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Put the words in the correct order to make positive sentences with the verb to be.

1) old. years I am twenty-five

2) from are We Argentina.

3) Anton name student. I'm My is a and

4) This my book. is

5) today. a day nice It's

6) Her brother's is Paul name

7) engineer. John an is

8) is name Johansson. husband's My

9) are class. twelve my There in students

10) address the letter. at of My new is top the

Complete the gaps with this, that, these or those

1. Look at __________ newspaper here.

2. __________ are my grandparents, and __________ people over there are my friend's
3. __________ building over there is the Chrysler Building.
4. __________ is my mobile phone and __________ is your mobile phone on the shelf over
5. __________ photos here are much better than __________ photos on the book.
6. __________ was a great evening.
7. Are __________ your pencils here?
8. __________ bottle over there is empty.
9. __________ bricks over there are for your chimney.
10. John, take __________ folder and put it on the desk over there.

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