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AIEEE Mathematics Quick Review

COMPLEX NUMBERS AND DEMOIVRES THEOREM 23. Distance between two vertices
1. General form of Complex numbers x + iy where x is Real part and Z1, Z2 is .z1 z2
y is Imaginary part.
24. z z 0 = is a circle with radius p and center z0
2. Sum of nth root of unity is zero
3. Product of nth root of unity (1)n1 25. zz + z + z + = 0 Represents circle
4. Cube roots of unity are 1, , 2
With radius 2 where is nonreal complex and is const
5. 1 + + 2 = 0, 3 = 1, ant
1 + 3i 2 1 3i
= , =
2 2 26. If z z1 = k (k1) represents circle with
b z z2
6. Arg z = tan 1 principle value of is
a kz 2 z1
ends of diameter
y k 1
7. Arg of x + iy is = tan 1 for every
x If k = 1 the locus of z represents a line or perpendicular bisector.
x > 0, y > 0
27. z z1 + z z2 = k, k > z1 z2 then locus
8. Arg of x iy is = tan 1 for every
x of z represents Ellipse and if k < z1 z2
x>0,y>0 it is less, then it represents hyperbola
9. Arg of x + iy is = tan 1
for every 28. A(z1),B(z2),C(z3), and is angle between

x x > 0, y > 0
y z1 z2 AB i
10. Arg of x iy is = + tan 1 for every AB, AC then = e
x x > 0, y > 0 z1 z3 AC

29. ei = Cos + iSin = Cos, ei = 1,
11. Arg z1z2 = Arg z1 + Argz2
e 2 = i,log i = i
z1 2
12. Arg = Arg z1 Argz2
30. (Cos + iSin)n = Cosn + iSinn
13. Arg z = Argz 31. Cos+iSin=CiS,
1+ i 1 i Cis. Cis=Cis (+ ),
14. i = 1, = i,

a + ib =
1 i

1+ i
= i,(1 + i) 2 = 2i,(1 i) 2 = 2i
x+a xa
, a ib
S Cis
= Cis( + )

32. If x=Cos+iSin then

2 2
x+a x a 1 1
= i where x = x+ = 2Cos x = 2Sin
a 2 + b2
2 2 x x 1
xn + = 2Cosn
n 1 xn
15. (1 + 3i) n + (1 3i)n = 2n +1 Cos x n n = 2Sinn
3 x
n 33. If Cos = Sin = 0
16. (1 + i) n + (1 i)n = 2 2 Cos
4 Cos2 = Sin2 = 0
z1 + z 2 z 1 + z 2 ; Cos2n = Sin2n = 0,

z1 + z 2 z 1 z 2 ; Cos2 = Sin2 = 3/2
z1 z 2 z 1 z 2 Cos3 = 3Cos( + + ),
Sin3 = 3Sin( + + )
If three complex numbers Cos(2 ) = 3,
Z1, Z2, Z3 are collinear then Sin(2 ) = 0,
34. a3 + b3 + c3 3abc = (a + b + c)

z1 1
(a + b + c2) (a + b2 + c)
z2 1 = 0
3 z 3 1 Quadratic Expressions
18. Area of triangle formed by Z, IZ, Z + Zi 1. Standard form of Quadratic equation is ax2 + bx +c = 0
1 b
is Z2 Sum of roots = , product of roots
2 a
19. Area of triangle formed by Z, Z, Z + Z c
, discriminate = b2 4ac
3 2 a
is Z
4 If , are roots then Quadratic equation is x2 x( + ) + = 0
20. If Z1 Z1Z2 + Z2 = 0 then 2. If the roots of ax2 + bx + c = 0 are
2 2

origin, Z1, Z2 forms an equilateral triangle 1, c a then a + b + c = 0

21. If Z1, Z2, Z3 forms an equilateral triangle and Z0 is circum center
then 3. If the roots of ax2 + bx + c = 0 are in ratio m : n then mnb2 = (m
+ n)2 ac
Z12 + Z 2 2 + Z32 = 3Z02 ,
4. If one root of ax2 + bx + c = 0 is square of the other then ac2 + a2c
22. If Z1, Z2, Z3 forms an equilateral triangle and Z0 is circum center + b3 = 3abc
then 1
5. If x > 0 then the least value of x + is 2
Z12 + Z2 2 + Z32 = Z1 Z2 + Z2 Z3 + Z3 Z1
6. If a1, a2,....., an are positive then the least value of

