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||||||||||||||| 15Buffers for Biochemical Reactions


I. What a Buffer System Is and How It Works 1
II. What Makes a "Good" Buffer 1
III. Preparing Buffers 2
A. Prepare Buffers at the Appropriate Temperature and
Concentration. 2
B. Adjust the pH of the Buffer System Correctly. 2
C. Take Care of and Use the pH Meter Correctly. 2
D. Random Tips about Buffer Preparation 2
IV. Appendix A: The Henderson-Hasselbalch
Equation 3
V. Appendix B: Composition and Preparation of Common
Buffers and Solutions 4
A. Preparation of Bicarbonate-Carbonate Buffer (pH
9.210.8) 4
B. Preparation of Citrate Buffer (pH 3.06.2) 4
C. Preparation of Phosphate Buffer (pH 5.88.0 at
25C) 4
D. Composition of Additional Buffers and Solutions 4
VI. References 5

Protocols & Applications Guide
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I. What a Buffer System Is and How It Works Exclusion by biological membranes. This is not
important for all biochemical reactions. However, if
Buffers often are overlooked and taken for granted by
this is an important criterion for your particular
laboratory scientists until the day comes when a bizarre
experiment, it is helpful to remember that zwitterionic
artifact is observed and its origin is traced to a bad buffer.
buffers (positive and negative charges on different
Although mistakes in the composition of buffers have led
atoms within the molecule) do not pass through
occasionally discoveries such as the correct number of
biological membranes. Examples of zwitterionic buffers
human chromosomes (Arduengo, 2010), using the proper
include MOPS and HEPES; Tris and phosphate buffers
buffer, correctly prepared, can be key to success in the
do not isomerize into zwitterions.
Minimal salt effects. In other words, the buffer
Most simply, a buffer functions to resist changes in components should not interact or affect ions involved
hydrogen ion concentration as a result of internal and in the biochemical reactions being explored.
environmental factors. However, biologists often think of Minimal effects on the dissociation from changes in
buffers as doing much more: providing essential cofactors temperature and concentration. Usually there is some
for enzymatically driven reactions, critical salts, and even change in the dissociation with a change in
essential nutrients for cells and tissues. However, when the concentration. If this change is small, stock solutions
basic function of a buffer system, resisting changes in usually can be diluted without changing the pH.
hydrogen ion concentration, is overlooked, experimental However, with some buffers, changes in concentration
artifacts and other problems soon follow. Here we examine have more effect on dissociation, and stock solutions
the basic chemistry of buffer systems and how that cannot be diluted without significantly affecting pH.
chemistry applies to reactions in experimental biological For instance, the pH of Tris decreases approximately
systems. 0.1 pH unit per tenfold dilution, and the pH could
Buffers consist of a weak acid (HA) and its conjugate base change dramatically if you dilute a working solution
(A) or a weak base and its conjugate acid. Weak acids and and are at the limits of the optimal buffering range of
bases do not completely dissociate in water, and instead the Tris (optimal buffering range pH 7.39.3 at 20C).
exist in solution as an equilibrium of dissociated and Note that Tris is not one of Goods buffers.
undissociated species. Consider acetic acid. In solution Temperature changes can be a problem too. Tris exhibits
acetate ions, hydrogen ions and undissociated acetic acid a large shift in dissociation with a change in
exist in equilibrium. This system is capable of absorbing temperature. For example, if you prepare a Tris buffer
either H+ or OH due to the reversible nature of the at pH 7.0 at 4.0C and perform a reaction in that same
buffer at 37C, the pH will drop to 5.95.
dissociation of acetic acid (HAc). HAc can release H+ to
If you have a Tris buffer prepared at 20C with a pKa
neutralize OH and form water. The conjugate base, A,
of 8.3, it would be an effective buffer for many
can react with H+ ions added to the system to produce acetic
biochemical reactions (pH 7.39.3), but the same Tris
acid. In this way, pH is maintained as the three species
buffer used at 4C becomes a poor buffer at pH 7.3
constantly adjust to restore equilibrium.
because its pKa shifts to 8.8.
All buffers have an optimal pH range over which they are So the take-home message: Make the buffer at the
able to moderate changes in hydrogen ion concentration. temperature you plan to use it, and if your experiment
This range is a factor of the dissociation constant of the acid involves a temperature shift, select a buffer with a range
of the buffer (Ka) and is generally defined as the pKa that can accommodate any shift in dissociation as a
(logKa) value plus or minus one pH unit. pKa can be result.
determined using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation Minimal interactions between buffer components
(Appendix A). and critical reaction components. If a complex forms
between the buffer and a required cofactor, say a metal
II. What Makes a "Good" Buffer cation like zinc or magnesium, your reaction also might
In 1966, Norman Good and colleagues set out to define the be compromised. For example calcium precipitates as
best buffers for biochemical systems (Good et al. 1966). calcium phosphate in phosphate buffers. Not only
Good set forth several criteria for such buffers: would any Ca2+-requiring reactions be compromised,
A pKa between 6 and 8. Most biochemical experiments but the buffering capacity of the phosphate buffer also
is affected.
have an optimal pH in the range of 68. The optimal
Having excessive amounts of a chelating agent in the
buffering range for a buffer is the dissociation constant
buffer for an enzymatically driven reaction could cause
of the weak acid component of the buffer (pKa) plus or
problems (e.g., a high concentration of EDTA in a PCR
minus pH unit. amplification). Citrate is a calcium chelator, so avoid
Solubility in water. Biological reactions, for the most citrate buffers in situations where calcium
part, occur in aqueous environments, and the buffer concentrations are critical.
should be water-soluble for this reason. Tris buffers again give us problems because Tris
contains a reactive amine group. If you are trying to

