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UWRT 1101, Literacy Narrative Project Reflection


Please provide a short response to each following question or statement.

1. What option did you select, option one (discussing a known literacy) or option two (a new literacy to learn)? Why did
you go with that particular option?
I discussed a known literacy, because I assumed it may be easier to explain through my personal experience. My literacy,
cultural literacy, is a literacy that Ive learned to obtain and better further through learning. I also chose it, because I
believe it was a literacy anyone can learn and excel at. Cultural literacy is very versatile when begin taught, and can even
become a daily activity.

2. What do you want me to consider as I review your medium choice? If nothing else, tell me about your risk taking.
My medium choice was quite interesting. Although I consider myself an extravert, it was very hard to have courage and
speak to strangers. I was very nervous when asking people for their name, age, and nationality, but in the end the result
was fantastic. If anything, my medium choice has changed me. Ive learned to not be as shy and to open new experience
with wide arms. Through my medium choice I have made so many new international friends, and learned so much.

3. Influence me further as to what to focus most upon during grading: what do you want weighed most in your favor as I
grade your project? Why?
I would like my medium choice to be weighed more during grading, because that part took a lot more time and effort than
my essay. My medium piece was the most challenging aspect to this project. The amount of time and energy put into the
medium piece was more than I expected. I had to set time out of classwork and homework to people watch and find the
different ethnicities for my photobook.

4. What would you like to change or to work on more, if you had the chance? Why so?
If I had more time, I would like to edit my medium piece even more. I believe my photobook could be a little more artistic
and impactful with more time. I would have also like to add more nationalities.

5. Based upon what you have been assigned, verses what you have completed, what grade does your work justify?
Based off what I had been assigned and what I have completed, I would justify my work with a low A or high B. Due to the
time and work I had put outside of my classes and extracurricular activities, I think a A or B is justifiable.

Rubric ~

Point Value:
Reflection 10
Rough Draft with Peer Review 10
Narrative 50
Media Piece 30



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