(a1 + a 2 + .... + a n )
1 1
+ .... + is n2 10. If f(x) = (x + y)n then sum of coefficients is equal to f(1)
a1 a 2 an
11. Sum of coefficients of even terms is equal
7. If a2 + b2 + c2 = K then range of f (1) f (1)
K 2
ab + bc + ca is , K
2 12. Sum of coefficients of odd terms is equal
8. If the two roots are negative, then a, b, c will have same sign f (1) + f (1)
9. If the two roots are positive, then the sign of a, c will have differ- 2
n n n
ent sign of 'b' 13. If Cr 1 Cr Cr +1 are in A.P (n2r)2 =n + 2
10. f(x) = 0 is a polynomial then the equation whose roots are recipro- 14. For (x+y)n, if n is even then only one
cal of the roots of middle term that is + 1 term.
1 2
f(x) = 0 is f = 0 increased by 'K' is
x 15. For (x + y)n, if n is odd there are two mid-
n +1
term and n + 3
f(x K), multiplied by K is f(x/K) dle terms that is
11. For a, b, h R the roots of 2 2 term.
(a x) (b x) = h2 are real and unequal 16. In the expansion (x + y)n if n is even
12. For a, b, c R the roots of greatest coefficient is
(x a) (x b) + (x b) (x c) + (x c) (x a) = 0 are real and 2

unequal 17. In the expansion (x + y)n if n is odd great-

n n
13. Three roots of a cubical equation are A.P, they are taken as a d, a, est coefficients are C n21 , Cn2+1 if n is odd
14. Four roots in A.P, a3d, ad, a+d, a+3d 18. For expansion of (1+ x)n General notation

15. If three roots are in G.P
C0 = Co , n C1 = C1 , n Cr = Cr
a 19. Sum of binomial coefficients
,a,ar are taken as roots
r Co + C1 + C2 + ........ + Cn = 2 n
16. If four roots are in G.P 20. Sum of even binomial coefficients
a a Co + C2 + C4 + .... = 2 n 1
, ,ar,ar 3 are taken as roots
r3 r 21. Sum of odd binomial coefficients
17. For ax3 + bx2 + cx + d = 0
(i) 2 = ( + + )
( + + ) 3 = s1s2 3s3
S C1 + C3 + C5 + .... = 2 n 1

(ii) + + = s 2s2
2 2 2 2 1. A square matrix in which every element is equal to '0', except those
of principal diagonal of matrix is called as diagonal matrix
(iii) 4 + 4 + 4 = s14 4s12 s2 + 4s1 s3 + 2s22 2. A square matrix is said to be a scalar matrix if all the elements in
the principal diagonal are equal and Other elements are zero's
(iv) 3 + 3 + 3 = s31 3s1s2 + 3s3 3. A diagonal matrix A in which all the elements in the principal diag-
onal are 1 and the rest '0' is called unit matrix
(v) In ax n + bx n 1 + cxn 2 ............ = 0 4. A square matrix A is said to be Idem-potent matrix if A2 = A,
to eliminate second term roots are 5. A square matrix A is said to be Involu-ntary matrix if A2 = I

b 6. A square matrix A is said to be Symm-etric matrix if A = AT

diminished by
na A square matrix A is said to be Skew symmetric matrix if A=-AT
7. A square matrix A is said to be Nilpotent matrix If their exists a
Binomial Theorem And Partial Fractions positive integer n such that An = 0 'n' is the index of Nilpotent
1. Number of terms in the expansion matrix
(x + a)n is n + 1

