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Day to Day Dialogues

Are you ready?
Are you free now?
Are you Mr.Murthy?
Are you angry with me?
Are you afraid of them?
Are you tired?
Are you married?
Are you employed?
Are you interested that?
Are you awake?
Are you awake of that?
Are you a relative of Mr. Mohan?
Are you not well?
Are they your relatives?
Are they from abroad?
Are the shops open?
Are you satisfied now?
Are you joking?
What is your aim in life?
What is your hobby?
What day is today?
What date is today?
What station is it?
What is his name?
What is your sisters name?
What is the name of that girl?
What is your opinion?
What do you think of him?
What do you do on Sundays?
What do you want?
What do you do?
What did you say?
What did he ask you?
What did you buy?
What did you do?
What will you do?
What are you?
What are you doing?
What have you decided?

Thank you.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much.
Thank you very much.
You have been a great help. Thank you very much.
I will never forget your timely help.
It was nice of you to arrange everything at a short notice.
I dont know how to thank you.
I really dont know how to express my thanks to you.
I am very grateful to you.
I dont find words to express my thanks to you.
Thank you for reminding me.
Thanks for calling.
Thats OK.
Thats alright.
No problem.
Dont mention it.
You are welcome.


Hey. How dare you talk to me like that?

Were you out of your mind to do such a thing?
Stop telling me what to do and mind your business.
Are you trying to make a fool of me?
I have come to the end of my patience.
Dont try my patience.
What the hell do you want?
You are always complaining about something.
What the devil are you doing there?
Do you think you are very smart?
Do you think I am not aware of it?
Behave yourself, otherwise I will neck you out.
How are you concerned with my affairs?
Get out of my sight.
Go to hell.
Get lost.
Dont lose your temper.
Dont worry. Everything will go off well.
There is no need to worry.
Stop worrying. Everything will be alright.
It was nobodys fault. Why do you worry?
Look. There is nothing to get nervous about.
Everybody makes mistakes sometimes you know.
I am sure it was not your fault and everybody knows it.
Nothing like that will happen again. Dont worry.
Why fear when I am here?
Why fear as long as I am with you?
Dont worry. I too have the same problem.
Tears dont solve any problem.
There is always a solution to any problem.
Through thick and thin I will stand by you.
Rain or shine, I will stand by you.
Whatever is destined to happen, will happen.
Life is not suffering all the time.
Nothing can be achieved by feeling depressed like this.
They are giving the bonus next week.
I am leaving for Salem tomorrow night.
They are vacating the house next month.
Next week my cousin is coming from Mumbai. I have to take her to Kumbakonam.
My friend Surya is getting married next month.
I am leaving for Bangalore tonight and I will be back after 10 days.
You just wait there. I will come and pick you up.
I will take you there one day.
I think it rain today.
I hope they will win.
It is already 8.30. I dont think they will come.
Hereafter I wont go with them.
They wont mistake me.
Nobody will believe that.
They will not listen to me.


I like reading books

I like getting wet in the rain
I like walking in the morning sun
I like travelling by train
I like playing cricket
I like watching t.v.
I like people who are frank
I like people who speak the truth
I like people who work hard.
I dont like travelling by crowded buses
I dont like waiting in queues
I dont like watching the TV. serials
I dont like sitting idle

Daddy , somebody came from your office. He said that he wanted to talk to you something important.
Ravi came here yesterday. He said that he would leaving for Madurai this Monday.
Mala rang up this morning. Her sister is getting engaged this Friday. She asked us to be there by 4o clock.
Your tuition miss called .She said that there would be no class tomorrow.
Your aunt called this morning. She has asked you to come to her house tomorrow.
Dad.. Our driver Kumar rang up. Said that his mother was not well. He could not come today.
There was a call from Vasanthi. She said that her mother-in-law had come, so she would not be coming to temple
The grocer came this morning. He said that a part of last months bill is still due. Asked us to clear it this month.
The postman came again today. He said that if we didnt collect the parcel by tomorrow, it would be sent back.
If you had called me,i would have come there.
If you had told me, i would wait for you.
If he had asked me,i would have given it to him.
If i had been awake, i would have caught the thief.
They came all the way to invite you. You should have attended the wedding.
You should have told me yesterday.
You should have replied to his letter.
I should have joined this course last year.
Whatever it may be, you should not have beaten him.
I should not have wasted my time.
You should not have talked like that.
It was my mistake. I should not have invited them to the party.
You could have come by auto.
I could have come by auto, but who would pay the fare?


