Tunffg^ntr^ i

BiinftHgwmt bhtw: i

wIh Wfw: ( srjTTin ) i

( I BT I
) Owrf^^fawaiJJ . 8 X If inches. Folin, 78.
Lines, 5 on a page. Extent, 1,072 flokas. Character, Newirl. Date, (?)!
Appearance, old. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. bb: gnsmt i

iiukiis^xMiOd btWV i

ftnrrwwTwrfBiraV u HJ / nT>j enn^ ii

irm HBTroqgtn gm w*ntai q < i <HiT ^ i

a wnfir n

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Tufiat nfwt<rfTwForri: i

^!i fwBTn am ai wijfa n

aa mifa^ vaaf^jfFQTran i

ai w%^ ^reft aferm it

^Tia; ain wsf gaif fagg siwq r

afwinc^ afv^ ^ vff: vtwt wfit ii

fanerra ^^fsrmar: i

TwF fjnfnfirarfirflaj^ ii

"ffT^noaHnivtsii ^wwinmTt wtpj i

awTT ar *i^*i ^arEfa'?rai: ii

a^fritaai^f a^warfiBaina^ i

airtawawiara ii

wjilansT f^afa ^a^aiwf^fsn i

g^iia fata^ a? ala^w art ag ii

anamfti|ajnar aw arFarna^ i

aifarr ta ^ary ?f ^ai^a aa ii

^?>Mnr aam i

ajara: aaa^fa anaarmt ferfa fat i

taraV af^ rftift tar faferi waa. n awift i

End, aPaararaairtia araytafTreraf at^ i

fawifiaar wrflarainftftiaayflFcaq ii ?

gannotmar aita arwiftar^ i

aa^ff atwja ^aaspFatajyjar u

farfwaaaraaMt! asaanj^ ftrt

yrafaaafaara: i

araraTaiaT ao^arrerar^tTi

ata aa atam: aa^amtfana: ii ('^)

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( u ^ )

Colophon. wfH wjjihh '

TIOO ^!TT, aSTT? TfrWT^f

^mifiswfn^ra fj|i5ff? i j*i: i

I fff wtTTTlinr^TglagTun^ i i wjfa^ajr: i

ft?tawan!T^ i awow^gn: ^^asaafsfa: i i urfaiafti! i

wW'flsivaq I nfcKajiay i Fmalg iT: i wTrafe: i iwifir i

( \< I a? I
) asTTOiTaft or i

By . 10x1 inches. Folia, 52. Lines, 6 on a pagfe. Kxtont,

1,1-18 flolcfls. Character, Maithila. Date, Lak^inana Era, 2C4. Ap-
pearance, old. Piese. Generally correct.

Beginnings. sntrirnni i

si ai a i amm airtanHgunun fa ^wr: i jnnfy amzrHwg-

junm: etraa-Hwi^a araitn i amwm^ HJrran?-

awi^WT^ia. wTxo^Tf ts[4^ a>w?a i awify i

End. Htn aia^ as^vrsa! mentmna war + + + +

aar + -P + -f aVaa araaiTC ^[saw gianan^

jfiwaiwi -h -1-
-f ^fa i&a arajiyiaaaiaqftifa n

Colophon, afa wTTWt^muiiq Jlaf^fiat ajiararat^ aenTai^unq:

a^jJ: II era 4 4 8 nTi*ritinwTnilT?nimai%a


aaai fafm a ra y i

atn vvt favra ama aor aen ?tn i

58ifniiyj[aa at fea^ fawraa ii

aywt a^ nirwr; jani


a *Plsi^ fa TO^ faafa^fay: ii

ar>q>fwfaarftafj ay^^aafrar
a8>immq^aia ae? aaa: i


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Wt JtWI^flrT WlTTaiWrfnW

fi>B^ II I

^OTBrnr^q I |-


(^='^1^1) I5y loxlj inclie.. !

tolin, 40, Liiie.i, 5 on a page. Extent, 600 flokax. Character, Novvaii

Date, (?). Appearance, old. Pmse. Incorrect.

Beginning. ^ 'BlHTinintmd i

arai wB:^m5ai5JTi?c i

^fmsRa ingai^ ii
c^) !


an|rf^'i^wsifT: |i7fmeB51 tfl i

'3itqiraiqBjVi?7aiTaBgtni: irreBn ^ wni

nfiffrernaY umiiiijp HtnVFw ii

Boqg^^Tt^sri RHoiym wTBfT^ i

fawft tBIBminjq ii

THiBt fnfwif^sTt asBiwFu ^ i


^qi4 IjfiirB: B^'^r^WtWICBftrsr: II OJJiBiq I

famiBiirqiB*^^ fan aiwB i

na ii

'WiBnart'Hw aia: i

faeia nr^ n

BT faw?5V - ^ifrwTfr i I

fBtftm II Twifr i

: End. i wga wafa i wrsa yfa ferfk: i wldanaii i

BTtJi 1 I stu II Ba z awigifara i

Colophon, ^ - atf -aqranqij^a^lfviti^ ayf[tqpfaqTqr axtaia-

faaf^faTfaa aia huh: ii

wh: tafnaat i

fqaa: I afitawiq i

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( )

(<t8 I 50 I) . Uy 10x1 indies.

Foliiv, -I t. Lines, 5 on a pnRe. Extent, 600 9lokas. diameter, Neivari.

Date, Apiicaiance, old. Prose and verec. Gciierally correct.


Beginning. ^4j^tnr i

trwJii wTwen?f> yratsnrgt^wwi^iraiw

^n*T^5iwi6n*waJTftmai tiwin i

V toB? ei <iT

wiiT^ ftemfjr fgfnr: nig ^ idSTiw- ii (?)

jih: nf2TrfH-|[THn: 1
wTOT^ gn:

nftain i uTnnifngtiftR fnfuianm'st'gaiWfTHfai

^m*n%sr nnreniiJafagrgnrainitw

gnjnBwiaiwgnTSn i n

sntrg^falTuert gsnafnj:

^fftnwiusfHUTf^wrnufiiMni: i


BTieift ftrarnn^fwiTWlJiig

I fW M^rtt I ^\*nn tmn wn

fST^m fvil<ie|*1l>8j<*i HWW
H eeiM ^ennryTifig
emgafawn mw
inzni niafnig i wwifr '

Hfjin I
uiiWMHi I nw ^ nw
xnftrn ftjnrmtrRiewTiniWTniTTamw:

g: ^TBirfsam w^w^nsinra: i

nm iiniTiamHrgeft gwreatsift

8t fn ngmjnflmwgm wiirff ii

( wh: nt urfwg i

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' '
( Wi )

I <irnTBffHm3'^rj(TjisTi bw: i

uiBfyfa insran
gigitg I i^sr BMiQ^fg^ fgBSW3BW ffftnr

Bfatflw BHTCM^Bi?3if*ifa innrTiT^

^2 a(n<7<T<{1i<ri!i^ t

( \=^<\ I 3T I
) srfs^cpr^w . 8x1 indies. Folin, 37. Lines,
7onapnge. Extent, 777 (jtokns. Cl.arncter, Nenari. Date. (f). Appear-
fttico, very old. Verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. ^ br: fwarn i

wffm I

+ + + + + + freBT I

fwip 5^ hr: BS3H: tl

twt ^531 RT^ffT^^trfagl Ty |

aa: fa^rg a + + + + ^ ^ n

End, fagnarw (?) R3m>w wrrw^ i

Bfayiaarwrejia brih grerggR*^ n

Colophon. ( Rifw I

ft*R: I wfa enwRi% i

Bfa q g Hq I

Bfa fcrfRi^rftiR(?) i

Bfa ^wiR% ufngmi^ RFa^ros^?^ i

Bfa RfKfTRT% of^RIHH

wfa BRiniRtrsB*^ i

i1r wfafia# Jii j(wi M4 hj i

fw 5Rrf<3^-Remmsj i

Bfa %0TRfl p fag i ugrw : I

Kfa itB (?) gT Bitr s R t I

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( n'o )

( I C I
) . 12xli inches Foli.-i, 12-l. Lines-
6 on a I'ngo. Exiciit, 3,100 flokns. Charscler, Ut-ngnli. Date, Lak?-
niana Fin, 408. Ap|icarancc, old. Verse, Generally correct.

Beginning. siw: i


fjtfaagnrjTTTinTw mw ^?^! |

fifarg nfrufs %?!: jnt?t 5: 11

igintrag (thO wvnrni 1

ipsHfogr ennftsi^ HfgFei f q n mg f-t fa g % gr! ti

d faf^sra TOifarg i

awmrarwarrRinro *nfn^ 11

wya:gg ^iia,^ <p mt1 *vn?1 at ii

dTjeiFf w fauwiiw wfiafufiy^ i

uHfa< ifiF
9.q i N* 1

wfiirt wtf^nf iftfnrs|tiygin!TT 11

gp^; w;i^> finrwN finiH

ifwfw: Igjfwfw: ijW. Wf fw W II

>^^'wa?aHwt i

wynVa^ _ _ ererrsrtnimva^ n

. . . . . II

at fjT Htnimn

vfw^fjffaar^rarg^Twarw^g 11

wifng n^T Ww av %>r wrfimii |

far far: far farar: a s^wwwj aanra fa ii

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sffT vi i

^qT?TTnwHi: ^fsfer:iri?iea3: ii nfr i


End. ysi f airfWT^-


'BTTniTurgg^fj^^^nfiy^sjTfTrwn'tnTg: i !

w ^gaifH^fjrfwTfTi 5r5wwtT*n^:nfw-

qsjsfiryrfTi mum yfjifitsii nu^ : ii

jjyngqtq uffrgHra^t fafu^nt tot + HFsrq: i

(?) j

wnf^ TOnf^ TOtS^ qfrjTfflSsiS M


Colophon. sfk ^qfHTJjfrr: nt5T: I

rffT ^so^to: Tanijr: ii----

8 0= TFlf-ftw ----- II

(\|*l) BTTtv^^Tl^fiT , By . )2xl indies.

Folin, 113. LitiCH, 5 on a page. Kxtent, 1,695 flokns. CImracter, Ueiignli.
Date, (?). Appearance, old. Pi-ose. Generally coircet. '

Beginning. fnTT?^ araTi TOHsii^rfasjTTT: TOwi?- j

dqimoisj^: aqT^WrffTajT: TOHCaftlWW! TO^fa^F |

wfaniprf nrsipj TOaf^r- |

TSJTO fqainjTj g:qrTOgqTtanttfa8niq w.jHl<n^a3hrt i}<^ ^

^TzB\gTOTT%Tr ^f'TTifyr^TiTn^sT ?TO5 Wtto^ awer-

?flqn5T unr^Siui tTnafijjTsn aiHfqg' OTatnimtiT miFa-

a>5lTOTfmn!f ^sTOUTOmft TO^r^qiwaa u qfa aanipi- |

wTtnfr I WTnfy i

End. a rf)of5^%: qnort atsTTwra*?^: i aTfsspamfiT-

friaraarol^: n ftfroTT ao^^fa ^nBTowroatrarn i


^asfTOTgJ arq?:

nalawa?>TO!nHnt^ I

TOJTa^qnaqrf^ai a^-

Sa arasnwj^ii ii

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H<jiei: ftiUHt liHl: II

Ha^wrfT?nmi I


I nirt%i^>sf'PrinKw wtwi;i*j i

( \ S: I ^ I
) . Ry nfra^^f . 6xl inches. Folia, 08.
Lines, 4 on a page. Extent, 637 (lokos. Cliaracter, Nagara. Date, (?).
Appearance, fresh. Pi-oso and verse. Generally correct.

Beginningr. ^ i


UaTgf!TfMT5^5Il!i>fwTf^f^ I

HinnpRffT (?) ttTf=*^(?wwrfW^

wag WHH ww ff^4wifii n ii

^jwwfdu^raSw I UTTwrFygYsfw wnaangfffwatwwwia-

fwrsfftwi Tgawwaw^iwftiPfi rrai^-

^nidw ^\wtn wiawferfarmwia^tw l w m-

u^vafarHniwwiuif nfin: wwjwrwjpwfw:

wo^sriJiwftir: wuAmifw: gwrtwnniTw^: i

f3a<nwrfFawafa5Tt wwnwjjamfw:

i^wt^l^ferfkTi'arw^fftifH: w^ffwPTwnwfw: ii

vwfftnrw>w I wd fafaugToinBia^H^a wtn%v^ifa-

wwtTTi g rinr^ if I w?L fwfwTTJ^wfwf^wiJ#

^fa?5iT I
nf=nai I
DT3W ?w% I

gw I fnt WTWif?8>$fw uytETiw^ Ksfl! fwnftawtr^iwgr^awr

faaiTWTliflSTWwlftfinwt wwiw- i

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g^lf^nmn^itfj O^WSTTRijURJ W%: ffrfnJTaNTJ^srT^yWJlT-

RT^ a^ I
a?i ^i
ijinajsnftit^ ^TTfijamfwfH i fTutfy i

End. i

I *J^'^ianl-iifI aimfir jnrtnfrt

<Jirst?lTrt wjftTifnD^Ra^w wTa n i xm^ji smrarwifti-

HTiy<oi I aHWiii wr Wwnr^ wiaw

^rnmt ?TTT<a: i

( I 9 I
) ( I H I
) MV^srefT! . 10 X 1 indies. Folia,
30 . Lines, 5 on a page. Extent, 600 9lokaa. Cliniacter* Newari. Ap-
pcnraucc, old. Prose and TCise. Generally correct.

Beginning. TO: i

a 4 ar*iTO!nfVTO9Btflii f;5^waia] troafafau^a^jnq i

an^o^TigTTnsr^TTf^rTTtfv^) ajx^n^ ii

atTBTTw^ntrfTBra ftrfwtifttjr Wn^tnr i

fa^35f ^ ehnp| ^rnyftrfTT^fsT: ii

w^ifT&nfa3HifwaRaY^^iatTKfy: i

ergq^^Tajwyfwayvj ^ uyjiiyjrww^ ii


TOaj atit'jmnn i

f)*f1^Tf7grTOT^*m TI^SJT

iRot <romn|r^ w ii

a^ifti ^nnfuf w ^olgu^

fa^rraanxiawn nftwrronaq i

ai^affannai fafyfti^ wmi'

^rns: (I 7H7lfy I

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End. writ wrarri: nfrsjsT^wf^riTrrt

frsrfiirrfwT naq nwifj

Hnif^foH ajwiTOfwiurfT Tl^aaf i

nrJiFMriflsi^ fir?it:

w^i nm rw i

ftff trwmS fertTtsfa

wfnr n^: n (?)

( I S 1 ) WfP^tWWJ^ . 10x1 inches. FuUa, 6. Lines, 6 on n

]>age. Extent, 12G (lokos. Character, NowSri. Date (?). Appearance,
old. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. v5* Wod^ru i *r*r: i

emrrt tifgwaU ruifHi^itwirni^ I

atrtwnJlar^fljwniT^r^gr^ ii

wrrarfw na^il i

^wT^faftr^nr ^enrrt ftawixanr n (?)

ninwhn mTrrJaii m%a a^werwq i

fwfwiw awi ftgiT >jTifTa=aa^ ii ? iwtfa i

End. wjT^^ firwarf^ai^

Knfafaaaarrn^ t

inT^^ tj^atryin! M (?)

Colophon, wffi nfrrRiBW aw H^ i i

f fa nara w1w^ >u Ta aai? i

^ranaa^ + + + + + + + l

+ + + + + + rretiTTOi f% fr% n

%fnra + + + + nrrfafTt taarfrofimw^u^firta

wnw - _ - -
haa: I fs^wi^ I


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< I ) I

115 I
) . lly 5TWra . 12x1 inclics. Kolia, Sr2.

l.itii'K. r> on a |iane ICxlciit, liioO viokna. Cliai-acicr Muitliilu. Date,

l.akaiinina Kra, 392. Aiipcaranco, old. Pioso and verse. Genciailly

Beginning. swit simqurni i

^qinrnr^ aannaawicujnaa ii

an^=ahrer%1Vfhanfai: wafa^wfat^-
faan^aijauHiurigHuivdaHiQa: i

TiWT afffaaa'w^pnsmfiir: wan: n

anjjT^aiawwg ftrwftgfrapj
ftift an f f aa^gftauT n


spFra^pf innft ttFibt^: ii

fnarfafro^ fHaTariatfafvm: i

faw afirfH arafa-

4xw55^'iargfa Tanf^arfafawn^ ii

faiirwataFaftaaa a ftg ^fapft- i

faFTTEpnfif^' gjug^aiwan i

featafa asr^fira^

afft' ^RTTaTTTTarfa n

aia ai<tfa4ii*iM\a: wa^at jg af:naTaTa77^(^ nrPn?[ i

faHt^afa5ii^aiaj;fR: amaiaaai n
famu RT^: wiH aamaan^arnt
fafwa fryjjaf^af^ i

a aa RinJw: Rwratfa a^aaF

gawfarfariTaiY anrfa na^^TTg: n

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( )

^smwfTT^r vmafnnn i

^wtt5^Trfki vri *nrm5ffsfflii Hsg^ ii

w wrrTTJnf^ I Twrfir i

End, w tftfnmni^mH4ii<iiru i r< < na ^ BB ^nijgni^ mnf>n-


BTiBiiamil^^-UMg'ArwruHMviqiBulf iiHiujumiilBi^

wi^wrfH I

^^1vI*rT^^rar^IfwBlaY^ wTmir rarpT qtft^nq i

Colophon. ifn BTiw^TrrantiftrajaTvwfrrfeTf^JHt

Bwm: II rnn 3irm jify vmrr i

^l) . 9x4 inches. Folia. 78.

Lines, 6 on a page. Extent, 1,504 flokas. Character Newari. Date,
Newar Era, 380. Appearance, old. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. faw*nfHa3yHitf. ir^? airuwwti

b: ''i^BiaT^w^Tgft^atsfifwmsrt Waraa-i i

f7[f ip B wtv - - _ _ _
inw wnvarfiT^imrfir^: ^nwi^ ii ?

nlnRTBt II

miy^iijiH'ymr'siti 1

^^VQIB vj

yn i<niT(n: wwt *rrer bibivt I

fauiraoTUB fv wn, ii

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{ < H )

qgiwi t

TUTnifHt7 n^Hraniy gisig ii wifT i

End. wgiijawri^d f7annwim>r?T: i

HfTHt iTTa^;^w^t,r ii

Oolophonu _ f fir wfk-

ug*iiin<ii'i4 n') sim yiDw grisp^: i qmn: JtTT5r^^*i 5W-

wjmt wfw I

waj^nitrrt i

wifw Hr u^ni ly^sTflr^ ii

'#^g^qw fjTrg i

^wh: au^J^MTa^gd ii

Wrg^yq^mB T^TB f^fisrn 7WW


wFsag ^ n?1irYrfwg fir ii

j?jw<ilTTgirTrt^5r^ '

Tr^*rrf9 Hvm firfnnf r^y%^ri n


wtTTiairti<:igti)^tgiwwi^^rtgTiTw^tTB;ii?l M w m^q ^ ar t%i |

Tfir wg^wir^f: n

I gfk Ta^iit smr i i gnw^: i I

f fjf ^(jfatiifti^T# ^<TTit4Hiii^ ^wtr^ qf wd wprat l jrfiT-

fefmt srm I < I

tft if^umra^nf JHW 1^1 I


ife ^wfVa^awitY snw i i

wfn gj^ffanift rra i i

wftf yH?iwr*i<imn> irm i

< i

Tfw TfifiuMiawTisft snw I

s I

afir ^^jqraannff srm i

c i

fa sgiHfirtinjfi srro i < i

tfa wfHxigwwarw^pif 7m i t o i

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( ^ )

I l) or 0^znSIiT5^T . 10 X 1 iiicliex.

Kolia, SCI. Lilies, o on u |>:ij^. Kxteut, 1,3:15 ^lukas. Cliaracter, Ncnnri.

Date, Ncw4r Era, 320. Appcni-aiicc, old. Verac. Gonorally cori-cct.

Beginning. >3^ fjraTfir'*vt ij^vr: i

ufrauT 'gq wua t n iifxiiHi i^ i

ajafsrfir^tTItfij wftRH; ii

ftwviftT snrerw i

r*Tj ii^raMj^nuTTir nnrnq# n

rftyiws) a: aif nrslTni afaa n

^yi ugfeW W uif'"ii fraarr'inn i

anfV aair nicg^ ii

tni^ ann miw n


WJT3H $a^^n Hletfia aaar^ i

a^ erar ataiwui jra tawiiwiiay n

a4 ^ aniift ta fw 5 # ar^at 1

jfiJaa jnrrBi a ua Ta HH i 11

wif^efang a war (fa) a aaf a 1

aiitaffaf ai^irt aitfiai afftrat afr 11


aaar % aa?pa laayt afr aat 1

ar^fa aajprfai^a a^aafa II viaifa 1

End. ta awfagarii^ 5
aracihi^ 1

anarfa^ a af faaw^ asw 11

atifatievH gra awai 1

a ^a arajftarat wtfaat artfaat aar 11

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TTifn iifr ff^ i i

smH ^ifnn^ ti

sr^tirenTni. f^f^wrymi i f

w^^fa *zwfa?i II

Colophon, tfn zwftnr?^irfswT^ ws^tnvrjw tttw: i


awmrfwT v5PT^?'*%OT!T aanf*jf i (

ftaa: I
o aariaHTTifwT: i \ i

w aFn^aKrafa: i i

ao q aw i faqm :: i
^ i

ao aWfirarc: i s i

a fW$tatTtFinfVniTT: i i

w JajBrTftrmiT! i < i

w ^+ ^rftn!n:

i i

t niraa^Hi i i

W* 9 r'iil'DTKtllftjtHK.I I ^^0 I

w mmBmiffmn: i hi i

a fgiaTv fva i i o i h i

T W 5B| ^fnan: ! 1 H8 I


a mnofawtri | H< i

W vHjifarr: i ho i

o aTO a ^qi ru nru

i : i h= i

a H< I

fo Jcmr^fawH! i ho i

a ai^miarfiiwT: i hh i

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( ^ )

^st + Tifai!rr: i i

o I I


(t^oQ^ I It I
) na^^iT .
(^ihmfinn) Bjr ^tir?. lOx ii_inciies.

Folia, 91. Linos, 5 on a page. Extent, 1,410 9 lokaB. Cliai-ncter, Nagara.

Date, (?). Appearance, old. Prose. Correct.

Beginning. fsain

annrtfaTtnfir i ^ 'trow anmi i tratarT^afit ire-

me^a jjadTHUiil bth a^nfrawfiTfa aaatjwa wafit ii

w*nfa I

End. aroftry tm 5*qf o^tfrtfa + + + 1 i

Colophon, aftt ^Tnn?liTW|iHnit wtwnfnnanrt mro: a;fr: ii

wfa rgamfhnnt wtwaifmnarat ag : aiV: awat! i

I W l) . By . 10 X Ii iuclies. Folia, 200.

Lines, 5 on a page. Extent, 2,500 (lokas. Character. Nigara. Date,
Eaipvat, 1189. Appearance, very old. Verse. Correct.

Beginning. + + + + +
nw fttmt faw aiwt + + + + + i

ferarRt aiaa^n + + + + + faiinfanH* a^jm: n iwifir i

End. s^naliTTn wtra i

awnrronarSg ii

- - - - a l^ ttanft
i aaa: ii

Colophon. atarferefvfaY laeurMwiaiawfavyat: aurp: ii

wfw aatiL 4 - - - -
faaa: I i (a^MTa.<^tHn<iata^wr^ an avinpfaaTc

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( )

( t I 5 I
. 10x1! iiiclicH. Kolin,

;i0. Litic.H, C on a page. Kxtoiit, 2,100 flokas. Cliaractcr, Ncwiiil, Date,

(?). Appoarniioe, old. Prose. lucoiTect.

Beginning. arrfl^Tnj i

snmf mfa^ i

faHw ngi n

n!rH ganfr i mg rwj fftr: wsgnTnrtsii

ngig^^UHici;Tt gfjr: i ^man 'ngnjj'RTf^

wirauj II wuwh: i mea; jrrij wg: grraa: |

sgogr irmigTim ntgifyw wt: i Twrfg i

End. aRiiigwifg i wta: i ^rgu^nr gfitj; i wgg mggggrag l


mfg nfra^fg gwimfg n (?)

fggg: i
ggfgraiWTJnwg^ aniRTtBJnsi^ ai?jrg^ l

( 1 w I
) ftpraiSr: (?XPRrHinmTar{ ) 10 X l inclics. Folia,
20. Line*, 5 on a page. Extent, 250 (lolcos. Character, NewSri. Pate,
Nowar Era, 522. Appearance, old. Generally correct.

Beginning. '# ftasnj i

arf^g^gt ggig i

vfti tnfwT i

NlifgHavtTg ugnjiPdett n

g m awwg n g
i gogwifofsnnnjH '

trrvgiTTXTTnT ggifgargg^a^ n

gig^g gxn^gijiWnTq i

giggn=fgfggit wiggg n snnfr i

jiti 0>d by Goo<?lc

( ^ )

End. mifOHnnfHT Jtjn ^

fjrgiirfim Traar fwafa wfua tm


Colophon. tTh fagti^inw srf^ii^silHsiiTiluinT: wtk: i

I 5EireT#|5n aifaiFgwiqwfgfawtamwarq^tr:

( I JT I ) 10x1 inches. Folia, 132. Lines, 6

on a page. Extent, 2,0-10 f lukos. Character, Maithila. Date, Laksina^a
Era, 299. Appcarauco, old. Prose and verse. Correct.

Beginning. Hw aww ufinwinjim i

inaqitqrnf f afiiqnFafa*\-
dqotiquqMHIu^nr faFarer quanfyqt i

Tig: Tafr awr??! snq^: a

Fanatfii q^faftrei^wif^nilf^HT^ ii

aa qwqimHqrnTTiaiqaiTf^TjrfWaRnfqiwTfrsariiifahi-
fdfgga^ Tii% a arnfarn^Fnfa'SSawia vgm
uftniiTirfwTiga a 'wti% wafii i wwifr i

End. ga i gitTw ai ? !^ nararMgwaqir awi fmnirwifii vig-


i fi' gTi

^qn + + + + wa a faiani i + -4- wrBnrgf^

gwnf^a^gmifw + + + + + 1

gtiw u'^Mrqqta TT STrTgui gggi fa ai w^g ^ I

HW rw H 4 + + + + ftigw^ far f%qa irmqg

i ii

Colophon. fn wT m T>qi wriqfw a^T?lTn^ai aarqm + 4 + +

uia: I I Tia q ^fr qpf wTtuinnqqflsrt

f i^MiaiaiBg^twanoi aiqtiqi aiwiqnqi
aS^n^a^qi ftifaiilir nw^fii 1

ftan: I 4iJiTaag 1


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( IV )

1^0 By . 8xU inches. Foli,

97. Lines, 5 on a page. Extent, 1,212 ^lokas. Cliaiactcr, Nowari. Date,

(?). Appearance, very old. Il-osc and verse. Genenrlly correct.

Beginning, if*** i

woj' mnn 5%h* >3*n i

_ Wfr*n i

iBiga^Tfu + + wiiTiii i

ilwTfijJT naiTUT lafTfn ii

a^t iftaia v aa l

fw^vr: armnatnr anfimanir a ntn ti

BRait a79iftaT% + + faa^ i (?)

nant anmfiiyia **TT*jH5*niwei i

*n(^TTTaat: aan arrant nn: ii

WT^tTi + 5f*nn* wiwi^r* **i*Twt: oim: h wifr i

End. 5^^* iftna i

(?) afa ala: i

( as: nt i

ftaa: 1 fnf<?raiH i

( I I
) . By . lOx IJ inches.
Folia, 71. Lines, 6 on a page. Extent, 1,384 flokaa. Chai'acter, Newaii.
Date, Newkr Era, 187. Appearance, old. Prose and verse. Generally

Beginning. 4
' ^' ***** ftrain i

iiwivutT fant^i: ^arg:<n<^:


----- fafv frai

ofafTW - - - n nmfir |

End fawrfanpSraTUffn^fH! i

MarfragfaiflaiBt a)ftg faf^at m

Die: iOd by Google

( M\ )


mt. wim^ Huaiujvfrwz^


SHfarfa: wk: i aon: <wfai^w fja q rt 1n iq|


FafutfrfiifH i ^jwa^ i

fhaa: I Tfir |^ai( i fgra ; i

*F w>nTTWTfwTwtflwlw^firTfaHnit fojrmoyH^ fh^mdr-

ftrfa: 9*mi: I

Tfn g^raww awT H*} i

fH miifirwfirfa: i

tFh ^ Tll fafa : I

f wiawfawnt: i

Tfa ^nannfrawafafii: i

n?niFfTfiiftr i

tFh n*'jpufHgiFaFa: i

iffjt ifTtuFtigiFarw! I

wfa ^BiFagifaFa: i

wfa laanfagi Fafa ; i

wfa a^aiffufaFw! i

( I ^ I
. By . lOxlJ inchet. Folia,
90. liinoa, 5 ou a page. Extent, 1,800 9lokaa. Character, Maithila. Date,

Lakfmaoa Era, 224. Appearance, old. Prose and verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. '#* artnum i

^ ^a frjiF wt i

ffi ynriili*i ii

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< )

n^iwTQ + + + fh tjs^onrfiigfwje^w-

5n*jTnftaranrtrarHR3 at n Tarfir i

End. air^aa^aaatT^ aHm?+ + + + + + + +

+ + + ^tfafw: aT asa n

Colophon. aurnmviaTfHt^fTy^<^airniiu + +_
+ + + + + wamanfana^afflaTfw gafk^aia-
gftrT awK I igwrig fstfaraftnr + + + + +
+ ^arenTWiafeifTatHf^im*^ sqgr<^afair^T Fwfw H
o i

aa as 8 BTfaa afir + 4 + + + i

ata^ f4tft ata agrar afit gaa i

HaajH^a ag atai artaa: ii

fwr - I a^wreig i

(U<<.i**i) ^.aftrspftaranj . By . lOxU inchei.

