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Stasis Grid

Author Info Source Type Categorical Definitional Causal Evaluation Action Jurisdiction
Up to three names, (popular, scholarly, Does X exist? Is X a Y? Does X cause Y? Is it good or bad? What should be Who is responsible?
write them all; 4+, trade, government) Is Y a result of X? Fair or unfair? done about X?
write first name et Harmful or
al. (i.e., Smith et beneficial?
1. Your A majority -- 55 Though employees In the end,
Berr, author Smartphone is percent -- of wasted time at the though,
Making You a employers office long before managers have
Workplace considered the Internet- to strike a
smartphones to connected phones, balance
Slacker, CBS
be the biggest they can now be between
News Article driven to business needs
killers of
workplace distraction more and employees'
productivity. efficiently than morale.
That's hardly ever. According to
surprising given Haefner,
that more than honesty is the
eight in 10 best way to
workers (83 address these
percent) own the issues.
devices and 82
percent keep
them within eye
contact while at
2 "How I suspect the same The remedy is
Holtz, author Smartphones thing is happening to measure real
Increase here: Bosses see productivity: Is
Productivity, workers on their the work getting
Ragan article phones and assume done? Is it
that must mean getting done on
they're not getting time? Does it
their jobs done. To meet quality
be sure, there have requirements?
always been
employees who
waste time. Those
using smartphones
today probably
used crossword
Stasis Grid
puzzles before, but
to paint everybody
with that brush is

3. New While When asked to The

Careerbuilder, CareerBuilder technology name the biggest connectivity
Harris Poll, Survey Reveals helps workers productivity killers conundrum isnt
firms How Much stay connected in the workplace, necessarily a
while away employers cited bad thing, but it
from the office, cell needs to be
Are Sapping managed. Have
in many cases it phones/texting
Productivity at is causing them an open
Work, survey to disconnect dialogue with
while in the employees
office, leading about tech
to a negative distractions.
impact on Acknowledge
productivity their existence
and discuss
ions to keeping
4. Problematic use This study This aspect is
Samantha Rush, of smartphones confirmed the important, as
student in the negative impacts of litigation due to
Workplace: an excessive use of employer
smartphones negligence
as including could be
Study. withdrawal avoided should
Extended Study symptoms and companies take
and Thesis interpersonal steps to reduce
conflict; negative the risk of
outcomes employees
for peoples work, developing
social and personal problematic
lives usage patterns
Stasis Grid

5. Mobile During However,

Hardyman, technology transitions, clinical
Wendy, et al, supporting constant access to decision-
researchers trainee doctors the electronic making often
workplace library was valued. requires
It helped prepare dialogue: what
learning and
trainee doctors for Smartphone
patient care: an discussions with technology can
evaluation their seniors, do is augment,
assisting the not replace,
interchange discussion with
between explicit their colleagues
and tacit in the
knowledge. community of
Author Info Source Type Categorical Definitional Causal Evaluation Action Jurisdiction
Up to three names, (popular, scholarly, Does X exist? Is X a Y? Does X cause Y? Is it good or bad? What should be Who is responsible?
write them all; 4+, trade, government) Is Y a result of X? Fair or unfair? done about X?
write first name et Harmful or
al. (i.e., Smith et beneficial?
6. The Pros and The Bring Smartphones
Lisa Sullivan, Cons of Your Own promote
COO Allowing Device autonomy in a
Personal (BYOD) workplace,
phenomenon is which makes
Devices in the
still under employees feel
Workplace, The better.
debate in many
Armada Group workplaces.
Some Smartphones
employers have help improve
strict policies relationships
that prevent with peers as
employees from well as superiors
Stasis Grid
using personal
devices like Smartphones
smartphones, expand
tablets, and knowledge
laptops at work. sharing
Others allow
limited usage
under guided
policies and
some feel
theres no point
trying to stop
the flood of
devices, and do
7. Engaged or Just In understanding Our findings Senior
MacCormick, Connected? the relationship highlight how the executives
Judith S., Kristine Smartphones between anywhere, anytime should think
Dery, and Darl G. and Eemployee smartphones and capacity of carefully about
Kolb, researchers behavioral smartphone the work
engagement, it is technology can behaviors they
Organizational important to increase the are modeling,
Dynamics recognize that capacity for rewarding, or
these devices are sustaining engaged requiring. The
not just behaviors. signals they
objective, send, particularly
external tools in relation to
that have a connectivity, will
deterministic determine
impact or our whether they are
lives. fostering
functional or
engagement, and
whether work
exhilarating or
Stasis Grid
8. Brent Corker, Workplace WILB is the act In this research we
researcher Internet Leisure of using the documented
Browsing company evidence from
Human Internet for experimental and
personal reasons survey data
during work suggesting that
hours, which WILB may have
might include positive effects, for
watching younger workers at
YouTube least, in terms of
movies, restoring worker
engaging in concentration.
social media
sites such as
Facebook, or
doing any other
activity that
might be con-
strued as
personal Internet
use outside of
set tasks.

