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Monroy 1

Hector Monroy

English 113B

Professor Lawson

12 May 2017

Reflection Essay

Word Count: 604

Portfolio Reflection Essay

The knowledge which I have received from my English 113B class at California State

University of Northridge with Professor Lawson is not one but many techniques, writing styles

and formats. Throughout the semester I have done a lot of writing which has benefited me and

helped me out improve as a writer and it has helped me gain experience and confidence when

tackling a new writing style and in when writing my own papers. There was new writing styles

as well as older writing styes which I have done in the past, which I had a opportunity to improve

on and touch up on. To me this course really made me focus of details whether they were big or

small. This course also has helped me clean up and improve my writing by showing me how to

correctly write papers which include Argument Research Papers, Analyzing a space and how to

Analyze a group or culture by break it down in order to understand it.

What I have gained from this course is how to adapt my ideas and likes into my writing

as well as having confidence in my writing, but accept criticism in order to improve it. I like how

I would go into class with a rough draft to get it revised, thinking it could be my final draft. My

reality was that I would come out seeing that it was far from being a final draft because of the

amount of corrections I had because of grammar issues, structure problems, or it just simply did

not make sense. What I did notice that over the semester my papers were getting better as I felt it
Monroy 2

getting better.. This because previous feedback caused me to go home and spend more time

working on correcting my work than catching my own mistakes which my peers had caught

before. This benefited me since I already knew what mistakes I did in the past and I corrected it

in order make room for improvement. This made me believe that even though I think I am done,

I am really not, there is always something that can be fixed or modified in order to make my

papers and writing better. As I have seen when I revised my work from Project Text and Project


The knowledge which I gained from English 113B could be incorporated in my future

English classes since it really helped me come back to my own ideas and work in order to

improve it and become a better writer for my own success in the future. I could use the Analysis

Essay techniques in my future essay because it helped me break down a culture and format my

essay in different sections which explains what I feel or have to break down in order for my

readers to get a better understanding of what I am talking about. Bring descriptive in this essay is

really what I found key when writing them but too much description could get my readers

confused on what I was trying to explain. I now also know how to properly make a Annotated

Bibliography which to me was the most intimidating out of all the assents aside of the Pop

Culture Research Paper. Now that I have done it it will not intimidate me in the future. Thanks

to this course I have already used these papers as guides in my other classes this semester and

have received good scores on them, which proves that in the future I will have little to no trouble

when asked to write these types of papers.

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