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Morales 1

Jennifer Morales

Professor Spitler-Lawson

English 113B

12 May 2017

Reflection Essay

Word Count: 500

Online Portfolio
My portfolio shows that I have learned what pop culture is, and how cultural issues,

places, and trends are connected to each other in American society. It shows that I understand

how things have changed in the world and what new issues have evolved into todays society, as

well as about the bad issues that need to be brought to the publics attention and help people

understand what can be done to fix these issues. Lastly, it shows how sights in our society leave

history and important meaning to them, and why we should cherish these sights as they are

cultural landmarks to our society. As each project was assigned to me this semester, I have seen

that my writing has evolved by learning how to write what is really important instead of

constantly going off topic, and learning how to critically read and write. Personally I see myself

becoming a better writer, way better than I was at the beginning of my freshman year, because I

am getting better at what I need specifically need to include include, how I structure my

sentences, the grammar I use and I feel that I write my point to each paper written more clearly.

Before, I used to hate assignments having to do with writing because I could not clearly state

what I was talking about and what the main points of my papers were. After taking this class, I

feel I can take many lessons I have learned with me into future classes such as the ability to how

to leave out unnecessary details, how to choose and structure my sentences better and to tie each
Morales 2

paragraph back to each other and only have one whole main point. Although I have gotten better

at many skills, I still need to work on Conclusions. I feel as if I can never clearly restate my

thesis; I always wrote it as if I am trying to make another point. I also need to work on run-on

sentences, it is difficult for me to know when it is best to start another sentence if I'm still talking

about the same subject. Also, I need to work on critical thinking, I still get confused when that

skill is needed. Lastly, the ethos, pathos and logos skill is difficult for me to understand; I have

never gripped what the meaning are and when I am supposed to use them. In my portfolio, I feel

you can see my progress just by how I write and format each paper. Papers I have done in the

past were not as structured or properly written, they may also have been confusing because I may

have just been trying to write whatever I could to complete the assignment. With the papers I had

to write this semester, I feel as if I knew what I needed to include and how to show my readers

what my main points were by clearly stating it, along with including support to back it up.

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