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02 Terms
Term Definition

Goals of

prosocial Kind actions that benefit other people

self-control The ability to discipline oneself

Direct & Indirect


direct guidance Using physical and verbal actions to guide behavior

indirect guidance Using factors in the environment to influence behavior

intervene To step in to redirect a behavior or situation

visibility The ability to see and be seen

monitor To oversee, as in behavior

fixtures Built-in items, such as a sink and commode in a bathroom

designated Reserved for a certain purpose

cue A signal


positive reinforcement Ways of rewarding positive behavior

consequence Any result that follows a behavior

warning A reminder that bad behaviors will bring consequences

time out Moving a child away from the other children for a short time

I-message A statement beginning with the pronoun I used to express how the
caregiver feels about a childs behavior

Suggesting Putting thoughts into a childs mind for consideration

prompting Taking action to stop or start a behavior

redirecting Turning a childs attention in a new direction

ignoring Withholding attention or not acknowledging a behavior

subtle Not easily noticeable

feedback Responding, either in words or actions, to what is said or done

encouraging Recognizing a child for trying or for improving

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