Folid, 224 (leaves 1 to 10 missinf;). Lines, 6 on a pnge. Extent, 3,920
flokas. Character, Maithila. Dale, Lakjmapa Era, 392. Appearance,
fresh. Prose and verse. Generally correct.

Beginning, (sa aam sea aaiftr a afat atfi firmta stit^aw fa^art-

ajtaar smaiai*i fafarag i

qj^iuaui: anaai aaatfattr i

rf1aa)aiHiwi asnat aftt^Ha: ii

TaWl! aa aa1aiw\ s^nfaanftaft | alanftatala aayt-

anBT! aranra: ^^ rua RtBi i i i i awifir i

^ e

End. .
a( wiwm rv^ asaiggag i

amra jna as^tnanaiuty ii

firat aaaaatat aftff ai ngaag i

faaiaiaK?'1% nrjftfft wiang ii

w*iT anaiaw aar?f ttatf^fka: i

faaarsrat^sata aftnoTata^aa ii ?
( M ^ )

wftro f95B ira^ni nnf iijawa: i


^ST5jt *ra^ i

TBf(fTn7i II

n iinr: BT^ if^Ht BTTOt ^ftw WTH I

'nw^www ii

WfH WfT^: I

Colophon. tTw wrnaiaiiliiM^*finf5n?lBn3BnBUBfaif'Sil

fajrmwm n^Tiitsim: i niT^fsT ffy ^ tjt-

gnm? + w^aii ^finani i

^ bbY wauf i

i<dnii| I

I rfa wfwarw^Ji^infai^^awBtraialfatftr^

wT'w aamffi! I ifBwtwia! i

to BSTirfa: I ^ I

BB aTOTmmnf: i
4 1

TO T5fTftnTBniJ! I 8 I

TO ^uiaTaiuilM: I I

TO ^TiTmjjTa; 1 ^ 1

TO BTV?ra7m: I

TO HU raw inanB!
i 1 e |

TO BT^^mnrrgriiiwwiTBnTr! 1 < 1

TO xflinaTTIT^^fH: (?) ^0 I

TO ar^giaa^WTHira* 1 il 1

T jflWTBini: I I

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( )

( I ^ I
) . By ^5^ .14x1 inches. Folia.
87. Lines, 6 on a page. Extent, 1,250 flokns. Character, Maithila.
Date, (?). Saka 144 + . Appearance, old. Verso. Generally correct.

Beginning. <nit i

mfaumi^rfe ^g& i I

vjsijaHrm v w^ ^ ii

rf jwajMT wwtT ii

aroifH wfur mnr nfrarerwrfa i

rardmfei^?ii: if Turn atrooH ^Femnn^^ i

t rcw a ala ^awat a w mri

f i : i ri ari^ a - - - n
*wife I

End. Twa nrafasi^if w a ffrfn at

am nnjii'tfwiiil aft:

aaiTw urruiaaqratfi ^aiv _ _ _

^ftit ftruaiignt a wrar^ amftnjt aft: n

Colophon. wfti aftaftinaff aara^imT^^

uiK9J4Hui^ afiy^Biaaft i

fRuaafant gfamrftrerrd

aifamrafaaa: wm aatsa arf; ii

aW^i inu afir ani1 art^aara

aupTwawfagin: ar aafii farm! ii

ifVv aamftrji: vftjj^aain:

iffaratar aft ftnarftja^: i

a aivna4^ii^fli aaii

w w aa i ^uydmtaia. ii.

li'l/cd by Google
( )

viu *r wwwwiYifMfiiTir: - ^wt ^ffarfu

--------- wiiBVjitTw^iiTww^ intnu^i^ i


w^a'wijjiaH^ varaftnniY m8 q> owtt i

qrmgiftni aaqiHi

faaiiil n^ramTTfrnnq i

wn w^ nn.m q qrt n-
i i

ww imtTTn i5ifH^gi?)q( ii

wnprgrrr^ wna^auiqqv
wwrqtw ifatw ^TTj^w i

qr^ a fifqrasRraWVw-
failfafTw fvamqwari ii

-- - - I

mni^ WVT - - - -

atf^qpmnwfiro qjno^

RTT^ wmaviAqftiR |

B^^TOTatij R wnjamrt

qrJtqtqj ^5*fqf^5?R[ ii

qi0 faitmt rwit rr^ i

faftrej ajT ri^ fcr^ ii

miqn^SfffwR: ^HISipiR: Rlfawfa^RR:

qyaaihTRRWR; RfaRRiRRuam i

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( )

y c(jj

fyWT^ fewwf W^nPT! II

wnftr^lirfra^ uT*n
4^nwiir<!i4n^ w^fry^t i

^tinreV ftrf if irefn w i

mmrt^TTwfoTnu v ^nnrT
wyn: - - - I

wrer at firg Pafa^q wtht

^^drtiTTfgriTWT innifji

wrfaOTjfw: ira^ H nfcufinffnr TR^lH<m i

nfimfy wfirarat yfivficiiiiiHeuaiiwiftiaL ii

na^ tyt fira^fimrr^qf !9m^

nT tidiiHB - - - truni jtijs^ i

areifftTt wrart?ni ii

w^vna-aj^lhT tf^if xiwj*

^ffa^arufjr^gjraft (?) ^^irfirwfiirif i

(yyir: I
^JfilafinunT^ wnar^ imua^ n^fV^aNuiHiqaqi gfiian
wmnr^' ^a^aw annnrarTftqiTw itw: i?fqja^qfTa-

Sa lit ar ^Wr: fHiwiiqiw$qiiQ> I

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( 1 ) Folia, 114. Lines, 6 on a page. Extent,.

4,500 (lokna. Diite(?). Appearance, old. Verse. CoiToct. Complete.

Beginning. ftram i

ithYst 3nf% i

3 fT n

+ + + + + + + + II

+ + + + enm tm i

awT Ho^Twrat ftrawtr: i

^ SfiB wrt It

w?Tf TOm I

^ irai^fij traifw^i^ i

IftT TO + + + i

avar ^frot iwsw i

eilg^ l w fa Hi:
i faww 'irti tot; i>

nTFiT a4sJiwfti*invT: i

TO mnoH aylwBtinrg i

*r ft Sria: tngr^n^ tflift + + ii

atroDiraT ttiT^ to fisrtgw #1fror i

+ + + + + +++

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( )

^^Tn fji^Jwirrfif^ i

finsHBi xn^a 4 w3?i ii wwrfir i

Colophons. ^ xw, aft fwa i vamaw n fymqt ja fa^nw l nxm:

xish: I ^wsm amx^w faqt g i

< U wfh faMlwg'UHuWrartmt qplfaql fg^ q ; I

iqq I

n wfn f*igmgxa<i9TuHiql rtfw% e^q; xnrat i

^fta i< I

ftaiwgqnrarqf*Hnjtag^: oaw! I

aKfewhlT I xsgiWtHT: <n I

wftx fagiqHtflujtaanrt mia: x^h: i

Ft I

<< o fq^q: xniB: I 1 ^ I

q *fa gaga qTO! I FtF to t

xtftf ^3Fi qansr: i ?ftw tc i

qt wfk gaga xrga: q^: i gflF q i

qq *fH gaga qj: qsF: i |jt ( q ) q i

qq qfa gyga qnm; q?n i frt qo i

q^ ifir gFgq wfa; rr^-, i qft qe

qs l^'JI''io(siWr^niMiyrugq Rqti: qjrqi! i

Ft 8t I

qq q^xgS fxpftq: qffW! | qfta st I

q< atitga q^qr: -

qs I

qo atTtgq Fgxii xraqr: i

q< Fxgq qgw; q^qr: I gjt qq I

qoe ^qrnw i
ifcT finjiTOoiwrTHTtn naiiurff 5^w;

I fft I

THW: 1 ^o:i i

5* fH fi>s HiHba gfirrntrt ir^

Vfz^: I
^ aa I

*\ fHV*riflfiffmrt m g;a mm^d ^gra-

faw: aja: trsa: i fft 8(4 i

amr: i

8 wfn I^Taiaaoiafirtrnrt na: xraa: i

8C >f
tisar: 1 fpr t$ 1

at If fa a4farfia9iTw^r a^ar: i

afr tta i

as f)
agasjsw: 1 aJ^ 1

a* ff wfa a^: asar: i

^ tta i

ff afsisar: 1 180 1

U >f ^ '

a Jf ifa afaatalnaaw! i i s< i

CO Sf arfa fTaratreTaftmat 5^^ aaar aira: i

wlaiidaaaawfym t

=% n afn farataHSJarffHTat twh: a^ar: i

aftaram^anrar^T^ i

c fi
tda iavtara^afinnat aanraia: aarart i

e< jf
fapm{aradiat wtganHaaigt

amaro: a<rw: i aflaiT a^Ji aff i

<a ff
ifH faarreHoaafiRnat ali^ffTt: aat-

?ram: a^ar: i aft tc i

H^ftarTfrw a?^: tout: i

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( ^ 8 )

^eo WBltW wraq: HWfU! i


f^liVjqRq! I

'5 , wfii ftrgmHsrnf^nrt 5^55 n^grirt nfrani

ttto: I ?ftq!Tf!T waifa g^qnggjfaqnfw 1

*= ., wsatifTT: nro: 1

%%o afti ^raratTaafarruji ^|[a u^e n w nro) : 1

qftqrr airw 1

m wfn fHa i HHwa ftwnrt ^ Hfagfi ftt aw -

ito: tfttfww: I qfNr inrff: ar^: 1

"8 fwaiNHwaTtHrai ^ n fag

e ^ji qt!

+ + neT! I qfqn cq i

" f>rgmH5iafTmqt 5Tp|[tsiTT + + f*m

+ + + + arawjgrr qfiqi rmfq a 11

( 8 I
) iV Folia, 24. Lines, 6 on a page. Extent,
522 9lokas. Date, Newir Era, 28.

Beginning. iqr + + + + i

a^lfw fWTT^^t tW WIIRI! II

ftmnrt OwRt (?) nnrfi$iTg i

Tii*S a^ifT aiwii trewTT ii

Pniq^wgf^gwa TOT fviTtnr ii Twifr i

End. qr**r?( (^romsi^Tf!! i

) wrfTOiraiifTaT^jjit^ i

f^fqrajIWIBT qm~1qiqilirHUjHtitj iRi fVq rT


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( u I )

( I ) . Folin, 2t7, Fiiic.s, to 7 on a pa};i'.

Ineoniplutu. Leaves are not in order.

Beginning. wftsti ?ftw: i

nVrifowi: WuiU":
^ n<(T<niw4 ii

gfnjwi ; !rf*5^JWrTnn wfrtnjrvftttssjnnw 'vgfawti i

c<m (?)

wann: (^=) ^sajTnfmnTTrfirw

W5UW an: nmi ^rwm: i

srmraw% ant am i

n amrai^ aanff am i

<= ft
itta am atnta^itsatin: i

< ,, tf
arwa^ anritm am i

at*aa% antfinf i

aratnsr^ f aftnmt am infann am i

= n auf>gata^ i i

^siigiHTia am i su i


aartTfaama ata 1 (b)

cikiQ^ -f- + ntimi: 1 80 1

=* .1 ft
8 (=) (?)

ataaW^afratim% i
8 (<) (?)

WrfVlT: nafa natna ataran^nq^ i

<a^gTI% AfwHfwnW: 1 <^0 1

atfwann: i i

ipafa^m^amnraq i

ICS tt
^aigtayi^ ^wfa^wnfawm (?) (^no)

108 ff imfajmnwt^ ^alu^aq: i

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( \ )

mxnr, wftRTgnre: i

arurfinfy (nn)ift3wni i i


snifire^ nHim: i i%i i

Ilf m Fail) ^15^= irarnf! 1 i%i 1

BfTsrfijw) %f: I 1% I

Hirafaw) ironii 1 i%< i

unrrafTif! 1 n 1

irarnf; 1 m 1

unnaO ftqnfi 1 (?) iis 1


ygwiw: I
n I


99 ^ iramr. 1

P9 ^ iremf! I 18 I

ITHflU 181 53 I

99 gt ITBTTU: I 18% I

18% 99
a'^mrenrew^ iroiTir 1 isi 1

99 gf mantf: 1 ibb i

99 g3 %rarni: 1 181 1

181 99 gf ntnra: 1 i8< 1

99 g^ irarni: 1 18 1

IBS 99 33 unnn! 1 ib 1

99 33 HMfiff! I

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( ^ ^ )

i sno i

in nanun^t igTirni: i i

at^w + + ^iinq: I siu I

aq (>)im% ^ruriq: i )y8 i

1 SU arainifa ^wrq: i i

180 WHnq: l 1H8 I

18 = fjfrgf ^janq: I 18 I

18< ,, irarni: i i8? i

marq: i i8= i

ftTHfafanitT^ I 18 < I

atmanJia igwrq: i i^o i

+ + + maiq: i i$i i

1<8 frrqjiaa i i^i i


inaiq: I
(?) i<5 I

1^0 I

if= aTTTaaaVTt imrrq: i i< i

i^< snft(5% mum: I i + i

ii I

108 I

105 I

108 I

1*8 n^Ttra I i<^ I

1=1 ,, iT?fTaa% RTi^aftaiamr: 1

1^9 I

1=8 ufairo^ gt I
M= 1

1=8 I

1=8 I

1=8 I

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( ^ 8 )

i= ri,--s95n* wi^rti?! i i

<CC 1

ic< 1

qr^WHiWT^ qrarnj: i i

+ + qranq: i i

H ntt^Tiiiiim^iail vunq: 1 tog i

Mi n Tfrw^rftavmuTq: l tag l

<< 1

'<= ,1 p *nw (?) ititthw qrarq! | f a^ i

$f n^iad^ grantr: i gaa i

08 99 vanq: i g an i

qrUTTIJ! 1 ga< 1

19 rvY^ir: 1 geo 1

99 grwrq: |
geg |

99 gWamiT# nq^iiiq; 1 geg 1

99 ^ragg- gmnr: i geg i

~ gcg
M 99 ragf 1 1

99 nwgg i geg |

99 ngg t geg

,1 99
Jnirgg i ge^ i

99 am^a^ i gea i

99 iragt 1
gee 1

99 imgt 1 ge< 1

99 *H8gg vwTq: i g<o i

99 *iigs granq: 1 g<g 1

99 *rai + + arBrni: i
g<g i

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( X^'K )

nwgj ^irnT: i i

tw,- > nwg# Bjumr: i 8<t i

^(TjTri n)iBgt 8inij: i 8<o i

Jioiija 8R(8t^ + + 1 8<c 1

SSt* tg#ilT8rrt 8raTTo: 8<<

9> 1 1

9t 1 808 1

U 8rj8?finrt i 8o^ i

' l *tog5isww8r^ vtrirv B^nntr: wa;

80S 1

^j^onre: 1

^ftnnjaaffl^ 8itiiTU: i 8oo |

ft ar^am^a 8c
aafaai^ i i

*' 99 Rwraa# femaaTo aaia varncr: i 8o i

48^ 1

H88 9t BuftaaasTaTnf aarn awtwtajanTa^ arana:

880 1

^ 1 + 1

tB= ,. 9f W^^ifwiargarit i 88 8 i

St8t ^cftaanfWa% anna: 88 8

99 (?) i i

M 99 + + + ^ aiina: i 88^ i

888 1

880 99 aaaTHTT^ arwia: | 888 i

+ + a^ 8mnj: i 888 i

99 fa^raft aajra: i 88< i

fajTad ^raaa anaia: i 88o i

99 fajra^ aaiH fajnrSfa anara; i 88: i

if aiBTtafta aana: i 88o i


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\9i )

*^JTTW tn^: vamr: I I


ftirfirtJt *WI! I

n wjjidmif IITJ5 smr i

(%8) i

- ft mujr^; I

^*1 > vi\>nHaii I I

inwivm: I %e I

M M utw iirtirnr i

>**> M lisiTOITI^ I

>f i

n I
(^^<) I

wrfirw wffer s4ttit

(=(?)) i

rBwnr5H;f ^ ,


{ I ) . By jftgmin. 10x5 innhoa.

Folia, .30. Lines, 10 on a page. Extent, 900 flokoa. Clinmeter, Na jain.
Date, Saipvat, 1848. Appearance, new. Prose and rerse. Generally

Beginning. tnii wirarit t


fVrfr^fa i

firdiVga^fk Haa fatwfaipi ii

^a I ^5niaFj^i;^T45inirfa:iiiwern5 fafaw^r: i

inFa fgHg qg f^ Tygrnft fanwaiaia atrasra^: n

I ^ ?rfa a ait i Miv a tnrm

Btjafh axtufaaig^ra awi i

a a ftrofn ^fa ^aaai

na aaai^ aa aitifaarc: ii

l^aart! i

armwaaaiY ^ftai^waTaaf ftnt waaiafwiljj^TJnTWTa^

ninainfta^tura: fafaxma! i arft ------

aftwai I WTOT wt aaauiwitft as^^imai tnit am
aroaiiY sre: i a?i mnjeatrrf aia aiyamfTfaftTiP


MTafwar: i aaif? i

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End. wnsii: t
S[^r5fw i i

^lOJt m + 4 fsrsihfffa^in i

^Rnmsqw^aaiHui njjnrr ii

Colophon, rm n^n^qp: iriirvni ai: i

wm<^ I

ftnnii I wanretnffwhr nwiiti|[: i

fWrTunv^U^HtM^m I

iiB iwiT i nw I

VQaiiufH|l snu I

( I ) . ) By .

12x2 indies. Folia, 54. Lines, 7 on a page. Extent, 1,114 flokas.

Cbaraoter, New&H. Date, Neirar Era, 800. Appearance, fresh. Prose
and verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. ftTHf4 |

wwi ^VanwT BiftTn ii

mwi VBBpr UBBfBtrt

Jl*^ BWI t>rmTB*UB^5 VBIWtBf I

BrfTgBiT B I BB^ BW-

*pwt ftg fty iBig^ tfw
i I Twifr I

End. BBTtfB faBTiB fcyvT4ii a^Bfini firg.

BBflfa ftfl5rtBfl%i
ffgB^ n

Colophon. awfrgBa^BBnwT^ ftfroanfl bib ay: i gBB^ i

BOO an^jB gpr. afl i fwr? ii

( ^ )

I Tfao i i i

fRo t 5 1

fflo f(wfrgiifT^: I
4 I

^fHo qVftggfm^: I g I

fno ^tfigqftgg y : I H I

Tfflo ^ifTfurarr: 1 5 1

( I
) V8?rvn?r*l . Bj . 16x4j inclics.

Kolia, 37. Lines, 9 on a paf;e. Extent, 2,015 ^lokas. Cliai-acter, Newari.

Date, Newar Era, 810. Appoai-auce, frcsli. Prose and verse. Generally

Beginning. (ti^ntfl enifH 1 w to: i

I uraan% 1 nr 1 w 1 n 1 mfST% 1

f^r^wgsfinei, wiMa^ wtH

ra^atfHa eigtg g i 1

rary n agarr, ^fn^pwg

wf^rTTfuiiertar*! 11

frfa gif5TniateiftnTT^|TnT

tffftrggftrn^w^w^ 11

TTnfa gairaY wa^ia

afaa fljiuarMH^ 1

tma* cnmnT 4raasr


arfa azinS ni'jfaraa

a^en^rnTift 1

^wraraa fwaaiHTTgaw

nfi^anqj wwnrB h '


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( 11 * )

mrmm rtaviisH^H: wwnfrfwf^pn^-

JpinTOTlftTI I

w^>? T^fwoiV ^jwawwar fjnnnw fogja^

fww: mg fmrf nrn^fhrvf^ wfw. ii

tiiTO gqaPrt wwaar^ BTtm mrenaTnmrfiT^ i

mi) I inoamTr i aaf at fka* a^fal^agfn ii

ar4 aaa?ofHaai(^fmf5iT ^^iwfaaufwHTfqaqg^^if

'tfl^^wftaarJtfqaTqwm StftrfqTmntana^ftmifwmw-
fw^gmfT^ifw I I

afo anafaatat H i m^ ar^n! qfin iqafaatfaTW< mi- i

forarm^ alatiwfa a n fa mfw awq ^ai a m ^*

la i fqr^Mu wl amilfMa i rwagqfw^^ gfaffr^'j^uai
a ^g q iat q^spra; ii tnnfr

End. W^ I HHIfQ I

Colophon. afa %fqfqqna ii

Tjqfatftfaaifti^ q^^'r q^Wfa: i

gfqftw naai aiqitq? attfa fa

^ g^
tq a'q aa u aai wfin -

a a*| qa^offl ^ltaaH ^ ^! i

qfSig^ aufk ^afaqaiTa-

qrfqf^raauTUf aiPuflA: ti

raHiPqaqv qtma qWran i

faarfqqqgp aipf jmg n

aantet# afa n
( )

ny . 8x2i iiiche'i. Folin, 85.

Linos, 6 on a pnjfc. Extent, 1,419, ylokas. Cliaracter, Neuari. Date, (?).
Ap|>cai'aiice, Voiue. Incon-eot.

Beginning. 5TW: i

ftfJT Irani nc^ irar^ri! fewfn f Fsj! i

vfirai mfirorarg emnn ii

^tfiroRWTt ma nnnfn i

niTnmgirg ift ^gja' a^i yT f'wra n? t: ii

HWT^rmnngniwiwpnniTiiranraq i

'SYhi^ fj: a II

^gn!ifi>5wan i

y^n^rarmitertiii h ja = ii

itiT awrarran ni^mru^'j i

awnH^if-rat ?raiif ii

wrnrat nawa ?rVen: waan^awi! i

^HHiuiirQ u^Ri mitaTjw^ a ii

B^rgfVaH fa fv^igRa wrarra an ; i

aa! afla^nifia n

T(iiaraiiTifi nftfaa aw^ '

aa gwaar rrarn atfaa: aan^ari ii wiarfa i

End. ^ Faa^a nnn air% a art aar ii

fli^affaiuiTa: i

Colophon, nr aia^aianiraf ^o | T fa
aaia g ii

faaa: i aafafaj^raiw?! i

(a<1.l) awiaaa-. By an. 12x4 inches. Folia, 41. Lines,

11 on a page. Extent, 1,353, 9 lokns. Character, Nagara. Date, (F),
Appearance, fresh. Prose and Terse. Generally correct.

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( )

Beg^nninff. MJnri^ sn^^arn i

wfnrew varetH^afafinTT i

'iraigarfafw arinfif wi fa T ^ a^ ii

$ wiftnfla irif^ nafafw: jn Jifirai!

^f wii/)ai: WT^ faanrvTi i

fnn + + aRairat infrw ni^ g Bi

rf^m wa awr^sr war: fisqgiftiTTaT^ ii

a^narafarguai aa? jsc

afaa arwftrfw: aarftr a^ i

aaawam h t ara^w mr: ^I i

fa^w wawTrar a^jfa^aan ii wwifir i

End. aft fsn*f rrwV a msar aar i

ntg[ia aargai #ajK ftagaaij ii

aif fina i ( aa: xrf wfiaaji i

fwr: I avga^ awf^ faga^na'at aamjatana: i

aaigat aa^ fa^aYnaa^ arafiuna: i

afh V5}ifuaaiu(ia: i

afa ftraat aiwrajra! i

aiaiga^ nan fagalntc^it narf^rrana: i

aTwrnraaa^ i farana: aahnaq aatanas afawm-

i i i

H^a: iiaai<Hi<i. anfaf^^a: faarg^

i ! i

waafMa: i tgiarafafa; i aiw-aa-aaa-rftga-g^-aai-

fafa: I tafafafaaa: i t a^flnira fa: i
gargarlafawa.- i

maafafa: i aagaftfa: i arifawafafa! i faiYararea-

faara^ i a^faa^afaara^ i i^afaftr i
ftrfa: I aatfr i
(\V*I) . Bj . 12 x 4 inches. Folia,
59. Lines, 10 on a payre. Extent, 1,G22 v'lokas. Character, Nagxia.
Date, Saka Era, 1674. Appearance, fresh. Fixiso and vucso. Gouorally

Beginning. i i

tn4<ftiie4 iTwajB i

wiw wHfHiT arnf^Rtg i

Tgn ^vinfti n

failf^awt^ iflw^ mranET! i

ffnTl*ii yt|w fr l

fnr 1

innTOinj ir^ ff ghr fyil i

anaxwif** f^aRigueiimy it mitfr t

End. wni?v %5 fvn^ ift'iiem' r i

^anggla. (?) tnam wfl w*r n

snorr^ (?) g ^ ywrenftromsxq t

rrf an faWiimin|;i Jhr ii

nfa ^ fro irjpTfam* vio narf%; i

^ (

w^4**J<irw! n^TTT gipvfmnsTt amr*ft-

xtaPfw + snm: Mwtraqfn

ntwrg ^uiu^f mrfauu(jltrHuaT7ia#a


mftfaarqr arna: i

^va^taiwtwarxanrfTr^ ti

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( ^ la )

TTWT f gw^-
w?T 5 ^ wra: nmrrrfwvw i

ift^Ti^iaiiri1 nrni

i: ig^ nnran3[ ifJwTra? ii

J3iT^i|[5 Tmw i

?r*J^-fWr5W gY ry Pn arqi W ! ii

wmmT^T^TwY5war^ W T ^ail i

Tiw4\ ^f>i^fw w i rT g ga : I

fT^ jftwarn, girfwfaflwifw^

n^wJknifni, wa it u i wqi :
5^; 11

fatrrtg ^'^ *TT iTOrfB wiw! I

wmi fttw imfr^iT 11

iT^AviaiiBil PnreiT: '^unryrfws-

gnHST^ I

Ji^fifanyc^ + + waMlwi'diwO 11

TOft ir # 1

nrnfa w^nrt nrii vir^nr ^ 11

Colophon. Tfii tfirrq*i^qiqi nyifa^f<nrfgTfynr-qnwn.f^mm^ :

awiK= II

wf t n^^ftrfamftiT jwni fwawSf-

^a^niHiiy I

fwi: I ifto m wra ai ararv

i : I

a^ a farw : 1

Taufiaifara: 1
( M H )

Tfwe I

Twfirfw: I

,, ininsrftfftj- i

., WMB mmrarw : i

5T*rfatfv: I

,, ijaqrftrfw: i

'nfwjiyiTfa fa : I

mr*i^a^[wt i

wanRfafW: I

*niTWFarn: I

,, ucui^4Miaauraru'- i

VT^aivwftrftf! I

,. wtairar*(i I

^ii <i ^ iTl mn t r i rag aatefwrar [

: I

,, jra^^nw^fwftr: i

a^llHVPC: I

^Wl%: I

*TafWard??ni . 10x31 inche*. Folia, 50. Lines,

7 on a page. Extent, 700 flokas. Character, Nagara. Date, (?).
Appearance, new. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. ^ihiiwni hr: i

irwrFf^ar^wwT ^esprfxj i

HS=?iTrm RTmnn vfi ^ finrroit:-ir

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>>fji5iiyTO>w n 5^?TT tirq ii

asTOtrownm yb^f^ ; i

wt)5 to ^
Bnn 7 ^q ft H ^

WTwrr^ n wttoto ^ qiFwaii i

WTHTT^ n iwawqn *mi ii

rai?jT TOT q irn-? < qa n ^

l i i ! i

aR*5^g%aai^ ii

aarp ^ta W Tft fa4^ a a8fgaH

irfaa. ^ijaPa n^gr. if%a, igaf^a ^gai: h

afa^wfia BTfl i ii

arawTwai afJawa ^rai ii

4^^waia I

g ^ra ^ ua^x fsraftaaa

aiaa faadaa agr^farwnia ii

aiaava^ awi^d^ a ii

^^ta aaia i

arrga tot ^ftr aaraiaa ftrwaa i

araam^ ncs|^ aiBaaiwraffl?: n

a TOifa w arroarn^ aaifwam i

ia ia a Botjaa a
i fa%^ ii

aaar watiO# aiTOaia?> aft i

gana fafaa ^fa a4i mfaraafja( ii

^iava>^aia i

TO ar? ferat afta: tfhr: n^Vfaai i

aaiTa. a aa% Para: a anug^ ii

( )

armnifuTf^o ww; I

araa ^ ^^3^ 5 M

?3ren^3raRT3: i

W jatrtfliH^s^fiw Hwm. w afr ii

33ia I

BI Wl3iy f33 fB? I

am grin gi arra^ ii

atnnfa arnSa aiaaiwaft 7 1

i^s 3T?rwn faw aaiftrfsreaar: n

W33 fari arfa asawiift faima: 1

apnfaat^ra^g'! amroft waa aai ti

a?Whnfairt aran^ auaaf> 1

aamx.^ gaaa atait tat bt^ ii

awrtn fafOT aai^ afiaatfaw- 1

^aftani a aiaita ut i wH l il a tjar 11

aam arfro w? aa. Biai aftgtfffn 1

fawani wjf aaiaia aviaiag 11

iaaia<^snar wTaa raannaa^ 11

afa miaraiiai^at 1

ia4 uaia 1

annnfa aai^a wiwr1 imamay 1

anfi a'aaitj $a arsiina, ar^ar 11

arr a^grn agi fa araaw naraa! 1

arjamrerat aa rraiw^aivaiua^ 11

ajfa ^ffiaa jFaan ^ da^ 1

aiaanat fra ^a ^aiiaianifw^ 11

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( I )

iTTjaTTtirnT^q i

WTTw mir^9 srvww n ?t5w^ ii

inn ^ BTTw ^ II

MTi^a vsrw I

? w wrwnr'giB' invent i finr fW i

wunrfii vmtiT iTR nn fijfff n

^ ^aJiB fiRT fierf^ liW ^tm^a v i

?anf\^ wa W HKirtnr Wfemr; ii

imtu wtnr ttfir i%a htwShit:


rtr *uqi*qi wimtTsrt fim fnt ii TwifV i

End. iaK*iiif w irm fi^^infitfMurMiHy i

wiatn, fi4irimK8 VH^aHcqirTny ii

awfii^l warfia wi: Tsn w%^a aaf1 aqui*{ i

uwmai% ^jTOtrt at qn wt Tfa g i?r ^hsn ii

yf ir^uftrwrlfaqwT miTi am i

Vjqi(Vlf|HI^() Ifij^lllia^ffli: II

WT Taqgruq^^ipgnTiaifa at ii

Colophon. afff aunr^a^mt awm*[ ii aai i

(\ia<.|) aftaafftreR;:. By a*na. 12x3 inche#. FoUit,85.