On which platform is the brindavan express?
What time does the brindavan express leave?
Has the brindavan left?
Has the brindavan arrived?
Will the train halt at arrakonam?
When does the train reach bangalore?
Why is the train delayed?
Where is the ticket counter?
Where is the reservation counter?
Is reservation available for 16th on brindavan?
What is the waiting list number?
Could you allot a seat near the window?
Can I get the return ticket here?
Sir, how much would i lose if i cancelled the ticket?
It is very cold. Would you mind closing the window?
Sir,have we crossed jolarpet?
Sir, I am to get down at amber. Could you wake me up if you are awake?
Sir, its midnight, please switches off the light. I feel sleepy.

When is the next flight to delhi?
Is there a jet airways flight to delhi?
When does it land at mumbai?
When is the sahara flight from delhi expected?
Sir, i must be in delhi this evening to attend an important meeting. If i miss it, i stand to a great loss. Please help
me out sir.
Sir,i have to be in delhi by this evening before 5.30 . I need your help in this regard.
Where is the immigration check counter?
May i take the passport please?
How much us dollars (or british pounds) will i get?
Where to check in for indian airlines flight to delhi?
Ill handover some of my stuff to my baggage?
Where to ask for prepaid taxi?
Can i keep this with me as hand baggage?

Where can i get the applicaton from for opening sb account?
Can i have an application form for sb account please?
Whom should i meet to open the account?
Is introduction a must?
Sir, i am new to this town. I am working in kaveri chemicals.
This is my identity card. Will this card do to open the account?
How many photos are needed?
What is the minimum amount to be deposited to open an account?
What is the minimum balance i should keep to have cheque book facility?
When can i collect the pass book?
do you have atm facility?
What are your working hours?
Do you work on sundays?
Last week i deposited a cheque . Has the amount been credited to my acount?

Hello , is it 2434 7034?
Is it S.M. travels?
is it prasads residence?
Is it.residence?
Can i speak to Mr. Suresh please?
Can i speak to ..?
Could i speak to ..?
Could i speak to suresh please?
Please connect me to extension 2434
May i know who is speaking?
May i know who is calling?
I am ravi calling from Madurai.
I am.
I am kala calling from mother computer graphics
I am kala from mother computer graphics
Can i speak to Mr.suresh please?
Yes, speaking
Any message please?
Can i take any message?
Anything to convey?
Would you like to leave any message?
Shall i ask him to call you back?
Shall i ask him to contact you?
Please tell to call me as soon as he returns
He is not available .would you like to speak to his assistant?
He is not available .ill be glad to help you
Please ask him to call my residence
Ask him to call me . He knows my number.
He has my number
Your number please
Can i have your number please?
May i know your number please?
I am saravanan calling from singapore.would you please call
Mr. Raja your neighbour.?


Excuse me madam , may i come in?
I am Mrs. Radha .i have come here regarding my son maheshs
Admission in your school.
I am Mrs.
I would like to admit your son in which standard?
I want to admit him/her in .. Standard
How old is your son?
He is 10 years old.
Where did he study earlier?
He studied in Bharathiyar School,Chennai
He studied in
Why is he leaving that school?
His father has been transferred to this place
Have you taken a TC from old school
Of course madam I have it here.
Does the school work this Saturday?
Could I meet the class teacher?
I would like to meet the class teacher. I got a letter from the H.M asking me to meet him.
I am Mrs. Radha , mother of Suresh.
How is Suresh studying?
I have come to enquire about my son's performance in the class. How is he doing?
When will the school be over today?
When does the vacation start?
How has he done at the exams?
How has he performed in the exams?
When do you reopen the school?
Have you announced the entrance test results?
When is the last day for paying the fees?
When is the sports day?
Where is it going to be held?
Do you have a school bus?
Is he coming regularly?
Is he regular to the classes?

What are your working hours?
When is your weekly off?
Does Mr. Pandian , coming from K.K Nagar work here?
Is Mr. Sadhasivam still working here?
What is your go down /warehouse?
Sir, I am a paper supplier. It seems you wanted some papers. Whom should I meet in this connection?
Do you have your branch in erode?
Who are your bankers?
How long is he on leave?
Sir, I am Ramesh Kumar from Alpha Agencies. We were informed that our cheque is ready. Whom should I
meet to collect the cheque?
Who does your printing job?
How is your manager ? Is he a Keralite?
In which department is Latha working?
How many people work here?
Is your office fully computerized?


