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You are on page 1of 1 ‘sap Flow Seat eg Chap-01 - Unit and Measurement Basis Paraliax angie 1. Distance of an object by parallax method, D = 2, Absolute eor = True value - Measured value = [49,1 3. True value = Arithmetic mean of the measured values ow Mite roan 7 aa, the measurement of a.quantty = “3 4, Relative error sa, 5. Percentage error = —*=x 100 se Boe 6. Maximum permissible error in addition or subtraction of two quantities (A + AA) and (B + AB): = AA+ a8 Ar 7, Whenz= 2. then maxim relative error in zis aa gah, pat a b Cc 2 Chap-02_Motion in a straight line Formulae Chart 1. For objects in uniformly accelerated rectlinear mation, the five quantites, displacement x, time taken ¢, initial velocity vq, final velocity v and acceleration a are related by a sel of kinematic equations of motions. These are vev,tat svgtetat® revl gal wove +2ax The above equations are the equations of motion for particle, if the position of the particie at {= 0s 0, If the partide starts at x = x ie., if itis al x, at ¢= 0, then in the above equation xis replaced by (x — x), 2, The relative velocity of an object moving with velocity v, w.rt, an object B moving with velocity Vg iS given by Van = Ya Ve 3 Chap-03_Motion in a Plane Formulae Chart 1. Lavrof cosines. If R= P+@ then Rad P +O? +2PQcos6 = angle between B and @ 2. Direction of R Qeoso aos Prasno: %7 angle between Rand P 3. Position of an object at time f, if itis initially at % , having initial velocity v, and moving with ‘constant acceleration &, is =,, 1-5 site ae 4 Ch-04_Laws of Motion Formulae Chart 6 dv son i emt oma . FP mM wn F-m. 1. Forme: FSP = mEr i, when aris constant F = mr = ma ‘Conservation of linear momentum ; £8) = 2) 3. Motion of a car on level road: Yue = YeaRO a2 , ; (i, + tan 9) 4. Motion of a car on banked 1030 Visa, -[rote ane we Angie of banking : = tant 9g 5 Ch-05_Work Energy and Power Formulae Chart 4. The workeneegy theorem states that the change in kinetic energy of a body is the net wore done by the net force on the body. Ky — R= Woe Where K,and x, are initial and final kinetic energies and W,, (8 the net work done, 2. For a conservative force in one dimension, potential energy function V(x) is defined such that avin) F (a= 3. Average power of a force is defined as the ratio of the work, W, to the total time taken, -w Ae 4. The instantaneous power is defined as the limiting value of the average power as time interval approaches zero. Where df is displacement vector, 6 Ch-06_System of Particles & Rotational Motion Formulae Chart 1. According to the theorem of perpendicular axes Lait, where J,, 1, J, are the moment of inertia of the rigid body about x, y and z axes. respectively. x and y axes lie in the plane of the Dody and z-axts lies perpendicular to the plane of the body and passes through the point of intersection of x and y. 2. According to the theorem of parallel axes Fah Me where J, is the moment of inertia of the body about an axis passing through its centre of mass. and dis the perpendicular distance between the two axes. Rod Perpencula to rod, at x Length L) the midgoint centre of g mass ‘ . Passing tough cere: ‘Grautar fing and perpendioutar to the (rates R) Prone mR? ‘Circular Gise (ates R) ‘Ciecuar Diss ue (radius R) 4 ur ‘Sold eyinder ‘Asis of ovine (radus R) ose sphere 2g (radius R) ® Hollow sphere Dameter ex f 2 (84s RI ‘a aut 3. Relation between moment of inertia (f) and anguiar momentum £ is given by £ = 4. Relation between moment of inertia (/) and kinetic energy of eatation is given by Kean = Me? 5. Relation between moment of inertia (0) andi torque: (F) tole 6, Ino extemal torque acts.on the system, the total angular momentum of the system remains unchanged 10, = Hea, 7, Position vector of centre of mass of a discrete particle system a where m, is the mags of the particle and ¥, ow You and 2,,, co-ordinates are tnn Emu, 40. Momentum of system, B= B+ Fy « (En) 11. Centre of mass of continuous mass disiibution fami, xdm yom 2dm Fog = 1X eS. i. je i in i CT) 42. Given below are the positions of centre af mass of some commonly used objects. Location of centre of mass L Kuh You =O Fy FO Uniform quarter of a disc of radius Uniform spherical shell of radius ya 13. Head-on collision [=p # [m[-# tH, Loss in kinetic energy, 1 ee = 5 ms (a, -0,F(t-e") 14, For elastic collision aye = 0, mm |g (2 _)i, A+ ae |: 15. For perfectly inelastic collision, e=0 ia ‘Chap-07_Gravitation Formulae Chart 4. Kepler's 11° law aA di 2m 2 Kepler's Ill" law Ta ‘where, T= Time period of revolution R= Semi-major axis of the elliptical orbit 3, Newton's universal law of gravitation ps omen r In vector form, e Som (iy 4. Acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ oi Rg 5. g at altitude “w itnssR then, g, = oft 2] 6. gatdepthd aad] 7. Gravitational potential energy 1 UF Way cul ifr, = 03,0 _ Sha r u Chap-08_Mechanical Properties of Solids Formulae Chart 4. Elongation produead due to its awn woight 998. Mok abe oy "ay Thermal Stress = ¥a.A0 3. Elastic potential energy density xy u = L¢stess)x¢stainy 4. Bulk moduius 8=-v-2°. av 5. Compressibility = 8 6. Restoring couple per unit twist = air ALL 98S 3a08 9% ¥ = SB[1 - 20] 10. Y= 25[1 +o] % ¢= a Y= We we aybd* 12, Depression at the middie of a beam = 13 Chap-3_Mechanical Properties of Fluids Formulae Chart = Pitan _ 1. Relative density of @ substance Pru =" SS 2. Gauge pressure P, = pghr Apparent weight of a body of density o in a flux! of density p wew(1-8), W = weight of the Body in air 4. Equation of continuity Av = constant A= cross-sectional area of pipe v= fluid velocity 5. Bernoulli's equation ‘AL any point in a streamline flow P+ poh + Apu! = constant P= pressure v= fluid velocity 6 Coet of viscosity 9 = F = Viscous force 4 = Separation between two lamina A= Area of each lamina v= Relatve velodity of two lamina 7. Stokes’ law F = Gama a= radius of ball er drop v= velocity of ball or drop 8 Terminal velocity vr =e ow p= density of fang body 6 = density of fluid 9 Reynolds number, ao OR = diameter of the pipe 10. Excess pressure inside a liquid drep oF a cavity of radius A as Fok 11, Excess pressure inside an air bubble 4s a-7,-= IF 12. Rise and fall of a liquid in a capillary tube 2S C080 09 where, @ = angle of contact p= density of the liquid 9 = Acc. due to gravity 15 Chap-10_Thermal Properties of Matter Formulae Chart 5 1. hfe = glbe ~82). te = Ele +92 ) T= fg + 273.15, fg = T- 278.15 = 27-5067, r= St, 9 255.37 t= 7 T= gt ‘where T, te, te. stand for temperature readings en Kelvin scale, Celsius seale, Fahrenheit sseale respectively. 2 B=2a,y=3u (Relation between a, B. 7) 3. a= MAE ‘where Q is the amount of heat that flows in time t across the opposite faces of a rod ‘of length x and cross-section A. T, and 7, are the temperatures of the faces in the steady state and k is the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material of the rod. oT wa=-4a(Z)r where (dTidx) represents the temperature gradient. a aT) (ne Sa -Al Se) His called the neat current, wan % ied ‘Where Q, is the radiant energy reflected, Q, is te radiant energy absorbed and Q, is the radiant energy transmitted through a surface en which @ is the incident radiant energy. Further; 1, a and { denote reflectance, absorptance and transmiitance of the surface. 