Work Instruction Create Actual Assessmant Cycle: Segment Ksv1

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Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment

Module : Management Accounting

Course : CO Postings

Work Instruction

Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment KSV1

Use this procedure to create an actual distribution cycle.

Perform this procedure when you want to allocate costs from a cost centre to either another
cost centre(s) or cost object.


Menu Path
Use the following menu path to begin this transaction:

Select Accounting Controlling Cost centre accounting Period end closing

Single functions Allocations to go to the Create Actual Distribution Cycle initial

Transaction Code

Additional Information
Allocation is the process whereby amounts from one organisational element can be moved to
another, for example, from one cost center to other cost centers. You can allocate fixed
amounts from one object to another object or, you can allocate variable amounts based on
existing system data. Allocations are usually made using secondary cost elements and occur
at the period end.
There are two types of allocations, assessment and distribution. The type determines whether
an interim account is used in the allocation process.

Assessment - When you use an assessment allocation the system writes amounts from the
sender(s) to an assessment account; the system then allocates the amounts from the
assessment account to the receiver(s) and does not allocate from the original sender
Distribution - When you use a distribution allocation you allocate the balance(s) from the
original sender(s) to the receivers. The original sender account is credited with the
allocation. Usually distribution allocations are used when you want to update detailed
records for the original primary account during the allocation.
The allocation rules are held in assessment or distribution cycles and every cycle consists of
one or more segments. Within each segment you define the sender and receiver objects.

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Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings


1. Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code KSV1.

Create Actual Distribution Cycle: Initial screen

If a cycle is already set up with the same/similar data, the existing cycle can be used as
a template for the new cycle

2. Perform one of the following:

If Go To
To set up a new cycle using existing information Step 3
To set up a new cycle Step 14

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

3. As required, complete/review the following fields:

Field Name R/O/C Description

Cycle R Enter the new cycle name.

Example: Mech2.
Starting Date R Enter the starting date.
Example: 06.12.2001
Copy from: Cycle R Enter the name of the cycle you want to copy from.
Example: Mech.
Copy from: Starting R Enter the start date of the cycle you are copying from.
Example: 18/.08.1999
Controlling Area O Enter the controlling area.
Example: Univ.

The start date serves two purposes. It determines the earliest validity date of the cycle
and secondly, by assigning different start dates you can define different variants for one

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

Restrict value range (2) 3 Entries found

4. Select the cycle you wish to use as a template and click on .

5. Click on .

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Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

Create Actual Distribution Cycle: Header Data

6. As required, complete/review the following fields:

Field Name R/O/C Description

Starting date (to) R Enter the date you wish the cycle to be valid to
Example: 06.12.2002
Text R Enter a description for the cycle if the current description is no
longer valid.

7. Click on .

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Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

Create Actual Distribution Cycle: Segment

You can define multiple segments in a cycle. Each segment denotes a group of
senders and their respective receivers which are all processed with the same distribution rule.
The sender values rule determines how the sender values are calculated and the receiver
tracing factors determines how the sender value, once it had been calculated, is allocated to
the receiver.

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

8. As required, complete/review the following fields:

Field Name R/O/C Description

Segment Name O Enter any changes you wish to make to the segment name.

Sender Values Rule R

Select the appropriate rule. Click on to select from the
drop down list.
Example: Posted Balance
Share in percentage R Enter the percentage of the sender balance to allocate to the
Example: 100%
Act. Vals R
Select the radio button if you want to allocate actual data
to the receiver(s).

Plan Vals R
Select the radio button if you want to allocate plan data to
the receiver(s).

Receiver tracing R
Select the appropriate rule. Click on to select from the
factors rule
drop down list.

Example: Fixed percentages

There are three sender value rules, posted balance, fixed amount and fixed rate.

Posted balance - The balance or amount, which is stored in the database records for the
sender, is posted to the receiver(s).

Fixed amount - A specific fixed amount is allocated from the sender, independent of the
balance of the sender(s).

Fixed rate A fixed rate (price) is determined for each unit you want to transfer. The transfer
value is then obtained by multiplying this rate with the receiver tracing factors.

The share in percentage option, allows you to determine what percentage of the sender
balance to allocate to the receivers and is usually only used with the posted balance rule.

The receiver tracing rule determines how the sender value, once it had been
calculated, is allocated to the receiver. There are four receiver tracing factor rules,
Variable portion, fixed amount, fixed percentage and fixed portion.

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

Variable portion The criteria specified in the variable portion type field is used to calculate
the allocation e.g. using a statistical key figure such as numbers employed, the amount may
be split over several departments.

Fixed portion The receiver is charged directly with the amount entered on the tracing factors

Fixed percentage The value from the sender is allocated according to the specified
percentage. The percentage cannot exceed 100.

Fixed portion This is similar to fixed percentage but is not limited to the amount equalling

9. Make the required changes (if any) and Click on the sender/receiver tab.

Create Actual Distribution Cycle: Segment

The reference cycle details again will be displayed. There is a sender and a receiver
section. Allocations can be made from either individual cost centres and cost elements
or ranges of cost centres and cost elements. In this example allocations are being
made from cost center 244000 to cost center 244022 for a range of cost elements.

