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Philosophy Book:

In every mind, there is a different

world waiting to be discovered.

Sandra Zavala
Mrs. Parrott
23 January 2017
Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Argument: Nature can have a positive influence on ones lifestyle with its beauty and radiance if
individuals are willing to expose their true colors and value what nature has to offer them.
Nature has a unique beauty that is blind to the eye, but visible to those who appreciate
their surroundings. In the essay, Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson, the author argues that
nature can have a positive influence on ones lifestyle with its beauty and radiance if individuals
are willing to expose their true colors and value what nature has to offer them. For example, the
rhetorical strategy, parenthesis, is utilized to demonstrate how accepting nature can be: Nature
says- he is my creature, and maugre all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad with me(Emerson
182). Nature accepts the individuality of all and does not judge by background or past
experiences. As long as individuals are willing to expose their true identity and appreciate the
beauty of nature, nature will welcome individuals with open arms. The author emotionally
appeals to the audience by allowing them to realize that individuals can find happiness and
comfort if they are willing to expose their perception and learn to value the simplest things that
nature offers. In addition, a paradox is utilized to demonstrate the mindset individuals should
have in order to experience the true essence of nature: The lover of nature is he who is inward
and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other; who has retained the spirit of infancy
even into the era of manhood(Emerson 182). Nature can be appreciated if individuals maintain
an innocent mindset because it is through the eyes of a naive child, although unwise and
inexperienced, that natures essence and brilliance is exposed and valued. The author wants the
audience to realize that in order to have a strong emotional connection with nature, individuals
must abandon their facade of being a wise individual and embrace their childlike innocence.
Furthermore, the author uses personification to demonstrate how natures beauty is captured with
its kindness to all individuals: But every night come these envoys of beauty, and light the
universe with their admonishing smile(Emerson 182). The stars, although miniature,
demonstrate natures true essence to those who appreciate their surroundings. The author
emotionally appeals to the audience by helping them realize that nature will gladly accept any
individual willing to value natures beauty. The authors purpose is depict how nature enlightens
individuals and helps them gain insight on the meaning of life as the scenery that wears the
colors of the spirit unlocks new ideas(Emerson 183). The calming tone is portrayed when
Emerson describes himself as being one with nature and maintains a carefree lifestyle: egotism
vanishes. I become a transparent ball. I am nothing. I see all(Emerson 183). The authors
audience is individuals who do not take the time to fully appreciate nature and its surroundings,
as they are distracted by societal expectations instead of allowing nature to shine into the eye
and heart of the man(Emerson 183).
Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Argument: Individuals should embrace their true nature by independently to voicing their
perception and not be influenced by societal standards or norms.
The advancement of society has consumed individuals minds as they are addicted by
technology and pressured by societys ideals. In the essay, Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo
Emerson, the author argues that individuals should embrace their true nature by independently to
voicing their perception and not be influenced by societal standards or norms. For example, the
rhetorical strategy, metaphor, is utilized to show the significant impact nature has on an
individuals soul: Trust thyself: Every heart vibrates to that iron string(Emerson 186). The iron
string represents the independence that awakens an individuals innovations and thoughts. The
author emotionally appeals to the audience by allowing them to realize that individuals can gain
confidence on their own perception by embracing the essence of their true nature and not
allowing societal standards to affect their independence. Additionally, a rhetorical question is
utilized to demonstrate the doubts Emerson has with conforming to society: Is it so bad then to
be misunderstood? (Emerson 186). Society has negatively portrayed different as abnormal
and unethical instead of unique and innovative. Individuals should learn that being
misunderstood represents greatness and success since the unusual perception that an individual
has originated from an independent mindset. Emerson wants the audience to realize that they
should accept their true nature and not allow societal standards to affect their individuality.
