Anatomy of The Male Reproductive System

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Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System Clinical Compartmentalization of the Prostate

Based on Digital Rectal Exam and Cytoscopic

I. Prostate
A. Zonal Anatomy Made up of Two (2) Lateral lobes, separated by a
B. Related Structures Central Sulcus, and One (1) Middle Lobe
C. Practical and Surgical Considerations This would be very apparent when
II. Seminal vesicle assisting in a cystourethroscopy (you get
III. Vas deferens to see the prostrate through the urethra)
A. Vasculature and Innervation You get to appreciate it when you do
IV. Scrotum cystoscopy because that is where the
A. Layers lateral lobes are readily visualized
B. Contents
C. Vasculature, Lymphatics, Innervation
D. Additional Notes
The Middle Lobe may become hyperplastic and may
V. Penis extend into the bladdder neck with age
A. Location and Description
B. Vasculature and Lymphatics A. ZONAL ANATOMY OF THE PROSTATE
VI. Spermatic cord
A. Structures
B. Coverings
VII. Testis
A. Vasculature and Lymphatics
VIII. Epididymis
A. Vasculature
B. Clinical Correlates
Review Questions

Shaped more or less like a trapezoid depending on the
size. As the prostate enlarges, it becomes more heart-
Zonal Anatomy of the Prostate Constitutes the bulk of the apical, posterior, and
According to McNeal (1981), the prostate has Four lateral aspects of the prostate
(4) basic anatomic regions. Largest zone
Urethra serves as the central anatomic reference 70 % of the glandular tissue of the prostate is
point for this classification. comprised of this zone.
The anatomic/zonal regions are the following: 70% of prostate cancers are found in this zone.
Peripheral Zone, Tansition zone, Central zone, and Most commonly affected by chronic prostatitis
Anterior Fibromuscular stroma
Microanatomic/Histologic Architecture Surrounds the urethra proximal to the ejaculatory
The prostate is composed of 70% Glandular tissue ducts
and 30% Fibromuscular stroma Smallest of the zones
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) most
The stroma contribute more to the symptoms of commonly occurs in this zone
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Stroma is contiguous with the capsule and contracts Surrounds the ejaculatory ducts and projects under
during ejaculation the bladder base in a shape of a cone
Glands of the central zone are thought to be of
The prostate is surrounded by a capsule that is made Wolffian Duct origin because they differ
up of collagen and smooth muscle immunohistochemically and structurally from the
Actually, this is not a true capsule. In a other prostate glands
sense, its just where the fascia of the
pelvic floor and the covering of the ANTERIOR FIBROMUSCULAR STROMA
prostate converge to form, what Extends from the bladder neck to the striated
anatomist and histologists would call, a urethral sphincter
PSEUDOCAPSULE Directly continuous with prostatic capsule
Rarely invaded by carcinoma

This plexus drains to the Vesical plexus and
Arterial Supply
eventually, the Inferior Iliac Vein.
INFERIOR VESICAL Artery The Periprostatic plexus anastomoses with the deep
It is the typical arterial supply to the prostate dorsal vein of the penis and the internal iliac (also
Branches into Capsular and Urethral group of known as hypogastric) veins
Lymphatic Drainage
Enter the prostatovesical junction Very important to remember especially in treating
posterolaterally and course in a perpendicular malignancy
route to the urethra
They travel toward the bladder neck with the The Obturator and Internal Iliac nodes are the
largest branches posteriorly approaching the primary sites of lymphatic drainage from the prostate.
bladder neck in the one oclock to five oclock
positions and the seven oclock to eleven The Presacral group or infrequently, the External
oclock positions. Iliac nodes may receive a small portion of the initial
These branches supply the urethra, periurethral lymphatic drainage
glands, and the transition zone of the prostate So when we do radical prostetectomy for
One that supplies the adenoma (BPH) prostate carcinoma, we not only remove the
prostate and seminal vesicles, we also go after
CAPSULAR Arteries the obturator and the internal iliac lymph nodes
This artery yield small branches that supply the
anterior prostatic capsule Nerve Supply
The capsular branches enter the prostate in a 90 The Cavernous Nerves provide sympathetic and
degree angle and provide arterial supply to parasympathetic innervation to the prostate from the
the glandular tissues pelvic plexus
Sympathetic fibers innervate the smooth muscle of
Venous Drainage the capsule and stroma for contraction
The venous drainage of the prosate converges along Parasympathetic nerves promote secretory function
with that of the bladder, the perivesical plexus by terminating in the acini

Both the bladder and the prostate, as far as their Alpha blockade
venous drainage is concerned, drains into the deep We think of drugs that are used in lower
dorsal vein of the penis urinary tract symptoms
In general, they relax the prostate to
allow smooth passage of urine.

