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Subject : English

Class : 5M
Time : 12.05a.m. 01.05p.m.
Date : 27th September 2015
Topic : Unit 15: Real-life heroes
Title : Reading Activity
Enrolment : 46 pupils
Proficiency Level : High proficiency
Theme : World of knowledge
Module : Reading

Content Standard Learning Standard

2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from:
able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and (a) linear texts
non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials
using a range of strategies to construct meaning.
2.2.3 Able to read and demonstrate
understanding of texts by:
c) giving main ideas and supporting details
2.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be 2.3.1 Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance:
able to read independently for information and enjoyment. (a) fiction

Lesson Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i Answer 4 out of 5 questions given correctly.

ii Produce at least 4 simple sentences and specify the reason of the choice made

Educational emphasis:

Multiple intelligences Linguistic


Moral value Kindness (We should be kind and helpful in aiding other people who are in dear need)

Thinking Skills Discuss and construct simple sentences based on the stimulus given.

Justify why the decisions were made.

Discuss moral value of the lesson.

Language content :

Noun Winter, summer, servants, bread, bandages, factories

Verbs Worked, charity, leisure, shocked, trained, filthy, sick, cook

Adjectives Poor, dirty, rich

Simple Past Tense Florence worked 20 hours a day

Previous knowledge : Pupils have knowledge of the topic from previous lessons.

Anticipated problem : Pupils may not understand the vocabulary such as filth profession and anaesthetic.

Proposed solution : Teacher explains the vocabulary by showing pictures.

Resources : Reading material (text), task sheet, pictures, flash cards, dictionary and LCD projector

Stage/tim Content Teaching-learning activity Rationale Remarks

Set 1 T flashes pictures of real life heroes . To arouse pupils Pictures of policemen,
induction curiosity on the nurse, fire fighters, and
(+4 2 T prompts question about todays lesson. doctor are flashed on the
minutes) lesson using interrogative questions whiteboard.
such as what and Why To introduce the
lesson for the day.
3 T tells pupils that they are going to learn
about real- life heroes.

4 T introduces todays topic.


What is a hero?
- A hero is a person who
is admired for great
courage, special
achievements or noble
character; or a person
who, against the odds,
tries when others have
already tried and failed.
Such perseverance
sometimes makes

Name some heroes in

our society

Why are they

considered as heroes?

Why do we admire
Do you know what were
going to learn today?

Were going to learn

about real life heroes.

Pre- Reading text: 1 T hands out reading text to each pupil. To introduce the Displayed sheet is
reading A day in the life of a story the pupils. pasted on the white
(+7 Firefighter 2 Pupils are given few minutes for them to board.
minutes) read through the whole text. To enhance pupils
Vocabulary words: understanding of
3 T highlight the unfamiliar and difficult words the new vocabulary
briefs found in the text.
emergency To develop pupils
prank call reading skills
To asses Pupils
danger understanding of
the story.

To prepare pupils
for the practice
While 1 T then prepares Pupils for the next activity To test students T distributes reading text
reading Task sheet: Answer the understanding of and task sheet to each
(+7 questions below. 2 T divides Pupils in pairs and distributes task the text. Pupils.
minutes) sheets to each groups.
To develop pupils
3 Pupils are required to fill in answers on the reading skills in
given spaces based on the text given finding main ideas
earlier. in the text given.

4 After they have done, T discusses the To promote

answer together with the pupils. collaborative

To achieve:
2.3.1 Able to read
for information and
enjoyment with
(a) fiction

To inculcate moral
To assess pupils Display sheet are given
Post Making an appreciation 1 T divides pupils into small groups. to each groups.
understanding on
reading card. 2 T distributes drawing paper and markers to
(+8 what they have
each groups.
minutes) Display sheet will be
3 T asks the pupils to create an appreciation learnt.
pasted on the white
card for their real life hero. board
4 Once they have done, each group will be
To allow
sending out representatives to the front of
the class to present their card.

To inculcate fun
element in the

Closure What you have learnt 1 T reviews the lesson and highlights the To consolidate
today? moral value of the lesson. what the pupils
2 T also highlights the importance of
have learnt.
appreciating the real life heroes who saves
Moral values
many lives on a daily basis.
We should be kind and To instil moral
helpful in aiding other values
people who are in dear

We dont Need
Superpowers to be a

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