8. If 'A' is a given matrix, every square mat-rix can be expressed as a

2. Number of terms in the expansion sum of symme-tric and skew symmetric matrix where
(x1 + x 2 + ... + x r ) is n +r 1 Cr 1

Symmetric part = A + A
Tr +1 n r + 1 2
In (x + a ) ,
Tr r A + AT
n unsymmetric part =
b 2
4. For ax p + q independent term is
x 9. A square matrix 'A' is called an ortho-gonal matrix if
+1 AAT = I or AT = A-1
p+q 10. A square matrix 'A' is said to be a singular matrix if det A = 0
np s 11. A square matrix 'A' is said to be non singular matrix if det A 0
5. In above, the term containing xs is p+q
12. If 'A' is a square matrix then det A=det AT
6. (1 + x)n 1 is divisible by x and 13. If AB = I = BA then A and B are called inverses of each other
(1 + x)n nx 1 is divisible by x2. 14. (A-1)-1 = A, (AB)-1 = B-1A-1
7. Coefficient of xn in (x+1) (x+2)...(x+n)=n 15. If A and AT are invertible then (AT)-1 = (A-1)T
8. Coefficient of xn1 in (x+1) (x+2)....(x+n) 16. If A is non singular of order 3, A
is (
n n + 1) AdjA
is invertible, then A 1 =
2 det A
9. Coefficient of xn2 in above is a b 1 1 d b
if ad-bc 0
17. If A= A = ad bc c a
n (n + 1)(n 1)(3n + 2 ) c d
24 18. (A-1)-1=A, (AB)-1=B-1 A-1, (AT)-1 =(A-1)T (ABC)-1 = C-1 B-1

A-1. If A is a n x n non- singular matrix, then N

iv) Median = F
l+ C
a) A(AdjA)=|A|I 2
b) Adj A = |A| A-1 f
c) (Adj A)-1 = Adj (A-1) where l = Lower limit of Median class
d) Adj AT = (Adj A)T f = frequency
e) Det (A-1) = ( Det A)-1 N = fi
f) |Adj A| = |A|n -1 C = Width of Median class
g) lAdj (Adj A ) l= |A|(n - 1)2 F = Cumulative frequency of class just preceding to median class
h) For any scalar 'k' v) First or lower Quartile deviation
Adj (kA) = kn -1Adj A N
19. If A and B are two non-singular matrices of the same type then Q1 = l + 4 .C

(i) Adj (AB) = (Adj B) (Adj A)
(ii) |Adj (AB) | = |Adj A| |Adj B | where f = frequency of first quarfile class
= |Adj B| |Adj A| F = cumulative frequency of the class just preceding to first quar-
20. To determine rank and solution first con-vert matrix into Echolon tile class
form vi) upperQuartiledeviation
1 2 3 4
i.e. A = 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 4 F
Q3 = l + .C
3 2 1 0 Echolon form ofA = 0 x z

y f

0 0 k l
No of non zero rows=n= Rank of a matrix f m f1
vii) Mode Z = l + .C where

If the system of equations AX=B is consistent if the coeff matrix A 2 f m f1 f 2
and augmented matrix K are of same rank l = lower limit of modal class with maximum frequency
Let AX = B be a system of equations of 'n' unknowns and ranks of f1 = frequency preceding modal class
coeff matrix = r1 and rank of augmented matrix = r2 f2 = frequency successive modal class
If r1 r2, then AX = B is inconsistant, f3 = frequency of modal class
i.e. it has no solution viii) Mode = 3Median - 2Mean
If r1= r2= n then AX=B is consistant, it has unique solution
If r1= r2 < n then AX=B is consistant and it has infinitely many
number of solutions
S ix) Quartile deviation = Q3 Q1

x) coefficient of quartile deviation


Random Variables- = Q3 + Q1
3 1
Distributions & Statistics
xi) coefficient of Range
1. For probability distribution if x=xi with range (x1, x2, x3 ----) and Range
= Maximum + Minimum
P(x=xi) are their probabilities then
mean = xi P(x-xi)
Variance =2 =xi2 p(x=xi) -2
Standard deviation = var iance 1. A system of vectors a1 , a2 , are said to be linearly independent

