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July 1, 2008

The guidelines and standards found in this manual

CHAPTERS 600 670 should be considered minimum standards and
PAVEMENT ENGINEERING should not preclude sound engineering judgment
based on experience and knowledge of the local
conditions. Sound engineering judgment must still
CHAPTER 600 be used to determine if more stringent standards
are required.
Topic 602 Pavement Structure
Topic 601 - Introduction Layers
Pavement engineering involves the determination
of the type and thickness of pavement surface Index 602.1 Description
course, base, and subbase layers that in
Pavement structures are comprised of one or more
combination are cost effective and structurally
layers of select materials placed above the
adequate for the projected traffic loading and
subgrade. The basic pavement layers of the
specific project conditions. This combination of
roadway are shown in Figure 602.1 and discussed
roadbed materials placed in layers above the
subgrade (also known as basement soil) is referred
to as the "pavement" or the "pavement structure". (1) Subgrade. Also referred to as basement soil,
the subgrade is that portion of the roadbed
The Department guidelines and standards for
consisting of native or treated soil on which
pavements described in this manual are based on
surface course, base, subbase, or a layer of any
extensive engineering research and field
other material is placed. Subgrade may be
experience, including the following:
composed of either in-place material that is
Theoretical concepts in pavement exposed from excavation, or embankment
engineering and analysis. material that is placed to elevate the roadway
above the surrounding ground. Subgrade soil
Data obtained from test track studies and
characteristics are discussed in Topic 614.
experimental sections.
(2) Subbase. Unbound or treated
Research on materials characteristics,
aggregate/granular material that is placed on
testing methods, and equipment.
the subgrade as a foundation or working
Observation of performance throughout the platform for the base. It functions primarily as
State and the nation. structural support but it can also minimize the
intrusion of fines from the subgrade into the
The pavement should be engineered using the
pavement structure, improve drainage, and
standards and guidance described in this manual to
minimize frost action damage. The subbase
ensure consistency throughout the State and
generally consists of lower quality materials
provide a pavement structure that will have
than the base but better than the subgrade
adequate strength, ride quality, and durability to
soils. Subbase may not be needed in areas
carry the projected traffic loads for the design life
with higher quality subgrade (California R-
of each project. The final pavement structure for
value > 40) or where it is more cost effective
each project should be based on a thorough
to build a thicker base layer. Further
investigation of specific project conditions
discussion on subbase materials and concepts
including subgrade soils and structural materials,
can be found in Chapter 660.
environmental conditions, projected traffic, cost
effectiveness, and the performance of other
pavements in the same area or similar climatic and
traffic conditions. These factors are discussed in
Chapter 610 of this manual.
July 1, 2008