1-1, 5. anf Bom (T, ‘The above two equations represent Newton's law of cooling. Here, fis the time taken by a body to e90l from T, to T, in a surrounding at temperature T,, 16 Chap-11_Thermodynamics Formulae Chart 4. Firstlaw of thermodynamics AQ = AU + AW 2 Work dene, AW = PAV *. AQ = AU + PAV 3, Relation between specific heats for a gas 6-0, =R 4, For isothermal process PV = constant vy = Me We WRT Ing? 303 WRT tog“. M 5, For adiabatic process PY" = constant w BRT] vat & Slope of adiabatic = 7 (slope of isotherm) 7, Comet engine at Sk ate atg Ban a, 7 W=Q,-@, na a & 8 4 4 7 Chap-12 - Kinetic Theory Formulae Chart 1, Pressure exerted by ideal gas, ana ave 2 Ving = hee Va 3 v= feet 7 Ving = yj 4. Vine = oe 7 5 Mean tee path (P)= a = number density o'= diameter of motecule S.No. Atomicity No. of degree of freedom 1 Monoatomic 3 Sr | ar 3 2 Diatomic 8 £ Sr z Linear molecule z 5 3 | Triatomic) 7 3 gr g Nonlinear 4 molecule 6 4R | 3R $ (Triatomic) AL, mG, 6 Gyo = von Mg where n, and a, are number of moles of two gases mixed together ,, and Cy, are molar specific heat at constant volume ef 2 gas and C,..,, : Molar specific heat at constant volume for mixture, 18 Chap-13 - Oscillations Formulae Chart 1. Displacement equation for SHM x= A sinfcot + o) o x= A cosfet + o} 2, Velocity in SHM wv = Ato COS tot 2 and v= oa? - 3. Acceleration in SHM 8 = -W7A Bin oot ad ature 4, Energy in SHM Potential energy U= mabe Kinetic energy K = Smee -*) Total energy E = joa ‘5. Simple pendulum iL Te 2a J— 0 ft fi) Whi 49 6, Torsional pendulum Te aft 7. Physical pendulum, T= 25, ond 3 where J : Moment of inertia of body about axis passing through hinge 4d ; Distance of centre of mass from hinge 8 Damped simple harmonic motion 2. Teo at 25 Ae? eos(a't + 9) k ma 9. Forced oscillator FX «bu fesinat x= Asin(ut +o] where A= ——r__ ayo? eg? (2 10. Superpasition of Two SHM's @ In-same ditection x, =A, sin oot ot + 3) x, =A, si A= Ae AE 1 2A Ay Coss (i) In perpendicular direction x, =A, sin ost ¥, =A, sinfoxt + 9) fa) Resultant motion is SHM along straight line, io = 0 oro = 7 (b) Resultant motion is circular. if = 5 and A, = A, (6) Resultant motion is an (ight) eliptical path, if9= 5 and A, = A; 20 Chap-14_Waves \/¥a ), Formulae Chart 4, Equation of a plane progressive harmonic wave travelling along positive direction of X-axis is: Wx, 2) = @ SIN(Kx = aot + O) and along negative direction of Xanxis is Wx =a sin(kx + ot +9) where, ‘Ax, |) > Displacement as a function of position x and time r 8 — Amplitude of the wave ‘0 Angular frequency of the wave ‘A Angular wave number (he = ct + 9) + Phase ¢ — Phase constant or initial phase angie 2. Angular wave number or propagatoa constant (H) 4. Speed of a transverse wave on a stretched sting vel where, T— Tension in the string 11+ Mass por unit length 5. Speed of sound wave in a fluid vel where, B-» Bulk modulus p+ Density 6, Speed of sound wave in a metallic bar vee where, ¥ = Young's modulus of elasticity of metallic bar 7. Speed of sound in air (or gases) (Newton's formula (comected)) where, P— Pressure 2 p > Density of air (or gas) + Atomicity of air (or gas) 8. The effect of density on velocity of sound Be fm “i VP2 3. The effect of temperature on velocity of sound vi [T_ [erase ve \T% Va 10, If two waves having the same amplitude and frequency, but differing by a constant phase 0, travel in the same direction, the wave resulting from their superposition is given by [2ec0s§ si rot +4) 11. Ifwe have awave y(x, 0 = a sin(kx - ef) then, () Equation of wave reflected at a rigid boundary ¥, (4, = a sinike + of + x) oy, (x) =a Sin(kit + of) ie, Whe reflected wave is 180° out of phase. @ Equation of wave reflected at an open boundary ¥, 06 B= a sinker +o) 6, the reflected wave is in phase with the incident wave, 12, Equation ef a standing wave en a string with fixed ends Wx, 1) = (2a sinkx] coscot Frequency of nomial modes of oscillation yD w aL 13. Standing waves in a closed organ pipe (clased al one end) of length L, Frequency of normal modes of oscillation. F123. a=42 Mn = (20= Thy) where v, i6 the frequency of n” normal mode of oscillation. Only odd hamonics are present in a closed pipe. 44. Standing waves in an open organ pipe (open at both ends) Frequency of normal modes of oscillation x PEWL2 I 0 where v, iS frequency of s7 normal mode of oscillation. 15, Beat frequency (m) fi Difference in frequencies of two sources. 1o V2) OF =v) 16, > Observed frequency vp > Souree frequency > Speed of seund through the medium ¥y > Veloatty of observer relative to the medium ¥, > Source velocity relative to the medium = Inusing this formula, velocities in the direction OS (ce. from observer to the source) should be treated as positive and those opposite 23 Chap-15_Electric Charges & Fields 1. Electric field on the axis of a cipote of moment f= 2aQ al a distance R from the centre is 2. Electric field on the equatorial line of the dipole at a distance R from the centre is 6 2... If R> >a th . athen E-—F Ariy( FP +22)! &. Torque ¢ experienced by a short dipole kept in uniform external electric field E is t= pxE = pEsino Aa. 4. Perpendicular deflection of a charge q in a uniform electric fiekd E after travelling a staight ‘ distance xis y #5, where mis mass of the change and vis initial speed of perpendicular Ve entry in the electic field. 5. Elechic flux $, = €-S = ESc0s0, Area vector 3 is perpendicular to the surface area, 6. Gauss Law: fe as-8. Here @ is the electric field due to all the charges inside as well as outside the Gaussian surface, while Q is the net charge enclosed inside Gaussian surface. 7. Electric field due to infinitely long charged wire af linear charge density 4 al a perpendicular . R distance Ris E=—*— 8 OS Fak 8 Electric field due to single layer of surface charge density ois eS Field due to oppositely re charged conducting plates is in between the gap but zero outside. & 9. Fiekd due te a uniforntly charged thin spherical shell of radius Ris E = for outside points. al ‘and zero inside (r is distance from the contre of shell) 10. Field due toa charge uniformly distributed in a spherical volume is & “2 for inside points. @ and E = <7 = ‘or outside points. (p is volume charge density and @ is total charge inside the ey sphere). 24 Chap-16_Electrostatic Potential & Capacitance Formulae Chart 1. Electric potential : (@) Potential due to @ conducting sphere of radius r with charge q (solid or hollow) at a cistanoe from the centre fA)a elt if (r> Ry -f{t\e if (r= Rp fa (Gane) R 1a Ve Gay R if (r< R) _| a @) Relation between electric field and potential |B] +4) i 2 2. Electric dipole potential : e t 1 @v ml = 0 4q — :— (©) Potential energy of a dipole in an extemal electric field u@=- PE 3. Capacitors : Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor A on as 4. Electric field energy : etave@ toy: @) U=2aVa26= 3" (b) Energy density of energy stored in electric field u = due ‘S$. Combination of capaciters : (a) When capacitors are combined in senes, 25 sett yt GG, () When capacitors are connected in parallel, yy = GO, #0) oes (c) Spherical capacitor, C= dna, (yynen outer shel is earthed.) C= 4nc, boa (When inner shell is earthed.) C= dng (For a sphere of ragius R) (@) Cylindrical capacitor, ¢ _ wf ] a 6. Dielectrics : €@) Indvees crerge, o*=a{ 1-2) (©) Polarisation pe Dipole moment Voiume Baie BeaK-4 % 26 Chap-17_Current Electricity Formulae Chart 1. Resistance of a uniform conductor of length L, area of cross-section A and resistivity p along its lenath, R= 94. 