2. If n be positive integer p be a real number such that 0 P 1 a ran- if are exists scalars x1 , x2 .... xn .
dom variable X with range (0,1,2,----n) is said to follows binomi- Such that x1 a1 + x2 a2 + ... + xn an = 0
al distribution. x1 = x2 = x3 ........ = xn = 0
For a Binomial distribution of (q+p)n 2. Any three non coplanar vectors are linea-rly independent
i) probability of occurrence = p A system of vectors a1 , a2 , are said to be linearly dependent

ii) probability of non occurrence = q if there

iii) p + q = 1 x1 a1 + x2 a2 + ... + xn an = 0
iv) probability of 'x' successes atleast one of xi0, i=1, 2, 3.n
P ( x = xi ) = nC x q n x p x And determinant = 0
v) Mean = = np 3. Any two collinear vectors, any three coplanar vectors are linearly
vi) Variance = npq dependent. Any set of vectors containing null vectors is linearly
vii) Standard deviation = npq independent
3. If number of trials are large and probab-ility of success is very 4. If ABCDEF is regular hexagon with center 'G' then AB + AC + AD
small then poisson distribution is used and given as + AE + AF = 3AD = 6AG.
e k Vector equation of sphere with center at c and radius a
P (x = k ) = 5.
is (r c ) = a 2 or r 2r.c + c = a
2 2 2
k 2

4. i) If x1,x2,x3,.....xn are n values of variant 6. a, b are ends of diameter then equation of sphere (r a )(
. r b )= 0

x , then its Arithmetic Mean x = xi 7. If a, b are unit vectors then unit vector along bisector of AOB is
a+b (a + b )
ii) For individual series If A is assumed or
a+b a + b
average then A.M x = A+
( xi A)
n 8. Vector along internal angular bisector is
a b
iii) For discrete frequency distribution: +
x = A+
fi di a


where (d i = xi A )
fi 9. If 'I' is in centre of ABC then,

27. Let, a 0 b be two vectors. Then

BC IA + CA IB + AB IC = 0
i) The component of b on a is b.a
ii) The projection of b on a is b.a a ( )
10. If 'S' is circum centre of ABC then, SA + SB + SC = SO
b .a
28. i) The component of b on a is
11. If 'S' is circum centre, 'O' is orthocenter of ABC
then, OA + OB + OC = 2OS ii) the projection of b on a is
(b .a )a
12. If a = (a1 , a2 , a3 ) & if axes are rotated through an
i) x - axis iii) the projection of b on a vector perpe-ndicular to' a' in the plane
(a1 , a2 cos + a3 sin , a2 cos + a1 sin(90 ) generated by
ii) y - axis (a 3 cos (90 + ) + a1 sin (90 + ), a
a,b is b
(b .a )a
, a2 , ( a3 cos + a1 sin ) ) a

iii) z - axis (a cos + a

1 2 sin , 29. If a,b are two nonzero vectors then
, (a1 cos (90 + ) + a2 sin (90 + ), a3 )) cos (a , b )=
a .b
If 'O' is circumcentre of ABC then a b

30. If a,b are not parallel then ab is perpendicular to both of the vec-
OA sin 2 A =
OA + OB + OC( ) tors a,b.
(Consider equilateral )
31. If a,b are not parallel then a.b, ab form a right handed system.
13. a.b = a b cos where 0 180 32. If a,b are not parallel then
i) a.b > 0 0 < < 90 is acute a b = a b sin (a.b ) and hence

ii) a.b < 0 90 < < 180 is obtuse 33. If a is any vector then aa = 0
iii) a.b = 0 = 90 two vectors are r to each other. 34. If a,b are two vectors then ab = - ba.