Linea, 6 on a page, patent, 1,638 (lokas. Character, Nigara. Date,
Samrat, 1589. Appearaooce, old. Prose. Generally correct.

Beginning. ^4i^si<4 inj: I

qiRAn 5m HTaany i

fna: fwaSi^nfinii amagfswr: n

( \'IC )

^rfwjtnnn: wmini vn n^fr? i

5H?m HfTTnmf: ufrartR ^ ii

fw5> ao^mw: I aa agfmsf^t am: i ya aorat: ^ ^1

aiaa^aaw aaat ii nfa i

End. aguanYa. a^[^afiiY^aT: i aaj^apprfritin: '

aaaYjaY ii

Colophon. rfa ^ Btia a ^'Y mi q ^ a jwia rai rT a ra ft aiaaifaa^ fat-

aar* ay w- awm: n aaac aaa anf^argfV

7i?hiT I fwa - - - fawifanq i wag

I rfa ^fanya^aWrmm ^^ agwMraira^ anaaifaw? naw:

a^: aani: i

fyfla: afja: awni: i

g^la: a^: aain: t

aga: afaj: aata: i

xnga: af^: aanr: i

aifa aaa: air: aarp: i

jj ,) I

aira aaa aaaarq i

> > 1%^a ,,


^a ,,


aarafaar^ aaa aamj^ i fa^ta i aifhr i aga^ i

af^ aaa aana^ i aa: - a i aamn^ i

atwiiafaai? aaa aams^ i aa: ^ a narartla i

ftgfaai? aaa aara^ i aa: s < aaraila i

afa aaiaq i

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< M )

( I
) . 10x4 inches. Folia, 32.
Lines, 11 on a page. Extent, 990 ;lokas. Character, Nagara. Date, (P).
Appearance, fresh. Prose. Incorrect.

Beginning. ftwrnnnftriHd iti!

sresT nwnPTtwtnniPTirtw - - i

wiwnma farfa tii nn^ n

fawFaannn wyamat fa i anfhn^ji wfa i g wi Te i

End. rfii i ^atr^iai? awerfw i

Colophon. cfa ^u^^nitaouiaii^ai

fj enerRinr^qeiiftentuivMi^ naerv i

ei rifl faa ^ O ftrsnjif i i

(') I
) aii^g>inu^fl*T4#( . 12 X 4 inches. Folia, 56. Lines,
7 on a page. Extent, 1,176 (lokaa. Character, Nowiri. Date, Newir
Era, 867. Appearance, fresh. Prose and verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. nit iiaifanin i

'ifta^raiinlaia i

" ftnmriiMiiTift.1 %af faga^^<t( i

ininn ftrwi til anfenm ii

i ihithY ^insjaWri a tot i


wxilaii! I

VTRTtg fwa! tat awTiafaaftiw: i

en^nn tit wra ga ^ nn ii

HUUHawf m ajidaaawty i

taifataw it^ imiaar *wt oh>i m

t!f tat mqm twt aa snra, i

HT tat WTia4n aii fawmaat ii

( \i\ )

iff fmrqm ^3 innTH ^ i

Tfk Hn wifgwT i

iJ^sRiwrari jna gfnrrjy^ffsrag ii

ijl^a aarg i

HwgrawnfsjMn i

gtnfw gwit^ ntinftg htoh: ii wifr i

End. V fffmnnsisiaa'ygigftfiifrTOlTifTifg^t

gmTwHiaifvf^ nr ^ ipV ij
^ nfnrrtnrfinafn-

r^?ifjn1 rtv I 10 0 |[?r>mmft*i 5rri: n

Colophon. Tfir g^niT^jHiarar gn<fi ii

nifa jwnt - - - i uW ^ft ntn-

ffr^ an ferfmafnfg i

( 1 ) {^rgTTHfJnrT^g*n*i ) (sfmgKu^ ) By .

10x3 inches. Folia, 15 ( leaves 1-3 are missing). Lines, 7 on a page.

Extent, 177 9 lokn 8 Chai-acter, NewSri.
. Date. {?). Appearance, fresh.

Prose and verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. (
ngnr inwtsrnKr f^feniq i


erfggm ^ fn nf asya agdri. it afa i

B^ y anu ai ft a f7nrwVfjTannann i

argniml mn ga: ii

faareil nrinfw^ w n ^n

afn n^^oifeaiHuiuayiii giirniwij^

jxnfn II f wify II

End. fanrr aftyfir^ atran faanarrnnrein i

ip?rnn fHWTOT^: ?[rawarfggT: ii


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( )

Colophon. Tf>T mwniT-

fimwH II

fuKn-! I mf>*Tmniivnf?w9 i

( I
) ( m<l(V|Tir4nf: ) ^IH4Hg .10x3 iiicbea.

Folia, 5. Lines, 7 on a page. Extent, 60 (lokos. Character, New&ri.

Date, (?). Appearance, fresh. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. ww uuirrartn^H i

wuprftt HiiirwugiRtiH I

nr9l^raru<i9 wrS%v mfinT^ ii

fim: I

wtr BT iMinn reumHi n vwrfV i

End. KfliiorviTi^^i^iwiKiHl I

ilit Bi nri mn i ii

Colophon. Bftt ^hrsswgfinfW w^^irw Bnrf%wftnJt i

( I ) fwr<iK<iyv 8 ( BnftaftjW! ) . 11x3 inches. Foh'o, 7.

Lines, 7 on a page. Extent, 107 flokos. Character, Newirl. Date, (P).

Appearance, fresh. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. fsT^ ^ vTjfiitqfrfti nsm: i

Bv fwfh* %B n


% nmfinBTfii ^bic bmiia! i

BHU BB^ ^ tfir Biftni jTT n


End. faBWWifB BVtfB WITBy I

vqfiQi ftnr% syr gw bb gw n

< )

Colophon. urfrnfir-
vzw- vmn- II

qin: M

iirawRt II

( I
) By *ifmi>jn;. 12x4 inches. Folia, 8.
Lines, 12 on a page. Extent, 252 (lokas. Character, Nagara. Date, (?).
Appearance, fresh. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. ^firtwnr i

^sn W n^si^ TTtnr: i

irrnelimi^flsT ii

W g HifiJWHl f?r V I I

vtfignnfjr vrn^ mn n^mai rH n a ii

ftnrr^wjswrfjr v i-

tamt. ywinfrei^ ii

^ywafltpButfireH: i

gw wg?r W gwrarn

tftf nwMi^a I wwifV I

End. jwj! nrfiw tPw w 5 fBSftT nr: i

Tfw j ^ [
iiii u'tit I

( vwvi I )f

fJTW^i I wfn H tiH i wa^ I

Jiw^tnrg I

f[fawi H! g uj w: r

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tfw I

srSTW^U: I

I twrfr i

( I ) jmnrwNnjj . 10x4 inchoB. Folia, 4. Lines, 8

on a pago. Bztent, 80 flokas. Character, Nagara. Date, Saka Era, 1708.
Appearance, fresh. Verse. Qeneralljr correct.

Beginning. ra: i

w winr^hwifk ftrpw i

utbSu^ eifisrH: I

ftrwnii #5 wnrttPt rft^ m?hgfn 11

wiait^ <non? 1

firttw wsStt II

nji ^ 1

?rf^: II *rrfir

End. tarnran^tibbii: wtt fo^ 1

*wt n #fiiH H^w H <H i St?> a' mrw^ ii

Colophon. imwwhmi 1

mn^ trn^f: waamtt ? 1

went m ym i^
i n

^l-faiv TtnQTV Tt% faifrn W3TTT I

x ^ _
itw ^^fhnirTw ftrg awifn 11

firgafir ngSfv ifv tflw ntJl inn 1

Ti mt few w a fiiafm gm *ni ii

gfarTwmn: enyfaeniji: finqTvag 1 -

fansTJiT: w ansnfiT i|w t4*i


dWj I wrjsrfT n 1

nff^ ftrfaraftnr fn ^ en fa n ^mn i 11

%tmmiienj>: gnng( 1
( M )

( I
) . By . 11x3 inolios. Ff.lia, 62.
Linos, 'J on a page. Exioiit, 1,.">89 ^-Inkits. Clianictci', Nagara. Oato,
Nowar Ei-n, 830. Appearance, fresh. Vorsc. Incorrect.

Beginning. to: i

nfw![ ^gq: i

tBoorWjrffTtBIT H II

- - - ifiBTOBt jftBfqat I

g a^ mfailOT wtfHiurajnwiit:
i ii

JiVi: I qtrt anr^ nfr to t n^fn i

nTOUT fimw^ ii

a^-fBW-MisII?JI B ^?Ti: I

BiBtfavr: vgr: BfarnroiTOBn ii

nW i

Tim^ TOiTiB totcbY ii

a<^jTis mf*i wi Hifir ^ nwf: ii twiff i

End. 5TOJii gat tnai gfa^: i

SytyrnimriT r srar ainFinerfa n

9088 ijsmTai fawaiwr srfroffiT i

q^faroiTO^ w qi ai wfqtqrH ii

1^8 inftnTO^ ^ am to: i

an: xaajgTOrmr ai war nrafimifH ii

TOnairomt ^ tou w^tot to i

BgwBftnrrwrfa m aat Bmfrorfw ii

800,000 jgfi^^rfaeniTfiiTOjTOtft^: i ?

m^Hi<n( ^qiiw BiafroifH adfns ii

mfl writj rfttj iN^ wTOi^ Tfts I

Hjsn wniivaq: asar^ afrorfa ii

tfa ^ruip iaawa^ mwl^i TOjtwH : i

to^h^ arfkafafRfa wa : n

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( )

Colophon. irfjr n i a FHyMi^ g)

i yw n
Tfk otwirn: OTKTiTi I grr hw io h moo i

vwrrmn^ inw ^nrnr^ iri^ nft i

>aql ar^ im jftwrajnit ajairH ii m i

ffifo nrnrerfir^im mm: i

ffko wa^wfsnrmiB i ^ i

tfko raiiniauq^ 1 1 1

wRio tra^ifjrsTmnftjarrt: i 8 i

vfno wfirfiraivmfWaiu: i y i

Wfifo Fsrpnam^tifvmn; i < i

wftfe 7TVrf^imnfaTT: i i

vftio mBPpomnfpim:: i = i

wfjTo BwiHlw^rmMt: 1 < 1

vfko i$w: 1 8 1

(\8t^^l) mnrfw: Bf 12x4inohe. Folia, 12.

Liues, 9 on a page. Extent, 270 (lolcaa. Character, Nigara. Date, (?),
Appearance, freah. Verse. Oeuerally correct. ^
Beginning. tflniwni sms i wus i

n tyw w; nfW
Jnpftsjjifirar nwrftf i

*flj^ w n

ftnf JTWij fafirferioa^i^ vvMwyl i

inm ntfhpc tarinfifit hhIwjW u v eu^ i

wH it

^ ijht ar%:

vi^iwiteruaaiw niiiqi^g i (f)

BTT^ II iwrfir i
( )

End. wrajTw < < gai

gg afnawigMiaify i

^ awtaigfatflgtwt
gfnwan an: untarw: ii

vftfo I jHnfuanttnmws.

fgnrggareaggra: n

( am: m ii

ftgg: I t?(T iW*igTafw^jfagimg^ waTowm i

waHMBjianaifvatiit aatnmiaft afwa^^aj: ii

thIto I

aa grraiT Jn^ifeanr: n

T5?tt I

agi fii an Oim nim. si^tofgnnmanmf g^a; ii

( ^ I
) Utnww: By amftatg. ll x4 inches. Folia, 22.
Lines, 9 on a page. Extent, 396 flokas. Character, Nigara. Date,
Saka Era, 1735. Appearance, fresh. Prose and verse. Generally coriect.

Beginning, ^noarn ag: i ag: i ag: I

gg^ar mastgaaggr^ i

enJ\gg ftrgfa^gtj
a ftfg faw fgaarrfiifai|j ii

ntm aga fgftg ftir ga fogg i

graarni fgfat^fgt^Tin fMgi*aau*u aat aiafw ii

^Vgiafagaaaa agwg^g grr artagig i

wwrv airfaat fiata #gifgat wgai

twifir I

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End. afag^ nrg^ Tfn mntlVfirH

^ jT8rf<rtat^T*nm ^la^TWwrfrw^ i

arwtif wnr ^hBrfiranftintTn n

Colophon. ^0VTUtW-
wjtiniTFrn^ i

^Innfir^nmwaN fa^lfywl OT-

a ji(ftji4uiiMnt wwiffj n ?

fpnrj^anfgfiaw nora aanrwTw^iftrTRftiftritTT! i

firw! I

,, (rrftiBtrs^taaaTfaaiTT: ii

aajii . . n aj^n nini

i i i; i

mwaat areanfl ^fu nc m ii


mrarw finranarfiianT: |

(W^O 'nr'Tncfvfft By TJPTfw. 12x2iaohei. Foliii,

15. Lines, 4 on a page. Extent, 165 flokas. Character, Maithila.
Date, (P). Appearance, fresh. Prose and yerse. , Incorrect.

Beginning. \5* awt5 ii

f7j w %fenr# mifvHa^ m^rfiv iglQiMaj

w^tfr + a^w Twn arr am a^^aiam i

ttnn aitw arar h^t: airroflar

wTWTfan lana amat ^atiaj aro^s ii

3F^T f35nnnftT5T: I

ju'l 3WwfTOWa tl F3Tf7 II

End. 35T^ I

3iqi5f n^fftfft ii

jTTfTTa^sinifir ^jjjra^afwwa: ii

Colophon. fjIw^ ssmrwfaiot f^q-

wawifTHqp: 1 awTin %a ^JTifrTf^oPl i

6x3 inches. Kolin, 7.

Ijinos, 1.3 on n p:i({e. K-iitent, 1S2 \lokns. Clmiaclcr, Xagiiia. DaU-, {?).
Appearance, old. Vci-ko. Incoriect.

Beginning. s^nSirni an: i

a %7I CTlftriTr: fw

3 %n, wgni: i

scwraif^ ^ wrgat

nifl^a m
wifa awn ii

aawj) Tfa^^ X ff fau-fl

*ww euemiTan^n. i

arafa^ fanr

a^ nrns^ nnrfa ii

rt irar urn: a anntfaa: amt,

njnna. a^arn ai a aria |

f2 a wfanr^q^ anamfo
fism fa5Hi TrrfH nrai%at: it awrfir I

End, v
wrf nagaiftsnni aanofa i

ftq a Y ira arg% x x si^-

a%: afar^^ a^ ii

afa atjMiaqrer^ n


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( )

Colophon. ^ ^^fiirPar^ insrniTj: ^wtk! I

rfiswamreiq i n>i;iT5TS?f^ 1 wWwninrer^ I fuwww^ I

^wranswq I i wfsiHiaqsaH ' tr^wisPKWH '

^tgwraroq II

(^)< f) .) 12x5inoh8.
Folia, 134. Lines, 7 on a paf;e. Extent, 2,437 olokas. Character,
Nagai-a. Date, (?). Appearance, fresh. Verse. Generally correct.

Beg^inning. Jl<i3*iii^ wwi |

jftm I 1

rftw nrfT^ simfinnwTq i

ig i ^B BT wa mwm m i
TBIMMI<ll|lf*l II

Fian wtftwsnrarfi bomi*?1


jsNwwImfagiifliMirTtii'jfl I

*iir*>Jtfwfta trerfir nm
ftrw ww finrifii: wr an ii

aifVpi Mfa! rauv^sfkarea: alf'a*iii*ii: tj^

giAuamaii: arfini? wrqta ma fwiH i! |

Hmigifo artfo fajw: wrarfir^mT airt

^aigaiir*atftiioai wjsit win ii

vn wTHi nanTforf^nmn^ i

vigavtvtw^ wtysiia: ^nrrar: n

( niw^ r-qTaif^juifKii fai T UTT*! aTaT! i *rw

aiTw nwnaf aifw i aiwt fai?ljiiai wmsaraj i

... I

^HTawwifh ftmiaijFg-
nug ifw^ u ; a^a ami ii
( )

^nTrarroififwt^ fsrw^fTnir earwriwii^

HTin. . . . itj i

yrarg^iarf flyi fa ffT^ayit i flUi inq:

fiTO: iloifyuoi: fRTOrfefufHWTO: . . . .ITyilffT

B%95i i

^isrraoinftHiT ii ^wnfr ii

End. WOK wrwfe n: nwRTawd aiwnjlnraT

#lsriy:: wTRWiqaMti firw ynft fa^nrnjirnj I

gw ^ aWnff at aiftmift ni

fpt m are? ar: a faim mptfw aiai gwg n

afa wfanayw: attga mitaf

agafa g sara rnfaftf mnag i

fafawgfaganaaniT: g^aa
ftrjtftaanyaiT fiaars + *nt n

Colophon. aft? faa*a|tfl ftyiFuanr: ii

goat!atwnartafaaft*niani nna ^atanaT3[

ifljnsf fagtaatma afalaaaaa afafatjiaTJjmwg i


anayana g^*?tpTP ariaataiaTOt aatfa ii ?

^t|[ciatir fagaaarda gfaai%a

fagaaftiftTfirg^ gnffaa; wg: ti

aa a a iaaW<g) aift g uiw a' M ail s^a l

aa 5^graiin aanarwiarfa arn: ii

ayaift garait fa tsraaiai fw M aa wi ^ i

a f%a^mjtaaTi ^a i

fta fra armar ftara atang fa%aTairt |

arTaw^nnitraT afa^ faaraaagji*^

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( )

o^sfiir |

WJWw^iaHn^^ uu^flniin ii

^rt^RtTsrtfr ^^^^lrTa^afy ffw: i

titw: II (?)

^airjv^jjat 1
wt wurasna ir^reia n

9 ai4#f- ^ 5^ 773THW wwarwfii frair: 1

nu3*j gT fsTui wnT?8i9gTi v 11

Tt^Tw f^sgfii 9vwfsr

wwiaFwffri^ V ?mf3^: I

^IfRpufrnftnnfif hwii(

wiarruTw gT'iaianftsa 11

at wm9w rjia4nBt ga:

aia^a'c ^nraifwina: 1

a*nf^ 9a orrmar at
awtjfaar ar^far fwa^ftra^ 11

anftaaiJtaauiuaui ^^aaiTi uia am afaa^ l

faaifirasjuauw: ^nTta^anjafirfagr^
wiwjfar^ iianavnat aTamrt ajfa^ 1

aifaaaaJ: fftifiJai# nfw9 afa n

ta fafwftji^ai0i ^nrerau' fwawt faaia 1

fa^a attoama aat ftr^i 11

raafaHaanaa^i fVdra^aui v9s ar aafk 1

faa% a wqftr atanft 11

I afa aaaurvau! 1

raaiitaaBriiau: 1

^qairaaiTs 1
) I

( ? )

tffTO 5THniTlfsrWTT: |

^slTyifvtT; I


,, t^rrtJirfiTOfT: i

wwmuifvwtr: i

,, ^Vfmrfuwr: i

imtJirfwWTT: 1

ftroiftmiT: I

arsi^nwfsfw: i i

( <. I
) . 7 X"21 iuchcs. Folia, 69. Lines,
6 on a page. Extent, ],4-28 viokas. Cliaractcr, Nagara. Date, f?).
Appearance, fresli. Verso. lucoiTcct.

Beginning. \> ^ HTi^rartr i

H )
fergsnti^g i

iff<nnf ^Tjf^r^r.!r5rt(wiiq n

^5 Inlt


STUrfsi tl

snfw i

miM5 VIST5 ? wra; tott

wni nwt i

*8^ H wii II

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( )

Bnsni1mi: ifan nn tncr nBT; i

nwnmmm! ftfira, ii

fa^^TTcn: f^ rfww^ ferni: at i

atw^Twi: wnfirwa^femi: ii

^ Hw ft wSn;. I

ftrawnm^jf ajrwfafjaaiTfirai^ ii

w^wiwia^aa i

^fnf^waaTT^ ayei # ii rxri^ i

twsm NJ

WITT ao| (maTtag^a i

amtfa amrt anr HP(fayii arw % ii

* * .1

^9 99Tar I

tfa iw^fw waafayiT agff?9 i

gpitt a# gf aifiiai %adn fat h gwift r

End. a^asTa^tbstwl faw gwaii fat i

wwwRt faa a^im datgf aa^fa ri

Colophon, wfa airag^ aiaxf: asar: awtR! ii

ftaa: I fafi^iflftryiraiaag ri

( I ) w^th*CKtamPnffl[fvi . By atwfitfipra .

10x4J inches. Folia, 9. Lines, 9 on a page. Extent, 510 9 lokas,

Character, Higara. Date, (?). Appearance, fresh. Prose and verse.
Generally correct.

Beginning. ^aiif wafinrrt i

gnwTf^aiTafVaT ga
faftflarawfaeiBait at Jrarafs^ wai f^n.' gtg ii


tr^ntaiaafra^ garaawmi^wfi^ i

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( \ S'! )


wmT^ gf^W gfsf^wwfH: ^fq^anfwfk: ii

w >T5fq^iftT*v7<jnTf[pfrqTfl'T5qi?w ^wir% 5-
wwmiwqqiqil7JiHffw%qtqqqn^ ^fq^u^nqtift 1

ywrfr I

End. f?nrti-T>a-tTqiBqi^Tiriqwqi ?fw-

wTftRi qqdsj 5^wvrq gam|fii: i^r nrnftsg^ T?iT

qqi^ fsT^g, I qq: I

Colophon. fg wgqtq>^jfnf^Tfiqfgfq: qqrq: 1


frfjqiwV 9nfint qgqit nrm 1

IW a'^fnr^ fnggrauq^ttuSTtntOii

iHnr1 ^Tqi ogfqfqqi x^tfqqamwfq: 11

nitagiqi?7fjtaT^qlqtrqq^m qqlfgH^uqtHgrfKwrqqr
I ffTf'^jrqgsiqwwt iflfgsgqtfwnstqgnni!

qT^qwwY 1 *mq?ar anw^ 1 ynTOW qi^g 1

wsujwtw 1

( I
) *I^WtfTqq?{ . 10x3 inches. Folia, 9C. Lines, 7 on
a page. Extent, 2,520 qlokos. Character, Newarl. Date, NowSr Era, 762.
Appearance, new. Prose and verso. IncoiTcot.

Beginning. ^qqwin arq; i qe^ltiH^qqy^gy i ?

JTT qqwr^ TT qq i

qft frarat arqq gqmgrnjTfwi ff ii ?

qiertq arsf ^ arr wrart fsqttnn i

gqm^qqTfgqr^ y^q ii

am a qgan^rfq nTaarare^snfatfef i

qjf enfff^iqna ar n

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TT nB*T g wi I

tnr inprffrfw: wr^ n%tr m

srfr% *pw% iraift wf^ra ^n faH i rttf ^ i

aihi, war q rfw aTq

^ ii fwiftr i

End. TT 5 *rfiT gyanBaHuinifjf a&a faT%*5fftrarfwfiT i_

aw farMaa araj^'fwK laTw^yan urarr aai ?
i ii

Colophon. afa lilnnranTTmS fMfga^jJlfatnsft aro aar i

qaia[. I ^srTargpt^qrfq i

I tftr T^ ilta qf)Hfa Fa<afT<^S fan#? agfairfH-

w ia ai^ wnaiifaatTtnH fa<\na^ aanyiro: (?) asa: i

fao fiK(7Wrs^ a|;Jq amiraq t% i traars i

ifa atraa^aaTT*^ q: I

wfir atraa^faxBTt

amaT^iTarv: i

fi arrf^ nwawfl farfii: aww! i

anwa^fTOjl aaaq t^fa fmgq : i

aaatrfareT^ aaq: i

saBa^rafuInq: i

awa^Farw^i?a: i

lamRnftftrfwa^T*: i

J^ afta rMa fafqnilT

i i i

aaratmrfafwigTii! i

^uTsian^fafqi a^fw: i

qaa mH i fa fa! aimii i

( argrrsflafawt a fit i
( )

vmfgvTrmfi: i

vsm: I

w^ti^?qwiftfia>rffnni: i

WTWs^fafvwjfaarHHw: i

wfff >TTa^Hf\f raiirwts f*rr^^ irgfas]rfH9TT<Hi

*JTin^ fir^Miiaqi v^'aia^faruft<i v^^nfjnuT i

WWtK ^jttTWW: TT^: ||

fB ^njviimit ttwfrT^ '^^fBfaftnfryww: i

^raTiftjan fafirtatfairfwH*i: irew: i

WTSTRi^fafv^ufami: i

aWatmi fafa^at fa' Frt HM: uaw; i

trgT*l5hfeUH aiW gl fa g Frirt W: I

wiw|;i5)T 9jn^niwi favnf ^BfFfa?-.faa:


4fTaFaw!Tt ^nw agfawfasa: i

f^tfafliuftaa! mia: i

' wrnna^nfaaTTWifhi! |

> t> nanqfavnfafarfa: i

> r%nlciurflVTlFafu4aW: I

*1 i> ,1 Jnro: I

^joHtftatTlatasrfafWanTw i

f<'^?rwqanjgfaryia'l?: i

>9 79 fwaiTarRrfaftnrj^: |

99 99 aaanjHifaaiT?: |

>1 >> ay Fan Pa: i

afaiflai inra: i

yf mdyiPdPti* I

fagiiiTts Pafg^q^faaTjft sna i


Digitized by Google
inclios. Folia, 70. Lines, 11 on a page. Extent, 2,114 9 lokas. Character,
Nowari. Date, Newftr Era, 803. Appearance, frash. Prose. Generally

Beginning. I sro: i i


vn^rofeifTO^fkeiTTQXTfawft i

^u^fmiw iieit it ijtt ii

^n^i3 TOTT aiH% i

anwrail *nn wj j iwwi ii

TOng wfmi qsn wrer Prw^ i

^qeiinx)i<iiiI(IH'||l( fjnrfWtT II

tr wg TOi: firgrrof^ gtflyt adRmaim ^TO

ngn ffsn v<vuui nfroi^ffl ^ofiTTwn^Tstftg

tonrnitjj[wf wiTOAitTgwiw wjtotw qfiremrifH i

TOT Hi gntSHt fir TOU H Hlf%! WTTW

TOnyi*jTOniTfitHgiHi jn: i

rnviuiTOin from htot[ ^njmnitg Hjg

anroatAtoyfror yirTfaTi iJiat ii

^<nir<a^o<n!fav(iqiwianr: aimi gaan i ^ant nfeg^aw t

wana - - - - arftair^fiT aran^; ii annf?r i

End, Wfu firgaairo aaaai i

^ JlufnMgml u^AaitAraqqg II ^yFa aig^ to: i


qitHiunvi n

axapi qtiugg fjprfa^tiT anfawart ftTfarafwT na-

aaanataaa h^totht awn i

fm: I
a^arflugtlaiYwiwg |
( I
) . By 12x2! iiu-lios. r..lin,

12. Lines, .I on n ]>ngo. Kxtont, ID.'i ^lokas. Cbaractor, Ncwfii i. Date,

Nowur Krn, Aiiposimncc, fresh. Vci-sc. Incorrect.

Beginning. srw: I

frag: wrfggpnKggfT o i

raf: tjfafTrfgwtfxsTrafraaftawR^B-

W H ICI44 fVin r*i tj I Cl 1 Y 4^ vj M:

TanfrwtaTO igumnrTJnT i *(niF? ii

End. tranfjtii^afniT>rq3Tq i

JX7W tftsT tijftii firfr?f imw*( i

tmiTwiiTt fantf spnn 5 ^ fymramrit 11

nnfjs?fTf^injmnt ffunfinn fir?rT ?tinB 1

fV^wtn fTsnmra^ arift arfn ranroi n (r)

Colophon. wFh ^snrftjfTrfaT^^ grrawtit fagyrfaent ra cftn:

WRTir II ec| 8 fufuiHUtnivfirftf 1
gwg n

1 rfffo irnranf^r: mm; 1

lino ^jTwsTfawift fWV*r: 1

(^)\4l) By J0x4
inches. Folio, 45. Linos, 10 on a page. Extent, 1,069 cjlokas. Character,
Nagora. Date, (?). Appearance, fresh. Prose. Incorrect.