2, Electrical conductivity & Mobility of free electrons net, @ one 10. ppt ot +a(T~ 7) 11, Potential difference across a cell during discharging weeps OR Veeon Re 44, Potential diference oeross a call during charging Veco 12. For cells in series across load R, current through load ns Reor 13, For n identical celts in parallel across load 2, current through load 14 27 For balanced Wheatstone bridge Rh A, OR 15, If unknown resistance 2s in the left gap, known resistance Ris in the fight gap of meter bridge: and balancing length from boft end is / then xe. 16, Potentiometer Comparisen of emt “t= 4. Boh Gi) Internal resistance of cell r 4 R 28 Chap-18_Moving Charges and Magnetic Field Situation Formula Lorentz force ofE x8) Condition for a charged particle to go undeltectod E in a cross electric and magnetic held (speedy = A charge particle thrown perpendicular to uniform | (i) Circular magnetic fete @ ™ @ Path or @ fase em (a) Time period a A charge partic thrown at some angle te a] d) Helix vnitonin magnetic feld man0 Pam 7 ( Ragus, (a) Time period (iv) ite Cysiotron frequency ao 2am Maximum note energy ofa charged paris ns | @ BR erdoren om Ris radusof the dees Foca on a svsight erent eaerying conduetor in| F «ix union magnets field Force on an arbitrary shaped current carrying Fa i[dixB conductor in a uniform magnet field 8 ile ‘Magnetic moment ol a current canying loop Maik Torque on a curent camying kop placed ina! fo ni> h. 5. Time period of angular SHM To anfhe 31 6. Gauss's law in magnetism op Ba = 0 Fe tans "By 8. tana, = 128 cose a 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 32 Chap-20_Electromagnetic induction Formulae Chart ager 1. Average induced emt = & =F Le 2. Instantangous induced emf ey) =~ 3. Motional emt = 6.v,/ 4. Motional emt @ = [do = [(¥<8)di =(v <8 5 [LE = electic (induced) field, oy > Magnetic flux 6 get = L self inductance of tne eoil al 7 on t8 & Lappy A xt & self inductance of a coil a, 8 0, =A, and @ = -M— => M (Mutual inductance) 10, The emf induced (in dynamo) ey = BAw.sinost 11. Mutual inductance M = yoy.n,n,AP 33 Chap-21_Electromagnetic Waves Formulae Chart 4. Displacement current fy = cy Zoe = eg oes ge ot 2. Maxwell's Equation :a.2 (a) pEds = fears aa cr (6) Fat =r [te nse.) 2. = E,sinjost — kx) and B, = B,sin(est— dex) 1 1 Coan = + Cpe = Vote vintoree 4, 2. Sous Ee * By Baus 8 S. Average intensity of wave /,, = Average energy density * (speed of ight) 2 og? of = u,,.¢ = 5% . 6 28 2p 2H 2h 2 2 6. instantaneous energy density y = 1.6? «2 - «¢2 - 8 2 ay Ho a legeg SE. 8S ‘Average energy densty yy = ag +E = SE 7. Energy = (momentum). 6 or U= Pe & Radiation pressure = {nen ten the wave is totally absorbed) Hines (nen the waves totaly reflected) 9. _ Intensity of wave from a source at a distance 7 from it is proportional to- 1 7 (for a point source) 1 , + Wer a line source) For a plane souree intensity is independent of r. 34 Ch-22_Ray Optics & Optical Instruments 1, The distance between the pole and cenve of curvature of the mirror called racius of curvature {u) Object distance (v) Image distance (0 Fecal length size ofimage _Imagedistance yy Size Of object ~ Object distance ~~ y 3, Linear magnification m = = Ba FH (mR) Radius of curvature oF spherical surface i, (Refractive index of medium in which incident ray travels) Hz (Refractive index