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INSTRUCTOR’S SOLUTIONS MANUAL to accompany ADVANCED ENGINEERIN MATHEMATICS PETER V, O’NEIL. ISBN 0-495-08244-9 PETER V. O°NEIL Et THOMSON fe ENGINEERING eee aon Il THOMSON nee ane ENGINEERING COPYRIGHT © 2007 by Nelson, a division of Thomson Canada Ltd, Nelson is a registered trademark used herein under licens, For more information contact Nelson, 1120 Birchmount Road, Searberough, Ontario MIK SG4, Or you ean visit our Interne site aL wee., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part ofthis work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—zraphie, eleetronie, oF mecbanica, including photocopying, recording, taping, web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems—-withoat the written permission ofthe publisher, Contents First Order Differential Equations Second Order Differential Equations ‘The Laplace Transform Series Solutions Numerical Methods Vectors and Vector Spaces Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations Determinants Eigenvalues, Diagonalization and Special Matrices Systems of Linear Differential Equations Qualitative Methods and Systems of Nonlinear Differential Equations Vector Differential Calculus Vector Integral Caleulus Fourier Series ‘The Fourier Integral and Fourier Transform Special Functions, Orthogonal Expansions and Wavelets ‘The Wave Equation The Feat Equation ‘The Potential Equation Geometry and Arithmetic of Complex Numbers ‘Complex Fuictions ‘Complex Integration Series Representations of Functions Singularities and the Residue Theorem Conformal Mappings Counting and Probability Statistios 4 4 B 106 118 136 143 158 176 199 ail 226 245 281 307 337 364 389 394 405 12 416 430 455 496 Chapter One - First Order Differential Equations Section J.1 Preliminary Concepts 1 1. For 2 > 1,29! Ven ey co we have yl +9 $0 y is a solution. 2. With 0e"* 4 06"* = 0, 509 is a solution. 3. For «> 0, we rewrite the equation as 2ny/ + 2y = —e*. Then with y= have Quy! +29 = -0"#(c—e#) + (-e*) +a7¥(c—e*) 4, For #3 sbx/2, we have yf = Meme), wo , 80 is a solution 5. On any interval not containing 2 = 0 we have, yf = 2 (3 + a) set (& - 3) = way o- (=°) =2—y, 80 9 is saolution, 6. For all wg! ys —ce"® 4 {1 + ce7*) = 3, thus Ca} + ce™* is a solution for all In 7 LL, recall that for y defined implicitly by FG, ») C we have Fete WM (a4) for which the partials F, and Fy exist be 7. With F(2,y) = y? + 2y — 20? ~ 30 — 2y = C, we have y— 40-3 + (2y + a — iy! =O. 8. With (zu) 9. With F(z,y) = y?— da? + = C, we have 88 ~ ye — (y+ x6")y! = 0. 8 pe (: z ay’ —y = C, we have y+ (Say? — 1)y! = 0. 10. With F(s,y) = 8ia|s—2y-+4}-22-+6y = C, we have 0. Solving for y! gives yf = 1. With Ple,y) = tan” ) tet 6, we tae I teh ( 12, Direct integration gives C= —3. The unique solution is y 2°40. The initial condition y(2) 2-3. 18. Diroct integration gives y ‘The unique solution is y = 1d yo ators d 15, y = Asin’(@) — 2 16 yoda? + 5 sin(22) 3 Section 1.1 5 % 3 ¥ 4 : & ¥ a z ; it za ed ei qq Fa a= 38 83 Esc gs EB eg BY as aa 23 > ig gE ISOC LL DPSS ge = 88 UTI Ee? | AN ae 8 COO TE<< AAD g g . & & T2Z938 4 3 ZOGRS Wid mee ae ra Miiccs 1 GEES 3 pbooe? > ZEUS ® Ba-27 1 fs LeGix 8 een a: aa 3 eek 45 (22,8 8 §glSh | s£eccr a3 GEG 8 gesaS8 8 2G5°33 Bgl a ZEGALN B Brn 3 AZ4A8 Rae & R44 f NOS : roammn: 8 s > LSI et nS 5 : sil Zz g ga a i ga-N 3 a3 ZEN % £ A ag>} a a gy} = enw, g a Section 1.2 3 126, Direction field for f = 2y +3: olution for y(0 =} 27. Choose a point (zo,2) on the line x = a, Then the solution curve through this point has slope y/(x0,2) = 4l#o) ~ pl(zo)2, and the lineal element through this point has equation y = glo) ~ pleto)al(a ~ 0) + 2. The claim is that all these lines pass through the common ; Lalas 1 point (20+ sears a "To a2 this, pub # = + 7 in the tangent Tne equation ant get = i 1 au) = [alzo) ~ plso)2|(10 + ~~ aa) + 2 = pire) plato) Section 1.2 Separable Equations 1, Separation of variables gives Syd 4zde, and integration gives y! = 2s? + K. dz 2. The equation is soparable as % — -%, where we have assumed y # 0 and x # 0 z Integration gives In|y = —In|z| +c, or more compactly, In{xy| — ©. Exponentiation gives ay K where we have renamed the constant e® as A’. Removing any restrictions on KC, wwe get all solutions in the form ay = 3. ‘This equation is not separable, since sin(e+ y) cannot be expressed as A(n) B(y) for any AB 4. Since o®¥ = e%eY, the equation is separable as e¥dy = Sxe“*de. Integration gives = 3e(e FHC. dy a 5, The equation separates as = = Ty 1 + G . za) dy. Integration gives lu fx| + C= In a | which ean be rewritten as y = Ax(y — 1). This can easily be solved for y to give (2) = 0 is alto a singular solution. oS "ae 6. ‘The equation is not separable Section 12 7. The equation separates as aul s, and integration gives see(y) = Ar. 