Beginning. ^ndwni sm: i to: i to! *ma^ amftgrTq i

gfiTxfafsfH: SfijinTOTT^

ti*tlH*rilrhilNI gTnfHrftT tXT^a*>!l Wkltg^ I

^mrarra ftrawerfii^tir nwtiifgTt ht

ara sfl ii

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( )

raaw< mi-narnurmtf ^ l|a >- 1

Tmiwida^^+ + + + afwfa^; i

fitimia ai*a wwfW araifa

_________ ftrfrSl sr ft*


!iv jn^wTat^njfireTiSaTaifywi mr^gir arewr-

nfna^oil aw ia la ^wjjinafiTj^w
wTHanjTHiw^y^ wfaara^^ i aanfr h

End. rgM<n5. aiwa. ij|RT ipnij^ snuiiiiuufng

f*nni! II

Colophon. cffT '^^ftHarwwtfwfiJyfarfaHTirt a an wnrt ^aY-

fvart fa^Ynrainrw aga: niT! ii

( I
) snaftraam . 6x4 inchei. Folia, 6. Linea, 7 on a
page. Extent, 52 (lokaa. Character, Nigai'a. Date, (P). Appearance,
fresh. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. av: i

anv earn i

^T*rt a f %a a ai^ i

aif wa a wiaifti ja^ a ii

^tniaigaia i

wfl< + fac i al trfir a ai^am i

aogrfhiYfa ijawfwf aril ii

tjawnraar^a a^favaf i

ama waia it a ahnf ^aiaar n tanfa i

End, |RT are raawiiYj gajrf i

fw am i^ |ia are gariY ii

ga wT^ fia are aw%^ afaajfa i

tY atr atal aif^a aravsY frarot! ii

Colophon, afif ^faanaiTTaai^ anafaarai ara arenr^ ii

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( I
H^qiT^tfwfa: . l.> x .'

iiiclio. Kolia, 25. Liiich, 9 ou a piij;c. Kxtout, G75 \Uok:us. Cliimieti-r,

Ncwari. Dato, (?). Appearance, fi-csh. Verse. Goiicially correct.

Beginning. frg*irnuii i

WTremanit ^f^wlnrt wfsrHiq i

JTOifw fwT^T wgijT wtara^rr n

i!ni I tstiwi fra inWf

II ynnfr 1

End. jraiwrii nlw^jf^nfanr fa T?ft .


Colophon. fH ^t*qfrraiTrf^trTfm ^^^wTnTftRn:

Wirnynrffrfti! 1

( I ) ( ftsp?nnO . 16x4 inches. Folia,

101. Lines, 9 on a page. Extent, 3,636 (lokas. Character, Newari.
Date, (?). Appearance, fresh. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. ^Vfnnwni nr i

ftiff mii<q ernfhn vrafrfrovrfif^ i

^rra^ wsi ny5?jHmHy n

firu^ si atwair^TT^n ^ar: ^aranrewiaT^: i

4d yfY gftfq ^ a n

^fntlfTTfafw j[4' fm n^ffT I

55tfwfawfanrjjr#T vg^frr n

tj^er^arfl gfar Ti^r5t ^fjaq^ i

WTOt%iiw fWlna + + fngin ?rjj^raail i


tn^fnjrenfq ^iitnfq ff^^irifq i

irara ran^
^ ii

^Tiint WIW^Tarafq: I

5fiqw rarraftjfff ^ whi: n

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mBJti i

yartiHryng^w vryrg n
fitTBrt ffw Kosf fauTivrfir^TH^ i

qwj4fH=i u e^tn urtf'rT ft n

T? srq nfaibai wraw wfVt H^iutyr fffgaiTraii fr a>

TtJTTWTWTar^gfVjfii^ ____ ^rrnTTVToni^ffw-

WTtsnHTHraj^unm tth?? ^r^nv-

^iTTl I xpS mra: II wnf? i

End. tita iTw ntawT wsftr snj i

jrw i^^nr rfa ii

anfwi f wareray i

owr^n nraf wnna f ruH ^ a ^ ii

afa ikvaA: i

(sms ar wHuay i

I ifa ^wawnrfaTTar g ^ at wgfaT ra^ ^aria^ anaaaa^w

anuaQUM^a^ aryftrfiaiyreraar^anrfaafaat^aiwar^an ila-
HQQWVH am nvanaa:

afa Bay iww-al a** la m 4T-arfaaa?\ n aaa-fafa?l^a-

u^qi^naaia'iRiuiirauaa aro faT^anaa: i

w^ygaart aaaraia?lananiay i a i

( 1 ) <Jtvas^: at ThTOJj! By ztarayr . 11x4 inches.

Folia, 103. Lines, 9 on a page. Extent, 1,836 9 lokas; Character, Nagara.
Date, Samrat, 1639. Appearance, tolerable. Verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. ^aiaia aw i aa: i

UQH| iiBRiaBi a^Biawrt anmi

afwa; I
( )

nTT5nmfaTiYi=i fn*niY

wftfa ftrfamftejy griawg h


w^na^qufqwifii |

owT^ aTTqfafmfTiiraHT?-
wg4sr^?TFaT ^siiu^ ii

gniiMTT raraqfT*aTi fw
H^^uu^qruT afamfuflatar: i

B^fatg a mc qwa n i^ w%
wreraq II

^ wmataftm farfw igt u yaT ii frfw- i

wnt winr^n#8fi?r wfc wqWsrw! i

01% jrn BTHT uiiqToo

a^%ac aasniot fisTfaw ifa faw a i^ n

aviui 5raai mftonrwTT i awifr ii

End. HOTanitm wfaen^ ntai aaa^: awaarwana i

^(^ryn> ?rf*njrenfjf ^fyorerifa afaw faafuaTfa ii

wrargrr orema^sfo faan w

MUjmiilffllJilSyiftMntgOllTT.' I

^aiH fauaujv wjapw-

5^ronixiffH ii

Colophon. tfa ftiaiaiTiairwia-^^<i1iw^ratra% oilfa:-

nia^ a^iiotw awafafa i gw wag i orenorw^ %wa-

oisanfl: I aaa ara awrer gf% afaxrrnrt gw iflf%a
t i H i w%a %ar^ atfinHwa II w*^ gw' wag ii

aa I

fwv I
gfa TifHU%a: iniw^ Ta= i

ararrfifiraaTaaaaa: i s i

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finranunri: i
9 1

uruim-. I 8 t

i I

ffinnumr- 1 1

vftsmiq: I c I

wrigMf luiiq: I < I

WTjqfqranqi 1

ojqnriWli^rs 1

w^to^gW^wjy I

Tisqlnvlo^ I

firnf1ii: I


nftnrereVwq 1

wnrfinm: 1

vHif qlniUfm: I

THKIigni: 1

rnqtfaqit: I

t<Sai(li(qiq: 1

VCTvrqTBnq: 1

) fJIWTpJPniip By inprro . 12x3iinchea. Folia, 52.
Lines, 7 on a page. Extent, 1,001 flokas. Character, ^igara. Date, Neirfir
Era, 827. Appearance, fresh. Prose and verse. Generally correct.

Waflrjnning . li WW I

wrrW *T TOiTumra i

f?nirn?^^ ftrtwm ygfimK ii

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fHfti + + njrog i

^fvqiuuj^yt>iuri> win fafewid ii

ra^ Wiw: I BrK a^fwguS II wanhr I

End. ^i^jwigHjiwa ftnftn^ i

fill inrrn smt^qtrrr hh: ii

wfwa fiHqnS? WTnaa^ ii

9>iniqigMiii wswiri wwifim^[ I

HHia^w Hm wiw qi;nfirwH "


Colophon. tFW firarrfrfirat nuftKifwind oywmwqvql:

wipru: I (?)^<nw wian, wiaiSfranqiflTwt faift

Mwifini I wo^qi i

( I
) By ureq . 14 x3iuclics. Folia, 99. Linos,
9 on a page. Extent, 2,669 (lokas. Character, Muithilo. Date, (?).
Appearance, fresh. Prose and verso. Generally coiTcct.

Beginning. H^Jiiniq w I

qtnnfnmnfarwnij^iiwwt nwnaml w*?ra

wiwm^gnrernt^ w wanrqrviqeiiiMdw:

q w ia qii
ii % fa fa iqw q : wid fwn +
+ + + Iran BRtiifniin'inw wwuiiu# n

gsTttwjwmftii: whurfanfti^t

wmfmirrfwd H^iitra: mfira: i

wnft mT^nmnfir^fir ^ftran wn n wsa^rm

qu}Hiuri<aq^i4 qra^ nrant. ii

tw gfe Riram Stfn wwRifira:

wffipftyFw nrann i


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fe?jT9wg8Hi?^q nfvnt

wrt an fa fafa^T ii

?rw a^aH snwi a(f*]'v1s*^q(4!^ra<ur9T= i

wajrrf^: un^r if
g rwi?f m^: ii

iTOTcinft ^1wsr^gatj|[-

gr^s i^n fqaai i

9Wtfa irw ^aaft^anj-

^flirjaHiaiii gmaf ii

awTc*nr: unyaimaiui

------ II

Buii9iai: unwarauxii^i

BUiTuififl igsi

Hmoi ^ wgimra *fa nwraaiwr i

----- ----II
i^wuiqK^giua^aai <7irai i

ai aH if^qi fanrt dalufoiq^ hbt ii

arfafiiainnftifq nrfawt wiftasii-


wfn faftrenrnrtg yuaiimg ar^fir i

griafwfmifB iT^ a w Ma\ q-


asrwfiiarfiiaapfw wsiaail: arnay ii

mr wv aimjainT ii twrfr I

End. ^ aj^ ^HaifuauaiaKiBitauifHaiw wr *nif fa -^ ^arf

arganftTr?anfir Tf^Jur aiiiu^iiiai^ ii

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( ^ )


Tisnifl^ ^fRTunmT^B ii fawyT^rg i aw nw; i

{ Wti! nr orfiisag ii

ny areplnfgsr^r. i2x i- indips.

Kolia, 60 Lines. 9 on a page. Extent, 1.75.1 flokas. CImmeter, Nagm-a!
* *^i (') Appearance, fi*csli. IVofc ami verso. Incorrect,

Beginning. ft t i q gi q

9fx|9tiT;Ttnii qr^^ni qtSnnig i

fw^wnrgrngtq ii

Dftiftntrsr fg TwFtrarfjnig i

hw qrw ii


shuiiynzif^ijHrqrHgjanjfta: q nt rn q; qqiq: i


q^4i<iixniffi^rgr9ua.iiir<iiiqqiTtru6Tv: n


wfw ^Tq^RHiT-gsTii a^fSr ti

wrft: SligaTOqnr-srarrra iiwiww:

wtw# ii


irnwrej i

fwT5nit^ nfnrOTn

wilfg f^g,: II

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wfaiiir gm ivj mn ifl ii faiaqgfw: i

m^iqiAiraeHwfH snwrtntwjf Jtrg ii

5m wfgB\^favifaHq i ftrimnnnrfH-

gftsfw! o*i^'Oru II wwifif I

End. TS^f

^ rafa*f^ w!m(fH) fanra fjg^^

i*j. (awi^ jw^nsRTT^ ainii<i wuniu: i

^nrfir TnrarTjwiTFo^^! ii

fgnai w iq f ii

i 5i^ 9^! I

r nrrft ui9iTiiQKi^

vim Wljii*j^^ra*i ^aqa^uPH: ii

|HDT^ wfir m ?l HHrtw wa^aaq7 ufa l :

1|^YjlTl'q<lW4^^NMl Hini0^K9H n

u'w r?a5 fW^ iniK^

ntm wrfv nwtH i

fre^ yfliar<syj|^9wura)i^

iTT% awfasfimT uwnmnn ynin^ ii


wfa tft ^ gn F TlnraJ1 *mfl ur i 4m T fa^Pa ^ nHn aivq-

art 9w^f iQfl|R anuq ii

I tfao aiafcw i ^g w inra^ i

mAia*iiP?P*iaijyy i ^ i

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tfwo I
4 I

gwH * '

i n i

I < I

iarai wjijtjq I a I
_ ,,

i =

TOiftfierf < i


( I ) l(*i8(^r*lflVP- .
8x3J iuchos. Folia, J5. Lines, 8 on
a page. Extent, 240 flokaa. Character, Nagara. Date, Snqivat 1654.
Appeamneo, old. Verse. Generally correct.

Beginning, srrfw i njtiY fii^inrTw niti4T9itH ferfwB^ i wi,

^ni narwni i

rraiftn: trfiis wn*^ ofr^: nig: i

ftrig^in^ nn ^firar: ii

sjiftanwn: iiinrt Mitatfi nn: i

^nlifuu! vidvini nrytit jilanwft!: ii T*nfir i


End. fngfnvrn ? n^ F^g fawnfu i

iT gntn ri^a ifHn T na> ii n

OTTnrfff am nr^: trratwwtnrsrq ii

Colophon. wfW whI froJOFnnd na^vi^Qrnmen nro

trfn^: 1

nnTn> nnyjwt 4<*8 i ^BniT^ffT

fafafnr fen^wgrar^sr nTfftwja i gwr^ gw yna i

qi^n jwnB HT^ faftra wm i

nfr ggwggt ar ww tr^ar ^ #la?r ii

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( 4.4. I
^34?' . 6x3| iucheM. Folia, 49. Lines, 5 on a page.
Kxleut, 2't5 9 lokas. Cliaracter, Nagara. Date, (?). Ap(>oaraucc, fi-esli.

Verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. sni: i


... fireiw stwifti neHiny h - --

faRT sTQivT Tw mtir: I

4IH! ^ firfii mK fwaHsifa^mog ii

in: i

qniiviRgm^? ft BIZIS ujjti: i

1htt: iranuT^ farn^inTtg ii

qqiljft nr snj^ nftj: i

p w- ft' 44 4 fya
i r n

Tft ngistminT ii wTf? i

End. eht 41^4^ nt! nftfflw wnSftr% i

iTOrrgw famiam ifinait ii

irft pfafq: I

Colophon. ft ng^: toth: ii

ugjcu iim i wgghnrfaftr: i tig:irmirg i i

i anjsrfarfsr: i
? HTTW^nf^mmtnirg i orRift i

gnrgfg^rtnog i nrg^fgftraRg i i g Ri q tati i

|TinftBT9 i f^nTtw i i ^r^j^remrfa: t

ng4an: i snnwg: i artfewr i fiwwg i jftagwg i

aitaamn^ i TOnifaftn i qi^fnfNixnog i

rn ^ g^ q g i ggfafti! i

J by Google
( ^ ) I
) ) By . 11x1'
inclic's. Koli:i, .'U. Lines, 7 on ii I'af^c. Kxtent, 4.'^0 C'linnicU i,

Xai>nrn. Hate, (r). Aiijicai'anci', fivsli. Verse. Correct.

Beginning. hw. i

;rtft tarfu^arn si^nj i

nTTu grmTfljnj sniYur^ftm^aa n

in9<? 'rem w?rt fiRtfwsiq i

qgfam ? i a ^ fw

t n

ggHwfq ai$ ga= i

nwivnanar^sr aaw: i

%mr. qr&sqrat agar rra. n i

End. aqrarS^vanfsf ninrag 'ginn i

^aat witn^ ^n^pri: ii

Hwi^^ an: amp^a^awfn: i

njfaaiT afyaan %Han Sfiaifj^ ii

Colophon, tfa ^hnaaniaiftma^lifaginifimn^'fli^

naayannn^ aiw nga: tna: anm: i it

f<tn: I ngaanTTTsai i entnramann: i agranmn goeranq i i

WTHTTO^ I artraarra^areran^ i qtnaany i w nn-

tmpnfa i na gngga: i na wg^rga^Hy i wa wiar: i

ua m?r5 i

afa 0 naa: atr: i

na y ia fafa : i na n afaw a: i i fnwaflnT | namna-


afa o fata: air: i

aiaiajiafafa: i na a'Qiiwiaaq i aa iSlaaajiajj i aa

|Taifa5jj I afa faaarfnrt i afa alaaaa: i afa to*

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Jtm! I wfir I
! i *fn i

rfH I tfii fa^7[ i wfw ntH^nmifa fa fa ^-

feftj! I fH insrg^ I Tfs wnur m uI t ; i

I ifH o my: I

tfk I Tfw WHrarrwj i tun fira7^ l firai^-

I ^nr g H iaunn farm i tfa i

sniTVft^ I w wf^jfifa: I
igg ^rtawg l va
aarfirfg: I OT ggfafa : i % aia: i

(\li**l) . 9x4iDchee. Folia, 267. Linca, 9 on

a page. Extent, 4,806 9lokaa. Character, Nigara. Date, (?). Appear-
ance, fresh. Prose and verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. ^hr%wnj atr: i iftarorw snr i aw; i

^Vfir^arra ar: ii

aaiT afvanjfff ^ftrftriYfitTT^ I

BT^*55nr5Ta viaaTHat^faran ii

gsxtfhnronr farfaaa .. .. ., a4r aa arainTcr vfa

aaiawnmmaai jatu n ^unfa i

End. aiaiiii*u an^ lafagf i

ajprnre^ faaw . . .
?gai^ ii afa fjrai i

favnif afaaa(a*)wHjafaif ift-

aiauftfa jjanwY aifirai i

wfa + + fa^gii^ai
^argHTfaqaiu jtial h ?

^aiv wafa faarai ^warw:

aai gg: faaaaanaa i

St waafraiaa + iftat

anwiS farer agnasft a|[a ii


( )

wwrerf^f?THii: + + + '

jy^lw ftraiOT iTO TfariT q yT^ fg iig^^m

aiTTUBWlJiasqi ^TBfT3Q% II

sTnn^pT3H?nit WT%ai35T% tid i

aro ^ng fl jfqifig awtsrf ^ai JiHs ii

Colophon. Tfir a)3Tt.- u; 3 *i u k 1 i w^ w in tyr wqT-a^^ingwinfi fgg-

KfT^: fjnsraj ffiY a^TwraTrsrs: awilTJanaa, ii

^ . . anfiraTOWw^ i

ftHf: I

( l) uAjfll?;:. By 5^1 a) 12x4 incliea. Folia, 601.

Linos, 9 on a page. Extent, 15,376 (tokas. Charactor, Nagara. Date,
Saka Era, 1607. Appearance, tolerable. Prose and verso. Generally

Beginning. Win hw: i

tm iTOofa nr^ff jt5JT i

5^ ii

<0^: ^ arwt iraw a^Rr g;iTa = i

l^ailTaa; ft? ^ H|rftrarai ft n ^

wa: araat a^ ff ft a^awr wfa i

waTHafh a^iT aa^ataraft^a^ ii

aro: ^ai awwa ^atifia ftwai i

aaroaf faecal wa^a afmat aar n

amaaf aaaBm ar^a aflaa^ i

t^f aranfta ii

anfa imwiK^'-awa^^maatt ana: i

nmaiaaanfwif aTaauajja wan ftarfa n


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, -t
vigiHHui I

^ WTW ^ q^!?\ igjT yifflisnirii- i

^Hmwt wv wmrf i%yft: n frorfr i

End. vrfvvimq >


>mr: iffq: uif: ta T^fyqfg uqrrt ! i

vanifqHWi^vnt qwarf*w Srfqil n

!Tqn?t nreft qro q qrrSq; ii

srreiTfv wramreftw nit

*jqi q a nTWTcqgiWT

q mw

qar farftw fa fag q fa !

qgr: uTHiauTgi grwi^a^ ii

nyif* wlunn^: qiaxifti qfa: i

iTC^igsrww^ q^rwgrfgr qjjiinn, ii

Colophon, wfhf sngTjnq-wrgTO^nTraf^gft

g^rarr. q*n: i iJhrr% *n^ na hum i^ fgfhrw

janffH qgw5 iflWT ii

( I ) . 10 X 3 ioohes. Foli, 14 . Lines, 7 on

a page. Extent, 490 flokas. Character, Kew&ri. Date, (P). Appear-
ance, fresh. Prose and Terse. Incorrect.

Beginning. 'Shnrrat wg: i

BWKi trronp^ n sj qrrq quq^ ii

M*i4fBK^ivn n smi faq*!i ii

wn wvmftwni i fa mu i fani^i^i^ i

<Anaqf i Twrfir ii

End. qrfaarTjfTrtq rf ^5*^ _ _ _ _ i

*imt vgwfff'- I

aftt naanuia*^ i

faaa: i maarqt n rw i qq n .<i i

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( )

( i
) liy J2x5 inflics. PDlin, iX
IJiiCR, 11 on a pajja. Kvtont, l.TOO ^^lokas. Cliai'actcr, NiCfara. Date,

Saka Kra, 1C03. Ap|icaranco, fiosh. Verse. Ocucrully correct.

Beginning. sre: i

waT!?f n v^x i

HOT i^WTia i t J(WIH <t^0U II

irif%?TTWHl enTOTOTfvH grt i

gw mt tra nrrtWretRfg^q n

JOT(R*nT Hsfif^H^'gaq i

fq ^g a HaiiftifT atHt^T^HTira:
i ii

Tuftrrt wrfn fwwtnsHnng^? i

jiTW^' gwe^^ wsn^ II Rwifr i

End. iPOTTWHi and Hra^^nniar fuiHy i

nfiBR jotcSr f^rg g^Httrain^ ii

fa tiu aH ai i?^n > enH^rgnnnr:

i i

ewftyfl aiTOTP<nfiTOHn?i^^fafwq ii

Colophon, Tfw ^IfVrflmaHsn^n wiH^iHHiaiwa-wf-Ttfly^fsTf^

H ai aT M wTifna^ wirnHwifflieJ nfaaif^fwfa: awni:

waw: I era (
wil ) ^ ?o > aiAfwT af? HTg^ HHisraa

I afOTj liana's OTisHm nOnam*

^ fwfOTiH i hrreT =< II

ftaa: 1
JifinaeolfsOTW^ i

wt ifWa^ naraa^ i

HTO wffreftaHw tngrfyfafy: tnm: uanw; ii

^a si g HlgtrHr^ftj>fai^ HTtfra^ Harsia^

i i

?Wt narm: ii

^a ai e i Hl e TfarilitlifH?;^ nara^ i

fnnpifn faFm: naiw: n


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WTifw^ wsrtinW^ i

unw 5fH1n^u Qi^tftnrt StIwh: ncm: ii

aa^arr)6jl artf^rv^ wlfjmnfaw aftm^fafanum: r-

afanrtjTi^ ii

iq^eiiVH arrfaasa aftfaaaifaw afaHjiryfa ; aam! ii

(\ 8 ^B I ) *rniT^5^rZ^art . By ajnsa^faaw . Ilx 5 inchea.

Folia, 53 . Lines, 9 on a page. Extent, 970 (lokas. Character, Newari.
Date, ( 7 ). Appearance, fresh. Prose and yerse. Generally correct.

Beginning. TO: i

^anaa 4 ifnayi warftaiai*aa<f i

* ^ ?v

--. >. .r.

aoar miuuoct taziVQ at ii

a WTjffwaat aataifnff
aafa^t u1 ^ i rw 4*f aijw: i

aaifa ^aasirt aaaau^a^ftnr^ ii

arnft aaianri anunitataiii. anata Hatait Pa i awifr ii

End. emeaitfaa^f^ aajiaar^ faa> n i

aa amrnaan^T a#a arfani ii

Oolophou. afit aaitwrfimai?t^taraeaTtfa4 ^^[afinfajrnrt araras^-

afie^: aann i

ftaa: I
ojivNiiiy II

(\^ 1 ) aranffTWl . 16 x 4 i inches. Folia, 99 . Linos, 7 on a

page. Extent, 2,871 (lokae. Character, Newiri. Date, (P). Appearance,
tolerable. Verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. '4^ i

aaai fatal fatnaaa^V^ i

araiaiat na^fa ^i

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( )

TOwwai oftarrfrag i

w^rafid W7?f^ w?f 5ti^f^a?q II

g*nr nwmwsi n^qg^iar: utt i

aw^w RTiwiql qi^^rqgjag ii

qFjri wnam Rjn qftnft tqrom: i

mv *t'5r?l?Jjr= ai f& II

WWT^: fqiwwilffw nqF flM I W l

inna^ wnanj afcttrfv ii Twrf? i

End. ^nrnq^fwqtft^q jrn wFts: tffwnjH: i

qra nar^irfir qiHMirfnqq jsr: ii

Oolopbon. wfa uni?1 $ qi^spiTW siiTrnrtFwsTqt qmrarrq: qifawfH: i

( qra: qr i

I qfao sn^in^ sn^taif^: i t i

ffir* frarir^H^nir^ i ^ i

tFho Ty^g a r^qrrq i

^ i

tfiro fnqjsrHgqi^ i s i

gfgo ^[5qT|pfgfq: i % \

TfHo ^gfgqreq: i < i

wfgo wrareq^: i i

tfiro qqi^atra^ i c i

Tfgo TWranq: I < I

wfgo v^nnf'Ugia^ i i

tfgo <n f> fggR S[ Mt i

ifHo q^^farqTwg i i

gfa irfg i i

gfko qiiaiurtin 4iaj}^ 1 ^8 1

qfao mh 1

rfno *sqifgfw: 1 1

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i .

( )

wfwo ms i

amfw? T|iuuwg<R: I
1C I

wfw ^iJsuuqQ^ I << I

tRto ^rWWTU: M I

TffT Mil
Wfn qr|iuiKu4({: 1

^ . By i:m'njr^?inf^ . Son of *nftr-

*'*1^*^^* 8x3 inches. Folin, 23 Lines, 5 on a page. Extent, 194
9 loIcas. Character, Nagara, Date, Saipvat 1773. Appearance, decaying.
Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. am: i

PnffrHi: frgn ^ i

fpt! e]^^uiem4^ nt

snwireiAijJl^vTj 11

^ert wj:

VHuiguwnuir>aHy I


grff tnur7lu() n

arfiw mwr: wfi^

WHi! wtnm: 1

V4|iuiaiuHf(] orilTvht-

WTwt n p fxnfy
End. H5T w^l*S fwnert w rmgtnJi wraj

imt wramftjiTHnrfaftnit . , .

snwntftfw wijif[^8rew tm.

ws . . . . . . , . II

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+ + fasitjiw^iim I

flL. wfa^T

^f*nmin n

Colophon. , ,
^ ^ g. nwiTv-

nftrrniaiTW wtir^ i wam are 1h wit

( ^ ) I
fWnreiaii. Ry <^0faiHTW . lOx 4 inches. Folia, 94.
Liines, 7 on a page. Kxtcnt, 1,31G 9 lokas. Character, Nagara. Date, (?).
Appearance, fresh. Prose and verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. *ni: wliiasiin ww: i

WT wnn wwfW w irf^fwfw !

wftwtfH wcwwin wwfewT^ fwffw I

jrentfH wri wrt ararenjTBWwnjfh^wr

wi inni,f9^if?wan f^rig w: wwi^h wjm ii

^hftreiw trj -gfaa<ww r^iii q wi n


frwrsnjreft anawraa fir e n rewq ii

f5rnTO7rf^![ urei^ wwmtw iream: i

^imUTTwfwwur fwiltnii: tntmit ii

fwww HiwiiY awi^ a^wnrewi ar i

^atwtww viajuj faBji^UTWwi ^

wiig w i are1?rH wmr waafafann i

garenfiret wVit iftwnf^ wraw: ii

firaatHVut anift wajil 5^1 11 1

End. wa ywaig wre tawV 1

fww wfwfvil anw ^tnrerfamTf a 1

a ffia Si fw aflegw wartwt w feyjt

ii 11 *fa 1

ararna aa nti?f atrtg awaiann 1

gawittm wwr faarfwy na^ 11

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wF5Wi?<ftmnt iT^in jw n

Colophon. rFff m
r<!Hi<iwi^wpftyrtf>BHWi nia fVKni tfl ti i
tn raMq< nHf^^-
_^<l_rnimqi <!WI9SIU0iin: ||
_ _

I) Bj
( 14x3 inohM. Folia, 88.
Lines, 9 on a page. Extent, 2,970 ^lokae. Character, New4ri. Date, (P).
Appearance, fresh. Proeo and Terse. Generally correct.