(3) Base. Select, processed, and/or treated of specialty hydraulic cement concrete
aggregate material that is placed immediately mixes used for rapid strength concrete)
below the surface course. It provides over underlying layers of stabilized or
additional load distribution and contributes to unstabilized base or subbase materials.
drainage and frost resistance. Base may be These types of pavements rely on the
one or multiple layers treated with cement, substantially higher stiffness of the
asphalt or other binder material, or may concrete slab to distribute the traffic loads
consist of untreated aggregate. In some cases, over a relatively wide area of underlying
the base may include a drainage layer to drain layers and the subgrade. Some rigid
water that seeps into the base. The aggregate concrete slabs have reinforcing steel to
in base is typically a higher quality material help resist cracking due to temperature
than that used in subbase. Further discussion changes and repeated loading. Procedures
on base materials and concepts can be found for rigid pavements can be found in
in Chapter 660. Chapter 620.
(4) Surface Course. One or more layers of the (c) Composite Pavements. These are
pavement structure engineered to pavements comprised of both flexible
accommodate and distribute traffic loads, (asphalt binder mixes) and rigid (cement
provide skid resistance, minimize concrete) layers over underlying layers of
disintegrating effects of climate, reduce stabilized or unstabilized base or subbase
tire/pavement noise, improve surface drainage, materials. Currently, for purposes of the
and minimize infiltration of surface water into procedures in this manual, only pavements
the underlying base, subbase and subgrade. with a flexible layer over a rigid surface
Sometimes referred to as the surface layer, the layer are considered to be composite
surface course may be composed of a single pavements. In California, such pavements
layer, constructed in one or more lifts of the consist mostly of existing rigid pavements
same material, or multiple layers of different (typically Portland cement concrete) that
materials. have had a flexible surface course overlay
such as hot mix asphalt (HMA) (formerly
Depending on the type of base or subbase
known as asphalt concrete), open graded
layers, surface courses are used to characterize
friction course (OGFC) (formerly known
pavements into the following three categories:
as open graded asphalt concrete), or
(a) Flexible Pavements. These are pavements rubberized hot mix asphalt (RHMA)
engineered to bend or flex when loaded. (formerly known as rubberized asphalt
Flexible pavements transmit and distribute concrete). See Chapter 640 for additional
traffic loads to the underlying layers. The information on composite pavements.
highest quality layer is the surface course,
(5) Non-Structural Wearing Course. On some
which typically consists of one or more
pavements, a non-structural wearing course is
layers of asphalt binder mixes and may or
placed to protect the surface course from wear
may not incorporate underlying layers of
and tear from tire/pavement interaction, the
base and/or subbase. These types of
weather, and other environmental factors.
pavements are called "flexible" because
Examples of non-structural wearing courses
the total pavement structure bends (or
include OGFC, various types of surface seals,
flexes) to accommodate deflection
and added surface course thickness to allow
bending under traffic loads. Procedures
for chain wear or grinding. Although non-
for flexible pavements can be found in
structural wearing courses are not given a
Chapter 630.
structural value in the procedures and tables
(b) Rigid Pavements. These are pavements found in this manual, they will improve the
with a rigid surface course typically a slab service life of the pavement by protecting it
of Portland cement concrete (or a variety from traffic and environmental effects.
July 1, 2008

(6) Others. Depending on the type of pavement It is often not cost-effective or desirable to widen a
built and the subgrade or existing soil highway without correcting for bad ride and major
conditions encountered, additional layers may structural problems in adjacent pavements when
be included in the pavement. Some of these that work is needed. Therefore, on widening
layers include: projects such as lane/shoulders additions, auxiliary
lanes, climbing or passing lanes, etc., the existing
(a) Interlayers can be used between pavement
adjacent pavement condition should be
layers or within pavement layers to
investigated to determine if rehabilitation or
reinforce pavement and/or improve
pavement preservation is warranted. If warranted,
resistance to reflective cracking of the
combining rehabilitation or pavement preservation
pavement structure.
work with widening is strongly encouraged.
(b) Bond Breakers are used to prevent Combining widening with work on existing
bonding between two pavement layers pavement can minimize traffic delay and long-
such as rigid pavement surface course to a term costs. For example, grinding the adjoining
stabilized base. rigid pavement lane next to the proposed widening
(c) Tack Coats are used to bond a layer of can improve constructability and provide a
asphalt binder mix to underlying existing smoother pavement surface for the widening. For
pavement layers or between layers of flexible pavement projects, a minimum of 45 mm
asphalt binder mixes where multiple lifts overlay over the widening and existing pavement
are required. should be used to eliminate pavement joints which
are susceptible to water intrusion and early fatigue
(d) Prime Coats can be used on aggregate failure.
base prior to paving for better bonding and
to act as water proofing of the aggregate Additional guidance and requirements on
base. widening existing facilities, including possible
options as well as certain circumstances that may
(e) Leveling Courses are used to fill and level justify adding rehabilitation or pavement
surface irregularities and ruts before preservation work to widening, or deferring it, are
placing overlays. discussed in Index 612.3 and the Project
Development Procedures Manual (PDPM) Chapter
Topic 603 Types of Pavement 8, Section 7.
Projects 603.3 Pavement Preservation