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make Tris buffer that is RNase-free, the amine group adjusted to the desired pH with a base that will not add an
on the Tris molecule will react with unwanted counter ion. If the material is a base, then an
diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC), the chemical typically appropriate acid may be used. Note: Dissolve the crystalline
used to pretreat aqueous solutions used for RNA work. acid or base in only 6070% of the final desired volume to
So, do not DEPC-treat Tris-containing solutions. HEPES leave room for the volume of the acid or base you are using
is another buffer that reacts with DEPC. (Remember to adjust the pH. Water can be added to reach the final
too, that MOPS is a much better buffer for most RNA desired volume after the desired pH is obtained.
work!) Many buffers, however, are not made by dissolving a
Take-home message: Buffers are not inert. Be careful crystalline acid or base then adjusting the pH to bring the
which ones you chose. solution close to the pKa. Instead the buffer system is
Chemical stability. The buffer should be stable and not
prepared by mixing two components, such as the free acid
break down under working conditions. It should not
or base and the salt, in specific ratios to achieve the desired
oxidize or be affected by the system in which it is being
pH. For instance, a 0.1M solution of HEPES and a 0.1M
used. Try to avoid buffers that contain participants in
solution of HEPES, sodium salt, can be mixed to provide
reactions (e.g., metabolites).
a series of 0.1M HEPES buffers in a range of pH values
Some buffers, such as MOPS, must be protected from
from 6.55 to 8.55. Sodium citrate buffer solutions can be
light, but when they are stored properly they are still
made and adjusted to the desired pH by mixing citric acid
extremely useful buffers in biochemical reactions and
and trisodium citrate.
laboratory protocols like RNA electrophoresis.
Light absorption. The buffer should not absorb UV Other buffers are made by mixing the buffer component
light at wavelengths that may be used for readouts in and its conjugate acid or base using Henderson-Hasselbalch
photometric experiments. calculations. For instance, phosphate buffers are made by
Ease of Use. The buffer components should be easy to mixing monobasic and dibasic sodium phosphate solutions
obtain and prepare. in a specific ratio. Sodium bicarbonate buffer systems are
made by mixing solutions of sodium carbonate and sodium
Good et al. defined several characteristics of buffers for
biochemical reactions. No matter what buffer you choose,
you need to consider effects of temperature and C. Take Care of and Use the pH Meter Correctly.
environment on the buffer and ensure that the buffer is The use of pH meters seems almost intuitive; however, pH
compatible with your system. meters must be maintained properly and electrodes cleaned
and filled, and pH calibration buffers need to be correctly
III. Preparing Buffers prepared and free of contamination. When using a pH
As discussed previously factors like temperature and meter, temperature is important because the pH meter
concentration can greatly influence the pKa, and therefore, electrode is temperature-dependent. The meter should be
the pH range over which a buffer system is most effective. set to ambient temperature while pH is being measured.
Careful preparation of buffers is important for successful Unfortunately, the pH meter is often the most neglected
and reproducible experiments. piece of equipment in the laboratory. Keep a copy of the
manufacturers instructions for use readily available by the
A. Prepare Buffers at the Appropriate Temperature and
pH meter, and be sure that every laboratory member
understands how to use and maintain the meter. If the pH
Because changes in temperature can be associated with a meter is being abused, the pH of common laboratory buffers
shift in dissociation, prepare your buffers at the temperature may be incorrect, and the downstream consequences could
at which you will be performing your experiments. If your be disastrous.
experiment involves a change in temperature, choose a
buffer with a pKa that accommodates it. D. Random Tips about Buffer Preparation
Check all stored buffers before use; if they look cloudy
Changes in concentration also can be associated with a shift
or discolored, do not use them. Such solutions may
in dissociation, so if you plan to maintain buffer stock
have microbial contamination or may have become
solutions, make sure that the pH adjustment is made after
chemically unstable. One exception to this is MOPS,
you have diluted the stock to the desired concentration and
which sometimes appears slightly yellow. When
equilibrated it at the appropriate temperature. Or, at the
checking for signs of contamination, be sure to swirl
very least, check the pH after dilution.
the bottle because contaminants can settle to the bottom.
B. Adjust the pH of the Buffer System Correctly. When creating a set of instructions for laboratory buffer
Many buffer materials are supplied as crystalline acids or preparation, be complete because good science depends
bases (e.g., Tris base). When these materials are dissolved on being able to replicate experiments, and experiments
in water, the pH of the solution is not near the pKa, and cannot be replicated if the buffers are not made correctly
the pH must be adjusted using the appropriate acid or base and consistently. Be sure to include grades of materials
before the solution will become a suitable buffer. If the used, sources, etc. Indicate what acid or base was used
crystalline buffer material is an acid, then pH can be and the recommended concentration. Also, be sure to

