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Joe Mexicano

RWS 1301

While working on the brochure for the class, I have learned many things from this assignment alone. One of the things that I

have learned was that, if making a brochure, one needs to put only the facts that are needed. Also, one needs to consider that audience

that the author is speaking to. As for my brochure, my intention was to persuaded and inform about stem cell funding and why it was

important. I felt that I have met the criteria for this assignment due that it was an easy assignment to do. Not only that but I also had

the help of my peers as well. The advice of adding more photos and more detail was enough to add more content to my project. This

assignment will enable me to use it in the future in future presentations by only stating the facts that are relevant. The witting process

facilitated as there was not much writing to be done. However, finding graphs and pictures proved to be quite difficult as there were

many images that were not relevant to the subject that I was looking for. The reading assignments were somewhat helpful in this

assignment. Many of the reading was just a repetition of other assignments but it proved to be effective as it strengthens what is

needed in the brochure to become a effective material. It also emphasizes the usage of facts and pictures to strengthen our evidence

and to become more effective.

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