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Ventresca 1

Aaron Ventresca
Mr. Sebestyen
Honors World Regional Geography
Creating Mexicos Future

Numerous nations in the modern world suffer from pervasive hardship, conflict, and

strife. The mere thought of creating a better future appears a daunting challenge for legislators.

Mexico demands that its future terminate the complete ignorance toward corruption and

instability. Mexicos trade platforms, electoral process, and monetary allocation are in dire need

of reformation to ensure that Mexico grows to adopt 21st century ideals. Economic, political, and

social reforms are necessary for Mexico. Through effective legislation, Mexico should strive to

embrace its future via global trade, free, democratic elections, and a reallocation of social

government funds to allow the Mexican people to prosper.

In order to provide a prosperous economic future, it proves essential that Mexico

welcome external and global trade. Throughout its history, Mexico has thrived based on its

export of goods to the greater global economy. During the Mexican Revolution in the early

1900s, foreign investors flocked to Mexican markets to invest in its bolstering economy. Mexico

succeeds when its economy thrives off exports. Under the rule of Porfirio Diaz during the

Mexican Revolution, Exports increased by a factor of six, averaging a growth rate of more than

6 percent per year (International Socialist Review). It can be clearly noted how Mexicos most

successful future consists of a large dependence on exports. Having foreign investors contribute

to the Mexican economy increases the demand for goods; jobs are created to produce agricultural

and industrial goods to be exported across the globe. In addition to foreign investment, NAFTA

must be embraced to ensure a bright future for Mexico.

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To increase trade to an even greater extent, NAFTA can be renegotiated and accepted to

better assist the Mexican people. By renegotiating and embracing NAFTA, trade is even easier,

promoting an even greater success because of trade. Option 3: Embrace the Future details how

economic trade would greatly help Mexico in the long term; this idea must be adopted. Mexico

should lower trade barriers and reform its legal system to promote the growth of export

industries and encourage foreign investment (Choices). The usage of Option 3 leads to a

renegotiation of NAFTA to promote well-being amongst other powerful nations such as the

United States and Canada. By renegotiating NAFTA and lowering trade barriers, Mexico feeds

off the successes of other nations, jump-starting its stagnant economy. Mexico should strive for a

future revolving around foreign trade and NAFTA; democratic elections will also augment

Mexicos bright, embraceable future.

The establishment of a democratic political system in Mexico is essential to the political

prosperity of the future. Political history from across the globe leads to one main conclusion:

democracy is the most effective and prosperous political governing system. In recent times,

Mexicos political election of 2000 was the first free election in 71 years. The Industrial

Revolutionary Party (PRI) had dominated the Mexican legislature for decades, taking on the role

of a dictatorship. [] the notion that millions of Mexicans, however poor, would have sold

their votes for as little as $10 and as much as $50 [] (NewPolitics). It can be clearly noted

how the PRI regime led Mexicans to fear their legislature, causing vote selling to become a

common practice. The PRI has run Mexicos political system into the ground, losing the trust of

investors across the globe. Mexicos democratic process must be augmented to ensure that

investment and trust remains in the Mexican government. Promoting democratic elections

through organized rallies and effective lawmaking would ensure that the Mexican political
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system supports economic growth and values the opinions of its people. The implementation of

free, democratic election will also contribute to capitalistic and empowering ideals for the

Mexican people.

Democracy is an essential part of Mexicos future, as demonstrated by Option 3: Embrace

the Future. Government is at the center of a nations strength; increasing national strength

through democracy will provide for a greater all-around future for Mexico. Mexico should

strive to establish a stable political system based on the rule of law. Democratic reforms should

be gradually introduced to guarantee fair, multi-party elections (Choices). The creation of free-

multi party elections ensures that the voices of the Mexican people are heard, creating stronger

national policy and lawmaking. Democracy would also promote capitalism, which would

increase the motivation to work, educate, and contribute to Mexicos great future. Democracy

and trade will ensure a prosperous future, alongside the reallocation of government funds.

The reallocation of social funds will prove to provide a socially sustainable future for

Mexico. It is crucial to note that the Mexican government should not necessarily add or subtract

from its budget, but rather wisely reallocate the money that it already has. The economic crashes

of the 1980s and 1995 severely weakened the lower and middle classes, adding to Mexicos

already existent poverty. In 2006, 42.9% of Mexicans were living below the poverty line. The

government must seek to fund education by allocating funds directly for schools. Mexicos

education budget is funneled through depraved unions and very little actually seeps through to

the schools (Americas Quarterly). By educating future Mexicans, the poverty rate will decrease

due to an increase of skilled, intelligent laborers. Mexican authorities must reallocate funds by

investing in Mexican education. Policy makers must implement legislation that ensures that

Mexicos education budget is actually provided in full to schools; government funds could be
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altered if the money provided is subject to passing through unions and other obstacles. In the

past, the Mexican government has failed as a result of monetary corruption. During a new era of

democracy, the government must strive to lessen corruption through social policy and the useful

distribution of government funds toward education for the future.

Government funds must be used to create a stronger police force, ending drug cartels and

street violence. Legislators must create a movement to end crime via funds, providing better

social wellness for Mexicans. The National Crime Prevention Program will take roughly a

$35.6 million cut. The Interior ministry, which runs that program and almost all federal security

programs, will see its investment budget slashed by 77% (Business Insider). The Mexican

government must reallocate funds to ensure that the Mexican police force receives an adequate,

untampered budget to decrease crime. As crime decreases, morale and social wellness increases

throughout Mexico. The Mexican government must strive to abolish corruption in current

programs to create a stable future.

The reallocation of government priorities and funds provides for a great future via Option

3: Embrace the Future. By eradicating the loss of funds through unions and corruption, Mexico

will use its current wealth for the better. Mexico should hold down government spending by

rooting out waste and corruption in existing programs (Choices). It proves essential that the

Mexican government act to provide a sustainable future. The reallocation of government funds

coupled with democratic elections and increased trade will provide a bright, embraceable future

for Mexico.

In sum, Mexico must strive to create a strong future based on foreign trade through a

renegotiation and acceptance of NAFTA, democracy, and a reallocation of government funds

toward social policy. If Mexico chooses to follow through with creating jobs via strong economy,
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the Mexican people can overcome poverty and hardship. Democracy will bring a new light to

Mexico, just as it has done to other nations. The United States has prospered as a result of

democracy; if Mexico chooses to embrace democracy, its economy and social policies will

blossom, creating a great, embraceable future.

Works Cited
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Easterling, Stuart. "Mexico's Revolution 1910-1920." International Socialist Review, Center for

Economic Research and Social Change,

1920. Accessed 29 Mar. 2017.

La Botz, Dan. "Mexico: The PRI Is Back, the Left in Disarray." NewPolitics, 16 Sept. 2012, Accessed 29 Mar. 2017.

"Mexico at the Crossroads." The Choices Program, Choices. Accessed 30 Mar. 2017.

Shahani, Arjan. "Mexico Is Flunking in Education." Americas Quarterly, Council of the

Americas, 24 July 2012,

Accessed 29 Mar. 2017.

"10 Facts About Poverty in Mexico." The Borgen Project, Borgen Project, 8 Aug. 2015, Accessed 29 Mar. 2017.

Woody, Christopher. "Theres Something Conspicuously Absent from Mexicos 2016 National

Budget." Business Insider, 16 Sept. 2015,

national-budget-security-cuts-2015-9. Accessed 29 Mar. 2017.

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