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1. What is contained in Chlorophyll ?


2. From which part of the plant is turmeric obtained? Stem

3. Lacrymal glands are situated in the___? Eye Orbit

4. The specific role of Vitamin K is in the synthesis of Prothrombin

5. Which Part of plant is important for the life cycle of plant? Flower

6. Increased RBC's in the blood leads to a condition called___? Polycythemia

7. Name the hormone that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood . Insulin

8. The human faces is yellow in colour due to the presence of a pigment



9. Which enzyme is found in human saliva? Ptyalin

10. Hansen's disease is also known as___? Leprosy

11. What is systolic and diastolic pressure in a healthy man? 120mm & 80mm

12. Which is considered as the strongest natural fibre? Silk

13. The deficiency of which leads to dental caries? Fluorine

14. Companion cells are unique to___? Angiosperms

15. The smallest bone in the human body is___? Stapes

16. A person feel fatigued due to depositon of which acid in their muscles? Lactic

17. How many bones are present in human skull? 22

18. Which lobe of human brain is associated with hearing? Temporal Lobe

19. Upper most layer of skin is called ___? Epidermis

20. Motor skills are associated with which part of the brain? Frontal Lobes

21. Blood group was discovered by whom? Landsteiner

22. The ph value of human blood is__? 7.40

23. Name the largest gland in the human body? Liver

24. What is the chemical name of a substance which kills rats? White Phosphorus

25. The metal present in the haemoglobin is __ . Iron

26. Which mosquito is the carrier of Zika virus? Aedes

27. Name the gas used for making vegetable ghee? Hydrogen

28. Which part of brain is centre of thirst, hunger and sleep? Hypothalamus

29. Which regulates the quantum of light entering the human eye? Iris

30. DNA stands for __. Deoxyribonucleic Acid

31. What percentage of water is lost during transpiration? 99%

32. Pyramid of energy is ____? Always upright

33. Edward Jenner is related with which disease? Small pox

34. The hormone used as an oral contraceptive is ____. Progesterone

35. Which vitamin is considered to be a hormone? Vitamin D

36. The process of photosynthesis involves conversion of what? Solar energy into

chemical energy

37. Who explained about the blood circulation for the first time? William Harvey

38. Dog bite can cause rabies. Which other animal can also cause rabies? Bat
39. Saliva helps in the digestion of which thing? Starch