14. In a right angled ABC, if AB is the hypotenuse and AB = P then
35. ab = -ba is called anticommutative law.
AB.BC + BC.CA + CA.AB = P 2 36. If a,b are two nonzero vectors, then
15. ABC is equilateral triangle of side 'a' then AB.BC ab
sin (a, b ) =
AB.BC + BC .CA + CA.AB = a b
3a 2 37. If ABC is a triangle such that AB = a, AC = b then the vector area of

2 ABC is

16. (a.i ) + (a. j ) + (a.k ) = a ;

2 2 2

(a i ) + (a j ) + (a k ) = 2 a
2 2

2 2
S 1
(a b ) and scalar area is 1 [a b ]
38. If a,b,c are the position vectors of the vertices of a triangle, then the
vector area of the triangle
17. Vector equation. of a line passing through the point A with P.V. a 1
= (a b + b c + c a )
and parallel to 'b' is r = a + tb 2
18. Vector equation of a line passing through A (a ), B (b ) is r =(1-t)a 39. If ABCD is a parallelogram AB = a, BC = b and then the vector area
+tb of ABCD is labl
19. Vector equation. of line passing through a & to b, c
40. The length of the projection of b on a vector perpendicular to a in
r = a + t bc( ) the plane generated by a,b is
a b
20. Vector equation. of plane passing through a pt A (a ) and- parallel a

to non-collinear vectors b & c is r = a + sb + tc . 41. The perpendicular distance from a point P to the line joining the
s,tR and also given as  
r a bc = r b c = a b c points A,B is 

21. Vector equation. of a plane passing through three non-collinear


Points. 42. Torque: The torque or vector moment or moment vector M of a

force F about a point P is defined as M = rF where r is the vector
() () ()
A a , B b ,C c is AB AC AP = 0 from the point P to any point A on the line of action L of F.

i.e = r = a + s (b a )+ t (c a )
43. a,b,c are coplanar then [abc]=0
44. Volume of parallelopiped = [abc] with a, b, c as coterminus edges.
= (1 s t )a + sb + sc = r a, b a , c a 45. The volume of the tetrahedron ABCD is
22. Vector equation. of a plane passing through pts A (a ) ( ) and
B b 1   
parallel to 6
46. If a,b,c are three conterminous edges of a tetrahedron then the vol-
C c is AP AB C = 0 ume of the
23. Vector equation of plane, at distance p (p >0) from origin and
 is r.n = p
 tetrahedron = [a b c ]
to n 6
24. Perpendicular distance from origin to plane passing through a,b,c 47. The four points A,B,C,D are coplanar if
AB AC AD = 0
b c + c a + a b 48. The shortest distance between the skew
lines r = a +s b and r = c+ td is [
25. Plane passing through a and parallel to b,c is [r - a, b - c] = and [r a c, b d ]
b c] = [abc] bd
26. Vector equation of plane passing through A,B,C with position vec- 49. If i,j,k are unit vectors then [i j k] = 1
tors a,b,c is [ r - a, b-a, c-a] =0 and r.[bc + ca+ab] = abc 50. If a,b,c are vectors then [a+b, b+c, c+a] = 2[abc]

51. [ab, bc, ca] = (abc)2 to the difficult ones later.

52. ix (a i ) = 2a  Remember that cut-off in most of the exa-ms moves between 60 to
2 2 2 2 70%. So if you fo-cus on easy and average question i.e. 85% of the
53. a b + a.b = a b
. questions, you can easily score 70% marks without even attempting
( )( )
a.c a.d difficult qu-estions. Try to ensure that in the initial 2 hours of the
54. ab . cd =
b.c b.d paper the focus should be clea-rly on easy and average questions,
55. If A,B,C,D are four points, and After 2 hours you can decide whether you want to move to difficult
AB CD + BC AD + CA BD = 4 (ABC ) questions or revise the ones attempted to ensure a high strike rate.

bc 1 ca ab Topic-wise tips
56. a = abc , b = abc , c = abc
1 1

[ ] [ ] [ ] Trigonometry:
are called reciprocal system of vectors In trigonometry, students usually find it diffi-cult to memorize the vast
57. If a,b,c are three vectors then [a b c] = [b c a]= [c a b] = -[b a c] = number of formul-ae. Understand how to derive formulae and then
-[c b a] = -[a c b] apply them to solving problems.The mo-re you practice, the more
58.Three vectors are coplanar if det = 0 ingrained in your br-ain these formulae will be, enabling you to re-call
If ai + j + k, i + bj + k, i + j + ck where a b c 1 are coplanar them in any situation. Direct questions from trigonometry are usually
then less in number, but the use of trigonometric concepts in Coor-dinate
Geometry & Calculus is very profuse.
i) 1 a 1 b 1 c

