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ffv fv a fv |
v Z Z0 a b 34 q a : K
akhan d a man d ala ka ram vya ptam yena cara caram
tat padam daritam yena tasmai r gurave namah
Salutations to that glorious Guru who has shown me the Reality of the pervasive,
unbroken infinite mandala of moveable and immovable beings.

f g8f ff ff |
q v Z a b 34 q a : K
ajn a na timira ndhasya jn a na njana ala kaya
caks ur unmilitam yena tasmai r gurave namah
Salutations to that glorious Guru, who, when I was blinded by ignorance, applied
medicine and opened my eyes.

q f
0 q q
0 : q d a : |
q : ff b 34 q a : K
gurur brahma gurur vis nuh gururdevo mahevarah
guruh sa ks a t parabrahma tasmai r gurave namah
Guru is Brahma . Guru is Vis n u. Guru is the Supreme Lord S iva. Guru is both manifest
Reality and the Absolute. Salutations to that glorious Guru.
fZ Z fZ v v f v |
v Z Z0 a b 34 q a : K
stha varam jan gamam vya ptam yat kin cit cara caram
tat padam daritam yena tasmai r gurave namah
Salutations to that glorious Guru who has revealed to me the state that pervades every-
thing whether movable or immovable, animate or inanimate.

Z fZ P obdZ fv |
v Z Z0 a b 34 q a : K
cinmayam vya ptam sarvam trailokyam sacara caram
tat padam daritam yena tasmai r gurave namah
Salutations to that glorious Guru who has shown me the Self-effulgent Consciousness
that pervades all three worlds and everything movable and immovable.

0 33q d f fq : J
a ffq r : b 34 q a : K
sarva ruti iroratna vira jita pada mbujah
veda nta mbuja su ryo yah tasmai r gurave namah
Salutations to that glorious Guru, the sun who makes the lotus of Vedanta blossom,
whose lotus feet are adorned with the crown jewels of all revelations.

b : f fd fgd : J
q f fgd b 34 q a : K
caitanyah a vata a nto vyoma tto niranjanah
vindu na da kala tto tasmai r gurave namah
Salutations to that glorious Guru who is eternal Consciousness itself, the very essence of
peace, the essence of all Realities, the primordial sound, untouched by ignorance and
transcending all parts. distribute freely

f ff r J
q q ff b 34 q a : K
jn a na akti sama ru d ha tattva ma la vibhu s ita
bhukti mukti prada ta ca tasmai r gurave namah
Salutations to that glorious Guru, established in wisdom and power, adorned with a
garland of all the elements, granting both enjoyment of the world and spiritual liberation.

a f 0 fa J
f fa b 34 q a : K
aneka janma sampra pta karma bandha vida hine
a tma jn a na prada nena tasmai r gurave namah
Salutations to that glorious Guru who gives Self-knowledge and burns up the accumulat-
ed karma of many births.

dZ d fZ f : J
q d: fdNZ b 34 q a : K
os anam bhava sindhoca jn a panam sa ra sampadah
guroh pa do'dakam samyak tasmai r gurave namah
Sipping the water used to wash the Guru's feet, the endless ocean of seeking is dried up,
and we realize true wealth. Salutations to that glorious Guru.

q dZ Z q dZ : J
ffv Z f b 34 q a : K
na guror adhikam tattvam na guror adhikam tapah
tattva jn a na t param na sti tasmai r gurave namah
There is no Reality higher than Guru. There is no austerity higher than Guru. There is no
wisdom higher than that transmitted by Guru. Salutations to that glorious Guru.

f: 34 f q : q : J
f 0 r f b 34 q a : K
manna thah r jaganna tha mad guruh jagad guruh
mada tma sarva bhuta tma tasmai r gurave namah
My lord is Jagannatha. My Guru is the world Guru. And my Self is the Self of all beings.
Salutations to that glorious Guru.

q ff q : b v J
q d: Z f b 34 q a : K
gurura dir anadis ca guruh parama daivatam
guroh parataram na sti tasmai r gurave namah
Guru is the beginning of the universe, yet without beginning. Guru is the highest deity.
There is none higher than Guru.

fr Z q r0 :0 rfr Z q : v J
r Z q Z dr Z q 0s f K
dhya namu lam gururmu rtih pu ja mu lam guruh padam
mantramu lam gururva kyam moks amu lam gururkr pa
The root of meditation is the Guru's form. The root of puja is the Guru's feet. The root of
mantra is the Guru's speech. The root of liberation is the Guru's grace. distribute freely

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