40. Which is the sweetest sugar? Fructose

41. Which enzyme is present in all members of the animal kingdom except



42. Which is known as graveyard of RBC's ? Spleen

43. Which disease is caused by the bite of a mad dog? Hydrophobia

44. What is the normal cholesterol level in human blood? 180-200 mg/dL

100 Important Biology Questions Page 2

45. Who was the first to isolate Gene? Dr. Hargobind Khurana

46. Which cell organelles function as the power house of a living cell? Mitochondria

47. Nobel Prize winning scientist James D. Watson is known for his work in which


48. What is the Branch of science which deals with the study of skin of man?

49. Which test helps in diagnosis of cancer? Biopsy Test

50. Which major chemical compound found in human kidney stones? Calcium

51. Sex determination of child is done by whose chromosome? Father

52. What is the name of first clones sheep ? Dolly

53. What is known as 'kitchen of cell'? Chloroplast

54. Enlargment of which gland takes place due to deficiency of iodine? Thyroid

55. Which part of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and


Medulla Oblongata

56. What are Bryophytes ? Amphibious

57. The number of Chromosomes in the human gene is ___. 46

58. Polio is caused by whom? Virus

59. Ductless glands are known as___? Endocrine glands

60. The first vaccine injected into a just born baby is ______. BCG

61. Which are phagocytes in liver ? Kupffer cells

62. Which gland disapear during old age? Thymus

63. The study of Dendrology is associated with___? Trees

64. Theory of natural selection was proposed by_______. Charles Darwin

65. By which doctor was the first successful heart transplant in India performed? Dr.

66. The food poisoning is caused by___. Clostrideam boutulium

67. Which acid is found in 'Tomato' ? Oxalic Acid

68. Haematopoiesis take place in _____? Bone marrow

69. Which part of human brain is affected by alcohol? Cerebellum

70. Ascariasis is caused by ___? Round Worm

71. Turpentine oil is obtained from___? Pinus

72. Which salt is found in bone in largest amount? Calcium Phosphate

73. Genes are made by___? Polynucleotide

74. Which disease is known as 'silent killer'? High Blood pressure

75. By whom was oral polio vaccine discovered? Jonas Salk

76. The compound used in anti-malarial drug is___? Chloroquine

77. Which is responsible for transport of food and other substances in plants?

78. BCG vaccination (Bacillus Calmette Guerine) is injected to get immunity



79. First vaccine produced by bio-technology was used against which virus?

80. Alcoholic drink contains___? Ethyl Alcohol

81. Xerophthalmia is a disease caused by lack of which vitamin? Vitamin A

82. Which is responsible for the process of cell division ? Mitosis

83. What is known as 'Suicidal bags of cell'? Lysosome

84. The plants, which grow under water stress conditions are called_? Xerophytes

85. Which metal is present in Insulin? Zinc

86. Most of the red, blue and purple colours of plants are due to a pigment



87. The filtering of blood through an artificial kidney is called__? Dialysis

88. Animals store glucose in the form of__? Glycogen

89. Who invented penicillin? Alexander Fleming

90. The longest and largest bone in the human body is__? Femur

100 Important Biology Questions Page 3

91. Which is known as master gland in man? Pituitary gland

92. Which vitamin is essential for the coagulation of blood? Vitamin K

93. Which insect spreads kala-azar? Sand Fly

94. Name the smallest functional unit of the kidney? Nephron

95. What is the smallest structural and functional unit of nervous system? Neuron
96. Which animal have no blood but they respire? Hydra

97. What is the Dental formula of man? 2123/2123

98. The biogas used for cooking is a mixture of ___? Methane &


99. Which plant yeilds biodiesel or biofuel? Jatropha Curcas

100. The most serious air pollutant causing health hazard is___? Sulphur dioxide

1. Who firstly demonstrated experimentally the existence of electromagnetic



2. The working of the quartz crystal in the watch is based on which effect?
Piezoelectric Effect

3. What is te the unit of Radioactivity? Curie

4. What is the wavelength of visible spectrum? 390-700 nanometres

5. One astronomical unit is the average distance between___? Earth & Sun

6. Number of basic S.I. units is ___. Seven (7)

7. What is the name of the scientist who stated that matter can be converted into



8. The size of atomic nucleus is of the order of___? 10^-14 m

9. A temperature at which both the Fahrenheit and the centigrade scales have the

same value?


10. In the visible spectrum which colour has the shortest wavelength? Violet

11. What is the unit of specific resistance? Ohm-metre

12. What do we use as a moderator in nuclear reactor? Graphite

13. The mirror used in motor vehicles near the driver's seat is a__? Convex Mirror

14. Electron microscope was invented by__? Robert Koch

15. The hydraulic brake used in automobiles is a direct application of__? Pascal's

16. The filament of an electric bulb is made of which metal? Tungsten

17. Camberts Law is related to__? Interference

18. Which waves are used in sonography? Ultrasonic waves

19. Which instrument is used to measure the power of electric circuit ? Wattmeter

20. Splitting of Uranium nucleus releases_____ energy. Nuclear

21. kilowatt hour is the unit of__? Energy

22. A simple device that is used to either break or complete the electric circuit, is

called _____?


23. Where the value of g (acceleration due to gravity) is maximum? At poles

24. Good conductors have many loosely bound __? Electrons

25. If the body is hollow, then its centre of gravity lies? outside the material

26. A man with a dark skin, in comparison with a man with a white skin,


Less heat, Less cold

27. What is the escape velocity for all objects from the earth? 11.16 km/sec

28. If the temperature inside a room is increased, the relative humidity will?

29. If a bar magnet is cut length wise into 3 parts, what will the total number of

poles be?