Coordinate Geometry:
1 1 1 This section is usually considered easier than trigonometry. There are
+ + =2
ii) ab bc ca many common conc-epts and formulae (such as equations of tang-ent

and normal to a curve) in conic sections (circle, parabola, ellipse,
Preparation Tips - Mathematics hyperbola). Pay att-ention to Locus and related topics, as the und-
 Memorizing land mark problems (rememb-ering standard formulae, erstanding of these makes coordinate Geome-try easy.
concepts so that you can apply them directly) and being strong in Calculus:
mental calculations are essential (Never use the calculator during Calculus includes concept-based problems which require analytical
your entire AIEEE preparation. Try to do first and sec-ond level of skills. Functions are the backbone of this section. Be thorough with

calculations mentally
You are going to appear for AIEEE this year, you must be very con-
fident, don't pa-nic,it is not difficult and tough. You need to learn
properties of all types of functions, such as trigonometric, algebraic,
inverse trigonom-etric, logarithmic, exponential, and signum.
Approximating sketches and graphical interp-retations will help you
some special tips and tricks to solve the AIEEE questions to get the solve problems faster. Practical application of derivatives is a very vast
top rank. area, but if you understand the basic concepts involved, it is very easy
 Don't try to take up new topics as they con-sume time, you will also to score.
lose your confide-nce on the topics that you have already pre-pared. Algebra:
 Don't try to attempt 100% of the paper unl-ess you are 100% confi- Don't use formulae to solve problems in topi-cs which are logic-ori-
dent: It is not nece-ssary to attempt the entire question paper, Don't ented, such as permuta-tions and combinations, probability, location of
try if you are not sure and confident as there is negative marking. If roots of a quadratic, geometrical applicati-ons of complex numbers,
you are confident about 60% of the questions, that will be enough to vectors, and 3D-geometry.

get a good rank.

 Never answer questions blindly. Be wise, preplanning is very impor- AIEEE 2009 Mathematics Section Analysis of CBSE syllabus
tant. Of all the three sections in the AIEEE 2009 paper, the Mathematics
 There are mainly three difficulty levels, si-mple, tough and average. section was the toughest. Questions were equally divided between the
First try to finish all the simple questions to boost your Conf-idence. syllabi of Class XI and XII. Many candidates struggled with the Calcu-

 Don't forget to solve question papers of previous years AIEEE before lus and Coordinate Geometry portions.
the examinat-ion. As you prepare for the board examinat-ion, you Class XI Syllabus
should also prepare and solve the last year question papers for Topic No. of Questions
AIEEE. You also need to set the 3 hours time for each and every pre- Trigonometry 1
vious year paper, it will help you to judge yourself, and this will let Algebra (XI) 6
you know your weak and strong areas. You will gradually become Coordinate Geometry 5
confident. Statistics 3
 You need to cover your entire syllabus but don't try to touch any new 3-D (XI) 1
topic if the exa-mination is close by. Class XII Syllabus
 Most of the questions in AIEEE are not dif-ficult. They are just dif- Topic No. of Questions
ferent & they requi-re a different approach and a different min-dset. Calculus 8
Each question has an element of sur-prise in it & a student who is Algebra (XII) 2
adept in tack-ling 'surprise questions' is most likely to sail through Probability 2
successfully. 3-D (XII) 1
 It is very important to understand what you have to attempt and what Vectors 1
you have to omit. There is a limit to which you can improve your
speed and strike rate beyond which what becomes very important is
your selec-tion of question. So success depends upon how judi-
ciously one is able to select the questions. To optimize your per-
formance you should quickly scan for easy questions and come back

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