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Re (CaSDIRATES PLEASE NOTEY sow mens dew aa reare hin boat fs earwer shee, Foe ws ay reed ia ageatnction ‘rest cov 02238010 FORM TP 2011239) a MAY/UNE 2011 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION PHYSICS Unit 2 - Paper 01 90 minutes “BH MAY 2011 (. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 4 items. You wll have 90 minutes to answer them. 2. Imaddition wo this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Do notbe concemed thatthe answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test 4, Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B),(C) you are about to answer and decide which choice is best (D). Read each item 5. Onyouranswer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space hhaving the same Jeter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. ‘Sample item Which of the following lists one scalar quantity and one vector quantity? (&) Mass : temperature Sample Answer (B) Momentum: pressure (©) Force: velocity ©e@00 (D) Potential energy : volt The best answer'o this item is “Momentum : pressure”, so answer space (B)has been shaded, 6. Ifyou want to change your answer, be sure to erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 7. When you are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. Ifyou eannot answer an item, 0 extone. Your score will be the total 75a may do any rough work in this booklet. 9, Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. 10. The use of silent noo- programmable calculators is allowed DO _NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD 10 DO SO. Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. 02238010/CAPE 2011 ‘LIST.OF PHYSICAL CONSTANTS Speed of light in fie space Permeability of free space Permit of free space Hlememary charge ‘The Planck constant, Unified atomic mass constant Rest mass of election est mass of poten [Acceleration due to gravity 1 Atmosphere Avogadro's number ©2238010/CAPE 2011 3.00 x 10% ms" 4x x 10° Hm! 8.85 x 10 Fm! 9.0x10'mF! 1.60x 10" 6.63 x 10s 1.66 x 10kg (931 Mev) 911 x 10" kg 1.67 x 10” kg 981 ms? 1.00 x 10°N m? 6.02 x 10” per mole GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘ 3 In the equation for the current through a conductor I= nevA, ¥ represents the: (A) voltage (B) terminal pd. (©) volume (D) velocity ‘The “driving force’ for charges through an electrical circuit is provided by the (A) impedance (B) inductance (©) potential difference (D) electrical resistance Kirehhoff’s second law states that the algebraic sum of the potential differences around a complete circuit must equal zero. ‘This is a consequence of conservation of (A) mass (B) power (©) charge «D) energy For the circuit diagram below, determine the current flowing through the 682 resistor, 4 Pal oa (A) 0.750 (B) 082A © 10a @) SA 02238010/CAPE 2011 Im SI, the unit of electric field strength is (ay) NAY (B) NC! © Cm! (Dy) Sm Item 6 refers to the following diagram which shows a positively charged sphere, Q, suspended by @ light insulated string placed between two metal plates, X and Y. <—4r ‘When the switch S, is closed, the initial movement of the sphere is (A) upwards (B) downwards (©) towards the left (D) towards the right Coulomb's law states that the force between, ‘wo point charges is directly proportional to (A) the product of the charges divided by their distance apart (B) their distance apart divided by the ‘product of their charges (©) the product ofthe charges divided by the square of their distance apart (D) the square of their distance apart divided by the product of the charges GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 10. ‘One farad is equivalent 10 1st INCE © 1cVv (py vet Awire of length 30 emisin a magnetic field ‘of strength 3.5 mT and makes an angle of 660° with the field. Ifthe wire is carrying a current of 2.5 A, what is the magnitude of the force on the wire? 8 60 (A) 0.0023 N B) 0.13N © 13N (D) 23N (02238010/CAPE 2011 wv Awire carrying current into the plane of the paper is shown below. It is acted upon, in turn, by fourmagnetic fields labelled A, B, ‘Cand D acting in the directions shown. Which field exerts on the wire @ force towards poitt P? c A