30. Light travels in a____? Straight line

31. What converts the alternating current into direct current? Rectifier

32. Einstein got noble prize for____? Photoelectric Effect

33. The nucleus of an atom consists of__? Neutrons and protons

34. What is the measuring unit of length of light waves? Angstrom

35. How much is one barrel of oil approximately equal to? 159 litres

36. The sky appears black from the moon because of___? Lack of Atmosphere

37. The specific resistance of a wire varies with its___? Material

38. Which instrument is used to measure depth of ocean ? Fathometer

39. The unidirectional property of a pn-junction is useful for its use as which



100 Important Physics Questions Page 2

40. The strongest force in the nature is ____? Nuclear Force

41. Which is the only natural magnet? Magnetite

42. We cannot see during a fog, because of ____. Scattering of light

43. In which medium sound travels faster ? Solid

44. A fast wind can turn the blades of a windmill because it possesses__. Potential

45. Which of the following material is used for electric wire heater? Nichrome

46. Conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy occurs in which thing?

47. The direction of a magnetic field within a magnet is___? From South to north

48. What remains constant while throwing a ball upward? Acceleration

49. What type of lens is a magnifying glass? Convex lens

50. Why does a liquid drop tend to assume a spherical shape? To minimize surface
51. What happens when soda water bottle falls freely? No bubbles form

52. Pure water freezes at what temperature? 32 F

53. Why are Metals good conductor of heat than insulator? they contain free

54. When some detergent is added to water, the surface tension___? Decreases

55. The value of which quantity remains same in all system of units? Specific

56. Distance of stars are measured in___? Light Years

57. Nature of sound wave is ____? Longitudinal

58. Which is used to initiate fissions ? Neutrons

59. The total internal reflection can occur when light pass from___. Denser to Rarer

60. Who discovered Diode Bulb ? Sir J. S. Fleming

61. Radio waves of constant amplitude can be generated with___? Oscillator

62. What is the SI unit of luminous intensity? Candela

63. What is the name of short duration wave? Pulse

64. The absorption of ink by blotting paper involves___? Capillary Action

65. Two drops of a liquid are merged to from a single drop. In this process___?
Energy is released

66. Which is more elastic - Steel or Rubber? Steel

67. An atom bomb is based on the principle of___? Nuclear Fission

68. Which instrument is used to measure the scattering of light by particles

suspended in a liquid ?