Doctor, I have a severe headache.
I have a bad cold.
I have a sense of giddiness.
I have a dull feeling.
There is a numb feeling in the leg.
I feel feverish.
I have a burning sensation in the eyes
I have a bitter taste in the mouth.
I have mouth sores.
I have a very bad earache.
My throat is a bit dry.
Doctor, what is the problem with me?
What exactly is the disease?
Is it serious?
What should be my diet?
How long should I take rest?
Can I take rice and curd?
Can I travel?
When can I get the medical report?
When can I collect the X-Ray?
Can I go to work next week?
How much should I pay?

What is your name, what is your father, which is your home town?
Could you tell us something about yourself?
I am a graduate in commerce.
I am a B.Com., graduate.
I am a B.Sc., graduate.
I have done my B.Sc.,
Sir, I am basically a commerce graduate and I have completed my advanced diploma in computers.
Sir, I am a commerce graduate with a diploma in computer applications.
Sir, I have done my B.Com. and now I am doing my computer course.
Have you any previous experience?
Sir, I have three years of experience in computer accounting. Sir I have ..years of experience
in..I have put in ..years of experience in
I am afraid, I have no experience.
You have no experience at all. How do you expect us to give you the job?
Sir, I agree with you I have no experience. But I am a fast learner sir.
I pickup very fast. I become experienced in just a very short period.
How do you think you are fit for the job?
Sir, I have necessary qualification and a lot of experience in this field.
Sir, I have been in the field of marketing for 5 years. I like the job that involves marketing. And I am good at it.
Are you working anywhere at present?
Yes sir, I have been working in..
Why do you want to leave your present job?
I want to leave that job for better prospects.
Sir, I am basically a science graduate, but I am working as an accountant and the job is not to my taste, so I am
looking for a new job.
I am looking for a challenging job sir.


I would like to buy a doll within Rs. 200/-
I am looking for a gift, may be a doll within Rs.200/-
Can you suggest a nice gift for a 2 year old female child?
How much does it cost?
How much is it?
Do you have metal chiffon saree?
Have you got designer saree?
What is the difference between these two?
Where can I collect the material?
Can I return the chudidhar if it doesn't fit?
Don't you have it in shades of blue?
I bought this shirt yesterday. Here is the bill. Can I have a replacement?
Is there nobody here at this counter? I have been waiting for half an hour?
I would like to meet the manager. I have a complaint to make.
Please pack it up neatly.

Sorry I am late. I missed the bus.
I apologies. It was my mistake.
I apologies for talking to you like that.
I am afraid, I can't come on Sunday.
I am sorry it is wrong number.
I am sorry I am late.
It's okay.
I could not return the book yesterday. I am so sorry.
It doesn't matter, but don't make it a habit.
I am sorry. I forgot to post the letter.
No problem. You can post it tomorrow.
I am sorry. I have broken the cup.
That is okay. It sometimes happens like that.
I am sorry. I have disturbed you.
No, not at all.
I am terribly sorry. This is all entirely my fault.
Okay, it doesn't matter , but don't let it happen again.
Can you complete the work in two days?
I may go to Delhi tomorrow.
It might rain today.
You had better consult your father.
You had better carry something with you to eat. You may feel hungry on the way.
You should rather have milk than coffee.
I would rather go hungry than eat this food.
I must return this book today.
You must not come in with your shoes on.
He has to appear for an entrance test.
You should read a lot.
You should take care of your health.
You ought to wear a helmet while travelling.
The police ought to control the traffic.
You are supposed to complete the work by this evening.
Why don't you do some computer course?


Do you have a computer at home?
Do you have internet connection?
Can I have your e-mail Id?
How frequency do you check your mail?
Have you received my e-mail?
My floppy drive is not working properly and at times my computer keeps freezing up.
Do you know any hardware engineer?
I think a virus has infected our computer.
Are you familiar with DTP and multimedia?
Is there any browsing centre closeby?
Come to the chatroom on Sunday at 3.I'll be online.
Can you write it on a CD for me?
Is it a copy righted CD? Do I require installation for opening the CD?
On what format have you sent the file?

Please come.
Nice of you to make it.
Very nice to have you here.
I am glad that you have come.
I am pleased to have you here.
Please be seated.
Please have your seat.
Make your self comfortable.
Would you like something to drink?
Shall we adjourn for dinner?
Shall we start?
I think it is time for dinner, shall we?
Please help yourself.
Please try this dish. It is quite tasty.
Would you like second serving?
You seem to be a poor eater, why so?
Thank you for attending the party. It was a nice evening.
It was so nice of you to have brought your family. It was a nice evening.
It was kind of you to have invited me. I really enjoyed it.