1 ay 1 1 8 Separation and use of partial fractions gives { — — dys (a- dz, “ " 8 G Fa) 8 ¢ =) Tote. gration and exponentiation gives the implicitly defined solution — A{ = Poi “lest 9. Not separable 10. Expand the coefficient of dy by using addition formules for cos(x +y) and sin(x — y) to ‘get [cos(e + y) + sin(x — y)] = (cos(2) cos{y) ~ sin(sx) sin(y} + sin(z) cos{y) — costar} sin(y]] — [cos(r}-+sin(x)|[eos(y) —sin{y)]. Also by a trig identity cos(2x) = cos*(x) —sin®(x) = [eos(z) + sin(z)|(oos(=)—sin(=)|. ‘Thus the equation separates as [eos(y) ~sin(y)}ety = [oos(2)~sin(2)|a. ‘The general solution is given implicitly by os(y) +sin(y) = cos(2) + sin(z) + C. 11, Separation of variables and a bit of algebra gives (v ~i+ zh) dy = ©, Integration ? vields 5 —y-tIn jy +1| In [x|-+C. The initial condition gives 2—2-+-in(3) = In(3)+24+C so y = =2, and £ —y+In(y +1) = Infa) —2. Note: the absolute values on in y+ 1f and In fe} can both be rémoved'slnce the initial conditions ensure we are in a region of the ay-plane where y > -1 and « > 0 3x%de integrates to give Injy-+ 2] = 2° +C. ‘Phe initial condition gives C — wee) La 8, s0 In ( re) ots 13, Writing In(g") = ein(y), separation of variables gives "ay = sodx, with solution (la(y))? = 32? + C. Initial conditions give 9 = 124 C so C= ~3 and (In(y})? = 32?—3. 14, Since e*-#” = ¢-e-%, separation gives tye” dy = etda, with sohition eM” = 6 4. The initial condition requires that C = 0 80 o” = e® or yf Since y <0, we have y =~. sin(ay) , con(8y) 3 9 1 4 initial condition requires Fsin(n) + 5 cos(a) = 5 +C, a0 C = =<. ‘The solution ean be written as 3ysin(Sy) + cos(3y) = 92? — 15. Separation gives yoos(3y)dy = 2edz, with solution = 240, The o ar 16, By Newton's law of cooling the temperature is givan by the solution of re - 60); T(G) = 90 and 7(10) = 88. Separation of variables and the initial condition T(0) =. easily give T'(4) = 60 + 30e*. The condition T(10) = 88 gives 88 = 60-+ He! or eb = ‘ uw B At this point we could either solve for & ae(é } #3 ~6.899287 x 1079, or noting that ct = TE rite te station ns T(t) = 60+ se!9"" sao 80+ 30 (#) Jn 20 minutes, Section 1.2 5 14\? ayy T(20) = 60430 (3) = 86.18°F. To reach 65°, solve 65 = 60 +30 (#) to got s0in(1/6) iptaayig) ©2007 este. 17. Let { O denote the time in minutes since the thermometer was removed from the house which was at 70°F. Let A denote the unknown outside ambient temperature (assumed constant). The temperature of the thermometer is modeled by the problem g = KA), with (0) = 70,7(6) = 60 end T(15) = 80.4, We wish to find A. Separation of vasiebles and T(0) = 70 readily yields T(t) = A+ (70 ~ A)e. ‘The other two temperature readings at t= 5 and t= 15 give the equations, T(5) = 60 = A+(70— Aje* and T(15} = 60.4 = ‘A+-(70—A)e!., To solve these equations for A, solve the first fore == EA = 4) | substitute 3 into the second to get (70 — A) (4) = (604 ~ A) and simplify to get the quadratic equation 10.44? ~ 11564 + 80960 = 0 which hs solutions A= 45 and A= 66.15, Clearly we must have A < 50.4, 50 A = 45°. 18. The solution of the equation which models this bacterial growth is P(t} = Fye*t where Py is a constant, & > 0 and t le moastied in hours, For the particular problem we are given ‘P(O} = 100,000 with time = 0 at 10:00 am, on Tuesday, 90 P(E} = 10K. From 10.00 fam. Tuesday umil noon Thursday is 50 hours, and P{50) = 3+ 10 = 10%", Solve for & = (3)'/5¢ to gat P(e) = 10°(3)*°, Time 3:00 p.m. the following Sunday is ¢ = 125 hour 80 P(125) = 10°(3)'29/80 = 9-108, = 1.56 10% bacteria, Monday at 4:00 pun, corresponds to t = 180, co P(150) = 10°(3)° = 2-7 10" bacteria, Assuming the arth is a perfect sphere of radius 3960 miles, we find the Barth ares to be A = 4a(3960 - 5280-12]? = 7.91 x 10" squate inches. At 10° bacteria per square inch, it would take hours to overrun the Barth * iS whore 10°(3)!/50 = 7.91 x 10%, Solve for f ee 2 1876 hn 78 days. 19, Since A= 4nr? and ¥ = 4 so, wehave A= S5RVHS, 90 OE ok = bYOEEV™. Ao a avy? suming V = Vpattimet = 0, this separable equation has solution V2) [ne +k (4) ‘| . ‘ on or &4 20, The amount of radioactive materia is given by the solution of SF* = &A,A(0) = 3, A(ln(2)) o with ¢ in weeks, Solving and fitting initial conditions gives A(t} yin yy itina 2 (2) as 92 (2) = ye yes 21, We easily find U(@) = 10 G vin years, so U(10°) = 10 G) 2 BT ke, 22. At any time # there will be A(E) = 26M gms. present, and A(d) = 9.1 requires ef = O 1, (90 soko Gin(ss) = Ina. (06915805, Half life is the time t* so A(t" od EX =6,ore = on i? 12 6, ore! z This gives tt = 10,02 minutes, Section 1.2 23, With Je) [ PCP at, we have I(x) = — Beets Fd, Now mele the sub- b stitution w = aft in the integral above to get J'(x) MDH gy = og [Ely = —2(x). Solving the separable equation J'(a) = tes gives 7a) = Ge, Now 1(0) = vn a YF oo Ha)= Fe, Putting c= 3 gives [eat = Is 2 2 n 2d. We use a conservation of energy argument. Let state-1 describe the particle at zest (velocity = 0) h feet above some reference point and state -2 describe the particle located the reference peint ong with velocity v. Then since total energy is conserved we have rghit Sn)? = mg( 0) + gine’, Solve for » to get the zesult v(t) = V/Zgh{H), independent of m. 25. This problem is modeled using Torriceli's law and the geometry of the hemispherical tank. Let h(2) denote the depth of the liquid in the hemispherical dome, r(t) the radius of the exposed surface of draining liquid, and V(t) the volome of water in the container. Then dV fat = ~kASIgh and dV/dt = xr?