Furthermore, the author utilizes an allusion to demonstrate how the root of success originates
from independent thought: Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther,
and Copernicus, and Galileo[...] and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh(Emerson
186). These individuals who made important contributions to society were initially suppressed
and looked down upon. Regardless of how society viewed them, these successful individuals
managed to triumph by using their independent perception as a motivator to continue expressing
their views to society. Emerson emotionally appeals to the audience by empowering individuals
to voice their opinions and not be shadowed by societal standards because independence creates
a successful outcome. The authors purpose is to influence readers to reflect on what
contributions that their true nature can bring to society and their own well-being as well as
learning to accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny(Emerson 186). The
authors aggressive tone demonstrates the significant influence God has in his lifestyle as he
motivates the readers to accept their true nature: God will not have his work made manifest by
cowards(Emerson 186). The authors audience is individuals who are conflicted with
conforming to society as they suspect that society is a conspiracy against manhood of every one
of its members and wish to express their individuality, but they are held back by fear of
Where I Lived and What I Lived For by Henry David Thoreau
Argument: Individuals should experience natures essence and beauty rather than attempting to
find comfort and acceptance in the advancing society because the vast natures scenery can help
individuals find their true identity and embrace their individuality.
Individuals in the modern era spend their lifetime consumed by technological advances
instead of valuing their surroundings. In the excerpt, What I Lived and What I Lived For by
Henry David Thoreau, the author argues that individuals should experience natures essence and
beauty rather than attempting to find comfort and acceptance in the advancing society because
the vast natures scenery can help individuals find their true identity and embrace their
individuality. For example, the rhetorical strategy, repetition, is utilized to emphasize the need of
living a modest life instead of focusing on all the materialism: Simplicity, simplicity,
simplicity!(Thoreau 2). Individuals constantly look for ways to complicate their lives instead of
appreciate the simple things and living life to the fullest in a calm and non stressful manner.
Thoreau is advising the audience to not focus on every detail of their lifestyle as this will only
create more challenges and instead value their surroundings as natures essence will bring light
to their lives. In addition, the rhetorical strategy, simile, was used to shed light on societys
motives to live in a materialistic world: Still we live meanly, like ants(Thoreau 2). Just like
ants who desperately scavenge for food to save up for winter without resting for even a second,
individuals are pressured by society to obtain materialistic items as material determines ones
status. Individuals are so focused on increasing their materialistic wealth for their own benefit
that they dont realize how they are meaninglessly wasting their precious time conforming to
societal expectations. The author emotionally appeals to the audience by allowing them to realize
that materialism does not define ones happiness noot benefits ones well-being; instead
individuals should learn to appreciate the simplest things in their lives and embrace natures
presence. Furthermore, a rhetorical question is used to demonstrate how technological advances
are hindering the lifestyle of individuals: But if we stay at home and mind our business, who
will want railroads?(Thoreau 2). Societal standards negatively influence individuals into thinking
that advancing materialistically will make their simpler and more efficient when in reality these
same advances are not allowing individuals to appreciate the simple things life gives them.
Instead, technology controls an individuals lifestyle and does not allow individuals to
comprehend the purpose of life as they are mindless robots conforming to societys standards.
The author wants the audience to realize how societys motives of advancing for the sake of
materialism is destroying independent thought; instead individuals should focus on the beauty of
nature which reflects the beauty in their identity. The authors purpose is to help readers realize
that individuals should appreciate the simplest moments in their lives by ignoring materialism
and instead experiencing new endeavors with natures essence. The authors condescending tone
demonstrates his anger towards societys values of advancing technologically since these
advances create a superficial lifestyle. The authors audience is individuals who are consumed by
materialism and are desperately seeking for an escape to value their individualism and true
Solitude by Henry David Thoreau
Argument: Natures essence can allow individuals to find a peaceful solitude as well as motivate
them to expose their true identity and discover a trustworthy companion within themselves.
