Pre Lecture Question CHP 2 Spring 2017

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Evolution (BIOL 127) Spring 2017

Pre Lecture Questions Chp 2

1. Briefly discuss the contributions made by Linnaeus, Steno, Lyell,

Hutton, Curvier, Buffon, and Smith that laid the groundwork for
understanding evolution by natural selection.

2. Why does the science of geology provide support for evolution by

the mechanism of natural selection?

3. Why is a tree of life the best depiction of descent with


4. Describe Lamarcks theory of inheritance of acquired traits

5. Describe the concept of evolution by natural selection.


6. Compare/contrast it with the theory of evolution by the

mechanism of natural selection with the mechanism of acquired

7. What does embryo development reveal to us about evolution?

8. Discuss how the Galapagos finches helped Darwin formulate the

theory of natural selection.

9. What is comparative anatomy? Use a specific example of

homologous structure to support evolution by the mechanism of
natural selection.

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