Person A: "Hi, my name is Steve. It's nice to meet you."

Person B: "I'm Jack. It's a pleasure to meet you, Steve."
Person A: "What do you do for a living Jack?"
Person B: "I work at the bank."

Person A: "What is your name?"

Person B: "Jackson."
Person A: "What was that again?"

Person A: "Hey John, how have you been?"

Person B: "What a surprise. I haven't seen you in a long time. How have you been?"
Person A: "I'm doing very well. How about you?"
Person B: "I finally have some free time. I just finished taking a big examination, and I'm so relieved
that I'm done with it."

Person A: "Hi Nancy, what have you been up to?"

Person B: "The same ole same ole." Or, "The same as usual. How about you?"
Person A: "I'm pretty busy at work these days, but otherwise, everything is great."

Person A: "Andy, it's been a long time, how are you man?"
Person B: "What a surprise. I haven't seen you in a long time. How have you been?"
Person A: "Do you come to this restaurant often?"
Person B: "I've been here a couple of times, but I don't come on a regular basis."


How are you doing?"
"How is your day going?"
"What are you doing now?"

"I'm enjoying the beautiful weather without any worries in the world."
"I'm playing a video game on my computer because I have nothing to do."
"I'm at the grocery store buying ingredients for tonight's dinner."
"I'm at the gym working out."

A: "Hey Paul. What are you doing here?"
B: "How's it going? I'm meeting up with a friend here."
A: "How have you been man?"
B: "Not too bad. I'm still in school and having a little fun."
A: "How are you enjoying Mr. Lee's history class?"
B: "It's so boring."
A: "Tell me about it. If it wasn't a requirement, I wouldn't have taken it."
B: "How about you? What have you been up to?"
A: "I finished school last spring. I'm searching for a job now, but I'm slacking off."
B: "I heard the job market is not that hot right now."
A: "I could always take a low end job, but I'm not that desperate yet."
B: "Well, good luck to you."
A: "Thanks. It was good seeing you again."
B: "Yeah. I'll catch you later."
A: "Have a good night."

A: "You're John right?"

B: "Yes. Oh, you're in my English class right?"
A: "Yeah. I'm Martha."
B: "Well it's good to finally meet you."
A: "How are you enjoying the class?"
B: "I'm not sure. Some days it seems ok, but other days I am totally bored in class."
A: "I know what you mean. Do you know what is wrong with the weather these days? I haven't seen the sun in 2
B: "The weather has been pretty terrible recently."
A: "I'm really hoping the weather gets better."
B: "Do you have something coming up?"
A: "To tell you the truth, it's just depressing seeing so much rain."
B: "I don't blame you. It has been pretty gloomy for sometime now."
A: "This is my stop. I'll see you later."
B: "I'll see you in class. Bye."


FAY: Hi Jerry. The school year is almost over. Do you have any plans for the summer holiday?

JERRY: I'm planning on sleeping all day, every day!

FAY: Oh, come on Jerry, you must be kidding.

JERRY: Yeah, I'm just pulling your leg. Actually, I'm going to go down to Guizhou Province.

FAY: Really? Why would you go to Guizhou? It's not a very popular tourist site.
JERRY: Exactly! It's not very popular, so it won't be too crowded. I enjoyed my trip to the Great Wall, but there
were so many people there. I think it spoiled the atmosphere a bit.

FAY: I'm sure Guizhou won't be so crowded. But won't it be too hot in the summer?

JERRY: No, according to one of my students, it's very cool in the summer. He said it is "naturally air conditioned".

FAY: Well, that sounds good. I wouldn't mind getting away from the Beijing heat myself. Still, I wonder... is there
anything worth seeing in Guizhou?

JERRY: Sure! For one thing, there's the beautiful natural scenery. I'm sure you've heard of the Huang Guo Shu
Waterfalls. There's also the Maling Gorge which is said to be spectacular. There are mountains everywhere in Guizhou,
even in the capital city of Guiyang.

FAY: Yes, I have heard of Huang Guo Shu Pubu, but won't you get bored just looking at the scenery?

JERRY: Come on Fay, there's lots of things to do. I can go hiking in Qian Ling Park in Guiyang, visit Miao villages in
the southeast, and I know you've heard of Zunyi, a very historical city. It's where Mao Ze Dong first became the leader
of the Red Army.