69. The speed of light with the rise in the temperature of the medium ___? Remains

70. Most commercial nuclear power plants worldwide are cooled by __? Water

71. Electric Motor converts____? Electric energy to

mechanical energy

72. Nuclear sizes are expressed in a unit named____? Fermi

73. Weightlessness experienced in a spaceship is due to___? Absence of Gravity

74. The blue colour of the clear sky is due to ____? Dispersion of Light

75. What does airbag, used for safety of car driver, contain? Sodium Azide

76. Radian is used to measure___? Angle

77. Who had showed that the electric and magnetic waves are equal in vacuum?
James Clerk Maxwell

78. When a red glass is heated in dark room it will seem___. Green

79. The friction force exerted by fluids is called ___. Drag

80. Which is used in designing ships and submarines? Archimedes Principle

81. Which instrument is used to measure change in volume of substances ?


82. On which principle , transformer works? Mutual Induction

83. Potential energy of your body is minimum when you _______. Lie down on ground

84. The velocity of sound in air___? 332m/sec

85. Beats occur because of __? Interference

100 Important Physics Questions Page 3

86. In summer, the mirages are seen due to the phenomenon of __? Total Internal

87. Who gave the first experimental value of G? Cavendish

88. Astigmatism can be corrected by__? Cylindrical lenses

89. What apparatus is used to locate a submerged object? SONAR

90. The image formed by convex lens in a simple microscope is__. Virtual & Erect

91. What is the unit of magnetic flux? Maxwell

92. Coolis tube is used to produce___? X-Rays

93. Sudden fall in barometer is indication of___? Storm

94. Force of attraction between the molecules of different substances is


Adhesive Force

95. What is the working principle of Washing machine? Centrifugation

97. Insects can move on the surface of water without sinking due to___. Surface
tension of water

98. The temperature of the sun is measured with ___. Pyrometer

99. Acceleration acts always in the direction__? of the net force

100. Which instrument is used to measure altitudes in aircrafts ? Altimeter

1. Tube light is filled with? Mercury Vapour & Argon

2. Other name of FOOLS GOLD is? Iron Pyrite

3. Non-stick coating in utensils is of? TEFLON

4. Compounds responsible for temporary hardness of water? Bicarbonates of


and Magnesium

5. Compounds responsible for permanent hardness of water? Sulphates and

Chlorides of

Calcium and Magnesium

6. Gases used for ripening raw fruits? Ethylene & Acetylene

7. Main ore of Mercury is? Cinnabar

8. Egg shell is made up of? Calcium Carbonate

9. ______ is known as Artificial Silk. Reyon

10. Water soluble Vitamins B & C

11. Fat Soluble Vitamins A, D, E & K

12. Common preservative in food processing industry is? Benzoic Acid

13. First organic compound synthesized in laboratory & by whom? Urea by Friedrich

14. What blackens silvers shine? Ozone Gas

15. Substance used in Cancer treatment? Cobalt 60

16. Cobalt is found in? Vitamin B12

17. Iron is extracted from which ore? Hematite

18. Aluminum is extracted from which ore? Bauxite

19. Copper is extracted from which ore? Copper Pyrite

20. Chemical name of Washing Soda is? Sodium Carbonate

21. Gases used in welding are _______? Acetylene & Oxygen

22. Gases used by sea divers for breathing are ____? Oxygen & Helium

23. Best sources for Vitamin D are? Sunlight & Fish liver

24. Zinc Phosphide is used as? Rat Poison

25. Fuse wire is made up of ______ Lead and Tin

26. Purest form of Iron is? Wrought Iron

27. Radium is extracted from ______ . Pitchblende

28. Which agent is as seed in artificial rain? Silver Iodide

29. Oxides of metals are ______ . Alkaline

30. During the process of rusting , the weight of iron ______ . Increases

31. ______ (metal) is liquid at room temperature. Gallium

32. ______ is used to prepare fire proof and water proof clothes. Calcium hydride

33. Galvanised iron is coated with? Zinc

34. Chemical name of Chromic Acid is? Chromium trioxide

35. Which metal is used in Photoelectric cell? Selenium

36. Barium Hydroxide is also known as? Baryta Water

37. ______ elements are non-metal. Electronegative

38. __________ is known as heavy water and used in nuclear reactor as


Deuterium Oxide (D2O)

39. Deuterium is ______ of Hydrogen. Isotope

40. Ozone is _______ of Oxygen. Allotrope

41. Ammonia (NH3) is synthesized through? Habers Process

42. Chlorine is used to prepare _________ PVC, Insecticides,

100 Important Chemistry Questions Page 2


43. Which catalyst is used for the synthesis of Vanaspati Ghee? Nickle (Ni)

44. Which catalyst is used for the synthesis of Sulphuric Acid by Contact


Platinum (Pt)