In general, the prostate is painful . The capsule

is actually the sensitive part of the prostate. So in
biopsy we usually do this:
Pelvic Plexus Block
Anesthesia of the prostate during biopsy

Prostatic urethra
Closest to the anterior surface of the prostate
(fibromuscular stroma) and lined by transitional

At the level of this part of the urethra, one can see

the prostatic utricle
Prostatic utricle is where the sperm exits
because this is where the ejaculatory ducts
also open

Anterior, posterior, and lateral surfaces

Narrow apex inferiorly
Broad base superiorly

Enclosed in a capsule
Continuous with the stroma
Fuse with Denovilliers Fascia Figure 5. Cross section of prostate with prostatic fascial layers outlined
Anterior and anterolateral surface of the prostate including the lateral prostatic fascia (LPF), endopelvic fascia (EPF),
levator ani fascia (LAF), Denonvilliers fascia (DF), anterior lamina of
blends with endopelvic fascia
Denonvilliers fascia (ADF), posterior lamina of Denonvilliers fascia
Toward the apex: Puboprostatic ligaments suspends (PDF), neurovascularbundle (NVB), and lateral nerves (LN).
the prostate

Cradled by pubococcygeal portion of the levator ani and II. SEMINAL VESICLES
its fascia Lateral outpouching of the vas deferens
Approximately 5 cm long
Does NOT store sperm!!!
Contributes the largest portion (85%) of fluid the
With the ampulla of the vas deferens, it lies posterior to
the bladder.
Ureter enters the bladder medial to the tip of the SV
Denonvilliers fascia separates the posterior surface of
SV from rectum.
Not palpable on physical examination
Vasculature and innervation is similar with vas deferens
Secrete a thick alkaline fluid with fructose (an
energy for sperms), and a coagulating agent
that mixes with the sperms as they pass into the
ejaculatory ducts and urethra

Bulbar Part of Spongy Urethra Schematically Extended

Lateral prostatic fascia

Close association with the cavernosal nerves

Neurovascular bundle
Nerve bundles coursing along the prostate laterally
and anteriorly to the cavernosal nerves

Figure 6. Vas deferens (Source: Netters 6th ed, Plate 367,368)

About 18 inches long
Carries sperm from the testis to the urethra A. LAYERS
Arises from the tail of the epididymis
Tortuous for the first 2 to 3 cm SKIN
Runs posterior to the vessels of the spermatic cord has a midline ridge indicating line of fusion
Emerges from the deep inguinal ring & passes around the
lateral margin of the inferior epigastric vessels
SUPERFICIAL FASCIA (Dartos Muscle & Colles Fascia)
Crosses the ureter in the region of the ischial spine
Continuous with the fatty & membranous layers of the
Diverges from the testicular vessels at the internal ring
Dilated part ampulla (capable of storing sperm) anterior abdominal wall. The fat however is replaced
Joins the duct of the seminal vescicle to form the by the dartos muscle. The wrinkling of the skin is
ejaculatory duct due to this muscle (innervated by sympathetic nerve
The membranous layer (Colles fascia) is derived from
Scarpas fascia.


derived from external oblique

derived from internal oblique
cremaster muscle is supplied by the genital branch of the
genitofemoral nerve
The fibers that mediate the cremasteric reflex travel in
Figure 7. Ampulla of ductus deferens the femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve (L1-
(Source: Moores 7th ed, page 378)
L2). The reflex is elicited by stroking the skin on the
medial aspect of the thigh.
BLOOD SUPPLY: from fascia transversalis
VESICULODEFERENTIAL artery (from superior vesical
lies within the spermatic fasciae
VENOUS DRAINAGE: closed sac that covers anterior, medial & lateral surface of
Scrotal vas deferens: deferential vein which drains into each testis.
the pampiniform plexus
Pelvic vas deferens: pelvic venous plexus

External and internal iliac nodes

Pelvic plexus, (sympathetic) hypogastric nerves provides
the major excitatory efferents

Figure 9. Layers of the scrotum

Firm, mobile organ lying within the scrotum
Left is usually lower than right
Left testicle descends slightly earlier than the
Upper pole is slightly tilted forward
Surrounded by tunica albuginea
Must be 3oC lower than abdominal temp
For spermatogenesis to occur
Figure 8. Blood supply of Vas deferens an Seminal Vesicle Formation of varicoceles (dilated veins) around
the testis may result to infertility
Epididymis (head, tail, body) V. PENIS
Lobules Found in the male urogenital triangle together with
Seminiferous tubules the scrotum
Rete testis Common outlet for passage of both semen and urine
Efferent ductules
Has a fixed root and a body that hangs free

