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NeuroQuantology | June 2013 | Volume 11 | Issue 2 | Page 171-180 171

Globus G., Bohr, Heidegger, the unspeakable and dis-closure

Bohr, Heidegger, the Unspeakable and

An Exercise in Quantum Neurophilosophy

Gordon Globus
The problematic of world is considered within the horizon of Bohr and Heideggers surprisingly overlapping
formulations of the unspeakable. The process of world dis-closurethrown Existenzis discussed in terms of
dual mode quantum thermofield brain dynamics. Existence, which is sharply distinguished from consciousness, is

Key Words: Bohr, Heidegger, quantum neurophilosophy

NeuroQuantology 2013; 2: 171-180

Introduction1 ontic, already operating within a

It seems prima facie silly to think the commitment to Being in the guise of
celebrated, infamous and murky twentieth observables. However, in plumbing
century philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889- Heideggerian thought, a surprising
1976) together with quantum brain science. rapprochement with Neils Bohr comes into
Did not Heidegger scornfully advise to leave view and a specific connection to quantum
science to its mania for its own usefulness brain theory can be established. These
(Heidegger, 1999; p.198)? Heidegger did not considerations turn out to be crucial to the
even distinguish an essential difference generally unthematized but profound
between quantum physics and classical problematic of the ordinary world about us.
physics, dismissing both of them as having A warning about the great difficulty in
the same Ge-stell, the same preconception of thinking Heidegger together with Bohr is
nature (Glazebrook, 2000; p.249), a perhaps necessary. Plotnitsky (2010; p.316)
naturalistic metaphysical framework which comments that Bohrs style of expression is
Heidegger sought to deconstruct. ponderous and tedious, and almost
A central concern of Heidegger was deliberately dry in aiming to avoid any poetic
with the Seinsfrage, the question of Being, appeal. Heideggers writing is absolutely
which is an ontological investigation into the opposite: grandiose, metaphoric, obscure,
meaning of Being. Physics, in contrast, is undisciplined, idiosyncratic, inconsistent, and
downright untranslatable! So when I use
locutions below such as for Heidegger, I am
Corresponding author: Gordon Globus M.D., really appropriating him within the context
Address: 400 Newport Center Dr. Ste. 701 Newport Beach, CA92660
Phone: + 001 275 1633 (cell) and purposes of the present discussion, while
Fax: 001 888 474 5034 nonetheless remaining, I believe, consistent
e-mail: with Heideggers overall vision. To my mind
Received April 21, 2013. Revised June 22, 2013.
Accepted June 25, 2013.
engaging the surprising hermeneutic circle

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