medium in which refracted ray travels) By _ thy 4 In fens Be — . In case of lens 2 — 7 1 ay 1 5. Relationship between u, v and focal length fis > — in ease lens. 6 Longitudinal magnification = (Lateral magnification 7. Equivalent lens 1 @) Lens in contact = 7 1 1 (@) Lens at a distance dF 8 Reciprocal of focal length is called as power of lens, 1 100 P= Flinmewes) ~ flincm) 42g 9. For achromatic combination of two tens “p+ = sn(*25) 10, Ratrastive index ef material of prism x= —\—Z—" (8, ) Minimum deviation angie (3) 11. For smallangled prism d= (= 1)4 (A) Angle of prism (0) Deviation angle 35 12, Dispersive power of prism for two colours (blue and 160) tah ee 13, For simple microscope, (a) Magnification m (0) Least distance of distinct vision. For least distance of distinct vision —_{f} Focal length of lens. 2 ‘ {b) M= F for image to form at infinity 14, For compound microscope, Magnification of objective m, = & 15, Magnifying power of telescope m= 7 Length of telescope = L=f, +f, 36 Ch-23_Wave Optics Formulae Chart 4. 2 ne wi 2 3. Fringe wieth B= <> Condition of maxima 36 = 2a (a = 0, 1,2...) Condition of minima sp = (20+ 1x (0 =O, 1,2 0) Intensity of any point of screen f= 4/,cos* 3 where 4. Doppler etlet for ight =~ “om --¢ , 2using 5. Resolving power of microscope = 555 , nei 122at 6 Radius of central bright spot in difraction pattern f= “5 7, Fresnel distance 2, 8 Malus Law / = J,cost@ 9. Brewster's law tan ig = 42 37 Ch-24_Dual Nature of Radi in and Matter Formulae Chart 4. Einstein's photoetectrie call equation, pms = hw bry 2. Work function and threshold frequency or theeshold wavelength, = Avg 3 Energy of photon, 4. Momentum of photon, p= 5. de Broglie wavelength of a material particle, 3 a 6 de Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerated through a potential V volt, 27, 1.227 As am We 7. 08 Broglie wavelength of a particle in terms of temperature (7), i, = i h 8 de Broglie wavelength in terms of. of a particle (E}, = 09 lengt energy hme 38 Ch-25_Atoms Formulae Chart Rutherfora’s Model Distance of closest approach ¢ tea where Eis the energy of a-partcle at a large distance, Bohr's Model of hydrogen atom Postulates: 2 Radius of a orbit, f, =e Orbital speed, v, Energy of 1 orbit, E, TE = -KE PE = 2TE Rydberg’s constant 39 ‘Ch-26_Nuclei Formulae Chart 1. Nuclear radius (R) ie given by R'= R,Al®, R, is a constant whose value is 1.2 x 10-1 m, 2 Density of all nuclei is constant. 3, Total Binding Energy = [Zm, + (A—Z}m,] -m,] &. 4. Av, BE/nueleon = Total B.E/A § Radioactivity decay law a NM NaN" 6 Half ite Ty, = 2589! 2 7. Average or mean life is T,, = 24.44 Tyg x Ch-27_Semiconductor Electronics Formulae Chart + Intrinsic semiconductors : n, = n, Extrinsic semiconductors : n,n, = n? = Transistors © J, = 1, + I, AL, = Ah, + Af, = Commen emitter amplinier : 1 . Trans conductance g,, roe AC voltage gain = fi. * i Power Gain = Voltage Gain « Current gain + Logic Gates OR gate AND gate NOT gate NOR gate NAND gate x1 EX £ NON NNN z 4. Ch-28_Communication System Formulae Chart 1. The maximum line of sight distance J, between the two antennas having height 2, and Na, above the earth, is given by iy = PRP + Rg 2. Modulation index 1 = oa where A,, and A, are the amplitudes of modulating signal and carrier wave, 3. In amplitude modulation 4. Maximum trequengy can be reflected trom lonasphere 4 = 9¢H,.,) 1 5. Maximum modulated frequency can be tetected by diode detector 4 = 2 ,, Content courtesy: ‘Aakash Educational Services Ltd. Regd. Oifice Aakash Tener, Pict No.-4, Sector-11, Dwarka, New Deti-75 Ph O11-47623456

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