A Steaban Lor

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2800 Kettering Dr
Waterford, Michigan 48329

Steve Garrison Assistant Principal

PHONE: (248) 673-1261

April 21, 2015

To Whom It May Concern:

It is a pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Mrs. Andrea Steaban. I have known Mrs.
Steaban during my time as an assistant principal at Waterford Kettering High School. During this time,
Andrea has taught middle school mathematics to students at Pierce Middle School, many from very
diverse backgrounds, most notably high-poverty and English Language Learners.

I have noticed Andis warm, positive, and reflective personality be a model of commitment and
professionalism for students, their families, and especially this school year, the Math Department at
Waterford Kettering High School. She has been a bright light in our secondary schools in Waterford,
especially as we continue to rethink our math instruction and professional development opportunities.

As an example of Andis influence, I arranged for every math instructor at Kettering to spend a half day
with Andi and her students at Pierce Middle School last November. Andi met before we visited her
classroom to share more about her focus for that lesson. After teaching, Andi joined us to debrief,
answer questions, and help the teachers think about collective and individual next steps for their
instruction. The power in this type of learning was that the teachers were able to obtain a new mental
model of math instruction, have their philosophies on engagement challenged, and have the time needed
to synthesize and then formulate direction. Six months later, even our most resistant teachers refer back
to this learning as significant. The reason the learning was significant was Andis ability to build
openness and trust in a short amount of time. Andi has the ability to pull people together and remove
fear, by providing the steps needed for success.

As a teacher, Andreas classroom is grounded in student ownership, as you will immediately uncover
when you ask questions of her students. As a principal for 12 years, Im not sure Ive visited a
classroom that has that significant of a level of student ownership, student skill in discourse, and
sustained student thinking and engagement. Andi simply exceeds expectations in all areas of her
teaching, all areas of professional responsibilities, and is morally the type of team player and role model
that is needed in public education and most notably school leadership.

In closing, besides Mrs. Steabans outstanding instructional and collaborative skill set, I believe her
strongest asset may be her consistent and passionate ability to think reflectively, immediately initiate
best practice instruction, and make a lasting impact on the educators that surround her. In addition,
Andis capacity to embrace accountability for her students success is simply outstanding! One can only
imagine what her impact would be when leading a school, a department, or in a multitude of coaching

I would highly recommend Mrs. Andrea Steaban for any leadership position for which she is qualified.
My only hesitation is in knowing that a significant loss for our Districts students, parents, and staff may
be the result of Andis absence.


Steve Garrison
Assistant Principal
We guarantee to every student the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to become an effective citizen of the world.

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