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From the Gr.6 class
Wow, I cant believe your time here is already up! We had so much fun and
the time just flew by. I had so much fun doing all our science and social studies
projects. Our whole class learned so much over such a short period of time.

Our grade six class is going to miss you so much and we wish you the best
of luck in the future. On behalf of our entire class ~ THANK YOU FOR
Mrs. Aune you are a very good teacher and in the future I wish the best of luck to you.


You are a really nice teacher and we will miss you very much.

We will miss you so much

I will miss you very very much Ms.Aune. You are the best teacher in the world.
I hope you get a great job in your future and good luck along the way.
I will miss you so much since you were an awesome teacher that everyone will
should miss. Also since you teached me and my class so good we celebrate
this day with you and have fun one more day with you!!


I will miss you so much. You have been a great teacher to our class when you
were here. I hope you had a great time when you were here. I hope you have
a great time teaching in the future.
Can you stay a little while longer so I dont have to say
farewell. Oh all right Farewell Ms. Aune. Thank you for
opening up crocheting engagement for us!! It was a
pleasure having you join our class. Wishing you the
best of luck finding a teaching job. I hope I see you
around in Pilot Mound. The quote is how much I will
miss you and the happy and sad faces represent even
though we are happy we are all sad too.
I will miss you very much.

I wish you could stay longer.

When you see a horse you can think of me.

Really enjoyed making flight project.

Thanks for always making me feel welcome and being so friendly all the time.

Good Luck in your future!

Ms. Aune I had so much fun learning with you. I will never forget
BALOOHAHA or any of the other silly words i made up. Making the
paper airplanes was an amazing experience and hybrid animals were so
much fun.

Thank you so much for everything and i wish you the best of luck in
the future
Good luck at your new job.We will all miss you a

Lot.We had a lot of amazing memories with

You.You are an amazing teacher.Hope you find

An a amazing class to teach.

We will miss you.
I am happy that you are here! I .

am sad that you are leaving. I

enjoyed the games we played in
gym. I am happy that we played
games like kahoot in your classes.
Hope you had fun here! Will you
come and visit us? I hope you do.
Ms.Aune I will miss you very much. I wish you could stay longer than two months.
Thank you for teaching Crocheting to me ,and some of my very close friends that
you only got to know for a very short amount of time. I had a lot of fun learning to
crochet. I hope to see you in Pilot Mound I mite not say hi but I will wave and be
thinking it.

I WILL Whenever
you see a
cat you can
think of Me

MISS YOU ,Savannah

or Sarah.


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