(dh/dt), where r? + h? = 18? from the geometry of the 2 hemisphere, We are given k= 8 and A= Gi) = jg» the area of the drain hole. Using 9 = 32 ft/sec? we obtain after substitution and simplification (324 — nyt = dnvh, h(0) = 18. This separable equation has solution 1620Vh ~ a5? = t+ K, at (0) = 18 gives = 3888,/2. Thus 1620v/i ~ 8/? = 38882 —t. The hemisphere runs empty when h = 886 V7 sec % 91 min, 39 sec. so Pigure for Problem 25 26. (a) For water h fect deep in the cylindrical hot tub we get V = 25%h, so ah 5 dh _3vi Qn = — 60 h,A(O} = = ces St -0 (8) VBHF (0) = 4, thay SE = ° 160 640 (b} To drain the tank will requite 7 = f (& Jane [ Ty, = A coe, " dh, kh 3vh 3 (©) To drain the upper half requires Ty ~ etn A ev scconds = 625 seconds 160 “To drain the lower half requires T f ~ Beat 2 V9 seconde 1508 seo Section 1.2 7 27, (a) Let r(¢) be the radius of the exposed vnter surfece, and h(t) the depth of the draining water. Since cross sections of the cone are similar, we have wr#(dh/di) = —kAygh, with n(0) From similar triangles we have r/h = 4/9, so 7 = (4/9)h, Substituting & q = 32 and A = w(1/12)?, and simplifying, we got h8/*(dh/dt) = —27/160, with h(0) ‘This separable equation has solution 45/2 = aa + K, and A(O) = 9 gives K = 249. The conical tank runs empty when h = 0, s0 t= 243 (3) = 576.800 4 min, 36 1 iA Figure for Problem 27(6) — (b) ‘This problem is modeled like part {a), except the cone is now inverted, ‘This changes the similar triangle proportionality to 4 g-h Oo or + = (4/9)(9— A}. The soparable differentiel equation now becomes (- ny? 2 dhe) no) = Vk yap OHS. with solution 162/h~ 12h8/ + 2h6/2 =: ~(97/160)t-+ (1296/6). ‘The tank runs dey al k=O, 160 or \ | Ml Figure for Problem 27(b) (%) = 1536 seconds, about 25 minutes, 36 seconds, Section 1.2 28, From the geometty of the cone and Torsicell's Law 2” = (Res dh. se. May a a ‘when the drain hole is two feet above the vertex, With the drain fle 1 the bottom ofthe av (16\? 2dr 682) tank we get a) iit Wh. If one knows the ratea of change of depth ‘of water in these two fistances, then one could locate the drain hole height above the bottom of the tank without knowing hole size, since a (Re we (4) = -kA,/2g(h ~ Tig) divided we(@) a (@), = -EAY/IGI gives VR ho _ (dha) P, a known constant, and 81. dé va (dhjdty, ‘we can solve for ha, the location of the hole above tank ver a 36) ah 29, From Problem 27, we have Sj = (B) t 562) ical tank. ‘Thus if we pour water in at 5 ft/sec, the differential equation would be 16) adh _ xf, ve oe «(ye == pte 7 0 ( — "7 } MO = 0, since the tank starts empty. dh Trom h(0) = 0, we see Fi > O so the water level rises, but as hi —+ 9, the right side of the equation ~1 0, hence 4 0, and the tank never overflows 30. From the geometiy of the sphere, the equation = —kAV/Igh becomes #[324 — 8)°] Gj = 08x (4)" VOER, h(O} = 36, whers his the height above the bottom of the sphere ‘This simplifies to (36Vh - bY")dh = ~O.Adt with solution hVR(60 — hk) = 1+ K. Then when h = 36 gives K = $184, The tank runs empty when ft = igure for Problen 30. Section 1.3 9 Section 1.3 Linear Differential Equations Solution of the equations in this section is routine once an integrating factor is found. Details are given for Problem 1, For mast of the remaining problems only answers are given, A few widitionat details are included where the solution involves anusual features. 5. ‘The equation 1. Identifying p(x) = —8/s, an integrating factor is ef PO {after multiplying by 2-3} can be written ee aya a which gives by 4 routine integration ya$ = Qn(z) + ¢ oF y = ex + 208 Inc ‘We have assumed here that 2 > 0. 