Beginning. nft ^ril^ijwnT i


irf^vitr ihiq i

ii ?

rar ^rfWt wi?ft nt^t t

H^^ri^ulniq: ^Iwrt TW RT^: II

Rlprm? Rtii^iHfurgiirui>iw n i

Rtflnranqtnqv isn^ + + sfifim: ii

fawifiwort jnil aqn; i

WWW it + + Rtwia ija i

Bwt falwa afimii^aq^ ii.

aih tftwT finrr <tnn^ wnan anj i

4^aTa^aiaii|uii.iiir<qit ii

ww aiRH aart ferfas i

wrenwreft Wwajr n hrIr whu nfamr ii

fWwwt ftr4<it areft davrayiitimi i

awrta aftwnfimmrwtfeaT n
) '

o )
( ^

fqjmm: gamniT fsfira: f,^ 3^% i

f^favT UToiT qwiaffrf*i: n ?wtf? i

End. Dfrftifl a^r 51 ^jfstnnn i

wm trgfsnnini wr^ fanwggTjj n

( iQa: offnasu

( l) . 6x2 inclics. Folin, 6. Lino.s, 7 on a

|iaf'c. Extent, 56 9lokas. Chaiacter, Newari. Date, (?). Appearance,
frc.sli. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. i HI HTSW^wnm i

a tiqivnisr*^ i

TB ai^ af!xi srf n^ryf^BT^

^la ferj^^ jfnwari arg weff-t; atfa ii }

BfgHitfH I at wao^a ii

iflT ulrifealT wagfaaai aalwifB tuTsa

aart artafB aaaFwi faqrer faaa5qRiai i

gfijasqaarat fa%a ataarai

a aw wsafT afrer aftf alfa ai^?asrB. ii

awifir i

End. ^ tagai i

ijBaufntafd Mtgsexraiwa:

aiaailil aar^tft g&a^i fa n

urn^ nuw^ a gtftat i

aiafsagaii: niwr gs#tn a^Ptfafa; ii

Colophon. a^aaiaw aawalT-aiaiaa-i[aTfafa aaiai i la i


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( )

I ^TTWtT^, fB%r^, HW^-

wreft, wHinwn^, wigtftfWT^,

I mat yii i ^s^ fautfl ina t i

(^)8l) ) . 10x4 incliee.

Folia, 8. Lines, 6 on a page. Extent, 78 (lokaa. Character, Nagara.

Date, (?). Appearance, fresh. Verse. Correct.

Beginning, ^w* i rai i

^tfWTT>#W wjr I

vare tno^^i t??\ Hlr*?! ftirar f*a^ ii


^a^a Hfi^ wrrt5?j?wTTii i

ga.naTTi^n tmi amfa fafjreifw a ii

aarfar a^p?W aH fafgat ifa a i i

TTT^ al gfa egrt fa aaa arm^grt^ ii

^InaF^iayaaif: ao^fafgTrrnia'g ii aenfr i

End. 1 i**him3)ih faf

fra i

aaa ia^fa nttnflti naan: ii

Colophon. aaifafgu^ aam^aratar^ V^^faa-

^ai^aaa^ i

( \ v*^ I
) avjagav! . By viai ajuaam . 8 x 2J inches.
Folia, 106. Lines, 6 on a page. Extent, 954 (lokas. Character, Newiii.
Date, (P). Appearance, fresh. Verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. nava$ i

flflHH^a aa^ ja q> faa^ frarai! i

w ara^avni rm inaS ii

miT^ gasroaWfHvfa: ar ^<iiat aat

a^vasf^oaiaajaaiaaa i

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firo <r3!r!5^: Jfwnq: ^?nT=9nqmrq II

framrei I siqif? i

End. ^frenfTHTfqHTurgwT-


sr <^5y^qfa ii

Colophon. wTTTrsrifaTr5naWtsnraf*mwv^H: toih: ii

fqqri: I HUTi fa n ^ II

( I) 12x-l- inches. Folia, 3C. Lines, 9 on

a page. Extent, 709 9 lokas. Cliarnctci-, Nuwaii. Date, Newai- Era, 624.
Appearance, fresh. Verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. 4f i

awi5^ ftrfsts^lTJrti BTwuft wmqwiil i

qmfw ftrrqt taf ir^i ii

trorfa fjgf gfsrq^ww ii

q^ qirai qtneftw i

qqts^ TOfT atiR artaiq V trqnw^ ii twifr i

End. aiqqnwqrein ?qraqt^

^argunamsh arqnfqsftarq i

qwfam fawfa^fq qai^sir

at arnw^l f^g qnwqiH atinn^ ii

Colophon. annahmiqiqt q^fag^tat gw^mfqar arjaari: ^fat


afa aTJjj^njrqrqt qjqfajmf awiK i . . . . i axaa.

=^8 I ... . I flTiJlttraaKa^qr: TOaroi fquqqtif^a-


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I fH smnrimviiiqgsr^irt HftiT . . fg%itta i

>* <1 I

.1 OTtniNnfwsmi srm i

Tfn auHtJ)umnri^ t
nmtt : i

wfff B^Tlftrart 5m I

ft ft syn7 I

>1 ft HOTrfinrt mnar^f^nrrrt srm i

vfH q^wfawd tsnxTTt >rm i

9f ff !TT I

> ft I

tf rnirrernit wm \

M ft ff farwarwr wiw i

ft ff tf flTit inw I ?
Tfir amnTlnrqnrt ir^nifvvaw: vmir: i

w^H anjT^qifvnit q^qfirjxr^ ^ ^ maTi ai<i1 ;nw


ft tt f, hut I

ft tf t, TfriSvaiw HTH I

> ff tt HIW I

ft tf iftHtffl'HTyfTrgTHHt HIH I

ifir arTTjnftojhrnTt q^Hfirani TitnUi ^ iuragm^ i

wfH BTTjjT^HiTTiKrqirHujt Hfq HTilquiiurH gi-


wfH qjjurjn% atM4(D<TiTi(iMjun'iiql TftHtH^HjTni jptff-

WHj: I

wfir aiJJTTdira'HTqt HgufriyiTv jH^uwfHm a-t mm i; ^jfn:

Hiun I

ifn arai!?lHrvT(RnnrHiirt qtyqrHjiTiH Hmaa

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( 0 1 ,

( I
) qTarwrrJntH^^i .
I5_v . 9x3 inc.lKs. Koliii, 11.

I, inns, 7 on a pafjc. Ii.\tciil, l'.*3 ^loka.s. Cliarnclcr, Nfi(;.arii. Dale, I'r).

A |i|)oaiaiu-i', fresh. I'loso. Generally eorrcct.

Beginning. WtltOTSini to: I

wgjt fgw^ nra^iftiiar fggfa: i

fu^ fa^in^T wsgiiluiq toiIh ii

ar?nw'i=5t H88U 5 ?rni,qn+ o

wgfsRi I ^0 w qiaqjT* i

qrfr: WT^ aifTOm^TjiT saising^srtf^i:

irgJT ^ 0 tm: iBJtr^lgqn: ^|SrtTTWWlT5^^q!: II

q?1i^*SVgiriftw?fwTOgC>l^sgWTfTH: sugi: qnnj:

*nr: jfflTHfeigfqia: wnn; ii ymifir i

End r^: wwiqiii: ^r^miT agn ^ toi ggsgroa n


sngunwTOiwatqf^ i

JTn |[5f4<.i^

q^T^ifrfg OTTOtOTg n

Colophon. Tr<T ^fir iwBc^aqitqafa8i-<iq^gfa<fTOi - qT TOHT 4 r<ig fa:

qwTin I 5WJJ 1

1 irffflfTfwqrawftqHi arreiig#^ i

UyUef^NTgrr. Ux6 inches. Folia,

372. Linos, 12 on a page. Extent, 10,695 flokas. Character, Nagaia.
Date, (?). Appearance, new. Verse. Generally correct.

Beginning ^irwinq to: i

^w55T!f1ergxBiljqtTtfiTOqfaTtitBg^finiflH: i

niTOtqiqiwrmfvnfHtnjtifH: fn%fgt jmi^

^?Il7^5eiaiT^TtT5ftnfR5?*^ g: n

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^wwiww^nfftinmsr: 9tt5\ arnjm^w: i

t^nmrwHwwfonnifTni fWm: w-
. . a: wrt ii

nsjT alira^raw fai^' nfw


iSta^-anruai qfaa arcrniorq

End. aiarfavT: Bift n Hnt gi sfh a i

nq\ftf:inf ai fw tl a jTmnftr ii

alaRigowufafyi^jv! i

wt K i airuii%H ^latj^tifraT i

tfhra.-wnnfiita orr^a^ i

S(^ rjnHiiafjjainmif'j[fl ii

Ruw sj
ff finft wrTaiv^ i

*nw aw w ftrfsifiSfa: ii


jrsTwnaS BmrfTaaTywtajwa n>naia%aaif7^tawi^*

fhantn ww ai?ren^: i awm i

af 0 If mm^aai aaiaTTTfTfnnijr^p* ^aiftrtaW sna
Tnms I t I
o C )
t ^

raaiii fjftafafggqgroyif w i ^o athsi^ h'di i

rfa g mfvj.^ Twin'i f^alq: ni>i: '

siu 5>T^ i imfaihiiwT ^s^ifir i

q mraiiHm g m gn f=
i v'l nfjrenrsjt^ifswinfsi

^ naim: i

irfir rar>sHrHru 4 ui uiqiTq] i ^'u w*i i i

hwtrrwcirT! i

nqnw. i

By . 1-2x5^ iuohes. Folia, 10.

Extent, 270 ^lokas. Character, Newari. Date, (S').

Lines, 9 on a page.
Appearance, fresh. Verse. Geneially correct.

Beginning. ^ *= i

qppmq qrar i qRqmr=ti i q etf^grC qw: i ^ qRrftjefTT

_ wTTt t wTnwi$ ^tre I wtqifq I

qtRTnwi i i
End. - '

wfH ifhaiifainftRqi qigirawfaqit^i^ wainH i

wfH q^ma^nre: i

... ?et*<*ui!

c :-2_


lnqiifaMiiq: i

p!iraTi T;qre=




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o qwwiaiifT jocjfli taHw^rfOTra arw i

^ i

f^tria^aifafiiata i s i

farn#<anrftir5[o^ai tWruiifavift *rm i k i

w>HfafgWTnBVnurx[TWTWwafaaTnff am i i

9> jiannfraWjrwraiftraaa *rm i |

T*iMifa|i3tsmifa<mii aiw i < i

9 vrarKnfVaav^TVTir^annacaTfTdfVamaT^ngTQ-
faaa am i to i

firta>n3TaTWft^(>0sfaina am i ii i

a^tf?^3tatnj(<5m aH w aaia ai fy3 Twt a^yri a-

ai am i i^ i

( I
) U*M(^TlWf! . 10x4iDobea. Folia, 16. Line*, 11 on
3. Extent, 484 (lokaa. Character, Nngara. Date, Newar Era, 872.
iranoe, fresh. Pi-ose and verse. Generali/ correct.

ining. aw! ^nm aa; i

araa anwf agn a^sn afitaai wa^ i

jBjfasamfoi 5^ arftsparefaaaa^ 11

aaiT^ atinsga: jamrarw ftnwd i a^w fwart^ i

j^ai! ualT^ 3^ ^aiw afaaar: 1

fai^Tfaa^alafa jamilfamaftfang 11 furrfa 1

faw^ltatfwfw anm%farS a%aa^ 1

ftaialiMl^a fafv^ufHviaaaaaiaiaia 11

>hon. a^a iJljaifaatmW^ aga: nam: awnr: i aat aat

fdrwrf - - - 9f =4 #a: I

aa: I vv aramm: jarfaarai^ i ^ fwara# jaifajSij: 1 gnr

gatFawarat aanfa 1 aa fwS farnrHaarfa 1 farw^ Fa i 1

tfa 5 Hifa*nm%> yaw: naiw: 1


( ^ <1 )

<?t!5W^g I

warawifriT'^WH t


niq^t I

( )
\t\ I
) sniftnai . 12x4i inches. Folia, 33. Lines,
7 on a page. Extent, 1,567 (lokas. Character, Nagara. Date, (!').

Appearance, fresh. Prose. Genei'ally correct.

Beginning. to: i


frord ^TOgtHT ii

irftrnw^fA: i


Hwftrft TT5^^T^D fatmiH ii

wfw . . . . RTOnriruTm: fty41urHa4ti , . .

iDmn<4tt mjw^ja t toi farer . , . . ^^^vuttivaAti .

gTOft 5W5H^ a^ 1 TOT arw .... TOnat: iJtftrw-
arradii .... gnimawn^ i tot .... T^iaairarSn ...

atmH a^af^f i tot 'tf^aftwaraa'^ar: a^i^ gi n^aqu T^ r -


am wnjnr miw rn ttia a i a t nnmfaarfwna

3infnwi: nwT ^maftnisla^iinfmTa^o aror ari^TOa'i^T


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wfi: wfapraf nwnmfir i ?nr mni oat-

faijiniMi ira^fwwpra: 5^ fswfw ftiji; 1

w ^ ^n*?! 5^ wftr^'Y TTHw wfn ^^xr: nnuTif^-


xif gO: wifinr t i?w fsfwr f5ttft 1

xni fiw jawTigxft: 11 ^unfir 1

End. gTBir Hfe I tfl waa m aftrantnq ifwxiH-




wng I X I

Colophon, cfe hwikt* n

f|i9?: I
xmftnjRUIDT^ I

( I
) . Bj Itamftr54r5[ . 9x2 inches. Folia,
12. Lines, 6 on a page. Eitent, 135 slokae. Character, Newiri. Date,
Newar Era, 524. Appearance, fresh. Verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. Jl^isuXT *TO! i

snsn vTTatff i

faixjxliwirmjitin ^narnsi4ii ti

ewa i urH^g< i i

ufv*^a^Mni fa^lewivur xr ii

xqf if xj%^xft^ fetxxnrr^ irarrii^ i

1! xierS xiHJiT + 5|Rnxi ftif u

UTXffim xnfff: II twrfr i

End. gJ\ xnrfy mimiuq xi: i

xHfxnwfJxi ^ H

' ^ u >

infiTtn wifir: II

qwfaifraatrat gw i

- - gita grrait mi>Ting^ ii

Colophon. wfa ^iTW'rfasF^ini fa^raai awnn i

gwg I wami n a etst^m: i igag i Tfrrat i awtn u?8

wreg% *11% giRow wg^t fiirfr ^TwfnaiT aF^g 1r%

Kfrawawi^^famfstfr alironfan^Tm: gw;

'5\%air^^^r irjfl^Ma^wgji^fwwg. ii gww^ asyiit

amri aai awaiaig i

faaiajg i

( I ) HWg fV '*l,(Sl ran By . lO X 3 inches. Folia,

20 1. Lines, 7 on a page. Extcnl, 2,856 9 lokas. Clmraclcr, Xcaaii.
Date, (V). Appeamiice," fresh. Verse, (lonernlly eorrect.

Beginning. a*ff I

fa%ai aa fair anarg i

aatirnaiaoTa a^ wiarwi *r*r n

ai^flTyfaan yfa aimat

^tt: aw waa aiaaiar: i

a% an uw argj waifa aat-

aioigfa% afa a^nni: ii

aiwraf qfV aaawTarfHatf arrjrr wwig wqi

ai^tj qfr %fqia' jaf>rt nwt *ra! ^wag i

ag%*ntiMDi nif%faa%: aifrarfarTifaT:

aggq: i*Taq: aiawai^waig n

aratwjiT aawaa^ii ^sta

gwtamaiTTrfaagaatTBjajqg i

aaflat aaviaarag Iwjat

aiw ufaiat antaufry awaiBfa: ii

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( )

d in gawFsfj HnrnfjiWTfa^: wift aiW;

5W WBuf-rt d w fBB?n: It^p^: 1

'OTBTW BBTrfiw 9 VTniDI<t Ua fa t

9 ^H*<{HurWdw wfsqja?R a*rof h

fR: firarKWT i . ....

fim r* BfsKT ow pfi^ fiirt

TTwS frijrani finnnn mw i u?l i

H^HTprai jftftrj a^rPr 9^ bb

ayBw'f'ntjJ II wwtfr I

BPW UlfUtl^ I

ftaa: I BUnWO^Bt BI^>Bt BI W^^BUI I

(R)t8l) UWHJIT^!. By Tf^POT. 12x4 inches. Folia,

135. Lines, 6 on a ps^> Bxtent, 1,530 ^lokaa. Character, Na^ara.
Late, Saipvat 1890. Appearance, fresh. Verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. bIjtouib bwi i

an^ ff iraBTBsmwTO vrftTTTnrrBW

S*uie vra^HUMHWtf qB TtfB^wR*i i

o BBn iTBftiSBs iniat f^ annS urt

fv^nwFiniT BfinH^Hi q im gHn i ii

BTTTTrf BTTTTSd BBB i aiilliBB : I

Jims But RiwirtHi^y: 55^ n


wf: wbbtibY 'g^ bbtb! g

B BI WM*^ BnilTt!jnqB> 1

fBji TncVT^ J^f^ m ia ijl tuB: II

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( )

WJWia wiaiifywnjttTt^ i

nna wfkxrar m1 5 ^

iSlTftTT^ CT y^aTcTIW^H II

on nrmr%^nif^ wmrfn^ n^h

Tonw ai<fttoifT<jiia^ i

g?m nwiarenrir^-

fonr: ^^q CMl WO lWO fH V nOnOTOTOt;


s m i g^wfoo i I

faw^:gaio: wg ^wifn^ i

^fa: noRot 'yoT na^rnwH: nr^ ii

^ni H^o aii^ MRu i faio ano o i

RHUwo iFRwaT nao aurt nirnwg ii

moral wma^o ^OTwnafoftrfoa: i

gwhnai am fam faiwR#a o ii

mri ou mril w4?n3nafoftrfBa. i

mlot rH-rf i u iin a amsT afiRi am ii

nmena jji^aaav mijf^ mnj i

mjminn: a*rgmrfT tf^arfa firfomfa a ii

oftfaimaiT aat ^ t aaftmn .


no wmanara wfnaisSaifaiifa! ii

nfa i^ a>rq$w i
mu j<iina fg n
i ft gia rdT fat n^taram^
ai^wmifT^^T: II imfr i

End. aifraaoi mJtilti gHifoatsmazfl i

nfgmaq ^ og> wa: gai fgaai n

aryrmrta mi alwmif^a: i

mafR: are^amtrffa fnan ii

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< ^ I )

Colophon. fa pgnjtam?
w^jnwwTflf pwiH^ I ^faci <=<o arerfti^ ^franptrt-

9Tf>mHT^ TOmfwT nsrai i

pajanai^ ii

(U^l) BTPPsTt?^PiaH:ftfW!. J0x3!nchea.-Folia,9.- Lines,

8 on a page. Extent, 360 flokas. Character, Nevrarl, Date, (?).
Appearance, now. Prose and verso. Generally correct.
Beginning. ro: ^ascitiainp i

wjTHTwnTTfra^ i

Hinnflftfo ar^ ii

'Omnp; Ptq> pa: JWiflp: I

aR aranr^ nar aren^aPa nfcna: ii

infaaininrfwafirwrfawm: anrP i

HP anTwiBitfTpfawt ar^Rnfpaaf^r^ jnra a^rqi aaw i^

^t1 fanPT awTw i wwilV i

End. p|nt nW awra^ifufgH gwq i

o4 uii?rarHyar! warfk nisrart n ^fw i

Colophon. afW ffnrfvrfa^ ehatattfiriit arffnarafafK i

nMiia1ani ^qn: waj: wpftrawlqTanfafqftfs


ftinr: I

sRnamrtfrirfkqpnnrfitaifw i

^aaireauuMjrwmfq i

nrnfwanjTifiiatqpi i

jftTnmrfwafaqowaranosr^ i

qGmjiiiu<tiH^waa4nHuiqrti^ i

ap iflpipnn*t*( I RPj
wWr*^ p^qqaiQ^ i

qm PTgftrfp: i

Di^izod by Google
( ^

l) . 10 x t iiicitos. Kolia, 71, Ijim s,


9 oil a paoo. Extent, l.SOl ^-lokas. Cliaiiu-tur, Ncwaii. Date, (')

ApjaMi-uiico, fresh. and vcrec. locorreet.

Beginning. firam i

^T^fannfwwi fwar^ati^^ ii

inaJi tiTn wasp wfj^tap^farstiqan^ l

fira^RBHTT MBijr W II

nnifarjjErw wiirfigw wwwsr. i

at^ i B umw^ffg wnmiPTsg ii

armrt fafav fa fg a^t BBwmwr

i i i

apsnn mtrfwtiftrenwwrn ii Twifr i

End. jeRifwtBBTt^
srwi a%n i

ffwni. wo^ennN wwiBtaL ii

Colophon, vfts wTTH^ ymFs'^uaa bwth^ ii

Bmftnsj^snss^Tfar vtj^tiNxt: f^ti?^r<fly i

wTOHr: *nnfii tiva)^ btt wwnra: ii

BTTI: wfj: W^T 1

%n. tiFHwvmw am hbt i yfn: ii

WTiu^tafnSt wfn wm oftrat gfijart gfir i

fpfBrer^fffwgwwWw^STTsnaw: i

w^'F|;rtain (s) (w) efg w^s n

sftrfiffmanwwT^ liitifaaiwS jrwm | ?

Bimrt ^ (wft )
narftrfH arganmr tnfwB! ii

Hst wmwV tfw i

arn5ftBfiTfw?w: v[Fa H d i gu ;at; ii

fpfaaiiT w Bra w g i T iit gfwi

wl^ufira tfiT faa n

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( ^ u >

umrfqsjft ffw


umfVwn gq x' nwmfwfH i ii

( l) SroT?7^f'T^iTRrfi!W>r*J . 14x3 inches. Folia, 112.

Lines, 7 on a page. Extent, 3,136 flokas. Character, New&ri. Date (P).

Appearance, fresh. Prose and verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. *TBt! fwanr i jtw: i

Hirer ftni finaf hst ifi hh: i

HIHTT^fvHmufsniH few 5TI II

hr: RTfliMiq fsrar^?TiHr^H^ fira a^lHmrafirf^Hre^

HlliTHd^HViaJIMI HR Rt!h '5fvreT% flHTH

imriaHife qtTlHiafvnTiT qiPoH^Hm wt-

HTiHt fiiTHi Pifnirt in.*iful F*rartgR ....

ira%H ftTHTflWliH HlfwirTTHi JITSRH
HWHItSHT hr: iren-iqt fllSI TOPRT ^ISRt-

farf II twifir i

End. wiigiifa ^ a firm


anr: irefai: >vi aiRgarulg: ii

wIr HT ufag RTO t wgira n faww i rie iiTf ii

ua q g^fuM r^at enn^sfa arnifsfw^ i

( inn )

fWT! I
uaarfiaa^ i i i

am I a i

gH^fgata j| I I

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( ^ I )

WJ I s I

1 I

vFta iTrj^ TiH I ^ t

y ilfa'UM' 5TU I I

I c I

fimfaf^w I < I

^rfimnfuaiwjr sna i h* i

raa*raf*J^^i 11^1
7>iiruai(f^ =rra i ^ % i


mw I I

ra iiwj^ 'tn wi 1^8 1

fjrs^yWrfiraiwsr i i

5im I

iTTO ll< I

unwTurtfwvwV mw I 8= I


^Irftgn^ mw i %o i

'8PWfl^ I ^8 I

sngTaftpr ^ i >

firarg^ am i ^8 i

nrayifuaiva wm i 8 i

ufiTfTfafwjrtw I I


ravufHgT sna i

?tPfagT ara I I


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( )

( u<. I
) . 11 iuclios. Folia, 27. Lines, G on n
pngc. Extent, 753 (lokos. Character, Nagai'a. Date, Newar Era, 827,
Appearance, fresh. Prose and verso. Generallj correct.

Beginning, wfw i s!*j: i

nmuTHftf^vfafw: i frr $ins?n*% nttwitTn^

at f<at wraftfa II wwifr I

End. aar famrnd fersn fl trajiriwarfif^ i


a fan wrx witul fenitwi ii

^sPl^ai yieifilfm eiaa^TT^l

TRifr tifunsi^ jaiht ii

Colophon, nfn Qriwjjft nuipt i

Ba7T I ^nrerewni =k awnr ^ faftirai ii

I ) fliWDtnqam: (Tsfisiaw) B/ T^cnr . 10 X 5 inches.

Folio, 10. Lines, 8 on a page. Extent, 125 flokas. Character, Nigara.
Date, (?). Appeai-ance, fresh. Prose. Generally correct.

Beginning. nw i

nanfinfkfawaY^fii entu i

Birdw n on IJH arn fl os nal ytuo .


nn-aniQawinei wnflsfh r%m, i

if nuyi n ntnfo ii ii

qKwrqmf i q ^ fqjfarq^ili q tfyqi y^ i

Ticyfrq ffoni wiygnrm: immif ii

nm wiygio n^ftonai wfh on o oroymsarwraf^-

^Hsq writiafi^n nrnwr nmiianii ffc en qr^aveyiv: ii

awrlV I ( nno i

fq qq ; \
ui^fv %oiTiMmqnminiii namn^ ii

{ ^ u )

Ifi xG inches. I'olin, I .VI. liiiics,

y 0(1 a page, Kxteiit, 3,930 9lulka(i. Cli.aractur, Nii^.;ara. Date, {?).

Appe.u-.uice, Ticsli. Incorrect.

Beginniner. firanr i

Ro^fjTRfetp^f iraifuTiHt ;m: ti

ftwaw9% pjgviTurefiiff i

_ _ _ _ *fjTr4?(Tj II

^i^trenHt i

iprniJtissifar^raT 5lfewafir fni?nin?i. ii

gcrtjwgiaat qifa wqiTwrwfqjit i

qq Jn^qtrenfqit w5it: firqrthi^ ii

q^ qfj^f at faw nrai^ qt^t; i

a^tq> gfsriir^erwq^Jtfgffwnsi ii

Tii5nfrq7>fq55qt qamt qrifwmwtji^ i

fnaqnqqiftitiiwi TOiwrafota: ii

aa: a wrarsj r*^; qtoqwt wPjat Tii i

wrt inj qwqtHTq wwjpq fiqfiart ii

qTw qqw fam: ^qi fsruarqqtq l

q a^ qinavTO Tunn: qfimt gfi* ii

agf^ _ _ _ _ qqamqraTftQi i

qry^ nnraf^rsT g aitgaTtwj^^r^ ii

aafargai^ ^a: nqwtaia finina i

Hxnajt^rraqzH - - nrfqftwqr ii

siqst qrvai a faw qgSJti -

at faSa; qa, 8qi aa^figa^ ii

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( )

H?r: ^fTc*rr

yH f wItfat t^w <stai y a i ii

innai jn 7037 wm i

wfij II

fffatiTOHT 5^ffl^f^*[ I

Wnj^rwTwr w>ii$viq It

HW W7^" Wtqp ljl W T W4! I

saMMHa^^ nn arw nr n

'data aw tj>Tlwi wa^fni htiw^ i

fa a ujai aa^ waamrarwroi. awrfir i

( ana ga ^
ta f< i)

fwr I wftr MH{j-<mi}a<! wfia*^ atfl^yirtuaw miw. i

iftr 0 fa^jiQTyg^aaaaa: i

wfa o ftr^jnnt aTan5nat^ I

ufaaaa^ i

M tfnrtn^aRwfarnTsf i

,, favita<iawi i

afir o <rfT7i$ anna^tj I

afa 0 fa?jnn^ a a iawuaa |

99 faairawTOa| i

99 99 tiaQdn 1

99 99 wraaaajj i

79 faafaaaatj i

99 99 Staranawjj i

99 99
paRaaajj i

99 99
>> if V|;TnfTW?HW<JZHT 1

>} J*
siiwniitijrajj 1

t 99 ffrgujBJj 1

)l 99 1

99 1

n 99 ywntnreHJj i

ff a oymi4H#| 1

a It

tfir 0 faninjT^ i

n 99
taisnnraij i

if 99 i

if II 1

99 99

i 99 wjnrewjj 1

ff 99 ys!T^ni?!grj i

t 99

99 99 1

99 99 1

99 99

99 99 1

99 99 1

99 99 nfnniuQiuudw^ 1

99 99 ygynrerysnissrjj i fittinyTT tothjt


99 qYmVUdtiiT^ 1

It 99

99 99 - JToyruRireerjr i

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j jt I

> 9^^HiafB%ire5Rj I

wfir 0 war^m^ ^wyn^wwuysnr |

* f> ^imKn6i*j I

*> I

It wronff ? i

M I) c^rfavi.niffa*j I

> }) I

,j min!rerj^ I

I? ff I

( WT: wfiUHIJ I

0 *T?nBrt. 12 X3 inches. Folia, 53. Lines, 7 on a pgo.

Extent, 1,159 flokaa. Character, Nevraii, Date, (?). Appearance,
fresh. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. ^ ww; 5if%w5 i

9^ eft raen ^ ma^ etq i

*mnermf7 frr frrv ii

imfTwnrw frwr xw en wra rg?^ ii

^ewiTna^a ^][i7l3 inn(Tn i

^ggoraurf ig[t^ wvf v4fV%ri ii


9 wtffarert srmsnTi[ n

Tfa *iaff*pfWlei vinin^ n onf? i

End. ^tcrer ^ron gif^qf i

jpsa ^n|fa ^iir Asm- n

Colophon. wfir ?: naw: i arro^itT aaiHH

I sfw^tafiaJT I iKaaftan i aifWaw: i i?nfnq;5j i

5^^TyfTTj^ifwt^: I wwn^^fafu: n^iroa^guuna*! i t

ufnflw I 1 XTT^: I wfiBPinaiw i s i

ai^rn^ay: i

(W<|) anjf^ahlV. Ujr J4 x3

iocbcs. Folia, 250. Lines, 7 on a page. Extent, 5,500 ^lokas. Cbaincter,
Nowiri. Date, Newar Era, 848. Apjjouraucc, fresh. Ti-oao and verso.
Generallj correct.

Beginning:. aq: i

Hmar ftifteiTKj w*lgarT i

qs^^qrfTHTTffq mqfvTf qenw# ii

qtq fqa faae irw d gii^ ? fsntfqqr:

l i

wf: {jqiiaalqrq wqwirt 9^[iq) n f nnlV I

End. umrqatfq q: qwi* + fa$f^: i

f^qf ----- qt|wini^ ii fn i

qfa qrqfqprqtt^nnfq ti

qTTTrenfqrrarw qqqq^qjamrqqr ?

