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Week 06: Discrete vs
Continuous Variables
Part 2: Calculating Binomial
Success must be defined.
Number of trials must be determined.
The probability of success must be
known or estimated.
Sample space must be defined.

Necessary Information for the

. . . drilled in areas deemed X P(X)
favorable strike oil. A company 0
has found 5 sites with favorable 1
conditions, that are widely 2
separated geographically, and
decides to drill at each site. 3
Lets create the probability 4
distribution for this variable. 5
In Excel, list the sample space for this
variable in a column.
We will use Excel and this command
to calculate probabilities:
=BINOM.DIST(x, n, , 0)

About 30% of wells . . .

=BINOM.DIST(x, n, , 0) X P(X)
x is the number of successes of 0 =BINOM.DIST(
n is the number of trials. 1
is the probability of success. 2
0 means that we want the probability 3
of a single value, whatever x is.
Click on the cell immediately to the right 4
of the first value in the sample space. 5
Type in =BINOM.DIST(
Point to the cell to the left and click.
Type a comma , 5, 0.3, 0). Now,
highlight the cell you were working in,
and drag the handle down so that all
the probabilities for the sample space
have been calculated.

The Excel Command

X Command P(X)
0 =BINOM.DIST(0,5,0.3,0) 0.1681
1 =BINOM.DIST(1,5,0.3,0) 0.3601
2 =BINOM.DIST(2,5,0.3,0) 0.3087
3 =BINOM.DIST(3,5,0.3,0) 0.1323
4 =BINOM.DIST(4,5,0.3,0) 0.0284
5 =BINOM.DIST(5,5,0.3,0) 0.0024

The Probability Distribution

Oil Well Strikes



0 1 2 3 4 5
Suppose you wanted to know the probability that
as many as 2 wells came in.
A minor adjustment in the Excel command:
=BINOM.DIST(X, n, , 1)
The 1 tells Excel to add the probabilities for all values up
to and including the x value you designate.
=BINOM.DIST(2, 5, 0.3, 1) = 0.8369
Combining this feature of Excel with our
knowledge of the requirements for valid
probability distributions makes for a very flexible

Calculating probabilities for more

than one value. . .
0 1 2 3 4 5

0 1 2 3 4 5

0 1 2 3 4 5

A useful diagram . . .
and easy to sketch!
Thecompany must have at least 2 strikes to
cover its costs. What is the probability that the
company will cover its costs or even make

0 1 2 3 4 5

=1-BINOM.DIST(1,5,0.3,1) = 0.4718

Calculate the probabilities

What is the probability that the company will
NOT cover its costs?
=BINOM.DIST(1,5,0.3,1) = 0.5282

0 1 2 3 4 5
Whatis the probability that more than two but
no more than four wells come in?

0 1 2 3 4 5
A right tailed or interior option
=BINOM.DIST.RANGE(n, , x1, x2)
Calculates the cumulative probability of a range
including the probability of the limiting values.
What is the probability that more than two but no
more than four wells come in?
=BINOM.DIST.RANGE(5, 0.3, 3, 4)=0.1607

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