603.1 New Construction Pavement Preservation has two main categories or

New construction is the building of a new facility.
This includes new roadways, interchanges or (1) Preventive Maintenance. Preventive
grade separation crossings, and new parking lots maintenance projects are used to provide
or safety roadside rest areas. preventive treatments to preserve pavements
in good condition. These projects are
typically done by Department Maintenance
603.2 Widening
forces or through the Major Maintenance
Widening projects involve the construction of Program. The District Maintenance Engineer
additional width to improve traffic flow and typically determines which preventive
increase capacity on an existing highway facility. treatment to apply and when. Examples of
Widening may involve adding lanes (including preventive maintenance projects include:
bus or bicycle lanes), shoulders, pullouts for removal and replacement of a non-structural
maintenance/transit traffic; or widening existing wearing course (for example, open graded
lane, shoulder or pullouts. friction courses); thin non-structural overlays
less than or equal to 25 mm (or 30 mm when
needed to enhance compaction in colder
July 1, 2008

Figure 602.1

Basic Pavement Layers of the Roadway

July 1, 2008

termperatures); replacing joint seals; crack studies. CAPM projects include all
sealing; grinding or grooving rigid pavement appropriate items of work necessary to
surface to improve friction; grinding rigid construct and address impacts from the
pavement to eliminate rutting from chain pavement. Limited drainage and traffic
wear; seal coats; slurry seals; and operational work can also be included when
microsurfacing. Traffic safety and other appropriate, but they do not include major
operational improvements, geometric facility upgrades like widening, geometric
upgrades, or widening are normally not upgrades, or roadside upgrades. Further
included in preventive maintenance projects. information on CAPM strategies, including
Strategies and guidelines on preventive appropriate drainage/operational work and
maintenance treatments currently used by the other guidance for CAPM projects, can be
Department are available in the Maintenance found in Design Information Bulletin 81,
Technical Advisory Guide (MTAG). Note Capital Preventive Maintenance Guidelines.
that such strategies are periodically updated.
Examples of CAPM projects include:
(2) Capital Preventive Maintenance (CAPM).
Surface course overlays less than or
Capital preventive Maintenance (CAPM) is a
equal to 60 mm (75 mm if International
program of short term (<10 years) repair
Roughness Index >2.68 m/km).
projects agreed to between the Department and
FHWA in 1994. Detailed information Removal and replacement of surface
regarding the CAPM program can be found in course (not to exceed the depth of the
the CAPM Guidelines available on the surface course overlay).
Department Pavement website, and in Isolated digouts of flexible pavements
Chapters 620, 630 and 640 of this manual. (up to 20 percent of total project cost).
The primary purpose of the CAPM program is Individual rigid pavement slab
to repair pavement exhibiting minor surface replacements or punchout repairs.
distress and/or triggered ride (International
Roughness Index (IRI) greater than Diamond grinding of rigid pavements to
2.68 m/km) as determined by the Pavement eliminate faulting or restore ride quality
Condition Survey (PCS) and the Pavement to an acceptable level.
Management System (PMS). Ride Dowel bar retrofit.
improvement and preservation of the
serviceability are key elements of this Items that are not considered CAPM include:
program. Timely application of CAPM Crack, seat, and overlay of rigid
treatments will postpone the need for major pavements.
roadway rehabilitation and is generally more
cost effective than having to rehabilitate Surface course overlays greater than
pavements exhibiting major distress. CAPM 75 mm.
gives the districts the flexibility to make the Removal and replacement of more than
most effective use of all funds available in the 75 mm of the surface course (unless the
biennial State Highway Operation and work is incidental to maintaining an
Protection Plan (SHOPP). existing vertical clearance or to conform
Since the CAPM program is a part of to existing bridges or pavements).
pavement preservation, CAPM projects are Lane/shoulder replacements (including
more closely related to preventive pulverization and other base
maintenance (Major Maintenance) projects restoration/recycling projects).
than to roadway rehabilitation projects.
CAPM projects involve non-structural Projects that require these types of treatments
overlays and repairs, which do not require are roadway rehabilitation projects and should
Traffic Index calculations or deflection meet those standards, see Index 603.4.
July 1, 2008