4 solution n(~a) fz <0, This | in one formula, for x < 0 can be found by the same technique except we noed f SE would give the general form y= ex* + 203 In(—m}, or y= cx? + oe°in wd a Laet dey moot bet dae’. ect yt, t Byer + 5-7 4, To find an integrating factor write sin(2x) = 2sin(z)eos(x) and put in stendard form sine) _L phe solution is y of + ye ~ soutaye The sohtion is y = s(n) + ceoste) 5. y ade? do Dee ae a2 — eel 6. Standard form gives p(z) » and an integrating factor d . (9? (e+ 1)(e— 2). Thus —(y(e + 1) = 8, and we find y = nee Ne y Ge + VE a, and we Bad y = Gey + wre 7. An integrating factor is easily found to be ¢*. Then ~-(ye") = { “> Je gives y = ei ef Ca) eds +ce™*, ‘The integral hero cannot be evalusted in closed form osx) ~ co’ Ts ina) ccoa(z) 8. An integrating factor is see(x) + tan(z) giving solution y = pay ‘ain(e) 9 yaat-2-2 10, y= 6-24 36% Me ysoti+ arti? 12, ‘The equation ean be written ob “=, which lets us identify an Lys integrating factor of “Phe solution is y= x%{x — 2) infor — Be"* + 2a%(x ~ Dem* e ite 2) 13, Be me a 10 ‘Section 1.4 16, Let (#,y) be a péint on the curve, We want the langent line at (x,y) to pass through ~o? (0,222), so the tangent tine hes slope 222" But this slope is also given by y', henve the a? curve satisfies y/ = “—"=" ‘Tie solution of this first ordor linear equation is y = —222 + ex 16, Let A(t) be the amount of selt in the tank at any time ¢ > 0. ‘Then a (ite salt added) — (rate salt comoved) = 6~2 (es) ;A(O) = 28, An integrating factor is (5040)? and the solution is 7 +i wre ‘The initial condition gives C = —180,000, 0 A(t) = 6040) ~ aa 0. ‘Phe tank contains 100 gel. when ¢ = 50 and A(S0) ~ 176 pounds of salt. 17 IE Ay and Az denote the amounts of salt respectively in tank 1 and tank 2 af time 1 8 BAL BAL os . 420 we have Ay = 5 ~ Fpy-Aa(0) = 20 and Ay = 1 A2(0) = 90. Solving the Tinear equation for Ay(t) we get A,(é) = 60 — 30e~/9. ‘Then ez is given by the solution of b+ aA Set, Aa(0) = 90. Solving gives Aa(t} = 15 + 900-2 — 75e-/39, Tank thus 286° — 45¢-# = 0, ‘This givas ef = 9% 2 will have a minimum when A¥(é) = 0, 9 (_ 9 5450 or t= 60In (3): with Ag(Duin = Aa (som (3))- = Pap” Pounds. 5 Section 1.4 Exact Differential Equations out 1. Since 2 ay, function is (2,9) = 2xy? +e +y%; solutions are defined implicitly by Ay +e + y2 =. iy te paye = z the equation is exact in the entire plane. A potential 2, since OM — ga = oN the equation is exact everywhere, A potential function is #(a,9) = Qaty tat + ys solutions are Qay? + 2? -+y3 =e. 3 Pe = 40422? and x = 4s, 50 the equation is not excl, 4 e 2sin(x +y) —2xcos(e-+y) = x 50 the equation is exact everywhere. Potential function is (x,y) = 2xcos(x + y); solutions are 2 cos(e + y) = OM an 5 1 = 21 80 the equation is exact for all x £0. a, y) = Infa| bay + 9%; with solutions In fr] + 2y + y® = 6 ad = 2ye"(0 + 2) coe(y?} and z ye"(1 +) sin(y*), so the equation is not exact 7 me = sinh(}cosh{y) = e 0 the equation is exacts (ay) ~ cash() sinh(y) is 3 | function; solutions are cosh: sinh(y) = Section 1.5 mT an B ou = 104! = SE, 50 the equation is exact everywheres& potential function is lay) = dey? + Bsin(z) — 3sin{y); solutions are day® + 3sin(x) — Ssin(y) 3 10, Qay ~ tan(zy?) = =A taal on lay’ = 5 0 the equation is exact everywhere; Sry — a = aT HL asin(2y a) = i 12, @ + ae =14e°% 13. Not exact VA. wef — y= 8 a 15, To be exact we aod St = bay? - = 3 — any”, hence choose a= ~3. A oy potential function will be (x,y) — 3y? and solutions are xy —3xy - dy? =o, AL 16. To be exact we need ed = cite 3 = —2ay°"', 0 choose o = —2. A potential iy 2 2 function will be (2,9) = ig and solutions are :c* 4 +P actor y #0 a 17, If gis a potential function, then % Mana 3 NV. But then ¢ +0 is also a potenti! tunction, since 2 (4 o) = 2? = ay ana x using d and 1 are the same curves. Section 1.5 Integrating Factors 1, A function of y ouly, u(y), is an integrating factor for M+ Na = 0 if and only if @ (Ml) = Zon, Since » = u(y) we get the condition UM + vMy = vz. Solving for oy vo jyle~ My) ascent condition for such ais that Gee My} isa Ration of y 7 fgls — My) = oly), then »(y) = ef #4 will produce en integrating 2, ay! will be an integrating factor for M+Ny/ = it Sth) = Re 4 N}, Simplifying N this equation gives sufletent condition as My ~ Ne = a> ~ B, for some constants « and 5. J, {u) My = Land Ne-==L so nevor exact 2 jaz) 1 a (b) Since iM Me) i (6) Shawwe 55 OMe Me) = {d) By Probus 2, My ~ Me = (a+b) for any a,b satisfying 2+0 12 Seetion 1.5 4. (a) My = ~3,N, = 1 80 not exact (b} Since 4 (ag, — Np) = ~4 pe) = eff = (c) New C s 2) +! =D isexact with solutions defined implicitly by % —2in jx or y= ex! +20" Inga. . 5. (0) My = 0,Ne = 4; (b) oly) =e; (c) ae —e = 6. (a) My = 6 4 120 + 2y, Ny = 122; (b) p(x) = &% (6) Ga ye® + ye = co. % (a) My = 4a4 1dy, Ne = 4+ by (b) By problem 2, M, ~ Ne (0) afy? + aatys = 8. (a) My = 2y41,Ne = Gy = ale + By) — b(4x + 6y) holds for e = 2,6=1, s0u=2%y 1 1; {b) ety) = PF (0) ay +2 = cy; (d} y = 0 is a singular solution. 9. (a) My = day + 2x, Ny = Sry + 2x; (b} ly) = 10. (a) My =4y — 90, Ny = 3y — 120; (b) By Problem 2, My — Nz = 432 = a(3y— 6x) —(2y —92} holds for a = (c} aty? ~ 3: . LL. (a) My =1~ 495, Ne = (b) The hint produces p(z,y) iy t= hyte® 12, (a) My = 2— iN, = 2x, aay, geri Py ef@) y=—1 =1op=ay (b) By Problem 2, we get je (2 BelP? +E? =o 1 13. ale) = Aulal ty = Gy = 4— Ina} a. a(n) pee e2y = 62 >0. 