MT-118 - Bag-201 - Final

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of Printed Pages 4 MT-118/BAG-201

Roll No.



Time : 30 Minutes Max. Marks : 40

Note: Attempt ALL the questions and submit the same within stipulated time.

1. MCQs (Tick the correct answer)/Fill in the Blanks/True-False : 1 x 20 = 20

Fill in the Blanks:

(a) Data obtained by conducting a survey is called ............... ............... data.

(b) Statistics does not study ............... ...............

(c) Median is ............... ............... for each and every distribution.

(d) The sum of the absolute deviations taken from median is ............... ...............

(e) The distribution which has only on mode is called ............... ...............

(f) Standard deviation is the ............... ...............of variance.

(g) Measures of dispersion tell about ............... ............... of central value.

(h) ............... ............... is the formula of coefficient of range.

(i) Probability can never be greater than ............... ...............

(j) Probability of an event is never ............... ...............

(k) If r = +1, the two regression lines are ............... ...............

(l) A regression equation having two or more independent variables is called ............... ...............

True and False:

(a) Mean is the measure of dispersion. (T / F)

(b) Mean deviation in minimum when deviations are taken from mode. (T / F)

1 P.T.O.

MCQs (Tick the correct answer):

(a) Which measure of dispersion ensures highest degree of reliability?

(i) Range (ii) Standard deviation

(iii) Quartile deviation (iv) Mean deviation

(b) Each outcome of random experiment is called:

(i) Primary event (ii) Compound event

(iii) Independent event (iv) None of these

(c) Replication provide a valid estimate of:

(i) Experimental error (ii) Blocking

(iii) Both of above (iv) None of these

(d) Large number of replications be taken if the expt. units are

(i) Homogeneous (ii) Heterogeneous

(iii) Both of above (iv) None of these

(e) A Latin square design is a .......... heterogeneity.

(i) One way (ii) Two way

(iii) Three way (iv) Four way

(f) Each treatment occurs ............ in a row or a column in a Latin square design.

(i) Twice (ii) Once

(iii) Thrice (iv) None

2. Short Answer type questions: 2 x 10 = 20
Write short notes on the following:

(a) Primary and secondary data..





(b) Type I and Type II Error.





(c) Simple random sampling (SRS).





(d) t - test..





(e) Correlation coefficient.





(f) Randomized block design (RBD).




3 P.T.O.
(g) Chi-square test.




(h) Merits and Demerits of Arithmetic mean.





(i) Level of significance.




(j) Degrees of Freedom





MT-118/BAG-201 No. of Printed Pages 2 MT-118/BAG-201
recorded as 14.3, 12.6, 13.7, 10.9, 13.7, 12.0, 11.4, 12.0, 12.6 and 13.1. Roll No.
Do the results conform the expectation? [Given : = 2.262 ] 15


4. Find out the correlation coefficient between seed yield per plant and
plant height of sesamum using data in the following table.
Seed Yield Plant height
Per plant (in g) X (In Cm.) Y
5.22 94.2 Time : 3.00 Hours Max. Marks : 100
8.13 69.3 Note : (i) Part-I is in a different sheet. Answer all the questions in the sheet
6.52 115.3 itself and submit within stipulated time.
4.16 83.3 (Time: 30 Minutes Max. Marks: 40)
8.98 85.4 (ii) Part-II: Attempt any FOUR questions.
3.05 68.1 (Time: 2.30 hrs. Max. Marks: 60)
3.49 50.7
5.40 96.2 Time: 2.30 hrs. Max. Marks: 60
2.39 76.1
2.71 52.0 1. From the frequency distribution of weights of Sorghum ear-heads given
3.97 82.1 in table, calculate the mean value. 15
7.56 81.3
Weight of ear Number of ear
heads (in g ) X heads (f)
5. In order to find out the yielding abilities of five varieties of sesamum an 40 - 60 6
experiment was conducted in the green house using a CRD with 4 pots 60 - 80 28
80 - 100 35
per variety. Analyze the data. 100 - 120 55
[Given: table value of F=2.131]. 15 120 - 140 30
140 - 160 15
V A R I E T Y 160 - 180 12
1 2 3 4 5 180 - 200 9
25 25 24 20 14 Total 190

21 28 24 17 15 2. Discuss the important properties of Normal distribution. What is its

21 24 16 16 13
significance in Agricultural Research? 15
18 25 21 19 11

3. Based on field experiment, a new variety of green gram is expected to

6. Discuss Latin square design (LSD) in detail. Briefly give its advantages
and layout. 15 give a yield of 12 quintals per hectare. The variety was tested on
10 randomly selected farmer's fields. the yield (quintal / hectare) were

2 1 P.T.O.

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