45. Chemical name of Picric Acid is? Tri Nitro Phenol

46. ______ is known as laughing gas? N2O

47. Chloroform in sunlight forms poisonous gas ________ . Phosgene

48. Platinum is also called _____ . White Gold

49. Which material is used in making of safety matches? Red Phosphorous

50. Nail polish remover contains? Acetone

51. Which acid is present in Orange? Citric Acid

52. Lead pencil contains _____ . Graphite

53. Which gas is used in filling electric bulbs ______ ? Argon

54. Lightest metal? Lithium

55. Acid rain is due to air pollution by? Nitrous Oxide & Sulphur


56. Ozone is _______ . Diamagnetic

57. Petroleum is found in ______ . Sedimentary Rocks

58. All noble gases are? Colourless and Odourless

59. The most abundant element in the earth's crust is ? Oxygen

60. The lustre of a metal is due to _______ . Presence of free electrons

61. Which gas is used in fire extinguisher? Carbon dioxide

62. Which gas is used in cigarette lighters? Butane

63. Biogas chiefly contains ______ . Methane

64. Chemical used as fixer in Photography is ______ . Sodium thiosulphate

65. Aspirin is ______ . Acetyl Salicylic Acid

66. _____ is also known as Stranger Gas. Xenon

67. Natural rubber is a polymer derived from ______. Isoprene

68. Oil of Vitriol is ______ . Sulphuric acid

69. Paper is chemically _______ . Cellulose

70. Impurity present in ore is ________ . Gangue

71. Which is known as Metal of Future ? Titanium

72. Efficiency of the catalyst depends on its? Molecular State

73. Most of the explosions in mines occurs due to mixing of ______ . Methane with air

74. Vinegar is an aqueous solution of ______ . Acetic acid

75. Kerosene is a mixture of _____ . Aliphatic hydrocarbons

76. The important metal used with iron to produce stainless steel is _____ .

77. Which gas is responsible for the swelling of bread? Carbon dioxide

78. The metal constituent of chlorophyll is _____ . Magnesium

79. Which acid is used for etching glass? Hydrofluoric acid (HF)

80. Paraffin wax is _________ . Saturated hydrocarbon

81. Solder is an alloy of _____ . Tin and Lead

82. Alum is used as A purifier for water

83. Nuclear fuel in the sun is ______ . Helium

84. Dead organisms are transformed into petroleum and natural gas ______ .
Absence of air

85. Organic Compounds are only soluble in _____ . Non-polar solvents

100 Important Chemistry Questions Page 3
86. Which acid is used in soft drinks? Carbonic acid (H2CO3)

87. Which acid is present in Bee Sting? Methanoic Acid

88. Tooth enamel is made up of ______ . Calcium Phosphate

89. The name catalyst was given by _____ . Berzilius

90. A polymeric substance used to make parachute is _____ . Viscose

91. What is used to avoid melting of ice? Gelatine

92. Carbon occur in the nature in the purest form as? Diamond

93. Oxidation is defined as ----- Loss of electrons

94. In nuclear reactor, chain reaction is controlled by using _____ . Cadmium rod

95. The radioactive element most commonly detected in humans is _____ .

Potassium 40

96. Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of _____ . Nuclear fusion

97. The ultrapure metal is obtained by _____ . Zone refining

98. Most abundant metal in earths crust is ______ . Aluminium

99. Balloons are filled with _____ . Helium

100. The element common to all acids is _____ . Hydrogen

Name the structural and function unit of all life forms - Cell

Who discovered cell - Robert Hooke

Who discovered nucleus of the cell - Robert Brown

Cells are made up of __________ - Protoplasm

Outer covering of a cell is called ________ and it is made up of _________ - Plasma,

lipids & proteins

Nucleus and cytoplasm are contained in _________of the cell - Cell Membrane

Which part of the cell is its controlling centre - Nucleus

What does DNA contain? - Genetic Information that is passed from one generation
to another

What does RNA contain? - It is genetic carrier of some microorganisms (e.g. HIV)

What is the main component of cell wall in case of plant cells? - Cellulose

Which part of the cell is also known as digestive bag?- Lysosomes

__________ is known as "powerhouse of the cell"- Mitochondria

What are protein made of? - Amino Acid

Name the vitamins that are water soluble and that are fat soluble? - A,D,E,K are fat
soluble and B,C are water soluble

Name the vitamin that is important for blood coagulation - Vitamin K

What kind of disease is malaria? - Malaria is a protozoan disease caused by

protozoan parasite plasmodium.

Name the plant tissues responsible for transportation of water and food in
plants- Xylem transports water and Phloem transport food.

What are cartilage, blood, bones, tendons and ligaments?- Connective Tissues
Why is Blood Red in Color? - Due to the presence of RBC's that contain red colored
pigment called Haemoglobin.

What is the role of WBC's ? - WBC's contain Antibodies that protect human body
from infections.

Where are blood cells manufactured? - In bone marrow from stem cells

Name two nitrogen fixation bacteria- Azotobacter and rhizobium

The branch of biology under which the living organisms and their relation with their
surroundings is studied is known as - Ecology

Promotion of algae in a water body due to the increase in amount of falling

industrial and sewage water decreases the BOD of water and depletes the dissolved
oxygen is called -Eutrophication.

What is BOD? -Biochemical oxygen Demand also called Biological oxygen demandis
the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic biological organisms to break
down organic material present in a given water sample at certain temperature over
a specific time period.

Why is EEG(Electro Encephalo Gram) used? - It detects electrical activity in your

brain using small, flat metal discs (electrodes) attached to your scalp.

Which glands are also known as Ductless Glands? - Endocrine

Largest bone in Human Body - FEMUR

Shortest bone in Human Body - STAPES or STIRRUL Bone (in the middle ear)

The gland which is both endocrine as well as exocrine Pancreas

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