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First Name Last Name Email Date

Corey Gushikuma 10/26/2016

Semester Year Grade Level/Subject Lesson Duration

Fall 2016 3/Language Arts 50 min


Personal Narrative Writing

Central Focus (Enduring Understandings)

A description of the important understandings(s) and concept(s)

What is the importance of sharing?

In this lesson the students will recall a memorable event that has happened in their life and describe it
with the help of revealing details. As a result students will have a higher understanding of self-
assessment, organization and writing in sequence. The student will have the opportunity to express
themselves, explore their thoughts and really understand their emotions.

Content Standard(s)
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III (HCPS III) that align with the
central focus and address essential understandings, concepts, and skills

Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique,
descriptive details, and clear event sequences .
With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by
planning, revising, and editing. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language
standards 1-3 up to and including grade 3 here.)

Student Learning Objectives

Outcomes to be achieved by the students by the end of the lesson or by the end of the multi-lesson learning segment
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The students will

Demonstrate the ability to clearly write about a real life experience.
Recall a memory or experience that is most meaningful to them.
Construct a circle map, in order to generate their ideas.
Apply their cognitive skills to describe their experience in detail.
Share and collaborate with their neighbors by using the Turn and Talk method.
Generate a plan, to organize their story in sequence.
Describe their thoughts and emotions during that experience.
Evaluate their work using the 3rd grade writing rubric.

The procedures to gather evidence of students learning of learning objective(s) to include formative (informal) assessments
applied throughout the lesson and a summative assessment (formal) of what students learned by the end of the lesson
(include any assessment tools)

The teacher will assess their work by:

observing and taking notes how each student learns best
providing comments and suggestions
checking for organization and sequencing
checking the punctuation and grammar
The students will assess their work by:
rereading their story
reflecting and sharing
collaborating with other students
asking questions
participating in class discussion

Content Area Assessment Task: Performance/Reflective Writing

Rubric based on Content Area Benchmark and Task

Novice Proficient Advanced

Content/Word Choice No attempt at Story contains some Student uses many

using descriptive descriptive details but descriptive words in
details detail at times may be their story to capture
falling off topic unclear. their experience to
and cluttered with help the reader create
irrelevant detail. a clear picture
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Organization/Structure Story is not told in Story loses the reader, Student writing has a
(B, M, E) order, and is not and is not able to tell clear beginning,
structured in what is happening middle, and end.
sequence. during the story.

Punctuation/Grammar The students The student has a few There are no

writing displays minor errors in their punctuation,
several errors and writing regarding grammar or spelling
also confuses the spelling and grammar errors in the students
reader, making writing.
their writing hard
to read

Students Prior Academic Knowledge and Assets

The students content knowledge, skills, prior academic experiences, and personal/cultural/community assets to draw upon to
support learning

In this lesson the students will recall a memorable event that has happened in their life and describe it
through writing with the help of descriptive details.

Academic Language and Language Supports

Oral and written language that the students need to learn and use to participate and engage in the content. The planned
instructional supports to help students understand, develop, and use academic language.

A personal narrative is a story of a life experience that taught you something about yourself, a memory
of an important experience. The students will begin with a hook, set the scene, body paragraph,
descriptive details, passage of time, transition, conclusion.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

A description of what the teacher will do and say and what the students will do during the lesson that 1) uses clear steps that
convey the use of multiple strategies, supports, and resources and 2) list opportunities offered for multiple modes of
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# Procedure

5 Intro:
Explain Today we will be doing a personal narrative writing. What is a
personal narrative? Someone tell me. Yes, youre right - it is a piece of writing
that describes an event or memory that is important to you. d You will need a
pencil and a piece of paper.

10 Brainstorming and planning (Circle Map)

Teacher will handout a circle map to each student
Students will first plan and think about what their memory will be and ask
themselves the following questions to help create their circle graph
Why did I choose this memory?
What makes it so special to me?
How was I feeling?
Who was I with?
Where was I?
What happened in this memory?
Students will create the circle graph
Students will turn and talk with their neighbor and share their ideas

Circle Map:

Dog ate something, freaked out, threw up,
and went to the hospital
Names: Buster, Nash, Dennis
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Adaptations to instructional strategies, the learning environment, content, and/or assessments to meet the needs of students
who require further support (e.g., ELL/MLL, struggling, accelerated, 50/IEP, etc.)

Accelerated Students:
The teacher will ask these students to add more description to their story, asking them Now how can
you improve this story
Struggling Students:
The teacher will modify their requirements and accept less writing from these students for example less
sentences per paragraph and check for understanding. In addition the teacher will give specific
feedback in the process of their writing, and use the strategy of redirection.

Instructional Resources and Materials

Books, texts, and other materials needed for the lesson

Prior knowledge
Chart paper
Sharpy or markers

Lesson Plan Reflection (if lesson is carried out)

An analysis of what worked, what could be changed, and the next steps for teaching
What changes would you make to your instructionfor the whole class and/or for students who needed greater support or
challengeto better support student learning?
Why do you think these changes would improve student learning? Support your explanation with evidence of student learning
AND principles from theory, recommended practices, and/or research.
Based on your reflection and your analysis of student learning, describe the next steps for instruction to support students

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