Monk Background

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Monk Background

Homeland: Town or village: you gain access to the Militia Veteran regional trait.
Parents: Both parents are alive
Siblings: 2 Suli siblings 2 younger sibling, 1 human sibling Female Twin to my monk
Circumstance of Birth: Dishonored Family: You were born into a family that once was
honored among your society but has since fallen into disgrace. Now your family name is
loathed and maligned by those who know it, putting you on your guard. You gain access
to the Reactionary combat trait, the Lost Legacy story feat, and the Redemption story

Parents Profession: Clergy or Cultists: You gain access to the Child of the Temple faith

Major Childhood Event: Died: You died, or came so close to death that you walked the
boundary between the realms of the living and the dead. Having passed from lifes
domain once, you have a unique perspective on life, perhaps even a greater appreciation
for itor maybe your experience caused you to reject all trivial things, focusing only on
matters of true import. You gain access to the Fearless Defiance faith trait and the Arisen
story feat.

Monk Backgrounds: Elite Fighting Force: You learned your fighting skills as one of a
highly-trained group dedicated to a special purpose, such as guarding a temple or
protecting a noble. Your training emphasized unobtrusive teamwork and unquestioned
dedication to some higher purpose. You gain access to the Veiled Disciple social trait.

Conflict: Destroyed a Reputation: You deliberately 5 ruined the honor, reputation, or

fortunes of another individual or group

Subject: Enemy or rival

Motive: Hatred or malice

Romantic Relationship: Several Inconsequential Relationships: You have had many

lovers but no long-lasting, meaningful relationships.

Drawback: Power: You long for the ability to influence the world around you, whether
thats as small as a village or as large as a plane of reality. You gain access to the Power-
Hungry drawback.

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