:10. Review the fields and enter any changes.

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

11. Click on the receiver tracing factor tab.

Create Actual Distribution Cycle: Segment

12. Review the Portion/percentage field and enter any changes. In this example cost center
244022 receives 100% of the sender value.

Additional segments may be included by clicking on .

13. To save the cycle click on . The system will display the message Cycle xxxxx starting date
xxxxxxxxxx has been saved.

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

14. To set up a new cycle.

Create Actual Distribution Cycle: Segment

15. As required, complete/review the following fields:

Field Name R/O/C Description

Cycle R Enter the new cycle name.

Example: Biol2.
Starting Date R Enter the starting date.
Example: 06.12.2001

16. Click on .

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

Create Actual Distribution Cycle: Segment

17. As required, complete/review the following fields:

Field Name R/O/C Description

Starting date (to) R Enter the date you wish the cycle to be valid to
Example: 06.12.2002
Text R Enter a description for the cycle.
Example: Transfer of Expend to I.O.

18. Click on .

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

Create Actual Distribution Cycle: Segment

You can define multiple segments in a cycle. Each segment denotes a group of
senders and their respective receivers which are all processed with the same
distribution rule.

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

19. As required complete/review the following fields:

Field Name R/O/C Description

Segment name R Enter the name of the segment. For example the sender cost
centre number may be used.
Example: 223001.Biol Overheads
Lock Indicator R
Leave the check box unticked .

If you tick check the box the system will temporarily

ignore this segment of the allocation cycle.

Rule R
Select the appropriate rule. Click on to select from the
drop down list.

Share in % R Enter the percentage of the sender balance which should be

credited to the sender.

Act. Vals R
Select the radio button if you want to allocate actual data
to the receiver(s).

Plan Vals R
Select the radio button if you want to allocate plan data to
the receiver(s).

Rule R Select the appropriate receiver tracing factor rule. Click on

to select from the drop down list.

Var. portion type R

Enter the variable portion type. Click on to select from the
drop down list.

Scale neg. tracing R

Enter the scale neg. tracing factors. Click on to select
from the drop down list.

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

Sender value fields define how data should be allocated from the sender to the receiver
profit centres. Tracing factor fields define how data should be allocated to the

There are three sender value rules, posted balance, fixed amount and fixed rate.

Posted balance - The balance or amount, which is stored in the database records for the
sender, is posted to the receiver(s).

Fixed amount - A specific fixed amount is allocated from the sender, independent of the
balance of the sender(s).

Fixed rate A fixed rate (price) is determined for each unit you want to transfer. The transfer
value is then obtained by multiplying this rate with the receiver tracing factors.

The share in percentage option, allows you to determine what percentage of the sender
balance to allocate to the receivers and is usually only used with the posted balance rule. To
post the entire balance for example enter 100%.

The receiver tracing rule determines how the sender value, once it had been
calculated, is allocated to the receiver. There are four receiver tracing factor rules,
Variable portion, fixed amount, fixed percentage and fixed portion.

Variable portion The criteria specified in the variable portion type field, is used to calculate
the allocation e.g. using a statistical key figure such as numbers employed, the amount may
be split over several departments.

Fixed portion The receiver is charged directly with the amount entered on the tracing factors

Fixed percentage The value from the sender is allocated according to the specified
percentage. The percentage cannot exceed 100.

Fixed portion This is similar to fixed percentage but is not limited to the amount equalling

20. Click on .

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

Create Actual Distribution Cycle: Segment

:21. As required, complete/review the following fields:

Field Name R/O/C Description

Sender Cost centre R Enter the sender cost centre(s).

Example: 223001
Sender Cost Element R Enter the cost element(s) or cost element group the values
will be reallocated from.
Example: Expend
Receiver R Enter the receiver cost object. In this example an internal
order has been used.
Example: 19603017

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

Create Actual Distribution Cycle: Segment

22. Click on .

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

Create Actual Distribution Cycle: Segment

Depending on the Allocation rule that you entered for the tracing factor, different fields
will appear on the Recvr tracing factor tab.

The default settings on the tracing factors for the var. portion type and the scale neg.
tracing factors are taken from the segment tab.

23. As required, complete/review the following fields:

Field Name R/O/C Description

Selection criteria R Enter the cost element(s) to be used in the tracing factor

24. Click on .

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

Create Actual Distribution Cycle: Segment

The default setting on the receivers tracing factor is 100. This means that the
calculation will be made to 2 decimal places.

When the fixed rate option is selected, an additional tab is displayed allowing the rate
to be entered.

25. To save the cycle click on . The system will display the message Cycle xxxxx starting date
xxxxxxxxxx has been saved.

26. You have completed this transaction

You have created a distribution cycle.

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings


To process a distribution cycle use transaction KSV5.

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Reference: ### Last Modified: 07.18.2002 15:25:00 Page 1 / 20
Title: Create Actual assessmant Cycle: Segment
Module : Management Accounting
Course : CO Postings

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