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state at what point during the preparation pH [H+] = Ka ([HAc]/A])
measurements were made; this is especially important
if you are adding additional components to the buffer. Since pH = log [H+] and pKa is defined as log Ka, we can
Some buffer materials (e.g., PIPES) do not go into convert the equilibrium expression above to log:
solution easily and require a slightly alkaline or acid log [H+] = log Ka log ([HAc]/A])
environment or heating before they will dissolve.
Some buffers (e.g., MOPS and HEPES) cannot be Substituting, pH and pKa at the appropriate points:
autoclaved because they degrade upon heating.
pH = pKa log ([HAc]/A])
Buffers containing primary amines, like Tris and
glycine, interfere with the Bradford dye-binding protein To change the sign of the log, invert the [HAc]/A]:
assay (Stoll and Blanchard, 1990).
pH = pKa + log ([A]/[HA])
When working with acids and bases, wear protective
clothing and eyewear. Do not neutralize a strong acid and you have the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. Using
with a strong base, because this generates an exothermic this equation, you can calculate pH when concentrations
reaction that can melt the container you are using, for of acid and base and pKa are known. The pKa for a buffer
example. system determines the pH range at which that buffer is
If for some reason you are using a solvent other than most effective.
water, be sure you know how that effects the Ka of your
buffering agent.

Online Resources for Preparing Buffers

Online Tools
Molarity Calculator
Online Tools
Dilution Calculator
Online Tools
Buffer Calculator from the University of Liverpool

IV. Appendix A: The Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation

Using acetic acid as an example, the equilibrium
relationship of a weak acid, hydrogen ion and the conjugate
base can be expressed mathematically as:
HAc H+ + A , where the rate constant of dissociation of
acetic acid is k1 and the rate constant of association of
acetate and hydrogen ion is k2 . The rate of dissociation of
acetic acid (d [HAc]/dt) depends on the rate constant of
dissociation and the concentration of acetic acid and can
be written as:
d [HAc]/dt = k1 [HAc]
Likewise the rate of association of acetate ion and hydrogen
ion to form acetic acid (d[HAc]/dt) also depends on the rate
constant of association (k2 ) and the concentration of acetate
and hydrogen ions:
d [HAc]/dt = k2 [H+][A]
At equilibrium, the rates of association and dissociation
are equal, so
k1 [HAc]= k2 [H+][A] or k1 /k2 = [H+][A]/[HAc]
Ka (the equilibrium constant) = [H+][A]/[HAc], where k1
/k2 = Ka
We can rearrange that equation to express hydrogen ion
concentration in terms of the equilibrium constant and the
undissociated acetic acid and acetate ion.