current-carrying conductor of mass 2.0.x 10° kg carrying a current of 2.0 A, is balanced by a magnetic field at right angles to it. Ifthe length of the conductor is 8.0 em, the magnetic field strength is (A) 1.23x10°T (B)1.23x104T (©) 123x10"T ) 123,10 ‘A road is. 15 m below a transmission line which carries an alternating current of peak value 100 A. ‘The magnitude of the peak magnetic flux density at the road (due to the current in the transmission line) is (A) 133510°T (B) 419x10°T (©) 1.26x10°T (D) Lisx 10° GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE ose J 14, Anideal transformer has 600 turns in the primary winding and 40 turns inthe secondary winding. J [Ifthe current in the primary winding is 5 A, and the primary voltage is 120 V, what is the current 7 ‘and voltage in the secondary winding? Currentin | Voltage in Secondary(A) | Secondary(V) (A) 1 | (B) 8 75 (ra 60 8 o) 75 8 18. The diagrams below show a bar magnet being inserted or withdrawn from a solenoid. In which gram isthe current flow correct? < Maton > Motion ww © = Tl i 1h > Motion > Motion @ xs o = _WN i 7 16. Whatis the V,,,, of a wave form with a peak to peak voltage of 40 V? (A) 100 (B) 141 (©) 283 (p) 400 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 022380 10/CAPE 2011 tem 17 refers tothe following graph which represents a sinusoidal altemating current against time. 17, The equation which represents this alternating current is w 10 cos 50 xt (B) I= 10 cos 80.x1 (©) 1100s 100 xt (D) 1=20.cos200.xt ‘em_18 refers to the following diagram. eX x ae 18. In the diagram above, the current (1) flowing through the n-type semiconductor is mainly due to w (B) © @) hholes moving from A to B ‘electrons moving from A to B ‘electrons moving from B to.A holes moving from A to B and electrons moving from B to A (02238010/CAPE 2011 19, tem 19 refers to the following diagram, i Q +t Lop Dt 2 ‘s Which of the lamps in the circuit shown above are lit? (A) Pand Sonly (B) P, Qand Ronly (©) P. Rand Sonly (D) P,Q,Rands GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE tem 20 refers to the following diagram, c i) Ouiput ty Dy Dy 20, Which of the graphs below describes the ‘output of the circuit shown above? Yn i «) OoNnAADA The o CYY _, Time (02238010/CAPE 2011 tem 21 refers to the following diagram which shows a sinusoidal wave being sent to the input of a circuit containing four diodes. Which of the following Time ‘Outpur representation of the output? “ (B) © ©) a Time vay "Tne pat ime mt Wt GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE lem 22 refers to the following diagram “we 22, The LED in the circuit above lights when (A) Syand S, are open (B) _S, is open and §, is closed (©) S, iselosed and S, is open (D) _S, is closed and S, is closed 4, Jem 23 refers to the following diagram, ao st 23, From the information given in the opeta- tional amplifier circuit above, determine the current in the 6.0 kO2 load resistor. (A) 0.6mA (By) 0.8mA © 10ma (D) 6.7 mA (02238010/CAPE 2011 tem 24 refers to the following graph which shows how the gain of an operational ie varies with frequency. 104) 10 The gain of constructed using this operational amplifier is 10°. What is the bandwidth of amplifier? m4 (B10 © 0 @) 0 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 25, Which of the following gain-frequency ‘graphs represents that ofan eal operational amplifier? a B Gain, “ 10 Frequency Gain » (3) \ 10 Frequency Gain © 10* Frequency Gain ©) 10* Frequency 0223801 0/CAPE 2011 ——p— 26, gm 26 refers to the following diagram. L =p— Which is the correct truth table for the circuit above? “ aTe lo Typo i Ce a a ® AT eyo oe r[o« [fo ee o[e fo © aT ee fa A | ee ofe fe © [AT eye 1 0 ol to ote tt GO ON 10 THE NEXT PAGE -10- ‘tems 27-28 refer to the following diagram. , P R eo + y \~ $ 27. Ifthe inputs to P and Q are both held at logic 1, then the states of R, S and T are \ | Ros oT wo 1 0 @® o 1 1 © 1 0 0 Mm 1oro4d 28. The symbol for the logic gate which has the equivalent action to this complete cirewit a> Ape a ab GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02238010/CAPE 2011 29. Two fourbit binary numbers are fed into the inputs X and Y of an OR gate. The ‘numbers are represented by the pulse trains in the V-t diagrams below. vn my — x AL Which of the following pulse trains represents the output pulse from the OR wea PLS L.. ®) vn 5 © va als @) vy LJ. 02238010/CAPE 2011 30, cS ‘Which of the following diagrams is the ‘correct circuit for a half adder? w wp ‘Sum LL >—ceany © Seo sum © spi bod © SPT esi LS )>—eeury Light falls on a photoelectric material and no elecitons are emitied, Electrons may be emitted if which of the following is/are increased? 