Solitude is portrayed in a negative manner according to societal expectations as humans
are functioned to communicate with one another in order to survive. In the excerpt, Solitude by
Henry David Thoreau, the author argues that natures essence can allow individuals to find a
peaceful solitude as well as motivate them to expose their true identity and discover a
trustworthy companion within themselves. For example, the rhetorical strategy, parenthesis, is
utilized to emphasize how nature is a companion to all as Thoreau responds to the assumption
that he is lonely living in the depths of nature: I am tempted to reply such- This whole earth
which we inhabit is but a point in space(Thoreau). Loneliness does not exist. It was a term
created by society used to make individuals fear that they would have no chance in surviving if
they ever dared to isolate themselves from civilization. The author emotionally appeals to the
audience by helping them realize how individuals are never lonely because natures essence and
colors keeps them company and gives them freedom to express their identity. Additionally, a
rhetorical question is utilized to logically demonstrate the distance that separates humans: How
far apart, think you, dwell the two most distant inhabitants of yonder star, the breadth of whose
disk cannot be appreciated by our instruments? [...] Is not our planet in the Milky
Way?(Thoreau). Thoreau is explaining how he does not feel alone because the planets that
surround Earth accompany him and give him comfort. He feels no need in living in close
approximation with other individuals as he has come to value natures presence. The author
logically appeals to the audience by stating how the distance between individuals on Earth has no
significance to how one can live in comfortably and freely. He wants the audience to realize that
living in solitude will allow individuals to appreciate natures beauty as well as give them sense
of freedom from the pressures of society. Furthermore, a simile is utilized to explain where
humans want to be located to avoid loneliness : but to the perennial source of our life, whence
in all our experience we have found to that issue, as the willow stands near the water and sends
out its roots in that direction(Thoreau). Individuals value the lasting source that enriches ones
lifestyle, nature. The willow represents the impact nature has on an individuals lifestyle as it can
guide individuals to their spiritual purpose. The author wants the audience to realize the
importance of nature in ones lifestyle as living in solitude while embracing natures essence can
allow individuals to discover their true identity and purpose. The authors purpose is to help
readers understand the positive impact that natures presence can have on ones identity and
wellbeing as one is no longer pressured by societys expectations and finds that no exertion of
the legs can bring two minds much nearer to one another(Thoreau). The authors passionate
tone demonstrates how the authors is comfortable and satisfied living in solitude since he no
longer feels a need to conform to societal expectations and has more freedom when making his
choices. The authors audience is individuals who do not feel comfortable exposing their true
identity to society and are longing for an escape to freely express their true nature.
Living like Weasels by Annie Dillard
Argument: Individuals should be allowed to live freely with their own nature instead of being
tied down by societys civilized ways.
Modern society pressures individuals to live as a moral and intellectual being that
contributes to society. In the essay, Living like Weasels by Annie Dillard, the author argues
that individuals should be allowed to live freely with their own nature instead of being tied down
by societys civilized ways. For example, the rhetorical strategy, simile, is utilized to depict the
carefree lifestyle of a weasel: We could live under the wild rose wild as weasels, mute and
uncomprehending(Dillard 15). The desired expectation of living freely is demonstrated in the
comparison of an individuals lifestyle to the comfortable lifestyle of weasel that lives
independently with no societal expectations pressuring him. This helps the audience realize how
conforming to societys standards is detrimental to their individuality as individuals are not
allowed to express their true nature due to fear of judgment. Individuals are motivated to obtain
the lifestyle of a weasel since they no longer want to be pressured with norms to be civilized or
well-mannered and want to embrace their true identity. The rhetorical strategy, repetition, is also
used to emphasize the need for positive change in ones lifestyle: Seize it and let it seize you
aloft, till your eyes burn out and drop(Dillard 17). Individuals must follow their true destiny and
not allow society to hold them back from achieving their dreams and living freely. The author
motivates the readers to take action and passionately live as though tomorrow did not exist
without allowing societys standards to affect their freedom. Furthermore, the rhetorical strategy,
personification, is utilized to demonstrate how passionately individuals should grab hold of the
lifestyle that they desire: The thing is to stalk your calling in a certain skilled and supple way, to
locate the most tender and live spot and plug into that pulse(Dillard 16). An individuals calling
is viewed as live prey that must be caught swiftly in order to fulfill their true purpose. Dillard
advises the audience to follow their true passions and not allow societal expectation to influence
their goals in order to live independently and freely. The author wants the audience to realize that
they must carefully plan out a way to obtain their desired lifestyle before society influences
individuals to conform. The authors purpose is to illustrate how individuals can find their true
nature with nature itself just as she had an emotional connection with a weasel: Our look was as
if two lovers[...] met on an overgrown path(Dillard 10). Dillards intense and passionate tone is
demonstrated when she motivates readers to seize their dreams till their musky flesh fall(s) off
in shreds(Dillard 16). The authors targeted audience is individuals who desire to expose their
true identity to nature, but are held back by societys norms and standards.