Roadway rehabilitation strategies for rigid,

603.4 Roadway Rehabilitation flexible and composite pavements are discussed in
The primary purpose of roadway rehabilitation Chapters 620, 630 and 640. Additional
projects is to return roadways that exhibit major information and guidance on roadway
structural distress, to good condition. Many of rehabilitation and other RRR projects may also be
these structural distresses indicate failure of the found in the Design Information Bulletin, Number
surface course and/or base layers. Roadway 79 - "RRR Design Criteria" and in the PDPM
rehabilitation work is generally regarded as major, Chapter 9, Article 5.
non-routine maintenance work engineered to
reserve and extend the service life as well as 603.5 Reconstruction
provide upgrades to enhance safety where needed.
Pavement reconstruction is the replacement of the
As described in Design Information Bulletin 79,
entire existing pavement structure by the
Section 1.2, rehabilitation criteria also apply to
placement of the equivalent or increased pavement
minor projects and certain other projects in
structure. Reconstruction usually requires the
addition to roadway rehabilitation projects.
complete removal and replacement of the existing
Roadway rehabilitation is different from pavement
pavement structure utilizing either new or recycled
preservation that simply preserves or repairs the
materials. Reconstruction is required when a
facility to a good condition.
pavement has either failed or has become
Roadway rehabilitation projects may also include structurally or functionally outdated.
additional items of work such as upgrading other
Reconstruction features typically include the
highway appurtenances such as drainage facilities,
addition of lanes as well as significant change to
structures, lighting, signal controllers, and fencing
the horizontal or vertical alignment of the
that are failing, worn out or functionally obsolete.
highway. Although reconstruction is often done
Also, unlike pavement rehabilitation and pavement
for other reasons than pavement repair
preservation projects, traffic safety enhancements
(realignment, vertical curve correction, improve
and operational improvements may be added to
vertical clearance, etc.), it can be done as an option
roadway rehabilitation work if such work is
to rehabilitation when the existing pavement:
critical or required by FHWA RRR (Resurfacing,
Restoration, and Rehabilitation) standards. Other Is in a substantially distressed condition and
work such as geometric corrections and/or non- rehabilitation strategies will not restore the
capacity increasing operational enhancements may pavement to a good condition; or
also be added to roadway rehabilitation work if Grade restrictions prevent overlaying the
they have a high enough priority. Where pavement to meet the pavement design life
conditions warrant, quieter pavement surface requirements for a rehabilitation project; or
treatments and textures could be used to reduce
tire/pavement noise in urban areas. In certain Life cycle costs for rehabilitation are
cases, the use of quieter pavements may eliminate greater than those for reconstruction.
the need for conventional noise abatement Reconstruction differs from lane/shoulder
measures such as soundwalls. replacement roadway rehabilitation options in that
Examples of roadway rehabilitation projects lane/shoulder replacements typically involve
include: replacing isolated portions of the roadway width
whereas reconstruction is the removal and
Overlay. replacement of the entire roadway width.
Removal and replacement of the surface Incidental rebuilding of existing pavements for
course. rehabilitation in order to conform to bridges,
existing pavement, or meet vertical clearance
Crack, seat, and overlay of rigid pavements
standards are also considered a rehabilitation and
regardless of overlay thickness.
not reconstruction. Storm or earthquake damage
Lane/shoulder replacements.
July 1, 2008