16. ple) = 2, 2%y cie%(ys 2) = el 16. ne ey glee 8 1 .) 17 oy) = i + alm habs Gy = de 18, ae jyntet” = cyyntet = 1pet 19. se sin(t —y) = ce" sin(w = y) = 20. oly =i 4 any! =e: 4 ny? = 10 Section 1.6 i3 22. Let (2, y) be an integrating factor for M+ Ny’ = 0 and suppose the general solution is defined by 4(a1,y) = 0. Consider SplsMteee ad) ~ FeWNCCOCe 0) = ctote.n [Fan — Fan] 24 +6 ma) [noe — aor $e| = GH, u))0 + Ga, v)ulMdy — Noe] =0 +0 =0. ‘The first bracket term is zero because jis an integrating factor, the second because f(x,y) = 0 are solution curves and yf = a honce M + Ny! = 0 is ecptivalent to Me, — Ne =0. Homogeneous, Bernoulli, and Riccati Equations 1. ‘This is o Riceati equation with solution S(z) = 2. ‘Thus put y = a+ + and substitute Zod nei 1 4 5, 1 i to get 1-5 z(e+3) -E(s+})+1 Simplification gives 2 + Dy =~, with ee) ey ent soluiion = AE 4 © hen y= 2+ 4/3, 80 we put 2, This is a Bernoulli equation with a 18, or y = v¥/?. Sabstitution 2 gives Sot Sait uM og after simplifying of + a = & An integrating factor 1 49 and ‘by integrating v7! for this first order equation is 27/3 so (wat!) P18, 20 ByVal — 7818 = b, 7 pite But v= oy=—2 = ee 3. Bernoulli equation with 4, ‘This is » homogeneous equation so we pul u=y/x or y= ow. This gives u+ au! which is separable as wdi = s sou? v Infe| +6, and Fy =2in |x| +e. 5, Homogeneous y ts [yl — ey 6. Riccati equation with solution S(2) 7. Beast; ay - 8, Homsgeneo, se (2) 4 tan (2) = ce 4 Seetion 1.6 9. Bernoulli with «= -3/4; 50%/4y"4 4 72/4 = ¢ avd, oy fQyaa\ 10, Homogeneous; “F* tan? (A ) sini te A, Be NH with =2b 2 11, Bernoull with a= 2iy = 2-4 = 2 24 Le = injalee 12, Homageneons: 55 et 13. Riccati with solution (0) oe eae 1 «equation y= 2. 14, Bernoulli equation; y = == ast iy te eeMviad bela) (a fe have (EE at bys) befy ¥) it and only ife =0 18. (@} Web (eee ) (ce fi) 1G) ly fe and r= 0. ay a¥de ‘th ¥ = sch, we have by the chain rule S = = (6) With ¥ = yk and 3 = ehh, we have by the chain ule > = SOS = Tink) = Ott HEN ay AY ax ite detey tr ax EX B+ eY —k) +r aX + bY te ah— . -_ J F (Gta =) By (a), this will be homogeneous #Pah+bk = cand di-tek =r # ‘The given condition ae — bi’ ensures that for any ¢,r there will be unique values of hand so that ah-+5k = cand dh-+ek =r and the tion = s0 the equation St =P -w equation in X’ and Y will be homogenecus, Ye find these values of hand che We find these values of fk and & to be fh= SF k= SES 16. From 15(b), choose h,# 20 that # = 3, and A4+E =I, or k= 2. The new wjuation y y, aX ~ Xe "Ty yye w+wex = oe which is separable and has solution Wn |W] ~ 1 in X and ¥ becomes Now let W? = ¥/ or ¥ = WX to got + , ~3 5 Replace W= 3 = EOS and simply to get (y= 3) lly — 9} ~ (#42) 17, To make homogeneous, choose hand k so 3h—k=9 end A+ = 1, thus & = 2, ay Uk-V 5 ge 29 ‘Thon solve Ty = Sopa As & homogeneous equation and substitute to get 3(e—2)? 2x — Diy +3) ~ Yr =e 18. (2 £5)? + 4(e + 5)y + 1) ~(y + Ih =e. 19, (2a +y — 3)? = ely — 2 +3) cnt by 20, Putting e = autre ate ee Np (Se) = bd = ! (arte “tayts) (FAS), stone meet & om +e a ty ory = (us) given du Hence we get a 14 on (To Seotion 1.6 1s du ut? L om Problen 29, let = 2 yy to got Sm 1-242 = wo (wp 3} = de o+ 2 From Problem 20, Jet a = : yy to get SAS a gpg et tlee = deo S ave ese Hence ESM 452g) mete 22, Let wa 30+ y to get the soparable equation # coat tun 3 Fea) d= de and integrate to find 2 — ; Inffu— 10] = Te +6 Since w= Set y, we get 14(y +32) ~In]212-+ Ty — 10] = 492+ 23. With w= 2 —2y we find a solution « ~ dy — 4In | — 2y +4] 24, With u=2—y we find a solution 2 —3y + 7In |x y— 1] 25. At time £0, ussnine the dog is at the origin of an ey system and the men is located at (4,0) on the 2 axis, The man moves dtectly upward into Ube ftst quadrant and at ime ts located at (A, uf). The position of the dog at time £ > Gis at (x, y) and, ae stated, the dog runs with speed 2v, always directly toward his master. At time f > 0, the man is at (d,vf), the dog is at (,y} and the tangent to the dog's path Joins Unese two points. ‘Thus # sf for © < A, To climinate # from this equation use the fact that during the time the man hes moved vf units upward into the first quadrant, the dog has run 2ut units along his path. by el al ‘Thus 2et = f [is ( #) | dé, Use this integral to eliminate the vt term in the original In wy 2) df —2y, Now differentiate GPE Dah or AM ay = (LPP, differential equation to get 2(A — 2}y!