Death of an Innocent by Jon Krakauer
Argument: Individuals should explore their passion regardless of danger instead of conforming
to societal expectations and destroying their true identity.
Modern individuals have a simplistic life that revolves around technological advances
and materialism. In the article, Death of an Innocent by Jon Krakauer, the author argues that
individuals should explore their passion regardless of danger instead of conforming to societal
expectations and destroying their true identity. For example, the rhetorical strategy, parenthesis,
is utilized to demonstrate Christopher McCandless independence: When Gallien asked whether
his parents or some friend knew what he was up to- anyone who could sound the alarm if he got
into trouble and was overdue- Alex answered calmly, that no(Krakauer). Christopher freely
traveled to experience this endeavor without his parents approval because his passion for
exploring was far more important than what his parents had to say. The author wants to motivate
the audience to follow their passions even if others may not approve because preserving ones
identity is more significant than gaining acceptance from society, regardless of what danger
individuals may be confronting. In addition, repetition is utilized to emphasize the characteristics
needed to explore ones passion as stated in the text, I lacked his intellect and his altruistic
leanings- but I suspect we had a similar intensity, a similar heedlessness, a similar agitation of
the soul(Krakauer). Individuals need to have strong motivation in order to follow their passions
without conforming to societys standards or norms. One must have an independent mindset in
order to thrive in their own goal and not be afraid to expose their true nature to society. The
author emotionally appeals by using his own experience to influence others to individually
explore ones passions regardless of what societys perception is. Furthermore, the rhetorical
strategy, metaphor, is utilized to demonstrate Christophers happiness in completing his goal
regardless of the danger he confronted: Deaths a fierce meadowlark; but to die having made
something more equal to the centuries[...] is mostly to shed weakness(Krakauer). Ones death is
not meaningful unless individuals passed away for the purpose of accomplishing their goal that
they passionately risked their lives for. The meadowlark represents self-discovery, so an
individuals death would have a special purpose only if they explored their passion and
experienced challenging endeavors in order to discover and embrace their true identity. In
Christophers case, he experienced self-discovery through the dangerous travels that he
underwent and even stated that he would rather die painfully after accomplishing his independent
than conform to societal expectations and emotionally deteriorate. Krakauer wants the audience
to realize that self-discovery and accomplishing ones independent passion is more significant
than being accepted by society.The authors purpose is to depict how even if one must suffer for
the sake of following their passion, individuals should take the risk instead of losing their
identity to societal expectations. The authors pessimistic tone demonstrates how he is fearful of
endangering his life for the sake of his passion, but is willing to write about Christophers
experience in order to motivate individuals to follow their passion. Krakauers targeted audience
is individuals who do not expose their true nature due to fear of judgment from society.
When is the best time to do things?
The best time to act is when one is mentally prepared for the outcome. Individuals should
act when they are ready for any consequences and have analyzed the situation thoroughly.
Indeed, and individual should have a purpose when deciding to act; they should not act due to
mob mentality or peer pressure. Individuals should act with their own purpose which may be
insignificant to others, but truly matters to the individual. Individuals should act from the depths
of their heart as their brain signals them that now is the time to act. Now is the time to fulfill
ones purpose. Instead of being held back by doubt or fear of what may occur in the future,
individuals should act confidently and trust their instincts in order to make their actions
meaningful. Individuals should be fearless and not worry of what the future holds because
individuals are in the present now. If they continue focusing on consequences and how their
actions will affect them, individuals will never achieve anything in life because their fear is what
controlled and determined when to act. Instead individuals should focus on the present and act
when their heart passionately beats and signals for a purpose. Of course, it is essential to analyze
the situation before deciding on what actions, but as mentioned before individuals should
prioritize on what their heart is telling them to do. If individuals continuously avoid acting in
order to be in the safe zone, then they will never experience life to the fullest. Furthermore,
humanity should appreciate every moment they can get and not be held back by fear of the
unknown. Individuals should take risks and focus on what is occurring in the present just like
Christopher McCandless did in Death of an Innocent by Jon Krakauer. McCandless fearlessly
acted with the motive of exploring his passion through a journey to the mountains without his
parents approval. He discovered that time was essence and only looked for approval from the
depths of his heart. The perfect time to act will never be discovered, but individuals can
imperfectly find their own reasoning to act within their souls as they will find the true purpose
and meaning of their actions. Individuals should discover their motive and desire to act in order
to make the action meaningful and with purpose. In essence, the best time to do things is when
individuals believe that they have a duty to act as their signal them not to waste precious time.
