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A few reasons to think about getting a pet

Dr. Gregory Ramey
2017 Cox Newspapers
Keywords: Lifestyle
Routing:nt22 nt26 nt11
For immediate release.
DAYTON, Ohio -- When it comes to relationships, young teens prefer their pets to
their siblings.
Based on a study published in the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 9
1 youngsters were asked to rate their connection with their siblings and their p
Kids' overall satisfaction with their relationships with their pets was signific
antly higher than how they felt about their siblings. There were some significan
t gender differences, with girls indicating that they disclosed more information
to their pets than to their siblings, which was not true for boys.
This research was conducted with 12-year-olds, an age that can be particularly d
ifficult for many kids. These youngsters are just beginning the challenges of yo
ung adulthood, separating from their parents and forging their own identities. P
ets provide a unique support for these kids.
Pets offer what humans cannot -- unconditional acceptance. Many children have to
ld me that their pets are their best friends. They can trust and confide in thei
r pets, without fear of rejection or ridicule.
Kids have a hard time at that age sharing their thoughts and feelings, often ove
rwhelmed by physical changes to their body and psychological changes to their sp
irit. They may not have the vocabulary to articulate what they're experiencing,
but it doesn't matter when they are talking with their pets. They feel that thei
r animal friends understand and accept them.
Other studies have affirmed the many positive benefits of pet ownership. Kids tu
rn to their pets at times of stress, and that relationship serves to support kid
s during the difficult times.
I work in a children's hospital with an active pet therapy program, and it's jus
t amazing to see the reaction of kids when visited by a dog or other animal. Qui
et kids become animated, losing all inhibitions as they reach out to hug and tal
k with an animal. Pets may be particularly beneficial for boys, who seem to have
a more difficult time understanding and dealing with their feelings.
I sometimes get stuck when talking with a young person in my office, unable to f
ind any common ground for discussion. Asking about the child's pet usually start
s a safe conversation about a youngster's strong emotional bond with another. I
then ask a very simple question. What does your pet offer that you are not getti
ng from your parents or peers?
Relationships are reciprocal. I also ask kids how they treat their pets and comp
are that with how they treat their parents and others. Kids get this insight ver
y quickly. I've at times asked kids to treat their parents as nicely as they tre
at their pets, and then see what impact that has on the family situation.
Next week: Is your child a bully?
Dr. Gregory Ramey is the executive director of Dayton Children Hospital's Pediat
ric Center for Mental Health Resources. Email: Rameyg(at) Th
is article appeared in the Dayton Daily News.
Story Filed By Cox Newspapers
For Use By Clients of the New York Times News Service

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