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17th century Terror historical events sometimes associated with terrorism

include the Gunpowder Plot, an attempt to destroy the English Parliament in
19th century and the Fenian Brotherhood was founded in 1858 as
revolutionary and militant nationalist groups, in Ireland and amongst the
migr community in the United States.
Narodnaya Volya Russian revolution group.
Prior to the U.S. Civil War, abolitionist John Brown (18001859) advocated and
practiced armed opposition to slavery, leading several attacks between 1856
and 1859, the most famous attack was launched in 1859 against the armory
at Harpers Ferry.
One was the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (in Armenian
Dashnaktsuthium, or "The Federation"), a revolutionary movement founded in
Tiflis (Russian Transcaucasia) in 1890 by Christapor Mikaelian.
The Irish Republican Army campaigned against the British in the 1910s.
and inspired the Zionist groups Hagannah, Irgun and Lehi to fight the British
throughout the 1930s in the Palestine mandate.
Jewish group Irgun's tactic of attacking Arab communities, including the
bombing a crowded Arab market, is considered among the first examples of
terrorism directed against civilians.
Founded in 1928 as a nationalist social-welfare and political movement in
British-controlled Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood began to attack British
soldiers and police stations in the late 1940s.
PLO a Palestinian Organization known for Suicide Attacks against Israelis.
there are many more such Organizations who were and are "Western
and Convent" educated like above.

In Terrorism INDIA,
Ajmer Darga, Jama Masjid, Malegaon, Akshardham Mandir, Banaras Temple all
attacks were done by people who got their education from reputed
Institutions in INDIA.
ULFA, NAGA Front, Maoist are also Indian and Hindus are its members. And
many such other organizations who kill others in the name of Hinduism.
28/11 Mumbai, Parliament and frequent attacks were done by Groups in
Pakistan who hate India and its People. As the recent Bangladesh attack. This
is also true for Members of Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Indian Mujahedeen who got
education from UK, US, Australia, etc. Convents in India and rest of the world.
They said Allah- Hu Akbar before attacking.
Kashmir is different which is not fully a part of India.

So, please dont blame Madrasas (Islamic Schools) for

Terrorism, then you have to blame all Education Systems in the

Education dont produce Terrorists but, half knowledge do.

Those who kill in the name of religion dont understand what
the Religion actually says.

Neither Hindu nor Muslim or Christians or Sikhs or Buddhists

are Terrorist only Individual persons are.

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