What is the right thing to do?
The right thing to do would be to prioritize others well-being instead of selfishly
focusing on oneself. Individuals must learn to compassionately lend a hand to others who need
support in order to maintain ones humanity, morals, and values. Without kindness, the world
would be more dehumanized than its current state with war, corruption, environmental
degradation. Individuals must look out for one another and realize that the right thing to do is to
take action and defend those in need. Instead of ignoring the homeless man by the street who is
quietly suffering from starvation, one should provide the homeless man food and clothing
because that is the humane thing to do. Individuals should stop viewing themselves as superior
just because their financial status is high or they have a higher education. Materialism does not
define ones importance; compassion defines who individuals can be to the world regardless of
what background one may have. Morals is what determines ones ability of contributing to
society since corruption caused by companies that only seek for profit negatively impacts
societys goals and creates conflict; instead individuals must be guided by their moral compass in
order to ensure the wellbeing of society as kindness will be passed in an endless cycle. One must
set apart the differences and prioritize kindness because this action is what will allow society to
progress and escape the horrors of violence. Individuals must learn to spread love and express it
in ways that will influence others to spread kindness as well. A simple smile to stranger can
potentially save their life as they may be struggling with challenges that others may not
comprehend. That simple smile will assure the stranger that they can surely overcome this
obstacle because of the kindness and love that surrounds them. A hug can also be viewed as an
act of love if the other individual is comfortable with this way of spreading love because acts of
kindness can be interpreted differently depending on the individual as individuals go through
different experiences that shape their identity and way of thinking. Therefore, the universal way
to love one another would be to accept one anothers differences and flaws because that is what
creates ones identity and individuality. How can individuals learn to understand and value the
different perspectives and cultures if individuals are not able to maintain an open mind and
degrade the differences that others may value? By accepting the various perceptions and cultures
of one another, individuals can have a stronger bond and unite to spread kindness and peace.
Who is the most important one?
The most important one to individuals is their loved ones who guide them to the right
path and help them obtain a bright future. The most important are loved ones who are willing to
risk their lives for the individual and do not hide their true identity behind a facade. The most
important ones are the individuals who accept the person for their true nature and identity and are
not judgmental about the differences that create ones individuality. They are individuals one can
rely on and go to when one is having a difficult time and needs comfort. They are individuals
who have a good influence on ones lifestyle and allow individuals to see the positivity in life. Of
course, not all individuals have positive influences and there may be some individuals who
challenge ones beliefs or attempt to degrade ones identity, but meeting these types of people
will make individuals stronger and more determined to express their identity freely and
confidently. Instead of viewing this experience as a challenge, individuals should view it as a
lesson that will strengthen their character and prepare them for the future. When encountering
individuals who belittle ones self-esteem, one should react in a mature manner by viewing them
as human beings who have their own opinion and should be respected. All humans have flaws,
but individuals should learn to accept one another because those imperfect flaws is what
perfectly defines ones individuality and identity. Individuals should view humanity as important
beings because the opinions of all are significant and if individuals do not begin appreciating the
lives of others, how will society learn to value different cultures and traditions if no individual
takes a stand to prove that everyone's opinion matters? Needless to say, individuals should view
those in need as important ones because humanity should compassionately one another for the
greater good. Individuals should stop focusing on their wellbeing and view the health of others as
a priority. One can change the world in a positive way if individuals decide to help one another
and see the good within their hearts. Individuals can maintain their morals and values as well as
be exemplary to the future generation by treating strangers as family and lending a hand to
individuals who are having a difficult time mentally or physically. A simple smile would help
brighten someones day.

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