External pudendal branches of the femoral artery &
scrotal branches of the internal pudendal arteries

accompany the corresponding arteries

Wall to the medial group of superficial
inguinal lymph nodes

Testis & epididymis ascends in the spermatic

cord & ends in the lumbar (para-aortic)
lymph nodes at the level of L1.
Figure 11. Root and body of the penis
Ilioinguinal nerves & the genital branch of the
genitofemoral nerves & posterior cutaneous nerves of
the thigh Made up of 3 masses of erectile tissue
Bulb of the penis
Right crura
Left crura

BULB of the penis

Situated in the midline and is attached to the
undersurface of the urogenital diaphragm
Traversed by the urethra
Covered on its outer surface by the bulbospongiosus
functions to compress the penile part of the
urethra and empty it of residual urine or semen

Forms the corpus spongiosum

CRURA of the penis

Attached to the side of the pubic arch & is covered on
its outer surface by the ischiocavernosus muscle
the action of each muscle is to compress the crus
Figure 10. Arteries of the male perineum penis and assist in the process of erection of the
Median raphe: septum Forms the corpora cavernosa
Lymphatics does not crossover from one side to the other
Anterior scrotal wall is supplied by external pudendal BODY OF THE PENIS
vessels and ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerve. Composed of 3 cylinders of erectile tissue enclosed in
a tubular sheath of fascia (Bucks fascia)
Posterior scrotal wall is supplied by the posterior scrotal 2 corpora cavernosa dorsally
branches of the perineal vessels and nerves. 1 corpus spongiosum ventrally
expands to form the glans penis, which covers
Spermatic fascia has a different supply (cremasteric, the distal ends of the corpora cavernosa
vasal, testicular) from the scrotal wall.* houses the urethra
On the tip of the glans penis is the external urethral VEINS
meatus, the slitlike orifice of the urethra Drain into the internal pudendal veins
Prepuce or foreskin is a hoodlike fold of skin that
covers the glans
connected to the glans below the urethral orifice by
the frenulum

Figure 14. Dorsal vasculature of the penis (Source: Campbells page 514)

Medial group of superficial inguinal nodes
skin of the penis

Internal iliac nodes deep structures of the penis

Figure 12. Cross section of the penis, demonstrating the relationship NERVE SUPPLY
between the corporal bodies, penile fascia, vessels, and nerves
Pudendal nerve and the pelvic plexuses
Fundiform ligament
Composed of collagenous and elastic fibers from the
rectus sheath blending with and surrounding Buck
Attaches above, in the linea alba Vas deferens
- thick-walled muscular duct from the epididymis to
Suspensory ligament the urethra
Made up of deeper fibers from the pubis
Attaches the other end of the penis to the symphysis Testicular artery
pubis - branch of the abdominal aorta (at the of L2)
Deep to the muscles of the corpora cavernosa, the
tunica albuginea and the Buck fascia fuse Testicular veins (pampiniform plexus)
- leaves posterior border of testis, plexus becomes a
B. VASCULATURE AND LYMPHATICS single vein at the level of the deep inguinal ring,
drains into the left renal vein on the left side,
ARTERIES directly to the inferior vena cava on the right
Branches of the internal pudendal artery
Lymph vessels
Deep arteries of the penis corpora cavernosa
- reach the para-aortic lymph nodes at the level on
Artery of the bulb corpus spongiosum
the side of the aorta at the level of the L1.
Dorsal artery of the penis
Autonomic nerves
- sympathetics run with the testicular artery from the
renal or aortic plexuses; affterents sensory
accompany efferent sympathetics

Remains of the processus vaginalis

Cremasteric artery
a branch of the inferior epigastric artery

Artery of the vas deferens

- branch of the inferior vesical artery

Genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve

- supplies the cremaster muscle
Figure 13. Arterial supply of the penis
External spermatic fascia Right: inferior vena cava
- derived from the external oblique aponeurosis
Left: left renal vein
Cremasteric fascia Countercurrent heat exchange
- from the internal oblique muscle Possible anastomoses: external pudendal,
cremastericand vasalveins
Internal spermatic fascia
- from the fascia transversalis The testicular veins emerge from the testis and the
epididymis as a venous network, the pampiniform
VII. TESTIS plexus.
Testis: 4 to 5 cm long, 3 cm wide, 2.5 cm deep; volume of
Para-aortic and interaortocaval nodes
Tunica vaginalis
Tunica albuginea
Composed of smooth muscle cells
Contraction of testicular capsule which impacts
arterial flow into testis and flow of
seminiferous tubule fluid out of the testis
Tunica vasculosa

