Ecei1 02terms

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Appendix 1.


Key Terms:
Habits and Strategies for Personal Growth
Term Definition

General Terms

goal An aim; something that a person or group intends to achieve

end A result or outcome

habit Something that a person says or does repeatedly

happy Feeling pleasure, joy, or satisfaction

sincere Real; genuine; meaning what is being expressed

successful Accomplishing what was hoped for


mission statement A statement of purpose; a statement of what is valued and what will be done

open minded Willing to accept new ideas

prioritize To rank in the order of importance or urgency

proactive Thinking and acting ahead in order to accomplish goals and reduce problems

renew To make new or fresh again

synergy The result described in the statement the whole is greater than the sum of its parts ---
i.e., a group can achieve and produce far greater things than any individual working
alone can achieve or produce

winning attitude Conveying an air of positive thinking

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