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BIOL 302 Anatomy and Physiology for Majors

GI Chart

The Digestive Process

Name: Description: Where:
Ingestion -Taking food into the -Mouth
digestive tract
Propulsion -Movement of food through -Alimentary canal
the alimentary canal
-Peristalsis is the major
means of propulsion
(alternating wave of muscle
contraction and relaxation)
Mechanical Digestion -Chewing -In the stomach by churning
-Prepares food for chemical food
digestion -And in the mouth by mixing
food with saliva
Chemical Digestion -The breaking down of -Starts in the mouth and ends
complex food into its in the small intestine
chemical building blocks
Absorption -Passage of digested end -Small intestine is the major
products from the lumen of place of absorption
the GI tract into the blood or -Most absorption also takes
lymph place within the first 8 inches
of the small intestine
Defecation -Elimination of the Rectum
indigestible substances

Extrinsic Salivary Glands

Name: Description: Where:
Parotid gland -Large and roughly triangular -Anterior to the ear between
-Braches of the facial nerve the masseter muscle and the
run through this gland skin
-Mumps is inflammation of
the parotid gland (why it
hurts for them to open their
mouth or chew)
-Drains behind the second
-There is only one parotid
duct of each side
Submandibular gland -Approximately the size of a -Lies along the medial aspect
walnut of the mandibular body
-Its duct runs beneath the
mucosa of the oral cavity
floor and opens at the base of
the lingual frenulum
-Only one duct per side
Sublingual gland -Small, approximately the -Lies anterior to the
size of an almond submandibular gland under
-Opens via 10-12 ducts into the tongue
the floor of the mouth

Name: Stimulus for Activity:
Cholecystokinin (CCK) -Fatty chime and partially -Inhibits the stomachs
digested proteins is the secretory activity
stimulus for production -Increases output of
-Target organ is the pancreatic juice
gallbladder (and other organs -Stimulates the gallbladder to
such as the stomach, liver, contract and expel stored bile
and pancreas) -Relaxes the sphincter for the
entry of bile to pancreatic
juice into the duodenum
Secretin -Acidic chime and partially -Increases output of
digested protein and fats pancreatic juice rich in bicarb
-Target organs include the ions potentiates CCKs
stomach, liver, and pancreas action
-Causes the liver to secrete
Vasoactive intestinal -Stimulus for production is -Inhibits acid secretion
peptide (VIP) chyme -Relaxes intestinal smooth
-Target organs include the muscle
small intestine, stomach, and -Dilates intestinal capillaires
Gastric inhibitory -Fatty chyme -Stimulates the release of
peptide (GIP) -Target organs are the insulin
stomach and pancreas -Also inhibits hydrochloric
acid production
Function of GI Organs
Name: Major Functions: Additional Info/Other
Mouth and associated -Ingestion (taking food into -Mouth mainly serves as a
accessory organs the digestive tract via the receptacle, most of the other
mouth) functions are performed by
-Propulsion (the voluntary the accessory organs
phase of swallowing initiated -Although mucus in the saliva
by the tongue that propels helps to dissolve food so that
food into the pharynx) is can both be tasted and it
-Mechanical breakdown also moistens the food in
(chewing or the mixing of order for the tongue to form it
food with saliva by the into a bolus that can be
tongue) swallowed
-Digestion (salivary amylase -Saliva also cleanses and
in the saliva begins to digest lubricates the teeth and oral
starches) cavity
Pharynx and esophagus -The oropharynx and -Acts primarily as a food
laryngeal pharynx are both chute
food passageways that are -But the mucus produced also
surrounded by the pharyngeal helps to lubricate the food
constrictor muscle to help passageways
propel the food
-Propulsion is the major
function (the peristaltic
waves help move the food
bolus to the stomach)
Stomach -Mechanical breakdown -Stores food until it can be
(peristaltic waves mix the moved into the duodenum
food with the gastric juice -HCl activates protein-
and propel it toward the digesting enzymes
duodenum/small intestine) -The intrinsic factor that is
-Digestion (pepsin starts to produced is vital for the
digest any proteins) intestine to absorb vitamin
-Absorption (absorbs some B12.
drugs, etc)
Small intestine -Digestion (digestion of all -Highly modified for both
classes of foods) digestion and absorption
-Absorption (absorption of -The bile that is produced by
proteins, fats, carbs, vitamins, the liver emulsifies fats
and electrolytes)
Large Intestine -Synthesizes Vitamin K and -Temporary storage area until
and B complex vitamins defecation can occur
-Absorption (absorbs most
of the remaining water
-Propulsion (propels feces
toward the rectum)
-Defecation (the reflex for
this is triggered by rectal


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