(2) = f it ( this equation and obtain 2A ~a)y" — 2y" = subject to y(0} = 0,4°(0) = 0. Let a= y! to get the separable ation te = ject to v0) = 8yf(0) = ne equation Fs = aa) 1+ which has solution Inf + YI] In(A - 2) +0, tome y(0} = uf0) = 0 gives - A aevire - ye equivalently ¥ + V1+G’P = =.y(@) = 0. From the equation for y” (before the substitution) get /T+ W? = 24 — 55 soy! +2(A—a)y"" = vA y(0) = 0,y'(0) = 0,2 < A. Let a =y to write this as a linear first order equation An integrating factor is —— Po and wo got a) aA — a9 Vara & "Dhe solution of this, subject to w(0)} = 0 is ww 1 7 ——(A~ 2) 4 3A, using y(0) = 0 to determine the constant of integration, The dog catches the maa ake A, so they mest at {A,2A/3). Since this is also (Ayu!) when they meet, we find ut = aA so they mect at time 2A be Integrate once more to get ya) = AVA ie 16 Section 1.7 26. (x) Clearly exch bug follows the same curve of pursuit relative to the corner from which it starts, Place a polar coordinate system as euggested and determine the pursuit curve for the bug starting at 0 = O,r = a/V2. At any me the bug will be at (/(0), 8), ita target dy _ dyfdi _ F(C)sin(@) + f(@)cos(8) | is Ht (LOn0 + 0/2), and FE = FT = Ta canay jay aiatay PY 8 ee other hand, this tangent doe rust be from location (7(B), 9) to target ((8),0 + 1/2), dy _ f48)sin(@ + x/2) — f(@)sin() a. sin{?) _sin(@) — cos(6) Equate Hence 7 FO} cost ~sin(8) —cos(@) ~ sin(@} + cos(@) these two capi for # and simplify to get fo $10) = 0, with f(0) = a/v. Thus (8) rule. On the ve (b) Distauce traveled is D = Pe tr a “149 of e "d0 = a. (e) Since r= f(8} = between pursuer and quarty will be ae~, ® gives polar equation of the pursuit curve . na “a0 [~ fe e y) wo b iW > O for all 8, no bug ever catches i quarry, The actual distance 27, Assume the disk rotates counterclockwise with angular velocity w radians/secone, and ( a the bug steps on the rotating disk at point (a,0). ‘Then by the chain rule 2 thus r= * and r(0} =m gives (2) o “This is a spiral. (b) Ba coach the omen, sve r= Oto get 9 = radians ore is revolutions (€) Distance traveled s = f£ "ETP - Lf (o-)' @ a. ‘Vo evalne we ! ee — tn ween er) ate this, let = “2, so =~ Ba ld = his, loro = ah Ve ide= ction 1.7 Applications 1. Take =0 a8 the point at which one end of the chain just touches the floor end let x > 0 denote the upwetd movement ofthe shorter end of chain, "Then Uhe mass of moving ehain is m= (18~ om slugs and the net force that acts on this is F == (2+2)p pounds. The mation is w(16-2)°] = 0 y= Oife= wd 0B tay a HM _ ty modeled by lo 16 vel = Gaz}e.y Oita = 0. By thechsin vole THe) = SESE = wil aod PE -ah souk jolls—2 | = 82(2-42}. Rewrite as the Barnoulli equation (ee = 32(2 Let 2 = oF fo gol the linesr equation 2 — (i Section 1.7 has integrating factor yu = (16 ~ 2)? end solution (16-2)? 2/8) . 64 (22% +12 - 3). since 2(0) = 0 or va) = Put © =7 to get v(7) = 18.91 fi/see. r 0) Fat 2. The time require for the chain to leave the pulley is ty = f “dt = f (a) - > 0 " " a at 1 1-2 f (g) de = [ wo" f ie Sn = Ls ile L901 seconds 3, Since 10 feat of chain ang down initially, the chsin touches the floor at t= 0, ‘The forox pulling ebain from the platform Is F = 109 pounds, « constant, and the arnount of chain roving is 20 feet with mass = 122. Let w be the velocity of the center of mass ofthe henging pay dv oak leaves the support when s = 90, at time t = Nw at a velocity of (a chain, 90 10p = gyv(0) = 0. We find u(t} = 32¢, and sft) = 16:2, ‘The chain 8/30 = 43.82 ft/sec 4, Take x = 0 to be at equilibrium with 24 feet of chain on one side of the pulley and 16 feet of chain and the Sp weight on the other. ‘The system will be released from & = 1 al w = 0. ‘Total mass in motion is = slugs, and for a > 1, the net force acting is F = 2a pounds ‘Thus 2p = 0. Solve by separation of variables to get $v? = 422+ uf} = 8 gives & {2% — 1). ‘The chain leaves the pulley at 2 = 23, with y= B11 26.5 ft/sec. 5. Let aff} denote the amount of chain hanging dows from the table, and note that once the chain sar moving, all 2 fos move, wth veledty +. The motion is modeled by oe = Dp du _ 3p, di 4 a Ae ly yf) = 0. Thus 2? = 5 u(6) = red gd ade (6) Thus Y be, and uf6) = 0 gives ¢ = 36 so (a ~ 36). ‘When the end leaves the table, 2 = = 24, sou = 125 © 26,84 ft/sec. The ime is ty = oan a aye =[ pyeede = Sate vi 2.15 seconds. f ve) lp Wa? — 36 i Is 6, ‘The force which pulls chain off oe table is due to the four feet of chain hanging between the table and floor, Let # denote fhe distance the fee en of chain ox the tsble has moved ‘The motion is modeled by 4p je aif, y= 0 when # = 0. Rewrite us 12840? = a (2 aw, and solve by separation of variables to get ¢~In(22— a) = 5 ln(128 44%), and u = 0,2 = 0 gives c = In(176V2}. ‘The end of the chain leaves the table when z = 18 so / 3744 #2 61.19 hse. 7 8 Sestion 1.7 8, Compute potential energy by PE = mgh where A is the height of the center of mass of ‘the object above the floor. Initially, PE + KE = 7p(16.5) + 9p(15.5) + 5 £(0)? = 2869 foot pounds, Al any later time, the chain moves with velocity v, and the ends have moved feet ap and down from the equilibrium position, for 2 2 1,PE+ KE = (8—a}o(16 +2) + @+2)0(18- 2) + ae quate these two expressions to get v%(2) = («? ~1),x > 1. 