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Feedback for Molly Shih, Chinese 102, April 4, 2017, at UH Manoa

In one or two sentences, what did today's guest instructor do that was good? (what
helped you learn?)
Lots of games
The PowerPoint was engaging. I liked the tally of points throughout the class. Also I
loved the fact that she gave instructions out in English along with a Chinese because it
made it a lot easier for me to understand what was going on in class.
She was friendly and energetic.
She was extremely interactive! Asked for us to repeat sentences back to her, established a
series of participation-focused tasks, and had a very structured and set outline of the day's
lessons and activities. It made everyone in class pay attention, be in tuned, and
She gave English instructions after her giving the instructions in Chinese, which made it
Very even paced class with just enough English to make sure almost everyone was on the
right page at all times
activity that require us to repeat vocabulary & the tally-mark system
She was very energetic and had us speak a lot and interact with others. The game and
story were fun as well.

In one or two sentences, what did today's guest instructor do that could be
improved? (what made learning difficult, and what constructive advice can you
Better structured games
On the last activity an example under the grammar structure would have been helpful. It's
still a good activity but just the fact that we didnt really know how to use the grammar.
Activity over load. I think it gets a little bit disorganised and chaotic with so many things
going on.
It was brilliant, really. But maybe especially for the points maybe outlining what actions
exactly would get us points (answering questions, speaking louder, participating, etc). It
was fun to kind of figure it out as we went along, but maybe some clearer direction
would've been good too.
Nothing I can think of.
No clear flaws came to mind in today's lecture
speak too loud at some point
Maybe explain the sentence structure a bit more.

Student Feedback for Molly Shih, Chinese 102, April 4, 2017, at UH Manoa

In one or two sentences, what else could today's guest instructor do in class? (what
new features would you add to improve learning?)
More vocabulary review
I think it was a good lesson, it was engaging and she spoke at a good volume.
Spend a little more time explaining the grammar behind the last activity.
Have a grade system for the treats! So maybe, everybody still gets the cookies for
participation, but only the top three groups get another extra treat of some sort. It pushes
for more competition among groups, instead of all the 'winning' just attributed to the top
Keep doing interactive group activities with direct teacher-to-student answers
reduce vocabulary that we don't learn in lesson & put pinyin at all vocab and new words
Maybe develop a different type of game

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