repair (i.e., catastrophic) also are not considered The PE coordinates with the Structures
reconstruction projects. District Liaison Engineer and Division of
Engineering Services (DES) staff for the
Pavement reconstruction projects are to follow the
proper selection and engineering of any
same standards as new construction found in this
structure approach system including the
manual unless noted otherwise.
adequacy of all drainage ties between the
structure approach drainage features and
603.6 Temporary Pavements and Detours
other new or existing drainage facilities. The
Temporary pavements and detours are constructed PE should contact the Structures District
to temporarily carry traffic anticipated during Liaison Engineer as early as possible in the
construction. These types of pavements should be project development process to facilitate
engineered using the standards and procedures for timely review and project scheduling.
new construction except where noted otherwise.
(3) District Materials Engineer (DME). The
DME is responsible for materials information
Topic 604 - Roles and for pavement projects in the district. The
Responsibilities District Materials Unit is responsible for
conducting or reviewing the findings of a
preliminary soils and other materials
604.1 Roles and Responsibilities for investigation to evaluate the quality of the
Pavement Engineering materials available for constructing the
The roles and responsibilities listed below apply project. The DME prepares or reviews the
only to pavement engineering. Materials Report for each project; provides
recommendations to and in continuous
(1) Pavement Engineer. The pavement engineer consultation with the Project Engineer
is the engineer who performs pavement throughout planning and design, and with the
calculations, develops pavement structure PE and Resident Engineer during
recommendations, details, or plans. The construction; and coordinates Materials
pavement engineer can be the Project information with the Department functional
Engineer, District Materials Engineer, units, Material Engineering and Testing
District Maintenance Engineer, consultant, or Services (METS), Headquarters functional
other staff engineer responsible for this task. units, local agencies, industry, and
(2) Project Engineer (PE). The PE is the consultants.
registered civil engineer in responsible (4) District Pavement Advisor (DPA). The DPA
charge of appropriate project development manages and coordinates overall pavement
documents (i.e., Project Study Report, strategies for the District. They are primarily
Project Report, and PS&E) and coordinates involved in pavement management such as
all aspects of project development. The PE identifying future pavement preservation,
is responsible for project technical decisions, rehabilitation, and reconstruction needs, and
engineering quality (quality control), and prioritizing pavement projects to meet those
estimates. This includes collaborating with needs. The DPA establishes pavement
the District Materials Engineer, District projects and reviews planning documents
Pavement Advisor and other subject matter prepared by the PE for consistency with
experts regarding pavement details and overall District and statewide goals for
selecting pavement strategy for new and pavements. The District Pavement Advisor
rehabilitation projects. The PE clearly is typically either the District Maintenance
conveys pavement related decisions and Engineer or another individual within
information on the project plans and District Maintenance.
specifications for a Contractor to bid and
build the project.
July 1, 2008