9. Since the mass in motion is not constant, we need to derive @ conservation law by finding, a constant of the motion, Consider ig Tye = since the equation of motion is ous + Fe 0 when 2 = 10 and v= Owe got MO we 2 10. Tho chain leaves tho pulley when « = 40, 50 v = 2v210 29 ft/sec, t 10. Let y = y(x) be the shape of the curve, then the normal line to the curve has slope 1 meng =F, @ 4 a dy areata dy ~ oe? EL. Once released, the only force acting on the ballast bag is due to gravity, so if y represent é distance above the ground, fe ~9 = ~32,y(0) = 342,y'(0) = 4. By two integrations obtain y(t) = 4 — 32t,y(¢) = 342 + 4¢ — 16%. Meximum height is reached when y(t) = 0 which must be the equilibrium direction for the acting forces, ‘Thus 2 ‘a.separable equation with solution y = ett parabola. or += 1/8 sod, Max height ~ y(1/8) = 942.25 fe The ballast bug remains ab unt 1 u(t} = 0 or 160? + 42-4342 0, hence t= spond = [y'(19/4)j = 1480, (sec 12, With a gradient of 7/24 the plane is inclined at an angle @ for which sin(0) = 7/25 and he veloc ox sutisies (2°) 2 gn (24) (2 7\ co = 275. iy tte (8) = 0) (!) aa (2) 5, ) =, Soe Tn on = seconds at which time it hits the ground with — = ft/seo, which reaches zero 35 Section 1.7 9 when fy = In (3) sec. ‘The box will travel a distance of sits) [ wleMde = Bae b ae, 4a, (2) 82, far # Bw) Be (G) eam 382 de a 6x,v{0) = 0. The solution for 0 < # <4 is easily found to be w(t) = 32¢1 —e*}, When her chute opens (f = 4) she has velocity of u(d} = 32{1 —e°*) ft/see. Velocity with an open chute satisfies (B)e 8 _ 99 — gu®, ud) = 92(2 — efor 6 > 4. “This equation is 13, Until the chute is opened (ab t = 4 sec) the velocity is given by 2 separable and can be integrated by partial fractions a5 J [aa a aaj - -f But bo +8 de S{1 + hea) et 8) ge yin BOAT v got v(t) = St be} get In [= 3 Bet [5 =a 482, Solve for v to got v(t) = SEER p> * get where k= P—, ‘Pemnal velocity is Jim o(2) = 8 fife, Distance fallen is s(t) foou- aa L bet for 0st sd, and for (4, s(t) = 3268 + 4) 48 —4) 4 2In(L = he 8) — 2h (Ge ) 14, When fully submerge the buoyant force will be Fy = 1 x 2 3 x 62.5 = 975 pounds 384 upward, Te mass, im = —— = 12 slugs. Velocity of the sinking box sutisties wf 32 384~ 375 ~ ,o(0} = 0. This linear equation has solution vf} = 18(1—e"/*4), intends the box will have sunk s(t) = 18(¢ + 24e-¥/4 — 24) feet. From u(t) we find terminal velocity = Jin v(f) = 18 Moe “To answer the question about velocity when the box reaches the bottom (s = 100) we would normally solve s(#) = 100 and eubstitute the ¢ value into velocity, This equation can be solved numerically to use this approach. We can answer the question by an alternative approzch, Find ty so v(t,) = 10 ft/sec, and ealeulate 2(¢,) to see how far thie box has fallen. With this approach we solve 18{1 — e~/4} = 10 to get ty = 24la @ seconds, and compute slés} = soa ( — 240 = 110.3 feet. We conclude that at the bottom (# = 100) the box hos not yot reached a velocity of 10 ft/sec. 15. If the box loses 32 pounds of material on impact with the bottom, m= EE shigs. So ih = —a82 + 375 — Fe, 00) = ‘ouft) = 46(1 ~ -¥), vo distance traveled up feom the bottom is o(f) = 46(t +2262 — 22) , where we have taken up as positive, Solving gives 20 Seotion 1.7 fect. Solving s(¢) = 100 gives t ~ 10.56 seconds and a surfacing velocity of epproximately (10.56) #2 17.5 fr/sec. 16. The statement of gravitational attraction inside the Earth gives, # kr, where is distance to the Barth center, When r = R we know the acceleration is g, so & = dy ge de _ dear ich oi and SP = —4F. By the chain rule S- = S257 = vGe, which gives the separable equation gr 2 oe v& = —4, with o(R) = 0. Integrate to got v? = gh 8. Pub r = 0 to got the speed at Earth's center of v= /@R = 24 = 4.9 miles/second. YT. With 6 the angle thaé the chord makes with the vertical we have m4! c= mg cos(0} a) = os \2 geosd where 9 is the length of the chord. By the law of cosines, the length of thie chord satisfies s? = 2K? — 2K costn ~ 20) = 2R?