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V. Appendix B: Composition and Preparation of Common C. Preparation of Phosphate Buffer (pH 5.88.0 at 25C)
Buffers and Solutions To create 100ml of a 0.1M phosphate buffer, mix sodium
phosphate, dibasic dihydrate and sodium phosphate
A. Preparation of Bicarbonate-Carbonate Buffer (pH 9.210.8)
monobasic monohydrate, as given below, and dilute to
To create 100ml of a 0.1M bicarbonate buffer solution, mix 100ml with water.
sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate, decahydrate,
as given below. Note: The dibasic stock sodium phosphate may be
somewhat harder to dissolve; adding a little heat may help.
Solution A: 0.1M sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3 MW = 84.0)
Solution A: 0.2M sodium phosphate, dibasic dihydrate
(MW = molecular weight)
(Na2HPO42H2O FW = 178.05)
Solution B: 0.1M sodium carbonate, decahydrate
(Na2CO310H2O FW = 286.2) (FW = formula weight) Solution B: 0.2M sodium phosphate, monobasic,
monohydrate (NaH2PO4H2O FW = 138.01)
Table 15.1. Bicarbonate-Carbonate Buffer.
Table 15.3. Phosphate Buffer.
Solution Solution B
pH at 20C pH at 37C A (ml) (ml) pH at 25C Solution A (ml) Solution B (ml)
9.4 9.1 80 20 5.8 4.0 46.0
9.5 9.4 70 30 6.0 6.15 43.85
9.8 9.5 60 40 6.2 9.25 40.75
9.9 9.7 50 50 6.4 13.25 36.75
10.1 9.9 40 60 6.6 18.75 31.25
10.3 10.1 30 70 6.8 24.5 25.5
10.5 10.3 20 80 7.0 30.5 19.5
10.8 10.6 10 90 7.2 36 14
7.4 40.5 9.5
B. Preparation of Citrate Buffer (pH 3.06.2)
7.6 43.5 6.5
To create 100ml of a 0.1M citrate buffer, mix citric acid,
monohydrate, and trisodium citrate dehydrate as given 7.8 45.75 4.25
below. 8.0 47.35 2.65
Solution A: 0.1M citric acid monohydrate (C6H8O7H2O D. Composition of Additional Buffers and Solutions
FW = 210.14) 1M HEPES (pH 7.5)
Solution B: 0.1M trisodium citrate, dihydrate 23.83g HEPES
C6H5O7Na32H2O FW = 294.12) Water to 100ml
Table 15.2. Citrate Buffer. Adjust to pH 7.5 with potassium hydroxide (KOH). Store
pH Solution A (ml) Solution B (ml) at 4C.
3.0 82.0 18.0 5X MOPS buffer
3.2 77.5 22.5 0.2M MOPS (pH 7.0)
3.4 73.0 27.0 0.05 sodium acetate
3.6 68.5 31.5 0.005M EDTA (pH8.0)
3.8 63.5 36.5 For 2 liters of buffer, add 83.72g of MOPS (free acid) and
4.0 59.0 41.0 8.23g of sodium acetate to 1.6 liters of DEPC-treated water
4.2 54.0 46.0 and stir until completely dissolved. Add 20ml of
DEPC-treated 0.5M EDTA, and adjust the pH to 7.0 with
4.4 49.5 50.5
10N NaOH. Bring the final volume to 2 liters with
4.6 44.5 55.5 DEPC-treated water. Filter sterilize and dispense into
4.8 40.0 60.0 aliquots.
5.0 35.0 65.0 phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
5.2 30.5 69.5
8g NaCl, 0.2g KCl
5.4 25.5 74.5 1.44g Na2HPO4
5.6 21.0 79.0 0.24g KH2PO4
5.8 16.0 84.0
Dissolve salts in 800ml of distilled water. Adjust to pH 7.4
6.0 11.5 88.5
with HCl. Add water to 1 liter. Dispense into aliquots.
6.2 8.0 92.0 Sterilize by autoclaving.

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PBS (Mg2+- and Ca2+-free)
137mM NaCl
2.7mM KCl
4.3mM Na2HPO4
1.4mM KH2PO4
The final pH should be 7.4 at 25C.
PBST (pH 7.4)
137mM NaCl
2.7mM KCl
8.1mM Na2HPO4
1.47mM KH2PO4
0.051% Tween 20
Dissolve 242g of Tris base and 37.2g of Na2EDTA(2H2O)
in 900ml of deionized water. Add 57.1ml of glacial acetic
acid, and adjust the final volume with water to 1 liter. Store
at room temperature or 4C.
Dissolve 108g of Tris base and 55g of boric acid in 900ml
of deionized water. Add 40ml of 0.5M EDTA (pH 8.0), and
adjust the final volume with water to 1 liter. Store at room
temperature or 4C.
20mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)
150mM NaCl
0.050.1% Tween 20
TE buffer
10mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)
TEN buffer
40mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)
1mM EDTA (pH 8.0)
150mM NaCl

VI. References
Arduengo, P.M. (2010) Sloppy technicians and the progress of
science. Promega Connections
Good, N.E. et al. (1966) Hydrogen ion buffers for biological
research. Biochemistry. 5, 46777.
Stoll, V.S. and Blanchard, J.S. (1990) Buffers: Principles and practice.
Meth. Enzmol. 182, 2438.

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