^qrftsqtTjer^n Vf p

ifl fa ^ q iiiq qn>tf1qfqa Tfqq t i

q4^qvqqtt qrqfreniqtifta^ ii

Colophon. tTh m qtfTi^iqifrfafaqfixqTra^ratiaqrqqR^jpT-

qimqnfmiatSlwrTtifq'gwqquraifmiqtq^qt ^rq q ^a fa- r

qyqT5tq!?l^ qTqfs?ri%$qv^qiqfta: qqrif; n qnfti^

=8= I qr^r qr ^Rr tit fqqt^ - - ii

Digitized by Google

( ^ II )

(UV l) By 8x3 incliea. Folia, 14.

Lines, 7 on a psfje. Extent, 112 flokas. Ctiaractor, Nagara. Date, (?).
Appearance, fiesh. Prose. Correct.

Beginning. i

nfiartsift nmgm: wfir nat ij + ir* n

-X -

71qfnr^n^Tg H Tq MlM<JMr^ minBri MmH i

^ qM q M i qq-
oqTanfqrqi tfljiiaiurMiqt fnmnfqqql: nrjqqt: qqrqr-
qinrflqs^ijBiflBifl5 q nnr^wt nr qrn^f qftram-
aiiaj^qaqiwqqar^(|irH qfanraqiii _ _ _ i^tq-
^iqqqwqi qpj fqf4|qiqt qq^iqiniqif i qi q
kiFamixeiiwjuil qt^lfOBB Ugq il jaq^i q qiqqnq qqm q - i i

i^ya<irada^^qitql qqqrfqqrfq qnrfkn^Wm jqrqitfq-

?lfq rexlsfi^ I fWlfr I

End. ( qqi qrfsg H^ i

( >^) Vt )
) . 16x7 inches.
Folia, 168. Lines, 11 on a page. Extent, 4,776 flokas. Character, Nagara.
Date, (P). Appearance, new. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. <AnBiq qtn i

vgq Bvqtrq mn qrq I

TWW qoqnrfqqpq ^ qqiqi n

qrqw ni<iiq;jq-<qiv qqrt ? t < i

Kfiniftrtqtq qfg^ IIWBI n

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( )

wonw f^aufjj gf^wrairW n^n i

int fasrwfH ii

^aavtaia i

arii^ ^ wm ^f 5iT5H^ i

qnrarfij rr^ aa wffjr faiiaa: ii swifa i

End. t(inurit{ I

I afa ^aara^sa: i

afa >T3vinafaq i

afa KiTT^tfftwraw aaa^ar ag-aiTjwaiaaiq i

atfaaatufefu: i

afir a^aaaBTtlafa: i

afa yaa'iiufa i

awiarsait warwanaMTaa^ v^i aaw^feinn aan^-

farfaA^ atraraifwal ini^^siaaift^ faarn^saiii fawa-
aam^rnd ^wifr^ Slagfaiifaataai Hfayfufaraw^
Ttaiit anna^: i

agtifirraip aawiat|[ay i

aanwat aiaia^: i

arertaar: i

aaftaa^ araia*?: i

Biirfia a i ftPBift armaar: i

fnanTrafaatat aiaiaar: i

naftaft annaa: i

.,,dii(Kvi(M|in{t<i4^ araraa: i

aaaaifiTOTTfaH i


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( )

fi!o gTTftrarrt i

^nronrairt sTrarra^s i

^ters?m|[T^ I

tfisifuwu' ng:fi[^yfini ygivnT^ i ^i a< ;f> srmi-

>nai I

w% vintiafli(^ay i

ui^uiui^wm^atj I

r^oci^gjjgiya ^fiian giR i

fifair^sn gin i

Tfw frwtHTfawwnirt^TiTfaw ftiguav^ HnrtT<ft


^RnnRRlft RIMR^: I

RnfR^wd gg fg ii rwR ^guiTT a vr- t

nimifvi) mmaifliaHiPift 7HRiruua^ a i>T irt

wfiT ?)>s^yawg^ i


wfit ^ajiaarr - - - |

zed by Google

( ^ ^ ^ )

irgT^TtMynq I

^nrreqnuBraq i

^Tg7|[T^ I

rnui^'iy I

fTaftaT?Fgi;it ifm: i

^fan VTT^faJT I

(^nr: ufom i)

(\<^ I) By 9x3iuchcs. Folia, 21.

Lines, 7 on a page. Extent, 317 9 lokas. Cliaractcr, Nagara. Date, (?).
Appearance, fresh. Verae. Generally correct.

Bej^ning. B^nwjrni i irtsim^ to: i

^^anrfwHTHTntnra^rVEisr: i

gg: mrnu ^nw: M

^xwF ^ sfiffp ^jfHtrroftin:

fagiatt: xi||FaTit! TOftnnTfnft ?s tnnfj^ jjuq i

siiTOsn utMfuajFt ^ ani inn^-

wwnt us ii gtnng imni varr. wtfw fa Vq fXaH l ii


! ^ wfeTOttT iT^ftraim^W: I

flian*fr ^ wroftt vr: to<w^i

fax TOwqifxi wwfirfawaH: a jt jtFx: ii tanf? i

End. TO5MufxT7tTf>a^!ifa5cnfl wjtstjj i

xs^fwtgafTOTi 55^^91 wtifH tfira: ntro: 11

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( )

Colophon. ^lnn*wwfg^:wH nfsjiiiwa-

Tffflfatwtwrw ^nftm wwo? i iw wag i

arnFa ti

ftiiw: I ftiawffW! wrawg i

wfa g sq tH^rjrfaH aul^uranara^ i

aftio rnimfvHiTWTQ^ I

BTihftu I wwxfw i

afiro WTWUQ^M|q(rv<rddUl9 t

aRi wTTfinjfjnrerar^ i

Tfao i^ gH^w1 g r<ra>:rq t> ^gwwnr afagm faiawTX-

fajJanaRa i i
( i
oo i

afao tfYjoa^fatf^ ^i>aarhifaftinuaiim.iMBuatBq i

afffo ^umwwfaaai^a af ^qmwa<.fiHra^q<naTi]r waY-

aar I
( afrtm I

( \8t^ I
) 9x3 inchea. Folia, 34. Lines, 8

on a page. Extent, 697 flokas. Character, Kewiri. Date, (?).

Appearance, fresh. Prose. Incorrect.

Beginning' fwaxfwwnq i

ai^WT^ ar mar fiiSa wfw wnwa^ i


wiaiHiafafasw w fgaafa i wwnaa^ ii

& waiwi^ afa i aranwt aiitjiq: v^aiiw naw*

wra I a*u-aK-wairtafa^?a aat% ii awifa i

End. a gaiiwai rwt a gt a tqfw i i

nfaa ^ratwar wrrwnn awtai^ n (?)

Colophon. w1 aaluHaWr wwrer i

tiT^arHTn^fwTai i

Beginning. ^ns ^liTwinn I

wwarfartfinnS ^r^niaqi fraini

fisfimmmwT r^ ^ n^fn ift iro i

jnmftnr fjrfww finnfnnwtrRT-

wgftnrofwp^ tnrf ; enw*fhr^ n


vy h nrrerwfwran^ nngsrtfw i Twifr i

End. vneijiirff5retfafwf4{ff lik - - fw^

wrgi^bii {}) ftt wfr OTTWT - ^fjrwtftraftra wo*u
waaij 5: i

irwwvmr nwrii
w v

fj: + + + + ^aarwsrra: i

RH.u^n(awiui .

^<4v^<dI wievra vnTMiNivi^qi umro

fw II ? wm T w wfirn

gii II

Colophon, Tfw '^rfirw^farfigHnit wg^wFrnnnBfnrtw^'iniit ftrarw

$anr<i%iui finri^nroYiamr ii ipnr^j n sjymu ii

fir^: I w^wrtjir^oml TstmuMiu^eiTirt iiaHJtinm il i

*nw 1 1 I

tIho faftiuaiuiiT^ i % i

^ ainmtar^.i ^ i

w1iiaKy I s I

ha I

ia I

fi wfVwarfarrfaHnrt wirmuamamt tianfa^aniat-

I 18 I

yfii wifkarawrarsmi^aniit nranrainpjj


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( ) IJy
. . 10 X J iiiplips Kolia.
10. I,iiic.i, 7 on a pagu. Kxtnt, 1 Kt vioka.'). Cli.'iractcr, Nuj'nra.
Hate, Saka Era, ICSJ. Ap|>cnrance,,, Generally rorreet.
Beginning. to: i

^^aTiyfjrjfftrfTWHar ff

aftn^r^ i

ffV VTWf^rFr TTser

i^i^TOTO mmrfiT ii

y*<rturrti^ aga guarw nnW^ grjfrae: n

nar artg aaaflvTO: i

fTwtgar: TOiHg^war; toi^t awtr TORwrar- ii

fafiBuHicD WTHTOi^t ga ra^:Bmw ; ii RTRrfir i

End. + + ra^ rtwt + + tohtt fa^ i

^JglTis^*lwnw.agrai ||

fa JtWikSI&flurrtSHHilaimWW:

groa: i

van TOrtn^TTOfTOef warfaaxf

RJRtraj nnij wfHma^wfnrg n

Colophon, wfw ^Wfawfeara^finfro w aiPaaug i

waif^fywaiWT^ anwanriftfTO) i

^Pafa ^5rf?nini - - _ _ _ ,

1 8*JliKimnmw; TT^: araag ii

(U'='=i) wft?Rnca??TT fNrr . By i0x3 inches

Folia, 251 (leaves 100 to 144 and 229 to 248 are missing).
Lines, 7 on a
page. Extent, 4,.S92 flokas. Character, Nowari.
Date, (?). Appearance,
tolerable. Proso. Incorrect.

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( )

^am^ariT^ w ^ a tu TH I^a: i i

'nfa^giyflal a^pi: wrRnft^

anrfH arafin ^t: u^MwInitr: ii

Colophon, 'sftm^iMe^uri?wiw wfa^^ <minw ii

I <uq<^afr* n ^ i wismgHitoi umrTfwrann i

iTBTJj I jTIh qramsHwwrn i i i

Hw ^TTW I sr^ ^ wfaMywmn*!*! ii

( \,8R I
) V^4siai lJfl (fa?al) By arTtfNm . 8x 3{ inches.

Folia, 64 loaves 1-19, 24-29, and 39-99 are missing). Lines, 8 on a page.
Extent, 1,216 flokas. Character, Novrarl. Date, (?). Appearance,
fresh. Verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. vgxrairw unwat*j*j i

tufan ^ VTn wnuttm

i l

T%5T aaifa: ri4W*flfrf! ii

sit wif^g a w ! irrwt efl wfijaiffT wt li! i

tfTHTTT ipn nari! ti

IT5 aia|4ii: VTTn^ i

grnai^ anwi a wwan: it twifr i

End. V5 ^ iiaauiaHM)

r^fuKS^Miatifll wftnrt faworar i

^afaijafaai^ awa^a aai!

tr- jafaTai t a^sflnu aai ^ ii

a)ir^iY wafnai aa^ w aw

iJlarrfijaTaarSHaaww aw
^a' a ^ faaq% ajaw aa: n

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< ^ )

f?f0 MO

(^l) (?) 10x3incl.os. Folia, 5.

. 7 on a page. Extent, lU flolcaa. Character, Bengali. - Date, (?).
trance, fresh, Verse. Incorrect.

ming. 4^
< r*ri ^hr^rntj to: i

fatf^iHyianu?mnKw i


fafttffl nu?i an ii

tj< 4 iDgrf trojniHilzR iro 1

vo^aKol^a n'cjiiiiaraniiay 11

^ aifroWtroi jrjrB i

^ aiW II

lu^tfojdvtVr* 1

VTJrfWt tnn ati?t sr tnm1 atriT;TO^ ii


waiws) sjHiicnti ^wiiaiic 1

v^atTt TO^ TOTmrg 11

??>?ajaw 1

mxn Hflai ^oi: fti i

h<(>ioq %viif]gH ^ ar vamriTO: 11 gnnfr 1

atiajiaira aa <ga1 taaK ^ a 11

TTftt Ttfafaa aiT tot %HaiHi [

TiaHTiaa^ar wtarraft aW 1

fa wfa WH w- tmta
rra Trrfw aiaa^ ii (7)
( )

FarwTtiuwm WTf ^nrwifwr i

as?^tqT 3rw ^ wqw ^ II


Colophon. *f ^o^a'i nnwim yjm: q^-. ii

fqj*r: I wfno avnvlifT inw i

Hir^DifhTt 5Tm q^r: i

qar;fH) af<a> am nj : i

qfHr^a?in> qir sraw: i

yww: I

('=\rfl) By ^j8flpr. 8x3 inchoa. Folia, 99. Liiiea,

6 on a page. Extent, 891 9 lokaa. Character, Ncw&ri. Date, Newar Era,

846. Appearance, fresh. Vei-se. Generally correct.

Beginning, trI uirsd arr^^q i

qRBTw fq^arq frjqnq

DISTORT areqrq d^fa^Faa i w^ ii

*F>H<ni ^^wdaq ai rer q t

foaa*iMir^w qnfan qlansj?) ii

RR ^tmnrar i ywiir i

End. RiRiarawT i

RTRtqt Rl^ awiM* iflqRfR q: 1

miW ^rri a qng^ wrt qqtw$?t n

qlaiq^tann^s im-.nqim: i

froteiTiRqfnu fi^q aqi ijq ga:

qnife anp^ '

fROibni: RwqHlqq^-
^T^fRi: R35 R#)qa>5nj 1

qtinq qar^ wqi f^agi

qtsni?Rnr>i^: 11

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( )

Colophon. vni^iujqRiifk^nurvR^a^uRrHf^niT 9wnn i

=8? I

ftaa: I foimreT i HTTrl wq q*{ i nrerjfarfa: i sfkraRifafn: i

ar^smaftr: i i ( 'egw^ %irt ntaarfafw: ) !ni

^Ruiruaic I anantfimit! i w dmiruwu: i ^iRwfa-

8inw I

(V8-<) JtJnrrar* By 8x3inche. Folia, 84

(leaves I to 4 are missiDg). Lines, 8 on a page. Extent, 544 flokas.
Character. Ncirftri. Date, (?). Appearance, fresh. Verse, Generally

Beginning. (4 8 uaifa a i snr. uKwaied ftrftttnj i

aa^af%^^TTjiaatfa nwr
mm i fggtt wwr%r iH ^ g a %-

ajtiRla <fTRi5*a aaifa^a

ai*Hfca^fw tifital firrt ftyinj ii a i

afawRi^aaaa^ aan a ma ^ s^- i

ai^^la^fwarn i

ejTi a aiat^ VKWOjia a ip ii < |


aiartBr: aiwti aii aft a lf

#Va a iB^<(a H ga i ! i

aaia uwa ?%-

tnnj tv^sftr ii i

wfa tfliilnniamiaiamuMnl fg^: u gwifV

End. ^ tUTetnafa iia jw

faatfW aiftmanja an, T

Qi Jtized by Google
) )

H. )
( ^

fWH 3 fH
!T ?R^^g n r t

Colophon. yfH n^ireraiirt <a*jna^iunii: ii^Tn; i

( wa: nr wlTBai^ )

faaa- I wfa iflajjnmrrwmmBini: i ^ i

Tmivnir^ffTTffuf^jijft jftinir^nTt infwfl^iwtj: i

^ '(?)
vfiT qliiniiiiii ntnrarni: i s i

rfao foPffSTBmi: i i

fl^UTKlUTTO: I i I


i = i

I < I

aifiwrnBTnntr: i

vfanimTfarfti: i it i

ifwiftdlWTli: 11^1
nrnmnwor: 1151
inriftaij I 18 I

wifwwwrmra: I 18 M

( 0 . By TTni'ja . 10x3^ inolios. Folia, 8-r2>>.

Lines, 9 on a page. Extent, 3,193 flokns. Character, Newaii. Date, (?).
Appearance, fresh. Prose and verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. ( 1
- a afar i 8i?fligtnnar i mBai <*i i

wx^ayiat wi 9 af^ fvuatt^n-

HtBTiaapslW acagfaiar ii

^ II aenfV i

End. afg^BWftacaiTwf^aWfafarjj i

aidfa wigaiaj^ fagranS fa^ftmi ii

( am: arfaga: i

afami I 1 aa, afa annfafrt ahiai^ ift + + +faf^r i

Digitized by Google
f )

( I
) . ) 8x3 inclic*.
t*ulin, 92. Linos, 7 on a Extent, 025 flokas. Character, Nenari.
Ufite, Nowar Era, 811. Appearance, fresh. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. i

W55T nt wrmt f^|r7 T^wrm*wr5rt ir g ysgr

-- -
gw: gift?: I

firaYnr ^lat at ^>115 11

a trraajj 1 (?)

ufigat Tni! tng asa aiPi. art 11

ggrwif na^tfit wti^nrfjrf^mg 1

atfro Wf 5T (raiarai 11 atprilr 1

End- :nft + + wiH Pa a n ia^ 1

fomai^a gfaai yfoatmaarfrag n

*h^a ntiwtft $an f^tragaag 1

a: a^ aiai wwn ^ ua ^a fata*: i 1

a aiagmnjftfw itaa hatnR?ln 11

Colophon, gfa agnna% ar aafa g -

alfna)raaaata a^ 1 aata 1

iMratflffn^ I aw?t ma^pr at^ ----- n

(\=l) tJaWaiiat, Bj lOxS inche.. Folia, 56 .

Line*. 8 on a page. Extent, 1,120 ^lokaa. Character, Nignra. Date,
Sara Era, 1612. Appearance, fresh. Verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. itfVaat aftiniVflaaa^a^ar: ii

afat^arflaaii aafarafaRi aanagaarfa i

an^wafa firwH a aafa aatraiaawifa: n

ji 4 avitHf1 nrqaaiaiaifRraiafaa^sit: i

laaratat fiaaii aieTOTaTa fa^iil^a ii

( ^ )

fmn%: gfutn ifttBi i

FHT f? WMiaal fa^ it

HTiy^ MwfwuiJm I

50> 5?5^BfiiTinnTg^mii: i

TTIT TlfirsnJnsOKWWltl ll TIHTf? I

End. ftBnoT^ frgri i

Of^nsi f mn n

^l?ga wunii. ii

OTifH wnwnfin ii

Colophon. iaVfaraj$aTor5n^ ffHnRifyfgfiT: nfrjrfflwiii i

fefrwt wmtgsjflraf5n1^! i

arga H?i<ij: *!: ii

tfaai lawerru! fwat f oa^awr^n: iJ^fa n

agTTiifjrsn% i>aarT^ ah i

aJ^ofwfff w?jT

Tiw5(ia%fa BfaTBrFaran^a ii

njrftaofroftiatiiTHwiarsiaTira- '>j

werfiHgaaatq^wa^wihwIai^ i

afta?i:5Taf wqinnfaaYinTTiftaa!

RTtg wwTwa: aafr wamania^ ii

a a Tpaarai i a% i<i^ ara ggaaait agriuia tiw-

^arwTi^a aiiaa fsrfaaJT i

aat^Y Hat fwFwaJj n gwi^ n

afiro nfwmw i < i aaat awaasrjBJj i ^ i jfiar-

fgarr; i
a i agcrftfaaiT: i s i arsrrlaiFafa: i k i aaa-
qatraRj i i i awaqhTTfygaT^Malnfgta' i ijai^wnar-
a*T I I iFflaain i faarrafaan: i faTnraaihrFaaTT: i

aiaafeaiT: i aga^qTfyfaaTT: i araaifaaaq: i

faau: I fiajihmarwj^ i ?HinnF?fafa: i

Digitized by Google
( )

( I ) . 6 X 2j inches. Folia, 71. Lines, G on

a page. Extent, 852 flokos. Character, Nowari. Date, Newar Era, 740.
Appearance, fresh. Verse. Incorrect.

Beginning. to: ftnnfinnt ^roi:

TOT^aiTOw inro annim i

fWTjaflxn fren imw h w wtfT{ ai i ii

far^TOmmi n wnfi rarTO i mu TO i

ipr^ ffanuron anronr fjRf>n

trrj fastfinrt ii


fa^nrnntwTTt nlnnfr - - - i

TOW wail ^ wtfroi! jwawa ii

natv I

5W nPtnr i g aig nmw ; tn^i i

yroro Hnini<na, aiaifa a iftftre: ii


srfr ^ wimi am f hit i

nn wan g urnftifV gfanrogf^Tf wta: ii

iftJlia nara i

atnaifw nrmw f tot i

at ^fa TOiwa tt aw awfi^a . u Twifr i

End. alq:fVd aaia a^*fi|Tf'fTOl n

Colophon. afa ^lyarjerraa^aiaai^ ranfrod aanaro arot n

afa aranaii# tflaa^^rarat anrasTTaT raa^arawt axir-

II aag *o *aa wao?tij|;tinra iflanf^ta

awi vuKT I

fim: I
afw jagMtda^aiaat^ g^afaat aaa; aro: i

afao fargarfro? i a i

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{ <^^4. )

^ffTO I
^ *

I 8 I

MTm^ag[arfa*rt i i

^l!iw>gnftrut I I

J^WRfsfwt I I

e i

I < I

tTfgTTwfara^ I to I

I tt I

(^)U'O By 10 X4 inches. Folia,

41. Lines, 7 on a page. Extent, 574 (lokas. Character, Nigara. Date, (?).

Appcaiance, new. Verse. Incorrect.

Bcginniiig. *nri i ^ifl iti! 1

flniftt iw 5 i7xiq 1

w V nfaan titbit wrwt 11


Jl H Mul^ara ah g
i Ttra 1 _
9 arafn TftTTJftawnf 11 (?)

jj^ci Wcifrt I


5r5Wlf^afTWTtnTn*Hrfwia ftranaiwi^ 1

^ - BTfiTfti ^ awS trerwmrofa a ta : n (?)

fag lit arfw wfftrr fsraf^mtam '

: II

HWiaj^a'^r^ at?1ei^*T tjlfjRt vaxn^ 1

frart ?T
5^ faviijl Tnft^^a'tfhnu 11

HwifraTQjffirtit gfinrt wfria4irHJiai: nn w^ i

aigTTJja^TTi fatnaan: niiaa 11 Twifa 1

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( ^ )

d ni*f^ ^ f;mf ti

nrr farafrat ^ itt a^ntfsifra i

femftsr orenTTv vtin wv n

Colophon. Tfir ^iftfv^wnamuT'finf^ a^aTn famfim it

^wfafnfHHw: tra?r: i

njwt TcnffYoipBY i

sTTTnmiamat *%! wijfm ii


I Tfko inro: vsth: I

rffwtwjrfalTr i

TfiPto I

99 5^*1' I

V vixwTfmm: I I I

> JTWffjPftw I >l I

99 rflWTfirat^^fHWTnBIJW: I I I

inSTfoTC: I I

99 TWR ^ HTO I C I



99 ObiriaqirillO ^TO I tt |

99 wHwrft mi i i

99 W||TtflWTftntn: I I

99 WHtAoMilvKvWK! I ts I

99 5T^nr*rf9*w 1 1* I

winrrftwnr: i 14 > i te i

fhfj^TOTfirfirf^: I I

99 f VTUlfuWU: I %o I

^TThrTfirin 1

Di, ed by Google
( ^ 8 ^ )

inmnRT^Farat i (i)

aFFatafam i

Tfno I ^1 I

(^aa^l) KTJTOTait or Ktirai^a*! . By 10x4 inches.

Folia, 14. Lines, 7 on a page. Extent, 233 ^lokas. Character, Nagara.

Date, (?). Appearance, fi-esb. Verse. Correct.

Beginning. '^tnwnre a*i: i

5^ wtfft WSJl Wo^TI flWT fttaB I

jilnai nnr arf^wjranjfw: ii

q^Tia en u xl ^iqi arera i

>DtT^ fT?i imaa %n wlnar^ v ii

g^^ aTn ai t flai an jtl iT^a% at: i

ag ^ia w%ej flat wahr faanjTa a n

sjfinnnsa ir^ala aa: a*a ara??t i

awra a*nT: nifa aWg^ ana% ii

a^ jf^' twal^wt aw mfa fjttwi: i

^a wmaaiHifa 5?!^ faaaa: ii

wapar iftatnaYifa sr^ii an i

aaiYtna wSn tat faanmiat a ana: n

airajtin i

ar^ a^ aai ?w anr aftfa ^"JraB *

ar^^arsj; H\ j*a wtaia ag^: ii twrfV i

anaia^titt i
aaiat? aerartaa: nnal: arfihiit

fanaia aiaanfan iaatn awr^ i

t^TJj a^tatgwai spa^i nta?ia-

f >atito ntartaJD atfan^ liWtff : n


Digitized by Google
( )

Colophon ^^rTnwT^rirt ww-

H II I a^'ig

I Tiniraif^itiniiq i ^mTifiUBiyiTnDq i finciFnrfl^ airar-


fiS'CTOq 1

{ I
) TPI55**Ti . Bj 12x4 inches.
Folia, 7 :1 . Lines, 7 on n page. Extent, 1,213 ^lokas. Character, N&gara.
Date, (?). Appearance, fresh. Prose and veree. Generally correct.

Beginning. wlirfinTii sm: i Jl^itsitin sni: i

nwi nfimiwi?^ ^Ingifl^faBiw: i

w^^r: UH^il rii 9i 7tT ii n i

fsrai^ ftaftirV ^nm: i

fn"fraF*ninfTfT Bi^

arfiTO: 5iHn>nsnfiBt: ii 5 i

ftr^rrailnjyf^aws,|[a1 i

ve^tierfiwir gwiarwrrw^: ii 4 1

mil fafwfittTnfti>tgft <ui w eiiw: 1

tji^Tei'BnijTWwi5ti!snr|[trfa: 11 s 1

sTlmvia: igia: II y 1

nnn ^tnrl
gmmy> inyiyiT% 1

fmtmrefeil wrgm% mrefV

w f nay w ^41 ftrogail 11 i i

iTftflait mrtjKn "gofiirta il yifala! g^fa-

tfffl ait: a tran ftrf^atntft Sytynjpyyn 1

anwnnwtsrarenn ayfnnaan:

^tirli(il aali^ ^aytmrijl tmarfiiyja 11 1

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( >

5^wi wmwT n^ii: t

nwm ^^fioWTfTTfTfis farfrjff wm nw

nwHjnninnwwf fft ii e (

ift ^fwjnQwyrwnit f1i: i

!?\t: ii < i

^rmftTftim: fpnerjmutsft

ngn i^^nrgtgT?faq fHi> i

nTw^jrfwffts^ B wwt a^Tini irf imi

^IjTT^HffsgrTOTg 9 iTT^rereift n < o i

m^- T^wtrm: WlHft! nftKTTlw hr: i

nwT?R> wanjRiRjil^mnwiwt ^qfniqjr ii n i

nt ^nJTWTfnrHt r rmn
fwwT i^uiMgwi^ RiBinrfinmt ttww?^V fauin i

f>RT |;<gig B !iffafHfaHiw% wiysjiftfwnrt

ft Riwn RiaRTfifTf nf wTfm>nint Rnjf q im ^ i

afsrj Rf ftiftin?*miw> fnV fr i

RWItrfRR: iniR> f% trai ^RT SRI^ Rfw WR^f: II 1 1 I

nRinfRRi fu qtiRgTt ifVt nfa^ misnR|T! i

)7^i^RggTf?RraaBR^ HwjiwaiRiafR jiaujRu ii it ii

^t^TUTtm^aihirjgfaaiRaiSw! i

i iit igfaa Rt nii fw: RaJ^mifiaH! n i i

T RTH SfVaiRnfRwt fwR wft fafaur hrt; RRujnf1fj}t-

5a fafuRi *rt RwatftwtR mfarRfiiiRTRhiRr rtrjrrir-

^ar^ra f
fr T^faawq RoTR^wfRRinn jsi i^aTtnnT aart ii

Tmrfr i

End. aa r: yadf a' fatfra w^irir i

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( ^88 )

WTj wirfw^5&: t?l3srS f fnftnf: ii

Colophon. ^H%kiTr%^raAHiif Patr^il o^wnr-


asr^oiiT^' vnir3 i

iT5^ $?rann^

*iTa5#gnvffrfiTnrt sn c yT gpw firgr: i

ntaff jTT|pr enrfh Jnrt m^pnfw

imT^Tt TTirtWI^prq II

wf ^tfirftnwnw^^qfhr wtfiiTjrfipfWwsT

fdhikiiT5a^ ^i^sr wrmwTt^ijfsawntTf^^sT

nw^Ro^mftnrr^ pnnifiTfl;y ^9'(w' S[wni^w: n

I ifff tflwHuumiia^faawgrtji^
ini*Ts vsmt I

ifH 0 JT^Twftrjjir: I ^ I

^^untn: I

> WTTjfnFrurBoiimiHnw: i t \

o1*^wirr^inmrnwysngiinTq i h i

wftrnww: I
< I


< I

110 1


ifljagratii>ft?K Wj3T'Wi?1?limum | n |


^wnn:w: 1111

( ^) I
) tmf^wreu:- , Bj . 12 ^ 4 inches. Folia,

30. Lines, 6 on a page. Extent, 360 flokas. Character, Nigara. Date,

(?). Appearance, fresh. Verse. Generally correct.

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< )

Beginning. to: i 9>^'TOTiBi'ri to: i

nnrj iiifa^n?nfg5?