Appendix testis
a small pedunculated or sessile body at the upper
pole of testis

Epididymis attaches to the posterolateral aspect of

the testis

Divided by septa to form 200 to 300 lobules, each Figure 15. Testis and Epididymis (Source: Netters plate 368)
containing one or more seminiferous tubules.
Seminiferous tubules open into a network of channels A firm structure lying posterior to the testis, with the vas
called rete testis deferens lying on its medial side
Composed of tightly coiled ducts which is
Small efferent ductules connect rete testis to upper continuous with vas deferens at distal cauda
end of epididymis epididymis

Leydig (interstitial) cells lie in the loose tissue is a much coiled tube nearly 20 ft (6 m) long,
surrounding the tubules embedded in connective tissue.
Responsible for testosterone production Its length is for storage and maturation of
Comma shaped
It has an expanded upper end, the head, a body, and
a pointed tail inferiorly
Encapsulated within tunica vaginalis sheath
Three arterial supplies of testis
Testicular (internal spermatic) artery AREAS OF EPIDIDYMIS
Main blood supply of the testis Head (Caput)
Branch of abdominal aorta Receives spermatozoa via the efferent ducts (8-12)
Greater diameter compared to deferential and of the mediastiniumof the testis.
cremasteric arteries combined Thin myoepithelium.
Artery of vas deferens (deferential) artery Concentration of the sperm here is dilute.
Cremasteric (external spermatic) artery
Body (corpora)
Also: Vasal artery
Tail (Cauda)
Testicular artery Internal arteryinferior testicular Where sperm is stored, initially mature
artery capital artery Thicker myoepithelium than the head region
Involved in absorbing fluid to make the sperm
more concentrated.
Sinus of epididymis REVIEW QUESTIONS
Between the testis and epididymis which is lined 1. In BPH, the blood supply to the adenoma arises
with inner visceral layer of tunica vaginalis from the:
A. Superior vesical artery
B. Urethral arteries extending down the urethra
from the bladder neck
C. Capsular arteries that arise laterally
D. Neurovascular bundle

2. Lymphatic drainage from the prostate flows to

A. External iliac and common iliac nodes
B. Internal iliac and obturator nodes
C. Para-aortic nodes
D. Internal iliac and inguinal nodes

3. The internal spermatic fascia corresponds to

what layer in the abdomen?
A. External oblique
B. Internal oblique
Figure 16. Testis and epididymis, spermatic cord, and scrotum. Also C. Transversalis fascia
shown are the testis and epididymis cut across in horizontal section
D. Scarpas layer
A. VASCULATURE 4. The following statements about the vas
deferens are correct, except:
BLOOD SUPPLY A. Runs anterior to the vessels of the spermatic cord
Superior epididymal artery: from the testicular artery B. Diverges from the testicular vessels at the
Supplies caput and cauda epididymis external ring
C. Its dilated part is capable of storing sperm
Inferior epididymal artery: from the vasal artery D. Joins the duct of the seminal vesicle to form the
bulbourethral duct.
Deferential artery
Its bracnches supplies the cauda epididymis 5. 8-12 ductule efferentes from the testis comprise
the __________
Cremasteric artery A. Caput epididymis
B. Corpus epididymis
C. Cauda epididymis
VENOUS DRAINAGE D. None of the above
The corpus and cauda epididymis have their
venous drainage through the vena marginalis of
6. Epididymis is encapsulated within the __
Haberer, draining into the pampiniform plexus via
A. Tunica albuginea
the vena marginalis testis, or through deferential or
B. Tunica vaginalis
cremasteric veins
C. Tunica vasculosa
D. None of the above
7. The corpora cavernosa expands distally to form
When infected: can compromise future fertility the:
A. Glans penis
Any surgery (excision of epididymalcyst) of the B. Prepuce
epididymis can compromise sperm transport on that C. Both A and B
side. D. None of the above

8. The internal spermatic fascia is a derivative of:

A. Rectus muscle
B. External oblique
C. Internal oblique
D. Fascia transversalis
Answers: B,B,C,C,A,B,D,D

Figure 1. Homologues of External Genitalia (Source: Netters, plate 366)

Figure 2. Homologues of Internal Genitalia (Source: Netters, plate 367)

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