1. The intensity ofthe light The frequency of the light II ‘The wavelength of the light (A) Lonly (8) Wonly (C) Monly (D) Land Ill only GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 2 M. 36. ++ ‘What does the symbol, &, represent in the equation hf=@+E,,.? (A) The work function (B) The decay constant (©) The stopping potential (D) The eut-off wavelength ‘A metal surface has a work function of 3.8 eV. What is the threshold wavelength for this metal? (A) 3.27x10%m (B) 9.17 10"m (C)1.09x 10 m (D) 6.08 x 10" m ‘The intensity of X-rays passing through a ‘material of thickness, x, is given by exp (14). ‘What does the symbol "yin the equation represent? (A) The time constant of the X-rays (8) The permittivity of the material (C) The permeability of the material (D) The linear absorption coefficient of the material What is the de Broglie wavelength of aan olympic sprinter of mass 60 kg when running ata speed of 10 m s"? (A) 2.2% 10m (B) tx 10%m (©) 11x 10%m (D) 66x 10%m ‘The electron-volt is a measurement of (A) potential difference (B) capacitance (C) charge (D) energy (02238010/CAPE 2011 a7, Plates connected to power supply 38, ‘Two neutral isotopes of an element have the same number of (A) protons but a different number of neutrons (B) neutrons but a different number of rotons (©) protons but a different number of ‘electrons (D) electrons but a different number of protons [dem 38 is about Milli "sol drop experiment which is depicted in the diagram below. Hole where oit fiom Hluminated oil drops Which statement about the behaviour of the oil drops during the experiment is correct? (A) Whenan oil drop becomes charged, the size of the charge must equal (B) When an oil drop is stationary, ‘must carry a charge, (C) When an oi drop moves upwards only the electric force is acting ont (D) When no electric field acts, all drops move downwards with the ‘same constant velocity, The mass defect for the nucleus of helium 4 i 0.0303 u. Whats the binding cenergy per nucleon for helium - 4? (A) 1 MeV (B) 4 Mov. (©) 7 MeV (DB) 2%Mev GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 213. 40. Theequationbelow shows the disintegration of polonium ~ 210 10 a stable isotope of lead. Up > Pb+ {Hes For the above equation mass of 17 = 205.969 u mass of /He = 4.0040 mass of *U2R, = 209.982 u What is the mass equivalent of Q? (A) 15x10" kg (B) 67x10" kg (©) 34x10" kg ) 35x10" kg 41 ‘The activity of radioactive source is (A) the number of radioactive atoms (B) the intensity of the radiation emitted (©) the number of disintegrations per second (D) the number of types of radiation coming from the source 42, The fission of uranium ~ 235 can be represented by the nuclear equation BU +fCesyZre an Which combination gives the correct ratio of yx? (A) 38:94 (8) 382235 ) 86: 140 (D) 94:38 (02238010/CAPE 2011 Item 43 refers to the following information, A pure source, 8, of a particular type of radiation is placed in front of a thick cardboard sheet ina uniform magnetic field as shown in the diagram. Maguetic xox Pek Rag Radiation s fromPure FP >— * Pe Source $ x x fx x JCARDBOARD 43. Which of the following diagrams correctly shows the path of the radioactive emission in the region? “ @ © ue 44. Which ofthe following statements are tue 45. about radioactive decay? L nL M, Vv. 7) 8) © @) It isa random process. It is a spontancous process. It is dependent on the chemical combination of radioactive elements It increases with temperature. Tand Il only and IV only Mand IV only 4, and 1V only ‘The half-life of a sample of radioactive substance is 100 years. What is its decay constant? (A) 693x107 year {B) 5.0.x 10 year! (©) 6.93x 10! year (D) 1.44% 108 year (02238010/CAPE 2011

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