$a*f ftiT I

innwR tiafavnTOitJ^ n


R^RR^aaefi fawrai i

arn (?) froip ^af*rerwtgwni

^qpnRffTOT tfrot froai: ii


Ttenfvnarw RR:Rt^w

natg^^ia famRRTT: II

ganraf'irgja: wftKajqjjairt

snsftmqnannaana^fa^fafirst: i

firm ^faa gqinft rH aui) aiq-

nfa*^a 5*ftr a^faHinnft ra*qS Raifing: ii

TOrT^iwifTO RqR|F'^ qftaiwtn I

qpirig^pf^wifT siTTO ijqiasna ii awrfr i

End. marn^^qi: nfla^is^TO: l

framt qitqf^sri qr%: wmnienjqji ii

neqtTnlTTORW nTTwa: i

art RWTfTRwmr ^^taTIsSJf^T^a$^^ ii

wm: ura4*uiat*qu?a'l ft

qtn: ii?i n ^mH w fa fyffr

i aai^prreiieaH: i

fqtafiafR nn-i^sr sftfawa^%

ii5[at ^TO^atwfsrjiot ?at firaia: fw: ii

Colophon tft iJluffaqRSTOfteiiinfiatnrfnTfjiTOtw-^qfqsaua-

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( )

Ttafawr^m^ n-

nrw fimr?: i ii

fa^: I *fn 0 g m^myfam qgft wm init farwrw: |

nara^*^5> am fawm: i

(\8\'C|) tmTajRTZa!^. By ^gn. 12 x 4 inches. Folia, 43.

Lines, 9 on a page. Extent, 968 flokas. Character, Now&ri. Date, (P).
Appearance, decaying. Prose and verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. ^ awt i

gw fror i

ftnr wt^w a rf^jr arflwr 4* 4* *! ! *4" i

agflwr aaai^ gar ^gt fg g q tn i

wmfw wt wamw! + wamttaj ii

ng' ja + + + + + i

wxnamwTT^ inw wag agiw fe w i : n

wiaj^qnaiT4(| a^rwrfij wagarg i

gaan aiam fro tfhnat ^aar wfa ii

a*fl ^ m ar wn i

wpararaya^a^ faftgarajir aa:

fiii a^w an^fa agawai vif gai) i

^aaanroan^BY Tift
iftrnit iraaftay i aaTH : wwftrt tnj a: ii

|(a I arfTgftsf^i ^twift waaift iftu i ftTiwu iwaq mrfta ^Ifirare-

arnnaaTaftaala gn^lgawwaanaa*
faaiVHTuiak^v ^war an^wftir^aa Trar-

ana Tfaiynm iaiw tl BjaHwf^ annf^^aawnTaT: awt-

Dlgitl. ed by Copgjt

\ ^ a )

1 tTiMam: ^1rinTtH^Tj5n3TO vranawanw-

+ ^-^TBifflnFaa^f^inaaai ^aar a^gaw^waafta

qgr|^iaTqwaTaaafaaF(i?Rafafa i awifr i

End. ( >

l) Hy lOxSinchoB. Folia, IG.

Lines, .5 on a page. Kxtciit, -W ylokus. Cliaractor. Nagaia. Date, Saka

Era, 1711-. Appearance, fresli. Ilose anil verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. alawnTa aa: i

na<aij\ awnfa asafaafaaTaaj^ i

aw^ aratmia 55^ aatny*( 11

farai a 5^^Ta*#lfaa^^ 1

faaft TiaiwTfnn^iat aafawq: 11

'^taa::aivaTt5tai iaiJi,^a 7Tg: ayt

faaftj^iT^aw ^efana^fi^ faw 1

arenar afaaaatn fr jjfta

^ g i^gfaanfa^rgfaat 11

inaia*<win: 1 wwiFi aiB^S' 1 a^a*^ arg^asnaw

^aar^ nan5 ^ 1

aiB^ anrraittsr Fnataa afa 1 awrfr 11

a<dHt^aat fH^pare g fa^ajaiaw 11

^nraTaafagTi^a la Fa ani

>jariY^aa % par afaFyaB '

aFaF^ fajr ^S^ga^aFarnrai waarat

g? a^TJDH|iFafTT aPTaFdFtuJj 11 (?)

tflaTiHarraFaaifatFaaT aoiaiH aarfaairm sflnipl

note a1 apa. araw gFiy Ft natrsYoTana-

Fafarag 1 ifaq 1

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( ^8*: )

I i fsqp^rfiTww^ ii

(9 l) 9tfwerr^^fsS5Rt . By . 8x4inchca. folia,

140. Lines, 10 on a page. Extent, 4,725 flolcas. Character, NSgara.
Date, (?). Appearance, old. Verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. sm; i

fua 5^ nan^^ir Jicat i

9%<nm: v^mu: narffin^nffarwTB v<*nfir i

End, I

fiiH^ ^ vl tflam. a fTJJ^FifufawT^ I

a fraosawniitfH aDra: ii

fwiwt ftrwr: I

ux^lOTit vam; + + + na: ii

Colophon ^Bf^^*?iin>fatfannrt af^araf<5 Wtrt

^ifawftlRaoawwlaa srm tr^fair: h*tw! aam: i

fii aiumgifm i Hi I

fittwaiarfrawlaaT^ fsnilnir. iJlnr^aanir: ii

^8 aia^iw nrvaasmyv*: Biffw:

fwi9: aamra: vaa^eraff afijfaiwra gM i

amnv ali ia ggHaFaw gm^ai fin i

} n-

aifwmaro WWrjaaaH mijyiita Fany ii

tFs ^laogfarnn^nitaa^hni^faTRjy^nrfaTfawT afaai-

aaafiffaT aaiw i ii

ftaa; 1
fao wmfaiawfffefvJTtn Haa: warn: i

HTFmaT*rfafa: i ^ i

ajiip^tflva: I
^ I

l^m^t^R n alu ai i s t
( *? <iL )

Tfao ^iT^f^fUTratuw: I y I

KinrTMgs)u: i i i

.? Hi^f?*nTirirfHfTIITrq?R: I a I

i = i

TOfafnFS^rgn hw; i < i

yo I

yy 1

i9lwaRIITIW>a: 114 1

I i I

fafg?innft'a: i ia i

jjTTtl^t^gnaliTw: i i i

^Tfa^nfftfrinflw i i i

nTren?sTinfhT: i ia i




dCTqmiriV^t I ^8 I

?rHijj9iTrini?rcf5T^qiirwiw: i <

( I ) . By . 12x4 indies.
Folin, 13. Lines 20 on a page. R.^tcnt, 780 (lokas. Chai-adcr, Nfigam.
Onto, (?). Appearance, decaying. Prose and vei-se. Generally cori'oct.

Beginning. irtjiiluin sni: i sm: i

ran<i gw gugrfinr ani?t i

T! gsV g^Tim aw wreiajgfii% n


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( <^<,0 )

wiMD wrfy (?) anrat wt iqrow ai naH '

mTarTSPraiwrau?*? a^ptnwf ii

aest fa?] n<if A i

wi aiwgvi^tw imniftr fataji) ii

a fawnra aia wiTm^ ii

niPtf^0Hi ijjawifa^ ijftanifji mnjHjifar^1wnS^-

jftTjga: OTtnnnfanitiwisnm ntmfft%a aia^ Twrfa i ^

wwiftr I awifV I

End. *iVwiri<anwifa nnirer wifrara^w muriBw aww-

ifTTanit^w a tnrmi ^i^wa ...frern!t a 4w H a^rn rn i

Colophon. fa i?hnt-oT TTW vf(iiaaT^TO-'^wyT^wn ift g raa itlfw^-

a^ia!WK^laF*nipiHt awiais^an amHT i ... ii

I ) faaiTa^tfwfafir: . 11x4 inches. Folia, 45. Lines,
9 on a page. Extent, 959 flokas. Character, Nfigara. Date, (?).
Appearance, fresh. Piose. Geuernll)- correct.

Beginning. ^naerra to: i

Bw am ayra^tiia^gia m iat tt i

wra i awma i at i
i aarW vwrffaH



aiiawwiga^aiaHera nr frofioarTa a ^ataflia Ta^THi^

firainfH i jrgifwft^ i

Bftnnei i

a4ir*iyfw Rj wra$ ii awrfr i

( p ? )

End. i

fw50?j77igiii.'\^ |(^- II (:i

ni^imVBjt i sffr i5qTnn3Tii

*rs?ni^JUHisQi wfnvi^m ai bwt-

f^inr^fH wia: i

Colophon. Sln^Ti^oifnnfnojJiH'i^nV'TrTi^wfaifnHfa^ITJTft-

wwwT II

( 1 X1 . 1
) ) Uy Ulx.)
inches. Folia, ;1C3. Lines, 10 on a jiaKe, Extent, 10,890 9 lokas.
Charactei', NSgara. Date, Sninvat 1870. Appeai'anee, fresh. Verse.
Generally correct.

Beginning, 'rflnwino sth; i liilinff^snTi^^T^t siw: 1

jTa: Hfaeftw wn^ro

tna; wmFn 1


fira a: faai?L t^wna; n

wfw aija^FifaTJjg^TmrarOTififai:

aiftTatfmiiiftaa'. nfwfirw w^tfIfs^D afioa 1

snaifawnatlaaiafsiat tawiaert

aHmwBinanntfaw f<a nni nrq 11

nfroiai iftsuit; ninnnai faaow^ 1

fasiraTFafw: n^laafaiaa^ 11

TO aeftwnna arenfr nn^ 1

aaa ararauw fsiafar^fawfain 11 1 1

ataanai ^aia waaafaaenBt; 1

.^iwt5n^ Faiiaia nFinigaiW!q 1

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wTwi^niftwiwnji h ^ i

?r% arariTO fgfaFajq<t>{ i

awrafnauTHTT^ ii i

fBvi ^ BHTtJrt Bq>farwB5njraq i

BiBifW 'rfwaRmfg errsf Brrei% n e i

5nt BBFw^WT^BTBTtBaniTmiF: i

faSaaii> BttS B Vjg Bummft : i

fq g mfqqi ^ ii < i

a aww#: i

atitfw! aw fft Bimfuai ii ^ i

ra ilafl Um vi q i uwiftij^nfsiiq: i

faxwnft fafuaia fajjarr^fa^ajrg ii it i

rawOa<?H^ frfaifa faMi*i^ i

<!n^ uaiQ OTB^ fafaajiS ii i

aqlgMuaf ict^^ htjjiwt: i

g areprf?5TaB aa aifaw: ii
n i

iqarfaarwa %gi aif^inffafawa: i

ini ad faim ^S(?) ait^ yfag a^ a m n tt i

fsToat fafaawra i

iiiTaat ftrfwaanfq na^caa uuiani ii is i

g^RfirawarTBian wtimigwmni i

Blfani aT nwTWTarwwt faarwTaai ii i^ i

f7sji{<iiiflii4MT dnsrnirfmiTftv: i

aangtRT afaaafaaat firfaat: awn ii i i

ittnafq a iTs^?eiTgaTiTwa *naHT i

ajfsa^ fafaaSnft anfWtd aa: awni ii i i

laTfWTTarjiTwt fryrfa aaai^ i

fhrt BTOiajaa a^fwnat faiaai favti ii i i

grid g i

uipTsgiig^ ii 50 i

wa afini aiaant: 11 wifT 11

End. '3 aBvrai ^ 1

cnftjfwg iro# aia^^nan; 11

Colophon. tfa 'fta^www ^g^ n'n 1

amraa<^wfw .... *j^matftntainnTre?Hg5-^^i*-


- -
ftref^ #tifa^Tmfaf5w M maritiram: 5

tfw ^ma^ttnn awtjiq 11 1

(t8\^l) ^aTTW*?V<f'- By SBD. 13x3 inches. Folia,

Character, Newaii. Date, (?),

Lines, 5 on a page. Extent, 210 vloka-
Prase and verso. Generally oorrect.
Appearance, tolerable.

Hwi i

ifjn in^ ai?lf1w >

tnipaT^^ + r^iM aiftspH ow^ Tt* n

euaiKue^^nr ftas fins^ iraa! i

^in g "

snwar^ 5 I

l ujwnpw ^nTjpniw ftwtrtu II

invj miw ^tiawia^ i

m ctrfl ain. T5^*?r= arf frs<aTH '

XPJ5J: atf *na*5 araew jaarot f wrfa i


fij^xng aar 'ens wwai aura fwg: n (?)

BJsrtnnflngwa awiTH "


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I i i qtjnsit TjHr^wg i iifmt

I Wfflinj - faqinB? - -

fearriHt - fafasT^atimairg i mq faqi ajd qn i i inat-

fqaqqq I <nTMoiw59wtf5ia<niiJ[ i fa qw i awai q i dHq'l w-

qia5i( II

14x4 inches. Folia, 133. Lines, 10 on a page. Extent, 4,156 flokas.

Character, New&ri. Date, Newir Era, 829. Appearance, fresh. Prose.
Generally correct.

Beginning. -#> miritf aw: i


wtataiuTT<BiH(1fwwiai i


awwrt wwafft ww fatqn%: ii

wwwfsn: jiarfa wwitnifar^ i

WT *m wwBwfJif wwng ar^ wiwi u

~q: ^tewrftwnsainiiwi^ ______ i

jflfina a wafqfaartjgOiyt ii

asqwigfgwfajniT fiirt grta:

^^Iwifavafwam: i


^TaifirfrffnrfamfHwrf: ii

^4T axrergar^afawTTWia-
^ aahrfjra? yfyai i


fa^i i fa fawaar^rfHaimta^ ii wwifa i

End. afa wfipara^ta^aifaaaiaPftwaarfHaiafiroaaawrfaani *n-

B#tiqt wg: air; II

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( )

^ U g T *< ^ITlinT%Tf|Tt

im gfHuf? iinft ?fisjftnf^anii^ i

urfcTtH^ ^^^^1
HTtraraiTai ^Iwi n

(^'t.*'* i) 55ftPTT. By 10 X 1 inclics. Kolia, 10.

Linos, 9 oil a page. Bxlcnt, ISO ylokas. Cliarnctc-r, Ncwaii. D.ito, (r

Appearance, frosli. Prose ami verse. Incorrect.

BesBuninS- shr* siw: i

sra^ftra yu: wtniinw?i i

wriBsn JT^im: ii

wn5!!!T?[f^T ntiran i

^Bfn ffliuft iT% OTtq II

ar^ ^ajra ifa= ^arf^: imTi^junfir

amfipa ? nttsptnnunfirK fpo^ia

II fwtfV I

End. pjwTiRsjfaaqnwils^ pimnaiii m?f w^ar; i .

. . 9^1^ faw^ + + + feraa^t^ n

Colophon. TfW moan 'S^^lfhwiqt aR*ira'^if?fafvi: aarir n

aojanitiy ii

(^)^<.<. l) lOx 01 iiiclioR. Folia, 2G;l, (leaves

5 to 13 arc missing). Lines, 9 on a page. Exient, 6,420 cloka.s.
Character, Nagara. Date, Sainvat 1893., fresh. Veise. In-

Beginning. rw: i

Htfla) aTiiSl *nqin I

*nqiftMwfl5Tt wqtiinffR nit: ii

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^ WRirafa^fW i

sti^nrf^nrajTf^^ ii

firar *nf^ twj fwq i

wgi!*irtuw 5 fwininr*Hy ii

r\wntijHr3?1w snsrrrsftrm^ftm^ i

wnTTT^fn frarrfW tiMU im m Pt ^ n

OT ww wHTfVanrfinsTTT i

igvjifewH^iiii Hoanfhnrlfwm ii

q^fji^ino8a>S snTunwrrft t^: ?

farfaui*u*it"firHFg wfw: ii

$9i U3rf^ wrfaHTi i

f*fHfaiijin JTwfia vhr.imf'w v ii



rf^ f i ru^l^i fwa i q vtw

^g<_ ifc_ f __ _
a iifB<iw i7<t(i II

HW'9rf^'?nST I

nftnrw xni t ii

fsTBTUi*^ tiT snw farmii^ i

wtwi^ir HT ^ni rf n
( ^ I )

ww i

Jfrai ^R7rT nm.'pfawfliTJr; ii

najja?> sTw %aq3' I

am am aarwiit jgtsr wfwasg^ ii

^ 5^ imi^H nw aafa i

nflC a^ wafawTfa aaifai^a fTtfaff: ti

afa TOi Tpi srar *haaj aaiwa: i

nfarnw ariifjh %a aaaaarfIJi ii

^ffwa^a I

anfaara am am areiafrfefw: i

a^TT fafanTutr: a^^aiwiwtn ii

faariaaaifrfwwa i

^aa a a ^ ana wFsa aV a? ii

amaaitaa *na aria aaf

S9 d
a warn i

ntfaa g aai ^ ^fhr a atarg ii

aa^i asa aaranfr art^a^ fawa' am i

aaaar aai^a wsra aa a^fwr ti maifa i

End. aaaairfwT ggj amW i

ghiT gftaa tfa asaairataatH n

asaaiTmaanflfa asafa%aref

ytaia aaamiw era# maa aag it

faaitar aaza fwi aamr a ^ a &g; i

^[araiaL Fafgaijiira gaifm a a?taa; ii


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Colophon. tffr ^^ng^iiTna m fir^ r iftftfift-

^qdditirufiunt ^hrgfaw fdv iT ^^Ttr H nii

o^finiRnro: vzw< vmjr. \


I ... wir- xrew! w*gn i

fa WHt^ ^.nvia<nfnl fagp li ^ g nlftr-

jwtftinaTO ftwjni^ijao^ srm i ; i

ifko a1nwaa^ftwfwi i
9 1

wraTTOT V BfkgiaQ(Bf<USql BTB I 8 I

>> H I

wrfwTOiT(?)'aanreTT?f!fiBijt bib i ^ i


n ^i fnamr^a B> bw i
c i


10 I

fwarrwiy^jfjuBTft bhi i ii in i

^TTTiiFuanr^ irm i ig i

fffaumrfaaaF rTT i i8 i

ff HTw I n I

f8<ftqa*rafflif1 aw i i

5^wi5^wfaait arw i i i

alfntf^aaifaaat i i= i

aiauiaaaffra^ am 1 1< i

ao I

a a a aifa n Fajql i am ai i i

aViaiTafaq> am aa i i

almta aiTaiarv-af narfinfjialaaiiiiiimiiiairvai^

am I
(?) a i

ara i a8 i

aa 1

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( )

(VBRtl) . I!y . in x .'.

iii, lic.

Folia, 87. Lines. J on a (iii){o. Lxiuiil, l,tSl'i ^-lolci.s. (,lniiuclur, Newan.

Uato, Newar Era, 808. Appearance, fresli. Verse, lienevally correct.

Beginning. ^ai4l^?Tvrtg i

^TtBw^ Tfr^rfauTi:
aftSTH fair^fT i

TTOBiTpf ?ftT>r^r7v m aaaftr nfaj:

wi ^ wag wTTfTt afew gowg i n

fira awuny^it afa: arwin^n i

aftr^TWT^ faaiif^: ngsi^ ii

aw ainwargag n TWifr ii

End. aisnwfaiiit Bfr% wiatw ^ iftar: i

irfr wrat gfurfww^ faanwai*^ ii

Colophon. irffT ^a^anwi^rawyfift ^Tmjaaaiat f^-

WHfa?f)aa^Tioferwa n

WT# ^orFamna agwgWw: waowjw wrw

gprea fraar fyaw tflmw wraafUt i

HiaiaT aaa\xi: aata^fafw: i#1axmTtfawift

aiar^nnar^ tgsafaawt waj^awrr ii

^IVflw5|flfatf1owyrwttTw%w?io? wsrtw i

wwiTTo fa%nr war ^a^iirtrarfatarwr n

^wai^t nluTg i ^ft^^^wfaaofaarfw^wgtaaa a own

aranaTB! awi n wtfnnwcnwTawf

OTa = 0 = wiaw afr i ^ww^ n

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( )

14x4 inches. Folia, 215. I-iiics, 8 on a

page. Extent, 5,805 ^lokaa. Character, Newari. Date, (S'). Appearance,
fi-osli. Prose and verse. Generally correct.

BeffinniDg. wai^w^ntrt to: i

5^ ^wrf Hsn

5n?|^ wiianft


finr *5nar^TO*f*nf nanf^:ai amwi

asl airmtli^^uiwimi^if luiwiwl wij: i

t^wrora^Hirainfaga^tl a: %aH aiferail

TOamm^Hifl H?ni5 a: wt ii
( ? )

( mft m I

wwrfaw: it:

^ totoih Hnjjaa^ i

trial HVHil snrna wtsfu

fa ^a w a tTwfnr^^^anxirt ii

( irat wi I

rni ar^ar^ITO wraiftrfH tifag

^ "JuiFflaH^j TOT^:g I

ihat gi i rmri a t at ti^wv i ^ii

in^ finTTOTOwjsrrftwaiT: ii

TO tnrsaTnnuanjSynnj^pr: i

fwtrt ^rfrorro n

fr4iT ai^wTwrqr wro: g ^ Fafnatc i

awirrfHTOTO^ tottot( ii

( )

QiTTin: i

^o ^siT^t|[inn^if7a^HiT ii

5n:?1?iTwtni^ yanff!T3isw i{ (

HB: 0%W: OT3n arTTjfw^JiaWffJ^ II

^f^BITUartpi qWM?rlU4llJJ I


w inn UTOf^ifr rnr; n*j ii

3^1 liT^ 3afaa?t i

31155ft qfjswJtTr 3 fra: 'n*! 11

^fjwtn ^ifaan srrfiranfiTfT: 1

3i5ft5n?raf\ yrar T33T fyaai 11

^nr V firfvH^ muff jti*! hh: ttjj i

" W^S WiUlfi'l^rf*Wm

TwijtiJjr twm: wTwi^rfa 1

Viiwd|ir*g '33lfjD T^nft: BPJRnf^ 3 II

viw^w atnnifi? ffi u?r: 1

qajHTf^ fijut wtmuTftrararfe^TO: 11

sonnwjfawiw^WTTTTT: 1

HHt urgiwffdTi: ojifv^*i Hiit rwr: 11

nwlvativ riaywwiyn wftnnftar: 1

313 H3 mgaraiTiraxraji 11

3ii 3 iujdQ(!i^a vntnMigra: anj t

ai^nrt h3 an: uiaguffraa; 11

H qYawai aiTw wia^tafaaoaijj 1

tnara^TO ^rf^yiaii'f rat namnn^ 11

^T^warfli 1

^iftfiaara: awi^i ^riftugfawa: n

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a?n i

wf^ ?WTTT%jfi8nj vonqT Tfimi: *rn ii


( fmt WTOT I
) wwT^ I

End, mt iroi nqranwt w?qnTOnn Htn i

- yfa ii, . . . .. . .

(?rat wm i)

H^Hw qfqv Ttiftraftlff wm, I

(?) iTwr ?? ftj

nwnifwfSifHTHiftrfH %5 tItt. ii

{ imt WTWi I


Colophon, tfw vjftHw^sTmr qwi: <nK: i

qrfts q^fo I

^raJyfw qfifawq^ n

iftjqTTqr hi 4 t qan^ ftrirrar^j iiui i

aOoa. ijnqs Xiui ji<^ qfqiq^aifr: ii

qnwTTT q?1qiiiwiiirH(iriii n

()W l) By UTitf?Tn5. 14x4inohei. Folia,

192. Lines, Son a page. Bartent, 5,384 flokas. Character, NewSri.
Date, Newir Bra, 751. Appearanoe, fresh. Prose. Oenorally correct.

Beginning. Atrium snr: i

qiq|iqrrirturq4qKMH<!^uiiiy9lj|[^^ i

Miq^qiq^iV 5% II

siWT enwrftfhrer^hj! i

^ifhTwinTR^ qfvn *j*lw gf^FnK n

Digit!: cxJ by Google

( ^ )

^?pnniTw f^fsTT^mnra f*rfiwinrf*nmriH'SamtwifH-

5PTnjg^qfgfTfnarf(fafn^^<Fij w|f5rT^rfn ?nwrf.

fijijfwinif? I yinif? i

iqftnWTWTO ^TT ^RT 'SlwfuHT a^wfwWHlWiq II

ffinilifii fj 5T*?fsn I

nfortirni fa^Tt ^ n

i>ni5n^ arfirwTgfjraf^S gjinra

RRfROTTRV w^T fa^ w^: n

I ai?laaataraa|p^aaiRaRi wtisirh ii

( \8' = I ) ytcTwn:R^T: iJT35a>fa^. 10x5 inches, t'olin,

72. Lines, 0 on a paj;i!. Kxtont, 1,539 yloka.s. Character, Nowari.

Date, (f). Appearance, fresli. Iroso and verae. Ocucrally coiTCct.

BesrinniQ^T' wai^w^TnatifaHft rr; i

ai^tsffa^waiTifT: ftjnrgw: awt ani R^a

Rintala^aajH t^gf rR aanift^ faai^spS i

r: RiftiiTTRraafjrR fRit awr: antTarfin

ulqg B ^ B itirT: R RRaMR|

i RRjj: Rang ii

nmaifRiQaiRw RR n i

RTiaaijjR'sa atfawi wsangw; ii

R^aitR: Rufwn: gfaaa wlan^a: i



ata^f afa ^uragfanfa (?) r-rwi: n awiff i

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R'^Hij I

HW ^fflftrr ^
firotraT ? arr
j{ mi M
*ni mfffjv tr^ ^ jj^ mi i

wTH^RaetiFaa'iw mi fa fau n mai w mi n

im iR^wpwwm^mi Wlanfiiit wfii fttfiga: i

W'sn^i 5 *Wi n?r<rfia^!r jnr^ ii

mn ^mftMiii^ i^gji^firfu: aung^nr wt%

'i W HifTw fTstfTa%

nW^ mtmftit i


tan: jBBT^wai jfaa^iwatfa sttt

wnftftriFjfa firfav mmfmnsna^ i

iiii<iiHfaaTjn<tnFart Hai a an*nar^

TO mi
nnr^fTfanS # ii

vRiiaw v^|m a w H^Brm i

a an%a a nr)^ wwjtt ft Fatgt n

WataE^'** fWta f^fain) gm ii

Colophon. Tiw a^plTOna^fTjmaf i i

12x5 inches. Folia, 12. Lines, 5 on

a page. Extent, 6.5 ^lokns. Character, Nagara. Date, (P). Appearance,
fresh. Prose and verse. Correct.

Begrinniog- an: i am mrmfarfm i

Him fwat aro igaraqii ^Hl wtai i

..r - tafaui^ nja$n ii

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( >

5TIW ^ frit TW I

*aifB ^Tfu WJW T^njirT w^: II

iji5i mft ^ ^fa ur^it5 aif^ i

tniTTW^^ !i: mfr arxranfsTiw^ia a ii awifr i

End. ^ T9 W3 an^Y
g>S!isa^f?t5T i

tT *e^ ?T n^ai: wyfm

Jisgt aa>55g aaaifsr^ wa^ "

Colophon. Tfa ^TOTwfafa: aaiHi ii

I afa iaiia>a: i fftjTa!TawTfa vv aarafara: af%-


TTaiaq I anmlfriJla^i i am aaraWa^ am ^fafo: i

(^\<l) By or . <)x3 inches.

Foli i, 2'2. [iiiie.s, 5 on a page. Rxteiit, 220 9 lokas. Character, Nignra.

Date, Saka Kra, HS'l. Appearance, freali. Incorrect.

BeginninE. '^* ^Jinwia sni! i ai\^[oit*r aai i

^aa (?) gnnFaa*i i

fiirai^ atra^; ii

gi fM al ai ra arwiat + + i

aart^5 %aa f*nS gmfl faftr n

aat: ^ amt mm ata^jaai ii f*nfT i

End ailaan am wat aiTtmajfa anarar mamat - -

gd II ?

Colophon, afii i^aaaTTra#BnfT-*nr!naTftrrrar-^i _ _ _ |fift

arra^infaTta: aara: i
nwi i iis ^taart
a8< anam f maa^ aHait w)aaia^ arm aa alii i

faaa: i afa aaamaaninravuiairbKia^u ^afn^ air-

a^^ aiaunai uaatmrra: i

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( >

ifir o sim i
9 1

ipna^t ttm 1 1

5 im I

fWTTOrt nw I ^ I

wjrri^i s*m I e I

H5ijxif^T mr 1 = 1

*rro I < I

<rm I 10 I

giT * fafn T^w till


TS^HWr: I n I

wfrr 118 1

fvgUgH: I 18 I

v wf i l
( ? ) I 1 I

I i I

WlVhlgtT: 11=1
8 W 1 VI 1 : I 1< I

gfif I 80 I

l^tlgTTl I 81 I

Tfil I 88 I
88 I 88 I

5[gfg*n: I 88 I

Tfn I 8$ I

g8ftgi\ ( ? )
g8WIt! I 8 I

( I ) (Jsf48m'ffi) By igng
10x4 inches. Folia, 16. Lines, 8 on n page. Extent, 288 flokas.
Character, N&gai-a. Date, (?). Appearance, fresh. Prose and verse.
Generali; correct.