(1 + cos 26} = 4A* cos” @, Thus t 0. Then s(t) = at? onl); so the time of descent is given by t = independent of 8 18. The loop currents in Figure 1.22eatisy the equations 208 + 26(i, ~ i) = 10, 18(6 i) + ._} 30fe =O 80 f= 5 amp. and tp = 5 amp. 19. The capacitor charge is modeled by 250 x 10% + pris 8.000 = 0. Simplify and put {= of to got q! +29 = 92x 10°, with solution g(f) = 16 x 10°81 — e-®}. ‘The capacitor voltage ia B, = 4q = 80(1 —e™). This voltage reaches 76 volts when t = + 1n(00) =: 1.498 seconds after the switch fo closed. Calculate current at this time by é(in(20}/2) = q (in(20}/2) = 32 x 10-e- ®*) = 16 micro amps. 20. From Problem 19, the goneral solution is g(t) = 16 x 10° 4- ce“ for charge or Be 4 = 804 Ae, If B(0} = 50, then A = —30 and By = 80 ~ 30e~%. Now this reaches 76 ec 1, (16 = tn (3) 1.00 sons volts when z 21, The loop currents satisfy the equations 5{¢ —%)+10i, = 6, —Bij +5) + 30:2 +-10(q2~g3) = 0, 10g, +1095 + 15a + gy = 0. Since mf04) = aal0#) = e+) = 0, from equation 3, 4,04) = 0. Add the three equations to get 0i:(0+) + 30i2(0+) = 6. From the upper node between loops | and 2 we reason that i3(0+) = ig(0*). So (04) = in(04 a 22, (a) Calculate #(t) = Ze-B¥ > 0, so itt) incceases. (b) Note thet (1 — eo) (c) For (0) #66, the time to reach 63% of E/R is tg = 4 a [ 163+, co the inductive time constant is to = L/R. EERO), cee swith (0) B (0) = q an integrating factor is 8° go (getty = Byasnc 23. (@) Ford + 5 and g(t) = BC + Ae YRC. 9(0) = a gives A = a ~ EC, 60 gft) = BC (go — BC) UR (b) lim g(t} = BC, independent of go, Section 1.8 ai (0) If gp > EC, Gmuax = 4(0} = go, there is no minimum in this case but q(f) decreases toward BC. If qo = EC, g(t) = EC for all t, If go < BC, Quin = 9(0) = qo, there is no maximum in this case but q(t) increases toward EC. (d) To reach 99% of the steady state value solve EC + (gp — HC}e/B° = ECKL +01), 80 ~ EC! =RCn DEC 24, Dieontiting +29 = Hip we find that he given fil suc tho deena equation y! = 3 ‘Ths the orthogonal trajectories stily yf = 2, and ace piven by y= Rete 25. ‘The differential equation of the given-family is we Fi orthogonal trajectories eatsly dy 3 : _ 3 © 3 and ato given by y = ~Zin|el +e 26. ‘The differential equation of the given family is a Jp orthogonal tajoctorinnatity BY and ce gon by y= Ast, a fly of parabas aefy-D 27, ‘The differential equetion of the given family ig y! = 2Kx = orthogonal trajectories satisfy 2 and are given by (y— 1)? (E or 2a | which is separable with solutions 2 ay 1) of ellipses, 28. ‘The differential equation of the given family is 2 — yy! K = 2 2G. ‘The differential equation of the given family is fourd by solving for K and differentiating — la) 5 Lang) + by! <0 or yt — Zine bo got K = SB wo Sy In(y) + go! = Oor yf = ERM, orthogonal txajectories satis 4y _ © which is soparable with solutions y2In(y2) ~ 1] = ¢— 22. dx ~~ yln(y) Section 1.8 Existence and Uniqueness L. Both /(2,y) = 27°+3xe¥ sin(ay) and z = 4y-43ce¥ sin(2y) +3226" coa(zy) are continuous everywhere. 2. Both f(e.y) = dey + cosh(2) and a = 4x are continuous everywhere s0 ‘Theorem 1 applies, Since the equation is linear we could epply Theorem 2 3. Both f(e,y) = (y)? — sin(y) and z = ey? ~ cos(y) ate continuous everywhere 4, Both f(x,y) = 25 —y° + 2xe¥ and z = ~5y! 4 2ae! are continuous everywhere, 2 Section 1.8 5. Both f(a,y) = a aye-2 tg? and ze =ate-® 4 2y are continuous everywhere. 6. (a) Taking |y’| =! we get y! = 2y with solution p(x) = yoe"*-*), Taking jy/| = yl we get yf = —2y with solution y= ype 42-70) (b) Solving {y’| = 2y we get y! = £2y = f(x,y), dut f(x,y) = £2y is not even a function (unless y = 0), lot alone continuous, 60 ‘Theorem 1 does not apply. 7, (a) Since both f(x,y} = 2—y and o = —1 ate continuous everywhere, the initial value problem hes a unique solution. Wjy=2-e* (c) wo = Land ys auf tdt= 143; h 2 + [qu ntee- 4 a 2 = t & nois [o-t4 pide tee F eo sO 2 2p x wots fae age site See -9 a wait [ond vt Gide tbs 7 ata eo god pate [intact gees i ee ye +(-1)" aoa Since 2 Peay = jim ya(a), the Picard iterates convorge to the urigue solution. a 8. (a) Since oth f(x,y) = 44 y and 2 1 ere continuons everywhere, the initial value problem has a uniqpe solition. (b) y= 44 ret (yy =3 and mad4 [ran a4ts: lo 2 waa4 forgo st et 2 vs Perna jabs B+ 2247S $7 fo 2 us a oa a mass firenes wide arene er are, 2 7 oo [wtoa= pte4 TE 47 lv e atta tg Section }.8 23 w= 3+ [ ‘ys(i)dd = 9+ 7 + be @ ua S847 HTS et Note ya(z) =~ ~4 + Te® since the series iat me converges. Thus the Picard iterates converge to the unique solution, f 9. (a) Both f(x,y} = 2x? and OF <4 are continuous everywhere. att gl Q)y= 5845 wah, ; nad4 frase ri 3 t gna ta | a) Since f(x, y) = 202 is independent of v, we have wa(z) = gua) = be + q for all n> 1, aud he soguenca of Pir iterates i content sajence ya ge +353 +z 1) +e —1)7 + yee 1)? is the Taylor series of the solution. For n> 3, the nt partial sum of the series is the solution. Certainly {yn} — y so the Picard iterates converge to the sotution oF oy 10. (a) fey) = cos(z) and (b) v= Lt sin(2) (©) v9 = 1, anid wait | cos(tidt=1+sin(2), = 0 are continuous everywhere, (@) Since Hx, y) = cosa) is independent of = u(t) = 1+ sin(e), for all Picard iterates, m > 1. mee acetal 2 y = L+sin(z) = Gere l4e-F sum of the Taylor series Zh(x) does not agree with the n!* Picard iterate yq(z). However ‘The n! partial a lim T(z) = fim ya(2) = 1 +2in(z) so both soquences converge to the unique solution.

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