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Medical students knowledge attitude and

practice of patient rights in university of
alyarmok in November 2016

BY :
Moaz musa


Background :-
Health as a fundamental human rights was
recognized in the world Health Organization's
constitution stating that the enjoyment of the
highest attainable standard of health is one of the
fundamental rights of every human being without
distinction of race , religion , and political belief ,
economic or social condition .
Medical ethics is defined as a structured
system which aims to present appropriate
strategies for solving the ethics problems in
medical sciences and dentistry .
Patient's rights are a fundamental human right
, a quality assurance measure that protects
patients against abuse and discrimination and
promotes ethical practices .
Since the introduction of the human rights by
the united Nations in 1948 , the world Health
Organization ( WHO ) generated Patient's Bill of
Rights as part of the human rights and
legislations . Patient's Bill of Rights have been
passed all over the world (1) .
In all countries , laws are endorsed for
adjusting the performance of health specialists . In
fact these laws have been enacted in order to
supported the members of the society against the
inefficient specialists and , at the same time
accurately describe the performance of the
qualified ones . Emphasis on the human rights in
the healthcare , particularly respecting the
patient's dignity , is of utmost importance(2).
Nowadays , improvements in knowledge and
Technology in prevention , diagnosis , and
treatment have provided by physicians with a large
number of decisions which has , consequently ,
resulted in creation of new issues . Therefore ,
teaching the imperious and unfriendly ethical
principles is not sufficient and the students must
be trained regarding new ethical strategies for
solving the problems(3).
Patient's rights vary in different countries
often depending upon prevailing cultural and social
norms but there is growing international
consensus that they include privacy, confidentiality
of medical information treatment refusal proper
information on health care service.
Consultation on medical emergencies and
knowledgment of relevant risk of medical
Problem statement :-
Although patients rights are a
fundamental human right, there is a
huge lack of its application in
Sudanese hospitals starting from
medical students which are the
future of medicine.

Discussing the patients right is one
of the major human ethical and legal
principles which shoulde be done for
medical students to get a better
patient doctor relationship.

To assess Medical students
knowledge attiude and practice of
patient rights in university of
alyarmuok in November 2016

1. To assess the level of
medical students knowledge
about patients right in
university of alyarmok in
November 2016
2. To assess medical students
attitude towards patients right
in university of alyarmok in
November 2016
3. To assess the level of
medical students practice of
patients right in university of
alyarmok in November 2016

patients' rights
The legal interests of persons who
submit to medical treatment.

For many years, common medical

practice meant that physicians made
decisions for their patients. This
paternalistic view has gradually been
supplanted by one promoting patient
autonomy, whereby patients and
doctors share the decision-making
responsibility. Consequently doctor-
patient relationships are very
different now than they were just a
few decades ago. However, conflicts
still abound as the medical community
and those it serves struggle to define
their respective roles(6).
- patients' rights
Those culturally and legally specified
rights, claims, powers, privileges, and
remedies due to a person receiving
health care services. They include, but
are not limited to, the following:
1/ The patient has the right, within
the law, to personal privacy and
information privacy, as manifested by
the right to:
Refuse to talk with or see anyone not
officially connected with the hospital,
including visitors, persons officially
connected with the hospital but who
are not directly involved in his care
2/ The patient has the right to expect
reasonable safety in so far as the
hospital practices and environment
are concerned. To address the needs
of patient, visitor and staff regarding
safety and security
3/The patient has the right to know
the identity and professional status of
individuals providing service and
which physician or other practitioner
is primarily responsible for his care
The patient has the right to obtain
from the practitioner responsible for
coordinating his care, complete and
current information concerning his
diagnosis (to the degree known),
treatment, pain management, and any
known prognosis
5/The patient has the right to formally
access his medical records
6/The patient may access, request an
amendment to, and/or receive an
accounting of disclosures of their own
protected health information as
permitted under applicable law.
The patient has the right of access to
people outside the hospital by means
of visitors, and by oral and written
8/When the patient does not speak or
understand the predominant language
of the community, or is hearing
impaired, he/she shall have access to
an interpreter if at all possible. This is
particularly true where language
barriers are a continuing problem
9/H. Consent
The patient has the right to
reasonably informed participation in
decisions involving his/her health care
10/ The patient has the right to know
who is responsible for authorizing and
performing the procedures or
1. Study design :-
Institutional based,
descriptive study
2. Study area :-
University of alyarmouk
Yarmouk College was
established by a decision of the
organizing committee of the
foundation of private and
international education at its
meeting No. (6) dated
23/12/2009 and got the final
approval under the letter of the
Ministry of Higher Education and
Scientific Research / Private
Higher Education Institutions
administration on 24/12/2009,
includes the following programs:
- Human Medicine Program
- Dental program
- Pharmacy program
- Medical Laboratory Program
- Dental industry technology
Locate in Khartoum , al-steen
street and have 2 building.
3. Study population:

Medical student at University of


Female Males No. of student Year

90 60 150 FIRST
55 45 100 SECON
55 40 95 THIED
40 40 80 FORTH
50 35 85 FIFTH
30 30 60 SIXTH
Inclusion criteria :
Medical student at alyarmok university

Exclusion Criteria :
- Non medical students.
- Medical students in other university.


5-Data collection :
Will be collected by the researcher using
questionnaire , after approval by the social
worker , and will collect information about the
knowledge , attitude and practice of patient
rights .

6-Data analysis :
sing frequency tables by SPSS statistical software
system version (20).(8)
7-Ethical concern :-
verbal constant will be taken from Participant .


4 3 2 1
preparing proposal
and questionnaire
proposal and
data collection
data collection
data analysis done
Research Report

Cost / SDG Breakdown Item

200 1 Papers *.2SDG * 100 Questionnaire printing
200 Total

Name _______________________________________
Age _____________________ sex ________________
Level ________________________________________
Program _____________________________________
The Patient has right for the following Agree Disagree Don't Know

To receive compassionate and respectful care

To ask for opinion of physician

To referred to another health service provider

Making decisions about treatment and


Privacy protection and ensure confidentiality

of information

Patients to be informed about their treatment

plans and complication

The right to sue the authorities upon their

References :
1. Patient rights University of Colorado Boulder.
2. Patient rights University of California.
3. Patient rights and Responsibilities University
of student Health services / Virginia
commonwealth University.
4. BMC International Health and human Rights
Research article Awareness and practice of
patient's rights law in Lithuania.
5. Awareness of responsiveness to and practice
of patient's rights at Uganda's national referral
6. Investigation of the Awareness of the students
Shiraz Dental school concerning the patients '
Rights and the principles of Ethics in Dentistry.
7. Knowledge and attitude of Saudi health
professions 'students regarding patient's bill
of rights.
8. wikipedia.

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