(5) Pavement Program Steering Committee of statewide standards, guidelines, and

(PPSC). The PPSC provides leadership and procedure manuals. METS also works
commitment to ensure safe, effective, and closely with the District Materials Engineers
environmentally sensitive highway and Resident Engineers to investigate
pavements that improve mobility across ongoing field and materials issues.
California. The PPSC is responsible for
(9) DES Office of Structure Design (OSD). The
conveying clear direction and priorities on
OSD is responsible for selecting the type of
pavement initiatives, policies, and standards
structure approach system to be used when
that reflect departmental goals; and for the
the construction or rehabilitation of a
implementation of pavement policies,
structure approach slab is necessary.
standards, and specifications. Members of
the PPSC include Headquarters Division (10) DES Geotechnical Services (DES-GS). The
Chiefs (Construction, Design, Engineering DES-GS provides the Districts, Structures,
Services, Maintenance, Project Management, and Headquarters with expertise and
and Research & Innovation) and three guidance in soil related investigations and
District Directors. groundwater issues. DES-GS prepares or
reviews Geotechnical Design Reports based
(6) Pavement Standards Team (PST). The PST
upon studies and information supplied by the
is a multifunctional group consisting of
METS, Design, Construction, Maintenance,
Research and Innovation, Office Engineer,
604.2 Other Resources
Project Manager for the team, selected
District representatives and the FHWA. The The following resources provide additional
PST provides policies, procedures, and standards and guidance related to pavement
practices regarding pavement engineering, engineering. Much of this information can be
construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation found on the Department pavement website, see
to ensure consistency and quality of the category (5) below.
pavement structure throughout the State. The
PST also develops and maintains all
(1) Standard Plans. These are collections of
commonly used engineering details intended
pavement related standards, specifications,
to provide consistency for contractors, resident
and procedures; approves nonstandard
engineers and maintenance engineers in
specifications, and provides
defining the scope of work for projects, assist
recommendations to the PPSC.
in the biddability of the project contract plans,
(7) Division of Design (DOD). The DOD is and assist maintenance in maintaining the
responsible for statewide standards and facility. The standard plans were developed
guidelines in the project engineering process. based on research and field experience and in
The DOD Office of Pavement Design (OPD) consultation with industry. Standard plans for
is responsible for communicating and pavement must not be altered or modified
maintaining pavement engineering standards, without the prior written approval of the
policies, procedures, and practices that are Chief, Office of Pavement Design. Standard
used statewide. plans for pavements can be found on the
(8) Materials Engineering and Testing Services Department pavement website.
(METS). METS is a subdivision of the (2) Standard Specifications and Standard Special
Division of Engineering Services (DES), Provisions. The Standard Specifications
which is responsible for conducting provide material descriptions, properties and
laboratory testing, field testing, specialized work quality requirements, contract
field inspections, and expert advice on administration requirements, and measurement
materials and manufactured products. METS and payment clauses for items used in the
provides technical expertise on material project. The Standard Special Provisions are
properties and products for the development additional specification standards used to
July 1, 2008

modify the Standard Specifications including pavements. The Department Pavement

descriptions, quality requirements, and website can be accessed at
measurement and payment for the project
work and materials. When no Standard (6) Pavement Interactive Guide. The Pavement
Specification or Standard Special Provision Interactive Guide is a reference tool developed
exists for new or proprietary items, the by the Department in partnership with other
Pavement Standards Team must review and states. It includes discussion and definitions
concur with a special provision. For further to terms and practices used in pavement
information, see the Specifications section on engineering that are intended to aid design
the Department pavement website. engineers in obtaining a better understanding
(3) Pavement Technical Guidance. Pavement of pavements. This document is not a
Technical Guidance is a collection of standards manual or guideline, rather, it
supplemental guidance and manuals regarding supplements the standards, definitions, and
pavement engineering which is intended to guidance in this manual. Because of copyright
assist project engineers, pavement engineers, issues, the Pavement Interactive Guide is only
materials engineers, consultants, construction available to Department employees on the
oversight personnel, and maintenance workers Pavement intranet, or internal, website.
in making informed decisions on pavement (7) The AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement
structural engineering, constructability and Structures. Although not adopted by the
maintainability issues. Information includes, Department, the AASHTO "Guide for Design
but is not limited to, resources for assistance in of Pavement Structures" is a comprehensive
decision making, rigid, flexible and composite reference guide that provides background that
pavement rehabilitation strategies, pavement is helpful to those involved in engineering of
preservation strategies, and guidelines for the pavement structures. This reference is on file
use of various products and materials. in the Division of Design and a copy should
Technical assistance is also available from the be available in each District. Engineering
Pavement Standards Team to assist with procedures included in the AASHTO Guide
pavements that utilize new materials, methods, are used by FHWA to check the adequacy of
and products. These Technical Guidance the specific structural sections adopted for the
documents may be accessed on the Department projects, as well as the procedures
Department pavement website. and standards included in Chapters 600 - 670
(4) Supplemental District Standards and of this manual.
Guidance. Some Districts have developed
additional pavement standards and guidance to Topic 605 Record Keeping
address local issues. Such guidance adds to or
supplements the standards found in this
manual, the Standard Plans, the Standard 605.1 Documentation
Specifications, and Special Provisions. District One complete copy of the documentation for the
guidance does not replace minimum statewide type of pavement selected should be retained in
standards unless the Chief, Office of Pavement permanent District Project History files as well as
Design, has approved an exception. subsequent updates of construction changes to the
Supplemental District Guidance can be pavement structure. The documentation must
obtained by contacting the District Materials contain the following:
Pavement design life (including both the
(5) Department Pavement website. The construction year and design year),
Department Pavement website provides a one-
The California R-values and unified soil
stop resource for those seeking to find
classification of the subgrade soil,
standards, guidance, reports, approved
software, and other resource tools related to
July 1, 2008