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) ) ) ) )

( ^ ^ )

Beginnins:. i

HTaraanmiHWTt^TOii^a^ i

inrfaHfarfwirt mws irjy^ ( r

W fa a aaar ii

iraai TKiaartirmaraaTtr fanjiff

aftfa irftfiaigvf grr n

aarai aafa ^ fw iai^ < faq i

aiimart ffara^a faj^fa: ii

'oa arantarauiTwm. a??^afTafg i awify i

End. ( wfwjj I

gfwai I rfa gfaragwjgra iinfarfaaTqt gwrarf^pgjf jtwrainnn-

Tnrg a umj; a1qft af w aa am ntm: i

W OT*-fC^ffgTT|TOB I

( \?8< 1 ) . 10x3 inches, Folin, 15, Lines, 8 on a

page. Extent, 300 (lokas. Cbai'acter, Now&ii. Date, ('if). Appearance,
fresh. V'ersc. Incorrect.

Beginning. ^nfliwia aw: vfvwwrinmiaiiwrT^ i

TisTlciia I

a4>nwf am ^jra caai a ig irg aitr i

nfa^ war hit ^ri figaig i aiaf ii

( ?

a t<la in
i i
( ?

VK arar ^ ii faMgl agmjtg i

( ?

^5wi! wiumiaro a ?tfiaw n twifir i

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( )

End. wifrH vn#in i

H^maf uiuniir> wt^ ^[9j ii

fWT gTn^ q ifaagnn i

ar fafw w ^ ^a aig ( ? ii

Colophon. rfW ijl^^nr^wir auaiuidwivi^ anlrfaTn^ *flsrrtfmw

mtrfwB-fTTlftsamr n wfk ftTWrifanr^rfsorat-

fW^ II

tfw ^iitiriiH nrtrfvff mudsaw!

fi g<tifip>gi* 1

ftwroftnrer 99 )

ft wferiftwref 99 t 1

M Wnif>iji 99 1

U wannfiraref 99 i 1

99 jHiTiftnrer 99

99 ?1WTTfWTO 99
e 1

99 r*tt If, VI
99 < 1

99 tnamfiB^rer 99
to 1

99 5*WTTftffTO 99 tt 1

99 It 1

. BygjPiJ. 16x4inclifs. Foli, 30.

Line*, 7 on a page. Extent, 980 flokite. Chmotet-, NieWJiH. Date, (?).
Appearance, fresh. Proee and verse. Generally correct.

Beginning:. ww i

iTu ftianft I

Btim ayt w^in ii

*5 ^ ^ unjJ^a
Vi1V?9T5-^t^ wh: I tu

ms M ni^gwian#! -

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( )

^ tbh: I I

wf^wftTi*i!nrw w miwujuw;-
wai H^fsTHT j*5wni!jifThrenn i

?TTfa fatT vaiw wfH Hw ww ig+ ii

wwrfr I

End. *thw fsi^ramrani fir

gra fanBro sni; *wjti5iit ftifla i

?Tfft TWT wiiafur nnUma.'

afti I

Colophon. #1gS5afis?f^Tqt a^nmrffTEaT ti n

(\8SRl) VT*STirT^T:: . By fiwWS^na 10x5 iiiclicii.

Kolia, ;W9. Liiioii, 9 on a page. Kxiciit, 8,752 vlukaa. Cburaeler, Nagara.

Date, Saipvat 1952. Appearance, fresh. Pi-ose and verae. Generally

Beg^inning. \5 wnarw i

wiTwi wrw omsw^raRja: i

uniBifa ff aT? aruoRRy ii

w% i

un 2tiara\RcTmi ftrtftsT n

narrturin bit^ HUtwsy%ftnS> i

nfmnnw mwR! B?wt w% n ( ?

aiieai ilirt Tfwrotw fmH: n

gf^yR^Rnn ryjB RT lBR VWg^QT- I

gfanarnr5R^no>iT ^rnft fawRoJl: ii

favT3[ finfjfaqawTfM! i

injiif mfqfr: i^w ^t al*rf*rnf w ii

( ? )

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( )

wa^wnn'i ii

iwnnnfw Twi)tfwfw wr{ ii fwiftr n

End- twwfjfBrv: I

wfii nPnroifT bjt

nsKiBUf RMi niwf 2 faumy i

Vf f qi f t nfim' #ftw ii

inn frri>^ ytt?fiBi ifa wifnrna '


raw B4nrr^H4i ntnfn mfini iro ii


nw! nr fWhr iriftrow n i

wwT QT H?Yirefqjt


Colophon. Tfw-4?> faq r B4<qw4t ftraat; i

ftw^wnqtwn^ WT^fqt! ii

wfw ^af^Tta^wni-qRWTTfinBB^rwBTfiiBT i^iWa^jur^-

wruw |Rt v^wioitiiiqil vefiiflTuy: i a*nnj i

vfW aTO KO arafwfw i wfiR |m e frtr irf^

a*W^4 {
f I I

( 04^ I
) 1 By . J X3 inches. Folia, 42.

Lines, 7 on a page. Extent, 955 flokas. Character, Bengali. Date, (P).

Appearance, fresh. Verse. Generally correct.

Beginning. i

iftft w fiitg Sniftr nfl tfw at wv

%W n> Hff Ufa a a niat wat i

Digi:'. y Coogj

( )

^ fhfr^
viRFt ^5finH5^yft^nn?ranr?^r-
rtf. or? g:

aS->ftl.rh4*i4j*||r9?rwiq^Hf3TnVT: I


^yrJ WW^n
sri^nwarhftm ^wfi?nf1rnTai i

wip.ffirfi,ii fnftj gfuqt ^Twgrsij??)

nr * i

^ fin ifiWT: irftmf^rnfqro^ iwywrr^lg

Ufr^iri v^it
twwwto fanrBJTmlw^nm ^ n

muify fjmd) wmifirw^ i

im amii

End. nt unfinrot ijtnr= liYijwtjfh fwgwfr ,

?w wnaii ggi;i+ gntjnn

an ow
wn snra? ftrfnnr fifjfnnt i

nmtwHT n
^fnfniRifijniim gnf^T

HsnHNrrgnim wn ferfi,: ,,

Colophon, wfH EMf ifsiftar Tmgin9fl mnir? I

^unmni ipff! ,1

ftwir: I
, .'.m,
f '. 3^, rtf.n,

..-i!, .,, .r.,

r^, fw,, vtn,.,

Digitized by Google
53S, wht,

wlrirw, vy*tn, mjRrfw: innJ4-

WfWTf'^tHnL^rgafff^T. By . 12 x 3 inches.
Folia, 2G.3. Lines, 6 on a page. Ritent, 4,950 ^lokas. Character, NewSrl.
Dale, NewSr Rm, 795. Appearance, fresh. Prose. Generally correct.

Beginninjf. ^ i

n*ifT ufaaiw ^ V 5^: wifii i

ftwtr fwfsj TT
rara^ffWuffflt trasf tiitj O! ii

f^sSiSTfwTTtflu ^^wi3[ wnwrilfwftfH i

wiwre^^flirewifsTwt ii

^fw57firrf1^Tn i

^wrai5PTTi atnaniw 5 annw: ii

i^lwtiaw! 9<mlTiTT7 "(?)

m tS^wtarfwiw uam ii

fatrfireTHnT wf# ysa^nT i *ftanr watv inj% ii ^

fepwmra^plngHiaiPl airnwH! qasmtTHv-
aiwrfrfWi g^fagi^qTl^a wa ni A ajKaa Afa-
artiwwwai^faHaiiji^afaajTOT: jst: attnttH; ^hw:
fgjf^w! I fwifir II

Pnd. a? ar- niftW snik a; at nafa m nfir: > fa^ at

aPaaiiat aif^anat awat inafa: miftiat nmnJtanat
at afw^: annnn n
^ F

( ^ ^ ? )

Colophon ^ta^inmfgrf%fTTirr vtv-

HTsn Twa^w. I

I siTS^Ts^Oo^Han ii %tjm 9< i n

I TW^i=T^t ain3TT^^ I

(3)\tl) (?t^). Hy >!t . 10x4in.:hcs.

Kolia, 11. Lines, 18 oil a paffp. K.vtont, 7 12 Qloka.s. Cliai-nctcr, Na^ara.
Date, (?). Ap|iearancc, old. and verso. Ocncrally correct.

Beginning, ntr^^ rflr1g?rq nfinwru i

H19TO wflfir 'slfafen tTgfHW?j3#jj ii

sn!Tniiia^!*iw^ fafrar gjgqgty ftart i

wiw wrfw^wF^i wnj ii

Twifr I

B. fa^^fa . . njmaarf i

.55tr fT fafwranni| n

( ^?wifafan firri i

nara fa?a% Zi| n

naiT^ fsrgmnnnH firin^aaia^ Rf=5iRmtFa i n\^-

fafa II wwrfr i

End. yairrf^ifia fmt ofW nFaraaiwrtwfa . . srwF ii

aa^^^jai Fa h ^ a ^a a m aig^aa^aa^^^ ii

^tarrar: i b. wflwiart urfwat gwr^w wmFwFa i ^rtnmrra aa: ii

wfa I tlnm Ttfitaaraig-sa-

amF^^ Fafa^nFiraiarq i

Twi?iRi?i yga aaraq n


Digitized by Google


^ 1

jfmim 1 1 fuftmi ^ 1

\ 1
( 1 )

^ 1 It=filIiTf4UT^ ( 1 )

^ 1 'KltTmeiffrH: (
SI 1 ) ... *<
B 1 ^^sfin<ng^T!m ( 51 1 )

(Cl) 'i\

< 1 8l4tIH?5nZ^*T ( 3 1 l 1 ) 8,

Q 1 ^gm*i5iw2>T (
SI 1 ) tB
V 1 Eig^faisiq: (hi) <<-

i 1 ^fHHTSI^U;! ( SS 1 )

V 1
( m, 13 I H, ^ I I
u, =^, B., BX, <<-,

CIHI3I5, Zisil) \, B, 3

VV ' WC3i>lf3a)3^ (HI ) ... <*

"B 1 B 1 1 )

1 S 1 ) ... U
\8 1 8JZfPHi:^3^f3lJMlf3fH:(si l) Bt
... ... ... t.B

M 1
1 ^>s5hl3133I*t \Bi


S?* 1 S 1 ) ...

1 Hl'miTf^'3iITI3KFflai ( 1

Digitized by Google
) ) )

srr 11

riitfir 1 ^isifu 1 fiiniMt s 1


( 1 )

1 5T^UT5IKW<J (si).,.
^8 1

T 1

^8 1
( 1 )

1 1 )

^ 1

RO 1 3-nTTra'nft>tT2^ ( ^ 1
1 ) t.l, <4 \

1 ;ssirt*ns: ( w 1

1 3irnii^mfi (si)...
s* 1 <3ST^ftrfw: ( ^ 1 ) ... 'ii

1 3snp4tttf'lfs: ( 1 )

1 '3^^=?: ( 1 )

^ 1

1 ^i^8n^nr5CJl I

^8 1 STT?8fVmTt<8iri ( t 1 )

s?<iKtiRnnTisg*t ( *i 1 ) ^*, 88

1 ( w 1

^l ( Hi 1 ) ...

*R 1


1 wfinnb5fwf ...

H 1 ^reTH^nfe^ ( ff 1 8IL

8 1 1 ) V
8\ 1 lf4jft5irT^48: ( ^ 1
) ... 84 4i
8<^ 1 * ^14

Digitiz byQppgle

srmrfif i

1 sirin^r?i5i^isftfa: (hi) 88,

88 1 ... ... ...

Bti, 1 Hnf^jTai^ ( ??i 1 )

e< 1 HtmiS^tT (hi)

8S 1

8"= 1 ^ 1 ) '=d

ee. 1 Hflfi^flTTIWrH (si)


n I
( W 1 ) ...

1 % HnfHHfT

1 ( S 1 )

1L8 1 f* t* \<*
1 Hri^tTH*l (HUHTWfHqKHHHJj)

Hi 1 ( HTHfwHfHfy: ) **

1 (hi)
1 H5MNKaW( ( H HM W H IX, 1 1
s t,

i.i 1 RT5ISHiTp ( *I 1 ) 1
1 HiTHIKsJ- ( 13 1 ) 8

1 (31) ... I.*

i\ 1
S )

<8 1 a^HHiHUHtTHTW (3 1 ) ...

in 1 aPlffiiraTHit (hi) M 4

1 jfWHnJTHU ( H 1 Hf 1 ^ 1 ) 1^8, 8,8, 8 4'=, 44

< 1 *pfiHTOa>Hi:i (si)...
<^= fsn;Hwn[

Digitized by Google
) ) ) ))

riHifn I i ^ i

ii. 1 *

( 1 n 1 ) \\,H
1 3!9iifm>8nw^^3ifwnTwi (si) ^
1 fmtfwanw^ irzjfnrfia^ (f 0 \\
f { 1 )

8 1 3i8fN^8t^^ ( ^ 1

1 f^T^Snram: (
81 1 )

< 1
{ ^ 1 ) 5^8

Q 1 s 1 ).

a 1 1
at 1 <
( 1
1 fwaraiiai: ( i
) \

1 01BI9TOa!*l

'^1 uwaigftati ( ar 1 1

'8 1 iai3au3Kij ( 5 1 ) ... l-iL

'lU n%*jft^r8TO8m: ( js i

1 8 8 t .

a 1 jns8Twftfv: ( a 1

^ 1 ... a*8 88 \<


1 ( at 1 )

1 M^ 1 1 . ...

Diniti7ft- by Gpipgk

^lIlfiT 1 'iHiTlf.t 1 if.1 ^ 1

1 jficTHIWI (
n 1 )

^8 1 1 ) t*
48, 1 Sflfafissn^w ( z 1 )
... ca
1 JZ^qjsfcT: { n 1

to 1 ( *f 1 )
t^ 1 (Cl)
te 1 iftn^igTti;Tot: { i
) ...

1 rftftf8I= K8-
1 iftfits^ST^pTOT: ( ^ 1 )

( W 1 )

1 qr^cqfli: *
^,8 1 UTB^m:

^ 1

V8,l *t*

V< 1
( JI 1 )

Vo 1 )

1 flK^tffraT (hi) H
\4. 1 (hi) <

U* ' HP5f5)IRT;I (hi Hi , hi VI) V, <t, *l, 8l

\U 1 ... ... t

1 ... f

1 (hi) ...

W 1

U8 1 f* T,og

U8.I (hi) ...

Digitized by Google
) ) ) )



^impT 1 1 hfURf ^ 1

V\< 1 snnftjxrmw^ # \0l.

1 ( ^ 1 1 <, ea

\t. 1

1 rr?ni[Tw^i ,,,

1 meiMii ( 18 1 )

1 ^q;a^TT>n^rT>r*i ( i l 'ii

\,8 1 wnsTft:T ( g 1
1 ... ... ...

1 (^1^1) ... as
( ^ 1 ) ... R*
\^'= 1 (Cl)

? 1

1 #

n 1

I 9 I
) ti
I !jwfpnm8iiwt%e\^ ( *^ i

I awfru: ( If I
) ... t
I !pm^npTn|( r i ii i
) <f ,

I { ^ I 5 I F 1 ) ns, 8

Digilize<j by Goc^e
) )

1 mTTtcTif'at (hi)
1 ( w 1 )

1 feUJTlf^f^W^: # \'8
t,8* 1 ( T5 1 HB

18\ 1 f^tBTir^^w ( 9 1 ) BB

\8^ 1 f^gn'iqrtwftfu: (si)

\8^ 1 (si) L

\88 1 f^jTmnf^f5r<H^i4if^fn:(^ i)98

*^8<l.l tsfcai^l^w ( sr 1 )

\B< 1 ( s> 1 )

\8 1 !T?Ifr*Rqj5f<t! ( ^ S ^ 1 1 1 *t ) gi., <<, oi,

IB'S 1 ( S 1 )

\Bf. 1 ?BlftliSTflfs: ( :0 1 ^ 1 ) V. 8'=

W 1 ^BreSStmiTC ( Si 1 ) ...

1 ( ^9 1 )

1 5Tnn?(S!

^PT^TSBftgBIS: ( 1 ) ... 98

\1.8 1 ( s 1 jg 1
RB, 8B,

1 f<4tU<lSTI ( S 1 )

^7if sgsf*??ss* ... ...

t.v= 1 ^sefs: (si) \*B
(si) ... ^8

\<* I %f^itsn*t ( sr 1 ) ... 9


Digitized by Google
) 8

wtmP* I vwiTiPin ftestwi

< I %^lHnri<w*l ( w I I ? I >1, ' '<-'** M.

9 I H I B I If, B I ^ I 3 I i\, <s <<.,

9 I I 3, B I 9, 9 9N 3 I I ) , 8,

r I X^tHTTT5W^t9n ( ^JlT9=^f?9T-
919^ 1 ) ( C 1 ) ...

\<* 1 R9lf9[:i8T9'^t ( 9 1 ) ...

Ml 1 flfIW9: ( ^ 1 1 ) ...

V 1

' 999f99ir ... ... ...

\< 1 9#r: * ...


Mi-i 9^9m9TH: B ...

\*>* 1 9^lf99(T (91) ...

1 9^91?;! ... ... 8 . 8

1 9T59T9l ( B 1 ) '><1

1 9l5Bi3: ( 9 1 9 1 )
^8, ^8

|,8 1 ^>fl9RT999T39il ( 9 1 )
5T 1

99P89[tT9^ 88 8.8

1 RwwrntBn { 9 i nt.

1 99^39T9tC: 8 8 8 8 8

1 9T9f99999lf ( B 1 )

\9t 1 9CB(9999Blf^t9n
BV 8*8

V^=* 1 nmBfrseWi ...

1 99x:si*i 888 8 8 8

1 >iTin;ir94[ ( 9 ) ...

Digitizecjby Google
) )

^Utlf^ 1 'nui'ifu 1 ftwrf fsuTtm^iTiPii ^ i

1 stTirtcartTo^^^Ti ... Xl<

1 >innsf5^tiew ( t i ) ...

rnBniTWi ...

\'=< 1 =n^q^t^T . . f ... i.e^

tea 1 TTcfhre^inwT ( *i 1 )

1 rTtcftfrarmr*! ( si i
) ...

( 9 1

\f 1 f^iiUTcrJfi?! (hi)
1 firnrifSiB^faranitK ( ar i ro i
) 8H.,8

\4R 1 f>i?iii ( ^ 1 ) ao


... ... ... iti
\.8 1 fji^Ta?^fTai X

1 fsr^rem?iiiTTRrJWH

1 f<|tMaH>Hiy^ {K 1 ) ... ^8

1 n^flWHSWTJT: t ... 9

li': 1 (hi) ... 8<

\<t 1 5jnii<i*Pr*i #

^.0 1

1 ( H )

1 =nrHf5HTRf: (hi) ...

1 JUTBrnranj i

5lH 1 HTHWinc: ( Hf 1 ) ... V

1 JHTlWpNtffTflTW^^ (?3 1 HI ) S':. 8t

^ 1

V< 1 'T^cPH*( t
^ 1 (hi)
3^<> 1 twr^n ( M ^ 1 <. *.<

Digitized by Google


1 HT^^TT^rrini (
Bf i
) ... u 1


1 n;nu.wfsi ( i i Hi

1 nifff5*:nB8{ ... ..V

1 iT3rf5pnr: ( 0 1 ) u<- 1

Mli3|'ClK*W*l {'HI) '=H

1 MWH|I5(fH: ( B 1 )


1 a.HM.Hri;8l (hi) ... H.* t


Rl,<- 1 TPC^HlfwH: ... rhl

1 'SHHHftnn (hi) 8
1 5HH^*I(H|) 8^

1 gsrfHWWfW! ... ... ... ... q

1 ^nfrfH!(in)
^^8 1 ... ... ...

( b i ) ...

1 fssmi\y<1 ( ri ) ... .

^^6 1 Hfirerarwn ( h a i i
) ... f'i.

^1' 1 Hfcf^KTHHT*! ( a 3 1 1 ) ... >(, 8, i\ u<

1 (hi) -s

1 BfR^TBTTBfr: ( 3 1 )

1 gq^BKHWIJ ( t 1 ) ... t
1 Hq)HHfNHIT3HtI ( ^ 1 ) <8 (

1 (bi )

^^8 1 Btttfwanj ...

mi (hi)

uiO 7 CQQgle
) ))



1 ( 1 )

R8 1
... n'l-
^9V 1


... R\'
^0!^ 1 Htwa^
^ 1

niT*:^\rgtTJn ( J3 ^ ^ 1
) SJ8, RH, <
^88 1

5^80.1 ^fwnihaH:: ( i

i^e< 1
rlf^n5t^<Titfeta^ (*f

( ^ 1 ) i\
^8^= 1 jn5nj.Ti ( z 1 )

R8t 1

M 1



Hir^^B?t<n (^101! \<., H-
1 J 1 ^ 1
) i\,

^1 n \t,
^^0 1 (
1 )

( ^ i

^i.< 1
w 1 )

90 1

I (
^ 1 w 1
t.8, <i n

Digitized by Google
) )


wimftt I

1 HKWTtJ^TZ^JJ i^\) ... ^8

1 HT^TVRI (31)
1 *rN%5l?nnf :
(^13151 \3

?3 1 "I 1 ) _ ... 83,

H 1

M'll (31) ...

1 33^t5)>sh:3Wi
1 W3TIT?::

1 UT3f^>!f)3: ... 333

1 338
*?< 1 *13Ttj8T?:i ( 5 1
1 W3fXWC33IT| 338

^i(. 1 Bran'll*! ( *r 1

1 nre^:(J3i)
( 5, 3M )

( 13 1 )
M t.33

1 Tia*w^! ( lf 1 ) n
Hg 1 TTTm;3I ( ^ 1 f 1 3 1 1 ) U.

*nn*mc3Hr<{f^ii235j3^3n ()

^< 1 jfTWTrre3i*l (hi) ...

1 1 *TTTflWrei3: ( n "f 1 )

1 5RTi*fl'qTl*<3*tgn:! ( 3 1
8 \>^3

Re 1 *?r3^t*nTT3*r*i ( 1 ) ae

1 3TTI3^tnnr liW3B^T^T3-

( ^ 1 TJ 1 ) ... Sl3, ^=8

Digitized |)yGopgk
) )) )


( H, 1 ) <

1 WTTSie^lifS^^T ( a 1 )
... 'SB

1 TTWtRT*?T?T3R|?nSTtI ()

1 flff'fl-. wfHt*i ...

1 rfT>ra^8n ( ) ... 8

^'=< 1
( ^ 1 ) <

1 nit55*iT^iiw ( 'a 1 )

^CC 1 nraefnRTtjaareaw ( z i at ) Hi., 8

=^'=t 1 HTfaia>^fiT! (hi)

1 1 )

1 tg^inanir. ( 1

^4^ 1 ^1tTWfHTeaR( ( JB 1 )

4^ 1
( a 1 ) i^

^48 1

(ar (s i)
^41 i ( Z I 3 I
) \\, 'iK

l.4< 1 *rai3#lan ( z i

^4 1
( 1

^4^ 1 Jlperann^THt ( W 1 88

^^44 I J^ftramr^ifftat (=5 0


^o. 1

^ 1

.\ 1 ...

1 Haa*aaain ( ar i
8 o

1 HS^IHUna: ( w ! )

^8 1
( W I )

^"'41 Htinfl3: (hi) ^44

Digitized by Google
) ) )


1 ^iTifj* 1 fttfjrwt fwwn^TT'<9 n 1

' ... ..

1 (|)JUII^I ... ... ... ^<8

1 V\irKd9fJi: (si) ...

1 )jirc= ... ... ... ...

1 *rtf^f*nreratsi: ... ...

1 twwi ( 1 ) ...

1 5C^in?tw ( w 1

1 t^T|tTfjST ( W 1 ) ... 8 ...

^\9 1 ^wTinii! * .

Tisirw^?nTi . ... ...

( W 1 )

. * ...

^\'= 1 tT^WTWT ( W 1 ) . < ...

1 ini'll ^sja^ ... ...

1 yTlirWtW:
... ...

1 .** ... ... ^8 8

1 TtJSPJtmWthlOPT*! (91)
( r, If 1 s s 1 1 ^8, i^,

I 1 2T 1 )

1 itwPswTRrs*! ... ^8<

1 i:Tn>ii^rrni ( if i If

U< 1 9WTT4IIH ( 1 )

1 S99TV9H (si) V ...

1 sfi9WTtrr9rTffln ( 9 1 <

n<- 1 iprra^ ... ft ^8

Diglh^ y Google
) ) )

muifir I

( n ) 8<

1 'srBit^ciiwNjj ( ^ 1 8<
1 wsr^en?;: (hi)
Blpwci l'8ll^f^^I ... ...

^ 1

^^8 1 gi7TftTfTx;wfir<n ( ir i

wfireMtW^TR! ( g 1 i 1
n. <0.
V g 1 1 cT 1 s

\\i 1
?TB^T^liT ... ... ? 8<

1 ( M ) ...

1 ?IH^tflTgt(8ZrHBrT ( g 1 ) 81
1 ^Tgg^fiHTgT^^TgTftjcTg^-

fw: ( C 1 ) 8

^8 1
TIcTgJTgJfsirnigTWJ (^ 1

\a\ 1
^w5rvft\gnnsfg: (hi) 8.

^8^ 1 5m%nClHcifeatijJi (21)

1 ^*I%>S?Wg5*rTgTJgT-

ftgg: (hi)
^88 1 ^TfTWWl (hi)
tnganjsn ( i

^8< 1 tnwnnftfH-. ( H 1 a

^8 1 ... li
^8^ 1 ... ...

^8<. 1 f4<tliT)2: (HI)

^1" 1 (HI) t
1 ( g | ) ... 8

Digitized by Google
3) )) )


( 1

t fMTinw;: ( 2 1
) 81
^i. 1 g 1

^w.1 ftraT?cafm! ( wi at
( ^ 1

u 1 ft^TTUfS: ( W 1
) M
^H'= 1 fsr^inf^'ngfa: ( w i
) ... ^0

1 fttftfirenfwTra?pi (31) i'i

M* 1 ftfJTntrtwm: ( r 1 )
... *18

\i\* ( *t i
1 It, 8

1 ( ff 1
) ...
\i 1 f^aniTTnn ( n, 3 3 i i

Ml' ft3|ofer3tWa: ( *f 1
) 1^

M< 1
( ? 1

M 1 ( r^ic3na! ...

M'= 1 ( JTi ) ... 11

Ml 1 ^awvwf^wfir: ( 1
... t
^^ 1 ( 31 ) 8

1 ( 1 1 Jr,
M. 81.
9 V V
1 1 1
) llll
1 ( *r 1
) M
1 tnTJSJmmwJt ( ^ 1
) ... <\
%-ll_-, - ,- 1 ,T A I

itaTnri^: (hi)
M< ' JtHTRgiTtH!

^e 1 ^wjcawwi ( 31 ) ...
) ).


^ I

umifiT I

1 Biaif?Rti^tra'j^Tnn ( ^ i
) t

1 ( 3 1 Ji 1 ^ 1 8<, tt

1 nTfrWpnfffl ( ^ 1 ) ...

1 WT?:!nfa5T ( m i 0 c i

1 1TU:rtfT?Ili^5|iT

1 ( ^ 1
) i\
^'=1-1 ( ^ 1

^'=< 1 fipv4?:

1 ( ^ 1 ) ... <.=1

I ( fi 1 )

1 ftRR^rgt*! ( ^ 1 )

1 fsHTCTJnn

1 fjl^Tlf^f5W*UT ( i 1 ) . .

1 ( 1 Mi ) 1<, B.

^4 1


HI 1

14< 1
5 1

( iff

1 fiSWlMS! (

) ( B 1 )

1 (hi) 8t
1 ( B 1 )

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)) )


8\ 1
( IT 1 )

8^ 1

8^ 1 ^wenafcT! ( z 1 <3
8*8 1
( ^ 1 )

804 1 1 ) ... 8

8*^ 1 1!(tTTCT^: ... ... ...

^ I

8s I ^ I
) ... ^3
8^| I ) ...

8 I

( f <!nfr(nHiii5fnmi )
(ir i)

^ I

8V 1 I

8Vt, 1 wfrZTTTTZ: ( T3 1 Z 1 Z 1 )

8\^ 1 TH^^! ... M*

8\^ 1 fTT?tfr*n^TC: 1 ... ... ...

8^8 1 ( I 1 )

8\'4I TEtflcTTTC^:

*V< 1 >^<8

Tl\3 1 fI7WUr5ITlI ( T 1 ) ...

8<^ 1
( Z 1 ) 88.

8^4 1 rn?tsSfi^T ( JH 1 )

81 1 w^if8WT ( a 1

8^\ 1 ( ^ 1 '8.

8^^ 1

!d by Googlt

11 )

( U 1
) >1^

8=?B 1 ^ I 5|i 1 ) ... =?l,. S': >^<1

8^4 1 (si) ...

8?< 1
( tj 1 )

8^0 1 fHSfl=riirm>rwtfRirsf<T:(z i)^a

B^': ( ^ 1 ) ... * *

e^i 1 f5T'rln:q5f^: ( 3 1 ) 8.5

8^0 1 1
BH 1 fttfS^ntCWfSjTTT ( 1

8^^ 1 5JlfcT>HT3J (si) ...

8^^ 1

8^8 1
( S 1
1 )

8^8.1 *

m 1 ^aiftns: ... * t q<a

8^0 1 (si) a8
8^^: 1 ^hTTTOcTrf^lfl ... I

8^t 1 R<4
88* 1 ?^ICSfT3T ( Hi 1 ) 88

8B\ 1
c ...

88^ 1
( S, S 1 )

88^ 1 StSIClSHtTTTWH ( J3 1 )
888 1
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