FAY: Gee, when you describe it like that, it sounds really interesting!

JERRY: And that's not all. I'll be able to eat very delicious, spicy food, drink world-famous maotai, and my student
told me I can meet some very beautiful women there!

FAY: I'm sure you'll have fun Jerry, but let me give you some advice. Be sure to hold onto your wallet AND your

JERRY: We'll see what happens!

FAY: Do you have a place to stay in Guizhou?

JERRY: Yes, I'm very lucky. My student's sister is the manager of the Guizhou Park Hotel, the best hotel in the
province. I've seen some pictures on the Internet, it's really nice! But I think outside Guiyang, I'll stay in a Miao village
or maybe buy a tent and go camping.

FAY: That's great, Jerry. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos when you get back.


1. I Live in Pasadena
2. I Have a Honda
3. Do You Have a Girlfriend?
4. Walking the Dog
5. Borrowing Money
6. Going to the Beach
7. My Wife Left Me
8. What's on TV?
9. A Nice Place to Live
10. The New Mattress
11. My Laptop Is So Slow
12. How about a Pizza?
13. The New House
14. Fish Are Everywhere
15. A Bad Boyfriend
16. Talking Animals
17. Housecleaning Day
18. A TV Lover
19. Write to Your Grandma
20. Are You Sleepy?
21. God Is Watching
22. Feed the Cat
23. Shave Your Face
24. Two Polite People
25. Give Me a Puppy
26. Kittens to Give Away
27. Happy in Heaven
28. His Line Is Never Busy
29. Friday the 13th
30. Do You Love Me?
31. Dad Has a Girlfriend
32. What's That Smell?
33. They Deliver
34. A Lost Button
35. Did You Say Something?
36. Washed and Folded
37. Talk Radio
38. A Bad Diet
39. A Ham Sandwich
40. Time for Your Bath
41. A Black Screen
42. A New Hard Drive
43. Your Email Address
44. Time for a Nap
45. Thinking about His Funeral
46. The Elephant
47. You Can Have Some of My Friends
48. If You Cheat, You Will Die
49. Let's Not Go Out
50. Fill Out the Form
51. The Animal Shelter
52. Is It Raining?
53. It's So Hot
54. A Snowman
55. The ATM
56. Move the Blue Bin
57. Digital TV
58. Just Shoot Me
59. Don't Be a Racist
60. Use a Tissue
61. Two Little Ones
62. But Is It Art?
63. Life Is for Living
64. A Tough Choice
65. Patch It or Sew It?
66. What's So Funny?
67. Spanish Spoken Here
68. It's the Only Earth We've Got
69. No Time for Rhyme
70. Dumb and Happy
71. Live from NBC 4!
72. Life after Death
73. Wipe Your Feet
74. Mother's Day
75. A New Flag
76. Work up an Appetite
77. Dialing for a Dollar

Conversation about a brief conversation between 2 old friends meeting by chance at a cafe

Sarah: Hello Jason, how are you, it's been a long time since we last met?
Jason: Oh, hi Sarah I'm have got a new job now and is going great. How about you?
Sarah: Not too bad.
Jason: How often do you eat at this cafe?
Sarah: This is my first time my friends kept telling me the food was great, so tonight I decided to try it. What have you been
up to?
Jason: I have been so busy with my new job that I have not had the time to do much else, but otherwise, me and the family
are all fine.
Sarah: Well, I hope you and your family have a lovely meal.
Jason: Yes you too.

Conversation about two people asking each other what they do for a living.

David: Hello, my name is David It's nice to meet you.

Jenny: Hi, I'm Jenny. It's my please to meet you.
David: A sorry. what was your name again?
Jenny: Jenny.
David: So Jenny, What do you do for a living?
Jenny: I work at the local school teaching English. what do you for a living?
David: I'm also an English teacher, but am currently out of work.
Jenny: Sorry to hear that. It has been really nice talking to you.
David: Yes. It was a great pleasure meeting you.

Conversation about two friends meeting by chance at the movies.

Bob: Hi Jason, it's great to see you again.

Jason: Wow, it's great seeing you, How long has it been? It most be more than 6 months. I'm doing good. How about you?
Bob: Not too bad.
Jason: What movie are you and the family going to see?
Bob: I came here to see the Simpsons movie. How about you?
Jason: I'm going to watch Terminator 4.

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