The California R-value(s) or strength

properties for the materials selected for the
606.2 Special Designs
subbase and/or base layers, Special designs must be fully justified and
The traffic index (TI) for each pavement submitted to the Headquarters Division of Design,
structure, and Office of Pavement Design (OPD) for approval.
Special designs are defined as those designs that
Life cycle cost analysis (including the data meet either or both of the following criteria:
required for the life-cycle cost analysis) and
other factors mentioned in Topic 619. Involve products, methods, or strategies
which either reduce the structural thickness
605.2 Subsequent Revisions to less than what is determined by the
standards and procedures of this manual
Any subsequent changes in structural sections
and accompanying technical guidance, or
must be documented and processed in accordance
with the appropriate instructions stated above and Utilize experimental products or procedures
with proper reference to the original design. (such as mechanistic-empirical engineering
method) not covered in the engineering
Topic 606 - Research and Special tables or methods found in this manual or
accompanying technical guidance.
Special designs must be submitted to the Division
of Design, Office of Pavement Design (OPD)
606.1 Research and Experimentation either electronically or with hard copies. Hard
Research and experimentation are undertaken on copy submittals must be in duplicate. All
an ongoing basis to provide improved methods submittals must include the proposed pavement
and standards, which take advantage of new structure(s) and a location strip map (project title
technology, materials, and practices. They may sheet is acceptable). The letter of transmittal
involve investigations of new materials, should include the following:
construction methods, and/or new engineering
Pavement design life, including both the
procedures. Submittal of new ideas by
construction year and design year (See
Headquarters and District staff, especially those
Topic 612).
involved in the engineering, construction,
maintenance, paving materials, and performance The California R-value(s) and unified soil
of the pavement, is encouraged. Research classification of the subgrade soil(s) (See
proposals should be sent to the Division of Indexes 614.2 and 614.3).
Research and Innovation in Headquarters for The California R-value(s) or strength
review and consideration. Suggestions for research properties for the materials selected for the
studies and changes in pavement standards may subbase and/or base layers (See
also be submitted to the Pavement Standards Team Tables 663.1A and 663.1B).
(PST). The Pavement Standards Team must
approve pilot projects and experimental The traffic index (TI) for each pavement
construction features before undertaking such structure (See Indexes 613.3 & 613.4).
projects. District Maintenance should also be Justification for the special design(s).
engaged in the discussion involving pilot projects
and experimental construction features. OPD will act as the Headquarters focal point to
Experimental sections must be clearly marked so obtain concurrence, as required, of PST
that District Maintenance can easily locate and representatives prior to OPD granting approval of
maintain such sites. the special designs.
July 1, 2008

606.3 Mechanistic-Empirical Design

Mechanistic-Empirical (ME) Design is currently
under development by the Department, FHWA,
AASHTO and other States. On March 10, 2005,
the Department committed to develop ME Design
as an alternative and possible replacement of
current methods. The Department is currently
working on the procedures and criteria for
performing this analysis. Until the criteria are
established and the methodology verified, ME
Design will be considered experimental and
cannot, at this time, be used to engineer pavements
on the State highway system or other roads
maintained by the State.

606.4 Proprietary Items

The use of proprietary materials and methods on
State highway projects is discussed in
Topic 110.10

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