9. Olmstead, Social Media Social media In the end, a

Lampe, and and the influences and majority (56%) of
Ellison, Workplace Pew permeates many these workers
Researchers Research aspects of daily believe that using
life for social media
Center: Internet,
Americans ultimately helps
Science & Tech today, and the their job
workforce is no performance
Stasis Grid
10. Thiraput Smartphones in Likewise, The main factor
Pitichat, author the Workplace: Smartphone that distinguishes
Changing users between between a
Organizational the ages of 18 mobile phone
to 24 years old and a
have Smartphone is
Transforming significantly that [a]
the Future LUX increased 18% smartphone is a
from 49% to mobile phone
67% from 2 that offers
011 to 2012 more advanced
(Smith, computing
2012). These ability and
people are the connectivity than
new generation a contemporary
workforces, basic feature
which phone
potentially have (Litchfield,
Smartphones 2010, para. 8).
that always
connect their
lives to their

11. Jessica The Workplace Technologies and The key Because

Miller-Merrell, Engagement platforms are being when communication
author Economy Where built evaluating the technologies are
HR, Social, and designed to emerging changing and
make all corporate technologies, evolving at such
Mobile, and
functions social media, a rapid pace,
Tech Collide more efficient and and mobile corporate
Employment easier to handle. tools to engage executives,
Stasis Grid
Relations Today your employment law
employees and attorneys, and
job seekers is to HR professionals
select the will question the
tools and security as well
technologies as risk of
that will adopting
provide the programs and
greatest value to technologies like
the largest those described
cross-section of earlier for
your target internal and
population or external
candidate base. organization
12. Jeanne IT Todays Several The most
Harris, Blake Consumerization revolution, respondents important
Ives, Iris : When Gadgets likely to be far mentioned guidance
Junglas, authors Turn Into more invasive the value to their may be to
and threatening, organizations of recognize the
Enterprise IT
is driven by the employees inevitability of
Tools. MIS omnipresence using consumer IT
Quarterly of powerful devices to consumerization
Executive consumer productively link to and to
technologies, resources while proactively
including outside enterprise embrace it.
smartphones boundaries
and normal
working hours.
Stasis Grid
13. Sinha Neeta, Effects of Productivity of We here come to an The innovation
Arora Poonam, Growing Mobile employees at understanding that and feedback of
researchers Usage at work is employees are an
Workplace and dependent of using mobiles at employee can be
time spent on workplace and it maximized by
Its Impact on
mobiles is doesnt affect the taking help of
Work accepted. This different mobiles and
Productivity proves that important available
Global Journal employee dimensions of applications on
of Research in productivity can productivity mobile phones.
Business and be enhanced if
Management they use mobiles.
14. Michelle V. Have Phone, Millennials, 18- Millennials And companies
Rafter, article Will Work San to-34-years- mobile without mobile-
Diego Union- olds, are taking dependency is friendly
Tribune over as the helping make policies? Good
predominant companies more luck trying to
demographic in efficient. A hire younger
the U.S. labor manager who workers, said
force, and uses a mobile Jason Dorsey,
theyre doing it scheduling app who researches
with their could be sitting millennials for
iPhones and in a meeting and The Center for
Androids firmly approve a Generational
in hand. vacation request Kinetics.
from someone in
her department.

15. Forrester The Workers are The fragmented The key The implication
Consulting, Expanding Role increasingly corporate mobile benefits business of this research
research Of mobile, and a device landscape units achieve from for managers is
organization Mobility In The majority of will gain these mobility that WILB
enterprises are momentum as applications should not
focused on more employees include increased necessarily be
Cisco supporting the use their employee treated
growing personally responsiveness and as
number of owned mobile decision-making cyberloafing,
employees who devices to speed, resolving whereby
use mobile complete work internal issues perpetrators
devices such as activities faster, and should be
smartphones increasing worker punished.
Stasis Grid
and tablets to productivity.
do their work at
the office, at
home, and
while traveling.

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